The Emerging Features of Bipolar Magnetic Regions during Solar Minima




I.Fill in the Blanks or Multiple Choice:1. From the _phonological_____ point of view, the clear [l] and the dark[ł] are fundamentally the same, since they have one and the same function in communication.2.Delete a [g] when it occurs before a final __nasal consonant_______.3. When pitch, stress and sound lenghth are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation__.4. Clear [l] and dark [ł] are allophones of the same one phoneme /l/. They never take the same position in sound combinations, thus they are said to be in __complementary____ distribution.5. Phonological rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are called __sequential__ rules.II. Explain the following terms:1.phonemic contrast: Phonetically similar sounds ,but different ordistinctive phonemes are in phonemic contrast.2. minimal pair : When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same position in the strings, the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair.3. sequential rules : The rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language.4. phone : A phone is a phonetic unit or segment.5.suprasegmental features: The phonemic features that occur above thelevel of the segments are called suprasegmental features.III. Do the followings:1.How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study? Answer:Phonetics is of a general nature,it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages.Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.Though both dealing with speech sounds,phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study in that the former focuses on the speech sounds themselves,their ways of pronunciation,their differences,their classifications,etc.,while the latter focuses on the sound system of particular languages and the role sounds play in conveying meaning.Therefore,a phoneticianwill be more interested in the difference between two sounds.2.How is phone different from a phoneme? How are allophones relatedto a phoneme?Answer:A phone is a phonetic unit or segment.The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones.A phoneme is a phonological unit,it is a unit that is of distinctive value.It is an abstract unit.It is not particular sound,but rather itis represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.Allophones are the different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments.A phone is simply a speech sound,every actual sound we use or hear in meaningful linguistic communication.For example,in pronouncing the two words“feel”and“leaf”,we actually use or hear fourphones:[f][i:][l]and[~l].A phone differs from a phoneme in that the former is an actual sound we hear and it is the unit of study in phonetics,and the latter is not an audible sound,but an abstract entity,a collection of phonetic features,used as a unit of study in phonology.Take the“feel”and“leaf”example again.While four phones are used or heard in the pronunciation of these two words, only three phonemes are involved,i.e./f//i:/and/l/.A phoneme, though as an abstract entity,is realized as different phones in different phonetic contexts.All these different phones are called the allophones of the same one phoneme.For example,the aspirated [pʰ]and the unaspirated[p]are allophones of the same phoneme/p/.3.How do the major suprasegmental features of English function inconveying meaning?Answer:Suprasegmental features refer to those phonological features occurring above the sound segment level.The major Suprasegmentalfeatures in English are stress and intonation.The shift of word stress may change the part of speech of words of the same spelling, such as“'progress n.”and“pro'gress v.”,and different stress may cause difference in the meaning of some compound nouns and noun phrases with the same components,such as“'hotdog”and “hot'dog”.Stressing words that are normally unstressed in a sentence may convey some extra meaning by the speaker.For example,by stressing the pronoun“my”in the sentence“He is driving'my car”the speaker is emphasizing the fact that the car he is driving is no one else`s but the speaker`s.The three often-used intonations in English are the falling tone,the rising tone,and the fall-rise tone.The basic role they each play is that the falling tone states a fact,the rising tone raises a question,and the fall-raise tone implies some meaning not literally expressed.For example,the same sentence“That`s not the book he wants”said in the three different intonations convey three different meanings.4.Please use Sequential Rules to explain the combination of the threeconsonants in the following words: spring[sprŋ], strict[strikt], square[skwɛə], scream[skri:m].Answer:Sequential rules refer to the ways the phonemes can be combined. Sequential rules regulate which phonemes can begin a word,end aword,and follow each other.They are rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language.For example,if a word begins with a[l]or a[r],then the next sound must be a vowel.That is why[lbik][lkbi]are impossible combinations in English.They have violated the restrictions on the sequencing of phonemes.For example,why“klib”is a permissible combination of the four sounds in English and why“kbli”is not can only be accounted for by a sequential rule.spring[sprŋ], strict[strikt], square[skwɛə], scream[skri:m] follow three rules:1.The first phoneme must be /s/.2.The second phoneme must be /p/,/t/,/k/.3.The third phoneme must be /l/./r/,/w/.5.Please use Assimilation Rule to explain the following phenomenon:the negative forms of plausible, legal, regular are impossible, illegal and irregular.Answer:The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by“copying”a feature of a sequential phoneme,thus making the two phones similar.For example,the[i:]sound is nasalized in words like bean, green,team,and scream.This is because in all these sound combinations the[i:]sound is followed by a nasal[n]or[m]Forexample,the actual pronunciation of the letter“n”in the word “incorrect”is not the alveolar[n]but the velar nasal[ŋ]is a manifestation of the assimilation rule at work..The sound assimilation is actually reflected in the spelling in most cases. Instead of inpossible, the negative form of possible is impossible, as the [n] sound is assimilated to [m].For the same reason, the negative forms of plausible, legal, regular are implausible, illegal, and irregular.。




以下是一些相关的英语表达:Photothermal Synergistic Catalysis(PSC):光热协同催化Synergistic Effect:协同效应The photothermal synergistic effect enhances the catalytic activity.(光热协同效应提高了催化活性。

)Energy Conversion:能量转换Photothermal synergistic catalysis involves efficient energy conversion for catalytic reactions.(光热协同催化涉及对催化反应的高效能量转换。

)Catalytic Reaction:催化反应The system demonstrates exceptional performance in catalytic reactions under photothermal conditions.(在光热条件下,该系统在催化反应中表现出色。

)Photothermal Heating:光热加热Photothermal synergistic catalysis relies on photothermal heating to drive catalytic reactions.(光热协同催化依赖于光热加热来推动催化反应。

)Enhanced Catalytic Activity:增强地催化活性The incorporation of photothermal effects results in significantly enhanced catalytic activity.(光热效应的引入显著增强了催化活性。

)Dual-Functionality Materials:双功能材料The materials used in photothermal synergistic catalysis exhibit dual functionality for light absorption and catalysis.(光热协同催化中所使用的材料具有双功能,可吸收光线并进行催化。


Ad a p t i v e Du a l Di c t i o n a r y
L I U Z h e n - q i , B A 0 L i - j u n , C HE N Z h o n g
r De p a r t m e n t o f E l e c t r o n i c S c i e n c e , X i a me n U n i v e r s i t y , Xi a me n 3 6 1 0 0 5 , C h i n a )
刘振 圻 , 包立君 , 陈 忠
( 厦 门大学电子科 学系, 福建 厦门 3 6 1 0 0 5 )
摘 要: 为了提高磁共振成像的图像 质量 , 提 出了一种基于 自适应对偶字典的超分辨率 去噪重建方法 , 在超分辨率重建过程 中引入去噪功能 , 使 得改善图像 分辨率的同时能够有效地滤除 图像 中的噪声 , 实现 了超分辨率重建和去噪技术 的有机结合 。该 方法利用聚类一P c A算 法提取图像的主要特征来构造主特征字典 , 采用 训练方法设计 出表达图像 细节信 息的 自学 习字 典 , 两者 结合构成的 自适应对偶字典具有 良好 的稀疏度和 自适应性 。实验表 明, 与其他超分辨率算法相 比, 该方法超分辨率重建效果显 著, 峰值信噪 比和平均结构相似度均有所提高。
第2 8 卷第 4 期
2 0 1 3 年8 月
பைடு நூலகம்光 电技术 应 用
V O1 . 28. NO. 4
Au g u s t , 2 01 3

信号 与信息处理 ・
基 于 自适应对偶 字典的磁共振 图像 的超 分辨率重建



由e→p作用极化偏移量确定G Ep/G Mp比值质子弹性电磁形状因子的比值(G Ep /G Mp),可以由对P t和P l(横向和纵向反冲质子极化量)的分别测定而得到。

在弹性碰撞e→p G Ep / G Mp正比于P t / P l。

使用偏振计对P t和P l同时进行测量使得系统误差得到了有效的控制。

实验结果表明随着Q2从0.5到3.5GeV2范围内增大G Ep / G Mp比值呈现出总体下降趋势,这标志着质子内部电磁流空间分布首次出现明确的分歧。






该研究表明形状因子(Dirac F1p和Pauli F2p)仅取决于类空区域中弹性散射的四动量平方转移量。

F1p和F2p与≈0.5GeV2的Q2近似关联,其中Q2=4E e E’e sin2(θe/2),E’2和θe分别是散射电子的能量和散射角,而E e则是入射能量。

数据与偶极子形状相吻合,G D=(1+Q2/0.71)-2,描述了径向指数分布的特性。

Ep弹性散射横截面可以由Sachs形状因子(电场G Ep(Q2),磁场G Mp(Q2))。

其定义为:式中τ= Q2/4M2,κp是反常核子磁动量,M是质子质量。

在极限Q2→0时,G Ep=1且G Mp=μp (质子磁动量)。




ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Ab ta t sr c :W a e e o r s e t u o t lma n t e o y sg a s a wa s c r ea i e a d r — v l tp we p c r m fme a g e i m m r i n l l y o r l t n e c i v
磁记忆信号小 波能量谱的基础上 , 能量谱特征进行 变换提取 最优 特征 向量。将 能量谱 特征 向量、 将 最优 特征 向量
和低 频 特 征 向 量 作 为 支 持 向量 机 的特 征 输 入 量 分别 对 不 同 检 测 区 域 的 金 属 磁 记 忆 信 号 进 行 识 别 。实 验 结 果 表 明 : 最 优 特 征 向 量 能 够 减 小 小 波 能 量 谱 特 征 的相 关 性 和冗 余 性 , 效 提 高支 持 向 量机 识 别 的准 确 率 。 有
du a . n o d r t e o v h s p o e , he p i z d ege e t r i o s d by s pa a lt nd nt I r e o r s l e t i r bl m t o tmi e i nv c o s pr po e e r biiy t o e b s d on e t a tng wa e e we p c r m e a gn tc me r The h u — he r m a e x r c i v l tpo r s e t u ofm t lma e i mo y. n tes p
基于类别可 分性准 则的金属磁记 忆信号 小 波 能量 谱 特征 提 取 研 究
朱 红 运 ,王 长 龙 于卫 刚 ,徐 超 '
0 ) ( 械 工 程 学 院 电 气 工 程 系 ,河 北 石 家 庄 05 003 军






Embury和Fisher 早期绘制的珠光体机制图表明,Hall-Petch在单相金属晶粒细化加强模型也适用于有作为阻碍距离的界面间隔的双相材料。

更多最近的研究,例如Embury-Hirth,Anderson等,Chu和Barnett和Nix 表明在纳米级多层膜的力学行为可能受单个位错行为(Orowan的层间位错弯曲模型),而不是逆着界面的堆积位错。













联合国气候变化框架公约英文版联合国气候变化框架公约(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,UNFCCC)英文版The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)is an international treaty that aims to address the global challenge of climate change.It was adopted in1992 during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED)in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.The objective of the UNFCCC is to stabilize greenhousegas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.It recognizes that climate change is a common concern of humanity and that it requires a global response.The Convention sets out a number of obligations for the parties,which include developed countries,developing countries,and countries with economies in transition.These obligations include the implementation of measures tomitigate climate change,such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions,and adaptation measures to address the impacts of climate change.The UNFCCC also establishes mechanisms to support the implementation of its objectives.These mechanisms includethe provision of financial resources to developing countries, the transfer of environmentally sound technologies,and capacity-building initiatives to help countries enhance their ability to respond to climate change.Since its adoption,the UNFCCC has been supplemented by a number of agreements and protocols.One of the mostsignificant additions to the Convention is the Kyoto Protocol,which was adopted in1997and entered into force in2005.The Kyoto Protocol sets binding targets for developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.In recent years,the UNFCCC has been the focus of global efforts to address the urgent challenge of climate change. The Conference of the Parties(COP),which is the supreme body of the Convention,meets annually to review the implementation of the Convention and to negotiate further steps to address climate change.In conclusion,the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is a landmark international treaty that aims to address the global challenge of climate change.Throughits commitments and mechanisms,it seeks to achieve the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and promote sustainable development.The Convention,along with its supplementary agreements and protocols,plays a crucial role in guiding international cooperation on climate change and shaping the global response to this pressing issue.。

翻译(排序版)核专业英语~nuclear energy

翻译(排序版)核专业英语~nuclear energy

A字开头A complete understanding of the microscopic structure of matter (物质微观结构) and the exact nature of the forces acting(作用力的准确性质) is yet to (有待于) be realized. However, excellent models have been developed to predict behavior to an adequate degree of accuracy for most practical purposes. These models are descriptive (描述的) or mathematical often based on analogy (类推) with large-scale process, on experimental data (实验数据), or on advanced theory.对物质的微观结构和作用力的准确性质的完全认识仍有待于实现。



A nucleus can get rid of excess internal energy by the emission of a gamma ray, but in analternate process called internal conversion, the energy is imparted directly to one of the atomic electrons, ejecting it from the atom. In an inverse process called K-capture, the nucleus spontaneously absorbs one of its own orbital electrons. Each of these processes is followed by the production of X-rays as the inner shell vacancy is filled.一个原子核能够通过发射g 射线而除去过剩的内能,但在称为内转换的另一个交换过程中,能量直接传给原子中一个电子,使这一电子从原子中被逐出。

核磁苯环特征区 英文

核磁苯环特征区 英文

核磁苯环特征区的英文表达为:Nuclear magnetic benzene ring characteristic region。

核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,NMR)是一种常用的分析技术,通过观测核磁共振现象来研究物质的结构和性质。


1. 化学位移:苯环中的氢原子具有一定的化学位移,即吸收峰在核磁共振谱上的位置。

苯环上的氢原子通常显示在较低化学位移区域,其化学位移范围通常在7-8.5 ppm之间。

2. 耦合常数:苯环中的氢原子之间存在耦合作用,即它们的共振频率相互影响。




3. 积分强度:苯环中各个氢原子的积分强度可以反映它们的相对数量。


4. 峰形和峰宽:苯环的核磁共振峰通常呈现出对称的形状,峰宽度较窄。




介孔聚多巴胺 介导 催化

介孔聚多巴胺 介导 催化


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沿 ,其位置 的动态迁 移是海 岸变化 的重 要标志 ,对 陆 海相 互作用 的响应极 为敏感 。同时 ,岸 线位置 的进 退 变化 亦直接 影响沿海地 区港 口工程和海 堤的安全 和正
与岸 线平行",近 岸低潮 带 以浅区沉 积物组 成为 砂一
常运 行 。在 当前海平 面上升 以及海岸带 人类活动 急剧
上 海 国 土 资源 S a g a a d&R sucs hn h i n L eo re
径 向基 神 经 网络 模 型 在杭 州 湾北 岸 岸 线 变 化 中的应 用
谢 华亮 ,戴 志军 ,彭 伟 ,张 小玲
(. 1华东师范大学河 口 岸学国家 重点实验室 ,上海 206 ; . 海 002 2 华东师范大学设备处 ,上海 206 ) 002
至水 深 1 m左 右位置 。收集 了 1 9 - 0 9 的断面 资 0 9820年
的响应特 征 ,探讨 岸滩不 同等深线进 退的作用 过程与 受控 机制 ,由此构建 R BF ( 向基 )神经 网络模型对 径
岸 线变化进 行模拟 和预报 ,可为杭州 湾北部沿 岸资源 可持 续开发利用和海堤 防护提供指导依据。
用以预报杭州湾北岸岸线的动态变化。 关键词 :杭州湾北岸 ;岸线变化 ;径向基 ;神经 网络模型 中图分类号 :P 3 . 7 71 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :2 9—3 92 1)00 7 —5 0 512 (0 20 —0 40
海岸 带 是 海 洋 与 陆地 交 接 的特殊 地 带 ,是人 类

5 一m等深线 ( ) ,对 1 9  ̄ 0 9 的离岸 堤 m和 8 图3 9820年
距 离变 化 进 行分 析 。如 图所 示 ,杭 州 湾 北岸 龙 泉一 南竹港 岸段 1 9 - 0 9 的l 余年 间 ,0 9 8 20 年 0 m岸 线总体 以 2 0 、2 0 以及2 0 年为趋 势节点 ,呈 现阶段性侵蚀 00 03 05 状态 。由于杭州湾北岸岸滩剖面基本呈反 “ ”型 ,其 S



Earth,our home,is a unique and complex planet that has been the subject of countless studies and explorations.It is the third planet from the Sun and the largest terrestrial planet in our solar system.The Earth is a sphere,approximately12,742 kilometers in diameter,and it has a mass of about5.9721024kilograms.It is composed of various layers including the crust,the mantle,the outer core,and the inner core.The Earths atmosphere is composed of nitrogen,oxygen,and trace amounts of other gases, which support life as we know it.Geological Features:The Earths surface is marked by diverse geological features such as mountains,valleys, plains,and basins.The tectonic plates that make up the Earths crust are constantly moving,leading to the formation of these features and causing natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.Climate and Weather:The Earths climate varies greatly from the polar regions,which are cold and icy,to the equatorial regions,which are hot and humid.The climate is influenced by a variety of factors including the Earths tilt,the movement of air masses,and the ocean currents. Weather patterns are the shortterm changes in the atmosphere and can be predicted using meteorological data.Biodiversity:The Earth is home to an incredible array of life forms,from the smallest microorganisms to the largest mammals.Biodiversity is the variety of life in a particular ecosystem,and the Earth boasts a rich tapestry of ecosystems ranging from tropical rainforests to arid deserts.Human Impact:Human activities have had a profound impact on the Earth.Industrialization,urbanization, and deforestation have led to environmental issues such as pollution,climate change,and loss of biodiversity.It is crucial for us to understand the consequences of our actions and strive for sustainable development to protect our planet for future generations.Conservation Efforts:In response to the environmental challenges,there have been numerous conservation efforts.These include the establishment of protected areas,the promotion of renewable energy sources,and the implementation of policies to reduce carbon emissions. International cooperation is essential in addressing global environmental issues.Space Exploration:The Earth has also been a focal point for space exploration.Satellites orbit the Earth, providing us with valuable information about our planets weather,resources,and even the impact of human activities.The study of Earth from space,known as Earth observation,has become an important tool in monitoring and managing our planets health. Future Prospects:As we continue to learn more about the Earth,we are also faced with the challenge of ensuring its sustainability.The future of the Earth will depend on our ability to balance economic development with environmental protection.It is a shared responsibility that requires the commitment of individuals,communities,and nations.In conclusion,the Earth is a dynamic and complex system that supports life in all its forms.It is our duty to understand its intricacies,protect its resources,and ensure its longevity for the benefit of all living beings.。


以之前四次国际知名的学术会议为缘起酝酿筹备而 成, 但研究范围更广 、 涵盖 内容更丰 富, 展示 了在高
维相依和 C o p u l a 领域的最新科研成果。 本次会议 由中央财经大学 中国精算研究 院主
办, 由加拿大滑铁卢大学统计与精算系蔡军教授、 美
汇报了他们在河 口 海岸科学研究领域所做的开拓性 研究。
次, 会议承办单位和举办地点由国际河 口海岸科
涉及学科面广 。 来自 不 萎 分会场的报告内容丰富 , 同研究 区域、 不同专业背景的人员互相学习和借鉴, 象
学学会遴选 。2 0 1 0年国际河 口海岸科学学会主席 M i k e E l l i o t t 教授访 问华东师范大学河 口海岸学国家
重点实验室时 ,注意到这里有很强的科研队伍和国 讨论热烈。 会议还为青年学者、 研究生评选 出了最佳 际先进的仪器设备 ,故将此作为承办单位候选机构 口 头报告奖 、最佳展板奖和河 口海岸学国家重点实 之一, 2 0 1 2 年正式与其签约 , 合作举办 2 0 1 3 年的大 鼓励年轻人积极参会 、 共同研讨 。 会。 举办这样的国际会议 , 为展示河 口海岸学国家重 目 验室奖等 ,
择; ②藤 C o p u l a s 的潜在变量 ; ③保险公司运营和相
依建模 ; ④S i b u y a C o p u l a s ; ⑤C o p u l a s ( 非) 相依极值 渐近线在高频财务数据 中的应用 ;⑥运用藤方法学 习贝叶斯结构 ;⑦多种业务的相关损失三角结构 ;
尼 黑召开 了相近 主题 的 国际会议 。
拿大滑铁卢大学数学学 院统计 与精算学系副教授 、 中国中央财经大学长江学者陈建成教授合作主持。 本 次 会 议 的科 学 委 员 会 成 员 有 C l a u d i a C z a d o






一、太阳耀斑的新理论模型1. 磁场重联模型磁场重联模型是目前广泛接受的太阳耀斑形成机制之一。



2. 撞击激波模型撞击激波模型是近年来提出的另一种太阳耀斑形成机制。




二、CME的新理论模型1. 提升磁偶极模型提升磁偶极模型是对传统的CME模型的改进和拓展。




2. 磁重新排列模型磁重新排列模型是近年来提出的一种新的CME形成机制。




三、太阳耀斑与CME的新发现1. 粒子加速与辐射现象最新的观测数据显示,太阳耀斑和CME现象中的粒子加速与辐射过程与磁场重联和撞击激波等理论模型密切相关。












初中全英课程学习 AS Biology cell membranes

初中全英课程学习 AS Biology cell membranes
AS Biology. Foundation. Cell membranes and Transport
5. 6. 7.
Key words you should know

Phospholipids Polar Hydrophilic Hydrophobic Micelles Phospholipid bilayer Fluid mosaic model Glycoproteins Glycolipids Cholesterol Proteins Transport proteins Enzymes Receptor molecules Diffusion Concentration gradient Facilitated diffusion Osmosis
AS Biology. Foundation. Cell membranes and Transport 10
AS Biology. Foundation. Cell membranes and Transport
Structure of the cell membrane
3D model of a Phospholipid
AS Biology. Foundation. Cell membranes and Transport
A Phospholipid Bilayer
Phospholipids can form:
-2 layers of phospholipids with hydrophobic tails protected inside by the hydrophilic heads. The PHOSPHOLIPID BILAYER is the basic structure of membranes.



When discussing the negative impacts in English,one can approach the topic from various angles such as environmental,social,economic,or healthrelated issues.Heres a detailed essay that touches on these aspects:Title:The Negative Impacts of Modern SocietyIn the modern era,the world has seen unprecedented advancements in technology, communication,and globalization.While these developments have brought about numerous benefits,they have also led to several negative impacts that are often overlooked.This essay aims to explore some of the detrimental effects that modern society has on the environment,social structures,economic stability,and public health. Environmental DegradationOne of the most pressing concerns is the environmental impact of human activities. Industrialization and urbanization have led to deforestation,loss of biodiversity,and pollution of air,water,and soil.The excessive use of fossil fuels has contributed to global warming,which in turn causes climate change with its devastating effects such as rising sea levels,extreme weather events,and loss of arable land.The environmental degradation not only threatens the existence of various species but also poses a significant risk to human life and health.Social DisintegrationThe rapid pace of modern life has also had a profound impact on social structures.The rise of individualism and the decline of community values have led to social disintegration.People are becoming increasingly isolated,with less time for family and community engagement.The digital age,while connecting people across the globe,has also created a sense of disconnection in personal relationships.The constant pursuit of material wealth often overshadows the importance of emotional wellbeing and social bonds,leading to a society that is fragmented and lacks a sense of unity.Economic InequalityThe economic prosperity that modern society promises is not evenly distributed.The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen,leading to economic inequality.This disparity is not only reflected in income but also in access to education,healthcare,and other essential services.The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few can lead tosocial unrest,as the majority of the population struggles to meet their basic needs. Economic inequality also perpetuates a cycle of poverty,as those who are less fortunate find it increasingly difficult to break free from their circumstances.Public Health ConcernsThe modern lifestyle,characterized by sedentary habits and unhealthy diets,has led to a rise in chronic diseases such as obesity,diabetes,and cardiovascular conditions.The stress and pressure of modern living can also contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.Furthermore,the overuse of antibiotics and the lack of proper sanitation in some parts of the world have led to the emergence of drugresistant bacteria, posing a significant threat to public health.ConclusionWhile the modern world offers many conveniences and opportunities,it is essential to recognize and address the negative impacts it brings.It is crucial for individuals, communities,and governments to work together to mitigate these effects.This can be achieved through sustainable practices,social programs that promote inclusivity, economic policies that aim for equitable distribution of wealth,and public health initiatives that prioritize prevention and education.Only by acknowledging and addressing these challenges can we hope to create a society that is not only advanced but also harmonious and healthy.This essay provides a comprehensive overview of the negative impacts that modern society can have on various aspects of life.It is important to remember that while these issues are complex,they are not insurmountable,and with collective effort,it is possible to create a more balanced and sustainable future.。

自然科学基金项目立 高熵合金 催化

自然科学基金项目立 高熵合金 催化








二、高熵合金在催化领域的应用1. 高熵合金在催化反应中的活性和选择性高熵合金具有丰富的表面缺陷和晶界,这为其在催化反应中提供了更多的活性位点。



2. 高熵合金催化的反应机制研究目前,对于高熵合金在催化反应中的具体作用机制尚不明确。








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a r X i v :0706.3180v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 21 J u n 2007The Emerging Features of Bipolar Magnetic Regions during SolarMinimaWenbin Song and Xueshang FengState Key Laboratory for Space Weather,Center for Space Science and Applied Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080,China wbsong@ ABSTRACT Solar magnetic synoptic charts obtained by NSO/Kitt Peak and SOHO/MDI are analyzed for studying the appearance of bipolar magnetic regions (BMRs)during solar minima.As a result,we find the emergence of long-lived BMRs has three typical features.(1)BMRs’emerging rates of the new cycles increase about 3times faster than those of the old cycles decrease.(2)Two consecutive solar cycles have an overlapping period of near 10Carrington rotations.During this very short overlapping time interval,BMRs of two cycles tend to concentrate in the same longitudes.(3)About 53%BMRs distribute with a longitudinal distance of 1/8solar rotation.Such phenomenon suggests a longitudinal mode of m =8existing during solar minima.Subject headings:Sun:Activity —Sun:Photosphere —Sun:Magnetic Fields 1.IntroductionNew magnetic flux of the sun always appears as a bipolar magnetic region (BMR)from below in form of two distinct types.One is the emerging flux region (EFR),the other is the ephemeral region (ER).EFR is an important ingredient in active region fields which sometimes can be seen as large-scale patterns, longitudes defined as a sequence of active regions appearing in the preferred longitudinal bands (Gaizauskas et al.1983).ER is relatively small and short-lived (about 1day),thus it distributes more randomly.In this paper,using solar magnetic synoptic charts we investigate patterns in emergence of the long-lived (at least 1rotation)BMRs during solar activity minima.The emergence of BMRs during solar minima is a very classical topic,addressed by many people,e.g.Howard &LaBonte 1981,Howard 1989,Wang &Sheeley 1989,Harvey &Zwaan 1993,and manyothers.Differing from former works,here more attention is paid to the variability of BMRs’emerging rate and the typical longitudinal distance among them.It is believed that such information can provide hints for understanding the origin of solar magneticfields.2.Data ProcessingAs the main source of data,we have used NSO/Kitt Peak solar magnetic synoptic charts and SOHO/MDI synoptic charts.For our purpose we choose three time intervals of solar minima:Carrington rotation(CR)1754-1793,CR1891-1930and CR2035-2049.During the former two time intervals we use Kitt Peak synoptic charts and during the last time interval, we use SOHO/MDI charts since Kitt Peak charts are not available after CR2007.When dealing with the high resolution SOHO/MDI charts,we resized the grid from3600×1080 to the Kitt Peak’s grid360×180.To identify BMRs in each solar magnetic synoptic chart,we set three criteria.(1)A BMR should possess strong magneticfields.Here all pixels with absolute value lower than 20Gauss are set to zero(see an example in Figure1)because they are thought to be related to the quiet sun and network magneticfields(Rabin et al.,1991).(2)BMR’s two polarities should distribute closely and weight balanced;(3)It should do not exist in the former CR and leave an obvious track in the following CR.Therefore the BMRs chosen for every CR should be new and long-lived.Also for this reason,the statistic of BMRs’distribution won’t be affected by the evolution of the relatively random ERs.Afterfinding a BMR,we outline its region and calculate its absoluteflux gravity center.In order to cut down the latitudinal measurement errors,we have used a linear interpolation method to re-map synoptic charts’sine latitude into equal latitude.As shown in Figure2,all BMRs found during CR1906-1925 are signed together by circles.The center of circle marks the BMR’sflux gravity center(or BMR’s position).3.Results and DiscussionFigure3depicts the latitudinal distribution of solar emerging BMRs during the three chosen time intervals(CR1754-1793,CR1891-1930and CR2035-2049).According to the Sp¨o rer law we can easily draw the separatrix between the old and new solar cycles.Here we can see clearly that there is a very special BMR(see the arrow in Figure3).Following the discussion of de Toma et al.(2000),we also think this BMR belongs to cycle23and just emerged much earlier.3.1.BMRs’Emerging RateBMRs’emerging rates(the number of new BMRs per CR)during each solar cycles are computed.The result is shown in the left panel of Figure4where the solid lines indicate BMRs of the old solar cycles and the dashed lines indicate BMRs of the new solar cycles. Using a least-square linearfit,wefind the BMRs’emerging rates during the end of cycles 21,22descend at an average rate of0.052±0.016CR−2and0.089±0.020CR−2,while the emerging rates ascend at a rate of0.168±0.059CR−2and0.225±0.077CR−2during the beginning of cycles22,23(regardless of the special BMR mentioned in the above paragraph). Therefore BMRs’emerging rates of new cycles increase about3times faster than those of old cycles decrease.The right panel of Figure4shows the sunspot number during the same time intervals.Wefind the sunspot curves in the right panel are very similar to the BMR curves in the left panel.Some local differences mainly come from the fact we only compute the new BMRs during each CR.Figure3and Figures4a,4b show that two consecutive solar cycles overlap about10 CRs.During such overlapping period the BMRs’emerging rate gets the least.Table1lists the longitudes of BMRs occurring during the overlapping time interval of cycles21,22and cycles22,23.From this we canfind that most BMRs of the old and new cycles tend to concentrate in the same longitudes.Bumba et al.(2000)also found this phenomenon and suggested this would be due to the magneticflux of the new cycle induced by the action of the old cycle magneticflux.3.2.Longitudinal Distance among BMRsWe mainly study the longitudinal distance(d=|l A−l B|,l means the BMR’s Carrington longitude)between every two BMRs of the same cycle,emerging in the same CR or±1CR (|△t|≤1CR,t means the BMR’s emerging time),and with a latitudinal distance of no more than8◦(|△θ|≤8◦,θmeans the BMR’s latitude).Only two BMRs satisfying such three conditions can be called one BMR pair.Here we totallyfind155qualified BMR pairs.Due to the spherical solar surface,each BMR pairs’longitudinal distance d should be also regarded as360◦−d(the unit of d is1◦).Therefore,we add the number of BMR pairs with a distance d and360◦−d.Thefinal result is shown by the dashed line in Figure5(for the bilateral symmetry,we just draw the former half d∈[0◦,180◦]).With a measurement of its smoothing effect(see the solid line in Figure5),wefind82(or53%) BMR pairs to distribute near(peak width at half-height,σ±∈[4◦,11◦],see Figure5)four typical longitudinal distances:d=49◦,d=95◦,d=136◦,and d=178◦.There is another distinct peak located at around d=20◦.Such d is so small that we think it might originatefrom BMRs’mutual action(e.g.while a BMR emerging within another existing BMR,they may compete for place with each other)or the differential rotation.In order to further check up our result,we have carried out similar study for the new/old solar cycle and the northern/southern hemisphere separately,only tofind that the peak positions are the same.Very regular four peak positions,d=49◦,d=95◦,d=136◦,and d=178◦,are separated up to multiples of45◦.This phenomenon indicates that most BMRs tend to distribute with a longitudinal distance of1/8solar rotation.We think such rule should be related to the quantified distribution of solar magneticfield.Gilman and Dikpati(2000) ever showed the quantified property of active regions by simulating the pattern of low-order longitudinal modes.Here a mode of m=8would be more applicable during solar minima. Song and Wang(2005)found that about55%solar strong magneticfields can be represented by two longitudinal modes of m=5,6.The different modes during solar minima suggest that all modes are indeed varying with solar cycle.4.ConclusionsIn this paper we have studied the features of the emergence of long-lived BMRs during solar minima and can draw the following conclusions.(1)BMRs’emerging rates of the new cycles increase about3times faster than those of the old cycles decrease.(2)Two consecutive solar cycles have an overlapping period of about10CRs.During this very short overlapping time interval,BMRs of two cycles tend to concentrate in the same longitudes.(3)About 53%BMRs distribute with a longitudinal distance of1/8solar rotation.This suggests a longitudinal mode of m=8existing during solar minima.We thank anonymous referee for valuable remarks and suggestions that resulted in improvement of the paper.This work is jointly supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(40621003,40536029,and40604019),the973project under grant 2006CB806304,and the CAS International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams.REFERENCESBumba,V.,Garcia,A.,&Klvana,M.2000,Sol.Phys.,196,403de Toma,G.,White,O.R.,&Harvey,K.L.2000,ApJ,529,1101Gaizauskas,V.,Harvey,K.L.,Harvey,J.W.,&Zwann,C.1983,ApJ,265,1056 Gilman,P.A.,&Dikpati,M.2000,ApJ,528,552.Harvey,K.L.,&Zwaan,C.1993,Sol.Phys.,148,85Howard,R.1989,Sol.Phys.,123,271Howard,R.,&Labonte,B.1981,Sol.Phys.,74,131Rabin,D.M.,DeVore,C.R.,Sheeley,N.R.,et al.1991,Solar interior and atmosphere.Tucson: Univ.Arizona Press,781Song,W.,&Wang,J.2005,ApJ,624,L137Wang,Y.-M.,&Sheeley,N.R.1989,Sol.Phys.,124,81Fig. 1.—The NSO/Kitt Peak solar magnetic synoptic chart of CR1775.Its original sine latitude is re-mapped into an equal latitude by using a linear interpolation method,and thepixels with absolute value lower than20Gauss are set to zero.Fig.2.—The surface distribution of solar BMRs which emerged during CR1906-1925.The center of circles mark BMRs’flux gravity center.The unfilled andfilled circles indicateBMRs belonging to the old and the new solar cycle,respectively.Fig.3.—The latitudinal distribution of all168BMRs found during CR1754-1793,CR1891-1930and CR2035-2049.The plus signs mark BMRs of old solar cycles and the asterisks mark BMRs of new solar cycles.The arrow indicates the special BMR of cycle23emergingmuch earlier.Fig.4.—Left panel:the number of BMRs per CR.The solid line represents BMRs emerged during the end of an old solar cycle and the dashed line represents BMRs emerged during the beginning of a new solar cycle.Right panel:the sunspot number during the same time intervals,which is published by NOAA/National Geophysical Data Center.Fig.5.—The dashed line represents the number of BMR pairs that emerge almost simulta-neously(|△t|≤1CR)and have a similar latitude(|△θ|≤8◦)versus their longitudinal distances(d,bin width:1◦).The solid line is the dashed line smoothed with a window of8◦.–11–Table1:The longitudes(l)of BMRs during the overlapping period of two consecutive solar cycles.All BMRs with a similar longitude(△l≤25◦)are listed in the same column.From this Table we can see that most BMRs of the old and new cycles tend to concentrate in the same longitudes.Old cycle-end of cycle22:69116,121154188347,354,4 New cycle-beginning of cycle23:67,71100141,144175351,12。
