



SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS:Quick Quizzes1. When a competitive firm doubles the amount it sells, the price remains the same, so its totalrevenue doubles.2. The price faced by a profit-maximizing firm is equal to its marginal cost because if price were abovemarginal cost, the firm could increase profits by increasing output, while if price were belowmarginal cost, the firm could increase profits by decreasing output.A profit-maximizing firm decides to shut down in the short run when price is less than averagevariable cost. In the long run, a firm will exit a market when price is less than average total cost.3. In the long run, with free entry and exit, the price in the market is equal to both a firm’s marginalcost and its average total cost, as Figure 1 shows. The firm chooses its quantity so that marginal cost equals price; doing so ensures that the firm is maximizing its profit. In the long run, entry into and exit from the industry drive the price of the good to the minimum point on theaverage-total-cost curve.Figure 1Questions for Review1. A competitive firm is a firm in a market in which: (1) there are many buyers and many sellers inthe market; (2) the goods offered by the various sellers are largely the same; and (3) usually firms can freely enter or exit the market.2. Figure 2 shows the cost curves for a typical firm. For a given price (such as P*), the level of outputthat maximizes profit is the output where marginal cost equals price (Q*), as long as price is greater than average variable cost at that point (in the short run), or greater than average total cost (in the long run).Figure 23. A firm will shut down temporarily if the revenue it would get from producing is less than thevariable costs of production. This occurs if price is less than average variable cost.4. A firm will exit a market if the revenue it would get if it stayed in business is less than its total cost.This occurs if price is less than average total cost.5. A firm's price equals marginal cost in both the short run and the long run. In both the short runand the long run, price equals marginal revenue. The firm should increase output as long asmarginal revenue exceeds marginal cost, and reduce output if marginal revenue is less thanmarginal cost. Profits are maximized when marginal revenue equals marginal cost.6. The firm's price equals the minimum of average total cost only in the long run. In the short run,price may be greater than average total cost, in which case the firm is making profits, or price may be less than average total cost, in which case the firm is making losses. But the situation isdifferent in the long run. If firms are making profits, other firms will enter the industry, which will lower the price of the good. If firms are making losses, they will exit the industry, which will raise the price of the good. Entry or exit continues until firms are making neither profits nor losses. At that point, price equals average total cost.7. Market supply curves are typically more elastic in the long run than in the short run. In acompetitive market, since entry or exit occurs until price equals the minimum of average total cost, the supply curve is perfectly elastic in the long run.Problems and Applications1. A competitive market is one in which: (1) there are many buyers and many sellers in the market;(2) the goods offered by the various sellers are largely the same; and (3) usually firms can freelyenter or exit the market. Of these goods, bottled water is probably the closest to a competitive market. Tap water is a natural monopoly because there's only one seller. Cola and beer are not perfectly competitive because every brand is slightly different.2. Since a new customer is offering to pay $300 for one dose, marginal revenue between 200 and 201doses is $300. So we must find out if marginal cost is greater than or less than $300. To do this, calculate total cost for 200 doses and 201 doses, and calculate the increase in total cost.Multiplying quantity by average total cost, we find that total cost rises from $40,000 to $40,401, so marginal cost is $401. So your roommate should not make the additional dose.3. a. Remembering that price equals marginal cost when firms are maximizing profit, we knowthe marginal cost must be 30 cents, since that is the price.b. The industry is not in long-run equilibrium since price exceeds average total cost.4. Once you have ordered the dinner, its cost is sunk, so it does not represent an opportunity cost.As a result, the cost of the dinner should not influence your decision about stuffing yourself.5. Since Bob’s average total cost is $280/10 = $28, which is greater than the price, he will exit theindustry in the long run. Since fixed cost is $30, average variable cost is ($280 - $30)/10 = $25, which is less than price, so Bob won’t shut down in the short run.6. Here’s the table showing costs, revenues, and profits:a. The firm should produce 5 or 6 units to maximize profit.b. Marginal revenue and marginal cost are graphed in Figure 3. The curves cross at aquantity between 5 and 6 units, yielding the same answer as in part (a).c. This industry is competitive since marginal revenue is the same for each quantity. Theindustry is not in long-run equilibrium, since profit is positive.Figure 37. a. Figure 4 shows the short-run effect of declining demand for beef. The shift of theindustry demand curve from D1 to D2 reduces the quantity from Q1 to Q2 and reduces theprice from P1 to P2. This affects the firm, reducing its quantity from q1 to q2. Before thedecline in the price, the firm was making zero profits; afterwards, profits are negative, asaverage total cost exceeds price.Figure 4b. Figure 5 shows the long-run effect of declining demand for beef. Since firms were losingmoney in the short run, some firms leave the industry. This shifts the supply curve fromS1 to S3. The shift of the supply curve is just enough to increase the price back to itsoriginal level, P1. As a result, industry output falls still further, to Q3. For firms thatremain in the industry, the rise in the price to P1 returns them to their original situation,producing quantity q1 and earning zero profits.Figure 58. Figure 6 shows that although high prices cause an industry to expand, entry into the industryeventually returns prices to the point of minimum average total cost. In the figure, the industry is originally in long-run equilibrium. The industry produces output Q1, where supply curve S1intersects demand curve D1, and the price is P1. At this point the typical firm produces output q1.Since price equals average total cost at that point, the firm makes zero economic profit.Now suppose an increase in demand occurs, with the demand curve shifting to D2. This causes "high prices" in the industry, as the price rises to P2. It also causes the industry to increase output to Q2. With the higher price, the typical firm increases its output from q1 to q2, and now makes positive profits, since price exceeds average total cost.However, the positive profits that firms earn encourage other firms to enter the industry. Their entry, "an expansion in an industry," leads the supply curve to shift to S3. The new equilibrium reduces the price back to P1, "bringing an end to high prices and manufacturers' prosperity," since now firms produce q1 and earn zero profit again. The only long-lasting effect is that industryoutput is Q3, a higher level than originally.Figure 69. a. Figure 7 shows the typical firm in the industry, with average total cost ATC1, marginal costMC1, and price P1.b. The new process reduces Hi-Tech’s marginal cost to MC2 and its average total cost to ATC2,but the price remains at P1 since other firms cannot use the new process. Thus Hi-Techearns positive profits.c. When the patent expires and other firms are free to use the technology, all firms’average-total-cost curves decline to ATC2, so the market price falls to P3 and firms earn noprofits.Figure 710. The rise in the price of petroleum increases production costs for individual firms and thus shifts theindustry supply curve up, as shown in Figure 8. The typical firm's initial marginal-cost curve is MC1 and its average-total-cost curve is ATC1. In the initial equilibrium, the industry supply curve, S1, intersects the demand curve at price P1, which is equal to the minimum average total cost of the typical firm. Thus the typical firm earns no economic profit.The increase in the price of oil shifts the typical firm's cost curves up to MC2 and ATC2, and shifts the industry supply curve up to S2. The equilibrium price rises from P1 to P2, but the price does not increase by as much as the increase in marginal cost for the firm. As a result, price is less than average total cost for the firm, so profits are negative.In the long run, the negative profits lead some firms to exit the industry. As they do so, theindustry-supply curve shifts to the left. This continues until the price rises to equal the minimum point on the firm's average-total-cost curve. The long-run equilibrium occurs with supply curve S3, equilibrium price P3, industry output Q3, and firm's output q3. Thus, in the long run, profits arezero again and there are fewer firms in the industry.Figure 811. a. Figure 9 illustrates the situation in the U.S. textile industry. With no international trade,the market is in long-run equilibrium. Supply intersects demand at quantity Q1 and price$30, with a typical firm producing output q1.Figure 9b. The effect of imports at $25 is that the market supply curve follows the old supply curve upto a price of $25, then becomes horizontal at that price. As a result, demand exceedsdomestic supply, so the country imports textiles from other countries. The typicaldomestic firm now reduces its output from q1 to q2, incurring losses, since the large fixedcosts imply that average total cost will be much higher than the price.c. In the long run, domestic firms will be unable to compete with foreign firms because theircosts are too high. All the domestic firms will exit the industry and other countries willsupply enough to satisfy the entire domestic demand.12. a. Figure 10 shows the current equilibrium in the market for pretzels. The supply curve, S1,intersects the demand curve at price P1. Each stand produces quantity q1 of pretzels, sothe total number of pretzels produced is 1,000 x q1. Stands earn zero profit, since priceequals average total cost.b. If the city government restricts the number of pretzel stands to 800, the industry-supplycurve shifts to S2. The market price rises to P2, and individual firms produce output q2.Industry output is now 800 x q2. Now the price exceeds average total cost, so each firm ismaking a positive profit. Without restrictions on the market, this would induce other firmsto enter the market, but they cannot, since the government has limited the number oflicenses.c. The city could charge a license fee for the licenses. Since it is a lump-sum fee for thelicense, not based on the quantity of sales, such a tax has no effect on marginal cost, sowon't affect the firm's output. It will, however, reduce the firm's profits. As long as thefirm is left with a zero or positive profit, it will continue to operate. So the license fee thatbrings the most money to the city is to charge each firm the amount (P2 - ATC2)q2, theamount of the firm's profit.Figure 1013. a. Figure 11 illustrates the gold market (industry) and a representative gold mine (firm).The demand curve, D1, intersects the supply curve at industry quantity Q1 and price P1.Since the industry is in long-run equilibrium, the price equals the minimum point on therepresentative firm's average total cost curve, so the firm produces output q1 and makeszero profit.b. The increase in jewelry demand leads to an increase in the demand for gold, shifting thedemand curve to D2. In the short run, the price rises to P2, industry output rises to Q2,and the representative firm's output rises to q2. Since price now exceeds average totalcost, the representative firm now earns positive profits.c. Since gold mines are earning positive economic profits, over time other firms will enter theindustry. This will shift the supply curve to the right, reducing the price below P2. Butit's unlikely that the price will fall all the way back to P1, since gold is in short supply.Costs for new firms are likely to be higher than for older firms, since they'll have to discovernew gold sources. So it's likely that the long-run supply curve in the gold industry isupward sloping. That means the long-run equilibrium price will be higher than it wasinitially.Figure 1114. a. Figure 12 shows cost curves for a California refiner and a non-California refiner. Since theCalifornia refiner has access to lower-cost oil, its costs are lower.Figure 12b. In long-run equilibrium, the price is determined by the costs of non-California refiners,since California refiners cannot supply the entire market. The market price will equal theminimum average total cost of the other refiners; they will thus earn zero profits. SinceCalifornia refiners have lower costs, they will earn positive profits, equal to (P* - ATC C) xQ C.c. Yes, there is a subsidy to California refiners that is not passed on to consumers. Thesubsidy accounts for the long-run profits of the California refiners. It arises simplybecause the oil cannot be exported.。




















社会保险税是从国民收入中扣除的,因此社会保险税的增加并不影响GDP ,NDP和NI,但影响个人收入PI。



































【复习与练习】一、选择题1.经济周期的四个阶段依次是()A 复苏、衰退、萧条、繁荣B 复苏、衰退、繁荣、萧条C 复苏、繁荣、衰退、萧条D 复苏、繁荣、萧条、衰退2.当某一社会经济处于周期的扩张阶段时,()A 经济的生产能力超过它的消费需求B 总需求逐渐增长,但没有超过总供给C 存货的增加与总需求的减少D 总需求超过总供给3.现在人们一般认为,经济周期是指()A GDP值上升和下降的交替过程B 人均GDP值的上升和下降的交替过程C GDP增长率的上升和下降的交替过程D 以上各项都对4.下列各项中,不属于生产要素供给增长的是()A 投资的增加B 就业人口的增加 C发展教育事业 D 人才的合理流动5.GDP是衡量经济增长的一个极好指标,是因为()A GDP以货币表示,易于比较B GDP的增长总是意味着已发生的实际经济增长C GDP不仅反映一国的经济实力,还反映经济福利程度D 以上说法都对6.小李欲出国一趟,需要从银行购入美元外汇。



一、单项选择题1.C2.A3.D4.B5.A6.A7.D8.C9.D 10.B二、判断题1.√2.X3.X4.X5.X6.√三、简答题1.稀缺性产生于人类欲望的无限性与资源的有限性这一矛盾。




3. 实证分析法不带价值判断,所表述的问题可以用事实、证据或者从逻辑上加以证明或证伪,即“是什么”;而规范分析是以一定的价值判断为基础,提出分析问题的理论标准,并研究如何才能符合这些标准,即“应该是什么”,它研究的内容没有客观性,其结论也无法通过事实来直接检验。

一、单项选择题1.A2.D3.A4.A5.C6.A7.B8.D9.A 10.C二、判断题1.X2.X3.X4.√5.√6.√7.X8.X9.X 10.√三、简答题1.影响需求的因素:商品自身的价格、消费者的收入、相关商品价格、消费者的偏好、消费者的预期;影响供给的因素:商品本身的价格、生产要素的价格、相关商品价格、技术水平、对未来的预期;2.根据凡勃伦效应,消费者购买高档商品大多是为了满足炫耀的需求。






























许纯祯《西方经济学》(第3版)课后习题详解(第12章 通货膨胀和失业)

许纯祯《西方经济学》(第3版)课后习题详解(第12章  通货膨胀和失业)

许纯祯《西方经济学》(第3版)第十二章 通货膨胀和失业课后习题详解跨考网独家整理最全经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题解析资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题,经济学考研参考书等内容,更有跨考考研历年辅导的经济学学哥学姐的经济学考研经验,从前辈中获得的经验对初学者来说是宝贵的财富,这或许能帮你少走弯路,躲开一些陷阱。


一、基本概念通货膨胀 爬行通货膨胀 温和的通货膨胀 奔腾式的通货膨胀 超级通货膨胀 平衡的通货膨胀 非平衡的通货膨胀 需求拉动的通货膨胀 成本推进的通货膨胀 经济资源配置效应 非效率效应 结构性通货膨胀 北欧模型 奥肯定律 失业 结构性失业 自然失业率 工资粘性 价格粘性 菲利普斯曲线 滞胀答:略。



需求拉动的通货膨胀可用图12-8的AS AD 模型来说明。

图12-8 需求拉动的通货膨胀图12-8中,AD 与AS 曲线分别表示总需求曲线和总供给曲线。

AS 开始一般呈现水平状态,说明在总产量较低时,总需求的增加不会引起物价上升,总产量增加到1Q 前,一直保持稳定的物价水平。

1AD 与AS 相交于1E 时,决定了1P 、1Q 。

当总产量达到1Q 而继续增加总供给时,就会遇到生产过程中的所谓瓶颈现象,即由于劳动、原料、生产设备等的不足而使成本提高,从而引起一般物价水平上涨。

1AD 继续提高,向右上方移动时,AS 便开始逐渐向右上方倾斜,一般物价水平也逐渐上升。

2AD 与AS 相交于2E 决定了较高的产量和物价水平2Q 、2P 。


黄亚钧《微观经济学》(第3版)习题详解(第12章 一般均衡与福利)

黄亚钧《微观经济学》(第3版)习题详解(第12章  一般均衡与福利)
















第一章边学边练一、单项选择题1.A 2.C 3.B 4. B 5. C6.A7.B8.D9.A 10.B二、多项选择题1.ABCEF 2.BCDEF 3. BCD 4. ACD5.BD6.ABD7.AC8.BCD9.ABC 10.ABC三、判断题1.F2.F3.F4.T5.F6.T7.F8.F9.T 10.T四、简答题1.答:微观经济学研究的基本内容包括: 均衡价格理论、消费者行为理论、生产理论、分配理论、市场失灵与微观经济政策。















经济学基础习题目录第一章导论 (3)一、单项选择题 (3)二、多项选择题 (5)三、判断题 (6)四、案例 (7)五、实训项目 (7)第二章需求、供给与均衡价格 (8)一、单项选择题 (8)二、多项选择题 (10)三、判断题 (11)四、案例 (12)五、实训项目 (14)第三章消费者行为分析 (14)一、单项选择题 (14)二、多项选择题 (16)四、案例 (17)五、实训项目 (18)第四章生产理论 (18)一、单项选择题 (18)二、多项选择题 (20)三、判断题 (21)四、案例 (22)五、实训项目 (23)第五章成本理论 (24)一、单项选择题 (24)二、多项选择题 (26)三、判断题 (27)四、案例 (28)五、实训项目 (30)第六章市场与竞争分析 (30)一、单项选择题 (30)二、多项选择题 (32)三、判断题 (33)四、案例 (33)第七章生产要素理论 (34)一、单项选择题 (34)二.多项选择题 (36)三.判断正误题 (38)四、案例 (39)五、实训项目 (41)第八章国民收入的核算 (41)一、单项选择题 (41)二、多项选择题 (43)三、判断题 (45)四、案例 (46)五、实训项目 (48)第九章国民收入的决定理论 (49)一、单项选择题 (49)二、多项选择题 (50)三、判断题 (51)四、案例 (52)五、实训项目 (57)第十章经济周期与经济增长 (57)一、单项选择题 (57)二、多项选择题 (59)三、判断题 (61)四、案例 (61)五、实训项目 (63)第十一章通货膨胀与失业 (63)一、单项选择题 (63)二、多项选择题 (66)三、判断题 (67)四、案例 (68)五、实训项目 (68)第十二章宏观经济政策 (68)一、单项选择题 (68)二、多项选择题 (70)三、判断题 (71)四、案例 (72)五、实训项目 (75)经济学基础习题第一章导论一、单项选择题1.在任何一个经济中,( C )。



SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS:Quick Quizzes1. Figure 1 shows the supply and demand curves for cookies, with equilibrium quantity Q1 andequilibrium price P1. When the government imposes a tax on cookies, the price to buyers rises to P B, the price received by sellers declines to P S, and the equilibrium quantity falls to Q2. Thedeadweight loss is the triangular area below the demand curve and above the supply curvebetween quantities Q1 and Q2. The deadweight loss shows the fall in total surplus that resultsfrom the tax.Figure 12. A tax on beer would have a larger deadweight loss than a tax on milk, since the demand for beer ismore elastic than the demand for milk and the deadweight loss of a tax is larger the greater is the elasticity of demand.3. If the government doubles the tax on gasoline, the revenue from the gasoline tax could rise or fall,depending on where the tax falls on the Laffer curve. However, if the government doubles the tax on gasoline, you can be sure that the deadweight loss of the tax rises, since deadweight loss always rises as the tax rate rises.Questions for Review1. When the sale of a good is taxed, both consumer surplus and producer surplus decline. Thedecline in consumer surplus and producer surplus exceeds the amount of government revenue that is raised, so society's total surplus declines. The tax distorts the incentives of both buyers andsellers, so resources are allocated inefficiently.2. Figure 2 illustrates the deadweight loss and tax revenue from a tax on the sale of a good. Withouta tax, the equilibrium quantity would be Q1, the equilibrium price would be P1, consumer surpluswould be A+B+C, and producer surplus would be D+E+F. The imposition of a tax places a wedge between the price buyers pay, P B, and the price sellers receive, P S, where P B = P S + tax. Thequantity sold declines to Q2. Now consumer surplus is A, producer surplus is F, and government revenue is B+D. The deadweight loss of the tax is C+E, since that area is lost because of thedecline in quantity from Q1 to Q2.Figure 23. The greater the elasticities of demand and supply, the greater the deadweight loss of a tax. Sinceelasticity measures the response of quantity to a change in price, higher elasticity means the tax induces a greater reduction in quantity, hence a greater distortion to the market.4. Experts disagree about whether labor taxes have small or large deadweight losses because theyhave different views about the elasticity of labor supply. Some believe that labor supply isinelastic, so a tax on labor has a small deadweight loss. But others think that workers can adjust their hours worked in various ways, so labor supply is elastic, and thus a tax on labor has a large deadweight loss.5. The deadweight loss of a tax rises more than proportionally as the tax rises. Tax revenue,however, may increase initially as the tax rises, but as the tax rises further, revenue eventuallydeclines.Problems and Applications1. a. Figure 3 illustrates the market for pizza. The equilibrium price is P1, the equilibriumquantity is Q1, consumer surplus is area A+B+C, and producer surplus is area D+E+F.There is no deadweight loss, as all the potential gains from trade are realized; total surplusis the entire area between the demand and supply curves A+B+C+D+E+F.Figure 3b. With a $1 tax on each pizza sold, the price paid by buyers, P B, is now higher than the pricereceived by sellers, P S, where P B = P S + $1. The quantity declines to Q2, consumersurplus is area A, producer surplus is area F, government revenue is area B+D, anddeadweight loss is area C+E. Consumer surplus declines by B+C, producer surplusdeclines by D+E, government revenue increases by B+D, and deadweight loss increasesby C+E.c. If the tax were removed and consumers and producers voluntarily transferred B+D to thegovernment to make up for the lost tax revenue, then everyone would be better off thanwithout the tax. The equilibrium quantity would be Q1, as in the case without the tax, andthe equilibrium price would be P1. Consumer surplus would be A+C, because consumersget surplus of A+B+C, then voluntarily transfer B to the government. Producer surpluswould be E+F, since producers get surplus of D+E+F, then voluntarily transfer D to thegovernment. Both consumers and producers are better off than the case when the taxwas imposed. If consumers and producers gave a little bit more than B+D to thegovernment, then all three parties, including the government, would be better off. Thisillustrates the inefficiency of taxation.2. a. The statement, "If the government taxes land, wealthy landowners will pass the tax on totheir poorer renters," is incorrect. With a tax on land, landowners can not pass the tax on.Since the supply curve of land is perfectly inelastic, landowners bear the entire burden ofthe tax. Renters will not be affected at all.b. The statement, "If the government taxes apartment buildings, wealthy landowners willpass the tax on to their poorer renters," is partially correct. With a tax on apartmentbuildings, landowners can pass the tax on more easily, though the extent to which they dothis depends on the elasticities of supply and demand. In this case, the tax is a directaddition to the cost of rental units, so the supply curve will shift up by the amount of thetax. The tax will be shared by renters and landowners, depending on the elasticities ofdemand and supply.3. a. The statement, "A tax that has no deadweight loss cannot raise any revenue for thegovernment," is incorrect. An example is the case of a tax when either supply or demandis perfectly inelastic. The tax has neither an effect on quantity nor any deadweight loss,but it does raise revenue.b. The statement, "A tax that raises no revenue for the government cannot have anydeadweight loss," is incorrect. An example is the case of a 100 percent tax imposed onsellers. With a 100 percent tax on their sales of the good, sellers won't supply any of thegood, so the tax will raise no revenue. Yet the tax has a large deadweight loss, since itreduces the quantity sold to zero.4. a. With very elastic supply and very inelastic demand, the burden of the tax on rubber bandswill be borne largely by buyers. As Figure 4 shows, consumer surplus declinesconsiderably, by area A+B, but producer surplus doesn't fall much at all, just by area C+D.Figure 4b. With very inelastic supply and very elastic demand, the burden of the tax on rubber bandswill be borne largely by sellers. As Figure 5 shows, consumer surplus does not declinemuch, just by area A+B, while producer surplus falls substantially, by area C+D.Compared to part (a), producers bear much more of the burden of the tax, and consumersbear much less.Figure 55. a. The deadweight loss from a tax on heating oil is likely to be greater in the fifth year after it is imposed rather than the first year. In the first year, the elasticity of demand is fairlylow, as people who own oil heaters are not likely to get rid of them right away. But overtime they may switch to other energy sources and people buying new heaters for theirhomes will more likely choose gas or electric, so the tax will have a greater impact onquantity.b. The tax revenue is likely to be higher in the first year after it is imposed than in the fifthyear. In the first year, demand is more inelastic, so the quantity does not decline as muchand tax revenue is relatively high. As time passes and more people substitute away fromoil, the equilibrium quantity declines, as does tax revenue.6. Since the demand for food is inelastic, a tax on food is a good way to raise revenue because it doesnot lead to much of a deadweight loss; thus taxing food is less inefficient than taxing other things.But it is not a good way to raise revenue from an equity point of view, since poorer people spend a higher proportion of their income on food, so the tax would hit them harder than it would hitwealthier people.7. a. This tax has such a high rate that it is not likely to raise much revenue. Because of thehigh tax rate, the equilibrium quantity in the market is likely to be at or near zero.b. Senator Moynihan's goal was probably to ban the use of hollow-tipped bullets. In thiscase, a tax is as effective as an outright ban.8. a. Figure 6 illustrates the market for socks and the effects of the tax. Without a tax, theequilibrium quantity would be Q1, the equilibrium price would be P1, total spending byconsumers equals total revenue for producers, which is P1 x Q1, which equals areaB+C+D+E+F, and government revenue is zero. The imposition of a tax places a wedgebetween the price buyers pay, P B, and the price sellers receive, P S, where P B = P S + tax.The quantity sold declines to Q2. Now total spending by consumers is P B x Q2, whichequals area A+B+C+D, total revenue for producers is P S x Q2, which is area C+D, andgovernment tax revenue is Q2 x tax, which is area A+B.b. Unless supply is perfectly elastic, the price received by producers falls because of the tax.Total receipts for producers fall, since producers lose revenue equal to area B+E+F.Figure 6c. The price paid by consumers rises, unless demand is perfectly elastic. Whether totalspending by consumers rises or falls depends on the price elasticity of demand. Ifdemand is elastic, the percentage decline in quantity exceeds the percentage increase inprice, so total spending declines. If demand is inelastic, the percentage decline inquantity is less than the percentage increase in price, so total spending rises. Whethertotal consumer spending falls or rises, consumer surplus declines because of the increasein price and reduction in quantity.9. Since the tax on gadgets was eliminated, all tax revenue must come from the tax on widgets. Thetax revenue from the tax on widgets equals the tax per unit times the quantity produced.Assuming that neither the supply nor the demand curves for widgets are perfectly elastic orinelastic and since the increased tax causes a smaller quantity of widgets to be produced, then it is impossible for tax revenue to double--multiplying the tax per unit (which doubles) times thequantity (which declines) gives a number that is less than double the original tax revenue fromwidgets. So the government's tax change will yield less money than before.10. a. Figure 7 illustrates the effects of the tax increase on the new car market in New Jersey.The quantity of cars sold declines from Q1 to Q2, the price paid by consumers rises from P B1to P B2, and the price received by producers declines from P S1 to P S2, where P B1 = P S1 +$100 and P B2 = P S2 + $150.Figure 7d. The change in deadweight loss is positive, as it increases by C+E+G, meaning that theeconomy as a whole is worse off.e. The demand for cars in New Jersey is probably fairly elastic, since people could travel tonearby states to buy cars. With elastic demand, area B in the figure will be very small, sothe additional tax is less likely to increase government revenue. New Jersey could try toreduce the elasticity of demand by requiring people to pay sales tax to New Jersey whenthey buy a car outside the state.11. From the standpoint of economic efficiency, the British poll tax is wonderful, because it does notdistort any economic incentives, so it has no deadweight loss. But such a tax is inequitable,because it is more burdensome on the poor than on the rich. As a result, the tax was quiteunpopular.12. Figure 8 illustrates the effects of the $2 subsidy on a good. Without the subsidy, the equilibriumprice is P1 and the equilibrium quantity is Q1. With the subsidy, buyers pay price P B, producers receive price P S (where P S = P B + $2), and the quantity sold is Q2. The following table illustrates the effect of the subsidy on consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue, and total surplus. Since total surplus declines by area D+H, the subsidy leads to a deadweight loss in that13. a. Setting quantity supplied equal to quantity demanded gives 2P = 300 –P. Adding P toboth sides of the equation gives 3P = 300. Dividing both sides by 3 gives P = 100.Plugging P = 100 back into either equation for quantity demanded or supplied gives Q =200.b. Now P is the price received by sellers and P+T is the price paid by buyers. Equatingquantity demanded to quantity supplied gives 2P = 300 - (P+T). Adding P to both sidesof the equation gives 3P = 300 –T. Dividing both sides by 3 gives P = 100 - T/3. This isthe price received by sellers. The buyers pay a price equal to the price received by sellersplus the tax (P+T = 100 + 2T/3). The quantity sold is now Q = 2P = 200 – 2T/3.c. Since tax revenue is equal to T x Q and Q = 200 - 2T/3, tax revenue equals200T - 2T2/3. Figure 9 shows a graph of this relationship. Tax revenue is zero at T = 0and at T = 300.Figure 9d. As Figure 10 shows, the area of the triangle (laid on its side) that represents thedeadweight loss is 1/2 x base x height, where the base is the change in the price, which isthe size of the tax (T) and the height is the amount of the decline in quantity (2T/3). Sothe deadweight loss equals 1/2 x T x 2T/3 = T2/3. This rises exponentially from 0 (whenT = 0) to 45,000 when T = 300, as shown in Figure 11.Figure 10Figure 11e. A tax of $200 per unit is a bad idea, because it's in a region in which tax revenue isdeclining. The government could reduce the tax to $150 per unit, get more tax revenue($15,000 when the tax is $150 versus $13,333 when the tax is $200), and reduce thedeadweight loss (7,500 when the tax is $150 compared to 13,333 when the tax is $200).。




A、资源的绝对有限性;B、资源的充足性;C、资源的稀少性;D、资源的相对有限性;3、微观经济学的中心理论是( A )。

A、均衡价格理论;B、消费者行为理论;C、生产者行为理论;D、分配理论;4、宏观经济学的中心理论是(A )。


A、理论经济学;B、应用经济学;C、实证经济学;D、规范经济学;6、解决“是什么”问题的经济学是(C )。






( X)10、“人们的收入差距大一点好还是小一点好”的命题属于实证经济学问题。

( X)《经济学基础》第二章均衡价格理论习题及参考答案一、选择题1、下列哪一项会导致粮食制品的均衡价格下降( B )A、鸡蛋价格上升B、良好的天气情况C、牛奶价格上升D、收入上升2、下列因素中除哪一项以外都会使需求曲线移动( D)A、购买者(消费者)收入变化B、消费者偏好变化C、其他有关商品价格变化D、商品价格变化3、当其他条件不变时,汽车的价格上升,将导致( B)A、汽车需求量的增加B、汽车供给量的增加C、汽车需求的增加D、汽车供给的减少4、在需求和供给同时减少的情况下( C )A、均衡价格和均衡交易量都将下降B、均衡价格将下降,均衡交易量的变化无法确定C、均衡价格的变化无法确定,均衡交易量将减少D、均衡价格将上升,均衡交易量将下降5、粮食市场的需求是缺乏弹性的,当粮食产量因灾害而减少时( B)A 粮食生产者的收入减少,因粮食产量下降B 粮食生产者的收入增加,因粮食价格会更大幅度上升C 粮食生产者的收入减少,因粮食需求量会大幅度减少D 粮食生产者的收入不变,因粮食价格上升与需求量减少的比率相同6、政府把价格限制在均衡水平以下可能导致(C )A、买者按低价买到了希望购买的商品数量B、大量积压C、黑市交易D、A和C7、如果价格下降10%能使消费者的购买量增加1%,则这种商品的需求量对价格( C)A、富有弹性B、具有单位弹性C、缺乏弹性D、弹性不能确定8.下列哪种情况将导致商品需求量的变动而不是需求的变化( D)。




























世界经济概论(第三版) 习题与答案 (8)[3页]

世界经济概论(第三版) 习题与答案 (8)[3页]







2. 中国的对外开放取得了哪些成效?一、外贸体制改革及其成效。





经济学基础 课后习题答案

经济学基础   课后习题答案

课后习题答案第一章一、选择题纠错:11.D.企业取得利润的活动三、综合分析5.下面哪些说法是实证的,那些说法是规范的(1)实证,规范(2)规范,实证,规范(3)规范(4)实证,实证(5)规范(6)实证第二章一、选择题二、计算题1. 解:(1)5051056,20D S Q Q P P P Q =⇒-=-+⇒== (2)6051057,25D S Q Q P P P Q =⇒-=-+⇒== (3)50555 5.5,22.5D S Q Q P P P Q =⇒-=-+⇒== 2.解:(1)当收入为1时,需求价格弹性为121232408()/2(4032)/23611082()/2(108)/29D Q Q QE P P P ∆--++=-=-=-=∆-++ 当收入为1.2时,需求价格弹性为121245505()/29(4550)/247.5108219()/2(108)/29D Q Q QE P P P ∆--++=-=-=-=∆-++ (2)当价格为12时,需求收入弹性为121230246()/211(2430)/2271.210.29()/2(1.21)/2 1.1I Q Q Q E I I I ∆-++====∆-++ 当价格为16时,需求收入弹性为12121284()/211(128)/2101.210.25()/2(1.21)/2 1.1I Q Q Q E I I I ∆-++====∆-++ 第三章 一、选择题纠错: 5. 选项B.X Y X Y MU MU P P < 选项C.X YX YMU MU P P =7.题干:某消费者X YX YMU MU P P <,三、计算题 1.解:4053,255403051X Y X Y X Y I P X P Y X Y X Y MU MU X Y P P =⨯+⨯⎫=+⎫⎪⎪⇒⇒==-+-+⎬⎬==⎪⎪⎭⎭2.解:2250025125,502225X Y X Y X Y I P X P Y X Y X Y MU MU XY X Y P P =⨯+⨯=+⎫⎫⎪⎪⇒⇒==⎬⎬==⎪⎪⎭⎭第四章 一、选择题纠错:16.选项C.改为:平均固定成本下降 三、计算题 1.解:(1)230(219)07,49L L L TP TP L L L L TP ''=+-=⇒==当时,达到最大值,即:(2)2219,920, 4.5,41.25LL L TP AP L L APL L L AP L'==+-=-=⇒==当时为最大值 (3)221183,1860,3,45L L L L MP TP L L MP L L MP ''==+-=-=⇒==时最大2.解:232323810041004100MC Q Q TVC Q Q Q TC Q Q Q TFC =-+⇒=-+⇒=-++10,2400800Q TC TFC ==⇒=32228004100800,4100,4100TC Q Q Q AC Q Q AVC Q Q Q=-++=-++=-+第五章 一、选择题三、计算题 1.解: (1)2266,3123031230666,176P AR MR MC TC Q Q MR MC Q Q Q TR TC π'=====-+=⇒-+=⇒==-=利润最大化:(2)240630,02,4224TC AC Q Q AC Q AC TR TC Q Qπ'==-++=⇒==⇒=-=-亏损,(3)2(630)03,2121AVC Q Q Q AVC P ''=-+=⇒===,即时停止营业。

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