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Many quantities have continuous values, including temperature, pressure,
displacement, rotation, voltage, current, and intensity of light and sound.

The task of quantizing the continuous values into a binary scale is called analog-to-digital conversion (ADC).将连续量化为二进制数字的工作称为模数转换(ADC)
Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) is the inverse process,in which data in discrete values, are converted or restored to a continuously variable form.数模转换是一个相反的过程,它将离散的数据转化或恢复为一个连续可变的形式。

The transducer is the name of the device that produces a voltage or a current proportional to the physical phenomenon to which it responds.传感器是一种装置,它能产生与所反映的实际现象成比例的电压或者电流
Analog-to-digital conversion模数转换
Only two basic techniques exist for analog-to-digital conversion (ADC).
One is to compare the analog voltage amplitude to a binary voltage scale in which the match yield the binary number that corresponds to the amplitude.

The other technique is to integrate the analog signal and to use the measured time (a given number of clock pulses) for the amplitude of the integral to reach a value to establish an equivalent binary number.另一种方法是对模拟信号进行积分,并采用积分幅值达到某一量值的测量时间(即给定数目的时钟脉冲)生成一个等值的二进制数。

Each of the systems discussed below uses one or the other of these techniques.下面所讨论的每一个系统都采用了其中一种方法
Digital-to-analog conversion
To convert a digital signal to analog, it is necessary to treat each bit in this weighted manner.将数字信号变换成模拟信号,必须以加权的方式处理每一位二进制数。

Both A/D and D/A converters have specifications of resolution, accuracy, speed, and gain; the A/D also has the problem of drift.模数和数模转换器均有分辨率,准确度,转换速度及增益的规定,模数转换器还存在漂移的问题
2. Equivalent circuit of transformer 变压器的等效电路
3. The losses that occur in real transformers have to be a ccounted for in any accurate model of transformer behavior. 实际变压器产生的损耗可以用表示变压器特性的精确模型来说明。

4. The major items to be considered in the construction of such a model are::这些模型构造中需考虑的主要参数有:
5. (1) Copper (Rr) losses. (1)铜耗。

6. Copper losses are the resistive heating losses in the pr imary and secondary windings of the transformer.铜耗是变压器一次绕组和二次绕组中电阻性发热的损耗。

7. They are proportional to the square of the current in t he windings. 它们与绕组中的电流的平方成比例。

8. (2)Eddy current losses. (2)涡流损耗。

9. Eddy current losses are resistive heating losses in the core of the transformer. 涡流损耗是变压器铁芯中电阻性发热的损耗。

10. (3)Hysteresis losses. (3)磁滞损耗。

11. These losses are associated with the rearrangement of th
e magnetic domains in the core during each half-cycle. 这些损耗与每半个周期铁芯内磁畴的重新排列有关。

12. (4)Leakage flux. (4)漏磁通。

13. The fluxes which escape the core and pass through only one of the transformer windings are leakage fluxes. 仅通过一个变压器绕组而不通过变压器铁芯的磁通成为漏磁通。

14. These escaped fluxes produce a self-inductance in the pr imary and secondary coils, and the effects of this inductanc e must be accounted for. 漏磁通在一次绕组和二次绕组中产生自感应,必须考虑这种自感应的影响。

15. It is possible to construct an equivalent circuit that takes into account all the major imperfections in real trans formers.考虑了实际变压器中所有主要的非理想情况,就可以建立变压器的等效电路。

16. Each major imperfection will be considered in turn, and its effect will be included in the transformer model. 在变压器的等效电路模型中,将涉及每个主要的非理想情况和它们对模型的影响。

17. The easiest effect to model is the copper losses. 对等效电路的影响中,最容易考虑的是铜耗。

18. Copper losses are resistive losses in the primary and s econdary windings of the transformer core. 铜耗是变压器铁芯上一次和二次绕组中电阻性的(热)损耗。

2. Modern power systems are usually large-scale, geographicall y distributed, and with hundreds to thousands of generators operating in parallel and synchronously. 现代电力系统通常规模大、地域分布广,有成百上千的发电机组并列同步运行。

3. They may vary in size and structure from one to another , but they all have the same basic characteristics: 电力系统之间的大小和结构可能有所不同,但它们的基本特征相同。

Are comprised of three-phase AC systems operating essentially
at constant voltage. (1)由在恒定电压下运行的三相交流系统组成。

5. Generation and transmission facilities use three-phase equi pment.

6. Industrial loads are invariably three-phase; single-phase r esidential and commercial loads are distributed equally among the phases so as to effectively form a balanced three-phas e system. 工业负荷采用三相式,为了组成一个平衡的三相系统,单相的居民和商业负荷平均地分配在三相系统的各相上。

7. (2)Use synchronous machines for generation of electricity.(2)采用同步发电机发电。

8. Prime movers convert the primary energy (fossil, nuclear, and hydraulic) to mechanical energy that is, in turn, conv erted to electrical energy by synchronous generators. 原动机将一次能源(化石燃料、核能和水能)转化为机械能,然后由同步发电机将机械能转化为电能。

9. (3)
Transmit power over significant distances to consumers spread over a wide area. (3)在广阔的区域上通过长距离给用户送电。

10. This requires a transmission system comprising subsystems operating at different voltage levels. 这就要求输电系统必须由运行在不同电压等级上的子系统组成。

11. Electric power is produced at generating stations (GS) a nd transmitted to consumers through a complex network of ind ividual components, including transmission lines, transformers, and switching devices. 电能由发电厂生产出来,并通过一个由独立元件组成的复杂网络送给用户,这些元件包括:输电线路、变压器和开关设备。

12. It is common practice to classify the transmission netwo rk into the following subsystems: Transmission system; Subtran smission system; Distribution system. 通常的做法是把输电网络分为下列的子系统:输电系统、次级输电系统和配电系统。

2. The main parts of a circuit breaker are usually: arc-que nching chamber, operating mechanism and supporting structures.断路器的主要部件有:灭弧室、操动机构和支持结构。

3. Air Switches 空气开关(空气断路器)
4. With increasing currents and voltages, spring-action drivin
g mechanisms were developed to reduce contact burning by fas ter-opening operation.随着电流和电压的提高,开发出了弹簧驱动的操动机构,它通过快速开断减小了触头的烧损。

5. Oil Circuit Breaker:多油断路器
6. Around 1900, in order to cope with the new requirement for "interrupting capacity", AC switches were immersed in a tank of oil. 1900年前后,为了满足对开断容量的新要求,将交流开关浸入油罐中。

7. Minimum-Oil Circuit Breaker 少油断路器
8. They make use of special low-oil-volume interrupting champ ers of extra-light weight. 这种断路器采用了特别的具有超轻重量的低油量灭弧室。

9. Air-Blast Circuit Breaker 压缩空气断路器
10. Further increase of system voltages and generating capaci ties triggered the search for faster and stronger circuit br eakers utilizing oilless arc interruption. 电力系统和发电容量的进一步提高促进了采用无油开断方式的更快且(开断能力)更强断路器的研发。

11. The Magnetic Air Circuit Breaker 磁吹断路器
12. It uses a combination of a strong magnetic field (coil or soft-iron plates) with a special arc chute to lengthen the arc until the system voltage cannot maintain the arc circuit any longer.它综合采用强磁场(线圈或软铁板)和一个特别的弧道来拉长电弧,使电弧因为系统电压不能维持其电路导通而熄灭。

13. SF6 Circuit Breaker SF6断路器
14. The excellent arc quenching and insulating properties of SF6 gas stimulated this breaker development in the early 1 950s. 在20世纪50年代早期,SF6气体的优良灭弧和绝缘性能促进了这种断路器的开发。

15. Vacuum Circuit Breaker 真空断路器
16. Vacuum-bottle interrupters are designed for higher system voltage, current and interrupting ratings.真空罐断口设计用于更高的系统电压、电流和开断容量。

2. 交流电流alternating current
3. 分压器voltage divider
4. 电路图circuit diagram
5. 短路:short circuit
6. 电动势electromotive force
7. 参考方向reference direction
8. time-varying时变的9. 受控源dependent sources
10. 电压控制的电压源 A voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS)、
11. 模数转换Analog-to-Digital12. 信号处理signal-processing
13. 光电的photoelectric14. 参数parameter
15. 并联输入的parallel-in16. 增益gain
17. 漂移,偏移drift
18. 电力电子技术Power Electronic Technology
19. 通态的,接通的,开态on-state20. 电压过零的zero-voltage
21. 不间断电源uninterruptible power supplies
22. 开关电源switch-mode power supplies
23. 脉冲宽度调制PWM pulse width modulation
24. 升/降压变换器Buck-Boost converter
25. 输电系统transmission system
26. 馈线,馈电电路feeder27. 中心电站utility
28. 误操作,误动作misoperation
29. 一次能源primary energy30. 经济运行economic operation
31. 无功潮流var flow32. 过载,过负荷overload
33. 静止无功补偿器static var compensators (SVCs)
34. 可调分接头变压器tap-changing transformer
35. 暂态稳定性transient stability
2. 同步电动机synchronous motor
3. 隔离变压器isolation transformer
4. 风力发电机wind-driven generator
5. 原动机prime mover
6. 旋转磁场rotating magnetic field
7. 励磁电压exciting voltage
8. 涌流inrush current
9. 同步转速synchronous speed
10. 汽轮发电机steam-turbine-driven generator
11. 单元(机组)变压器unit transformer
12. 电压互感器potential transformer
13. 电枢绕组armature winding
14. 星形连接绕组Y-connected windings
15. 励磁绕组,磁极绕组field winding
16. 一次绕组,原绕组,初级绕组primary winding
17. 二次绕组,副绕组,次级绕组secondary winding
18. 漏磁通leakage flux
19. 铜耗copper loss
20. 磁滞损耗hysteresis loss
21. 铁芯损耗core-loss
22. 阶跃波step wave
23. 工作站workstation
24. 中央处理单元central processing unit
25. 扩展总线expansion bus
26. 数据总线data bus
27. 应用软件application software
28. 用户界面,用户接口user interface
29. 文件管理系统file management system
30. 单用户操作系统single-user operating system
31. 多任务操作系统multitasking operating system
32. 数据库data base
33. 光缆fiber-optic cable
34. 微波microwave
35. 电力系统electric power system
2. 电力系统继电保护power system protection
3. 断路器circuit breaker
4. 过流继电器overcurrent relay
5. 比率差动继电器percentage differential relay
6. 两相短路接地故障double line to ground fault
7. 相间短路故障line to line fault
8. 内部故障internal fault
9. 失步out of step
10. 欠电流,电流不足undercurrent
11. 谐振、共振resonance
12. 过励overexcitation
13. 机械共振确答案为:mechanical resonance
14. 开断容量,遮断容量为:interrupting capability
15. 开断时间,遮断时间interrupting time
16. 架空地线overhead ground wire
17. 高压汽轮机high-pressure turbine
18. 水力发电hydropower
19. 调度员dispatcher
20. 高峰负荷peak load
21. 日负荷曲线daily load-demand curve
22. 抽水蓄能pumped storage
23. 核电厂、核电站nuclear power plant
24. 沸水反应堆boiling-water reactor (BWR)
25. 开环控制系统open-loop control system
26. 负反馈negative feedback
27. 连续控制continuous control
28. 采样数据sampled-data
29. 现代控制理论modern control theory
30. 拉普拉斯变换,拉氏变换Laplace transform
31. 频域响应:frequency-response
32. 数学模型mathematical model
33. 储能元件energy-storage element
34. 鲁棒的,强壮的,强健的robust
35. 传递函数transfer function
36. 奈奎斯特图Nyquist plots
2. Charge and Current The concept of electric charge is the underlying principle for explaining all electrical phenomena. Also, the most basic quantity in an electric circuit is the electric(① ). Charge is an electrical property of the (②)particles of which matter consists, measured in coulombs (). We know from elementary physics that all matter is (③)of fundamental building blocks known as atoms and that each atom consists of electrons, protons, and(④). We also know that the charge e on an electron is (⑤)and equal in magnitude to 1.60210×10-19C, while a proton carries a (⑥)charge of the same magnitude as the electron. The presence of equal numbers of protons and electrons leaves an atom (⑦)charged.We consider the (⑧)of electric charges. A unique feature of electric charge or electricity is the fact that it is mobile; that is, it can be transferred from one place to another, where it can be converted to another (⑨)of energy.When a conducting wire is connected to a (⑩)(a source of electromotive force), the charges are compelled to move; positive charges move in one direction while negative charges move in the opposite direction.
2. 第1题(D) charge
3. 第2题G、atomic
4. 第3题A、made
5. 第4题O、neutrons
6. 第5题M、negative
7. 第6题H、positive
8. 第7题F、neutrally
9. 第8题E、flow
10. 第9题B、form
11. 第10题K、battery
12. Principle of Operation of an Inductive Machine Fleming's right-hand rule: Place the thumb and the first and (①)fingers of the right hand so that all three are mutually perpendicular. With the hand in this position, the first finger is pointed in the (②)of the field, the thumb is in the direction of motion of the relative motion of the(③), and the second finger is the direction of the induced(④). Note that the relative motion of the conductor is opposite to the rotation of the direction of rotation of the (⑤) field.By applying Fleming's right-hand rule, the force on the (⑥)disk is determined to be in the direction of rotation of the magnet.Fleming's (⑦)rule: Place the thumb and the first and second finger of the left hand so that all three are mutually perpendicular to each other. With the (⑧)finger in the direction of the field and the second finger in the direction of the current, the (⑨)indicates the direction of the force. Whereas the copper disk will rotate in the same direction as the rotating magnetic field, it will never reach the same speed as the rotating magnet, because if it did, there would be no relative motion between the two and (⑩)no current induced in the copper disk. The difference in speed between the rotating magnetic field and the copper disk is known as slip, which is essential to the operation of an induction motor. In induction motors the rotating magnetic field is set up by windings in the stator, and the induced currents are carried by conductors in the rotor. The rotating horseshoe magnet and copper disk are considerably different in structure from today's induction motor, but the basic principles of operation are the same.
12. 第1题F、second
13. 第2题C、direction
14. 第3题I、conductor
15. 第4题E、voltage
16. 第5题A、magnetic
17. 第6题L、copper
18. 第7题H、left-hand
19. 第8题J、first
20. 第9题O、thumb
21. 第10题K、therefore。
