SQL2005 习题参考答案
附录G 部分习题参考答案习题一参考答案一、选择题1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D二、填空题1.有组织的 可共享的2.人工管理 文件系统 数据库系统3.数据结构 数据操作 完整性约束4.层次模型 网状模型 关系模型 关系模型三、简答题略。
习题二参考答案一、填空题1.表 文件2.广义笛卡儿积 选择 投影 连接3.实体完整性 参照完整性 用户定义的完整性二、操作题1.PNO (SPJ)π2.PNO SNO 's5'((SPJ))=πσ3.SNO JNO 'J1'((SPJ))=πσ4.SNO JNO 'J1'and PNO='P1'((SPJ))=πσ5.SNO JNO 'J1'COLOR='P1'((SPJ)(P))=πσσ三、简答题略。
习题四参考答案一、填空题1.客户机/服务器2.注册的服务器对象资源管理器3.停止运行4.F5二、简答题略三、操作题略习题五参考答案一、填空题1.二进制数据字符型数据日期和时间数据数值型数据双字节数据2.主数据文件辅助数据文件事务日志文件master数据库model数据库tempdb 数据库3.sp_help 表名二、操作题1.Sp_addtype 编号, 'char(8)', 'not null'2.CREATE TABLE图书(图书编号编号,书名varchar(50),价格int,出版社varchar(50),出版日期datetime,作者varchar(50))CREATE TABLE 读者(读者编号编号,姓名varchar(50),身份证号char(30),级别char(10))CREATE TABLE 借阅(读者编号编号,图书编号编号,借书日期datetime,还书日期datetime,是否续借char(10))3.(1)ALTER TABLE 读者ADD 联系方式varchar(50)(2)ALTER TABLE 图书MODIFY 出版社varchar(200)(3)ALTER TABLE 读者DROP COLUMN 联系方式4.(1)略。
SQLServer2005试题SQL Server试题1⼀、填空题1.SQL server 2005是___C/S______ 结构的数据库管理系统。
2.在给数据库改名之前,必须设置数据库处于 _____单⽤户_______ 状态。
(P39)3.数据完整性实质,存储在数据库中的数据正确⽆误并且相关数据具有⼀致性,根据完整性机制所作⽤的数据库对象和范围不同,可以分为: ______域完整性___ , _____实体完整性____ , ____引⽤完整性_____,其中外键可以实现 ___引⽤______ 数据完整性。
(P58)4.SQL 语⾔中⾏注释的符号为 ___--___ ;块注释的符号为 ___/* */___ 。
(P114)5.使⽤索引可以减少检索时间,根据索引的存储结构不同将其分为两类: ___聚集索引___ 和 ___⾮聚集索引______ 。
(P87)6.为了实现安全性,每个⽹络⽤户在访问 SQL server 数据库之前,都必须经过两个阶段的检验: ____⽤户验证_____ 和 ____⼝令验证_____ 。
7.在SQL server 2005事务的模式可分为______显⽰事务模式______、 ____隐式事务模式_____ 和 ____⾃动事务模式_____ 。
(P168)8.SQL server 中的变量分为两种,全局变量和局部变量。
其中全局变量的名称以_____@@____ 字符开始,有系统定义和维护。
局部变量以 ____@_____ 字符开始,由⽤户⾃⼰定义和赋值。
(P116)9.备份是为了在数据库遭到破坏时,能够修复,数据库备份的类型有四种分别为:_____完全备份____ , ____差异备份_____ , ___事务⽇志备份_____ , ____⽂件或⽂件组备份_____ 。
DTS 是指______数据转换服务____________ 。
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从NT 4.0 升級到MCSE2003 (3)MCSD(5门考试) (3)MCSE2003(7门考试) (5)MCSE2003:信息方向( 8 门考试) (7)MCSE2003:安全方向(8门考试) (8)MCDBA on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 认证(4门) (9)SQL2005认证 (10)MCITP:数据库开发人员(3门) (10)MCITP:数据库系統管理员(4门) (10)MCITP:商业智慧开发人员(3门目前末发布) (10)MCTS认证 (12)MCTS:.NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications(2门) (12)MCTS:.NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications(2门) (12)MCTS:.NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications(2门) (12)MCTS:SQL Server 2005 (1门) (12)MCTS:BizTalk Server 2006(1门) (13)Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring70-620 TS:Configuring Windows Vista Client70-624 TS:Deploying & Maintaining Vista & Client Office System 07 DT70-622 Pro:Microsoft Desktop Support - Enterprise.时间说明:所有考试时间都按分钟计算,但没有计入非英语国家的加时,加时一般会在30-40分钟之间.考试总时长包括考生签署协议及提交考试后浏览题目的时长.补考说明:微软规定考生对同一科目进行考试,如果通过则不可再考,如果没有通过,第一次考试与第二次补考之间没有时间限定,但第三次补考要与第二次间隔14天以上.从NT 4.0 升級到MCSE2003 必考科目 (需要 6 项考试)MCSD(5门考试)MCSE2003(7门考试) 必考科目 (需要 6 项考试)选考科目 (需要 1 项考试)MCSE2003:信息方向( 8 门考试)MCSE2003:安全方向(8门考试)安全方向专门科目(需要3项考试)MCDBA on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 认证(4门)SQL2005认证该认证分为三个方向,分别如下: MCITP:数据库开发人员(3门)MCTS认证MCTS:.NET Framework 2.0 Distributed Applications(2门)。
(d)6 对与INSTEAD OF 触发器,以下哪一句说法是错误的--修正过INSTEAD OF 触发器会在INSERTED与DELETED数据表被创建之后,任何其它操作之前运行INSTEAD OF 触发器会在条件约束之前运行INSTEAD OF 触发器可以定义在数据表或视图中可以对DELETE操作定义多个INSTEAD OF 触发器(A)19.你在SQL Server 2000数据库中创建了如下表:--修正过CREATE TABLE 雇员表( 雇员代号int IDENTITY(10001,1) PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED,雇员姓名varchar(20) NOT NULL,通信地址varchar(200) NULL)你需要获得除了以C到F开头的雇员信息,要求列出“雇员代号”、“雇员姓名”、“通信地址”。
下面哪个语句不能完成该功能?A.SELECT 雇员代号,雇员姓名,通信地址FROM 雇员表WHERE雇员姓名LIKE '[^CF]%'B.SELECT 雇员代号,雇员姓名,通信地址FROM 雇员表WHERE雇员姓名LIKE '[^CDEF]%' C.SELECT 雇员代号,雇员姓名,通信地址FROM 雇员表WHERE雇员姓名LIKE '[^FEDC]%' D.SELECT 雇员代号,雇员姓名,通信地址FROM 雇员表WHERE雇员姓名LIKE '[^C-F]%'(B)1.你准备修改SQL Server 数据库的一个表Customers ,想要增加一个新列CustomerType,包含客户的类型,这个表已经包含数据,销售部门目前还没有为每个客户建立好客户类型,但每个客户的客户类型在表中是必须的,最好的修改方法是()A.新建一个列定义为NULL,更新CustomerType 列的值,之后将CustomerType列设置为NOT NULLB.新建一个列定义为NOT NULL,设置默认值为“Undefined”C.新建一个列定义为NULL,在应用程序中更新CustomerType 列的值D.新建一个列定义为NULL,设置默认值为“Undefined”(A)2.陈述A:varchar型数据表示固定长字符数据。
SQL_Server_2005题库1SQL Server 2005题库一选择题1、在SQL SERVER 所提供的服务中,(A )是最核心的部分。
A、MSSQLServerB、SQL Server AgentC、MS DTCD、SQL XML2、下列哪个标识符不是SQL SERVER 2005的常规标识符(A )。
A、3bB、#xueshengC、##xueshengD、_2abc3、下列哪个函数不属于聚合函数(D )。
A、count()B、avg()C、min()D、str()4、下列各运算符中(A )不属于逻辑运算符。
A、&B、notC、andD、or5、下列哪条语句能够从学生表中查询出姓名的第二个字是“敏”的学生的信息(B )。
A、select * from 学生表where 姓名=’_敏%’B、select * from 学生表where 姓名like ’_敏%’C、select * from 学生表where 姓名like ’%敏%’D、select * from 学生表where 姓名like ’%敏’6、聚合函数不可以用在下列哪个语句中(D )。
A、SELECT子句B、HA VING 子句C、WHERE 子句D、子查询7、下列哪些选项在T-SQL语言中使用时不用括在单引号中(D )。
A、单个字符B、字符串C、通配符D、数字8、下列哪种方法不能用来启动SQL SERVER 2005数据库服务器(C )。
微软MCITP-Database Administrator认证考试题库1
70-450QUESTION 1You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle.In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security,troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed by you.A database is included by the instance, and a table named EmployeeData is contained by the database.There is a column named Profile in the EmployeeData table. Microsoft Office Word 2003 documents are stored in the column.The space utilized by the Profile column should be cut to the least.In addition, a reasonable performance should be maintained to retrieve the content of the column. Which action will you perform?A. ROW compression should be utilized for the EmployeeData table.B. The Profile column should be stored by utilizing filestream storage, and the NTFS file systemcompression should be utilized.C. PAGE LEVEL compression should be utilized for the EmployeeData table.D. The Profile column should be implemented as a CLR user-defined type.Answer: BExplanation/Reference:Much of the data that is created every day is unstructured data, such as text documents, images, and videos. This unstructured data is often stored outside the database, separate from its structured data. This separation can cause data management complexities. Or, if the data is associated with structured storage, the file streaming capabilities and performance can be limited. FILESTREAM integrates the SQL Server Database Engine with an NTFS file system by storing varbinary(max) binary large object (BLOB) data as files on the file system.Transact-SQL statements can insert, update, query, search, and back up FILESTREAM data. Win32 file system interfaces provide streaming access to the data.FILESTREAM uses the NT system cache for caching file data. This helps reduce any effect that FILESTREAM data might have on Database Engine performance. The SQL Server buffer pool is not used; therefore, this memory is available for query processing.Note:FILESTREAM data is not encrypted even when transparent data encryption is enabled. QUESTION 2You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle.In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization.A SQL Server 2008 instance should be managed.It is reported by the customers that the server performance degraded due to a newly implemented process.Dynamic Management Views is utilized to confirm that no long running queries exist. The operating system performance data should be correlated with the actual query execution trace, and the least administrative effort should be utilized.Which action will you perform to finish the task?A. To finish the task, Data Collector should be utilized.B. To finish the task, the SQLdiag.exe utility should be utilized.C. To finish the task, SQL Server Profiler and the tracerpt.exe utility should be utilized.D. To finish the task, SQL Server Profiler and System Monitor should be utilized.Answer: DExplanation/Reference:SQL Server profiler displays data about a large number of SQL Server events. Whereas Windows System Monitor graphically displays information about the server internals. You can merge the two sets of information and walk through a scenario viewing both perspectives using SQL Server Profiler.To set up the dual-perspective experience, you need to simultaneously capture server performance usin g both Performance Monitor’s Counter Logs and SQL Server Profiler. The steps to do this are listed below:1. Configure System Monitor with the exact counters you want to view later. Be sure to get thescale and everything just right. Set up the Counter Log to the exact same configuration.2. Configure Profiler with the right set of trace events. They must include the start and end timedata columns so that Profiler can integrate the two logs later. Save the profiler and close profiler.3. Manually start the Counter Log. Open SQL Profiler trace code to start the server-side trace.4. When the test is complete, stop both the counter Log and the server side trace. You need tostop the SQL Profiler which is a negative point in this.5. Open profiler and open the saved trace file.6. Use the File->Import Performance Data menu command to import the Counter Log. You havethe option of selecting only the important counters from the performance monitor. There will be performance issues if you select too many counters.Source:/faq/How_to_Integrate_Performance_Monitor_and_SQL_Profiler_p1.aspxQUESTION 3You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle.In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed by you.There is a database in the instance, and the day-to-day business of your company requires the database. When reports are executed, slow response time will be experienced by Users.A performance monitoring strategy will be implemented by you so as to have three aspects of data captured and stored:Blocking and deadlock information,Executed Transact-SQL statementsQuery activity and Counters for disk, CPU, and memory.You are required to utilize the least amount of administrative effort to implement the monitoring process.Which action will you perform to finish the task?A. To finish the task, the client-side profiler trace should be utilized.B. To finish the task, the dynamic management views should be utilized.C. To finish the task, the data collector should be utilized.D. To finish the task, the System Monitor counter log trace should be utilized.Answer: CExplanation/Reference:SQL Server 2008 provides a data collector that you can use to obtain and save data that is gathered from several sources. The data collector enables you to use data collection containers, which enable you to determine the scope and frequency of data collection on a SQL Server server system.The data collector provides predefined collector types that you can use for data collection. The collector types provide the actual mechanism for collecting data and uploading it to the management data warehouse. For this release of the data collector, the following collector type is provided.QUESTION 4You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle.In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 instance should be managed by you.The computer on which the instance run has the following three features: a 64-GB RAM, four quad-core processors, and several independent physical raid volumesA transactional database will be implemented on the instance. In addition, the database should have a high volume of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE activities.Creation of new tables is contained by the activities.You need to maximize disk bandwidth and decrease the contention in the storage allocation structures so as to have the performance of the database optimized.Which action will you perform to finish the task?A. To finish the task, database and log files should be placed on the same volume.B. To finish the task, the affinity mask option should be configured properly.C. To finish the task, multiple data files should be create for the database.D. To finish the task, the affinity I/O mask option should be configured properly.Answer: CExplanation/Reference:If your database is very large and very busy, multiple files can be used to increase performance. Here is one example of how you might use multiple files. Let's say you have a single table with 10 million rows that is heavily queried. If the table is in a single file, such as a single database file, then SQL Server would only use one thread to perform a read of the rows in the table. But if the table were divided into three physical files, then SQL Server would use three threads (one per physical file) to read the table, which potentially could be faster. In addition, if each file were on its own separate physical disk or disk array, the performance gain would even be greater.Essentially, the more files that a large table is divided into, the greater the potential performance. Of course there is a point where the additional threads aren't of much use when you max out the server's I/O. But up until you do max out the I/O, additional threads (and files) should increase performanceSOURCE:/tips/filegroups_p1.aspxQUESTION 5You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle.In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure should be managed.Log shipping should be implemented for several databases on three SQL Server instances. Thelogs are migrated to a fourth SQL Server instance. A manual failover will be implemented.You need to ensure that the database applications utilize the secondary server after failover.Since you are the technical support, you are required to confirm that the latest data should be available to users.Which actions should you perform to achieve the goal? (Choose more than one)A. To achieve the goal, you should utilize the WITH RECOVERY option on the last log to apply anyunapplied transaction log backups in sequence to each secondary database.B. To achieve the goal, you should redirect client computers to the secondary instance.C. To achieve the goal, you should replicate all log shipping network shares to the secondary instance.D. To achieve the goal, you should utilize the WITH NORECOVERY option to back up the tail of thetransaction log of primary databases.E. To achieve the goal, you should back up all databases on the secondary instance.Answer: ABDExplanation/Reference:Log shipping consists of three operations:1. Back up the transaction log at the primary server instance.2. Copy the transaction log file to the secondary server instance.3. Restore the log backup on the secondary server instance.The log can be shipped to multiple secondary server instances. In such cases, operations 2 and 3are duplicated for each secondary server instance.A log shipping configuration does not automatically fail over from the primary server to thesecondary server. If the primary database becomes unavailable, any of the secondary databasescan be brought online manually.To make the target as the new source database you have to1. Backup the transaction log tail in order to have the latest transactions and to put the databasein recovery stateBACKUP LOG [AdventureWorks]TO DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQLServer\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\Adv.trn'WITH NO_TRUNCATE ,NOFORMAT,NOINIT,NAME = N'AdventureWorks-Transaction Log Backup',SKIP,NOREWIND,NOUNLOAD,NORECOVERY ,STATS = 102. After having copied all the transaction log backup, restore them in order and, for the latest,use the WITH RECOVERY option3. Redirect all the clients to the new source databaseQUESTION 6You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization.A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed by you. After a regular test, you find that performance degradation is experienced by an instance for the three reasons: Excessive CPU usage, Server processes paging and Deadlocks.A monitoring solution should be implemented to provide data, monitor and troubleshoot performance issues. And detailed deadlock information should be contained in the provided data.You should utilize the least amount of administrative effort to finish the task.Which tool will you utilize to finish the task?A. To finish the task, you should utilize Resource Governor.B. To finish the task, you should utilize Database Engine Tuning Advisor.C. To finish the task, you should utilize Extended Events.D. To finish the task, you should utilize Performance Monitor (SYSMON).Answer: CExplanation/Reference:Introducing SQL Server Extended EventsSQL Server Extended Events (Extended Events) is a general event-handling system for server systems. The Extended Events infrastructure supports the correlation of data from SQL Server, and under certain conditions, the correlation of data from the operating system and database applications. In the latter case, Extended Events output must be directed to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) in order to correlate the event data with operating system or application event data.All applications have execution points that are useful both inside and outside an application. Inside the application, asynchronous processing may be enqueued using information that is gathered during the initial execution of a task. Outside the application, execution points provide monitoring utilities with information about the behavioral and performance characteristics of the monitored application.Extended Events supports using event data outside a process. This data is typically used by: Tracing tools, such as SQL Trace and System Monitor.Logging tools, such as the Windows event log or the SQL Server error log.Users administering a product or developing applications on a product.QUESTION 7You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an internationalcorporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization.A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed by you. There are 30 branch offices inDoubleSecurity Insurance, and in the branch offices, customer data are stored in SQL Server2008 databases.Customer data should be security compliant if it is stored through multiple database instances.You intend to utilize the Policy-Based Management feature to design a strategy for custompolicies. And the format of custom policies is XML format. The requirements listed below shouldbe satisfied.The company distributes custom policies to all instances. In addition, the company enforces the policies on all instances.A strategy should be thought out and the minimum amount of administrative effort should beutilized.Which action should you perform to finish the task?A. To finish the task, the Distributed File System Replication service should be utilized.B. To finish the task, a configuration server should be utilized.C. To finish the task, the policies should be distributed by utilizing Group Policy Objects.D. To finish the task, the policies should be distributed by utilizing the Active Directory directory service. Answer: BExplanation/Reference:Configuration Server or Central Management ServerIn SQL Server 2008, you can designate an instance of SQL Server as a Central ManagementServer. Central Management Servers store a list of instances of SQL Server that is organized intoone or more Central Management Server groups. Actions that are taken by using a Central Management Server group will act on all servers in the server group. This includes connecting to servers by using Object Explorer and executing Transact-SQL statements and Policy-Based Management policies on multiple servers at the same time. All Central Management Servers and subordinate servers must be registered by using Windows Authentication. Versions of SQLServer that are earlier than SQL Server 2008 cannot be designated as a Central Management Server.QUESTION 8You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an internationalcorporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization.A SQL Server 2008 database solution is managed by you.All data changes are implemented through stored procedures, and only the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements are utilized by the procedures. A backup strategy should be implemented.The business requirements listed below should be satisfied. Point-in-time recovery for failure is supported by the backup strategy at any time of day.In addition, the least amount of disk space should be utilized by the transaction log.Which action should you perform to finish the task?A. To finish the task, hourly database snapshots should be utilized.B. To finish the task, the full-recovery model along with transaction log backups should be utilized.C. To finish the task, the full-recovery model along with differential backups should be utilized.D. To finish the task, the simple-recovery model along with differential backups should be utilized. Answer: BExplanation/Reference:Full-recovery ModelDescriptionRequires log backups.No work is lost due to a lost or damaged data file.Can recover to an arbitrary point in time (for example, prior to application or user error).Work loss exposureNormally none.If the tail of the log is damaged, changes since the most recent log backup must be redone.Recover to point in time?Can recover to a specific point in time, assuming that your backups are complete up to that point in time.QUESTION 9You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization.A SQL Server 2008 instance is managed by you.A database is utilized by the instance, and the database is utilized by a Web-based application. 15,000 transactions are processed by the application every minute. A column is contained by a table in the database, and the column is utilized only by the application. Sensitive data is stored in this column.The sensitive data should be stored with the highest security level. In addition, the least amount of memory space and processor time should be utilized.From the following four encryption types, which one should you utilize?A. Asymmetric key encryption should be utilized.B. Certificate-based encryption should be utilized.C. Symmetric key encryption should be utilized.D. Transparent data encryption should be utilized.Answer: CExplanation/Reference:Cryptographic Key HierarchyAt the root of encryption tree is the Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI), which secures the key hierarchy at the machine level and is used to protect the service master key (SMK) for the database server instance. The SMK protects the database master key (DMK), which is stored at the user database level and which in turn protects certificates and asymmetric keys. These in turn protect symmetric keys, which protect the data. TDE uses a similar hierarchy down to the certificate. The primary difference is that when you use TDE, the DMK and certificate must be stored in the master database rather than in the user database. A new key, used only for TDE and referred to as the database encryption key (DEK), is created and stored in the user database. This hierarchy enables the server to automatically open keys and decrypt data in both cell-level and database-level encryption. The important distinction is that when cell-level encryption is used, all keys from the DMK down can be protected by a password instead of by another key. This breaks the decryption chain and forces the user to input a password to access data. In TDE, the entire chain from DPAPI down to the DEK must be maintained so that the server can automatically provide access to files protected by TDE. In both cell-level encryption and TDE, encryption and decryption through these keys is provided by the Windows Cryptographic API (CAPI).Symmetric keys use the same password to encrypt and decrypt data, so it is the less space consuming, because one asymetric key will use one private and one public key.QUESTION 10You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization.A SQL Server 2008 instance is managed by you. a new database application is hosted by the instance.The security requirements should be designed for the application. A unique login to the SQL Server 2008 server is assigned to each application user.Stored procedures are included by the application database to execute stored procedures in the MSDB database. SQLAgent jobs are scheduled by the stored procedures in the MSDB database.Since you are the technical support, you are required to confirm that the stored procedures in theMSDB database should be executed by utilizing the security context of the application user.Which action should you perform?A. Each user should be added to the public role in the MSDB database.B. Each user should be added to the db_dtsltduser database role in the MSDB database.C. The MSDB database should be set to utilize the TRUSTWORTHY option, and then each user shouldbeadded to the MSDB database.D. The new database should be set to utilize the TRUSTWORTHY option, and then each user should beaddedto the MSDB database.Answer: DExplanation/Reference:The TRUSTWORTHY database property is used to indicate whether the instance of SQL Servertrusts the database and the contents within it. By default, this setting is OFF, but can be set to ONby using the ALTER DATABASE statement. For example, ALTER DATABASEAdventureWorks2008R2 SET TRUSTWORTHY ON;By default msdb has the option TRUSTWORTHY set to True.QUESTION 11You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an internationalcorporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 infrastructure is managed byyou.A maintenance strategy should be designed for a mission-critical database, and a large tablenamed Orders is contained by the database.Index maintenance operations are contained in the design plan. When you design the strategy,the facts listed below should be taken into consideration.First, the users continuously access to the Orders table in the database.Secondly, a column of the xml data type is contained by Orders table.Thirdly, the new rows are regularly added to the Orders table.Fourthly, the average fragmentation for the clustered index of the Orders table is no more than 2 percent.A strategy should be designed to have the performance of the queries on the table optimized.Which action will you perform?A. The clustered index of the Orders table should be dropped.B. The clustered index of the Orders table offline should be rebuilt once a month.C. The clustered index of the Orders table should be excluded from scheduled reorganizing or rebuildingoperations.D. The clustered index of the Orders table should be reorganized by reducing the fill factor. Answer: CExplanation/Reference:As the users will continously access the database and there is one cluster index, the cluster index could not be unavaillable because the leaf pages of the clustered index contains the table data. Furthermore, the cluster index has never one fragmentation of more than 2%, this means itdoesn't need to be reordered.With this, you can be sure that answer A,B and D are wrong.QUESTION 12You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an international corporation named Wiikigo.You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization, optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle. In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 instance is managed by you.The security requirements should be designed for a new database application.A code segment is utilized by the application, and the code segment includes the following components:A method that the registry is accessed on the SQL Server, a method that the file system is accessed on a network file server, and a class definition that public static fields are utilized.SQL CLR integration is utilized by the code segment, and the code segment is implemented as a single assembly.Since you are the technical support, you are required to make sure that the application should be successfully deployed to the instance.Which action will you perform?A. The SAFE code access security should be utilized for the assembly.B. All public static fields should be replaced with public fields.C. All public static fields should be utilized with public static read-only fields. And then the assemblyshouldbe registered by utilizing the regasm.exe utility before deployment.D. All public static fields should be replaced with public static read-only fields. And then theEXTERNAL_ACCESS code access security should be utilized for the assembly.Answer: DExplanation/Reference:Creates a managed application module that contains class metadata and managed code as an object in an instance of SQL Server. By referencing this module, common language runtime (CLR) functions, stored procedures, triggers, user-defined aggregates, and user-defined types can be created in the database.PERMISSION_SET { SAFE | EXTERNAL_ACCESS | UNSAFE }Specifies a set of code access permissions that are granted to the assembly when it is accessedby SQL Server. If not specified, SAFE is applied as the default.We recommend using SAFE. SAFE is the most restrictive permission set. Code executed by an assembly with SAFE permissions cannot access external system resources such as files, the network, environment variables, or the registry.EXTERNAL_ACCESS enables assemblies to access certain external system resources such asfiles, networks, environmental variables, and the registry.QUESTION 13You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an internationalcorporation named Wiikigo. You are experienced in managing databases in an enterprise-level organization,optimizing and sustaining the database life cycle.In the company, your job is to implement solutions on security, troubleshooting, deployment and optimization. A SQL Server 2008 instance is managed by you. The security requirements shouldbe designed for a new database application, and the application will be deployed to the instance.A table is consisted by the new database, and the table is created by utilizing the following code segment:CREATE TABLE CK_DISCOUNTS(ProductID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)Discount VARBINARY (MAX) FILESTREAM)Since you are the technical support, you should utilize the maximum secure method to protect the BonusPlan column from the access of unauthorized users.Which action will you perform to finish the task?A. To finish the task, Transparent data encryption should be utilized.B. To finish the task, the NTFS file system security should be utilized and the access of the databasefilesshould be limited to the SQL Server 2008 Service account.C. To finish the task, the Trustworthy option for the database should be utilized.D. To finish the task, the Advanced Encryption Standard encryption should be utilized on all columns inthedatabase.Answer: BExplanation/Reference:The column BonusPln is of type FILESTREAM this means that the data of this column is saved outside of the database on the filesystem. So, you have to protect those files by the NTFSsecurity.QUESTION 14You are a professional level SQL Sever 2008 Database Administrator in an internationalcorporation named Wiikigo.。
sql2005数据库全新习题及答案一.Transact-SQL 编程基础题:每小题7分,共28分。
SELECT LEN(‘深职院 09软件2班’)GOSELECT DATALENGTH(‘深职院 09软件2班’)GO2.在XK 数据库中,查询全体学生姓名、出生年份和所在系。
USE XKGOSELECT stuname '姓名' , (datepart( year,getdate())- age) '出生年份',departname '所在系' FROM Student ,Class, Department WHERE Student.classno=Class.classnoAND Class.departno=Department.departnoGO3. 查询课程表的所有信息,要求查询结果按照限选人数排序,并且返回每一行的序号、有间断的每一行的排名、没间断的每一行的排名,并比较执行结果。
USE XKGOSELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY LimitNum) AS ‘Row Number ’,* FROM CourseGOSELECT RANK() OVER(ORDER BY LimitNum) AS ‘Rank Number ’,*FROM CourseGOSELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY LimitNum) AS ‘DENS_RANK ’,* FROM CourseGO4.用SQL 语句编写程序,计算满足::222321+++…+10002<="" 的最大n="">算结果。
DECLARE @sum int, @n intSELECT @sum=0, @n=1WHILE @sum<1000BEGINSELECT @sum=@sum+@n*@nSELECT @n=@n+1ENDSELECT @n=@n-2PRINT ‘最大n 值为:’+convert(char(10),@n)二.综合题:每小题8分,共72分。
SQL Server2005数据库应用技术复习题参考答案
7、简述安装SQL Server2005所需的软硬件环境。
7、硬件环境:软件环境:9何在SQL Server2005 Management Studio中增加一个数据库?9可利用“附加”数据库功能:(1)在【对象资源管理器】窗口中,右击【数据库】选项,弹出快捷菜单,选择【附加】选项,出现【附加数据库】对话框。
(3)单击【确定】按钮,即可把所选的数据库附加到当前SQL Server实例上10、如何一个查询,并保存脚本文件?10、打开查询编辑器窗口。
sqlsever2005考试真题第一章1、Data db dbms dbs数据-----数据库---数据库管理系统-------数据库系统2、.E-R图:实体:矩形属性:椭圆联系:◇3、三种数据模型:层次、网状、关系:主键行/ 记录/ 元组列/ 属性/ 字段4、.三种基本关系运算: 选择、投影、连接5、三种完整性:实体完整性:域完整性:参照完整性:6、范式:1NF 2NF 3NF BCNF第三章课后填空1)数据库中的数据库文件有三类:(主数据文件)、(次数据文件)、(事务日志文件)。
2)创建数据库的命令是:create database3)修改数据库的命令是:alter database4)删除数据库的命令是:drop database5)删除文件组必须保证该文件组(为空),若该文件组中有文件,则应先(删除)。
第四章1、建表:create table 表名2、约束:主键约束(primary key)pk外键约束(foreign key)fk唯一约束(unique)uq检查约束(check)ck默认值约束(default)df非空约束(not null)3、填空题1)创建表约束的三种方法:第一种是在新建表时,在(单个列定义)之后创建约束;第二种是在新建表时,在(所有列定义完)之后创建约束;第三种是表已经存在,可以通过(修改表的方法)添加约束。
2) 在一个表中只能定义(一)个主键约束,但可以定义(多)个唯一约束;定义了唯一约束的列数据可以输出(空)值,而定义了主键约束的列数据为(非空)值。
第五章1、通配符% 任意多个字符- 一个字符【】2、子查询注意:1)子查询需要用()括起来。
SQL微软考证资料. . 70-431 考试参考资料 1、假设你正准备全新安装 SQL SERVER 2005 服务器。
请问,下面那两个协议可以达到这个目的? ( AB ) A. Named Pipes(命名管道) B. TCP/IP C. Shared Memory(共享内存) D. Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA) (虚拟接口适配器(VIA) 协议) E. Multiprotocol 2、你配置一个采用默认设置全新安装的 SQL SERVER 2005 计算机使用 TCP/IP 协议。
你发现在本地计算机上可以连接到这个 SQL SERVER 实例,但是客户端计算机却不能连接到这个 SQL SERVER 实例上。
为了找到最有可能导致这个连接问题的原因,你首先应该做?( A ) A. 检查防火墙是否打开了 1433 端口。
B. 检查防火墙是否打开了 433 端口。
C. 检查客户端计算机是否用 Shared Memory 协议进行连接。
D. 检查服务器是否正在运行中。
3、公司 A 有一个名为 SQL1 的 SQL Server 2005 服务器。
SQL1 设置为 SQL Server和 Windows身份认证模式。
使用 Windows 认证,在 SQL1 上你有 sysadmin 权限。
1/ 3使用 SQL1 工作的所有用户都反映说:使用 SQL1 的所有应用程序均停止响应。
在任务管理器中,你注意到 CPU 使用率为 100%。
你试图用 SQL Server Management Studio连接到 SQL1。
但 SQL1 没有响应。
你需要连接到 SQL1 才能诊断问题。
数据库面试题(SQLSERVER)及答案数据库面试题(SQL2005)一、选择题(5分一题,共50分)1、公司A使用SQL Server 2005数据库。
你该怎么做?(B)A. 创建一个FOR触发器。
B. 创建一个INSTEAD OF 触发器。
C. 创建一个 AFTER 触发器。
D. 创建一个 DDL 触发器。
2、你负责维护你们部门SQL Server 2005数据库的调度作业。
那你该如何做?(C)A. 将作业中所有步骤组合成一个每日运行的步骤。
B. 创建一个通知;在每次出现错误时通知你。
C. 修改失败使要执行的步骤为“转到下一步”。
D. 设置作业重试当前步骤。
3、你要创建一个SQL Server 2005应用程序来存储和管理法律文件。
你要设计一个表去存储这些文档数据,该怎样做?(A)A. 将XML文档存于以nvarchar(max)为数据类型的一列中。
B. 分割此XML文档并将其存储于在一个关系结构中。
C. 将XML文档存于以XML为数据类型的一列中。
D. 将XML文档存于以varchar(8000)为数据类型的一列中。
4、你正在写一个查询,从SQL Server 2005数据库表中返回数据。
sql2005数据库复习资料数据库复习资料数据库试卷(工业04)一、选择(每题2分,共20分)1.数据库系统的体系结构是()[A] 两级模式结构和一级映象[B] 三级模式结构和一级映象[C] 三级模式结构和两级映象[D] 三级模式结构和三级映象2.当前应用最广泛的数据模型是()[A]EN模型 [B]关系模型[C]网状模型 [D]层次模型3.域(Domain)的概念是()。
[A]属性的存储空间 [B]属性的取值范围[C]属性的物理空间 [D]属性的复杂程度4.SQL中的视图提高了数据库系统的()[A] 完整性 [B] 并发控制[C] 隔离性 [D] 安全性5.在数据库设计中,将E R图转换成关系数据模型的过程属于()[A] 需求分析阶段 [B] 逻辑设计阶段[C] 概念设计阶段 [D] 物理设计阶段6.公司中有多个部门和多名职员,每个职员只能属于一个部门,一个部门可以有多名职员,从职员到部门的联系类型是( )[A]多对多 [B]一对一[C]多对一 [D]一对多7.在基本SQL语言中,不可以实现( )[A] 定义视图 [B] 定义表[C] 查询视图和表 [D] 设置按钮8.SQL语言中数据更新语句不包括:()[A]插入数据 [B]保存数据[C]修改数据 [D]删除数据9.对属性列的操作权限有()。
[A]查询(SELECT) [B]插入(INSERT)和删除(DELETE)[C]修改(UPDATE)[D]以上四种权限的总和(ALL PRIVILEGES)10.在下面的两个关系中,职工号和部门号分别为职工关系和部门关系的主键,职工(职工号、职工名、部门号、职务、工资),部门(部门号、部门名、部门人数、工资总额)。
在这两个关系的属性中,只有一个属性是外键,它是( )A、职工关系的“职工号”B、职工关系的“部门号”C、部门关系的“部门号”D、部门关系的“部门名”二、填空(每题2分,共20分)1.两个实体型之间的联系可分为一对一联系、______和______。
SQL server 2005 题库
题号章号题型编号112212311411511614714814913101411131214132114211523162317241824192420212121222123222422252226222732283229323032313232323332343235323632373138313931403141314231 4331 44314531 4631 4734 4834 4934 5034 5134 5234 5334 5434 5534 5634 5733 5833 5933 6033614162416341 6444 6544 6644 6744 6844 6943 7043 7143 7243 7343 7443 7543 7654 7754 7843 7943 8043 8143 8243 8343 84438543 8643 8743 8843 8943 9043 9143 9243 93519451 9561 9661 9774 9874 9974 10074 10174 10271 10371 10471题目内容SQLserver2005默认安装示例数据库SQLserver2005t各服务必须启动才能进行相关操作,如不启动,就不能使用。
用树型结构来表示实体之间关系的结构数据模型称为( )A 关系模型B 层次模型C 网关模型D 面向对象模型数据库系统的核心是( )A 数据库B 系统管理员C 应用系统D 数据库管理系统如果一个班只有一个班长,且一个班长不能同时担任其它班的班长,则班级和班长两个实体之间的关系是()数据库领域常用的数据模型有层次模型,网状模型,_____________,面向对象数据模型。
实体之间的联系有______, ________, ___________三种。
《网络数据库管理与开发》练习题一、单选题1.不属于数据库管理系统三个要素组成的是( D )。
A. 数据结构B. 数据操作C. 完整性约束D. 数据分析2.删除表中数据的语句是( D )。
A. DROPB. ALTERC. UPDATED. DELETE3.限制输入到列的值的围,应使用( D )约束。
A. CHECKB. PRIMARY KEYC. FOREIGN KEYD. UNIQUE4. 触发器可引用视图或临时表,并产生两个特殊的表是( A )。
A.Deleted、Inserted B. Delete、InsertC. View、TableD. View1、table15.使用索引下列哪个说法是正确的( B )。
A. 节省磁盘空间B. 缩短查询时间C. 在执行插入、修改、删除时节省时间D. 与表无关6.关于视图下列哪一个说法是错误的( B )。
A. 视图是一种虚拟表B. 视图中也存有数据C. 视图也可由视图派生出来D. 视图是保存在数据库中的SELECT查询7. 下列四项中,不属于数据库特点的是( C )。
A.数据共享B.数据完整性C.数据冗余很高D.数据独立性高8. 下列四项中,不属于SQL2000实用程序的是( D )。
A.企业管理器B.查询分析器C.服务管理器D.媒体播放器9. SQL Server安装程序创建4个系统数据库,下列哪个不是( C )系统数据库。
A.masterB.modelC.pubD.msdb10.( A )是位于用户与操作系统之间的一层数据管理软件,它属于系统软件,它为用户或应用程序提供访问数据库的方法。
A.DBMS B.DBC.DBS D.DBA11. 在SQL中,建立表用的命令是 ( B )。
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Question:1Your application must access data that is located on two SQL Server 2005 computers. One of these servers is named SOL1 and the other is SQL2. You have permissions(权限) to create a stored procedure on SQL1 to support your application. However, on SQL2 you only have permissions to select data. You write the stored procedure on SOL1. The stored procedure accesses SQL2 by using the OPENQUERY Transact-SQL statement. However, the query fails when executed. You need to troubleshoot(纠正) the cause of the error. What should you do?你的应用程序必须访问两台装有SQL Server 2005的计算机上的数据。
该存储过程使用OPENQUERY Transact-SQL语句访问SQL2。
你需要纠正该问题,你要怎么办?A、Join the two servers by using the four-part syntax of server.database.schema.table.使用完全限定名如:服务器名.数据库名.架构.表,以连接两个服务器。
B、Reference SQL2 by using an alias.通过使用别名来引用SQL2C、Add SQL2 as a remote server to SQL1.将SQL2做为一个远程服务器添加到SQL1D、Add SQL2 as a linked server to SQL 1.将SQL2做为一个链接服务器添加到SQL1Question: 2You are preparing for a new installation of SQL Server 2005. You need to select the protocols that client computers might use to connect to the server. Which two protocols can you use to achieve(完成) this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)你计划安装一个新的SQL Server 2005。
为完成这一任务,你将会选择以下哪两个协议?(每个正确答案提供了完整的解决方案,选择两项)A、Named Pipes命名管道B、TCP/IPTCP/IP、C.、Shared Memory共享内存D、Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA)虚拟接口适配器E、Multiprotocol多协议Question: 3You configure a new SQL Server 2005 computer to use TCP/IP with all default settings. Your corporate policy requires that each server use a firewall. You find that you can connect to the SQL Server instance from the local computer. However, client computers cannot connect to the SQL Server instance. You need to identify the most likely cause of the connection issues. What should you do first?你配置了一个全新安装的SQL Server 2005计算机,使用所有的默认设置及TCP/IP协议。
你发现你可以在本地计算机上连接到SQL服务器实例,客户端计算机无法连接到SQL 实例。
你首先会做什么?A、Ensure that port 1433 is open in your firewall.确认在你的防火墙上开放了1433端口B、Ensure that port 443 is open in your firewall.确认在你的防火墙上开放了433端口C、Ensure that client computers connect by using Shared Memory protocol.确认客户计算机使用共享内存协议进行连接D、Ensure that the server is not paused确认服务器没有被暂停 has multiple servers in a distributed environment. You work with two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Each server uses SQL Server Authentication and they use different logins. You need to write a distributed query that joins the data on SQL1 with the data on SQL2. What should you do?贵公司在分布式环境中拥有多态服务器。
你使用两台SQL Server 2005计算机,名为SQL1和SQL2。
每个服务器使用SQL Server 认证并且有不同的登录。
你该怎么办?A. Ensure that both SQL1 and SQL2 use the same login name as the security context for each server.确认SQL1和SQL2都使用相同的登录名B. Configure SQL2 as a remote server. Write the query on SQL 1.配置SQL2做为远程服务器,在SQL1上编写查询C. Configure SQL2 as a linked server to impersonate the remote login.配置SQL2作为连接服务器并实现模拟远程登陆D. Configure SQL2 as a distributed server. Use pass-through authentication.配置SQL2做为分布式服务器。
使用信任认证Question: 5 uses SQL Server 2005. Users report that report execution is slow. You investigate and discover that some queries do not use optimal(最佳) execution plans. You also notice that some optimizer statistics(统计) are missing and others are out of date. You need to correct the problem so that reports execute more quickly. Which two Transact-SQL statements should you use? (Each correct answer presents part of the Solution. Choose two.) 贵公司试用SQL 2005。
你将会使用哪两个SQL命令?A、DBCC CHECKTABLEB、ALTER INDEX REORGANIZEC、UPDATE STATISTICSD、CREATE STATISTICSE、DBCC SHOW STATISTICSF、DBCC UPDATEUSAGEQuestion: 6You are responsible for implementing maintenance jobs on a SQL Server 2005 database server. Certain jobs run every Sunday and other jobs run at the beginning of every month. You need to schedule the jobs in the way that uses the least amount of administrative effort. What should you do?你负责一个SQL2005的维护工作。
你将如何?A、Create a job schedule that runs every Sunday. Assign weekly tasks to this schedule. Create a second schedule thatruns on the first day of every month. Assign monthly tasks to this schedule.创建一个每周日执行的计划,指派每周的任务到该计划。
创建一个在每个月的第一天执行的计划,指派每月的任务到该计划B、Create a job for each task that runs once a day. Use a Transact-SQL statement to check the date and day of theweek. If the day is either a Sunday or the first day of the month, execute the code.C、Create a job schedule that runs once a day. Assign jobs to this job schedule. If the day is either a Sunday or thefirst day of the month, execute the jobs.D、Create a job for each task that runs once a week on Sunday. Add a second job schedule that runs the job on thefirst of the month.You discover that the msdb database on a SQL Server 2005 computer is corrupt(损坏) and must be restored. Databases are backed up daily. The database backup files are written to a network share, but the file names do not clearly indicate which databases are in each file. You need to locate the correct backup file as quickly as possible. The first file in the list is named DB_Backup.bak. Which Transact-SQL statement should you use?A、RESTORE LABELONLYFROM DISK = N\\Serverl\Backup\DB_Backup.bakB、RESTORE HEADERONL Y FROM DISK = N\\Serveri\Backup\DB_Backup.bakC、RESTORE VERIFYONL YFROM DISK = N\\Serveri\Backup\DB_Backup.bakD、RESTORE DATABASE MSDBFROM DISK = N\\Serveri\Backup\DB_Backup.bakQuestion: 8A support engineer reports that inserting new sales transactions in a SQL Server 2005 database results in an error. You investigate the error. You discover that in one of the databases, a developer has accidentally deleted some data in a table that is critical for transaction processing.The database uses the full recovery model. You need to restore the table. You need to achieve this goal without affecting the availability of other data in the database. What should you do?A、Back up the current transaction log. Restore the database with a different name and stop at the point just beforethe data loss. Copy the table back into the original database.B、Back up the current transaction log. Restore the database to the point just before the data loss.C、Restore the database from the existing backup files to a time just before the data loss.D、Restore the database to the point of the last full backup.Question: 9A power failure occurs on the storage area network (SAN) where your SQL Server 2005 database server is located. You need to check the allocation as well as the structural and logical integrity of all databases, including their system catalogs. What should you do?A. Execute DBCC CHECK FILEGROUP for each filegroup.B. Execute DBCC CHECK CA TALOG.C. Execute DBCC CHECKDB.D. Execute DBCC CHECKTABLE for each table.Question: 10You are responsible for importing data into SQL Server 2005 databases. Your department is starting to receive text files that contain sales transactions from stores across the country. Columns in the data are separated by semicolons. You need to import the files into the sales database. What should you do?A. Create a custom format file, specifying a semicolon as the row terminator.B. Use the bcp command, specifying a semicolon as the field terminator.C. Use the bcp command with the default arguments.D. Use the BULK INSERT statement with the default arguments.Question:11You are creating a Web-based application to manage data aggregation(聚合) for reports. The application connects to a SQL Server 2005 database named DataManager. One page in the application has controls that execute stored procedures in a database named ReportingDatabase. There is an existing Service Broker connection between the Data Manager database and ReportingDatabase. You want to add two new message types to the existing service. In each database, you create message types named ProcessReport and SendResult. You need to add the two new message types to the existing service. What should you do first?A. Create a queue on each database with the ACTIV ATION argument set to DataManager.dbo. ProcessReportB. Create a conversation between the databases by using the following statement.BEGIN DIALOG FROMSERVICE 'ProcessReport' TO SERVICE 'SendResult'C. Create a contract between the services by using the following statement.CREATE CONTRACT ProcessData(ProcessReport SENT BY INITIATOR, SendResult SENT BY TARGET)D. Create services for each database by using the following statement.CREATE SERVICE DataManager ONQUEUE ProcessReportQuestion: 12You work at the regional sales office. You are responsible for importing and exporting data in SQL Server 2005 databases. The main office asks you to send them a text file that contains updated contact information for the customers in your region. The database administrator in the main office asks that the data be sorted by the StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName columns. You need to satisfy(满足) these requirements by using the least amount of effort. What should you do?A. Specify StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName in the ORDER hint in the bcp out command.B. Create a format file for the export operation.C. Specify StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName in the ORDER BY clause(子句) in the bcp queryout command.D. Copy the data into a new table that has a clustered index on StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName. Export thedata.Question: 13 has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Both servers take part in replication. SQL1 is both the Publisher and its own Distributor of a publication named Pub1. Pub1 is the only publication on SQL1, and SQL2 is the only Subscriber. Your supervisor requests a status report about the replication latencies. Using Replication Monitor on SQL1, you need to find out the current latencies between the Publisher and Distributor as well as between the Distributor and Subscriber. What should you do?A、Select the Subscription Watch List tab for SQL1. View the Latency column for the SQL2 subscription.B、Select the All Subscriptions tab for the Pub1 publication. View the Latency column for the SQL2 subscription.C、Select the Tracer Tokens tab(跟踪令牌选项卡) for the Pub1 publication. Select the Insert Tracer option and waitfor the requested latency values for the SQL2 subscription to appear.D、Select the Subscription Watch List tab for SQL1. Double-click the SQL2 subscription. View the duration detailson the Publisher to Distributor History tab as well as on the Distributor to Subscriber History tab.Question:14Exhibit:Companyxyzcom has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. A database named DB1 is located on SQL1. DB1 contains a table named Companyxyz4. Companyxyz4 is replicated to a database named DBlRepl, which is located on SQL2. Full-Text Search is not being used. Users report that the queries they run against Companyxyz4 in DBlRepl are very slow. You investigate and discover that only the clustered index of Companyxyz4 is replicated. All other indexes in DB1Rep1 are missing. You examine the Companyxyz4 article properties. The current Companyxyz4 article properties are shown in the exhibit. You need to change the article properties so that all indexes of Companyxyz4 in DB1 are replicated when the subscription is reinitialized. Which two article properties should you change? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A. Copy clustered indexB. Copy nonclustered indexesC Copy extended propertiesD. Copy unique key constraintsE. Copy index partitioning schemesF. Copy XML indexesQuestion: 15You are creating an HTTP endpoint that will be used to provide customer data to external applications. Your SQL Server 2005 computer is named SQL1. You create a stored procedure named p_GetPersonData to retrieve the data in the AdventureWorks database. You create the endpoint by using the following code.CREATE ENDPOINT SQLEP_AWPersons AS HTTP(PATH ='/Awpersons',AUTHENTICATION=(INTEGRA TED),PORTS = (CLEAR),SITE ='SQL1')FOR SOAP(WEBMETHOD 'PersonData'(NAME='p_GetPersonData'),BA TCHES = DISABLED,WSDL = DEFAULT,DATABASE ='AdventureWorks',NAMESPACE ='http://Adventure-Works/Persons')The first users to connect to the endpoint tell you that they do not get any data. You connect to the endpoint and discover that it is not responding. You need to modify the endpoint so that data is returned as expected. What should you do?A. Change the AUTHENTICATION property to KERBEROSB. Specify BATCHES = ENABLED.C. Specify STATE = Started.D. Specify WSDL ='pr_GetPersonData'Question:16You work in Dublin at the main office of Companyxyzcom. You are responsible for managing a SQL Server 2005 database. The sales department wants a report that compares customer activity in the previous quarter between the main office in Dublin and the branch office in Buenos Aires. They want the data sorted by surname and first name. You restore a recent backup of the Buenos Aires database onto your server. You write queries to build the report, ordering the data by the Surname and FirstName columns. You review the data and notice that the customer list from the Buenos Aires database is sorted differently. The sales department needs the revised data within 15 minutes for a presentation. You need to implement the fastest possible solution that ensures that the data from both databases is sorted identically. What should you do?A. Use the Copy Database Wizard to copy the data in the Buenos Aires database to a new database with the samecollation as the Dublin database.B. Use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to copy the data from the Buenos Aires database into new tables,specifying the same collation as the Dublin databaseC. Modify the format file to specify the same collation as the Dublin database. Import the table again.D. Modify the query on the Buenos Aires database to use the COLLATE setting in the ORDER BY clause. In thequery, specify the same collation as the Dublin database.Question:17You work for a company that sells books. You are creating a report for a SQL Server 2005 database. The report will list sales represent atives and their total sales for the current month. The report must include only those sales represent atives who met their sales quota for the current month. The monthly sales quota is $2,000. The date parameters are passed in variables named @FromDate and @ToDate. You need to create the report so that it meets these requirements. Which SQL query should you use?A、SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,O.OO)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgents JOlN OrderHeader oON sAgentlD = oAgentIDWHERE oOrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameB、SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader oON s.AgentlD = o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate AND o.OrderTotal >= 2000GROUP BY s.AgentNarneC、SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader oON sAgentlD = oAgentlDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameHA VING SUM(o.OrderTotal) >= 2000D、SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotaIFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader oON s.AgentlD = o.AgentIDWHERE o.ordertotal = 2000 AND oOrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameHA VlNG SUM(o.OrderTotal) >= 2000Question: 18You are creating a stored procedure that will delete data from the Contact table in a SQL Server 2005 database. The stored procedure includes the following Transact-SQL statement to handle any errors that occur.BEGIN TRYBEGIN TRANSACTIONDELETE FROM Person.ContactWHERE ContactID = @ContactIDCOMMIT TRANSACTIONEND TRYBEGIN CATCHDECLARE Errorl1essage nvarchar(2000)DECLARE @ErrorSeverity intDECLARE @ErrorState intSELECT ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGEO,@ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITYO,@ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()RAISERROR (@ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState)END CATCH;You test the stored procedure and discover that it leaves open transactions. You need to modify the stored procedure so that it properly handles the open transactions. What should you do?A. Add a COMMIT TRANSACTION command to the CATCH block.B. Remove the COMFv1IT TRANSACTION command from the TRY block.C. Add a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command to the CATCH block.D. Add a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command to the TRY block.You are creating an online catalog application that will display product information on the company Web site. The product data is stored in a SQL Server 2005 database. The data is stored as relational data but must be passed to the application as an XML document by using FOR XML. You test your application and notice that not all of the items matching your query appear in the XML document. Only those products that have values for all elements in the schema appear. You need to modify your Transact-SQL statement so that all products matching your query appear in the XML document. What should you do?A. Add an XML index to the table that contains the product data.B. Add the XSINIL argument to the ELEMENTS directive in the query.C. Add a HA VING clause to the query.D. Add the replace value of clause to the query.Question: 20 has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Transaction log shipping occurs from SQL1 to SQL2 by using default SQL Server Agent schedule settings. You need to reconfigure transaction log shipping to provide minimum latency on SQL2. What should you do?A、On SQL1, reschedule the transaction log backup job so that it occurs every minute. On SQL2, maintain defaultschedule settings for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs.B、On SQL1, change the schedule type for the transaction log backup to Start automatically when SQL ServerAgent starts. On SQL2, change the schedule types for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs to Startautomatically when SQL Server Agent starts.C、On SQL1, maintain default schedule settings for the transaction log backup job. On SQL2. change the scheduletypes for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs to Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts.D、On SQL1, reschedule the transaction log backup job so that it occurs every minute. On SQL2, reschedule boththe log shipping copy and the restore jobs so that they occur every minute.Question: 21You are implementing transaction log shipping for a database named DB1 from a server named SQL1 to a server named SQL2. Because DB1 is 100 GB in size, it is too big to transfer over the network in a reasonable amount of time. You need to minimize the impact on the network while you initialize the secondary database Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A.、Specify the simple recovery model for DB1.B、Specify either the full or the bulk-logged recovery model for DB1.C、Perform a complete backup of DB1 to portable media Restore the secondary database from that backup; specifythe RECOVERY option.D、Perform a complete backup of DB1 to portable media Restore the secondary database from that backup; specitythe STANDBY option.E、Before you activate transaction log shipping to the secondary database, execute the following statement on theprimary server.BACKUP LOG DB1 WITH TRUNCATE_ONL YQuestion: 22A full backup of your database named DB1 is created automatically at midnight every day. Differential backups of DB1 occur twice each day at 10:00 and at 16:00. A database snapshot is created every day at noon. A developer reports that he accidentally dropped the Pncelist table in DB1 at 12:30. The last update to Pricelist occurred one week ago. You need to recover the Pricelist table. You want to achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. You must also minimize the amount of data that is lost. What should you do?A、Restore the most recent backup into a new database named DBlbak. Apply the most recent differential backup.Copy the Pricelist table from DBlbak to DB1.B、Delete all database snapshots except the most recent one. Restore DB1 from the most recent database snapshot.C、Recover DB1 from the most recent backup. Apply the most recent differential backup.D、Copy the Pricelist table from the most recent database snapshot into DB1.You manage a database named DB1, which is located on a SQL Server 2005 computer. You receive a warning that the drive on which the DB1 log file is located is near capacity. Although the transaction log is backed up every five minutes, you observe that it is steadily growing. You think that an uncommitted transaction might be the cause and you want to investigate. You need to identify both the server process ID and the start time of the oldest active transaction in DB1. What should you do?A、Connect to the DB1 database. Execute DBCC OPENTRAN. View the SPID and Start time rows.B、Connect to the master database. Execute DBCC OPENTRAN. View the SPID and Start time rows.C、In SQL Server Management Studio, open the Activity Monitor. Select the Process Info page and apply thefollowing filter settings. Database = DB1 Open Transactions = YesView the Process ID and Last Batchcolumns.D、Open a query window. Connect to the master database. Execute the following statement.SELECT TOP 1 spid,last_batch FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid = db_id('DBl') AND open_tran> 0 ORDER BY last_batch Question: 24 has a server named SQL1 that runs SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition. SQL1 has 2 GB of RAM, 1.6 GB of which are used by the default SQL Server database engine instance. The average data growth of all databases combined is 100 MB a month. Users state that report execution times are increasing. You want to assess whether more RAM is needed. You need to use System Monitor to create a counter log that will help you decide whether to add RAM. Which performance object should you add to the counter log?A. MSAS 2005:CacheB. MSAS 2005:rvlemoryC. MSAS 2005:Proactive CachingD. SQLServer:Buffer ManagerE. SQLServer:SQL StatisticsF. SQLServer:General StatisticsQuestion: 25You manage a SQL Server 2005 computer that was installed using default settings. After a power failure, the SQL Server (ASSQLSERVER) service on your database server does not start. You need to find out the cause of the problem Which three actions should you perlorm? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose three.)A. In Event Viewer, view the system log.B. In Event Viewer, view the application log.C. In Notepad, view the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL. 1 \MSSQL\LOG\ErrorLog.1 file.D. In Notepad, view the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL. i\MSSQL\LOG\ErrorLog file.E. In Notepad, view the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL. 1 \MSSQL\LOG\SQLAgent.out file.Question: 26You manage a SQL Server 2005 database that contains a table with many indexes. You notice that data modification performance has degraded over time. You suspect that some of the indexes are unused. You need to identify which indexes were not used by any queries since the last time SQL Server 2005 started. Which dynamic management view should you use?A. sys.dm_fts_index_populationB. sys.dm_exec_query_statsC. sys.d m_d b_index_usage_statsD. sys.dm_db_indexphysical_stats uses SQL Server 2005. A user reports that an order processing application stopped responding in the middle of an order transaction. The users SQL Server session ID is 54. You need to find out if session 54 is blocked by another connection. If it is, you need to identify the blocking session ID. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A、In SQL Server Management Studio, open the Activity Monitor. Open the Process Info page. View the BlockedBycolumn for session 54.B、In SQL Server Management Studio, open the Activity Monitor. Open the Locks by Process page. View theRequest Flode column for session 54.C、In SQL Server Management Studio, open a new query window and execute the following statement.SELECT *FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id = 54 View the blocking_session_id column.D、In SQL Server Management Studio, open a new query window and execute the following statement.SELECT *FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions WHERE session_id = 54View the status column.Question: 28You use a SQL Server 2005 database named DB1, which is located on a server named SQL1. DB1 is in use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A recent copy of DB1 exists on a second server named SQLtest that also wns SQL Server 2005. You detect a high number of full scans on SQL1 and conclude that additional indexes in DB1 are needed. A workload file that is suitable for Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA) already exists. You need to analyze the workload file by using DTA. You must ensure maximum performance on SQL1 during analysis.You must also ensure availability during the implementation of any recommendations suggested by the DTA. What should you do?A、Store the workload file on SQL1. Start DTA on SOLtest and connect to SQL1. Specify all workload and tuningoptions as necessary In the Advanced Tuning Options dialog box, select the Generate only onlinerecommendations check box.B、Store the workload file on SQLtest. Start DTA on SQLtest and connect to SQLtest. Specify all workload andtuning options as necessary. In the Advanced Tuning Options dialog box, select the Generate only onlinerecommendations check box.C、Store the workload file on SQL1. Start DTA on SQL1 and connect to SQL1. Specify all workload and tuningoptions as necessary. In the Advanced Tuning Options dialog box, select the All recommendations are offlinecheck box.D、Store the workload file on SQLtest. Start DTA on SQLtest and connect to SQLtest. Specify all workload andtuning options as necessary. In the Advanced Tuning Options dialog box, select the All recommendations areoffline check box.Question: 29 uses SQL Server 2005. Users report with increasing frequency that they receive deadlock error messages in an order processing application. You need to monitor which objects and SQL Server session lDs are involved when deadlock conditions occur. You want information about each participant in the deadlock. What should you do?A. Trace the Lock:Timeout event by using SQL Server Profiler.B. Observe the SQLServer: Locks - Number of Deadlocks/sec counter by using System Monitor.C. Trace the Lock:Deadlock event by using SQL Server Profiler.D. Trace the Lock:Deadlock Chain event by using SQL Server Profiler.Question: 30 HOTSPOTYou are working as a DBA at the Cape Town office of . use a SQL Server 2005 database that does not contain any views. You use Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA) to tune this database. A workload file that is suitable for DTA already exists. You are required to locate only missing nonclustered indexes. During this process, you need to insure that existing structures remain intact, and that newly recommend structures are partitioned for best performance. You want to accomplish this goal by configuring the tuning options in DTA.Which tuning options should you use?Question: 31You work for a bank that uses a SQL Server 2005 database to store line items from customer banking transactions. The bank processes 50000 transactions every day. The application requires a clustered index on the TransactioniD column. You need to create a table that supports an efficient reporting solution that queries the transactions by date. What are the two ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a completesolution. Choose two.)A. Place a nonclustered index on the date column.B. Add a unique clustered index on the date column.C. Map each partition to a filegroup, with each filegroup accessing a different physical drive.D. Create a partitioning scheme that partitions the data by date.Question: 32 uses a SQL Server 2005 database. This database contains a trigger named trg_lnsertOrders, which fires when order data is inserted into the Orders table. The trigger is responsible for ensuring that a customer exists in the Customers table before data is inserted into the Orders table. You need to configure the trigger to prevent it from firing during the data import process. You must accomplish this goal while using the least amount of administrative effort. Which two Transact-SQL statements can you use to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A. ALTER TABLE Orders DISABLE TRIGGER trg_lnsertOrdersB. DROP TRIGGER trg_lnsertOrdersC. DISABLE TRIGGER trg_lnsertOrders ON OrdersD. ALTER TRIGGER trg InsertOrders ON Orders NOT FOR REPLICATIONE. sp settriggerorder me= 'trg_l nsertOrders', @order='None'Question: 33You are creating a view to join the Customers and Orders tables in a SQL Server 2005 database. You need to ensure that the view cannot be affected by modifications to underlying table schemas. You want to accomplish this goal by using the least possible amount of overhead. What should you do?A. Create CHECK constraints on the tables.B. Create a DDL trigger to roll back any changes to the tables if the changes affect the columns in the view.C. Create the view, specifying the WITH SCHEMABINDING option.。