2013 GDD briefing_simplified Chinese




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标准化审查(Standardization Examination)由标准化管理机构组织有关专家或专业技术人员,依据有关标准、规范、文件的标准化要求,对信息系统建设的各论证、审查的过程。

标准体系(Standard system)一定范围内的标准、办法、规定等按其内在联系形成的科学的有机整体。

标准体系表(Digrams of Standard Syst 准体系内的标准,按照一定形式排列起来的图表。


标识码(Identification Code)在要素分类的基础上,用以对某一类数据中某个实体进行唯一标识的代码。


城市地理信息(Urban Geographic lnformation)城市地理信息是城市中一切与地理分布有关的各种地理要素图形信息、属性信息及其相互间空间关系信息的总称。

城市地理信息系统(Urban Geographic lnformation System)简称“UGIS”。

Simplified Chinese

Simplified Chinese

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1. 定义1.1 “访问”系指使用或获益于使用本软件的功能。

1.2 “计算机”系指配有一个或多个中央处理器(CPU)、可以接受数字或类似形式的信息、并根据一系列指令加以操作以获得特定结果的单一电子装置。

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Chinese (Simplified)_Workplace_Standards

Chinese (Simplified)_Workplace_Standards


















© adidas AG – Social & Environmental Affairs, Version 1/2007薪酬与福利在任何情况下,工资应等同或超过法定最低工资或同行业的普遍工资中的较高者,并应提供法律规定的相关福利。



学术研讨政府电子文件元数据管理及其标准化构建研究■ 宁燕凌 陈其胜 朱 彬 彭文锋 史根强 邓 频(广东省惠州市质量技术监督标准与编码所)摘 要:随着我国数字化发展进程的不断加快,全面提升政府电子文件元数据管理水平已经成为政府政务质量的重要抓手。


关键词:政府电子文件,元数据,管理,标准化DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2023.20.004Research on Government Electronic Document Metadata Managementand Its Standardizaton ConstructionNING Yan-ling CHEN Qi-sheng ZHU Bin PENG Wen-feng SHI Gen-qiang DENG Pin (Guangdong Huizhou Quality and Technology Supervision Standard and Coding Institute)Abstract:With the continuous acceleration of China’s digital development process, comprehensively improving the management level of government electronic document metadata has become an important measure for the quality of government services. For this reason, this paper starts from the interpretation of the connotation of government electronic documents and metadata, and clarifi es the feasible strategy of government electronic document metadata management and the path of standardization construction of government electronic document metadata in China. Keyword: government electronic documents, metadata, management, standardization随着数字时代的全面开启,“数字化”不仅成为当今时代的热词,更是各领域当下和未来发展的努力方向,政府政务的数字化时代也随之开启。




Simplified CIS Process2013

Simplified CIS Process2013

Figure 1: Production process for CIS solar modules with the deposition steps in the top row and the patterning steps in the bottom row. The last picture shows the current path within the monolithic interconnection (white arrows).
The CIS technology is based on a development of the Hahn-Meitner-Institut where the highest efficiency so far with CuInS2 has been obtained (cell: 11.4 % [1], module: 9.7 % [2] total area). Fig. 1 shows the production sequence for CIS modules. Molybdenum coated soda lime glass is used as substrate material
Proceedings of the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, 7-11 June 2004 4AO.9.6



)》(2010年修订年修订)《药品生产质量管理规范药品生产质量管理规范(《Good Manufacturing Practice (2010 revision) 》Reviewed by ISPEMa Yiling, Zhang Jianye, Yang YalanInitial Translation from NNE Pharmaplan目录Table of Contents第一章 总则 (5)第一章Chapter1 General Provisions (5)第二章质量管理 (6)Chapter 2 Quality management (6).第一节原 则 (6).Section 1 Principle (6).第二节 质量保证 (6).Section 2 Quality Assurance (6).第三节 质量控制 (8).Section 3 Quality Control (8)第三章 机构与人员 (10)Chapter 3 Organization and personnel (10).第一节 原 则 (10).Section 1 principle (10).第二节 关键人员 (10).Section 2 Key Personnel (10).第三节 培 训 (14).Section 3 training (14)第四章 厂房与设施 (16)Chapter 4 Premises and facilities (16).第一节 原 则 (16).Section 1 principle (16).第二节 生产区 (17).Section 2 Production Area (17).第三节 仓储区 (20).Section 3 Storage Areas (20).第四节 质量控制区 (21).Section 4 Quality Control Areas (21).第五节 辅助区 (21).Section 5 Ancillary Areas (21)第五章 设 备 (22)Chapter 5 Equipment (22).第一节 原 则 (22).Section 1 principle (22).第二节 设计和安装 (22).Section 2 Design and Installation (22).第三节 维护和维修 (23).Section 3 Maintenance and Repair (23).第四节 使用和清洁 (23).Section 4 Usage and Clean (23).第五节 校 准 (24).Section 5 Calibration (24).第六节 制药用水 (25).Section 6 Water for Pharmaceutical Process (25)第六章物料与产品 (26)Chapter 6 Material and products (26).第一节原 则 (26).Section 1 Principle (26).第二节 原辅料 (27).Section 2 Raw materials and Excipients (27).第三节中间产品和待包装产品 (28).Section 3 Intermediate and Bulk products (28).第四节 包装材料 (29).Section 4 Packaging material (29).第五节成 品 (30).Section 5 Finished products (30).第六节特殊管理的物料和产品 (30).Section 6 Particular management for materials and products (30).第七节其 他 (30).Section 7 others (30)第七章确认与验证 (32)Chapter 7 Qualification and validation (32)第八章文件管理 (34)Chapter 8 Documentation (34).第一节原 则 (34).Section 1 Principle (34).第二节质量标准 (36).Section 2 Specification (36).第三节工艺规程 (37).Section 3 Process procedures (37).第四节批生产记录 (39).Section 4 Batch Production Records (39).第五节批包装记录 (40).Section 5 Batch Packaging Records (40).第六节操作规程和记录 (41).Section 6 Operation Procedures and Records (41)第九章 生产管理 (42)Chapter 9 Production Section (42).第一节 原 则 (42).Section 1 Principle (42).第二节防止生产过程中的污染和交叉污染 (44).Section 2 Prevention of Contamination and cross contamination (44).第三节生产操作 (45).Section 3 Production Operations (45).第四节包装操作 (45).Section 4 Packaging Operations (45)第十章质量控制与质量保证 (47)Chapter 10Quality Control and Quality Assurance (47).第一节质量控制实验室管理 (47).Section 1 Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice (47).第二节物料和产品放行 (55).Section 2 Release for Materials and Products (55).第三节持续稳定性考察 (56).Section 3 On-going stability programme (56).第四节变更控制 (58).Section 4 Change control (58).第五节偏差处理 (59).Section 5 Deviation Treatment (59).第六节纠正措施和预防措施 (60).Section 6 Corrective action and preventive action (CAPA) (60).第七节供应商的评估和批准 (61).Section 7 Audit and approal of suppliers (61).第八节产品质量回顾分析 (63).Section 8 Product Quality Review (63).第九节 投诉与不良反应报告 (65).Section 9 Complaints and Adverse Reactions Report (65)第十一章 委托生产与委托检验 (66)Chapter 11 Contract manufacture and analysis (66).第一节原 则 (66).Section 1 Principle (66).第二节委托方 (66).Section 2 The Contract Giver (66).第三节受托方 (66).Section 3 The Contract Acceptor (66).第四节合 同 (67).Section 4 The Contract (67)第十二章 产品发运与召回 (68)Chapter 12 Product distribution and recall (68).第一节原 则 (68).Section 1 Principle (68).第二节发 运 (68).Section 2 Distribution (68).第三节召 回 (68).Section 3 Recalls (68)第十三章 自 检 (69)Chapter 13Self inspection (69).第一节 原 则 (69).Section 1Principle (69).第二节 自 检 (69).Section 2Self inspection (69)第十四章 附 则 (70)Chapter 14 Glossary (70)Note:Highlight (Yellow) is the differences between EU GMP and SFDA GMP (new version). The first difference is that Chinese GMP combines all the requirements for both API and medicinal products, while EU GMP divides them to two parts.No highlight: is the similarity between the two guidelines.第一章 总则Chapter1 General Provisions第一条为规范药品生产质量管理,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》、《中华人民共和国药品管理法实施条例》,制定本规范。



ʌ临证验案ɔ朱章志运用扶正祛邪法论治糖尿病经验❋曾绘域1,朱章志2ә,周㊀海3,陈㊀珺3,张文婧3(1.深圳市中西医结合医院,广东深圳㊀518104;2.广州中医药大学第一附属医院,广州㊀510405;3.广州中医药大学,广州㊀510405)㊀㊀摘要:糖尿病属于中医学 消渴病 范畴,以往医家多认为其病机为阴虚燥热,治疗以滋阴清热为法㊂朱章志教授通过长期的临床观察与实践,立足于张仲景 保胃气,扶阳气 的理论,认为糖尿病的病机为正虚邪滞,即太阴虚损㊁阳气不足㊁收敛不及,寒㊁水㊁湿之邪阻滞阳气运行通道㊂治疗上不囿陈法,以扶正祛邪为大法,通过固护太阴㊁扶助阳气㊁收敛阳气,祛除寒水湿之邪,恢复阳气运行之通畅,使阳气功能复常㊁运行有序,为糖尿病的治疗提供临床新思路㊂㊀㊀关键词:扶正祛邪;糖尿病;朱章志㊀㊀中图分类号:R587.1㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1006-3250(2021)01-0149-03Discussion on ZHU Zhang-zhi's Experience in Treating Diabetes Mellitus by Using The Method of Reinforcing The Healthy Qi and Eliminating The Pathogenic FactorsZENG Hui-yu 1,ZHU Zhang-zhi 2ә,ZHOU Hai 3,CHEN Jun 3,ZHANG Wen-jing 3(1.Shenzhen Hospital of Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Guangdong,Shenzhen 518104,China;2.The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510405,China;3.Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510405,China)㊀㊀Abstract :Diabetes mellitus belongs to the category of "xiao ke"in traditional Chinese medicine.Doctors used to think that its pathogenesis was Yin deficiency and dryness heat ,and the treatment was nourishing Yin and clearing heat.Through long-term clinical observation and practice ,and based on ZHANG Zhong-jing's theory of protecting stomach Qi and supporting Yng Q ,professor ZHU Zhang-zhi believes that the pathogenesis of diabetes is deficiency of healthy Qi and stagnation of pathogen.Because of the deficiency of greater Yin and Yang Qi ,and the lack of convergence ,the cold ,water and dampness block the operational channel of Yang Qi.The treatment of diabetes mellitus should be based on reinforcing the healthy Qi and eliminating the pathogenic factors.By strengthening Taiyin ,supporting Yang Qi ,astringent Yang Qi ,dispelling the evil of cold ,water and dampness ,we can restore the smooth operation of Yang Qi ,restore the function of Yang Qi to normal and operate orderly ,which provides a new clinical method for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.㊀㊀Key words :Reinforcing the healthy Qi and eliminating the pathogenic factors ;Diabetes mellitus ;ZHU Zhang-zhi❋基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(81873190)-降糖三黄片在糖脂毒性所致胰岛β细胞损伤的自噬调控作用作者简介:曾绘域(1990-),女,广东云浮人,住院医师,硕士研究生,从事六经辨治内分泌疾病的临床与研究㊂ә通讯作者:朱章志(1963-),男,湖南衡阳人,主任医师,博士研究生导师,从事六经辨治内分泌疾病的临床与研究,Tel :************,E-mail :zhuangi@ ㊂㊀㊀随着人口老龄化和生活方式的改变,我国糖尿病的患病率呈上升趋势,2013年我国18岁以上人群糖尿病患病率为10.4%[1]㊂中医药在延缓糖尿病的进展及防治其并发症方面具有一定优势[2-4]㊂糖尿病属于中医学 消渴病 范畴,以往医家多认为其病机为阴虚燥热,治疗以滋阴清热为法,但疗效尚不能令人满意㊂朱章志教授通过长期的临床观察与实践,认为正虚邪滞乃糖尿病病机之核心,采用扶正祛邪法治之屡获奇效㊂1㊀正虚邪滞之糖尿病病机‘素问㊃经脉别论篇“曰: 饮入于胃,游溢精气,上输于脾,脾气散精 水精四布,五经并行㊂食物入胃,经脾胃运化化生精气,然后输布全身㊂糖尿病患者常嗜食肥甘,起居无常,烦劳紧张,致太阴虚损,正气内虚,阳气戕伐,津液代谢异常,而生寒水湿之邪㊂寒㊁水㊁湿之邪气作为阴邪,又可阻滞阳气运行之通道㊂阳气运行通道不畅,不能敷布温煦四肢,可见手足逆冷;阳气运行受阻,又可出现郁而化热之象㊂因此朱章志认为,疗糖尿病的关键在于恢复阳气运行之通畅,根据糖尿病正虚邪滞的病机,治疗以扶正祛邪为法,顾护太阴㊁扶助阳气㊁收敛阳气,祛除寒水湿之邪,使阳气功能复常则行有序㊂2㊀运用扶正祛邪法治疗糖尿病2.1㊀扶正2.1.1㊀固护中气,扶助阳气㊀张仲景遣方用药常体现 保胃气 之思想[5],如桂枝汤中配伍生姜㊁大枣㊁炙甘草,发汗祛邪不忘顾护中气;又如白虎汤中加梗米㊁炙甘草以和中益胃,又可防止石膏㊁知母大寒伤中㊂ 有胃气则生,无胃气则死 ,故扶正之要以保胃气为先㊂朱章志认为,阳气在人体的生命活动中占主导9412021年1月第27卷第1期January 2021Vol.27.No.1㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine地位㊂‘素问㊃生气通天论篇“曰: 阳气者若天与日,失其所则折寿而不彰 是故阳因而上,卫外者也㊂ ‘黄帝内经“把阳气比作太阳,阳气运行失常可致短寿㊂阳气具有抵御外邪㊁护卫生命㊁维持机体生命活动的作用,津液的气化㊁血液的运行均需阳气的温煦与推动㊂因此,在人体的阴阳平衡中阳气起着主导作用㊂朱章志认为,正气虚衰㊁太阴虚损㊁阳气不足是糖尿病发生发展之根本原因,因此扶正首当 固护中气,扶助阳气 ,故常以附子理中汤为底方,固护中宫㊂太阴脾土居中央,犹如足球比赛之中场,能联系前锋与后卫进可攻退可守,进可充养肺卫之气抵御外邪,退可顾护少阴以防寒邪内陷㊂‘四圣心源㊃卷二太阴湿土“提到: 湿者,太阴土气之所化也故胃家之燥,不敌脾家之湿,病则土燥者少而土湿者多也㊂[6] 阴脾土易挟寒湿,附子理中汤功善固护中气㊁温补脾阳而散寒湿,为治疗太阴阳虚寒湿之要方㊂方中附子辛温大热,补坎中真阳,又能散寒湿,荡去群阴;干姜去脏腑沉寒痼冷,温暖脾土,复兴火种;人参被誉为 百草之王 能大补元气,为扶正固本之极品;白术味苦性温,功善健脾燥湿,乃扶植太阴之要药;炙甘草善益气补中,调和药性,诸药合用以收培补中阳㊁散寒除湿之效㊂若其人神疲懒言,气虚较甚,在附子理中汤的基础上可重用红参㊁北芪以大补元气,健脾益气;若其人四肢不温㊁肢体困重㊁寒湿较重者,可加重附子㊁干姜之量,并加细辛㊁吴茱萸以散久寒;若其人口干口苦㊁舌苔黄腻㊁大便黏滞不爽兼夹湿热之象,可仿当归拈痛汤之意,加茵陈㊁当归㊁黄芩以利湿清热㊂2.1.2㊀收敛阳气,阳密乃固㊀朱章志认为, 阴 可理解为 阳气 的收敛㊁收藏状态,糖尿病 阴虚燥热 之象乃阳气不足㊁收敛不及㊁升发太过所致[7]㊂‘素问㊃生气通天论篇“提到: 阳气者,烦劳则张 ㊂现代人起居无节,以妄为常,阳气因而不能潜藏,常常浮越于外容易出现假热之象,医者不察,妄投清热泻火之品,实乃雪上加霜㊂ 凡阴阳之要,阳密乃固 ,收敛阳气即是扶正,犹如太极之能收能放,收敛是为了聚集能量,阳气固密,正气才能强盛,方能更好的制敌㊂朱章志常用砂仁㊁肉桂㊁白芍㊁山萸肉㊁泽泻等药物收敛阳气㊂砂仁辛温,既能宣太阴之寒湿,又能纳气归肾,使阳气收敛于少阴,少火生气㊂‘本草经疏“提到: 缩砂蜜,辛能散,又能润 辛以润肾,故使气下行 气下则气得归元㊂[8] 肉桂引火归原,导浮越之阳气归于命门,益火消阴㊂若患者出现咽痛㊁牙龈肿痛㊁痤疮等阳气不敛㊁虚火上冲之象,常用砂仁㊁肉桂以收敛阳气,纳气归肾,引火归原㊂白芍味酸能敛,敛降甲木胆火,使相火归位㊂‘本草求真“曰: 气之盛者,必赖酸为之收,故白芍号为敛肝之液,收肝之气,而令气不妄行也㊂[9] 朱章志常使用白芍以补肝之体㊁助肝之用,收敛肝气,肝平则郁气自除,火热自消㊂山萸肉秘精气㊁敛阳气,使龙雷之火归于水中㊂朱章志常用山萸肉收敛正气,遇汗出多者,常重用以固涩敛汗㊂泽泻能泻能降,能入肾泻浊,开气化之源,泻浊以利扶正,又能降气而引火下行㊂朱章志常用泽泻打通西方潜藏之要塞[10],在温阳之品中加入泽泻,利于阳气潜藏,使孤阳有归㊂2.1.3㊀填补阴精,以滋化源㊀‘素问㊃金匮真言论篇“提到: 夫精者,身之本也㊂ 精 是人体生命活动的物质基础,能化气生髓,濡养脏腑㊂人体之精禀受于父母,又由后天水谷之精不断充养,归藏于肾中㊂ 孤阴不生,独阳不长 ,无阳则阴无以生,无阴则阳无以化㊂肾乃水火之脏,阴精充足才能涵养坎中真火,使真阳固密于内,化生正气㊂朱章志常在秋冬之季嘱糖尿病患者进补阿胶等血肉有情之品填补肾精㊂肾主封藏,秋冬进补使肾精充养,以滋阳气化生之源㊂阿胶用黄酒烊化,既能祛除阿胶之腥,又能借黄酒通行之性解阿胶滋腻碍胃之弊,每日少量服用,以有形之精难以速生,填补肾精以缓补为要㊂除此之外,遣方用药时亦会注意顾护阴精,在使用温阳药的同时常常配伍山萸肉㊁白芍等养阴药,以防温燥伤阴之弊㊂2.2㊀祛邪2.2.1㊀外散寒水以运太阳㊀ 太阳为开 ,太阳乃三阳之表,巨阳也,其性开泄以应天,为祛邪之重要通道㊂在运气里,太阳在天为寒,在地为水,合而为太阳寒水㊂张仲景太阳病篇研究的是水循环过程,治太阳就是治水[11]㊂寒㊁水之邪闭郁在表,气血运行不畅,可见肌肤麻木不仁㊂邪气滞留太阳,阻碍阳气运行,当因势利导㊁开太阳之表以发汗,外散寒㊁水之邪㊂糖尿病患者正气亏虚为本,祛邪不能伤正,朱章志临床常用桂枝麻黄各半汤小发其汗,使玄府开张,邪有出路㊂桂枝麻黄各半汤乃发汗轻剂,为桂枝汤与麻黄汤相合而得,其中麻黄㊁桂枝㊁生姜㊁北杏发散宣肺以开皮毛,芍药㊁大枣㊁炙甘草酸甘化阴以益营,诸药相合,刚柔相济,祛邪而不伤正㊂邪去正安,阳气运行通畅,水液代谢复常则阳气自充,而无寒水之扰㊂若寒邪较重可用三拗汤,此为麻黄汤去桂枝而成,功善开宣肺气,疏散风寒,因去辛温之桂枝发汗力不及麻黄汤,祛邪而不伤正㊂2.2.2㊀下利水湿以健少阴㊀少阴乃水火交会之脏,元气之根,人身立命之本㊂‘医理真传“提到: 坎中真阳,一名龙雷火,发而为病,一名元阳外越,一名孤阳上浮,一名虚火上冲㊂此际之龙,乃初生之龙,不能飞腾而兴云布雨,惟潜于渊中,以水为家,以水为性,遂安其在下之位㊂水盛一分龙亦盛一分,水高一尺龙亦高一尺,是龙之因水盛而游 [12]㊂阴盛051中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年1月第27卷第1期January2021Vol.27.No.1则阳衰,水湿之邪泛滥,则龙雷之火因而飞越在外㊂叶天士深谙张仲景之理,提到 通阳不在温,而在利小便 [10,13],通过利小便的方法,使水湿之邪从下而解,阳气运行通道无水湿之邪阻碍,则阳气无需温养而自通,水盛得除则真龙亦安其位㊂朱章志常用五苓散㊁真武汤下利水湿,以复阳气之通达,少阴之健运㊂五苓散具有通阳化气利水之效,治疗膀胱气化不利形成的蓄水证㊂方中猪苓㊁茯苓㊁泽泻导水湿之邪下行;白术健脾燥湿,杜绝生湿之源;桂枝助膀胱气化,通阳化气行水又通气于表,使全身在表之湿邪皆得解,五药合用,膀胱气化复常,水道通调使小便得利,水湿得出㊂真武汤为治疗少阴阳虚㊁水气泛滥之主方,方中附子振奋少阴阳气,使水有所主;白术㊁茯苓健脾制水;生姜助附子敷布阳气,宣散水气;芍药利小便,制附㊁姜之燥,五味相合共奏温阳利水之功㊂2.2.3㊀开郁逐寒以畅厥阴㊀肝为将军之官,肝气主动主升发,能统帅兵马,捍卫君主㊂厥阴肝经,体阴用阳,内寄相火,相火敷布阳气,祛阴除寒,是祛邪的先锋主力军㊂朱章志常用吴茱萸汤祛除厥阴肝经之寒邪,恢复肝经阳气之运行㊂方中吴茱萸辛苦而温,芳香而燥,‘本草汇言“曰: 开郁化滞,逐冷降气之药 [14],能温胃暖肝,降浊阴止呕逆,为治疗肝寒之要药㊂配以生姜温胃散寒,佐以人参㊁大枣健脾益气补虚,全方散寒与降逆并施,共奏暖肝温胃㊁降逆止呕之效㊂‘素问㊃至真要大论篇“说: 帝曰:厥阴何也?岐伯曰:两阴交尽也㊂ 物极必反,重阴必阳㊂厥阴为阴尽阳生之脏,足厥阴肝经与足少阳胆经互为表里,若出现肝气不疏㊁枢机不利㊁气郁化火,朱章志常用小柴胡汤和畅枢机,开郁以复气机调达㊂方中柴胡疏泄肝胆之气;黄芩清泄胆火,一疏一清,气郁通达,火郁得发;生姜㊁半夏和胃降逆;人参㊁大枣㊁炙甘草固护中宫,全方寒温并用㊁补泻兼施,以复厥阴疏泄之职,使气机和畅㊁阳气运行有序㊂3㊀典型病案患者杨某,女,65岁,2017年3月10日初诊:2型糖尿病病史6年余,症见疲乏,双下肢轻度浮肿,下肢冰凉,背部易汗出,口苦口干,偶有腰膝酸软,纳眠可,二便调,舌淡暗,苔黄腻,脉沉细㊂辅助检查示糖化血红蛋白10.8%,空腹血糖14.59mmol/L,总胆固醇6.38mmol/L,甘油三酯3.66mmol/L,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇4.34mmol/L㊂西医诊断2型糖尿病㊁高脂血症,治疗给予门冬胰岛素30(早餐前22u晚餐前20u)控制血糖,阿托伐他汀钙片(20mg, qn)调脂㊂中医诊断消渴病,少阴阳虚寒湿证㊂患者少阴阳气衰微不足以养神,固见疲乏;腰为肾之府,少阴阳虚则见腰膝酸软,阳虚寒盛则见下肢冰凉;背部正中乃督脉运行之所,阳气虚衰无以固摄则见背部汗出;少阴阳虚不能主水,寒水泛滥则见双下肢浮肿;水湿内停有郁而化热之象,则见口苦口干㊁舌苔黄腻㊁舌淡暗,脉沉细为少阴阳虚寒湿之征,治以温阳散寒㊁利水除湿为法㊂方以扶正祛邪方合当归拈痛汤加减:炮附片10g(先煎1h),红参10g (另炖),干姜15g,白术30g,炙甘草15g,桂枝12 g,麻黄8g,生姜30g,猪苓10g,泽泻30g,茯苓30 g,白芍30g,酒萸肉45g,当归15g,茵陈10g,5剂水煎服,2d1剂,水煎至250ml,饭后分2次服用,次日复煎㊂方中以附子理中汤为底方温补中焦,散寒除湿;加桂枝㊁麻黄使寒湿之邪从皮毛而解;加五苓散通阳化气,使湿邪从下而出;生姜散寒除湿;白芍㊁酒萸肉收敛阳气,以助正气祛邪;当归活血利水;茵陈清热利湿㊂2017年3月24日二诊:患者双下肢浮肿减轻,疲乏较前好转,无口干口苦,无腰膝酸软,仍觉下肢冰凉,背部仍有汗出,动则尤甚,大便每日二行,质偏烂,舌淡暗,苔白腻,脉细㊂患者大便质烂,乃邪有出路,导水湿之邪从大便而解㊂患者无口干口苦,舌苔由黄腻转为白腻,知湿郁化热之象已除,遂去茵陈㊂仍觉下肢冰凉乃内有久寒,加制吴茱萸12g以散沉寒痼冷;上方加酒萸肉至60g以加强收敛阳气㊁固摄敛汗之效,加黄芪60g以健脾益气敛汗;加砂仁6g(后下)㊁肉桂3g(焗服)以加强收敛阳气㊁扶助正气之效,7剂水煎服,服法同前㊂2017年4月7日三诊:患者背部汗出减少,下肢转温,余症皆除,大便每日二行质软,舌淡红,苔薄白,脉细较前有力,继续服二诊方药5剂㊂后给予附子理中丸(每次8粒,每日3次)服用1个月巩固疗效㊂2017年11月17日复诊:患者上述症状皆除,纳眠可,二便调㊂复查糖化血红蛋白6.8%,空腹血糖6.5mmol/L,总胆固醇5.14mmol/L,甘油三酯1.65 mmol/L,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇2.43mmol/L㊂4㊀结语以往医家多以滋阴清热为法治疗糖尿病,通过长期的临床实践,朱章志不囿陈法,根据糖尿病患者当前之病因病机特点,运用扶正祛邪法治疗糖尿病,通过顾护太阴㊁扶助阳气㊁收敛阳气,祛除寒水湿之邪气,恢复阳气运行之通畅,为糖尿病的治疗提供新思路㊂参考文献:[1]㊀WANG L GAO-P-ZHANG-M,et al.Prevalence and EthnicPattern of Diabetes and Prediabetes in China in2013[J].JAMA,2017,317(24):2515-2523.[2]㊀谭宏韬,刘树林,朱章志,等. 首辨阴阳,再辨六经 论治惠州地区2型糖尿病的临床观察[J].中华中医药杂志,2018,33(9):4240-4244.(下转第181页)offspring of sleep-deprived mice[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2009,35(5):775-784.[9]㊀覃甘梅,覃骊兰.心肾不交型失眠动物模型研究进展[J].中华中医药杂志,2018,33(1):229-231.[10]㊀吕志平,刘承才.肝郁致瘀机理探讨[J].中医杂志,2000,41(6):367-368.[11]㊀游秋云,王平,田代志,等.老年肝郁失眠证候大鼠模型的建立和评价[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2013,19(2):222-225. 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2013-PostEditing-CHI 机器翻译

2013-PostEditing-CHI 机器翻译

The Efficacy of Human Post-Editingfor Language TranslationSpence Green,Jeffrey Heer,and Christopher D.ManningComputer Science Department,Stanford University{spenceg,jheer,manning }@ABSTRACTLanguage translation is slow and expensive,so various forms of machine assistance have been devised.Automatic machinetranslation systems process text quickly and cheaply,but withquality far below that of skilled human translators.To bridge this quality gap,the translation industry has investigated post-editing ,or the manual correction of machine output.We present the first rigorous,controlled analysis of post-editingand find that post-editing leads to reduced time and,surpris-ingly,improved quality for three diverse language pairs (En-glish to Arabic,French,and German).Our statistical models and visualizations of experimental data indicate that some sim-ple predictors (like source text part of speech counts)predict translation time,and that post-editing results in very different interaction patterns.From these results we distill implications for the design of new language translation interfaces.Author KeywordsLanguage translation,post-editing,experiment,modelingACM Classification KeywordsH.5.2Information Interfaces:User Interfaces;I.2.7Natural Language Processing:Machine TranslationINTRODUCTIONHigh quality language translation is expensive.For exam-ple,the entire CHI proceedings from 1982to 2011contain 2,930papers.Assuming roughly 5,000words per paper and$0.15per word—a representative translation rate for technicaldocuments—the cost to translate the proceedings from English to just one other language is $2.2million.Imagine:this sum isfor one conference in one subfield of one academic discipline.To lower this cost,various forms of machine assistance have been devised:source (input)aids like bilingual dictionaries;target (output)aids such as spelling and grammar checkers;and post-editing (see [2]),the manual correction of fully auto-matic machine translation (MT)nguage translationin practice is thus fundamentally an HCI task,with humans and machines working in concert.Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page.To copy otherwise,or republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.CHI 2013,April 27–May 2,2013,Paris,France.Copyright 2013ACM 978-1-4503-1899-0/13/04...$15.00.The latter may range from loss of train of thought,to sentences only loosely connected in meaning,to incoherence known as word salad in severe cases.Social withdrawal,sloppiness of dress and hygiene,and loss of motivation and judgment are all common in schizophrenia.There is often an observable pattern of emotional difficulty,for example lack of responsiveness.Impairment in social cognition is associated with schizophrenia,as are symptoms of paranoia;socialisolation commonly occurs.In one uncommon subtype,the person may belargely mute,remain motionless in bizarre postures,or exhibit purposeless agitation,all signs ofcatatonia.Late adolescence and early adulthood are peakperiods for the onset of schizophrenia,critical yearsin a young adult's social and vocationaldevelopment.In 40%of men and 23%of women diagnosed withschizophrenia,the condition manifested itself beforethe age of 19.The physicist Arthur Eddington drew on Borel'simage further in The Nature of the Physical World(1928),writing:If I let my fingers wander idly over the keys of a typewriter it might happen that myscreed made an intelligible sentence.If an army of monkeys were strumming on typewriters they might write all the books in the(a)English input sentence with mouse hover visualizationMT:Celui-ci peut aller de la perte d’un train de la pensée P - :Ceux-ci peuvent aller de la perte du fil de la pensée (b)Post-editing of French MT outputFigure 1:Translation as post-editing.(a)Mouse hover events over the source sentence.The color and area of the circles indicate part of speech and mouse hover frequency,respectively,during translation to French.Nouns (blue)seem to be significant.(b)The user corrects two spans in the MT output to produce a final translation.Fully automatic MT is almost free,but the output,as repre-sented by state-of-the-art systems such as Google Translate and Bing Translator,is useful for gisting —obtaining a rough idea of the translation—but far below the quality of skilled human translators.Nevertheless,the ostensible cost and speed benefits of MT are too appealing to resist,so the translation industry has long incorporated post-editing functionality into translator interfaces.But in terms of translation time and quality—the two variables of primary interest—post-editing has a mixed track record both quantitatively [46,20]and qualitatively [32,48].Some studies have shown decreased translation time but lower quality,and even if speed does increase,translators often express an intense dislike for working with MT output.This paper presents a controlled experiment comparing post-editing (hereafter “post-edit”)to unaided human translation (hereafter “unaided”)for three language pairs.We test four hypotheses:(1)post-edit reduces translation time,(2)post-edit increases quality,(3)suggested translations prime the translator,and (4)post-edit results in less drafting (as measured by keyboard activity and pause duration).Our results clarify the value of post-editing:it decreases time and,surprisingly,improves quality for each language pair.It also seems to be a more passive activity,with pauses (as measured by input device activity)accounting for a higher proportion of the total translation time.We find that MT suggestions prime translators but still lead to novel translations,suggesting new possibilities for re-training MT systems with human corrections.Our analysis suggests new approaches to the design of trans-lation interfaces.“Translation workbenches”like the popu-lar SDL Trados package are implicitly tuned for translation drafting,with auto-complete dialogs that appear while typing. However,when a suggested translation is present,we show that translators draft less.This behavior suggests UI designers should not neglect modes for source comprehension and target revision.Also,our visualizations(e.g.,Figure1)and statistical analysis suggest that assistance should be optimized for certain parts of speech that affect translation time.Wefirst review prior work on post-editing and machine-assisted translation.Then we describe the translation experiment.Next, we present visual and statistical analyses of the new translation data.Finally,we correlate the visual and statistical results with user feedback,and distill design implications.RELATED WORKTranslation is a difficult computational task because it is hard to routinize.Consequently,the idea of combining human and machine expertise(see[8,28])was one avenue for re-starting machine translation research,which had stalled in the mid-1960s.Industry saw post-editing as one way to aid translators with imperfect contemporary technology,with conferences on the subject convened at least as early as1981[33].Unfor-tunately,the HCI perspective on MT has been overlooked in natural language processing(NLP),where end-to-end automa-tion of the translation process has been the preeminent goal since the statistical revolution in the early1990s[35].This paper unites three threads of prior work:visual analysis of the translation process,bilingual post-editing,and mono-lingual collaborative translation.1Visual Analysis of the Translation ProcessPost-editing involves cognitive balancing of source text com-prehension,suggested translation evaluation,and target text generation.When interface elements are associated with these processes,eye trackers can give insight into the translation pro-cess.O’Brien[41]used an eye tracker to record pupil dilation for post-editing for four different source text conditions,which corresponded to percentage match with a machine suggestion. She found that pupil dilation,which was assumed to correlate with cognitive load,was highest for the no assistance condition, and lower when any translation suggested was provided. Carl and Jakobsen[14]and Carl et al.[15]recordedfixations and keystroke/mouse activity.They found the presence of distinct translation phases,which they called gisting(the pro-cessing of source text and formulation of a translation sketch), drafting(entry of the translation),and revision,in which the draft is refined.Fixations clustered around source text during gisting,the target text entry box during drafting,and in both areas during revision.In practice,eye trackers limit the subject sample size due to convenience and cost.We will track mouse cursor movements as a proxy for focus.This data is easy to collect,and correlates with eye tracking for other UIs[16,26],although we do not explicitly measure that correlation for our task.1See Tatsumi[47]for a broader survey of post-editing.Bilingual Post-editingThe translation and NLP communities have focused largely on bilingual post-editing,i.e.,the users are proficient in both source and target languages.Krings[31]conducted early work2on the subject using the Think Aloud Protocol(TAP), in which subjects verbalize their thought processes as they post-edit MT output.He found that the post-edit condition resulted in a7%decrease in time over the unaided condition on a paper medium,but a20%increase in time on a computer screen.However,Krings[31]also observed that TAP slowed down subjects by nearly a third.Later work favored passive logging of translator activity. O’Brien[39]used Translog[27],which logs keyboard and mouse events,to measure the effect of source features on time. Subsequently,O’Brien[42]investigated the hypothesis that longer duration pauses reflect a higher cognitive burden(see [45])and thus slower translation time.However,both of these experiments focused on the effect of rule-based,language-specific source features(see[7]).For instance,“words that are both adverbs and subordinate conjunctions”(e.g.,‘before’) were selected.The generality of such rules is unclear. Guerberof[22]focused instead on comparison of post-edit to unaided.She observed reduced translation time with post-editing—albeit with very high per subject variance—but slightly lower quality according to a manual error taxonomy. However,she used only nine subjects,and did not cross source sentences and conditions,so it was not possible to separate sentence-specific effects.In contrast,Koehn[29]crossedfive blocks of English-French documents withfive different translation conditions:unaided, post-edit,and three different modes of interactive assistance. He used10student subjects,who could complete the experi-ment at any pace over a two week period,and could use any type of alternate machine assistance.He found that,on average, all translators produced better and faster translations for the four assisted conditions,but that the interactive modes offered no advantage over post-editing.Results derived from small data samples and student subjects may not generalize to industrial settings.At Adobe,Flournoy and Duran[19]found that post-editing resulted in a22-51% decrease in translation time for a small scale task(about2k source tokens)and40-45%decrease for a large-scale task (200k source tokens).They also found that MT quality varied significantly across source sentences,with some translations requiring no editing and others requiring full re-translation. Likewise,at Autodesk,Plitt and Masselot[44]found that post-editing resulted in a74%average reduction in time.Quality was assessed by their corporate translation staffusing an un-published error classification method.The raters found a lower error rate in the post-edit condition.These large-scale experiments suggested that post-editing re-duces time and increases quality.However,at Tilde,Skadi n¸šet al.[46]also observed reduced translation time for post-edit,2Krings[31]is an English translation of the1994thesis,which is based on experiments from1989-90.but with a higher error rate for all translators.Like the other industrial studies,they did not report statistical significance. Garcia[20]was thefirst to use statistical hypothesis testing to quantify post-editing results.In the larger of his three ex-periments,he measured time and quality for Chinese-English translation in the unaided vs.post-edit conditions.Statistically significant improvements for both dependent variables were found.Smaller experiments for English-Chinese translation using an identical experimental design did notfind significant effects for time or quality.These results motivate consideration of sample sizes and cross-linguistic effects.Finally,Tatsumi[47]made the only attempt at statistical pre-diction of time given independent factors like source length. However,she did not compare her regression model to the unaided condition.Moreover,her models included per-subject factors,thus treating subjects asfixed effects.This choice in-creases the risk of type II errors when generalizing to other human subject samples.Monolingual Collaborative TranslationIn contrast to bilingual post-editing,the HCI community has focused on collaborative translation,in which monolingual speakers post-edit human or machine output.3Quality has been the focus,in contrast to bilingual post-editing research, which has concentrated on time.Improvements in quality have been shown relative to MT,but not to translations generated or post-edited by bilinguals.Morita and Ishida[37,38]proposed a method for partitioning a translation job between source speakers,who focus on ade-quacy(fidelity to the source),and target speakers,who ensure translationfluency.An evaluation showed that collaborative translation improved over raw MT output and back transla-tion,i.e.,editing the input to a round-trip machine translation (source-target-source)until the back translation was accepted by the post-editor.Yamashita et al.[49]also considered back translation as a medium for web-based,cross-cultural chat,but did not provide an evaluation.Hu et al.[23]evaluated iterative refinement of a seed machine translation by pairs of monolinguals.Collaborative translations were consistently rated higher than the original MT output.Hu et al.[24,25]gave results for other language pairs,with similar improvements in rmal results for time showed that days were required to post-edit fewer than100sentences. MT seed translations might not exist for low-resource lan-guage pairs,so Ambati et al.[3]employed weak bilinguals as a bridge between bilingual word translations and mono-lingual post-editing.Translators with(self-reported)weak ability in either the source or target language provided partial sentence translations,which were then post-edited by monolin-gual speakers.This staged technique resulted in higher quality3In NLP,Callison-Burch[9]investigated monolingual post-editing, but his ultimate objective was improving MT.Both Albrecht et al.[1] and Koehn[30]found that monolingual post-editors could improve the quality of MT output,but that they could not match bilingual translators.Moreover,both found that monolingual post-editors were typically slower than bilingualtranslators.Figure2:Web interface for the bilingual post-editing experiment(post-edit condition).We placed the suggested translation in the textbox to minimize scrolling.The idle timer appears on the bottom left.translations(according to BLEU[43],an automatic MT met-ric)on Amazon Mechanical Turk relative to direct solicitation of full sentence translations.Experimental Desiderata from Prior WorkPrior published work offers a mixed view4on the effectiveness of post-editing due to conflicting experimental designs and objectives.Our experiment clarifies this picture via several design decisions.First,we employ expert bilingual translators, who are faster and more accurate than monolinguals or stu-dents.Second,we replicate a standard working environment, avoiding the interference of TAP,eye trackers,and collabora-tive iterations.Third,we weight time and quality equally,and evaluate quality with a standard ranking technique.Fourth,we assess significance with mixed effects models,which allow us to treat all sampled items(subjects,sentences,and target lan-guages)as random effects.We thus isolate thefixed effect of translation condition,which is the focus of this paper.Finally, we test for other explanatory covariates such as linguistic(e.g., syntactic complexity)and human factors(e.g.,source spelling proficiency)features.EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNWe conducted a language translation experiment with a2(trans-lation conditions)x27(source sentences)mixed design.Trans-lation conditions(unaided and post-edit),implemented as dif-ferent user interfaces,and source English sentences were the independent variables(factors).Experimental subjects saw all factor levels,but not all combinations,since one exposure to a source sentence would certainly influence another.We used simple web interfaces(Figure2)designed to prevent scrolling since subjects worked remotely on their own com-puters.Source sentences were presented in document order, but subjects could not view the full document context.After submission of each translation,no further revision was allowed. In the post-edit condition,subjects were free to submit,ma-nipulate,or even delete the suggested translation from Google Translate(March2012).We asked the subjects to eschew alter-nate machine assistance,although we permitted passive aids like bilingual dictionaries.4Recent,unpublished anecdotal evidence and proprietary trials have more consistently shown the effectiveness of post-editing,motivating adoption at some companies(Ray Flournoy,Adobe,(p.c.)).Subjects completed the experiment under time pressure.Time pressure isolates translation performance from reading com-prehension[12]while eliciting a physiological reaction that may increase cognitive function[6].However,afixed deadline does not account for per-subject and per-sentence variation, and places an artificial upper bound on translation time.To solve these problems,we displayed an idle timer that prohibited pauses longer than three minutes.The idle timer reset upon any keystroke in the target textbox.Upon expiration,it triggered submission of any entered text.The duration was chosen to allow reflection but to ensure completion of the experiment during a single session.We recorded all keyboard,mouse,and browser events along with timestamps.5The source tokens were also placed in sepa-rate<span>elements so that we could record hover events. We randomized the assignment of sentences to translation conditions and the order in which the translation conditions appeared to subjects.Subjects completed a block of sentences in one translation condition,took an untimed break,and then completed the remaining sentences in the other translation condition.Finally,we asked users to complete a questionnaire about the experience.Selection of Linguistic MaterialsWe chose English as the source language and Arabic,French, and German as the target languages.The target languages were selected based on canonical word order.Arabic is Verb-Subject-Object(VSO),French is SVO,and German is SOV. Verbs are salient linguistic elements that participate in many syntactic relations,so we wanted to control the position of this variable for cross-linguistic modeling.We selected four paragraphs from four English Wikipedia ar-ticles.6We deemed two of the paragraphs“easy”in terms of lexical and syntactic features,and the other two“hard.”Subjects saw one easy and one hard document in each trans-lation condition.We selected passages from English articles that had well-written corresponding articles in all target lan-gauges.Consequently,subjects could presumably generate natural translations irrespective of the target.Conversely,con-sider a passage about dating trends in America.This may be difficult to translate into Arabic since dating is not customary in the Arab world.For example,the terms“girlfriend”and “boyfriend”do not have direct translations into Arabic.The four topics we selected were the1896Olympics(easy; Example(1a)),theflag of Japan(easy),Schizophrenia(hard), and the infinite monkey theorem(hard;Example(1b)):(1) a.It was thefirst international Olympic Games heldin the Modern era.b.Any physical process that is even less likely thansuch monkeys’success is effectively impossible,and it may safely be said that such a process willnever happen.5We did not record cut/copy/paste events[13].Analysis showed that these events would be useful to track in future experiments.6Gross statistics:27sentences,606tokens.The maximum sentence length was43,and the average length was22.4tokens.Arabic French GermanM SD M SD M SD Hourly Rate*($)10.34 4.8817.73 4.3720.2010.95 Hours per Week*31.0026.1317.1913.4318.887.72 En level* 4.940.25 4.940.25 5.000.00 En Skills 4.210.34 4.280.36 4.340.34 En Spelling 4.600.42 4.790.28 4.780.21 En Vocabulary 4.410.35 4.400.34 4.380.55 En-Ar Translation 4.930.15Fr Spelling 4.720.15Fr Usage 4.490.23Fr Vocabulary 4.620.22En-Fr Translation 4.690.19De Spelling 4.640.30 De Vocabulary 4.680.22 En-De Translation 4.770.16Table1:oDesk human subjects data for Arabic(Ar),English(En), French(Fr),and German(De).oDesk does not currently offer a sym-metric inventory of language tests.(*self-reported)Selection of SubjectsFor each target language,we hired16self-described“profes-sional”translators on oDesk.7Most were freelancers with at least a bachelor’s degree.Three had Ph.Ds.We adver-tised the job at afixed price of$0.085per source token($52 in total),a common rate for general text.However,we al-lowed translators to submit bids so that they felt fairly com-pensated.We did not negotiate,but the bids centered close to our target price(mean±standard deviation):Arabic,(M= 50.50,SD=4.20);French,(M=52.32,SD=1.89);Ger-man,(M=49.93,SD=12.57).oDesk offers free skills tests administered by a third party.8 Each40-minute test contains40multiple choice questions, with scores reported on a[0,5]real-valued scale.We required subjects to complete all available source and target language proficiency tests,in addition to language-pair-specific transla-tion tests.We also recorded public profile information such as hourly rate,hours worked as a translator,and self-reported English proficiency.Table1summarizes the subject data. Subjects completed a training module that explained the ex-perimental procedure and exposed them to both translation conditions.They could translate example sentences until they were ready to start the experiment.Translation Quality AssessmentTranslation quality assessment is far from a solved problem. Whereas past experiments in the HCI community have used5-pointfluency/adequacy scales,the MT community has lately fa-vored pairwise ranking[11].Pairwise ranking results in higher inner annotator agreement(IAA)thanfluency/adequacy rating [11].We used software9from the annual Workshop on Ma-chine Translation(WMT)evaluations to rank all translations on Amazon Mechanical Turk(Figure3).Aggregate non-expert judgements can approach expert IAA levels[10].78ExpertRating:9/~ozaidan/maise/assessing translation quality see the source sentence, and the two target sentences.into a total ordering the problem asfinding tournament(a directed the number of human problem,but it can be[36].10 evaluation of the trans-each source sentence,for each of the per HIT,and each HITan85%approval rat-For quality control,wetranslations didthe real HITs.Weseveral spam HITs.or to mark the each source sentence the procedure resulted in allowed.assess observations from models.sentence from thefrom all three lan-to the square indicate the various adverb,and“other”.The particles,conjunctions,point,as do adverbspersist across all parts of speech might assess that hypothesismovements correlatedwe did not correlate(a)Arabic(b)French(c)GermanFigure4:Mouse hover frequencies for the three different languages. Frequency is indicated by area,while the colors indicatefive word cat-egories:nouns(blue),verbs(red),adjectives(orange),adverbs(green), and“other”(grey).Nouns are clearly focal points.mouse movements with an eye tracker for our task,the visual-ization nonetheless shows distinctive patterns that turn out to be significant in our statistical models.User Event TracesWe also plotted the mouse and keyboard event logs against a normalized time scale for each user and source sentence (Figure5).Users in the unaided condition demonstrate the gisting/drafting/revising behavior observed in prior work with eye trackers[15].Initial pauses and mouse activity in the gisting phase give way to concentrated keyboard activity as the user types the translation.Finally,more pauses and mouse activity indicate the revision phase.The post-edit condition results in drastically different behavior. Phase boundaries are not discernible,and pauses account for a larger proportion of the translation ers clearly engaged the suggested translation even though the option to discard it existed.In addition,the post-edit condition resulted in a sta-tistically significant reduction in total event counts:Arabic t(26)=16.52,p<0.001;French t(26)=33.63,p≤0.001; German t(26)=37.08,p<0.001.At least from the per-spective of device input activity,post-editing is a more passive activity than unaided translation.(a)Unaided condition(b)Post-edit conditionFigure5:Arabic user activity logs for the English input shown in Figure4.Events are colored according to input type:control keys(e.g.,up/down arrows;orange),input keys(green),mouse buttons(red),and“null”(blue),which means that Javascript failed to trap the input character.(a)The unaided condition results in visible gisting,drafting,and revision phases,which are sequential.(b)The post-edit condition does not result in clear phases.Pauses are longer and account for more of the total translation time.STATISTICAL ANALYSISA consistent observation in prior work on MT post-editing has been significant per-subject and per-source-sentence(in terms of the quality of the machine suggestion)variation.Two major statistical mistakes have been made in dealing with this variance.First,Tatsumi[47]used a multiple regression design with predictors for each subject.This is the least effective solution for regression—per-subject regressions or by-item means would be superior[4]—since her model measured sig-nificance of each subject relative to the others,but not to the larger human population.An alternative to multiple regression is analysis of variance (ANOV A),the workhorse of HCI experimental layouts.Per-subject variance could be modeled with a repeated measures design(RM-ANOV A),but our experiment was necessarily a between-subjects design.Nonetheless,we could treat source sentences as afixed effect and use a two-way,between-subjects ANOV A.However,language is not afixed effect since we can-not include all possible source sentences in the experiment. The“language-as-fixed-effects fallacy”[18]has been the moti-vation in psycho-linguistics research for mixed effects models, which can incorporate arbitraryfixed effects(e.g.,translation conditions)and random effects(e.g.,subjects,sentences).11 Mixed effects models are not widely used in HCI,but they are preferable to ANOV A whenever experimental factors are sam-pled from a larger population.In this setting,mixed models reduce the risk of type II errors.Other practical benefits in-clude accommodation of unbalanced designs and longitudinal (dependent)covariates,which can model learning and fatigue. We assess significance with likelihood-ratio(LR)tests.11See Appendix for mathematical details.Translation Time and QualityThis paper seeks to quantify the effect of post-editing on trans-lation time and quality(Figure6).12Plots showed that time was not normally distributed,so we applied a log transformation andfit linear mixed models.13As for quality,our ranking pro-cedure yields discrete ranks,which are obviously not normally distributed.To account for non-normality and to exploit the ordering of the rank response,we built ordinal mixed models.14 In addition to the per-subject covariates listed in Table1,we also included source(English)features.We annotated the source text with Stanford CoreNLP15to obtain syntactic com-plexity[34],number of named entities,and part of speech tag counts.We also included(log transformed)mean lexical frequency16and sentence length.We standardized all numeric covariates by subtracting the mean and dividing by one stan-dard deviation[21].Finally,afterfitting models with all of the data,we pruned data points with residuals exceeding2.5 standard deviations[4]and refit the models.Monolingual Time and Quality ResultsTable2shows results for log-transformed time.The standard 2x2ANOV A model,which treats source sentences asfixed effects,shows a significant main effect for translation condition across all three languages.However,the risk of type II errors is high,since the ANOV A does not account for per-subject or per-sentence variance.The mixed effects model addresses 12Intuition suggests that time and quality might be correlated.For each language,we ran Pearson’s correlation test for the two re-sponse variables:Arabic,t(430)=0.739,p<0.274;French, t(430)=3.71,p<0.001;German,t(430)=2.49,p<0.05. Positive correlations—monotonic increases in time correspond to increases in rank(lower quality)—exist for two languages.Conse-quently,multivariate models might be a direction for future research. 13With the lme4R package[5].14With the ordinal R package[17].15/software/corenlp.shtml16Relative to counts in the English Gigaword corpus(Linguistic Data Consortium catalog number LDC2009T13).。



中国激光英文部分格式要求Formatting Requirements for the English Part of Chinese Laser DocumentsIn the field of laser technology, China has made remarkable advancements, becoming a global leader in research, development, and manufacturing. As the use of lasers expands, it becomes crucial to ensure that the English part of Chinese laser documents meets specific formatting requirements. In this article, we will discuss the essential aspects of formatting that should be followed in order to present laser-related information accurately and professionally.1. Consistent Language Usage:When preparing English content for Chinese laser documents, it is essential to use clear and concise language. Avoid using technical jargon or acronyms that may not be familiar to the intended audience. Ensure that the language used is consistent throughout the document, maintaining a formal tone and avoiding colloquial expressions.2. Proper Spelling and Grammar:Spelling and grammar errors can undermine the credibility and professionalism of any document. Hence, it is crucial to proofread and edit the English content carefully. Use standard English grammar rules and verify the accuracy of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Avoid excessive use of passive voice, and ensure that sentences are well-structured and coherent.3. Heading and Subheading Formatting:To improve the readability and organization of the document, the headings and subheadings should be properly formatted. Use a consistent font and size for headings and subheadings, and consider using bold or italic formatting to make them stand out. Number the headings and subheadings, if applicable, to create a logical hierarchy within the document.4. Proper Citation and References:If you include information from external sources, it is essential to provide proper citations and references. Use internationally recognized citation styles, such as APA or MLA, and ensure that the references are complete and accurate. This not only gives credit to the original authors but also enhances the credibility of the document.5. Tables and Figures:In laser-related documents, tables and figures are often used to present complex data and results. Ensure that tables and figures are properly labeled and referred to within the text. Use a consistent format for tables, such as a standardized font and size, and consider using gridlines to enhance readability. When including figures, ensure that they are clear and high-quality, with appropriate captions and legends.6. Consistent Formatting and Layout:Maintaining a consistent formatting and layout throughout the document is crucial for readability and professionalism. Use the same font type and size for the entire document, and consider using headings and subheadings to break up the text and improve readability. Ensure that the margins, spacing, and indentation are consistent, and use a clear and legible font.7. Proofreading and Editing:Before finalizing the document, it is essential to thoroughly proofread and edit the English content. Look for any spelling, grammar, or formatting errors and correct them. Pay attention to sentence structure, clarity, and coherence. Consider seeking feedback from colleagues or native English speakers to ensure the accuracy and fluency of the text.In conclusion, when preparing the English part of Chinese laser documents, it is crucial to adhere to specific formatting requirements to ensure accuracy, professionalism, and readability. By following consistent language usage, proper spelling and grammar, appropriate formatting and layout, and ensuring accurate citations and references, the English content can effectively communicate laser-related information to a global audience.。



vlsi-2013UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOWDegree of MSc in EngineeringVLSI DESIGN AND CAD (ENG5092)Friday 13 December 201309:30-11:30Answer FOUR questionsAnswer only TWO questions from each of sections A and B Each question is worth 25 marksThe numbers in square brackets in the right-hand margin indicate the marks allotted to the part of the question against which the mark is shown. These marks are for guidance only.An electronic calculator may be used provided that it does not have a facility for either textual storage or display, or for graphical display.Continued overleafPage 1 of 6Continued overleaf Page 2 of 6Section A : Attempt any TWO questions [50 marks] Q1 (a)A pipelined system architecture must be able to arbitrarily shift data one bit to the left, one bit to the right, or not at all, in a single clock cycle. Sketch a circuit that will do this using pass-transistor logic. You may assume that there is an input and an output register associated with the device. [8] (b)A simple digital multiplier relies on a process of successive shifting of data to the left, and addition. (i) Show how you can express a m -bit unsigned binary number using radix-2 notation.[4] (ii) By expressing two unsigned binary numbers X and Y, oflength m and n respectively, in radix-2 notation, derive a formula for the product Z = XY . [8] (c)Using your answer for part (b(ii)) of this question, write down the Boolean expression for the partial products that would appear in a logical implementation of the multiplier, and sketch the logic circuit required to calculate a partial product. [5] Q2 (a) Sketch the circuit diagram for a CMOS circuit with the function: D C B A Z ).(++= [8] (b)A layout is required for the circuit. (i) In the layout for the circuit, what is the minimum number of regions of active required to make all the transistors? [2] (ii) Draw a stick diagram for the circuit, including features such as merged transistor active layers and bulk connections. Clearly label each part of your diagram. Coloured pens or pencils may be used, but are not essential. [9] (c)What is the advantage of using techniques such as placing more than one transistor on a single region of active. [3] (d) How are the standard cells designed in practice to achieve regular layouts for blocks? Illustrate your answer with a sketch if necessary. [3]Q3 (a) State the key dimensions th constructed us (b) The Elmore d between cells also be used, compared to u (c) Figure Q3 sho of three furthe the inputs layers of met connected usi interconnect, assume that al(d) Cell placemen how cell pla minimize delaTable Q3. InterconneM1 area capacitance = 0.2 fF/μm M2 edge capacitance = 0.05 fF/μM2 area capacitance = 0.1 fF/μm M2 edge cap acitance = 0.05 fF/μ Co Page 3 of 6e key MOSFET properties and their relationshi ons that determine the propagation delay a ted using them. more delay model can be used to estimate the int cells in a layout. Identify and describe two other m used, and say what advantages or disadvantages ed to using the Elmore method. Q3 shows the routing connecting the output of a cel further cells, labeled A, B and C. The load capaci uts is labeled in Figure Q3. The routing is requ f metal (M1 (horizontal) and M2 (vertical)) th ed using vias. Using Table Q3 for the electrical p nect, calculate the Elmore delay from Z to input A that all tracks are laid out to be of minimum width,cement strongly influences the overall delay of a c l placement affects delay, and what methods e delay by means of judicious cell placement. Figure Q3. Interconnect routing layout.nnect electrical properties.fF/μm 2 5 fF/μm fF/μm 2 5 fF/μm Via resistance = 0.5 ?M1 resistivity = 0.1 ?/square M2 resistivity = 0.1 ?/squareContinued overleafonship to the deviceof a digital circuit[5]he interconnect delayother methods that canages they have when[8]f a cell, Z, to the inputcapacitance at each ofrequired to use two) that are electricallyrical properties of thenput A only. You maywidth, which is 1 μm.[6] of a circuit. Describehods can be used to[6]Continued overleafPage 4 of 6Section B : Attempt any TWO questions [50 marks]Q4 (a)Draw a clearly labeled diagram showing the cross-section of a n-channel MOSFET in a p-type substrate. [4] (b)Explain what is meant by the term inversion in the operation of a MOSFET. [3] (c) Consider a MOSFET of gate length L and gate width W .(i) Write down an expression for the gate charge in terms of the gatecapacitance per unit area C ox , the applied gate-to-source voltageV GS and threshold voltage V th . [2](ii) Show that at very low drain-to-source voltage V DS (near 0 V) thedrain current I D is given by()DS th GS ox n D V V V L W C I ?=μwhere μn is the mobility of electrons near the si licon surface.[8](d) Sketch a transistor layout indicating the active region, the polysilicon gate, and the contact areas for the smallest transistor that can be realized in a CMOS process. Using this, list and explain at least three basic design rules for laying out transistorsassuming that each mask has a worst case misalignment of 0.75λ, where λ is half the gate length. [8]Q5 (a) Draw a labelled block diagram of a typical sampled data system. [6](b) Complex MOS ICs, such as microcontrollers, require on-chip dataconversion capabilities using only MOSFETs and capacitors.A weightedcapacitor digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is a good example of such aconverter.(i) Give the circuit diagram of a 3-bit weighted capacitor DAC andexplain its operation. [8] (ii) Comment on the drawbacks of this DAC architecture. [2](iii) What is the output voltage of a 3-bit weighted capacitor DACwhen the input word is 110 and the reference voltage V ref = 5V?[2](c) Sketch the schematic diagram of a potentiometric DAC using a 2-bit DACas an example. What is the main advantage of this DAC implementation?[7]Continued overleafPage 5 of 6Q6 (a) Flash analog-to-digital converters (ADC) are used in high-speed applications such as video and radar signal processing.(i) Sketch the schematic diagram of a flash ADC using a 3-bit ADC toillustrate your answer. Specify the relative reference resistor valuesof the ADC and explain how high conversion speed is achieved. [7] (ii) If the reference voltage for the ADC is 3 V, specify the actualreference voltage levels used in the conversion process. What willbe the digital output for an input voltage of 1 V? What range ofinput voltages would give the same digital output in this case?[6](b) Sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters (Σ-? ADC) are very popular forvery high resolution (≥16 bit) low-to-medium speed applications such asdigital audio.(i) Explain what is meant by the term quantization noise. [3](ii) State and briefly explain the two techniques employed in Σ-?ADCs to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. [6] (iii) The signal-to-noise (SNR) for a first order Σ-? ADC is given bySNR = 6.02(n + 1.5m) – 3.41 dB, where the basic ADC is n-bit andthe oversampling ratio (OSR) is given by 2m. What sample rate isrequired to obtain 16-bit resolution if the system uses a 1-bit ADCand the Nyquist sampling rate is 44 kHz? [3]End of question paperPage 6 of 6。



第 22卷第 11期2023年 11月Vol.22 No.11Nov.2023软件导刊Software Guide城市数字化标识在跨领域政务数据整合中的应用陈宋彬1,胡聪2,汪军勇1,成雨阳1(1.深圳市光明区政务服务数据管理局,广东深圳 518000;2.吉奥时空信息技术股份有限公司,湖北武汉430223)摘要:政务信息资源共享在降低信息重复采集成本和提高信息共享效率方面发挥了重要作用。






关键词:电子政务;政务大数据;地理信息;数据融合;数据共享;社会治理DOI:10.11907/rjdk.231731开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7800(2023)011-0042-07Application of Urban Digital Identification in Cross-Domain GovernmentData IntegrationCHEN Songbin1, HU Cong2, WANG Junyong1, CHENG Yuyang1(1.Guangming District Government Service& Data Management Bureau of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518000,China;2.Geo Star Information Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430223,China)Abstract:The sharing of government information resources has played an important role in reducing the cost of repeated information collec‑tion and improving the efficiency of information sharing. However, currently, the sharing of government information resources is facing issues of low coverage and inefficiency in data integration caused by cross domain entity mutual recognition. To address this issue, a government infor‑mation resource integration model based on urban digital identification is proposed, aiming to build a new framework for cross domain data fu‑sion and sharing. By utilizing urban digital identification technology to uniquely identify and manage elements such as people, events, and ob‑jects within the city, the uniqueness, security, and sharability of cross domain data identification are achieved through complementary advan‑tages of "code+chain". By analyzing two common modes of government information resource integration, this paper proposes the design and im‑plementation process of a one number one source, source governance, and data integration driven business integration mode based on urban digital identification. This model integrates key elements such as people, housing, enterprises, time, and space, and supports government ap‑plications in multiple fields such as market regulation, social management, and public services through data aggregation and integration, shar‑ing and openness, and development and utilization. The practical application case has verified that this model can effectively integrate govern‑ment information resources, thereby improving the collaboration efficiency between departments.Key Words:e-government; government big data; geospatial information; data fusion; data sharing; social governance收稿日期:2023-07-06作者简介:陈宋彬(1979-),男,深圳市光明区政务服务数据管理局三级调研员,研究方向为智慧城市与数字政府规划建设、拟订制度、规范和政策并组织实施、政务数据管理等;胡聪(1988-),男,吉奥时空信息技术股份有限公司深圳业务中心副总经理,研究方向为时空大数据管理、社会治理、城市管理等;汪军勇(1978-),男,深圳市光明区政务服务数据管理局一级主任科员,研究方向为智慧城市和数字政府发展规划、统筹建设、政务数据管理等;成雨阳(1997-),男,深圳市光明区政务服务数据管理局科员,研究方向为智慧城市与数字政府建设、信息化项目、政务数据管理等。



标准实践浅析珠海城市社区治理标准化体系建设■ 祁小华(广东省珠海市质量技术监督标准与编码所)摘 要:城市社区是城市治理的基本单元,同时也是最具活力和可持续发展潜力的单位,在治理过程当中建设标准化体系是维护社会稳定的重要途径。


关键词:城市社区,社区治理,标准化体系DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2021.17.021Analysis on the Construction of the Standardization System of UrbanCommunity Governance in ZhuhaiQI Xiao-hua(Zhuhai Quality and Technical Supervision Standards and Coding Institute for Guangdong Province )Abstract: Urban communities are the basic unit of urban governance with the most dynamic and sustainabledevelopment potential. Building a standardization system during the governance process is an important way to maintain social stability. Taking Kangning Community in Zhuhai as an example, this article explores the construction of the standardization system of urban community governance in Zhuhai.Keywords: urban communities, community governance, standardization system基金项目:本文受国家社会科学基金重大项目(项目编号:18ZDA079)和中央基本科研业务经费项目(项目编号:552020Y-6770-1)资助。



团体标准《检验检测科技成果转化服务规范 收益评估与分配》解读黄桂林 林晓明(广东省特种设备检测研究院珠海检测院)摘要:从标准制定的背景、标准的适用范围、相关术语概念,基本要求、组织保障、转化分类、实施步骤、注意事项等几个方面对团体标准T/HB 0008—2020《检验检测科技成果转化服务规范 收益评估与分配》进行了详细解读,有助于检验检测机构人员理解该标准,有利于该标准的推广应用,指导科技成果转化收益评估与分配,提高科技成果转化效率。

关键词:检验检测 科技成果 转化 收益 评估 分配The Interpretation of Social Organization Standard “Specification for Transformation Service of Scientific and Technical Achievement of Inspection and Testing — Benefit Assessment and Distribution”Huang Guilin, Lin Xiaoming( Zhuhai Branch, Guangdong Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Research )Abstract: This paper interprets the association standard “Specification for transformation service of scientific and technical achievement of inspection and testing - Benefit assessment and distribution” about setting background, the scope, terms and definitions, basic demand, organization guarantee, transformation classification, implementing steps, points for attention of the standard. This paper helps to the personnel of the institutions to understand the standard. And this paper benefits to the marketing and the usage of the standard, also helps to guide the benefit assessment and distribution and improve the transformation efficiency of the scientific and technological achievements.Key words: inspection and testing, scientific and technological achievements, transformation, benefit, assessment, distribution1 引言科技成果转化是国家创新体系的重要构成内容,是经济发展和核心竞争力形成的重要保障。

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2013 产品可用性、地区本地化和翻译指南说明书

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2013 产品可用性、地区本地化和翻译指南说明书

Product Availability, Localization and Translation Guide for Microsoft Dynamics AXAvailabilityMicrosoft Dynamics AX is localized, translated and supported by Microsoft andmade generally available in the countries* and languages listed below. To learnmore about supported versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX localized and/ortranslated by Microsoft, please refer to the product availability table below. Inaddition to country-specific localizations and/or translations that Microsoft creates,our channel partners may make partner-created localizations and/or translations of Microsoft Dynamics AX available in countries where Microsoft does not provide a localized or translated version. See the Microsoft Dynamics Localization and Translation Overview below for more information on partner-created solutions. Country localizationsLocalization is the process of adapting software to meet country-specific laws or regulations. Microsoft localizes Microsoft Dynamics AX to include features and functionality designed to address specific tax, accounting or financial reporting requirements for various countries. Features or functionalities that are available in a particular country may not be available in all countries. Please consult your channel partner for details about product features and capabilities. Also consult them and/or your professional advisers to determine whether this software is appropriate for your business needs in a given country.LanguagesTranslation is the process of adapting software or documentation to meet language requirements for a particular country. For any given language, Microsoft may translate some, all or none of the user interface (UI) and documentation for Microsoft Dynamics AX. Contact your channel partner or the local Microsoft office for more information. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 includes specific localizations for the countries listed below.Country localizations:Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States.Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 is translated into the languages below.Languages:Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Czech (Czech Republic) Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Belgium), Dutch (Netherlands), English (Australia), English (Canada), English (India), English (Malaysia), English (Ireland), English (New Zealand), English (Singapore), English (South Africa), English (UK), English (US), Estonian (Estonia), Finnish (Finland), French (Belgium), French (Canada), French (France), French (Switzerland), German (Austria), German (Germany),German (Switzerland), Hungarian (Hungary), Icelandic (Iceland), Italian (Italy), Italian (Switzerland), Japanese (Japan), Latvian (Latvia), Lithuanian (Lithuania), Spanish (Mexico), Norwegian (Norway), Polish (Poland), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Simplified Chinese (China), Spanish (Spain), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand).The table below contains availability information for Microsoft Dynamics AX by country and version. Subsequent releases of Microsoft Dynamics AX may be localized for additional countries and translated into additional languages.1 Microsoft Dynamics AX may be available in this country as a partner-created solution at a future date. Contact your local Microsoft office for more information. In Turkey, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 will be available through the Microsoft Dynamics Turkey Partners Alliance. Contact the local Microsoft office in Turkey for more information.2 Contact local Microsoft offices in Thailand for information on Microsoft Dynamics channel partners that have their own product certification from the Thailand Revenue Department and for the software house ID number and the sequence number. These numbers are required for each customer installation in a live operating environment to meet the certification requirements of the Thailand Revenue Department.3Contact Microsoft’s offices in Thailand to apply for a customer sequence number. This number is required for each customer installation in a live operating environment to meet the certification requirements of the Thailand Revenue Department.For a more detailed view of Microsoft Dynamics AX product availability please contact your local Microsoft office. If you are already a Microsoft Dynamics AX customer, you may also review the Microsoft Dynamics AX Product Availability Matrix (https:///customersource/newsevents/news/generalnews/MSDYAX_AvailabilityLocalizationTranslation) available on CustomerSource for more details.To find out how Microsoft Dynamics AX can help customers meet their local regulatory requirements and other specific business needs, please contact your Microsoft Dynamics channel partner. Need help finding a partner? Contact your local Microsoft office.Microsoft Dynamics Localization and Translation OverviewOrganizations doing business in a particular country must comply with country-specific laws, regulations and common business practices to handle their daily business transactions and operations and meet their legal obligations for activities conducted in the country. Microsoft recognizes that non-adherence to these laws and regulations can lead to severe consequences for an organization doing business in that country.As an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, Microsoft Dynamics AX software helps organizations manage their various business processes through its extensible architecture. Microsoft extends the business process functionality of its Microsoft Dynamics AX software by developing specific commercial requirements, language, and non-vertical, national or international functionality to address specific tax, accounting or financial reporting requirements for countries where Microsoft makes this software generally available. The process of adapting software to meet local laws or requirements is called localization. The process of adapting software to meet language requirements is called translation. Since laws and regulations that affect vary in each country, Microsoft Dynamics AX software is not supported in terms of localizations, translations, or technical support in all countries. While Microsoft Dynamics AX software "out-of-the-box" is localized and/or translated to address specific laws and/or regulations for particular countries, it is not supported in terms of localizations, translations, or technical support in all countries. Features or functionalities that are available in a particular country may not be available in all countries.Rather, we look to our channel partners, who are an important part of our global strategy, to deliver Microsoft Dynamics AX solutions that help customers meet their compliance obligations. Channel partners may adapt the Microsoft Dynamics AX software to:∙Supplement the base Microsoft Dynamics AX application by developing functionality to meet specific laws or regulations that are not covered by features provided ”out-of-the-box” (e.g., regulations that are unique to states, provinces, cities, or municipalities in a particular country); or∙Create their own localizations and/or translations in countries where Microsoft does not offer a localized and/or translated version of Microsoft Dynamics AX software.Partner-created solutions are owned, implemented, maintained, and serviced by, or on behalf of, the originating channel partner.Channel partner-created solutions:For additional information about partner-created solutions in your country, please contact your Microsoft channel partner or local Microsoft office, or utilize the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace (http://dynamics-/applications/search/d6?q=) to identify channel partner solutions that might be available in your country.Notice and disclaimerThis content is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. It is provided “as is”and is not warranted to be error-free. This information is not intended to constitute tax, accounting, legal or other professional advice or to be used as a substitute for specific advice from your channel partner or a licensed professional. You should not act (or refrain from acting) based on information in this document without obtaining professional advice about your particular facts and circumstances. Microsoft does not make any representation, warranty (express, implied or otherwise) or assurance about the performance or suitability of any localized and/or translated version of Microsoft Dynamics AX used outside the country in which Microsoft makes that software generally available, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Although Microsoft may refer to its channe l partners as “partners”, they are independent entities. There is no partnership, joint venture, agency or franchise relationship or fiduciary duty between Microsoft and its channel partners. Channel partners are solely responsible for any configurations, customizations, localizations and/or translations they create or implement on behalf of customers, including any support or other service they provide to customers for such solutions. Microsoft does not warrant or guarantee partner-created solutions and disclaims any and all liability arising out of any partner-created solution and/or service.。



Information technology- Security techniques —Information security management systems-Requirements信息技术-安全技术-信息安全管理体系—要求Foreword前言ISO (the International Organization for Standardization)and IEC (the International Electro technical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity。

ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest。

Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental,in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1。



Master FormatS01 00 00 - General Requirements 一般需求S ections01 42 00 – references 参考01 54 23 - temporary scaffolding and platforms临时脚手架和工作平台01 61 13 - software licensing requiremen 软件许可要求01 66 00 - product storage and handling requiremen 产品储存和处理的要求01 76 00 - protecting installed constructi 建筑保护安装02 00 00 - Existing Conditions 现状Sections02 05 19 - Geosynthetics for Existing Conditio 土工合成材料的现状02 05 19.13 - Geotextiles for Existing Conditio 纺织品现状02 05 19.19 - Geogrids for Existing Conditio 纤维现状02 43 00 - Structure Movi 构造移动02 50 00 - Site Remediati 现场补救02 80 00 - Facility Remediati 补救设备02 86 00 - Hazardous Waste Drum Handli 危险废弃物处理03 00 00 – Concrete 混凝土Sections03 01 00 - Maintenance of Concrete混凝土维护03 05 00 - Common Work Results for Concrete混凝土常见产品03 10 00 - Concrete Forming and Accessories混凝土成形及配件03 11 00 - Concrete Forming混凝土成形03 11 16.13 - Concrete Form Liners混凝土成形线条03 11 19 - Insulating Concrete Forming缘的混凝土模板03 15 00 - Concrete Accessories混凝土附件03 15 13 – Waterstops 混土止水技术03 20 00 - Concrete Reinforcing混凝土配筋03 21 00 - Reinforcing Steel钢筋03 30 00 - Cast-In-Place Concrete浇注混凝土03 35 00 - Concrete Finishing混凝土饰面03 35 19 - Colored Concrete Finishing有色混凝土饰面03 35 33 - Stamped Concrete Finishing模压混凝土饰面03 37 00 - Specialty Placed Concrete专业输送混凝土03 37 16 - Pumped Concrete泵送混凝土03 39 00 - Concrete Curing混凝土养护03 39 23 - Membrane Concrete Curing 用膜混凝土养护03 39 23.23 - Sheet Membrane Concrete Curing簿膜养护混凝土03 40 00 - Precast Concrete预制混凝土03 41 00 - Precast Structural Concrete制构造用混凝土03 41 16 - Precast Concrete Slabs预制混凝土板03 45 00 - Precast Architectural Concrete预制建筑用混凝土03 47 00 - Site-Cast Concrete 现场浇注混凝土03 48 13 - Precast Concrete Bollards预制混凝土柱03 48 19 - Precast Concrete Stair Treads制混凝土楼梯踏板03 49 00 - Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete玻璃纤维混凝土03 50 00 - Cast Decks and Underlayme 浇注平台和衬垫03 51 13 - Cementitious Wood Fiber Decks水泥木纤维平台03 51 16 - Gypsum Concrete Roof Decks膏混凝土屋顶板03 52 00 - Lightweight Concrete Roof Insulation 轻质混凝土屋顶隔热03 52 13 - Composite Concrete Roof Insulation 混凝土复合保温屋面03 54 00 - Cast Underlayme 浇注垫层混凝土03 54 13 - Gypsum Cement Underlayme 石膏水泥垫层03 60 00 – Grouting砂浆03 61 00 - Cementitious Grouting水泥砂浆03 61 13 - Dry-Pack Grouting干粉砂浆03 62 00 - Non-Shrink Grouting抗伸缩砂浆03 63 00 - Epoxy Grouti 环氧水泥地坪03 82 13 - Concrete Core Drilling混凝土钻孔04 00 00 – Masonry 砌筑Sections04 01 00 - Maintenance of Masonry砌筑维护04 01 20.41 - Unit Masonry Stabilization*砌筑单元的稳定性04 05 13 - Masonry Mortaring砌筑砂浆04 05 13.16 - Chemical-Resistant Masonry Mortaring耐化学砌筑砂浆04 05 13.23 - Surface Bonding Masonry Mortaring砌筑砂浆外表粘结04 05 13.91 - Masonry Restoration Mortaring砌筑修补灰浆04 05 16 - Masonry Grouting砌筑摸灰04 05 19 - Masonry Anchorage and Reinforcing砌筑锚固点加固04 05 19.16 - Masonry Anchors砌筑锚固04 05 19.26 - Masonry Reinforcing Bars砌筑配筋04 05 19.29 - Stone Anchors石材锚固04 05 23 - Masonry Accessories砌筑附件04 05 23.19 - Masonry Cavity Drainage, Weepholes, and Vents 筑排水孔、泄水孔、排风口04 20 00 - Unit Mason 单元砌筑04 21 00 - Clay Unit Mason 粘土砖单元砌筑04 21 13 - Brick Mason 砖块砌筑04 21 13.13 - Brick Veneer Mason 墙面砖砌筑04 21 16 - Ceramic Glazed Clay Mason 釉面砖砌筑04 21 19 - Clay Tile Mason 粘土砖砌筑04 21 23 - Structural Clay Tile Mason 粘土空心砖砌筑04 21 26 - Glazed Structural Clay Tile Mason 釉面粘土空心砖砌筑04 21 29 - Terra Cotta Mason 紫砂砖砌筑04 22 00 - Concrete Unit Mason 混凝土预制件砌筑04 22 00.13 - Concrete Unit Veneer Mason 混凝土预制薄板砌筑04 22 23.26 - Sound-Absorbing Concrete Unit Mason 预制隔声混凝土砌筑04 23 00 - Glass Unit Mason 玻璃单元砌筑04 25 00 - Unit Masonry Pane 板材单元砌筑04 27 00 - Multiple-Wythe Unit Mason 砖混单元砌筑04 40 00 - Stone Assemblies石材安装04 40 00.11 - Agglomerate*块状岩石04 40 00.17 - Granite*花岗石04 40 00.21 - Limestone*石灰石04 40 00.24 - Marble*大理石04 40 00.27 - Sandstone*砂岩04 40 00.31 - Slate*板岩04 43 00 - Stone Mason 石材砌筑04 47 00 - Reconstructed Stone石材翻修04 50 00 - Refractory Mason 耐火材料砌筑04 51 00 - Flue Liner Mason 烟道衬垫砌筑04 60 00 - Corrosion-Resistant Mason 耐腐蚀砌筑04 61 00 - Chemical-Resistant Brick Mason 耐化学砖砌筑04 70 00 - Manufactured Masonry人工砌筑04 71 00 - Manufactured Brick Mason 砖块人工砌筑04 72 00 - Cast Stone Mason 人造石砌筑04 73 00 - Manufactured Stone Mason 石材人工砌筑05 00 00 – Metal 金属Sections05 05 00 - Common Work Results for Meta 及金属相关的产品05 05 13 - Shop-Applied Coatings for Met 应用于金属上的涂料05 05 23 - Metal Fastenin 金属扣件05 05 53 - Security Metal Fastenin 平安金属扣件05 10 00 - Structural Metal Frami 金属构架05 15 00 - Wire Rope Assemblies 钢索装配05 20 00 - Metal Jois 金属托梁05 30 00 - Metal Decki 金属装饰05 31 00 - Steel Decki 钢铁装饰05 33 00 - Aluminum Decki 铝装饰05 40 00 - Cold-Formed Metal Frami 铁艺框架05 50 00 - Metal Fabricatio金属预制件05 51 00 - Metal Stai 金属楼梯05 51 00.11 - Prefabricated Stairs and Ramp 预制楼梯和坡道05 51 33 - Metal Ladde 金属楼梯05 51 33.23 - Alternating Tread Ladde 交互式踏步楼梯05 52 00 - Metal Railin 金属栏杆05 53 00 - Metal Gratin 金属栅栏05 54 00 - Metal Floor Plat 金属波纹板05 55 00 - Metal Stair Treads and Nosin 金属楼梯踏步板05 56 00 - Metal Castin 金属铸件05 58 13 - Column Cove 柱子幅面05 58 16 - Formed Metal Enclosur 金属围栏型材05 59 63 - Detention Enclosur 监狱围栏05 70 00 - Decorative Met 装饰金属05 70 00.11 - Decorative Woven Metal Fabric 金属装饰网05 73 00 - Decorative Metal Railin 金属装饰扶手05 75 00 - Decorative Formed Met 装饰金属型材05 75 00.11 - Perforated and Expanded Meta 金属穿孔板和金属网06 00 00 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites 木材,塑料,复合产品Sections06 01 00 - Maintenance of Wood, Plastics, and Composites 材、塑料和合成材料的维护06 05 23.11 - Adhesive 粘结剂06 05 23.14 - Connectors and Support 连接及支架06 05 73 - Wood Treatme 木材处理06 05 83 - Shop-Applied Wood Coatin 工厂木材油漆06 10 00.11 - Laminated and Processed Wood Panel 基层板和饰面板加工06 11 16 - Mechanically Graded Lumb 机械木材分级06 13 00 - Heavy Timb 大形木材06 15 00 - Wood Decki 木材装饰06 15 23 - Laminated Wood Decki 胶合板装饰06 16 00.11 - Fiberboard Sheet 纤维板06 16 26 –Underlayme 衬垫材料06 16 43 - Gypsum Sheathi 石膏腻子06 17 00 - Shop-Fabricated Structural Wo 工厂制作木构件06 17 33 - Wood I-Jois 木托梁06 17 36 - Metal-Web Wood Jois 金属丝网木托梁06 17 53 - Shop-Fabricated Wood Truss 工厂制作木构架06 18 00 - Glued-Laminated Constructi 多层板构架06 25 00 - Prefinished Paneli 预加工板外表整修06 26 00 - Board Paneli 预加工板06 40 00 - Architectural Woodwo 建筑木制品06 41 00.11 - Cabinet and Drawer Hardwar 橱柜和抽屉五金06 42 00 - Wood Paneli 木制预加工板06 43 00 - Wood Stairs and Railin 木制楼梯和扶手06 44 00 - Ornamental Woodwo 装饰木制品06 46 00 - Wood Tr 木材装饰06 49 19 - Exterior Wood Shutte 室外木百叶06 51 13 - Plastic Lumb 塑料仿木材料06 53 00 - Plastic Decki 塑料装饰06 60 00 - Plastic Fabricatio 塑料制作06 60 00.11 - Plastic Latti 塑料格栅06 61 00 - Simulated Stone Fabricatio 人造石装配06 61 16 - Solid Surfacing Fabricatio 实心台面装配06 63 00 - Plastic Railin 塑料栏杆06 64 00 - Plastic Paneling 塑料预制板06 65 00 - Plastic Simulated Wood Tr 塑料仿木装饰06 66 00 - Custom Ornamental Simulated Woodwo 定制仿木装饰制品06 70 00 - Structural Composit 复合构造06 71 13 - Composite Lumb 合成木材06 73 00 - Composite Decki 复合装饰06 73 13 - Composite Structural Decki 复合构造装饰06 82 00 - Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plast 玻璃纤维增强塑料07 00 00 - Thermal and Moisture Protection 保温,防潮Sections07 01 30 - Maintenance of Steep Slope Roofi 陡峭屋顶维护07 01 40 - Maintenance of Roofing and Siding Pane 屋面材料和侧板的维护07 01 50 - Maintenance of Membrane Roofi 膜构造维护07 10 00 - Dampproofing and Waterproofi 屋顶防潮和防水07 18 00 - Traffic Coatin 交通涂料07 19 00 - Water Repellen 防水07 20 00 - Thermal Protecti 热保护07 21 00 - Thermal Insulati 隔热07 21 13 - Board Insulati 保温板07 22 00 - Roof and Deck Insulati 屋顶保温07 24 00 - Exterior Insulation and Finish Syste 外墙保温系统07 26 00 - Vapor Retarde 水气阻止剂07 27 00 - Air Barrie 气密层07 30 00 - Steep Slope Roofi 陡峭屋顶的保护07 31 00 - Shingles and Shak 瓦片和震动07 31 13 - Asphalt Shingl 沥青瓦07 31 13.13 - Fiberglass-Reinforced Asphalt Shingl 玻璃纤维增强沥青瓦07 31 16 - Metal Shingl 金属瓦07 31 26 - Slate Shingl 平板瓦07 31 29 - Wood Shingles and Shak 木制瓦片和震动07 32 00 - Roof Til 瓦片07 32 13 - Clay Roof Til 粘土瓦07 32 16 - Concrete Roof Til 水泥瓦07 32 19 - Metal Roof Til 金属瓦07 40 00 - Roofing and Siding Pane屋顶和外墙面板07 41 00 - Roof Pane 屋顶面板07 41 13 - Metal Roof Pane 金属屋顶面板07 42 00 - Wall Pane 墙板07 42 43 - Composite Wall Pane 复合墙板07 44 00 - Faced Pane 贴面板07 46 00 –Sidi 墙板- Aluminum Sidi 铝墙板07 46 19 - Steel Sidi 钢墙板07 46 23 - Wood Sidi 木墙板墙板07 46 26 - Hardboard Sidi 硬质墙板07 46 29 - Plywood Sidi 多层墙板07 46 33 - Plastic Sidi 塑料墙板07 50 00 - Membrane Roofi 膜构造07 51 00 - Built-Up Bituminous Roofi 组合沥青屋顶07 51 13.13 - Cold-Applied Built-Up Asphalt Roofi 冷作业组合沥青屋面07 51 23 - Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Asphalt Emulsion Roofi 玻璃纤维增强沥青屋面07 52 00 - Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofi 改性沥青卷材07 53 00 - Elastomeric Membrane Roofi 合成橡胶屋面卷材07 54 00 - Thermoplastic Membrane Roofi 热塑性屋面卷材07 55 51 - Built-Up Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofi 组和沥青保护膜屋面07 55 53 - Elastomeric Protected Membrane Roofi 橡胶保护膜屋面07 56 00 - Fluid-Applied Roofi 屋面涂料07 57 00 - Coated Foamed Roofi 泡沫层屋顶07 58 00 - Roll Roofi 铺屋面卷材07 60 00 - Flashing and Sheet Met 遮雨板和金属盖板07 61 00 - Sheet Metal Roofi 屋面金属板07 61 13 - Standing Seam Sheet Metal Roofi 标准接缝金属板屋面07 61 16 - Batten Seam Sheet Metal Roofi 金属扣板屋面07 61 19 - Flat Seam Sheet Metal Roofi平接缝金属板屋面07 62 00 - Sheet Metal Flashing and Tr 金属片防水板和装饰07 65 00 - Flexible Flashi 柔性防水板07 65 16 - Modified Bituminous Sheet Flashi 改性沥青防水板07 65 19 - Plastic Sheet Flashi 塑料防水板07 65 23 - Rubber Sheet Flashi 橡胶防水板07 71 00 - Roof Specialti 屋顶特性07 71 13 - Manufactured Copin 建造拼装屋顶07 71 16 - Manufactured Counterflashing Syste 建造防水板系统07 71 19 - Manufactured Gravel Stops and Fasci 建造挡石片和线脚07 71 23 - Manufactured Gutters and Downspou 建造排水沟和落水管07 71 26 –Regle 凸饰条07 71 29 - Manufactured Roof Expansion Join 建造屋顶伸缩缝07 71 33 - Manufactured Scuppe 建造排水孔07 72 00 - Roof Accessori 屋顶附件07 72 13 - Manufactured Cur 建造边沿饰条07 72 23 - Relief Ven 泻压口07 72 26 - Ridge Ven 屋脊通风口07 72 33 - Roof Hatch 屋顶开口07 72 36 - Smoke Ven 排烟口07 72 43 - Roof Walk Boar 上人屋面板07 72 46 - Roof Walkwa 屋顶走道07 72 53 - Snow Guar 雪防护装置07 76 00 - Roof Pave 屋面摊铺机07 81 00 - Applied Fireproofi 防火应用07 82 00 - Board Fireproofi 防火板07 84 00 –Firestoppi 防火系统07 86 00 - Smoke Sea 烟尘密封07 87 00 - Smoke Containment Barrie 阻烟屏障07 91 00 - Preformed Joint Sea伸缩缝密封07 91 16 - Joint Gaske 连接衬垫07 91 23 - Backer Ro 填充胶条07 91 26 - Joint Fille 接缝填充料07 92 00 - Joint Sealan 接缝密封剂07 92 19 - Acoustical Joint Sealan 接缝隔声密封剂07 95 00 - Expansion Contr 膨胀控制07 95 13 - Expansion Joint Cover Assembli 伸缩缝盖板装配08 00 00 – Openings 门窗及洞口Sectio08 10 00.11 - Door Louvers and Vision Ligh 门、天窗和光线08 11 00 - Metal Doors and Fram 金属门和框架08 11 63 - Metal Screen and Storm Doors and Frames 属屏蔽、防爆门和门框架08 11 73 - Sliding Metal Firedoo 滑动金属防火门08 11 74 - Sliding Metal Grill 金属卷帘08 13 00 - Metal Doo 金属门08 13 73 - Sliding Metal Do 滑动金属门08 14 00 - Wood Doo 木门08 15 00 - Plastic Doo 塑料门08 16 00 - Composite Doo 复合门08 17 13 - Integrated Metal Door Opening Assembli 综合金属门开启附件08 17 23 - Integrated Wood Door Opening Assembli 综合木门开启附件08 17 33 - Integrated Plastic Door Opening Assembli 综合塑料门开启附件08 17 43 - Integrated Composite Door Opening Assembli 综合复合门开启附件08 30 00 - Specialty Doors and Fram 特制门和框架08 31 00 - Access Doors and Pane 检修门和检修口盖板08 31 13 - Access Doors and Fram 检修门和框架08 31 13.53 - Security Access Doors and Fram 平安通道门和框架08 31 16 - Access Panels and Fram 通道板材和框架08 32 00 - Sliding Glass Doo 移动玻璃门08 33 00 - Coiling Doors and Grill 卷帘门和窗08 33 13 - Coiling Counter Doo 逆向卷帘08 33 23 - Overhead Coiling Doo 上置卷帘门08 33 26 - Overhead Coiling Grill 上置卷帘窗08 33 33 - Side Coiling Doo 侧面卷帘门08 33 36 - Side Coiling Grill 侧面卷帘窗08 34 16 - Hangar Doo 飞机库门08 34 19 - Industrial Doo 工厂门08 34 36 - Darkroom Doo 暗房门08 34 53 - Security Doors and Fram 平安门和框架08 34 63 - Detention Doors and Fram 监禁室门和框架08 34 73 - Sound Control Door Assembli 隔声门装配08 35 00 - Folding Doors and Grill 折叠门和窗08 35 13.23 - Folding Fire Doo 折叠防火门08 36 00 - Panel Doo 饰面板门08 36 13 - Sectional Doo 组合门08 38 00 - Traffic Doo 通道门08 39 13 - Airtight Doo 气密门08 39 19 - Watertight Doo 水密门08 39 53 - Blast-Resistant Doo 防爆门08 41 00 - Entrances and Storefron 入口和门面08 42 26 - All-Glass Entranc 全玻璃入口08 42 29 - Automatic Entranc 自动入口08 42 29.23 - Sliding Automatic Entranc 平移门自动入口08 42 33 - Revolving Door Entranc 旋转门入口08 42 36 - Balanced Door Entranc 平开门入口08 42 43 - Intensive Care Unit/Critical Care Unit Entranc 加护病房和危急病房入口08 43 00 –Storefron 店面08 44 00 - Curtain Wall and Glazed Assembli 幕墙装配08 44 13 - Glazed Aluminum Curtain Wal 玻璃铝板幕墙系统08 44 26 - Structural Glass Curtain Wal 玻璃砖幕墙08 44 26.11 - Structural Glass Curtain Wall Hardwa 玻璃砖幕墙五金件08 44 33 - Sloped Glazing Assembli 斜坡玻璃装配08 45 00 - Translucent Wall and Roof Assembli 透明墙和顶棚装配08 45 13 - Structured-Polycarbonate-Panel Assembli 建筑用聚碳酸酯板装配08 45 23 - Fiberglass-Sandwich-Panel Assembli 玻璃纤维夹芯板装配08 50 00 –Windo 窗08 50 00.11 - Replacement Windo 更换窗户08 51 00 - Metal Windo 金属窗08 51 13 - Aluminum Windo 铝合金窗08 51 16 - Bronze Windo 青铜窗08 51 19 - Stainless-Steel Windo 不锈钢窗08 51 23 - Steel Windo 钢窗08 51 66 - Metal Window Scree 金属格子窗08 51 69 - Metal Storm Windo 金属护窗〔户外百叶〕08 52 13 - Metal-Clad Wood Windo 金属面木窗08 52 16 - Plastic-Clad Wood Windo 塑料面木窗08 52 66 - Wood Window Scree 木格窗08 52 69 - Wood Storm Windo 木户外百业08 53 00 - Plastic Windo 塑料窗08 53 13 - Vinyl Windo 乙烯基窗08 53 66 - Vinyl Window Scree 乙烯基窗格08 53 69 - Vinyl Storm Windo 乙烯基户外百叶08 54 66 - Fiberglass Window Scree 玻璃纤维格子窗08 54 69 - Fiberglass Storm Windo 玻璃纤维户外百叶08 56 19 - Pass Windo 通关窗口08 56 46 - Radio-Frequency-Interference Shielding Windo 无线电屏蔽窗08 56 49 - Radiation Shielding Windo 辐射屏蔽窗08 56 53 - Security Windo 平安窗08 56 56 - Security Window Scree 平安窗格栅08 56 59 - Service and Teller Window Uni 效劳和银行窗口单元08 56 63 - Detention Windo 监禁室窗08 56 66 - Detention Window Scree 监禁室窗格栅08 56 73 - Sound Control Windo 隔声窗08 62 00 - Unit Skyligh 天窗系统08 62 13 - Domed Unit Skyligh 透明穹顶天棚系统08 62 16 - Pyramidal Unit Skyligh 透明尖顶天棚系统08 62 19 - Vaulted Unit Skyligh 透明弓形天棚系统08 63 00 - Metal-Framed Skyligh 金属框架天窗08 64 00 - Plastic-Framed Skylight塑料框架天窗08 71 00 - Door Hardwa 门五金08 71 00.11 - Exit Device 出口装置08 71 00.14 - Sliding and Folding Door Hardwar 滑动和折叠门五金08 71 00.17 - Weatherstripping, Thresholds, and Seal 门槛和密封条08 71 13 - Automatic Door Operato 自动门开关装置08 71 53 - Security Door Hardwa 平安门五金08 71 63 - Detention Door Hardwa 监禁门五金08 74 00 - Access Control Hardware 入口控制五金08 74 13 - Card Key Access Control Hardwa IC卡入口控制五金08 74 16 - Keypad Access Control Hardwa 袖珍键盘控制入口五金08 74 19 - Biometric Identity Access Control Hardwa 生物识别控制入口五金件08 75 00 - Window Hardwa 窗五金08 81 00 - Glass Glazi 玻璃窗08 81 13 - Decorative Glass Glazi 装饰玻璃窗08 83 00 –Mirro 镜子08 84 00 - Plastic Glazi 塑料窗08 84 13 - Decorative Plastic Glazi 塑料装饰窗08 85 00 - Glazing Accessori 玻璃窗附件08 87 00 - Glazing Surface Fil 玻璃窗框膜08 88 00 - Special Function Glazi 特殊功能玻璃窗08 88 00.11 - Fire-Rated Glass and Glazing System 防火玻璃和玻璃窗系统08 88 00.14 - Electronically Controlled Switchable Gla 电子调节切换玻璃08 88 19 - Hurricane-Resistant Glazi 抗飓风玻璃窗08 88 49 - Radiation-Resistant Glazi 抗辐射玻璃窗08 88 53 - Security Glazi 平安玻璃窗08 88 56 - Ballistics-Resistant Glazi 防弹玻璃窗08 90 00 - Louvers and Ven 百叶和通风口08 91 00 –Louve 百叶08 91 13 - Motorized Wall Louve 电动百叶08 91 16 - Operable Wall Louve 可调角度百叶08 91 19 - Fixed Louve 固定百叶08 91 26 - Door Louve 百叶门08 92 00 - Louvered Equipment Enclosur 设备用百叶围栏08 95 00 –Ven 风口08 95 13 - Soffit Ven 屋檐通风口08 95 16 - Wall Ven 墙风口08 95 16.10 - Brick & Block Ven 砌块形风口09 00 00 – Finishes 终饰Sections09 01 70 - Maintenance of Wall Finishes 墙外表的维护09 01 90.51 - Paint Cleani 涂料面的清洗09 21 00 - Plaster and Gypsum Board Assembli 石膏、石膏板装配09 21 13 - Plaster Assembli 石膏装配09 22 00 - Supports for Plaster and Gypsum Boa 石膏、石膏板附件09 22 13 - Metal Furri 轻钢龙骨09 22 16 - Non-Structural Metal Frami 轻钢龙骨框架09 22 26 - Suspension Syste吊顶系统09 22 36 –La 条板09 22 39 - Veneer Plaster Ba饰面石膏板09 23 00 - Gypsum Plasteri 粉刷石膏09 24 00 - Portland Cement Plasteri 硅酸盐水泥板抹灰09 25 00 - Other Plasteri 其它的抹灰09 26 00 - Veneer Plasteri 饰面板石膏抹灰09 27 00 - Plaster Fabricatio 抹灰工艺09 28 00 - Backing Boards and Underlaymen 模板和屋面衬板09 29 00 - Gypsum Boa 石膏板09 30 00 –Tili 瓷砖09 30 00.11 - Tile-Setting Material 铺设瓷砖的材料09 30 13 - Ceramic Tili 陶瓷砖09 30 16 - Quarry Tili 缸砖09 30 29 - Metal Tili 金属瓷砖09 31 00 - Thin-Set Tili 瓷砖胶贴09 31 13 - Thin-Set Ceramic Tili 陶瓷砖胶贴09 31 16 - Thin-Set Quarry Tili 缸砖胶贴09 31 29 - Thin-Set Metal Tili 金属瓷砖胶贴09 32 00 - Mortar-Bed Tili 砂浆贴瓷砖09 32 13 - Mortar-Bed Ceramic Tili 砂浆贴陶瓷砖09 32 16 - Mortar-Bed Quarry Tili 砂浆贴缸砖09 32 29 - Mortar-Bed Metal Tili 砂浆贴金属瓷砖09 33 13 - Conductive Ceramic Tili 抗静电陶瓷砖09 33 16 - Conductive Quarry Tili 抗静电缸砖09 33 29 - Conductive Metal Tili 抗静电金属砖09 34 00 - Waterproofing-Membrane Tili 防水瓷砖09 34 13 - Waterproofing-Membrane Ceramic Tili 防水陶瓷砖09 34 16 - Waterproofing-Membrane Quarry Tili 防水缸砖09 34 29 - Waterproofing-Membrane Metal Tili防水金属瓷砖09 35 00 - Chemical-Resistant Tili 耐化学瓷砖09 35 13 - Chemical-Resistant Ceramic Tili 耐化学陶瓷砖09 35 16 - Chemical-Resistant Quarry Tili 耐化学缸砖09 35 29 - Chemical-Resistant Metal Tili 耐化学金属砖09 51 00 - Acoustical Ceilin 声学天花09 53 00 - Acoustical Ceiling Suspension Assembli 声学天花悬吊装配09 54 00 - Specialty Ceilin 专业天花09 54 13 - Open Metal Mesh Ceilin 开放的金属网天花09 54 16 - Luminous Ceilin 发光天花09 54 23 - Linear Metal Ceilin 金属条板天花09 56 00 - Textured Ceilin 条纹天花09 56 16 - Metal-Panel Textured Ceilin 金属条纹板天花09 58 00 - Integrated Ceiling Assembli 综合天花装配组件09 60 00.11 - Sound Control Underlaymen *隔声衬垫材料09 61 00 - Flooring Treatme 地面处理09 62 19 - Laminate Floori 多层实木地板09 63 00 - Masonry Floori 砖石地面材料09 64 00 - Wood Floori 实木地板09 64 66 - Wood Athletic Floori 实木运动地板09 65 00 - Resilient Floori 弹性地板09 65 13 - Resilient Base and Accessori 弹性基材及附件09 65 13.23 - Resilient Stair Treads and Rise 弹性楼梯梯级板和起步板09 65 13.26 - Resilient Stair Nosin 弹性梯级口09 65 66 - Resilient Athletic Floori 弹性运动地板09 66 00 - Terrazzo Floori 水磨石地坪09 67 00 - Fluid-Applied Floori 自流平地坪09 68 00 –Carpeti 满铺地毯09 68 16 - Sheet Carpeti 块毯09 69 00 - Access Floori入口地坪09 72 00 - Wall Coverin 墙纸09 77 00 - Special Wall Surfaci 特殊墙面处理09 77 00.11 - Sanitary Wall and Ceiling Panel 卫生间墙板和天花09 80 00 - Acoustic Treatme 声学处理09 81 00 - Acoustic Insulati 隔音09 84 00 - Acoustic Room Componen 隔音房的组成09 84 16 - Fixed Sound-Reflective Pane 固定的声反射板09 84 26 - Moveable Sound-Reflective Pane 活动的声反射板09 84 36 - Sound-Absorbing Ceiling Uni 吸声天花系统09 91 00 –Painti 油漆09 93 00 - Staining and Transparent Finishi 着色和透明涂刷09 93 13.13 - Exterior Staini 外表着色09 93 23.13 - Interior Staining 内部着色09 94 00 - Decorative Finishi 装饰修正09 96 00 - High-Performance Coatin 高性能涂料09 96 23 - Graffiti-Resistant Coatin 肌理涂料09 96 43 - Fire-Retardant Coatin 防火涂料09 96 53 - Elastomeric Coatin 弹性涂料09 97 00 - Special Coatin 特种涂料10 00 00 – Specialties 专项sections10 10 00 - Information Specialti 信息专项10 11 00 - Visual Display Surfac 视觉显示屏10 11 13 –Chalkboar 黑板10 11 16 –Markerboar 画板10 11 16.53 - Electronic Markerboar 电子画板10 11 23 –Tackboar 布告板10 11 36 - Visual Display Conference Uni 会议显示单元10 11 43 - Visual Display Wall Pane 显示墙10 11 46 - Visual Display Fabri 影幕10 12 00 - Display Cas 展示柜10 13 00 –Directori 姓名地址栏10 13 13 - Electronic Directori 电子姓名地址栏10 14 00 –Signa 指示标志10 14 16 –Plaqu 金属片或瓷片10 14 19 - Dimensional Letter Signa 空间指示牌10 14 33 - Illuminated Panel Signa 指示灯箱10 14 63 - Electronic Message Signa 电子信息显示板10 17 00 - Telephone Specialti 专项10 17 16 - Telephone Enclosur 亭10 17 16.13 - Telephone Stal 摊10 17 16.16 - Telephone Alcoves 台10 18 00 - Informational Kios 信息亭10 21 00 - Compartments and Cubicl 小隔间和小卧室10 21 13 - Toilet Compartmen 盥洗室隔断10 21 13.13 - Metal Toilet Compartmen 金属厕所隔断10 21 13.19 - Plastic Toilet Compartmen 塑料厕所隔断10 21 13.23 - Particleboard Toilet Compartmen 密度板厕所隔断10 21 13.40 - Stone Toilet Compartmen 石材厕所隔断10 21 16 - Shower and Dressing Compartmen 淋浴房10 21 16.13 - Metal Shower and Dressing Compartmen 金属淋浴房10 21 16.16 - Plastic-Laminate-Clad Shower and Dressing Compartmen 合成淋浴房10 21 16.19 - Plastic Shower and Dressing Compartmen 塑料淋浴房10 21 16.23 - Particleboard Shower and Dressing Compartmen 木板淋浴房10 21 16.40 - Stone Shower and Dressing Compartments 石材淋浴房10 21 23.13 - Cubicle Curtai 卧室窗帘10 21 23.16 - Cubicle Track and Hardwa 窗帘轨道五金件10 22 13 - Wire Mesh Partitio 金属网隔断10 22 16 - Folding Gat 折叠大门10 22 19 - Demountable Partitio 可拆隔断10 22 23 - Portable Partitions, Screens, and Pane 轻便隔断、屏风、板10 22 23.23 - Movable Panel Sys 可移动板系统10 22 26 - Operable Partitio 移动隔断10 22 26.13 - Accordion Folding Partitio 折叠壁屏风10 22 26.33 - Folding Panel Partitio 折壁屏风10 22 26.43 - Sliding Partitio 移动隔断10 26 00 - Wall and Door Protecti 墙和门保护10 26 13 - Corner Guar 墙角保护10 26 16 - Bumper Guar 缓冲保护10 26 16.13 - Bumper Rai 缓冲护栏10 26 16.16 - Protective Corridor Handrai 走廊保护护栏10 26 23 - Protective Wall Coveri 墙纸保护10 26 23.13 - Impact Resistant Wall Protecti 抗撞击墙的保护10 26 33 - Door and Frame Protecti 门和门框保护10 28 00 - Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Accessori 厕所、浴室、干洗店附件10 28 13.19 - Healthcare Toilet Accessori 卫生保健厕所附件10 28 13.53 - Security Toilet Accessori 平安厕所附件10 28 19 - Tub and Shower Doo 浴缸和淋浴房门10 28 19.16 - Shower Doo 淋浴房门10 28 19.19 - Tub Doo 浴缸门10 28 23.13 - Built-In Ironing Boar 固定熨衣板10 30 00 - Fireplaces and Stoves 壁炉10 31 00 - Manufactured Fireplac 壁炉制作10 31 13 - Manufactured Fireplace Chimne 制作壁炉烟囱10 32 00 - Fireplace Specialti 壁炉专项10 32 19 - Fireplace Scree 壁炉屏风10 32 23 - Fireplace Doo 壁炉门10 40 00 - Safety Specialti 平安专项10 41 00 - Emergency Access and Information Cabine 紧急通道和控制柜10 43 00 - Emergency Aid Specialti 紧急情况救援专项10 43 13 - Defibrillator Cabine 电击控制柜10 44 00 - Fire Protection Specialti 消防专项10 51 00 –Locke 柜子10 51 00.11 - Locker Locks and Accessorie 柜子的锁和附件10 51 13 - Metal Locke 金属柜10 51 16 - Wood Locke 木制柜10 51 26 - Plastic Locke 塑料柜10 51 43 - Wire Mesh Storage Locke 金属网储存柜10 51 53 - Locker Room Benches 衣帽间长椅10 55 00 - Postal Specialti 邮政专项10 55 13 - Central Mail Delivery Box 中心邮件信箱10 55 16 - Mail Collection Box 邮箱10 55 19 - Receiving Box 接收盒10 55 23 - Mail Box 信箱10 55 23.13 - Apartment Mail Box 公寓信箱10 55 36 - Package Depositories 包裹存放箱10 56 00 - Storage Assembli 存储组件10 56 13 - Metal Storage Shelvi 金属存储架10 56 33 - Mercantile Storage Assembli 商业储存汇编10 57 00 - Wardrobe and Closet Specialti 衣橱和壁橱专项10 57 13 - Hat and Coat Rac 衣帽架10 57 23 - Closet and Utility Shelvi 壁橱衣柜10 57 33 - Closet and Utility Shelving Hardwa 壁橱衣柜五金10 71 13 - Exterior Sun Control Devic 室外阳光控制设备10 71 16 - Storm Pane 抗飓风板10 73 00 - Protective Cove 保护层10 73 13 –Awnin 雨蓬10 73 16 –Canopi 天棚10 73 23 - Car Shelte 车棚10 73 26 - Walkway Cover 人行道天棚10 73 43 - Transportation Stop Shelte 车站天棚10 74 13 - Exterior Clo 室外时钟10 74 23 –Cupol 穹顶10 74 26 –Spir 尖顶10 74 29 –Steepl塔尖10 75 00 –Flagpol 旗杆10 75 16 - Ground-Set Flagpol 埋地旗杆10 75 19 - Nautical Flagpol 船用旗杆10 75 23 - Wall-Mounted Flagpol 装在墙上的旗杆10 81 00 - Pest Control Devic 有害物控制装置10 81 13 - Bird Control Devic 鸟类控制装置10 82 00 - Grilles and Scree 格子屏风10 83 00 - Flags and Banne 旗子和横幅10 86 00 - Security Mirrors and Dom 平安球面镜11 00 00 – Equipment 设备sections11 12 00 - Parking Control Equipme 停车控制设备11 13 00 - Loading Dock Equipment 码头设备11 14 00 - Pedestrian Control Equipme 跑步机11 16 00 - Vault Equipme 储藏室设备11 17 00 - Teller and Service Equipme 柜员及辅助设备11 17 13 - Teller Equipment Syste 柜员系统设备11 17 16 - Automatic Banking Syste 自助银行系统11 19 00 - Detention Equipme 监禁设备11 21 00 - Mercantile and Service Equipme 商品和效劳设备11 21 23 - Vending Equipme自助贩卖机11 21 33 - Checkroom Equipme 衣物存放设备11 23 00 - Commercial Laundry and Dry Cleaning Equipme 商用干洗设备11 24 19 - Vacuum Cleaning Syste 吸尘清扫设备11 24 23 - Window Washing Syste 擦窗系统11 26 00 - Unit Kitche 厨房单元11 27 00 - Photographic Processing Equipme 照相处理设备11 28 13 –Compute 电脑11 31 00 - Residential Applianc 住宅设备11 33 00 - Retractable Stai 伸缩楼梯11 40 00 - Foodservice Equipme 食品加工机11 41 23 - Walk-In Coole 走入式冰箱11 41 26 - Walk-In Freeze 走入式冷冻库11 42 00 - Food Preparation Equipme 食物配制设备11 43 00 - Food Delivery Carts and Conveyo 食品推车和输送机11 44 00 - Food Cooking Equipme 食品烹饪设备11 46 16 - Service Line Equipme 发球界限设备11 47 00 - Ice Machin 冰淇淋机11 50 00 - Educational and Scientific Equipme 教育和科学设备11 51 00 - Library Equipme 图书馆设备11 52 00 - Audio-Visual Equipment 视听设备11 52 13 - Projection Scree 银幕11 53 00 - Laboratory Equipme 实验设备11 55 00 - Planetarium Equipme 天文设备11 61 00 - Theater and Stage Equipme 剧场舞台设备11 62 00 - Musical Equipme 音乐设备11 62 13 –Bel 铃11 62 16 –Carillo 钟乐器11 65 00 - Athletic and Recreational Equipme 运动和娱乐设备11 65 00.11 - Electronic Scoreboard电子记分牌11 66 13 - Exercise Equipme 练习设备11 66 43 - Interior Scoreboar 室内记分牌11 68 00 - Play Field Equipment and Structur 赛场设备和建筑物11 68 13 - Playground Equipme 运动场设备11 68 43 - Exterior Scoreboar 室外机分牌11 70 00 - Healthcare Equipme 卫生保健设备11 72 00 - Examination and Treatment Equipme 检查及处理设备11 73 00 - Patient Care Equipme 患者理疗设备11 78 00 - Mortuary Equipme 太平间设备11 82 00 - Solid Waste Handling Equipme 固体废物处理设备11 82 26 - Waste Compactors and Destructors 弃物打包机和垃圾燃烧设备11 91 00 - Religious Equipme 宗教设备12 00 00 – Furnishings 家具sections12 05 13 –Fabri 织物12 10 00 –A 艺术品t12 14 00 –Sculptur 雕塑12 21 00 - Window Blin 百叶帘12 22 00 - Curtains and Drap 门帘和窗帘12 22 16 - Drapery Track and Accessori 窗帘轨道和附件12 23 00 - Interior Shutte 室内百叶窗12 24 00 - Window Shad 遮光帘12 25 00 - Window Treatment Operating Hardwa 窗帘五金12 25 13 - Motorized Drapery Ro 电动卷帘杆12 30 00 –Casewo 柜子12 31 00 - Manufactured Metal Casewo 金属家具制作12 32 00 - Manufactured Wood Casewo 实木家具制作12 32 16 - Manufactured Plastic-Laminate-Clad Casewo 中密度板塑胶饰面家具12 34 00 - Manufactured Plastic Casewo 塑胶家具12 35 00 - Specialty Casewo 专业家具12 35 00.11 - Musical Instrument and Performance Casewo 音乐器具和演奏家具12 35 30 - Residential Casewo 住宅家具12 35 53 - Laboratory Casewo 实验室家具12 35 59 - Display Casewo 陈列家具12 35 70 - Healthcare Casewo 卫生保健家具12 35 91 - Religious Casewo 宗教家具12 36 00 –Counterto 工作台面12 36 16 - Metal Counterto 金属工作台面12 36 23 - Plastic Counterto 塑料工作台面12 36 40 - Stone Counterto 石材工作台面12 36 53 - Laboratory Counterto 实验室操作台面12 36 61.16 - Solid Surfacing Counterto 实心工作台面12 36 61.19 - Quartz Surfacing Counterto 石英工作台面12 46 00 - Furnishing Accessori 家居附件12 46 19 –Cloc 钟12 46 26 - Decorative Scree 装饰屏风12 48 00 - Rugs and Ma 地毯和脚垫12 48 13 - Entrance Floor Mats and Fram 入口地毯和框架12 48 13.13 - Entrance Floor Ma 入口地毯12 48 16 - Entrance Floor Grill 入口地坪方格栅12 48 19 - Entrance Floor Gratin 入口地坪条状格栅12 48 23 - Entrance Floor Gri 入口网状地垫12 48 26 - Entrance Ti 入口瓷砖12 48 43 - Floor Ma 地板垫12 48 53 –Ru 地毯12 48 53.13 –Runne 长条地毯12 50 00 –Furnitu 家具12 51 00 - Office Furnitu 办公家具。



Sichuan Building MaterialsVol.41,No.2April ,2015第41卷第2期2015年4月国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为例刘长有,刘㊀平(中国海外工程有限责任公司,北京㊀100048)作者简介:刘长有(1982-),男,河北承德人,硕士,工程师,研究方向:公路施工与管理;刘平(1981-),女,河北沧州人,硕士,工程师,研究方向:公路施工技术㊂㊀㊀摘㊀要:本文以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为研究对象,运用FIDIC 对变更与调整条款,探讨解决因法律改变引起的索赔的方法,以期维护承包商的合法权益,进而对国际工程施工企业有所帮助㊂㊀㊀关键词:FIDIC ;法律改变;国际工程㊀㊀中图分类号:F284/TU723.3文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-4011(2015)02-0273-02DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1672-4011.2015.02.132Case Analysis of Overseas Engineering ClaimCaused by the State Legal Alterations Mendi Highway Project in Southern Highlands Province ,Papua New GuineaLIU Changyou ,LIU Ping(China Overseas Engineering Group Co.,Ltd ,Beijing 100048,China )Abstract :this article takes Mendi Highway Project in Southern Highlands Province,Papua New Guinea as the study object,researches on the ways of solving claims caused by legal alterations through Variations and Adjustments clause of FIDIC,to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of contrac-tors,and benefit the construction enterprises of overseas engi-neering.Key words :fidic;legal alterations;overseas engineering0㊀前㊀言国际工程承包实施过程中,由于项目工程周期一般较长,极易存在由于项目所在国法律变化给项目成本和工期带来的风险㊂这些新的㊁修正的法律㊁法令和新出台的政策,承包商在合同签订前是无法预见到[1]㊂那么如何应对由于法律㊁法令变化所带来的风险,也是专家㊁学者和施工企业关注的焦点㊂1㊀项目背景Mendi 公路项目是某海外公司在巴布亚新几内亚承揽的最大公路项目,项目合同工期30个月,全长49.6km,沿线道路曲折,线路两侧植被茂密㊂项目位于巴新南高地省,雨季和旱季已不明显,全年多雨且雨量较大,历史最大日降雨量在300mm 左右㊂全线软基点多,业主又不想有过多变更,在现有的预算内施工,由于线路较长,施工难度较大,因此全线施工过程中,项目组科学制定了施工组织程序,增加了工作面,增加了人员投入,人员成本压力较大㊂2014年,巴新国家政府对现行工资法律进行调整,加剧了项目组的成本压力,项目组经过分析,采用FIDIC 中变更与调整条款同监理和业主进行了协商,得到了监理和业主的初步认可㊂2㊀因法律改变的调整承包商编制投标报价的依据之一就是工程所在国的各项法律[2],如果这些法律发生变动,其工程费用当然会受到影响㊂FIDIC 中13.7款中明确写到 于基准日期后工程所在国法律有所改变或对此类法律的司法或政府解释有改变,影响承包商履行合同义务的,合同价格应考虑上述改变导致的任何费用增减进行调整 [3-4]㊂施工合同签定于2011年9月,但值得注意的是,FIDIC 这个条款并没有给出具体的计算方式,给合同索赔过程中监理和承包商之间留下了争议隐患㊂本文仅以法律变化中国家最低工资标准为例,来探讨对承包商的影响,并提出索赔的模式㊂3㊀巴新法律对当地最低工资进行了调整2014年,巴新政府通过决议,将全国最低工资标准从原来的2.29基纳调整到3.2基纳,增幅达39.7%㊂这个决定,对全体国民无疑是福音,但却给企业带来了成本压力,特别是施工企业㊂以该项目为例,目前该项目每个月人员工资总共200万人民币,由于标准调整,调整后每个月额外增加支付工人的工资㊂4㊀最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔模式由于所在国法律变化给承包商费用造成影响,根据这些影响程度对价格甚至工期做出调整是公平合理的,FIDIC 中虽然明确指出由于所在国法律变更,导致承包商费用增加,业主方要承担责任,但是,并没有给出具体的计算方法㊂本文依据FIDIC13.7条款,结合巴新国家和项目组,探讨出一个较为公平合理的计算方法和计算模式,具体如下:N:假定合同总额为NM:平均每个月合同额㊀N /30=MA:调整前一个双周所有工人工资总和=A B:调整后一个双周所有工人工资总和=B C:调整前后月份工资平均值(A +B)/2=C D:平均增加工资额度C -A =DE:平均每个月工资增加比率E =D /M也就是说,由于最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔额为:每个月计量总额ˑE,即为索赔金额㊂表1最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔模式案例分析1合同总额N2平均每个月合同额M 3调整前一个双周所有工人工资总A 4调整后一个双周所有工人工资总和B 5调整前后月份工资平均值C 6平均增加工资额度D7平均每个月工资增加比率E 8最低工资标准变化引起承包商索赔每个月计量总额ˑE㊃372㊃Sichuan Building MaterialsVol.41,No.2April ,2015第41卷第2期2015年4月通过计算该项目平均每个月工资增加比率=1.14%,以当月产值1200万人民币计算,当月索赔金额1200ˑ1.14%=16.8万人民币㊂承包商充分搜集工资发放证据,并积极同业主监理沟通,得到了他们的初步理解,有望尽快解决㊂5㊀结㊀论本文以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi 公路为研究对象,运用FIDIC 对变更与调整条款,探讨解决因法律改变引起的索赔的方法,以期维护承包商的合法权益,进而在巴布亚新几内亚的中资施工企业有所帮助,主要有以下几个方面的结论:1)承包商,特别是国际工程承包商必需深入了解所在国国情,对国家法律㊁合同条款要深入了解;2)充分搜集证据,用数据说话,严格按照合同索赔程序做事;3)充分同业主㊁监理沟通,建立良好的互信关系,争取对方的理解和支持㊂[ID:001778]参考文献:[1]㊀夏志宏.国际工程承包风险与规避[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004.[2]㊀张水波.FIDIC 新版合同条件导读与解析[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003.[3]㊀Conditons of contract for Consturction[Z].FIDIC,1999.[4]㊀中国工程咨询协会.FIDIC 施工合同条件[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2002.ʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏʏ(上接第268页)为了避免目前这种状况,根据江苏省城乡规划设计研究院刘一雷对结构设计中常用图表的补充意见,结合笔者在株洲市炎帝广场商业文化街等工程建设中的体会,现就如何合理使用ϕ6.5规格的Ⅰ级钢筋,作以下三点建议:1)钢筋混凝土结构的一些梁㊁板㊁柱配筋图例中的各类附加钢筋,凡标注ϕ6@200或ȡϕ6@200(不小于ϕ6@200)的钢筋,均可用ϕ6.5@225或ȡϕ6.5@225(不小于ϕ6.5@225)代换㊂2)GB50011-2010‘工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范“条文中 沿墙高每50cm 配置2ϕ6钢筋连接 ,可进行如下代换: 沿墙高每60cm 配置2ϕ6.5钢筋连接㊂3)每米板宽各种间距下的钢筋截面积(cm 2)参考表如下(可供钢筋代用时选择)㊂表1每米板宽各种间距下的钢筋截面积(cm 2)参考表mm 直径d 钢筋间距707580859010012012514015016018020022022525028030032064.043.773.543.333.142.832.362.262.021.891.771.571.411.㊀推广新技术,大力采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋5.1㊀对钢筋冷加工处理提高屈服强度,节约钢材将钢材在常温下进行冷拉㊁冷拔或冷轧,使之产生塑性变形,从而提高屈服强度,这个过程称为 冷加工强化处理 [5]㊂工地或预制构件厂常利用这一原理对钢筋或低碳钢盘条按一定规范进行冷拉或冷拔加工,以提高屈服强度㊁节约钢材㊂5.2㊀合理采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋冷轧带肋钢筋属冶金部 八五 期间发展的120个钢材品种之一,已通过国家标准审查,它具有与混凝土粘结锚固能力强㊁施工工序简单㊁节省钢材等优点[4]㊂据四川省建筑科学研究院的研究结果表明:①若预应力C25混凝土构件采用冷轧带肋钢筋,其钢筋强度比冷拔丝高15%~23%,同时可节约钢材15%左右,节约水泥40~50kg /m 3;②在非预应力构件㊁现浇楼面㊁路面㊁机场跑道等施工中,冷轧带肋钢筋代替Ⅰ级钢筋使用可节约钢材30%~40%㊂5.3㊀中强度冷轧带肋钢筋在工程中的实际应用在非预应力构件㊁现浇楼面㊁路面等钢筋混凝土结构中,冷轧带肋钢筋的代换原则为:将直径规格为5㊁6㊁8㊁10mm 的冷轧带肋钢筋以等同延长米方式,分别代替规格为ϕ6.5㊁ϕ8㊁ϕ10㊁ϕ12的Ⅰ级钢筋(钢筋间距两者保持不变),且省略两端弯钩的制作㊂株洲市汽贸大厦工程共9层,底下2层为框架结构,上面7层为砖混结构㊂经建设单位㊁监理单位㊁施工单位和设计单位有关专家共同进行技术核定,将原设计中楼面板的Ⅰ级钢筋用冷轧带肋钢筋代换;另外,新疆生产建设兵团农四师七十六团农用飞机场的跑道施工也是通过技术核定单的形式,按上述方法代换使用;总建筑面积25万多m 2的新疆叶城县金果小区商住楼工程的楼面板钢筋也是按此方法设计施工的㊂通过若干以上类似工程实践证明:合理采用中强度冷轧带肋钢筋,不仅结构安全可靠,而且经济效益和社会效益十分可观㊂笔者曾先后参与了上述工程的施工管理工作,并随同施工代表就代换后的工程质量和使用功能进行多次回访调查,据业主方反映,多年无任何质量问题,满足正常使用功能㊂6㊀结㊀语总之,钢材是建筑工程的三大主材之一,在工程中一定要强化管理,合理利用钢材,注意点滴节约,积少成多,为施工企业创造良好的施工效益,从而更好地支援其他工程建设㊂[ID:001844]参考文献:[1]㊀上官子昌.钢筋工程施工技术与禁忌[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2013.[2]㊀肖玉峰.钢筋下料计算与施工[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2013.[3]㊀吴成材.钢筋连接技术手册[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014.[4]㊀俞宾辉.建筑钢筋工程施工手册(新规范)[M].济南:山东科学技术出版社,2004.[5]㊀吴志红.建筑施工技术[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2010.㊃472㊃国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析--以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi公路为例作者:刘长有, 刘平, LIU Changyou, LIU Ping作者单位:中国海外工程有限责任公司,北京,100048刊名:四川建材英文刊名:Sichuan Building Materials年,卷(期):2015(2)引用本文格式:刘长有.刘平.LIU Changyou.LIU Ping国际工程因所在国法律改变引起的索赔案例分析--以巴布亚新几内亚高地Mendi公路为例[期刊论文]-四川建材 2015(2)。

2013 Acura TL Advanced Technology Guide

2013 Acura TL Advanced Technology Guide

2013ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY GUIDEA D V A N C E D T E C H N O L O G Y G U I D EThe Advanced Technology Guide is designed to help you get acquainted with your new Acura and provide basic instructions on technology and convenience features. This guide covers the TL.This guide is not intended to be a substitute for the Owner’s Manual. For more detailed information on vehicle controls and operation, please refer to the respective sections in the Owner’s Manual.Bluetooth ®Audio (14)iPod ®or USB Flash Drive....................................................................15My Acura............................................................................................16Safety Reminder.. (17)Fuel Requirement (17)Instrument Panel Indicators................................................................2Multi-Information Display (MID).........................................................4Driving Position Memory System (DPMS)...........................................8Reverse Tilt Door Mirrors......................................................................9HomeLink ® (10)Bluetooth ®HandsFreeLink ®(HFL) (11)BLUETOOTH ®H A N D S F R E E L I N K ®p . 11M U L T I -I N F O R M A T I O N D I S P L A Y p. 4A U D I O p. 14n c t i o n I n d i c a t o r sIf an indicator remains on, there may be a problem; see your dealer.Charging systemLow brake fluid, Brake system SH-AWD *(Super Handling All-Wheel Drive)Malfunction indicator lampfor more information.C o n d i t i o n I n d i c a t o r sAction is needed by driver.Parking brake on:ReleaseMessage indicator:See MID Seat belt reminder:Low fuel:M U L T I -I N F O R M A T I O N D I S P L A Y (M I D )Consists of several displays that provide you with useful information.Odometer,Outside temperature Trip A,Outside temperatureOil life,Outside temperature Trip B,Outside temperatureWhen you start the engine, the MIDshows the last active display fromthe previous drive cycle.To toggle between the MID main displays, press either Info button ( p /q ).SEL/RESET buttonINFO buttonT i r e P r e s s u r e M o n i t o r i n g S y s t e mVisually inspect the tires forwhich tire(s) have low pressure.3. Inflate the tire(s), if necessary,to the recommended pressureslisted on the label on thedriver’s doorjamb.689DRIVING POSITION MEMORY SYSTEM (DPMS)Store driver’s seat and side mirror positions into memory for each correspondingkeyless remote (1 or 2), which are recalled when you unlock the driver’s door with the Adjust your preferred seat and outside mirror settings.Press the memory button corresponding to the remote for manual transmission vehicles Note:Stored positions can also be recalled by pressing one of the memory buttons (1 or 2) on the door.R E V E R S E T I L T D O O R M I R R O R SWhen you shift into Reverse (R), you can tilt either outside door mirror down slightly to improve your view as you parallel park. Shifting out of Reverse returns the tilted mirror • To tilt the driver’sdoor mirror, move the mirror selector switch to the left (L) position.Position the remote transmitter you wish to link 1–3 inches from the 1Press and hold the programmed HomeLink button for about a second.3HFL Talk button: Give HFL commands and answer incoming calls.Press and release the HFL Talk button before you give a command.search for your phone.“Mary's phone.”5. Enter the four-digit code on your phone when prompted.connect to HFL.number.2. Say“Call”or “Dial”tobegin the call.accept the call.to decline or end the call.STORE123-456-7890STOREchange tracks. appears.3. Press“play” on your phone; sound isredirected to the audio system. Makesure the volume on your phone isadjusted.Notes:• You may need to enable additional Bluetooth settings on your phone forConnect the USB connector to youriPod dock connector or flash drive.pull out the USB adapter cable.iPod is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPod not included.tracks.2. Press AUX until iPod or USB appears.Note: Connect your device only when your vehicle is stopped.R E G I S T E R A T My Acura enhances your ownership experience by allowing you to explore features and technologies specific to your vehicle, schedule service appointments, obtain and update maintenance and service records, manage your financial services account, and access other useful information.16。

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全球尊严日于每年10月的第三个星期三举 行。 (今年︰ 10月16日)
在这一天,世界青年领袖和其他活动先锋 与众多志愿者共同参与全球尊严日活动。 他们与来自中东、欧洲、亚洲、非洲及美 洲的青年交谈,希望能够为他们树立一种 全新的、积极的、相互包容和信赖的价值 观,以指引他们未来的成长之路。 与此同时,领袖们出席尊严论坛,与青年 人共同庆祝尊严日。2011年的尊严论坛将 于芬兰举办。 快来参加吧!
世界大同 以人为尊
肯定人性尊严 发挥个人潜能
“What is dignity to you?”
世界大同 以人为尊
世界大同 以人为尊 —— 肯定人性尊严 发挥个人潜Байду номын сангаас!
“在这个各执己见 的多元世界里,政 治分裂,宗教对立, 种族甚至文化界限 彼此隔离,却唯独 在尊严的问题上达 成了共识。”
日期: 星期三,2013年10月16日
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这三位朋友意识到,尽管人各有异,但在一件事情上却能达成共识:我们都希 望自己的尊严得到认可。尊严是人类的生存之本,是普世价值,人权之源。 2006年,这三位联合创始人共同创建了全球尊严组织。从那时起,他们便与来 自40多个国家的世界青年领袖和其他合作伙伴携手,共同创办了“尊严日”, 其活动之一便是走访世界各地的学校和社区,为年轻人开设“尊严课程”。
- 协调员进行自我介绍和课程介绍 - 学生用自己的语言给尊严下定义
- 学生相互分享关于尊严的故事 - 学生给自己写一封信
- 毕马威代表进行活动总结 - 邀请部分学生分享关于尊严的故事
- 校领导致闭幕词
“How to hold a dignity day session”
全球尊严组织的联合创始人: Haakon王储 (挪威)、John Hope Bryant (美国) 及Pekka Himanen教授(芬兰)
如何起步 ——2006年,三位世界青年领袖创建了全球尊严 组织,如今其分支机构已遍及全球
全球尊严组织是三位朋友—— Haakon王储(挪威)、Pekka Himanen教授(芬兰) 和 希望工程(Operation HOPE)创始人John Hope Bryant (美国),以及多位会聚世界 经济论坛的世界青年领袖(Youth Global Leaders)共同构想的成果
现阶段成绩——2010年,来自全球超过25个国家的众多青 年参加了全球尊严日活动
> 自2008年起,全球尊严日每年 举行一次。 2010年,60多位世 界青年领袖和其他活动先锋在 超过25个国家举办了尊严日活 动 > 除了全球尊严日活动外,还在 各所学校全年举办了尊严宣讲 会 > 自2010年全球尊严日起,志愿 者们走访了全球的更多学校
…… 阿根廷 坦桑尼亞 美國挪威 日本 蒙古 加拿大
伊朗 印度 土耳其 英國 南非 芬蘭 德國 智利 巴勒斯坦 印度尼西亞 奧地利 肯尼亞 尼日利亞 瑞士 以色列 沙特阿拉伯 中国 莫桑比克 波兰……
我们的目标是到2020年,在全球半数国家举办尊严 日活动 2011年,我们希望能在50多个国家举办全球尊严日 活动 ……并且在2013年能够在70多个国家举办以上活动 我们计划与更多组织合作,到了2013年在50多个国 家委任各国分会主席 如果全球尊严的合作伙伴希望拓展活动受众,以 覆盖雇员、年长者及在囚人士,我们将大力支持
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每个人都有权过着有尊严的生活 有尊严的生活意味着享有发挥潜力的机会,拥有基本 的医疗保健、教育、收入和安全保证 尊严意味着有自主权决定自己的生活,且这种自主权 应得到尊重 尊严是指导所有行为的基本原则
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KPMG - 全球尊严日
愿景、使命和目标 —— 肯定人性尊严,让全球各地的 每个人都尽展潜能
我们帮助青年人和成年人实现自己的最大价值, 也同样帮助其他的人达致相同目标
我们以全球10至18岁的青年人作为受众——争取到2020 年能够造访世界50%的国家,举办尊严日活动
我们的工作—— 全球尊严日:世界各大洲的青年在同一 天参加维护人性尊严宣讲会