(67611) Advanced Topics in Complexity PCP Theory November 24, 2004 Lecture 6


华为MateBook X Pro14 使用指南说明书

华为MateBook X Pro14 使用指南说明书

Research on Hierarchical Interactive Teaching Model Based on Naive Bayesian ClassificationDongyan FanInformation faculty, Business College of Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030031, ChinaAbstract—The purpose of this research is improving the current inject classroom teaching mode that ignores individual differences and inefficiency of students. By studying classification algorithm in data mining and applying the classification method based on Naive Bayes algorithm, we designed and implemented scientific classification of students, and draw lessons from stratified and interactive teaching mode, so as to builded a new effective teaching mode. The results show that through scientific classification of students, real-time hierarchical interaction teaching effectively stimulate students' interest in learning, improve cooperation ability, and improve classroom teaching efficiency.Keywords—Naive Bayesian; student classification; hierarchical interactive; teaching modelI.I NTRODUCTIONUnder the background of big data era, the current teaching mode is not adapt to the cultivation of innovative talents, there are many problems, such as low efficiency of classroom, teachers' manipulation of teaching process, ignore the individual differences of students in knowledge transfer ability. Therefore, this study aimed at these problems, by studying classification algorithm in data mining and applying the classification method based on Naive Bayes algorithm, we design and implement scientific classification of students, and draw lessons from stratified and interactive teaching mode, so as to build a new effective teaching mode. The mode enable students to learn efficiently, so as to adapt to the trend of rapid development of new technology and cultivate innovative talents.II.R ESEARCH M ETHODThe research and practice of the hierarchical interactive teaching model based on the Naive Bayesian classification is based on the classification of students' differences. So there are two major tasks need to do: the approaches to the students' difference measurement and grouping and the design of hierarchical interactive teaching framework. Its method flow is shown in Figure I.FIGURE I. RESEARCH METHOD FLOWFirst of all, based on the samples, the naive Bayes algorithm according to the student's attribute value is used to test the students' differences. Then, according to the results to make a scientific difference classification to achieve effective grouping for students. At the same time, the design of the hierarchical interactive teaching framework is carried out by the two subjects (the student is the main body, the teacher is the leading part). Finally, the teaching effect is evaluated and analyzed.III.S TUDENT C LASSIFICATION D ESIGN B ASED ON N AIVEB AYESIANA.Naive Bayesian Theoretical PrincipleAt present, there are many kinds of algorithms in data mining, such as based on Bayes algorithm, decision tree algorithm, neural network algorithm, rough set algorithm, genetic algorithm, support vector machine algorithm and so on. In the practical application of many classification algorithms, the most widely used algorithm is Naive Bayesian algorithm model. Naive Bayes is a simple and effective classification model.From Bayes’ theorem recall that:()()()||P A B P BP B AP A= (1)Equation (1): P(A) and P(B) separate representation the probability of occurrenceof events A andevents B.()|P A B indicates the probability of occurrence of event A under the premise that event B occurs. ()|P A B is a priori probability, and its value is often easily obtained.()|P B A indicates the probability of occurrence of event B under the premise that event A occurs. ()|P B A is a posteriori probability, and its value is the result of the solution of the Bayesian formula.The classifier structure diagram based on the naive Bayes algorithm is shown in Figure II. It’s leaf node Am represents the m attribute, and the root node C represents the category. Suppose {},,D C A S=are training samples, it includes the studentcategory {}12,,iC C C C= and the student attribute {}12,,mA A A A= .Suppose {}12,,nS S S S= represents acollection of classified students, in whichnS represents nthstudent. Suppose {}12,,k mX a a a= is a student to be classified,International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics and Communication Engineering (CSECE 2018)in which each m a represents an attribute eigenvalue of the pending item k X .FIGURE II. THE CLASSIFIER STRUCTURE DIAGRAMB. Design the Individualized Attributes of StudentsThe student classification method based on the naive Bayes algorithm is used the information of the past students as the sample set , which is used to construct the naive Bayes classifier.Students are classified according to the information of the students' attributes. The students divided into the same category are not simply using the score as criterion of evaluation. Its are classified by comprehensive evaluation after combination of other attributes.The difference classification based on the naive Bayes algorithm is select the individual attributes of the students as shown in Figure III. The students which 8 attribute values similar in the two dimensions (character and learning style) are put into one category, while the 12 attributes values of the three dimensions of personal basic situation, learning interest and cognitive ability are different. The purpose of the classification is to carry out differential teaching to implicit dynamic stratification and heterogeneous cooperation for students'cognitive ability, learning interest and basic information.FIGURE III. INDIVIDUALIZED ATTRIBUTES OF STUDENTSC. Student Classification Design Based on Naive Bayesian The process based on the naive Bayes classification is shown in Figure IV.FIGURE IV. STUDENT CLASSIFICATION CYCLE FLOW CHARTBASED ON NAIVE BAYES ALGORITHM1)()i P C is set to indicate the frequency of the occurrence of the student category i C in the training sample concentration, that is the category probability. For sample data sets, there are different levels of students in each category, which avoids the discrimination of students.()()i i P C Count C n= (2)The function ()i Count C represents the number of students belonging to category i which is in the entire student sample collection of S .n represents the total number of the entire student sample collection of S .2)()|j j i P A C a = is set to represent the conditional probability of each characteristic attribute value of the student in the category.()()()|i C j j j j i i P A C Count A a a Count C ===(3)j j A a =indicates that the value of the j attribute is j a .Thefunction ()i C j j Count A a =represents the number of students which the attribute name is j A and attribute value is j a in the i student category.3) ()|k i P X C is set to represent the conditional probability of the students k X to be classified in the student category i C , m represents the number of attributes that describe student differences.()()1||mk i j j i j P X C P A C a ===∏ (4)4) ()j j P A a = is set to represent the probability of the student's attribute j A when the value is j a . ()()j j j j P A Count A a a n=== (5)The function ()j j Count A a = indicates the number when the value of attribute j is j a .5) ()k P X is set to indicate the probability that the student k X should be classified in the training sample concentration. ()()1mk j j j P X P A a ===∏ (6)6) ()|i k P C X is set to represent the conditional probability that the student k X should be classified to category i . ()()()()||k i i i k k P X C P C P C X P X =(7)7) ()max |k P C X is set to represent the maximum category probability of the student k X which should be classified to the student category .()()()(){}max 12|max |,|,,|k k k i k P C X P C X P C X P C X = (8) max C indicates the maximum category of conditionalprobability which is obtained by (8).Finally, (8) is used to calculate the maximum category probability of the students to be classified in the students category. That is the category of the students to be classified. At this point, one classification ends.IV. T HE D ESIGN OF THE H IERARCHICAL I NTERACTIVET EACHING F RAMEWORK The hierarchical interactive teaching model is an independent, inquiring and cooperative teaching model based on the classification of the naive Bayes algorithm. This model breaks the original classroom structure, and takes the interaction of teachers and students as the carrier, and also group autonomy, and let the students as the subject of the class. This model is guided by the task of the problem, and it is based on the students' self-study, and it aims at the completion of the task of the group. This model creates an ecological chain class based on group mutual learning to solve problems. It pays attention to the state of learning and the quality of life for every student. The design of the hierarchical interactive teaching model framework is shown in Figure V.FIGURE V. THE HIERARCHICAL INTERACTIVE TEACHING MODELFRAMEWORKThe four layers of the hierarchical interactive teaching model are closely related to each other, and support each other dynamically with the spiral. The five segments drive each other to form a whole, interlace and connect with each other. This teaching mode makes the classroom an active area for teachers and students to resonate with their ideology and to show their personality together.V.A NALYSIS OF T EACHING E FFECTIn this paper, the teaching effect is analyzed from two aspects by using the method of questionnaire and comparative experiment. First, the experimental class's comparative analysis before and after the experiment is carried out. Then, a comparative analysis between the experimental class and the contrast class is carried out.The comparative data of the experimental class before and after the experiment are shown in Figure VI. From Figure VI, it can be seen that 85.72% of the students have An attitude of approval towards the application of the hierarchical interactive teaching model based on the naive Bayes algorithm in the teaching. There are 70.13% of the students satisfied with the improved teaching effect. At the same time, it can be seen that the students' interest in learning and the ability to communicate and cooperate have improved obviously.FIGURE VI. THE COMPARATIVE DATA OF THE EXPERIMENTALCLASS BEFORE AND AFTER THE EXPERIMENT The comparison between the experimental class and the contrast class is shown in Figure VII. From Figure VII, we can see that students' satisfaction degree, teaching effect satisfaction and group learning atmosphere based on Naive Bayes algorithm classification are higher than those of the contrast class. At the same time, it can be seen that the students' interest in learning and the ability to communicate and cooperate have also been improved.FIGURE VII. THE COMPARISON BETWEEN THE EXPERIMENTALCLASS AND THE CONTRAST CLASSVI.C ONCLUSIONThe comprehensive analysis shows that, in the implementation of the hierarchical interactive teaching model based on the naive Bayes algorithm, the new teaching mode was accepted by the students , it was welcomed by the students. The new teaching mode can improve the ability of learning interest and collaboration of students. It has a very good teaching effect. Experiments show that the classification algorithm based on Naive Bayes has better feasibility and effectiveness in solving student classification problem.However, due to the limited personal time and ability, there are still some shortcomings in the study. In order to better achieve hierarchical interaction teaching mode based on Naive Bayes algorithm and improve teaching effect, we still need to further improve the limitation of applying naive Bayes algorithm, that is, suppose the attributes of students are independent.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThis work was supported by “Research and construction of the practice teaching system of information specialty(J2016138, The major project of teaching reform research in Shanxi Education Department)” and “The optimization and the platform construction of the practice teaching system of information specialty (SYJ201509, The major project of the research on teaching reform Business College of Shanxi University)”. Our special thanks are due to Prof. Ma Shangcai, for his helpful discussion with preparing the manuscript.R EFERENCES[1]Jonathan Rauh. Problems in Identifying Public and Private Organizations:A Demonstration Using a Simple Naive Bayesian Classification[J]. 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Vol.48,No.6Jun. 202 1第48卷第6期2 0 2 1年6月湖南大学学报)自然科学版)Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences )文章编号:1674-2974(2021 )06-0058-09 DOI : 10.16339/ki.hdxbzkb.2021.06.009深度优先局艺B 聚合哈希龙显忠g,程成李云12(1.南京邮电大学计算机学院,江苏南京210023;2.江苏省大数据安全与智能处理重点实验室,江苏南京210023)摘 要:已有的深度监督哈希方法不能有效地利用提取到的卷积特征,同时,也忽视了数据对之间相似性信息分布对于哈希网络的作用,最终导致学到的哈希编码之间的区分性不足.为了解决该问题,提出了一种新颖的深度监督哈希方法,称之为深度优先局部聚合哈希(DeepPriority Local Aggregated Hashing , DPLAH ). DPLAH 将局部聚合描述子向量嵌入到哈希网络 中,提高网络对同类数据的表达能力,并且通过在数据对之间施加不同权重,从而减少相似性 信息分布倾斜对哈希网络的影响.利用Pytorch 深度框架进行DPLAH 实验,使用NetVLAD 层 对Resnet18网络模型输出的卷积特征进行聚合,将聚合得到的特征进行哈希编码学习.在CI-FAR-10和NUS-WIDE 数据集上的图像检索实验表明,与使用手工特征和卷积神经网络特征的非深度哈希学习算法的最好结果相比,DPLAH 的平均准确率均值要高出11%,同时,DPLAH 的平均准确率均值比非对称深度监督哈希方法高出2%.关键词:深度哈希学习;卷积神经网络;图像检索;局部聚合描述子向量中图分类号:TP391.4文献标志码:ADeep Priority Local Aggregated HashingLONG Xianzhong 1,覮,CHENG Cheng1,2,LI Yun 1,2(1. School of Computer Science & Technology ,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications ,Nanjing 210023, China ;2. Key Laboratory of Jiangsu Big Data Security and Intelligent Processing ,Nanjing 210023, China )Abstract : The existing deep supervised hashing methods cannot effectively utilize the extracted convolution fea ­tures, but also ignore the role of the similarity information distribution between data pairs on the hash network, result ­ing in insufficient discrimination between the learned hash codes. In order to solve this problem, a novel deep super ­vised hashing method called deep priority locally aggregated hashing (DPLAH) is proposed in this paper, which em ­beds the vector of locally aggregated descriptors (VLAD) into the hash network, so as to improve the ability of the hashnetwork to express the similar data, and reduce the impact of similarity distribution skew on the hash network by im ­posing different weights on the data pairs. DPLAH experiment is carried out by using the Pytorch deep framework. Theconvolution features of the Resnet18 network model output are aggregated by using the NetVLAD layer, and the hashcoding is learned by using the aggregated features. The image retrieval experiments on the CIFAR-10 and NUS - WIDE datasets show that the mean average precision (MAP) of DPLAH is11 percentage points higher than that of* 收稿日期:2020-04-26基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61906098,61772284),National Natural Science Foundation of China(61906098, 61772284);国家重 点研发计划项目(2018YFB 1003702) , National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFB1003702)作者简介:龙显忠(1985—),男,河南信阳人,南京邮电大学讲师,工学博士,硕士生导师覮 通信联系人,E-mail : *************.cn第6期龙显忠等:深度优先局部聚合哈希59non-deep hash learning algorithms using manual features and convolution neural network features,and the MAP of DPLAH is2percentage points higher than that of asymmetric deep supervised hashing method.Key words:deep Hash learning;convolutional neural network;image retrieval;vector of locally aggregated de-scriptors(VLAD)随着信息检索技术的不断发展和完善,如今人们可以利用互联网轻易获取感兴趣的数据内容,然而,信息技术的发展同时导致了数据规模的迅猛增长.面对海量的数据以及超大规模的数据集,利用最近邻搜索[1(Nearest Neighbor Search,NN)的检索技术已经无法获得理想的检索效果与可接受的检索时间.因此,近年来,近似最近邻搜索[2(Approximate Near­est Neighbor Search,ANN)变得越来越流行,它通过搜索可能相似的几个数据而不再局限于返回最相似的数据,在牺牲可接受范围的精度下提高了检索效率.作为一种广泛使用的ANN搜索技术,哈希方法(Hashing)[3]将数据转换为紧凑的二进制编码(哈希编码)表示,同时保证相似的数据对生成相似的二进制编码.利用哈希编码来表示原始数据,显著减少了数据的存储和查询开销,从而可以应对大规模数据中的检索问题.因此,哈希方法吸引了越来越多学者的关注.当前哈希方法主要分为两类:数据独立的哈希方法和数据依赖的哈希方法,这两类哈希方法的区别在于哈希函数是否需要训练数据来定义.局部敏感哈希(Locality Sensitive Hashing,LSH)[4]作为数据独立的哈希代表,它利用独立于训练数据的随机投影作为哈希函数•相反,数据依赖哈希的哈希函数需要通过训练数据学习出来,因此,数据依赖的哈希也被称为哈希学习,数据依赖的哈希通常具有更好的性能.近年来,哈希方法的研究主要侧重于哈希学习方面.根据哈希学习过程中是否使用标签,哈希学习方法可以进一步分为:监督哈希学习和无监督哈希学习.典型的无监督哈希学习包括:谱哈希[5(Spectral Hashing,SH);迭代量化哈希[6](Iterative Quantization, ITQ);离散图哈希[7(Discrete Graph Hashing,DGH);有序嵌入哈希[8](Ordinal Embedding Hashing,OEH)等.无监督哈希学习方法仅使用无标签的数据来学习哈希函数,将输入的数据映射为哈希编码的形式.相反,监督哈希学习方法通过利用监督信息来学习哈希函数,由于利用了带有标签的数据,监督哈希方法往往比无监督哈希方法具有更好的准确性,本文的研究主要针对监督哈希学习方法.传统的监督哈希方法包括:核监督哈希[9](Su­pervised Hashing with Kernels,KSH);潜在因子哈希[10](Latent Factor Hashing,LFH);快速监督哈希[11](Fast Supervised Hashing,FastH);监督离散哈希[1(Super-vised Discrete Hashing,SDH)等.随着深度学习技术的发展[13],利用神经网络提取的特征已经逐渐替代手工特征,推动了深度监督哈希的进步.具有代表性的深度监督哈希方法包括:卷积神经网络哈希[1(Con­volutional Neural Networks Hashing,CNNH);深度语义排序哈希[15](Deep Semantic Ranking Based Hash-ing,DSRH);深度成对监督哈希[16](Deep Pairwise-Supervised Hashing,DPSH);深度监督离散哈希[17](Deep Supervised Discrete Hashing,DSDH);深度优先哈希[18](Deep Priority Hashing,DPH)等.通过将特征学习和哈希编码学习(或哈希函数学习)集成到一个端到端网络中,深度监督哈希方法可以显著优于非深度监督哈希方法.到目前为止,大多数现有的深度哈希方法都采用对称策略来学习查询数据和数据集的哈希编码以及深度哈希函数.相反,非对称深度监督哈希[19](Asymmetric Deep Supervised Hashing,ADSH)以非对称的方式处理查询数据和整个数据库数据,解决了对称方式中训练开销较大的问题,仅仅通过查询数据就可以对神经网络进行训练来学习哈希函数,整个数据库的哈希编码可以通过优化直接得到.本文的模型同样利用了ADSH的非对称训练策略.然而,现有的非对称深度监督哈希方法并没有考虑到数据之间的相似性分布对于哈希网络的影响,可能导致结果是:容易在汉明空间中保持相似关系的数据对,往往会被训练得越来越好;相反,那些难以在汉明空间中保持相似关系的数据对,往往在训练后得到的提升并不显著.同时大部分现有的深度监督哈希方法在哈希网络中没有充分有效利用提60湖南大学学报(自然科学版)2021年取到的卷积特征.本文提出了一种新的深度监督哈希方法,称为深度优先局部聚合哈希(Deep Priority Local Aggre­gated Hashing,DPLAH).DPLAH的贡献主要有三个方面:1)DPLAH采用非对称的方式处理查询数据和数据库数据,同时DPLAH网络会优先学习查询数据和数据库数据之间困难的数据对,从而减轻相似性分布倾斜对哈希网络的影响.2)DPLAH设计了全新的深度哈希网络,具体来说,DPLAH将局部聚合表示融入到哈希网络中,提高了哈希网络对同类数据的表达能力.同时考虑到数据的局部聚合表示对于分类任务的有效性.3)在两个大型数据集上的实验结果表明,DPLAH在实际应用中性能优越.1相关工作本节分别对哈希学习[3]、NetVLAD[20]和Focal Loss[21]进行介绍.DPLAH分别利用NetVLAD和Fo­cal Loss提高哈希网络对同类数据的表达能力及减轻数据之间相似性分布倾斜对于哈希网络的影响. 1.1哈希学习哈希学习[3]的任务是学习查询数据和数据库数据的哈希编码表示,同时要满足原始数据之间的近邻关系与数据哈希编码之间的近邻关系相一致的条件.具体来说,利用机器学习方法将所有数据映射成{0,1}r形式的二进制编码(r表示哈希编码长度),在原空间中不相似的数据点将被映射成不相似)即汉明距离较大)的两个二进制编码,而原空间中相似的两个数据点将被映射成相似(即汉明距离较小)的两个二进制编码.为了便于计算,大部分哈希方法学习{-1,1}r形式的哈希编码,这是因为{-1,1}r形式的哈希编码对之间的内积等于哈希编码的长度减去汉明距离的两倍,同时{-1,1}r形式的哈希编码可以容易转化为{0,1}r形式的二进制编码.图1是哈希学习的示意图.经过特征提取后的高维向量被用来表示原始图像,哈希函数h将每张图像映射成8bits的哈希编码,使原来相似的数据对(图中老虎1和老虎2)之间的哈希编码汉明距离尽可能小,原来不相似的数据对(图中大象和老虎1)之间的哈希编码汉明距离尽可能大.h(大象)=10001010h(老虎1)=01100001h(老虎2)=01100101相似度尽可能小相似度尽可能大图1哈希学习示意图Fig.1Hashing learning diagram1.2NetVLADNetVLAD的提出是用于解决端到端的场景识别问题[20(场景识别被当作一个实例检索任务),它将传统的局部聚合描述子向量(Vector of Locally Aggre­gated Descriptors,VLAD[22])结构嵌入到CNN网络中,得到了一个新的VLAD层.可以容易地将NetVLAD 使用在任意CNN结构中,利用反向传播算法进行优化,它能够有效地提高对同类别图像的表达能力,并提高分类的性能.NetVLAD的编码步骤为:利用卷积神经网络提取图像的卷积特征;利用NetVLAD层对卷积特征进行聚合操作.图2为NetVLAD层的示意图.在特征提取阶段,NetVLAD会在最后一个卷积层上裁剪卷积特征,并将其视为密集的描述符提取器,最后一个卷积层的输出是H伊W伊D映射,可以将其视为在H伊W空间位置提取的一组D维特征,该方法在实例检索和纹理识别任务[23別中都表现出了很好的效果.NetVLAD layer(KxD)x lVLADvectorh------->图2NetVLAD层示意图⑷Fig.2NetVLAD layer diagram1201NetVLAD在特征聚合阶段,利用一个新的池化层对裁剪的CNN特征进行聚合,这个新的池化层被称为NetVLAD层.NetVLAD的聚合操作公式如下:NV((,k)二移a(x)(血⑺-C((j))(1)i=1式中:血(j)和C)(j)分别表示第i个特征的第j维和第k个聚类中心的第j维;恣&)表示特征您与第k个视觉单词之间的权.NetVLAD特征聚合的输入为:NetVLAD裁剪得到的N个D维的卷积特征,K个聚第6期龙显忠等:深度优先局部聚合哈希61类中心.VLAD的特征分配方式是硬分配,即每个特征只和对应的最近邻聚类中心相关联,这种分配方式会造成较大的量化误差,并且,这种分配方式嵌入到卷积神经网络中无法进行反向传播更新参数.因此,NetVLAD采用软分配的方式进行特征分配,软分配对应的公式如下:-琢II Xi-C*II 2=—e(2)-琢II X-Ck,II2k,如果琢寅+肄,那么对于最接近的聚类中心,龟&)的值为1,其他为0.aS)可以进一步重写为:w j X i+b ka(x i)=—e-)3)w J'X i+b kk,式中:W k=2琢C k;b k=-琢||C k||2.最终的NetVLAD的聚合表示可以写为:N w;x+b kv(j,k)=移—----(x(j)-Ck(j))(4)i=1w j.X i+b k移ek,1.3Focal Loss对于目标检测方法,一般可以分为两种类型:单阶段目标检测和两阶段目标检测,通常情况下,两阶段的目标检测效果要优于单阶段的目标检测.Lin等人[21]揭示了前景和背景的极度不平衡导致了单阶段目标检测的效果无法令人满意,具体而言,容易被分类的背景虽然对应的损失很低,但由于图像中背景的比重很大,对于损失依旧有很大的贡献,从而导致收敛到不够好的一个结果.Lin等人[21]提出了Fo­cal Loss应对这一问题,图3是对应的示意图.使用交叉爛作为目标检测中的分类损失,对于易分类的样本,它的损失虽然很低,但数据的不平衡导致大量易分类的损失之和压倒了难分类的样本损失,最终难分类的样本不能在神经网络中得到有效的训练.Focal Loss的本质是一种加权思想,权重可根据分类正确的概率p得到,利用酌可以对该权重的强度进行调整.针对非对称深度哈希方法,希望难以在汉明空间中保持相似关系的数据对优先训练,具体来说,对于DPLAH的整体训练损失,通过施加权重的方式,相对提高难以在汉明空间中保持相似关系的数据对之间的训练损失.然而深度哈希学习并不是一个分类任务,因此无法像Focal Loss一样根据分类正确的概率设计权重,哈希学习的目的是学到保相似性的哈希编码,本文最终利用数据对哈希编码的相似度作为权重的设计依据具体的权重形式将在模型部分详细介绍.正确分类的概率图3Focal Loss示意图[21】Fig.3Focal Loss diagram12112深度优先局部聚合哈希2.1基本定义DPLAH模型采用非对称的网络设计.Q={0},=1表示n张查询图像,X={X i}m1表示数据库有m张图像;查询图像和数据库图像的标签分别用Z={Z i},=1和Y ={川1表示;i=[Z i1,…,zj1,i=1,…,n;c表示类另数;如果查询图像0属于类别j,j=1,…,c;那么z”=1,否则=0.利用标签信息,可以构造图像对的相似性矩阵S沂{-1,1}"伊”,s”=1表示查询图像q,和数据库中的图像X j语义相似,S j=-1表示查询图像和数据库中的图像X j语义不相似.深度哈希方法的目标是学习查询图像和数据库中图像的哈希编码,查询图像的哈希编码用U沂{-1,1}"",表示,数据库中图像的哈希编码用B沂{-1,1}m伊r表示,其中r表示哈希编码的长度.对于DPLAH模型,它在特征提取部分采用预训练好的Resnet18网络[25].图4为DPLAH网络的结构示意图,利用NetVLAD层聚合Resnet18网络提取到的卷积特征,哈希编码通过VLAD编码得到,由于VLAD编码在分类任务中被广泛使用,于是本文将NetVLAD层的输出作为分类任务的输入,利用图像的标签信息监督NetVLAD层对卷积特征的利用.事实上,任何一种CNN模型都能实现图像特征提取的功能,所以对于选用哪种网络进行特征学习并不是本文的重点.62湖南大学学报(自然科学版)2021年conv1图4DPLAH结构Fig.4DPLAH structure图像标签soft-max1,0,1,1,0□1,0,0,0,11,1,0,1,0---------*----------VLADVLAD core)c)l・>:i>数据库图像的哈希编码2.2DPLAH模型的目标函数为了学习可以保留查询图像与数据库图像之间相似性的哈希编码,一种常见的方法是利用相似性的监督信息S e{-1,1}n伊"、生成的哈希编码长度r,以及查询图像的哈希编码仏和数据库中图像的哈希编码b三者之间的关系[9],即最小化相似性的监督信息与哈希编码对内积之间的L损失.考虑到相似性分布的倾斜问题,本文通过施加权重来调节查询图像和数据库图像之间的损失,其公式可以表示为:min J=移移(1-w)(u T b j-rs)专,B i=1j=1s.t.U沂{-1,1}n伊r,B沂{-1,1}m伊r,W沂R n伊m(5)受FocalLoss启发,希望深度哈希网络优先训练相似性不容易保留图像对,然而Focal Loss利用图像的分类结果对损失进行调整,因此,需要重新进行设计,由于哈希学习的目的是为了保留图像在汉明空间中的相似性关系,本文利用哈希编码的余弦相似度来设计权重,其表达式为:1+。



新闻英语测试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What is the main topic of the news article?A. The economic situationB. A new technological breakthroughC. A political eventD. A cultural festival2. According to the article, which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The event attracted a large audience.B. The speaker emphasized the importance of education.C. The event was held in a remote area.D. The speaker called for environmental protection.3. What is the purpose of the new policy mentioned in the article?A. To reduce traffic congestion.B. To increase tax revenue.C. To promote tourism.D. To improve public health.4. The article suggests that the company has:A. Expanded its market share.B. Faced financial difficulties.C. Launched a new product line.D. Merged with a competitor.5. What does the term "sustainable development" refer to in the context of the article?A. Economic growth without environmental harm.B. The development of new technologies.C. The increase in population.D. The improvement of living standards.6. The article reports that the government has:A. Introduced new regulations.B. Allocated additional funding.C. Imposed a new tax.D. Announced a public inquiry.7. The author of the article seems to have a(n) ________ attitude towards the issue discussed.A. PositiveB. NegativeC. NeutralD. Critical8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of the new technology?A. Increased efficiency.B. Reduced costs.C. Improved safety.D. Decreased demand.9. According to the article, the majority of the public:A. Supports the proposed changes.B. Opposes the proposed changes.C. Is indifferent to the proposed changes.D. Has mixed opinions about the proposed changes.10. The article concludes by highlighting the need for:A. Greater international cooperation.B. Stricter domestic regulations.C. More public awareness campaigns.D. Additional scientific research.二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The ________ of the new law has been met with mixed reactions from the public.[答案] introduction12. The company has seen a ________ in profits over the past year.[答案] decline13. The ________ of the old bridge has been postponed due to budget constraints.[答案] construction14. The ________ of the new policy is expected to have a significant impact on the industry.[答案] implementation15. The ________ of the event was attended by numerous dignitaries and celebrities.[答案] inauguration16. The ________ of the project is scheduled for next month. [答案] completion17. The ________ of the company has been attributed to its innovative approach.[答案] success18. The ________ of the new initiative has been widely praised by the media.[答案] launch19. The ________ of the old factory site has been approved by the city council.[答案] redevelopment20. The ________ of the new technology is expected to revolutionize the industry.[答案] introduction三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. What are the key points of the new policy discussed in the article?[答案] The key points of the new policy include a focus on environmental sustainability, incentives for businesses to adopt green practices, and penalties for non-compliance.22. How does the article describe the impact of the recent economic downturn on the job market?[答案] The article describes the impact as significant, with many industries facing layoffs and a rise in unemployment rates, particularly among young professionals.23. What are the main features of the new technologyintroduced in the article?[答案] The main features of the new technology include advanced data processing capabilities, user-friendly interface, and compatibility with various platforms.24. How does the article summarize the public's reaction to the proposed changes?[答案] The article summarizes the public's reaction as generally positive, with many expressing support for the changes and their potential benefits to society.四、阅读理解题(每题5分,共20分)25. Read the following excerpt from the article and answer the question:"The new initiative aims to bridge the gap between traditional and modern education methods, providing students with a more holistic learning experience."What does the initiative aim to achieve?[答案] The initiative aims to achieve a more holistic learning experience by integrating traditional and modern education methods.26. According to the article。



Operations Research and Fuzziology 运筹与模糊学, 2023, 13(1), 329-340 Published Online February 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/orf https:///10.12677/orf.2023.131036基于改进随机游走的复杂网络节点重要性评估蔡晓楠,郑中团*上海工程技术大学数理与统计学院,上海收稿日期:2023年1月23日;录用日期:2023年2月17日;发布日期:2023年2月23日摘要复杂系统可以抽象为复杂网络,重要节点评估与识别是复杂网络的一个热点问题。


首先对节点的出度和入度分别附参数求出节点联合度数为节点质量,并通过调节参数评估节点出度与入度对节点重要性的影响;其次使用SimRank 算法得任意两个节点相似值的倒数为引力模型的距离,考虑节点间的拓扑结构;最后通过相对路径数比值做引力模型的系数,考虑节点间信息传播的影响效果。


使用极大强连通性、极大弱连通性和脆弱性等评估指标在四个真实网络上进行实验对比,结果表明,提出的算法相比LeaderRank 、PageRank 、HITs 等方法能更准确地评估节点的重要性。


关键词有向复杂网络,节点重要度,节点相似性,引力模型,相对路径Evaluation of Node Importance in Complex Networks Based on Improved Random WalkXiaonan Cai, Zhongtuan Zheng *School of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai Received: Jan. 23rd, 2023; accepted: Feb. 17th, 2023; published: Feb. 23rd, 2023AbstractComplex systems can be abstracted as complex networks. The evaluation and identification of important nodes is a hot issue in complex networks Aiming at the influence of network topology*通讯作者。

acl 2023随笔 自然语言中的复杂推理

acl 2023随笔 自然语言中的复杂推理

acl 2023随笔自然语言中的复杂推理自然语言中的复杂推理自然语言是人类交流和表达思想的主要方式之一。



























模拟ai英文面试题目及答案模拟AI英文面试题目及答案1. 题目: What is the difference between a neural network anda deep learning model?答案: A neural network is a set of algorithms modeled loosely after the human brain that are designed to recognize patterns. A deep learning model is a neural network with multiple layers, allowing it to learn more complex patterns and features from data.2. 题目: Explain the concept of 'overfitting' in machine learning.答案: Overfitting occurs when a machine learning model learns the training data too well, including its noise and outliers, resulting in poor generalization to new, unseen data.3. 题目: What is the role of a 'bias' in an AI model?答案: Bias in an AI model refers to the systematic errors introduced by the model during the learning process. It can be due to the choice of model, the training data, or the algorithm's assumptions, and it can lead to unfair or inaccurate predictions.4. 题目: Describe the importance of data preprocessing in AI.答案: Data preprocessing is crucial in AI as it involves cleaning, transforming, and reducing the data to a suitableformat for the model to learn effectively. Proper preprocessing can significantly improve the performance of AI models by ensuring that the input data is relevant, accurate, and free from noise.5. 题目: How does reinforcement learning differ from supervised learning?答案: Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by performing actions in an environment to maximize a reward signal. It differs from supervised learning, where the model learns from labeled data to predict outcomes based on input features.6. 题目: What is the purpose of a 'convolutional neural network' (CNN)?答案: A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a type of deep learning model that is particularly effective for processing data with a grid-like topology, such as images. CNNs use convolutional layers to automatically and adaptively learn spatial hierarchies of features from input images.7. 题目: Explain the concept of 'feature extraction' in AI.答案: Feature extraction in AI is the process of identifying and extracting relevant pieces of information from the raw data. It is a crucial step in many machine learning algorithms, as it helps to reduce the dimensionality of the data and to focus on the most informative aspects that can be used to make predictions or classifications.8. 题目: What is the significance of 'gradient descent' in training AI models?答案: Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used to minimize a function by iteratively moving in the direction of steepest descent as defined by the negative of the gradient. In the context of AI, it is used to minimize the loss function of a model, thus refining the model's parameters to improve its accuracy.9. 题目: How does 'transfer learning' work in AI?答案: Transfer learning is a technique where a pre-trained model is used as the starting point for learning a new task. It leverages the knowledge gained from one problem to improve performance on a different but related problem, reducing the need for large amounts of labeled data and computational resources.10. 题目: What is the role of 'regularization' in preventing overfitting?答案: Regularization is a technique used to prevent overfitting by adding a penalty term to the loss function, which discourages overly complex models. It helps to control the model's capacity, forcing it to generalize better to new data by not fitting too closely to the training data.。



第42卷第3期兵工学报Vol.42No.3 2021年3月ACTA ARMAMENTARII Mar.2021合成孔径声纳重叠相位中心与惯性导航系统联合估计运动误差算法张羽W,王朋^2,刘纪元钟荣兴匚吊,韦琳哲^2,迟骋^2(1.中国科学院声学研究所,北京100190;2.中国科学院先进水下信息技术重点实验室,北京100190;3.中国科学院大学,北京100049)摘要:为降低运动测量系统复杂度、提高运动误差估计精度,使用回波数据与惯性导航系统(INS)数据两种数据源联合估计合成孔径声纳的运动误差,形成一种基于重叠相位中心(DPC)算法和INS的DPC联合INS算法。

利用回波的多子阵空间互相关矩阵估计声纳的前向速度,结合INS姿态角解算出DPC方法下的三向速度,采用卡尔曼滤波算法融合DPC算法的三向速度与INS 的三向加速度,输出声纳速度的最优值,从而计算运动误差。

湖试数据处理结果表明:DPC与INS 联合算法相比于传统的DPC算法,融合了INS的加速度数据,使速度曲线变得更加陡峭,增加了细节信息,提高了声纳速度估计的准确性;经过运动补偿后,图像质量得到提高,目标散焦和重影的现象均得到改善。

关键词:合成孔径声纳;运动误差;重叠相位中心;惯性导航系统;卡尔曼滤波算法中图分类号:U666.73文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-1093(2021)03-0588-10DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1093.2021.03.015Motion Error Estimation Algorithm Based on DPC andINS for Synthetic Aperture SonarZHANG Yu1,2,3,WANG Peng1,2,LIU Jiyuan1,2,ZHONG Rongxing1,2,3,WEI Linzhe1,2,CHI Cheng1,2(1.Institute of Acoustics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100190,China;2.Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100190,China;3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100049,China)Abstract:A displaced phase center(DPC)aided inertial navigation system(INS)combination method is proposed to reduce the complexity of motion measurement system and improve the estimation accuracy of motion error of synthetic aperture sonar.A multiple-receiver spatial mutual correlation matrix is built to estimate the forward velocity of sonar in reference to DPC method,and then three-dimensional velocity can be calculated with the attitude angle from INS.Kalman filter is applied to fuse data from DPC and INS,which outputs the optimal estimation of the velocity.Finally,the motion error is calculated with the integral of the velocity.The field experimental results show that DPC aided INS combination method,in comparison to DPC algorithm,increases more motion details that the velocity curve gets sharper,which收稿日期:2020-04-13基金项目:中国科学院声学研究所青年英才计划项目(QNYC201803);中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(2019023)作者简介:张羽(1994—),男,博士研究生。



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( H e n a n B u s i n e s s C o l l e g e , Z h e n g z h o u 4 5 0 0 4 5 ,H e n a n , C h i n a )
A b s t r a c t
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算法模型对权值进行调整 , 选取 出最佳答案。实验结果表明, 与仅基于文本特征 的方法相 比, 该方法 能够 有效地提 高回答质量 的评
问答社 区 问答 质量评价 A D O I : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 0 — 3 8 6 x . 2 0 1 3 . 0 2 . 0 7 1
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o f e a c h a n s w e r a n d t h e q u e s t i o n , p l u s i n t r o d u c i n g H I T S a l g o r i t h m mo d e l t o a d j u s t t h e w e i g h t , i t s e l e c t s t h e b e s t a n s w e r .E x p e r i m e n t a l r e s u l t s



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潜在 语 义 分 析 技 术 在 自动 评 卷 系统 中的应 用
赵亚 慧
(延 边 大 学 工 学 院 计 算 机 科 学 与 技 术 系 智 能 信 息 处 理 研 究 室 ,吉 林 延 吉 1 30 3 0 2)
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摘 要 : 出 了一 种 基 于 潜 在 语 义 分 析 ( S 的相 似 文 本 匹配 算 法 , 将 其 应 用 于 自动 评 卷 系 统 中. 先 , 充 提 L A) 并 首 在
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2025年全国大学英语CET四级考试模拟试卷及答案指导一、写作(15分)WritingTask: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic “The Importance of Reading in Life.” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. You should base your essay on the outline given below:1.Introduce the significance of reading in daily life.2.Discuss the benefits of reading, such as expanding vocabulary, improving writing skills, and enhancing knowledge.3.Conclude by expressing your personal views on the importance of reading.Example:Reading: The Key to a Wealthy MindIn today’s fast-paced world, reading has become an essential part of daily life. It is not merely a hobby but a crucial tool for personal and professional growth.Firstly, reading greatly expands one’s vocabulary. By encountering new words and phrases in various contexts, individuals can enrich their languageskills and express themselves more effectively. Moreover, reading improves writing skills by providing examples of good sentence structure and persuasive arguments.Secondly, reading broadens one’s knowledge. Whether it’s through novels, non-fiction books, or articles, reading exposes us to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives. This not only fosters critical thinking but also helps us understand the world around us better.In conclusion, reading is an invaluable activity that enriches our minds and enhances our lives. It is through reading that we can continue to grow, learn, and adapt to the ever-changing world. As such, I firmly believe that reading should be a lifelong pursuit.Analysis:This example essay effectively addresses the topic by following the given outline. The introduction clearly states the significance of reading in daily life. The body paragraphs then discuss the benefits of reading, with the first paragraph focusing on vocabulary expansion and the second on knowledge enhancement. The conclusion summarizes the essay’s main points and reinforces the importance of reading.The essay demonstrates a good command of language, with a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary usage. It also maintains a coherent flow of ideas, making it easy for the reader to follow the aut hor’s argument.二、听力理解-短篇新闻(选择题,共7分)第一题Passage OneNews Item 1:A new study reveals that the number of people working from home has doubled in the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many companies have embraced remote work as a way to reduce costs and improve employee satisfaction. However, experts warn that this trend may lead to increased mental health issues among workers. The study suggests that employers should provide support systems to help employees manage the challenges of working from home.Questions:1、What is the main topic of the news item?A) The benefits of working from home.B) The challenges of working from home.C) The increase in remote work during the pandemic.D) The impact of remote work on mental health.2、Why have many companies embraced remote work?A) To reduce costs.B) To improve employee satisfaction.C) Both A and B.D) To address the COVID-19 pandemic.3、What is the concern expressed by experts regarding the trend of workingfrom home?A) It may lead to a decrease in employee satisfaction.B) It may increase mental health issues among workers.C) It may cause a decline in productivity.D) It may lead to more workplace accidents.Answers:1、C2、C3、B第二题News Item 1:A new study has shown that consuming green tea may help reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that compounds in green tea called polyphenols can protect brain cells from the damage caused by toxins. The study followed over 1,000 individuals over a period of 10 years. Those who consumed green tea regularly were 50% less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than those who did not.Questions:1、What is the main finding of the study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles?A) Green tea can completely cure Parkinson’s disease.B) Regular consumption of green tea may reduce the risk of developingParkinson’s disease.C) Only those who drink green tea are at risk of develop ing Parkinson’s disease.D) Polyphenols in green tea are harmful to brain cells.2、How long did the study follow the participants?A) 5 yearsB) 7 yearsC) 10 yearsD) 12 years3、According to the study, what percentage reduction in the risk of developing P arkinson’s disease was observed in regular green tea consumers compared to non-consumers?A) 20%B) 30%C) 40%D) 50%Answers:1、B) Regular consumption of green tea may reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.2、C) 10 years3、D) 50%三、听力理解-长对话(选择题,共8分)第一题听力原文:A. Man: Hey, are you ready for the CET-4 exam?B. Woman: Yeah, I’ve been studying really hard for the past few months.I think I’m ready.A. Man: That’s good to hear. Do you have any tips for the listening section?B. Woman: Well, I would say practice is key. Listen to English news, watch English movies, and try to understand the conversations.A. Man: And what about the reading section?B. Woman: I would focus on reading a variety of materials like newspapers, magazines, and online article s. It’s important to get used to different styles of writing.A. Man: I see. And what about the writing section?B. Woman: For the writing section, I would recommend practicing writing essays on different topics. It’s also important to check your grammar and punctuation.A. Man: That makes sense. I’m going to do the same thing. Good luck!B. Woman: Thanks, and good luck to you too!选择题:1、What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. Preparation for the CET-4 examB. Different sections of the CET-4 examC. Tips for improving English listening skillsD. The importance of practice for the CET-4 exam2、What does the woman say about the listening section?A. She suggests focusing on reading materials.B. She thinks it’s important to practice listening to English news.C. She recommends studying grammar for the listening section.D. She suggests practicing writing essays for the listening section.3、What does the woman say about the reading section?A. She believes it’s important to study grammar for the reading section.B. She thinks it’s important to practice listening to English news.C. She recommends focusing on a variety of reading materials.D. She suggests practicing writing essays for the reading section.4、What does the woman suggest for the writing section?A. She recommends studying grammar for the writing section.B. She thinks it’s important to practice listening to English news.C. She suggests focusing on a variety of reading materials.D. She recommends practicing writing essays on different topics.答案:1、A2、B3、C4、D第二题Listen to the following conversation and answer the questions.W: Hi, John. How was your weekend?M: Oh, it was great. I decided to take a trip to the countryside. I went to visit an old friend who lives there.W: That sounds nice. Did you do anything specific?M: Yes, we went for a hike in the mountains. It was beautiful. We also stopped by a small village for lunch.W: Did you try any local dishes?M: Absolutely. We had this delicious chicken dish with potatoes and vegetables. It was so flavorful.W: That sounds amazing. How long did you stay?M: We spent the whole day there. We didn’t leave until evening. It was a perfect getaway.W: I wish I could go somewhere like that. What did you do when you got back?M: I just relaxed and took a nice, long shower. I was exhausted from all the walking.W: Sounds like a good way to unwind. Do you think you’ll go back anytime soon?M: I think so. My friend and I are planning another trip next month.1.What did the man do over the weekend?A) He stayed home.B) He visited a friend in the countryside.C) He went to the beach.D) He had a staycation.2.Why did the man go to the countryside?A) To see a family member.B) To attend a conference.C) To go hiking.D) To visit a museum.3.What did the man and his friend do while in the countryside?A) They watched a movie.B) They went shopping.C) They went for a hike.D) They had a picnic.4.What did the man say about the local food?A) It was too spicy.B) It was not as good as he expected.C) It was delicious and flavorful.D) It was too expensive.Answers:1.B) He visited a friend in the countryside.2.C) They went for a hike.3.C) They went for a hike.4.C) It was delicious and flavorful.四、听力理解-听力篇章(选择题,共20分)第一题听力篇章Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.American football, originally a college game, was introduced into the United States by Walter Camp, who is called the “Father of American Football.” Camp was a coach at Yale University, and he is known as the man who invented the system of numbering the players on the field. The game was originally played by using a soccer ball. Camp suggested that a ball resembling a prolate spheroid (椭球体) be used. This ball is rounder than a soccer ball and is used in American football today.The rules of the game were also established by Camp. He divided the field into two sections, with the goal line in the center. The game was played with a single ball, and each team tried to carry the ball across the opponent’s goal line. The first team to do so would win the game. Camp also introduced the concept of tackling, which is the act of tackling an opponent to the ground. This is still a fundamental part of the game today.Over the years, American football has become a professional sport, with teams competing in the National Football League (NFL). The NFL is the most popular professional football league in the United States. The game is also played in high schools and colleges across the country.1、What is Walter Camp known for in American football?A)、Being the founder of the NFL.B)、Inventing the system of numbering players on the field.C)、Introducing the game to the United States.D)、Establishing the rules of the game.2、What did Camp suggest as a replacement for the soccer ball in the early days of American football?A)、A ball with a square shape.B)、A ball resembling a prolate spheroid.C)、A ball with a flat surface.D)、A ball with a hole in the center.3、According to the passage, what is the main objective of each team in an American football game?A)、To score points by carrying the ball across the opponent’s goal line.B)、To tackle the opponent’s players to the ground.C)、To win the game by scoring the most points.D)、To pass the ball to the opponent’s team.第二题PassageIn recent years, the concept of “slow living” has gained significant attention around the world. This movement encourages people to slow down their pace of life and appreciate the present moment. One of the key principles ofslow living is the emphasis on local and sustainable consumption.The fast-paced modern world has led to increased stress, anxiety, and a sense of being overwhelmed. Many people feel that they are constantly chasing after time, and they often forget to take care of their physical and mental health. Slow living advocates believe that by reducing the pace of life, individuals can achieve a better work-life balance and lead a more fulfilling life.One way to practice slow living is by supporting local businesses and consuming locally produced goods. This not only helps to strengthen the local economy but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation. For example, buying fresh produce from local farmers’ markets not only supports local agriculture but also ensures that the food is fresh and nutritious.Moreover, slow living encourages people to connect with others and build strong communities. Activities such as cooking together, sharing meals, and engaging in community service are all part of the slow living philosophy. These activities foster a sense of belonging and reduce social isolation.However, the transition to slow living can be challenging. It requires a conscious effort to change habits and prioritize experiences over material possessions. It also means being more mindful of one’s consumption and making sustainable choices.Questions:1、What is the main idea of the passage?A) The benefits of fast livingB) The importance of consuming locally produced goodsC) The concept and principles of slow livingD) The challenges of practicing slow living2、According to the passage, what is one of the positive effects of slow living?A) Increased stress and anxietyB) A better work-life balanceC) Higher levels of social isolationD) Less appreciation for the present moment3、Why is supporting local businesses important in the context of slow living?A) It helps to reduce the carbon footprint of long-distance transportationB) It encourages people to consume more material possessionsC) It promotes global economic dominanceD) It leads to the decline of local agricultureAnswers:1、C2、B3、A第三题Passage OneWhen it comes to working with animals, you might think of a veterinarian,a person who treats sick animals. But in the United States, some people work with animals without treating them. They train them to do certain things. These people are known as animal trainers.The work of an animal trainer can be difficult. Not all animals are willing to do what they are asked. Sometimes, a trainer has to work for hours without getting any results. But when an animal finally performs a task correctly, the trainer feels a great sense of satisfaction.Many animal trainers work with animals that perform in shows. These animals might be seen in circuses, zoos, or on television. They can also be seen in commercials. Animal trainers work with many different kinds of animals. Some work with dogs, cats, and other pets. Others work with animals that are not pets, such as horses, dolphins, and even bears.Animal trainers use different methods to train animals. They use positive reinforcement, which means that they reward an animal when it does something right. They also use negative reinforcement, which means that they punish an animal when it does something wrong. Some trainers use a combination of both methods.Training animals can be dangerous. A trainer might be bitten or scratched by an animal. Even when an animal seems friendly, it can still be unpredictable. That’s why animal trainers must be careful and patient.Questions:1、What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To describe the difficulties faced by animal trainers.B. To explain the different methods used by animal trainers.C. To discuss the various types of animals that animal trainers work with.D. To introduce the concept of animal trainers and their work.2、According to the passage, how do animal trainers feel when an animal finally performs a task correctly?A. DisappointedB. AnnoyedC. SatisfiedD. Bored3、What is one potential danger associated with being an animal trainer?A. Being late for workB. Not getting enough sleepC. Being bitten or scratched by an animalD. Forgetting to feed the animalsAnswers:1、D2、C3、C五、阅读理解-词汇理解(填空题,共5分)第一题Read the following passage and then answer the questions by choosing the most suitable word for each blank from the four choices given below.In the fast-paced modern world, technology has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and even how we interact with others. One of the most significant advancements in technology is the internet, which has transformed the way we access information and connect with people from all over the world.However, despite its numerous benefits, technology also poses several challenges. One of the most pressing issues is the impact it has on our mental health. Excessive use of smartphones and other electronic devices can lead to problems such as anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Additionally, the internet has made it easier for people to become victims of cyberbullying and online scams.1、It is crucial to maintain a balance between technology and our personal lives to ensure a healthy lifestyle.2、The internet has made it easier for people to access information, but it has also increased the risk of falling victim to online scams.3、Excessive use of smartphones and other electronic devices can have severe consequences for our mental health.4、In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives.5、One of the challenges of technology is the negative impact it can haveon our mental well-being.A. indispensableB. revolutionizeC. accessD. cyberbullyingE. indispensableF. revolutionizeG. accessH. cyberbullying答案1、A2、H3、D4、E5、B第二题Reading PassageAs the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of cultural competence has become more pronounced. Cultural competence refers to the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact effectively with people from different cultural ba ckgrounds. This skill is particularly valuable in today’s globalized economy, where companies and organizations are more likely to work with international partners and clients.One key aspect of cultural competence is the ability to communicate effectively across cultures. This involves not only understanding the linguistic differences but also being aware of the non-verbal cues and social norms that vary from one culture to another. For example, a high-context culture, like Japan, relies heavily on non-verbal communication and indirect communication, while a low-context culture, like the United States, tends to value direct and explicit communication.The following passage contains vocabulary that may be new to you. Choose the most appropriate word from the list below to complete each sentence. Thereare more words than sentences, so there will be some extra words. Do not use any of the words more than once.Vocabulary List:1.Acculturation2.Cohesion3.Diversify4.Harmony5.Integration6.Intricate7.Mnemonic8.Paradoxical9.Proliferate10.SynergySentences:1、The company has decided to__________their workforce to better represent the diversity of their client base.2、After years of living abroad, she felt a sense of__________with her new culture.3、The manager emphasized the importance of cultural__________in order to foster a positive work environment.4、The museum exhibit showcased the__________designs of various civilizations throughout history.5、To remember the names of all the new employees, he used a__________device to create memorable associations.Answers:1.Diversify2.Acculturation3.Cohesion4.Intricate5.Mnemonic六、阅读理解-长篇阅读(选择题,共10分)第一题Reading Passage OneIn recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impact of social media on young people’s mental health. While social media platforms offer numerous benefits, such as connectivity and access to information, they also pose significant risks to the mental well-being of users, especially teenagers. This passage explores the effects of social media on young people’s mental health and discusses potential solutions to mitigate these risks.Paragraph 1Social media has become an integral part of daily life for many young people. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter allow teenagers to connect with friends, share experiences, and express themselves. However, this constantexposure to the curated lives of others can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression.Questions:1、What is the main concern expressed in the first paragraph?A. The benefits of social media.B. The risks of social media.C. The impact of social media on daily life.D. The role of social media in teenagers’ lives.2、According to the passage, which of the following is a potential negative effect of social media on young people’s mental health?A. Increased self-esteem.B. Enhanced social skills.C. Reduced feelings of inadequacy.D. Heightened anxiety and depression.Paragraph 2Research has shown that excessive use of social media can lead to sleep disturbances, as teenagers spend more time on their devices rather than getting enough rest. Additionally, the constant need for validation and approval from peers can contribute to feelings of low self-worth and anxiety.Questions:3、What is one consequence of excessive social media use mentioned in the second paragraph?A. Improved sleep quality.B. Increased self-worth.C. Reduced anxiety.D. Sleep disturbances.4、Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential negative effect of social media use on mental health?A. Anxiety.B. Depression.C. Improved social skills.D. Sleep disturbances.Paragraph 3To address these issues, some experts suggest implementing stricter regulations on social media platforms, such as age restrictions and content filtering. Others argue that parents and educators should play a more active role in monitoring and guiding youn g people’s use of social media.Questions:5、What measures are suggested to mitigate the negative effects of social media on young people’s mental health?A. Implementing stricter regulations on social media platforms.B. Encouraging young people to use social media more frequently.C. Reducing the amount of time spent on social media.D. Ignoring the potential risks of social media.Answers:1、B2、D3、D4、C5、A第二题Reading Time: 40 minutesDirections: For this part, you are allowed 40 minutes to read a long passage and answer the questions on it. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Passage:In the digital age, the way we communicate has undergone a remarkable transformation. With the advent of the internet and various digital platforms, the traditional methods of communication such as postal mail and landline phones have become less prominent. One of the most influential digital communication tools is social media. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have revolutionized the way people connect and share information. However, along with these advancements come challenges and concerns.1、The first challenge of digital communication is the potential for misinterpretation. Without the nuances of face-to-face communication,text-based messages can be easily misunderstood. This can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and even legal disputes.2、Another significant challenge is the issue of privacy. With the vast amount of p ersonal data being shared online, individuals’ privacy is at risk. Cybersecurity breaches have become increasingly common, and the consequences can be severe, ranging from identity theft to financial loss.3、Despite these challenges, digital communication offers numerous benefits. It allows people to connect with others across the globe instantaneously. This has facilitated international collaborations, business partnerships, and cultural exchanges. Additionally, digital communication is cost-effective and time-efficient.4、However, there are concerns about the impact of digital communication on face-to-face interactions. Some argue that excessive reliance on digital communication leads to a decline in interpersonal skills and the ability to engage in meaningful conversations.5、The following questions are based on the passage above.Questions:1、What is the main challenge of digital communication mentioned in the passage?A) Lack of face-to-face interactionB) Potential for misinterpretationC) High cost of communicationD) Difficulty in maintaining privacy2、Which of the following is NOT a challenge of digital communicationaccording to the passage?A) Privacy issuesB) Instantaneous connection with people worldwideC) Decline in interpersonal skillsD) Cybersecurity breaches3、What benefit of digital communication is mentioned in the passage?A) Increased risk of legal disputesB) Cost-effectiveness and time efficiencyC) Decline in face-to-face interactionsD) Enhanced cybersecurity4、What concern is raised about the impact of digital communication on face-to-face interactions?A) It leads to a decrease in the ability to engage in meaningful conversations.B) It increases the risk of cybersecurity breaches.C) It causes a decline in interpersonal skills.D) It leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.5、Which of the following is a positive aspect of digital communication mentioned in the passage?A) Increased risk of legal disputesB) Cost-effectiveness and time efficiencyC) Decline in interpersonal skillsD) Difficulty in maintaining privacyAnswers:1、B2、B3、B4、A5、B七、阅读理解-仔细阅读(选择题,共20分)第一题Reading Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.The digital revolution has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. One of the most significant impacts has been on education. Online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and educational apps have become increasingly popular, offering new opportunities for students and educators alike.In many countries, traditional classrooms are being augmented with digital tools and resources. Teachers are incorporating interactive whiteboards, tablets, and educational software into their lessons to enhance student engagement and understanding. This integration of technology has led to a more dynamic and engaging learning environment.However, the digital transformation of education also raises concerns aboutits impact on students’ social skills and mental health. Some argue that excessive reliance on digital devices can lead to isolation and anxiety, especially for younger students who are still developing their social and emotional abilities.Despite these concerns, the benefits of digital education are undeniable. Online learning platforms provide access to a vast array of resources that can supplement traditional classroom teaching. Students can access educational materials from around the world, engage in collaborative projects with peers, and receive personalized learning experiences tailored to their individual needs.1、What is one of the significant impacts of the digital revolution on education?A. Increased access to educational resources.B. Improved social skills among students.C. Reduction in teacher workload.D. Enhanced classroom engagement.2、How are digital tools and resources being used in traditional classrooms?A. To replace textbooks and traditional teaching methods.B. To augment existing teaching methods and enhance engagement.C. To reduce the number of students in each classroom.D. To provide students with more time for independent study.3、What is a concern raised about the digital transformation of education?A. The increase in the number of educational apps available.B. The potential negative impact on students’ social skills and mental health.C. The reduction in the quality of classroom instruction.D. The loss of interest in traditional learning methods.4、What is one of the benefits of online learning platforms?A. They require students to work independently at all times.B. They limit studen ts’ access to educational materials from other countries.C. They provide personalized learning experiences for each student.D. They are only useful for students who are already highly motivated to learn.5、How does the passage describe the role of digital tools and resources in education?A. They are a complete replacement for traditional teaching methods.B. They are being used to supplement and enhance traditional teaching methods.C. They are only beneficial for students who have access to advanced technology.D. They are being used to reduce the number of students in each classroom.Answers:1、A. Increased access to educational resources.。



《基于多模态注意力机制的视觉问答研究》篇一一、引言随着人工智能技术的快速发展,视觉问答(Visual Question Answering,VQA)成为了计算机视觉与自然语言处理领域的热门研究方向。








该模型主要包括以下几个部分:1. 图像特征提取:采用卷积神经网络(CNN)对图像进行特征提取,得到图像的视觉特征。

2. 文本特征提取:采用循环神经网络(RNN)对问题进行语义理解,得到问题的文本特征。

3. 多模态注意力机制:将图像和文本特征进行融合,通过多模态注意力机制实现相互关注。


4. 答案预测:将加权后的图像和文本特征进行融合,输入到全连接层进行答案预测。





Evidence and reasoning
Examine the quality and relevance of the evidence presented, as well as the logical rigor of the author's reasoning.
Structure and organization: Evaluate the essay's structure, noting how the author logically organizes information to guide the reader through the topic.
Analysis of Writing Style in Applied Literature
Technical language: Examine the use of specialized terminology or jargon and how it contributes to the essay's authority and credibility in the field.
Appreciating the Significance and Value of English Model Prose
Enjoying literary beauty Model prose is often characterized by its elegance, precision, and beauty of language. Reading such texts can be a pleasure in itself, allowing readers to appreciate the artistic value of well-crafted English prose.

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W‘ ANG X a — u n .Z io ja HA0 C u hn
( .H a gui nvri ,Fch f o p t , h m da ea 6 00 h a 1 unh a U ie t au yo C m ue Z u ainH nn4 30 ,C i ; sy r n 2 C lg f ix n , i i gH nn43 0 , h a . oeeo Xni g Xn a ea 5 03 C i ) l a xn n
ABS RACT : s t eb sso h y tx a  ̄y i ,B s NP r c g i o sa ot n t p i n l h ma h n a s T A h a i f e s n a n s t s a e e o nt n i n i ra t e E gi c i e t n — i mp s n s r



ChatGPT解析人工智能对话系统的推理能力人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)在近年来的飞速发展中,成为了现代科技和社会的热门话题。



















1.关于Lévy过程一个公开问题的部分回答 [J], 郑静
2.关于射影正规半群的一个猜想的证明(英文) [J], 何勇
3.哥德巴赫猜想的一个等价命题(英文) [J], 王友菁;刘宗杰
4.一个关于上凸密度的公开问题的否定回答(英文) [J], 尹建东;聂饶荣;周作领
5.邻接树图是哈密尔顿图猜想的一个等价命题(英文) [J], 张兰菊



Section 1: ListeningQuestions 1-10Listen to a conversation between two friends discussing their weekend plans. Answer the following questions:1. What is the name of the man speaking?2. What is the woman planning to do on Saturday morning?3. Why does the woman cancel her plans to go hiking?4. What activity does the man suggest they do instead?5. How does the woman feel about the man's suggestion?6. What time does the man suggest they meet on Sunday?7. Why does the woman hesitate to go swimming?8. What does the man say about the weather on Sunday?9. How does the woman respond to the man's weather prediction?10. What does the woman decide to do on Sunday?Section 2: ReadingQuestions 11-25Read the following passage and answer the questions:The Impact of Technology on EducationIn recent years, the integration of technology in education has revolutionized the way students learn and teachers teach. From interactive whiteboards to online learning platforms, technology has become an essential tool in classrooms around the world.One of the most significant impacts of technology on education is the availability of online resources. Students now have access to a vast array of information at their fingertips, allowing them to conductresearch and learn at their own pace. This has also enabled teachers to provide personalized learning experiences for their students.Interactive whiteboards have transformed traditional teaching methods. Teachers can display multimedia content, such as videos and images, to engage students in interactive lessons. This not only makes learning more fun but also helps students retain information better.Another technological advancement is the use of educational apps and software. These tools provide students with interactive and engaging learning experiences, making complex subjects more accessible. For instance, students can use virtual labs to conduct scientific experiments without the need for physical equipment.Despite these benefits, some critics argue that technology can have a negative impact on students' social skills. They believe that excessive use of gadgets and devices can lead to isolation and reduced face-to-face interaction.In conclusion, technology has undoubtedly changed the landscape of education. While it offers numerous advantages, it is essential for educators and parents to strike a balance between technology use and traditional learning methods.11. What is one significant impact of technology on education mentioned in the passage?12. How does technology allow teachers to provide personalized learning experiences?13. What is the primary purpose of interactive whiteboards in the classroom?14. Give an example of how educational apps and software can help students learn complex subjects.15. What is a potential negative impact of technology on students'social skills mentioned in the passage?16. How has technology changed the way students learn and teachers teach?17. What is the author's overall view on the impact of technology on education?18. What is one advantage of using interactive whiteboards in the classroom?19. According to the passage, why is it essential to strike a balance between technology use and traditional learning methods?20. What are two examples of technological advancements mentioned in the passage?21. How does the use of online resources affect students' learning experience?22. What is one way in which technology can make learning more engaging for students?23. How does technology help students conduct research?24. What is the main idea of the passage?25. What is the author's stance on the use of technology in education?Section 3: WritingTask 1Write a letter to your friend who is moving to a new city. In your letter, you should:- Welcome your friend to the new city- Describe some of the interesting places to visit- Offer to help your friend find a job- Express your excitement about visiting them[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Date][Friend's Name][Friend's Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Friend's Name],I hope this letter finds you well. I was so excited to hear that you are moving to [City Name]! I can't wait to visit you and explore all the amazing things our new city has to offer.There are so many interesting places to visit in [City Name]. You should definitely check out the [Famous Landmark 1], which is a must-see attraction. Also, don't miss out on the beautiful [Park Name], where you can enjoy a peaceful stroll or have a picnic with friends. Additionally, the [Local Restaurant 1] is a fantastic place to try some local cuisine.I would be more than happy to help you find a job in our city. I have some connections and can put in a good word for you. Let's meet up soon so we can discuss your career goals and how I can assist you in your job search.I am really looking forward to visiting you and experiencing everything [City Name] has to offer. Please keep me updated on your move and let me know when you would like to meet up.Take care and best of luck with your new adventure!Warm regards,[Your Name]Task 2Write an essay on the following topic:Some people believe that technology is making our lives better. Others think that it is having a negative impact on our lives. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its impact on society is undeniable. While some argue that technology is improving our lives, others believe it is having a negative effect. This essay will explore both perspectives and present my own opinion on the matter.Proponents of technology argue that it has greatly enhanced our lives in numerous ways. For instance, the internet has made communication faster and more convenient. We can now connect with friends and family across the globe in seconds, breaking down geographical barriers. Moreover, technology has revolutionized the way we work, making our lives more efficient and productive. Automation and artificial intelligence have streamlined processes and reduced the need for manual labor in various industries.On the other hand, critics of technology point out its negative consequences. One major concern is the impact on our mental health. The constant use of smartphones and social media can lead to addiction, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, technology has contributed to the decline of face-to-face interactions, which are essential for building strong relationships. Moreover, the digital divide has created inequalities in access to information and opportunities, as not everyone has equal access to technology.In my opinion, while technology has its downsides, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. It is crucial to strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and mitigating their negative effects. By doing so, we can harness the power of technology to improve our lives while minimizing its negative impact.Firstly, technology has provided us with tools to enhance our education and personal development. Online courses, educational apps, and interactive learning platforms have made learning more accessible and engaging. Additionally, technology has enabled us to stay connected with loved ones, even when they are far away. This connection is invaluable, as it helps maintain our emotional well-being.Secondly, it is essential to recognize that the negative effects of technology are not inherent to the technology itself but rather how itis used. By promoting digital literacy and responsible use of technology, we can mitigate the risks associated with its use. Moreover, we should focus on fostering a culture that encourages critical thinking and self-regulation, helping individuals manage their technology consumption effectively.In conclusion, technology has both positive and negative impacts on our lives. While it is important to be aware of its potential drawbacks, we should not underestimate the benefits it brings. By using technology responsibly and critically, we can create a more connected, efficient, and enjoyable world for ourselves and future generations.。

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(67611)Advanced Topics in Complexity:PCP Theory November24,2004Lecture6Lecturer:Irit Dinur Scribe:Sharon PeriAbstractIn this lecture we continue our discussion of locally testable and locally decodable codes.We introduce the family of Reed-M¨u ller Codes,which takes us diving into the geometry of m and the notion of Low Degree Testing.We further introduce the“lines-table”representation,and a mild yet powerful modification of local decodability,with“reject”as an optional output answer under cetain limitations1Locally Testable CodesIn previous lectures we have seen Hadamard Code,Quadratic Functions Code and Reed-Solomon Code.We have proven the Hadamard Code and Quadratic Functions Code to be both locally Testable and locally decodable.However,it was also noted that the Hadamard Code suffers from a major disadvantage in efficiency,being exponential in the input size(i.e.an input word of size n bits is encoded by2n bits).For the Quadratic Functions Code things are even a little worse,as it is exp(poly(n)).The Reed-Solomon Code on the other hand is considerably efficient,being polynomial in the input size.But is it locally testable/decodable as well?1.1Local Testability of Reed-Solomon CodeRecall the definition of Reed-Solomon Code:Definition1The Reed-Solomon code RS:k+1→n,wherein n=||,is defined for a given vector¯a=(a0,...,a k)∈k+1as the vector(P¯a(t))t∈∈n,where P¯a(x)=a0+a1x+a2x2+ ...+a k x k.An illustration of RS code word is presented in Figure1.Note that the distance of the RS code is n−k+1.How can we locally test the Reed-Solomon Code?We can no longer perform linearity testing, since it no longer applies for n>2and k>1.One idea is to query k+1entries in the code word(P¯a(t))t∈,reconstruct the polynomial P¯a by interpolation,evaluate it in k+2-th point i and compare with the i-th entry of the code word.Disadvantage:the number of queries is as the size of the input!Moreover,this lower bound of k+2queries is tight;note that there are k+1degrees of freedom for a polynomial of degree k.This excludes the Reed-Solomon Code from being locally testable, unless provided with an additional information on the input word.2Reed-M¨u ller CodeThe Reed-M¨u ller Code can be thought of as a generalization of the Hadamard Code and the Reed-Solomon Code,combining the advantages of each(efficiency of RS,local testability of Had)yet overcoming the exact same faults.Denote by P d:m→∈d[x1,x2...x m]a multivariate polynomial over m variables{x1,x2...x m}of degree≤d.The degree of a multivariate polynomiali1,i2,...i m a i1i2...i mx i11x i22...x i m m is de-fined to be the largest d for which there is a non-zero a i1i2...i m with i1+i2+...i m=d,i.e.themaximal degree of the monomials.For example,deg(x21x32)=5. Question:How many monomials are there of degree≤d over m variables?Given the definition above,one can easily see that there are d+md monomials in d[x1,x2...x m]which form a basis for this linear space.Figure 1:RS CodeDefinition 2The Reed-M¨u ller Code RM :(d +m d )→m is defined for a multivariate poly-nomial over m variables p ∈d [x 1,x 2...x m ](given by its d +m d coefficients)as RM(p )= p (x ):x ∈m ,the evaluation of p on each point of m .2.1The distance of the Reed-M¨u ller CodeProposition 3∀f,g ∈d [x 1,x 2...x m ],if f =g ,thenP rob x ∈m (f (x )=g (x ))≤dCorollary 4The distance of Reed-M¨u ller Code is ||m −d ||m −1since there are at most dlog log n).Also,for the code to have a large relative distance,we set ||=c ·d for a large enough c .Thecode word length is ||m =n O (1)which is reasonably efficient.The relative distance of the codeis 1−11Obviously,it must hold that ||>d ,otherwise the proposition is trivial.Figure2:Axis TestDefinition5Let A and P be two functions mapping a discrete domain D to a range R.Thendist(A,P)=P rob[A(x)=P(x)]x∈DIn other words,dist(A,P)is the portion of indices with different entries in A and P.Thus a low degree test,for some degree d,given a function/point-table A and a user-defined parameter ,tests whether it holds for some P of degree d that dist(A,P)< .3.1Locally testing the Reed-M¨u ller CodeOur goal is to perform a low degree testing of RM in O(d)queries to a given point-table A. For intuition purposes,wefirst outline a suggestive course of the way to solution and formalize later.The principal tool we have in hand when dealing with polynomials is interpolation.Generally, we require O(d m)points’evaluations in order to reconstruct a degree d polynomial over m variables.We wish to use only O(d)such points;so where do we start?Thefirst and probably most intuitive thing to do,is to consider an arbitrary axis i of m, algebraicly described as{x∈m:x i=t∈,x j=0∀j=i}.Thus thefirst attempt we have is3.1.1The Axis Test(See Figure2)•fix d+2random points on some arbitrary axis i•reconstruct the(restriction to the axis i of the)polynomial by interpolation using d+1of said points•evaluate on the remaining point and compare with the corresponding entry in the points tableProblem:there are only m such axes;what if most or all of their corresponding entries in the given points table are corrupted?Suppose that instead wefix some arbitrary point a=(a1,...,a m)∈F m and consider the i-th axis parallel line that goes through this point {(a1,a2,...,t,...a m)∈m:t∈}.This brings to the following most natural extension and our second attempt:Figure3:Axis-Parallel Line Test3.1.2The Axis-parallel Line Test:2(See Figure3)•pick some arbitrary axis i•pick some arbitrary point a=(a1,...,,a m)∈m•fix d+2random points on this axis-parallel line that contains a,as defined earlier•reconstruct the(restriction to the line of the)polynomial by interpolation•evaluate on the remaining point and compare with the corresponding entry in the points tableAlthough this suggestion seems fairly better than the previous,it still appears as if we are not yet exhausting all possibilities;indeed,why restricting ourselves to axis-parallel lines,when we can choose any arbitrary line in m?Let us then introduce the parametric representation of a line in the followingDefinition6A line in m is defined x,h={x+t·h}t∈wherein x∈m,h∈m\{0}.A line x,h can also be considered as a univariate function x,h:→m,defined x,h(t)= x+t·h.Consider the restriction of P to the line denoted by P| .This is a univariate function P( (t))=P(x+t·h)of degree≤d in t.Examplem=3d=4P(x,y,z)=xyz2+3z4+2x=(0,0,0)+t·(1,1,1)=(t,t,t)P( (t))=t·t·t2+3t4+2t=4t4+2tRemark Since the geometry of m might be very different from the more intuitive m it would not be a bad idea to perform some cautious checks:Figure4:Point and Line Test•Is there really exists a line between each two points of m?•Are there really d+2different points on such line?The answer to both questions is positive and easily verified:For each two different points x,y∈m set h=x−y and scale by the desired factor t∈\{0}.To see that a line contains||different points,note that ={x+th}t∈.Assume that for somet1,t2it holds that x+t1h=x+t2h.It follows that h(t1−t2)=0,and since h=¯0it must holdsthat(t1−t2)=0,and thus t1=t2.We might also like to exploit for our needs the followingLemma7deg(P)=d iff∀ ∈m deg(P| )=dProof Idea One direction is immediate;if P is of degree d then so is its restriction to anyline ∈m(which yields a univariate polynimal of degree d).The opposite direction is shownby induction,and using interpolation.3This test was implicit in[GLR+91]and further analyzed by[RS92,ALM+92,AS97].Note that it overcomes the dependence of on m we had in the axis-parallel line test.The analysis by[GLR+91,RS92]yielded =Ω(1/d). [ALM+92]combined the analysis of[RS92,AS98]to obtain =Ω(1).Using more powerful techniques,[AS97]showed the test achieves =1−o(1).[RS97]proposed an even more general test,where a random line is replaced by a random plane,and achieves =1−o(1).We will discuss this plane test in detail in the following lectures.3.2Local Decoding of Reed-M¨u ller CodeGiven a code word(table)A which only a certain portion of it is spoiled,we wish to decode a point x.Thus,our promise is that there exists a low degree polynomial P such that dist(A,P)≤ .For which settings of we can guarantee correct local decoding with high probabilty?What is the correlation/dependence of in the other parameters?Lemma8Given a table A:m→and provided that∃P∈d[x1,...x m]such thatdist(A,P)<1||m <1In summary,we have a procedure for local decoding using d+1=Θ(d=log n)queries,with dist(A,P)=Θ(14The lines tableWe have already seen that the degree d gives us a tight lower bound on the number of queries (since there are d degrees of freedom).The idea now is to extend the RM code.Instead of evaluation on each point,we add information about the restriction of the polynomial P to each of the lines x,h∈m.The code word is thus a table with an entry per line,altogether||m(||m−1)Figure5:Folding the lines table5Local-decoding with rejectWe have seen a local-decoding procedure that makes O(d)queries,and can handle words of distance<1||By applying the union bound on the probability to err(either A( )or A( )are inconsistent with the global polynomial P yet the test A( (t ))?=A( (t))passes)we have in total that P rob[M succeeds]≥1−das asserted(wherein the event of success of M is either3responding reject or decoding P(x)correctly).Part3of the theorem is harder to prove and requires somewhat heavier tools we are yet to develop in the following lectures.References[ALM+92]Sanjeev Arora,Carsten Lund,Rajeev Motwani,Madhu Sudan,and Mario Szegedy.Proof verification and hardness of approximation problems.In IEEE Symposium onFoundations of Computer Science,pages14–23,1992.[AS97]Sanjeev Arora and Madhu Sudan.Improved low-degree testing and its applications.pages485–495,1997.[AS98]Sanjeev Arora and Shmuel Safra.Probabilistic checking of proofs:a new character-ization of NP.Journal of the ACM,45(1):70–122,1998.[BFL90]L Babai,Lance Fortnow,and Carsten Lund.Non-deterministic exponential time has two-prover interactive protocols.In IEEE Symposium on Foundations of ComputerScience,pages16–25,1990.[BFLS91]L´a szl´o Babai,Lance Fortnow,Leonid A.Levin,and Mario Szegedy.Checking com-putations in polylogarithmic time.pages21–32,1991.[FGL+96]Uriel Feige,ShafiGoldwasser,Laszlo Lov´a sz,Shmuel Safra,and Mario Szegedy.Interactive proofs and the hardness of approximating cliques.Journal of the ACM,43(2):268–292,1996.[GLR+91]Peter Gemmell,Richard J.Lipton,Ronitt Rubinfeld,Madhu Sudan,and Avi Wigderson.Self-testing/correcting for polynomials and for approximate functions.In ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,pages32–42,1991.[PS94]Alexander Polishchuk and Daniel A.Spielman.Nearly-linear size holographic proofs.In STOC’94:Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theoryof computing,pages194–203.ACM Press,1994.[RS92]Rubinfeld and Sudan.Self-testing polynomial functions efficiently and over rational domains.In SODA:ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms(A Confer-ence on Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Discrete Algorithms),pages23–32,1992.[RS97]Ran Raz and Shmuel Safra.A sub-constant error-probability low-degree test,and a sub-constant error-probability PCP characterization of NP.pages475–484,1997.。
