Supply Chain Management Strategies
供应链管理策略 Supply Chain Management Strategies
Supply Chain Management Strategies
CMTC - CA Member of US Manufacturing Extension Partnership
– To integrated.
End-to-end process approach. Customer focus, profitable growth, liquidity, functional integration.
CMTC - CA Member of US Manufacturing Extension Partnership
T3 T3
Tier2 and 3 Suppliers
Direct Sales Force
Supply Chain of a Typical Original Equipment Manufacturer
CMTC - CA Member of US Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Overall Strategy
A Supply Chain is fully optimized when: – Bundles of well-priced products/services create unassailable levels of customer attachment (acquisition and retention). – Total supply chain costs are at the lowest level. – The supply chain contributes to profitable sales growth by creating cost/service advantages. – Worldwide effective tax rates are at the lowest level. – Capital efficiency is at the lowest level. – The supply chain is made flexible to respond to changes faster than competitors and to stratify service levels by product, customer, and geography.
供应链管理供应链管理(Supply Chain Management ,简称SCM)目录[隐藏]∙ 1 供应链管理的定义与内容∙ 2 供应链管理方法∙ 3 为什么要实施供应链管理∙ 4 供应链管理与优化的方法∙ 5 供应链管理提出的时代背景[1]∙ 6 供应链管理中的关键问题∙7 供应链管理的发展趋势∙8 供应链管理理论的演进[2]∙9 供应链管理的载体[7]∙10 供应链管理的基本要求[7]∙11 供应链管理的方法∙12 供应链管理的步骤∙13 供应链管理面临的挑战∙14 供应链管理的四大支点o14.1 1、以顾客为中心o14.2 2、强调企业的核心竟争力o14.3 3、相互协作的双赢理念o14.4 4、优化信息流程∙15 供应链管理思想∙16 供应链管理的八大管理原理∙17 供应链管理的战略意义[7]∙18 实施供应链管理的对策[7]∙19 SCM在制造业的实施[1]∙20 供应链管理案例分析o20.1 案例一:中国石油电子商务[8]o20.2 案例二:丰田汽车精细流程[8]o20.3 案例三:戴尔公司[9]o20.4 案例四:德州仪器的供应链管理[10]∙21 相关链接∙22 参考文献[编辑]供应链管理的定义与内容供应链管理(Supply Chain Management ,简称SCM):就是指在满足一定的客户服务水平的条件下,为了使整个供应链系统成本达到最小而把供应商、制造商、仓库、配送中心和渠道商等有效地组织在一起来进行的产品制造、转运、分销及销售的管理方法。
战略供应链管理:卓越供应链实践战略供应链管理(Supply Chain Management, SCM)是现代企业管理中的一个重要概念。
一、战略供应链管理的步骤1. 确定供应链目标:企业应该明确供应链的目标,例如提高客户满意度、降低成本、加快产品交付时间等。
2. 确定关键绩效指标:为了衡量和监控供应链绩效,企业需要确定一些关键绩效指标,例如供应链周转时间、库存周转率等。
3. 分析供应链:企业应该对供应链各个环节进行详细分析,包括供应商、生产过程、物流等。
4. 设计供应链网络:基于对供应链的分析,企业可以设计一个最优的供应链网络。
5. 供应链合作与协调:供应链管理强调合作与协调,企业应该与供应商和分销商建立良好的合作关系,并通过信息共享和沟通来实现供应链的协调。
6. 供应链技术支持:现代供应链管理离不开信息技术的支持。
7. 监测与改进:为了确保供应链的长期成功,企业应该不断监测供应链的绩效,并及时调整和改进供应链的设计和执行。
二、战略供应链管理的实践案例1. 亚马逊:亚马逊是一个全球知名的电子商务公司,他们的成功很大程度上得益于他们卓越的供应链管理。
2. 耐克:耐克是一家全球领先的体育用品制造商。
Supply chain management, strategy planning and operation
• 在 链每包一括个接MP&aGn组受uofracO织 并ttuhree中 满rr , 足T例 顾Whiradl-如 客MPaarrt制 需tyoDrC造 求企 的W业全aStl-o中部Mreart,功供能C应。ustomer
How Is Strategic Fit Achieved?
的能力: 对大幅变动的需求量的响应。
B,供应链效满率足S2短是, 期理制交解造货供和应向链顾潜客力交付产品的成本
made apply.
Cycle View
循环观点(cycle view):供应链运作 的流程可以分为一系 列循环,每一个循环 在供应链两个相邻的 环节进行。
Push/Pull View
推/拉观点(push/pull view):根据是响应顾 客订货还是预计顾客订 货,供应链的流程分成 两种类型。拉动流程是 由顾客订单驱动的;而 推动流程是由预计的顾 客订单驱动的。
Supply Chain Management
Strategy, Planning and Operation
Explain why achieving strategic fit is critical to a company’s overall success.
Outsourcing is defined as the act of moving a firm’s internal activities and decision responsibility to outside providers.
外源(包)就是一个公司把内部的一些活动 和决策的职责移交给外部供应者的行为
The magnification of variability in orders in the supply-chain.
Retailer’s Orders
Wholesaler’s Orders
Manufacturer’s Orders
they are competitively doing in the industry. 由于该公司的库存周转率往年是10 , 这年降低至4.57 , 则意味着 它的库存周转没有以往那么快。如果不知道这家公司所在行业的 平均周转率,是不可能评论它在行业中有多少竞争力的。
Bullwhip Effect 长鞭效应
Chapter 8 Supply-Chain Strategy
第8章 供应链战略
• Supply-Chain Management Defined 供应链管理的定义
• Measuring Supply-Chain Performance 供应链绩效的测量
• Bullwhip Effect 长鞭(牛鞭)效应 • Outsourcing Defined 外源(外包)的定义 • Value Density Defined 价值密度的定义 • Mass Customization Defined
Supply chain management, strategy planning and operation
Describe how a company achieves strategic fit between its supply chain strategy and competitive strategy.
盖特威电脑公司:一个直销的制造商 Zara:服装生产和零售 W.W.Grainger公司和McMaster-CARR公司:MRO供应商 丰田:全球汽车制造商
SUPPLY CHAIN PERFORMANCE: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope
Cycle View
Supplier stage
KEY markets product POINT
Buyer stage places order
Supplier stage receives order
Buyer returns reverse
flows to supplier or
Push/Pull View
Push/Pull Boundary
Push Processes
Pull Processes
Process Process Process
Process ProcesskK+1
Process Process
Customer Order Arrives
Push/Pull View
此外,采用合理的库存管理方法,如Just-In-Time ( JIT)和Vendor-Managed Inventory( VMI ),可以帮助企业降低库存水平并提高资金利用效率。
供应链管理外文文献著作以下是几本关于供应链管理的外文文献著作:1. "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation",作者:Sunil Chopra和Peter Meindl这本书是供应链管理领域的经典教材,涵盖了供应链战略、规划和运营等方面的内容,适合供应链管理专业人士和学生阅读。
2. "Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Cases",作者:David Simchi-Levi、Philip Kaminsky和Edith Simchi-Levi这本书介绍了供应链设计和管理的概念、策略和案例,重点在于如何优化供应链的结构和运作,实现高效的供应链管理。
3. "Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective",作者:John J. Coyle、C. John Langley Jr.、Brian Gibson和Robert A. Novack这本教材强调供应链管理的物流视角,讨论了物流和运输、库存管理、采购、供应链信息系统等方面的内容,适合对物流及其在供应链中的角色感兴趣的读者。
4. "Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations",作者:A. A. G. Gunasekaran这本书通过案例研究等方式详细介绍了供应链管理的策略、规划和运营等方面,强调了新技术和全球化对供应链管理的影响。
5. "Supply Chain Management: Concepts, Techniques and Practices: Enhancing the Value Through Collaboration",作者:M. Raisinghani这本书探讨了供应链管理的概念、技术和实践,着重介绍了供应链合作对增加价值的作用,适合对供应链合作和价值创造感兴趣的读者。
• Every company and supply chain faces the challenge of the tragedy of the commons as it operates in a global environment
• Difficult to imagine a sustainable solution emerging without some intervention
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Key Pillars of Corporate Social Responsibility
• Measuring performance along all three pillars may be required to evaluate the impact of sustainability-related efforts – Environmental – Social – Governance
As supply chains have globalized and emerging countries have grown, it has become increasingly clear that the world’s resources and environment will not be able to support this growth unless supply chains become more sustainable. Besides the need to make the world more sustainable, an increased focus on sustainability can allow supply chains to reduce risk, become more efficient, and attract some customers who value these efforts.
Supply Chain Strategies
In this part of the matrix decisions are heavily influenced by day to day (operational) mode of thinking. The financial objectives are no longer the key driver. Strategy is fitted to realities of the firm and the market in which it operates.
Whittington proposes four approaches to making strategy. In doing so he begins by proposing different motivations for crafting strategy.
How deliberate are the processes of strategy crafting? What are goals of strategy crafting?
Strategy Process
Day to Day
Strategy Goals
Strategy is not something that is formally undertaken. The predominant strategy is not to have a strategy Operating Decisions are made in relation to the needs of the moment, generally financial goals being the guiding principle.
什么是SCM供应链管理(Supply chain management,SCM)是一种集成的管理思想和方法,它执行供应链中从供应商到最终用户的物流的计划和控制等职能。
接下来小编为大家整理什么是SCM,希望对你有帮助哦!Supply chain management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of the supply chain with the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as efficiently as possible. Supply chain management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption.Some experts distinguish supply chain management and logistics management, while others consider the terms to be interchangeable. From the point of view of an enterprise, the scope of supply chain management is usually bounded on the supply side by your supplier's suppliers and on the customer side by your customer's customers.Supply chain management is also a category of software products.Supply chain management must address the following problems:Distribution Network Configuration: number and location of suppliers, production facilities, distribution centers, warehouses, and customersDistribution Strategy: centralized versus decentralized, direct shipment, cross docking, pull or push strategies, third party logisticsInformation: integrate systems and processes through the supply chain to share valuable information, including demand signals, forecasts, inventory, and transportationInventory Management: quantity and location of inventory including raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods SCOR is an operations reference model for supply chain promoted by the Supply-Chain Council.StrategicStrategic network optimization, including the number, location, and size of warehouses, distribution centers and facilities.Strategic partnership with suppliers, distributors, and customers, creating communication channels for critical information and operational improvements such as cross docking, direct shipping, and third-party logisticsProduct design coordination, so that new and existing products can be optimally integrated into the supply chain Information Technology infrastructure, to support supply chain operationsTacticalSourcing contracts and other purchasing decisionsProduction decisions, including contracting, locations, scheduling, and planning process definitionInventory decisions, including quantity, location, and quality of inventoryTransportation strategy, including frequency, routes, and contractingBenchmarking of all operations against competitors and implementation of best practices throughout the enterprise OperationalDaily production and distribution planning, including all nodes in the supply chainProduction scheduling for each manufacturing facility in thesupply chain (minute by minute)Demand planning and forecasting, coordinating the demand forecast of all customers and sharing the forecast with all suppliersSourcing planning, including current inventory and forecast demand, in collaboration with all suppliersInbound operations, including transportation from suppliers and receiving inventoryProduction operations, including the consumption of materials and flow of finished goodsOutbound operations, including all fulfillment activities and transportation to customersOrder promising, accounting for all constraints in the supply chain, including all suppliers, manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, and other customers。
供应链管理战略规划方案供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,简称SCM)是指对触及件产品或服务的实体或虚拟环节进行同步计划、实施和控制的过程。
supplychainmanagement (2)
supplychainmanagement1. IntroductionSupply chain management refers to the coordination and management of all activities involved in the flow of goods and services from suppliers to end customers. It encompasses the processes of procurement, production, inventory management, logistics, and distribution. Effective supply chain management is crucial for businesses to gain a competitive advantage and optimize overall performance.In this document, we will delve into the various aspects of supply chain management, including its definition, key components, benefits, challenges, and best practices. We will also discuss the role of technology in enhancing supply chain management.2. Components of Supply Chain ManagementThe supply chain management process consists of several key components:2.1 ProcurementProcurement involves sourcing and purchasing raw materials, components, and services from suppliers. It is essential to establish strong supplier relationships, negotiate favorable terms, and ensure timely delivery to avoid disruptions in the supply chain.2.2 ProductionProduction refers to the manufacturing or creation of products or services. It involves transforming raw materials into finished goods through various manufacturing processes. Effective production planning and control are necessary to optimize efficiency and minimize waste.2.3 Inventory ManagementInventory management comprises the control and optimization of stock levels. It involves balancing the costs of carrying excess inventory against the risks of stockouts. Accurate demand forecasting, efficient inventory tracking systems, and well-defined replenishment processes are critical for effective inventory management.2.4 LogisticsLogistics involves the transportation and storage of goods throughout the supply chain. It includes activities such as transportation management, warehousing, and order fulfillment. Well-organized logistics ensure timely delivery, minimize transportation costs, and optimize the overall flow of goods.2.5 DistributionDistribution involves getting the finished goods to the end customers. It encompasses activities such as order processing, pick-pack-ship operations, and last-mile delivery. Efficient distribution ensures customer satisfaction by timely delivering products in good condition.3. Benefits of Supply Chain ManagementImplementing effective supply chain management provides several benefits for businesses, including:•Enhanced customer satisfaction by improving order fulfillment and delivery performance.•Reduced costs through optimized inventory levels, efficient transportation, and streamlined processes.•Improved visibility and transparency throughout the supply chain, enabling better risk management and decision-making.•Increased agility and responsiveness to market demand changes and disruptions.•Collaboration and coordination with suppliers and partners to foster innovation and improve overall supply chain performance.4. Challenges in Supply Chain ManagementWhile supply chain management brings numerous benefits, there are also several challenges that organizations must address, including:4.1 Demand VariabilityFluctuations in customer demand can create uncertainties in supply chain operations. It is crucial to have robust demand forecasting models and flexible production and inventory management strategies to handle demand variability effectively.4.2 Supply Chain ComplexityModern supply chains often span across multiple regions, involve various suppliers, and include complex networks. Managing such complexity requires advanced planning and execution capabilities, effective collaboration, and technological solutions.4.3 Risk MitigationSupply chains are susceptible to various risks, including natural disasters, political uncertainties, and supplier disruptions. Developing risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans is critical to minimize the impact of potential disruptions.4.4 Information Sharing and IntegrationEffective supply chain management relies on seamless information sharing and integration among all stakeholders. This includes suppliers, manufacturers, logistics providers, and customers. Integrating different systems and technologies to enable real-time data visibility and collaboration is essential.5. Best Practices for Supply Chain ManagementTo optimize supply chain management, organizations should adopt the following best practices:•Establish strong relationships and partnerships with suppliers based on mutual trust and collaboration.•Invest in advanced technology solutions, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and Supply Chain Management (SCM) software, toimprove visibility and coordination.•Embrace data analytics and advanced forecasting methods to better predict and meet customer demand.•Implement lean manufacturing and just-in-time (JIT) production principles to eliminate waste and reduce inventory levels.•Continuously evaluate and improve supply chain performance through key performance indicators (KPIs) and regular assessments.•Foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation, encouraging employees to contribute ideas and suggestions for improving supply chainprocesses.6. Role of Technology in Supply Chain ManagementTechnology plays a vital role in enhancing supply chain management processes. Some key technological advancements include:•Internet of Things (IoT) enables real-time tracking and monitoring of inventory, assets, and shipments.•Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms enhance demand forecasting accuracy and enable predictive maintenance.•Blockchain technology provides enhanced visibility, transparency, and security throughout the supply chain by creating immutable and auditable records.•Robotic Process Automation (RPA) automates manual tasks, reducing errors and improving process efficiency.•Advanced analytics and data visualization tools help identify trends, patterns, and areas requiring improvement.7. ConclusionEfficient supply chain management is essential for organizations to optimize operations, reduce costs, and meet customer expectations. By understanding the key components, benefits, challenges, and best practices associated with supply chain management, businesses can establish robust and resilient supply chains that drive their success in today’s competitive marketplace. Embracing technological advancements further improves supply chain visibility, coordination, and performance.。
Strategic Supply Chain Management战略供应链管理The supply chain strategy of Xoceco Electronic厦华电子的供应链战略Module No:336BSSName:JiZhi LiuStudent No: 3356456ContentsⅠ. Executive Summary -———---————-——------——---—-—-—--------———-—-——--———-—--—3Ⅱ. Introduction -—-—-—--—-———---————--—-—————-—-——-—--—--—-——---——-—--—-—----———-—3Ⅲ。
Introduce of Xoceco Company -—---—-————-—--————-———---————--————-—-———-3Ⅳ。
Xoceco Electronic Company's sales performance—--—--———-———-----—-4Ⅴ。
The difficulties Xoceco Electronic Company faces —--————--———-—————4Ⅵ。
External Environment Analysis----—-—--—---—---—-——--———--——-——---————--56。
1 Xoceco Electronic Company of the overall resource6.2 The advantages of Xoceco Electronics Company6。
3 The disadvantage of Xoceco Electronics6.4 The analysis of the chance Xoceco Electronics faceⅦ. Xoceco Electronic Company's supply chain strategy——————-—-—--—--—9Ⅷ. Conclusion ---——---—---———-—-—---—-———---—--——————-----------———--—-—----—--—10Ⅸ。
全球供应链的管理策略英文版Global Supply Chain Management StrategiesIn today's interconnected world, managing global supply chains effectively is crucial for businesses to stay competitive and meet customer demands. With the rise of e-commerce and globalization, companies must adopt innovative strategies to optimize their supply chain operations.One key strategy is to leverage technology to enhance visibility and transparency across the supply chain. Implementing advanced tracking and monitoring systems can help companies track inventory levels, monitor shipment statuses, and identify potential bottlenecks in real-time.Another important aspect of global supply chain management is building strong relationships with suppliers and partners. Collaborating closely with suppliers can lead to improved communication, faster response times, and better coordination of shipments.Furthermore, companies should prioritize sustainability and ethical practices in their supply chain operations. By working with suppliers who adhere to responsible sourcing practices and environmentally-friendly processes, businesses can not only reduce their carbon footprint but also enhance their brand reputation.In addition, diversifying sourcing locations and modes of transportation can help companies mitigate risks and disruptions in their supply chain. By having multiple suppliers in different regions and utilizing various transportation methods, businesses can ensure continuity of operations even in the face of unexpected events.Overall, adopting a proactive and adaptive approach to global supply chain management is essential for businesses to thrive in today's dynamic market environment. By embracing technology, fostering strong relationships, promoting sustainability, and diversifying sourcing options, companies can optimize their supply chain operations and deliver value to customers worldwide.。
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain ManagementSupply chain management is a critical component of any business, as it involves the coordination and management of all the activities involved in the production and delivery of goods and services to customers. A well-managed supply chain can help businesses to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. However, there are several challenges associated with supply chain management that need to be addressed to ensure its success.One of the biggest challenges of supply chain management is ensuring that the right products are available at the right time and in the right quantity. This requires effective forecasting and planning, as well as efficient inventory management. Businesses need to be able to accurately predict demand for their products and ensure that they have enough inventory on hand to meet that demand. This can be challenging, especially for businesses that operate in industries with volatile demand patterns.Another challenge of supply chain management is managing the relationships with suppliers and vendors. Businesses need to establish strong relationships with their suppliers to ensure that they receive high-quality products at competitive prices. At the same time, they need to ensure that their vendors are reliable and can deliver products on time. This requires effective communication, negotiation, and collaboration skills.Supply chain management also involves managing logistics and transportation. This includes coordinating the movement of goods from suppliers to warehouses, from warehouses to retailers, and from retailers to customers. Businesses need to ensure that they have efficient transportation and logistics systems in place to minimize costs and ensure timely delivery of products.In addition to these challenges, supply chain management also involves managing risks. Businesses need to be able to identify potential risks in their supply chains, such as disruptions in transportation or natural disasters, and develop contingency plans to mitigate these risks. This requires effective risk management strategies and the ability to quickly respond to unexpected events.Overall, effective supply chain management is essential for the success of any business. It requires a combination of strategic planning, effective communicationand collaboration, efficient logistics and transportation, and strong risk management skills. By addressing these challenges and implementing best practices, businesses can ensure that their supply chains are well-managed and can help them to achieve their goals.。
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Communication bridge; Reduce operation cost Suppliers; Customers
10 Mar, 2014
CHEN Fengxia
How SCM provide competitive advantages?
Organizati onal Structure SCM Technology
Organizational Structure • Embedding SCM to get the most benefit for company
• Six value creation strategies. • Here will talk Business Intelligence Strategy which can only be provided SCM.
10 Mar, 2014
CHEN Fengxia
Inter-company Strategy
Alignment with global business strategy Grown business; Long term equity Financial Flow Accelerate NPI; S&OP; Regularly demand & supply review; etc. Info Flow PR; Compliance; Brand image; etc. Commercial Flow
• • • Operations Planning Strategy
SCM provide competitive advantages by
• • • • • Reducing cost Contribution to value creation Differentiated customer service Enhanced trade partners collaboration Long term equity improvement (such as brand image) through the four basic flows at three different levels
Strategic supplier engagement 3% 12%
Redece operating cost 1% 3%
0% Not at all important
10 Mar, 2014
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Important Very impotant
10 Mar, 2014
CHEN Fengxia
The Well-known and Published Supply Chain Management definition:
• • • It starts with customer and it ends with customer. It requires looking at your business as one continuous process. A sequence of events which creates the value of a specific good. This sequence may include conversion, assembling and/or disassembling, movement and placement. Supply chain management by definition is about the management of relationships across complex networks of companies that whilst legally independent are in reality inter-dependent. Firms must expand their integrated behaviour to incorporate customers and suppliers. This extension, through external integration, is referred to as supply chain management.
10 Mar, 2014
CHEN Fengxia
SCM Strategies
Business Intelligence • Demand, supply and sales best practice sharing • Transparency of SCM KPI’s
Sourcing • Strategic sourcing • Operational sourcing based on best practices
10 Mar, 2014
CHEN Fengxia
SCM Business Intelligence Strategy
Demand planning standardization
• Understand customer requests. • Better know the market trend. Distribution efficiency. • Align and adjust business strategy. Visible plans. • Shorten supply lead time, quick response. Time efficiency. • Lower risk, reduce inventory. Cost efficiency. • Share liability, trade-off between inventory and customer satisfaction. Flexibility and Agility.
Relevant Situation
• Customized products/ services. • Innovation and short product life cycle in Ecommerce time. • Top to down business awareness and risk management. • Make to stock, build FG buffer stock, for reliable & repeatable products. • Make to order, no replenishment until firm customer order, for unique & specialist & short LT products/ services. • Assemble to order, build raw materials stock, make production till firm order, for project/ bidding based products. • All long term business/ equity.
Somewhat important
Neither important nor important
CHEN Fengxia
More Than Cost Strategies
• • • How SCM can provide competitive advantages How SC strategies can offer advantages and its relevance IT support for SCM strategies
The Chief Supply Chain Officer Report 2012 by Dr Hau Lee, Chairman of SCM World
Long term equity improvement
4% 18%
Inrecase revenue 1% 6%
Differentiated customer service capabilities 2% 9%
10 Mar, 2014
CHEN Fengxia
Topics Here
1. Modern business thinking requires the supply chain to focus on more than just cost
• Define and explain how supply chain management can provide competitive advantage; • Discuss how different supply chain strategies can offer different advantages and the situations in which this might be relevant; • Describe the IT capabilities required to support these strategies.
10 Mar, 2014
CHEN Fengxia
More Than Cost Strategies
• • • How SCM can provide competitive advantages How SC strategies can offer advantages and its relevance IT support for SCM strategies