— —
— —
奇 美电 宸鸿
电池 顺达 新普 — — 硬 板
保 护玻璃 富士光学 蓝思 旺 正达
eDP/ p — Ga mm a
华通 欣 兴 健鼎 — —
软板 臻鼎 嘉联益 台郡 — —
直 呈上升趋势 。宇环科技 主要 的生 产 业务为软 硬结 合板 ,2 0 1 2 年 已见 其1 0 月份 营 业收 入 比9 , q份 飙 升 7 4 . 5 %,达 到 8 2 9 2 万新 台币 ( 约 合 2 8 5 万美元) ,创 下 8 个 月 以 来 的 新 高 。宇环 科技 虽 然 第 三 季 度 亏 损 9 0 0 万新 台 币 ,但 其 在 第 四季 度 及
自1 2 { Z日圆大 幅 下修7 5 . 0 % 至3 亿目
圆( 上年度为净损2 8 4 7 " , 日圆) 。
C MK 表示 ,2 0 1 2 年度 车用P C B
合 生产线将 受益于现 有工厂 的基 础
2 0 1 2 年全年均 有望扭亏为盈。
i = } ! I 、 l , u 亚洲 ,他们 拥有 的技 术专长 、
生产 和制程 ,将 使他们 知道如何 为 全球客 户提供范 围广泛 的产品 。搭
 ̄ Me i k o 设 在 河 内 的 越 南 工 厂 ,联
日圆( 将 年增9 8 % ) ,合并纯 益 目标也
日本 印 刷 电 路 板 大 厂 C MK 2 0 1 2 年1 1 月2 0 日发 布新 闻稿 宣布 ,
算机均预计软硬结合板 需求( 特别 是 来 自智能 手机 应用市场) 在2 0 1 3 年将
目录1 产品图片 (1)2 产品概述 (2)3 产品特性 (3)4 技术参数 (3)5 典型应用 (9)6 订购信息 (10)1 产品图片图1-1EG1000S易网关面板图图1-2EG1000E易网关面板图2 产品概述随着网络的发展,互联网应用已经渗透到社会生活的每一个角落,成为人们学习、工作、生活不可或缺的工具,成为企业运营的基础平台。
此外,EG的多业务特性还体现在对WEB认证、SSL VPN等功能的支持上。
3 产品特性高性能转发,搭建好网络出口基础平台●从底层硬件架构保证:采用MIPS多核高性能处理器,4G DDRII内存,全千兆接口器件。
能降低网络复杂度和运维成本,又能在 5G 时代做到云网融合,提高业务的拉 通效率。
图 6 独立组网与融合网络对比
击 中迟迟 未得 到缓解 , 在诸 如 电视 和 笔记 本 电 脑等 重 要 领
化 , 者 也将 顺 理 成 章 地 成 为松 下 电 器 的子 后
品牌。 过 , 不 根据 历史 经 验 看 , 品 牌 几 乎都 子 难 有很 大作 为 。
“ 晶 牌 是 一 个虚 拟 的 概 念 ,如 果 母公 子
方 面也 具有优势 ,它们 在这 方面的特质显 然被 松下 电器看 中了。 国内有分 析人=认为, 下电 } “ 松 器 已经 认识 到 它 的子公 司握 有 最具 前途 的技 术. 正在寻求将这些技术纳入 它的核 企业 。 ”
据 了解 ,松下 电器本次将三洋 电机 和松下 电器完 全子公司化就是 为了强化对这两 家子公
采取公 开收 购及之后 的股权 交换方 式 , 在
松下 电器 调整 自身 战 略迫 在 眉 睫 。 记 者从 有 关 数 据 了解 到 , 松下 电器 在 去
年 1月份 完 成 了对 三 洋 电机 的正 式 并 购 , 1 但
由 于受 金 融 危 机 影 响 ,在 过 去 两 年 出 现 了
域 中落 后 于 其 他 闰 家——松
下 电器 同样遭 遇此 劫 , 始终 难 以摆脱增速 迟缓的 “ 魔咒 ” 。 在收 购消息 传 的同时 , 松 下电器 等三 家公 司的股 票7 月2 日下 午 全 部 在 东京 证 券 8
柳州螺蛳粉推广方案目录一、前言 (3)1.1 背景分析 (3)1.2 推广目的 (4)1.3 推广范围 (5)二、市场分析 (6)2.1 目标市场 (7)2.2 市场需求 (8)2.3 竞争对手分析 (9)三、产品策略 (10)3.1 产品特点 (11)3.2 产品定位 (12)3.3 产品包装 (13)四、价格策略 (14)4.2 价格区间 (16)4.3 价格促销 (16)五、渠道策略 (18)5.1 销售渠道 (19)5.2 渠道合作 (20)5.3 物流配送 (21)六、推广活动 (22)6.1 广告宣传 (23)6.2 公关活动 (24)6.3 销售促销 (25)6.4 网络营销 (27)七、实施计划 (28)7.1 时间安排 (29)7.2 预算分配 (30)八、效果评估 (33)8.1 销量评估 (33)8.2 品牌知名度评估 (34)8.3 客户反馈评估 (35)九、风险控制 (36)9.1 风险因素 (37)9.2 风险规避 (38)9.3 应急预案 (39)十、总结与展望 (40)10.1 推广成果总结 (41)10.2 存在问题 (42)10.3 未来展望 (43)一、前言随着社会经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,饮食文化也在不断丰富和发展。
草谷公司参展 B o d a t i 0 ra c s As 2 1 a 0
P V的新演播室和新闻制作系统于 2 1 0 0年 5月投入使用。除此 草谷将 参展 于 6月 1 5日 -8 1 臼在 新加 坡 举办 的 Bra c s E T o d at
换台高级研修班在京举行 。来自吉林电视台、辽宁广播 电视台 、广 作、播出的全过程 。这是目前在墨西哥进 行的最大规模的广播电视 东电视台、广州 电视 台、浙江广播电视集团、苏州广播 电视总 台、
昆明电视台 、华风影视技术中心 及上海 东方 希杰公司共 2 名 技术 4 项目之 一。
人员参加 了培训。
跃在这一世 界级盛事的舞台上。 世博中心 内的中 国电信总控系统主要由草谷设备构建,包括 :
异的慢动作性能 , 以及基于以太网的更多控筋功能。除此之外 ,T 2
还新增 P 、X C M 以及 Ap a 2 D A l 选件 。 h
T ii 6 × 高清矩阵 , c p el r x 4 6 n 4 A apl a系列数字和模拟 音频矩 阵 ,
Ai sa国际数字多媒体暨 娱乐业技术展览 会,主要展示其在高清 制 之 外,E T P V还从草谷公司采购了两批矩 阵和信号分配产品 ,用于 作方 面的技 术和产 品,以及基于 文件的 工作流程 。在 8 3 1 G - 的展 其在另两个城市的电视 台。 0 台上,草谷公 司的主要展 品包括完整的 K 2媒体服 务器产品家族 , L K 3 0高清三倍速 摄像机 ,T 高清硬 盘录像机 ,E U D 80 2 DI S高清
E c r 矩阵控制系统 , n oe 以及 、8 , E系歹编码器和 D D 4 7 i n B 4 3 解码器。 各场馆的信号和 C T C V演播室的信号都传送到总控矩阵 ,进行调度
浅谈桃仙机场RNA V程序与传统程序的同时运行发布时间:2022-05-22T16:00:32.161Z 来源:《科技新时代》2022年4期作者:李浩然[导读] 桃仙机场流量如果不大,传统的进近离场程序还是能使机场正常运营的。
关键词:区域导航; 混合运行引言随着国家社会文化经济的发展,传统航路由于其过于对地面设施的依赖,很难满足现在空中流量的增长速度,科学技术在不断的发展,航空科技这一块儿也受益颇深,航空设施设备都不断的融入新的科技,新的导航技术也应运而生,而且精度高度精确,这种导航技术就是区域导航,它不会被地面的导航设施束缚,能够实现航空器在任意两点间的自由运行,不仅充分利用了空域容量,而且提高了航空器的运行效率,减少了空域里的飞行冲突,也间接的减轻了空中交通管制员的工作负荷,使整个民航运输业高效运转。
一 RNA V程序对比传统程序的优势(1)实施进离场分离,有效提高空域容量RNA V技术的实施摆脱了地面设施的限制,对于进离场程序设计非常灵活,进离场进行了分流操作,能有效提高空域容量。
以桃仙机场主起降06号跑道的RNA V程序为例。
通过实施RNA V程序,摆脱对地面导航台径向线的依赖。
DFK 33GP1300 技术手册说明书
技术细节1.要件速览 42.尺寸图 6 2.1DFK 33GP1300 带脚架适配器的C型接口 (6)2.2DFK 33GP1300 不带脚架适配器的C型接口 (7)2.3DFK 33GP1300 带脚架适配器的CS型接口 (8)2.4DFK 33GP1300 不带脚架适配器的CS型接口 (9)3.I/O 连接器 10 3.16-pin I/O 连接器 (10)3.1.1TRIGGER_IN (10)3.1.2STROBE_OUT (11)4.光谱特征 12 4.1红外截止滤波器 (12)4.2光谱灵敏度 - P1300 (12)5.相机控制 13 5.1传感器读出控制 (13)5.1.1像素格式 (13)8-Bit Bayer Raw (13) Packed Bayer Raw (14)16-Bit Bayer Raw (14) 4:2:2 (14) 4:1:1 (14)5.1.2分辨率 (14)5.1.3读出模式 (15)5.1.4帧速率 (15)5.1.5局部扫描偏移 (17)5.2图像传感器控制 (18)5.2.1曝光时间 (18)5.2.2增益 (18)5.3自动曝光及增益控制 (18)5.3.1自动曝光 (19)5.3.2自动增益 (19)自动参考值 (19)强光缩减 (19)5.3.5自动曝光限制 (20)5.3.6自动增益限制 (20)5.4触发 (21)5.4.1触发模式 (21)5.4.2触发极性 (21)5.4.3软件触发 (22)5.4.4触发脉冲计数 (22)5.4.5触发源 (22)5.4.6触发重叠 (23)5.5触发定时参数 (23)5.5.1触发延迟 (23)5.5.2触发去抖时间 (23)5.5.3触发遮罩时间 (24)5.5.4触发噪声抑制时间 (24)5.6数字I/O (24)5.6.1通用输入 (24)5.6.2通用输出 (25)5.7频闪 (25)5.7.1频闪启用 (25)5.7.2频闪极性 (26)5.7.3频闪操作 (26)5.8白平衡 (26)5.8.1自动白平衡 (26)5.8.2白平衡模式 (27)手动白平衡 (28)图像处理 (29)5.9.1伽玛 (29)5.9.2查找表 (29)5.10色彩处理 (30)5.10.1色调 (31)5.10.2饱和 (31)5.10.3色彩校正矩阵 (31)5.11自动功能感兴趣的区域 (33)5.11.1自动功能ROI启用 (33)自动功能ROI预设 (34)自动功能ROI自定义矩形 (34)5.12用户设置 (35)5.12.1用户设置选择器 (35)5.12.2加载用户设置 (35)5.12.3保存用户设置 (36)默认用户配置 (36)5.12.46.Rev i s i o n H i story 371要件速览2尺寸图2.1DFK 33GP1300 带脚架适配器的C型接口2.4DFK 33GP1300 不带脚架适配器的CS型接口3I/O 连接器3.16-pin I/O 连接器相机后视图1开极闸M OS F E T最大限制0.2A(ID)!2启动电流最低条件3.5mA!3 G:地O:输出I:输入3.1.1TR IGG ER_I NTRIGGER_IN线可用于将曝光时间的开始与外部事件同步。
议, 并无缝连接到网真端点。随着此项全新跨域 网真功能 的 推 出, T T和 B A& T用户可通过思科 T lPeec ee r ne端点与更 多 s 用户和供应商进行“ 面对 面” 交流 。 此外 , T T和 B A& T的网真 客 户使用网真 服务的新 功能时 ,将可享用与现时一致 的网真
提 供 了完 善 的路 由功 能 及 基 于 821n的 wiF 功 能 。 0 .1 —i
诺 西 基 站控 制器 助 GS 运 营 商 节 省 能 源 成 本 M
近 日.诺 基亚 西 门子 通信 推 一款 全 新基 站 控 制 器 (I B C , Fe S )能够将 能耗降低 8%, 现有基站 控制器 的容 0 将 量增加 4 %。这款全新的 Fei S 0 l C还具备两个灵活且经 济 xB
础 设施网 建设战略之一。 络的 豳囝
互操作测试功能 已被用于多种商 品智能 电话 的测试工作 。
AT &T和 B 宣布 提 供 跨 域 网 真 连 接服 务 T Z XoN 00系 列产 品通 过 “ 6 ” E 80 8 3 课题 测试
A& T T和 B T日前联合宣布推 业 界 首项跨 域互换 网真 会议功 能。A & T T和 B T网真互换可使商业用 户安排 网真会 近 日, 十一五 ” 家 8 3计划重 大课题 “ 容量光传送 “ 6 大
21 {, 萼 Ne 00 曩 薯 w¥i r f麓 识 nB i e
中兴 通 讯 开 通 珠 峰 首 个 3 站 点 G
欧洲跨 国运 营商 T l S m 全资 e 。e i 子公 司~ 一 。1 N 。1日前 携手 中兴 通讯 , 铺 设沿珠 峰 徒步路 线 的 首个 3 G覆盖 网络 ,为尼泊尔珠 峰本地居 民和世 界 各地珠 峰 山爱好者 提供优 质的语音
《【创业,计划书,材料】光致变色材料新型窗膜》摘要:..................... 48 7.1 公司概述..........................................................................................................................48 7.2 企业经营..........................................................................................................................49 7.3 公司管理..........................................................................................................................51 7.4 技术顾问..........................................................................................................................52 7.5 创业团队..........................................................................................................................52 第八章融资需求及使用 ..................... 55 8.1 公司的股本结构与来源..................................................................................................55 8.2 资金的运用......................................................................................................................56 8.3 项目可行性分析..............................................................................................................56 8.4 资金退出..........................................................................................................................58 第九章财务分析........................... 59 9.1 主要假设..........................................................................................................................59 9.2 主要财务指标分析..........................................................................................................60 9.3 会计报表分析..................................................................................................................61 第十章法律分析............................ 62 10.1 组建阶段的法律分析....................................................................................................62 10.2 运行阶段的法律分析....................................................................................................63 第十一章风险管理 ......................... 65 11.1 风险分类........................................................................................................................65 11.2 风险应对措施................................................................................................................67 11.3 风险预警系统................................................................................................................68 附件及附录................................. 70 3,总太阳能阻率(%) 隔率(%) 品牌名称产品系列产品编号透光率(%) 风光系列经典系列恒色系列至尊系列 Solitaire Stature Insulatir Flash 4545 8803 8035 8305 70 71 16 99 33 99 46 3M 38 99 39 35 99 57 70 99 55 威固强生 X75 77 99 45 IR70 FB50 71 99 32 51 99 40 龙膜 YW ATR05 5 99 63 45-78 99 51 2.5.4 废弃优势废弃时直接使用配套清洗剂洗脱即可,不产生固体废弃物,仪器型号 JJ200 二联磁力搅拌器透射电子显微镜傅里叶红外光谱仪原子力显微镜 CJJ-2 JEOL JEM-200CX Nicolet Impact 410型 300HV 紫外可见光谱仪 X-射线光电子能谱 PLS系列模拟日光氙光灯 Shimadzu UV-1601PC ESCALAB 250 PLS-SXE 300C 电子天平二联磁力搅拌器紫外可见光谱仪透射电子显微镜傅里叶红外光谱仪原子力显微镜 X-射线光电子能谱氙光灯图 3.4 相关仪器设备按照成品抽样检测 1%比例进行抽样检测,保证出售产品质量达标目录第一章执行概要............................ 4 1.1 联系方式............................................................................................................................4 1.2 公司概述............................................................................................................................4 1.3 产品与生产........................................................................................................................5 1.4 市场营销............................................................................................................................5 1.5 管理人员及部门设置........................................................................................................6 1.6 股本结构............................................................................................................................6 1.7 风险分析............................................................................................................................7 第二章技术分析............................. 8 2.1 产品概述............................................................................................................................8 2.2 研发背景............................................................................................................................8 2.3 产品原理............................................................................................................................9 2.4 性能对比及市场优势分析..............................................................................................10 2.5 技术优势..........................................................................................................................11 2.6 未来展望..........................................................................................................................15 第三章产品及生产建设 ..................... 16 3.1 产品制造..........................................................................................................................16 3.2 产品安全..........................................................................................................................21 3.3 用户体验..........................................................................................................................23 第四章市场分析........................... 26 4.1 宏观市场分析..................................................................................................................26 4.2 应用领域..........................................................................................................................29 4.3 目标市场定位..................................................................................................................30 第五章竞争分析........................... 32 5.1 竞争产品分析..................................................................................................................32 5.2 竞争者行业分析..............................................................................................................34 5.3 SWOT 分析.....................................................................................................................37 第六章市场营销........................... 39 6.1 营销计划..........................................................................................................................39 6.2 营销策略..........................................................................................................................40 6.3 市场预测..........................................................................................................................45 6.4 推广费用预算..................................................................................................................47 2第七章公司经营与管理 ..................... 48 7.1 公司概述..........................................................................................................................48 7.2 企业经营..........................................................................................................................49 7.3 公司管理..........................................................................................................................51 7.4 技术顾问..........................................................................................................................52 7.5 创业团队..........................................................................................................................52 第八章融资需求及使用 ..................... 55 8.1 公司的股本结构与来源..................................................................................................55 8.2 资金的运用......................................................................................................................56 8.3 项目可行性分析..............................................................................................................56 8.4 资金退出..........................................................................................................................58 第九章财务分析........................... 59 9.1 主要假设..........................................................................................................................59 9.2 主要财务指标分析..........................................................................................................60 9.3 会计报表分析..................................................................................................................61 第十章法律分析............................ 62 10.1 组建阶段的法律分析....................................................................................................62 10.2 运行阶段的法律分析....................................................................................................63 第十一章风险管理 .........................65 11.1 风险分类........................................................................................................................65 11.2风险应对措施................................................................................................................67 11.3 风险预警系统................................................................................................................68 附件及附录................................. 70 3第一章执行概要 1.1 联系方式 YW科技有限公司 1.2 公司概述 YW科技有限责任公司是一家以新型环保喷雾状窗膜研发和销售为主的公司。
天擎天拓-全球赢产品组合 - 林炳仁
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第四章 测试程序制作.................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 调整 PCB 固定夹具...............................................................................................................11 4.2 操作级别切换.......................................................................................................................11 4.2.1 模式之间的相互关系.................................................................................................... 11 4.2.2 模式间的切换............................................................................................................... 11 4.2.3 更改编辑密码................................................................................................................ 11 4.3 界面功能介绍.......................................................................................................................12
另辟蹊径作者:暂无来源:《饮食科学》 2015年第10期文周昶帆当全世界的iPhone用户都在为Angry Birds这款游戏着迷时,中国一群专业“玩家”却没有兴致加入这场猪鸟大战。
开发出Angry Birds的那家芬兰小公司Rovto的确是中国同业者的偶像:只凭借一款10万美元开发成本的小游戏,就赚回了800万美元,每天全球用户耗费其上的游戏时间超过2亿分钟一一多么令人羡慕。
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2009年初,“小芝麻闯天关”在应用数量还没有完全爆炸的App Store中表现不错,曾上过苹果的推荐榜。
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阿兴记:规模引进法国优质原种兔 科技助推“两翼”农户增收
发挥 产业 优 势
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的直 辖市” 就有 了坚实的基 础 。
一 一
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区域板块 , “ 两翼”不发展 ,重庆难发
展 ; “ 翼 ”不 富裕 ,重 庆 难 富裕 。 两
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Final Sound技术优势分析白皮书
The Inverter Principle for Electrostatic LoudspeakersIntroductionElectrostatic speaker systems have been considered the absolute state of the art in audio reproduction since the 1960’s, when the legendary KLH 9 first made its debut. Shortly after, Infinity Systems introduced the Servo Static One, a full range electrostatic design that was considered the best speaker of all time and led to Infinity’s current position as one of the leading speaker brands in the world. In the early 1990’s, Martin Logan popularized the concept of “hybridization”, the process of blending dynamic and electrostatic technologies to deal with some of the technological difficulties of electrostatic loudspeakers.Electrostatic speakers are known for there clarity and transparency of sound, as well for the low distortion because amongst others the very low mass of the moving diaphragm. Besides the very high sound quality, traditional electrostatic speakers had also a number of principle disadvantages such as a very low impedance as soon as the frequency goes above 1000hz even as low as 1Ohm(need for expensive and powerful amplifiers). Another known disadvantage for traditional electrostatic speakers is the beamy pattern of the sound distribution resulting in a narrow spot of the listening place. Because of the very principle of the sound reproduction, electrostatic speakers need very large surfaces to reproduce Bass tones (expensive)In case of a traditional electrostatic loudspeaker elements a thin film, permanently charged by means of a high voltage , is suspended between two perforated plates. The audio signal from the amplifier is transformed into a high voltage by means of an audio transformer and delivered to the perforated plates as an alternating current. The alternating electrical field caused by the two perforated plates (the stators) will push and pull the film (the membrane). The membrane itself will move the air and therefore produce sound waves.The Final Sound Inverter’s unique selling pointsLow distortion Transparency and life-like sound High-definition sound (a lot of detail)High Impedance resulting in lower power and lower-cost amplifiers Broad Stereo Image Excellent sensitivity on normal listening distance Much less affected by room reflections (against walls, ceiling and floor) resulting in a lower-cost for the Home Theatre Installation.The Inverter principle results in a high degree of safety allowing the design to comply with the UL and CE requirements The Inverter also needs smaller electronics, resulting in a flat and digital lifestyle design.Final Sound Solutions modular design allows applying manufacturing technologies that allow for much lower manufacturing cost prices and as such more attractive end-user prices.•••••••••The Inverter Principle for Electrostatic LoudspeakersThe inverter: the Final Sound solutionFinal Sound developed the Inverter Electrostat over the last two years in order to solve a number of the disadvantages of electrostats while keeping the benefits.Additionally FSS has improved the diaphragm technology substantially, so it will last much longer than traditional electrostats.audio signal diaphragm stator platesThe Inverter Principle for Electrostatic LoudspeakersThe Inverter Principle for Electrostatic Loudspeakers The Final Sound electrostatic conceptThe Final electrostatic loudspeakers consist of the following basic components:The electrostatic transducer.This element is a sandwich of two perforated plates. In between these plates a thin film (the membrane) is suspended. The plates are coated with special epoxy polyester to obtain a proper insulation. The membrane is made electrically conductive by means of a coating process. Final uses VHB (very high bonding) tapes to build the sandwiches.The audio transformer.Final has developed its own state of the art audio transformers. Special core materials and insulation techniques are applied. The audio transformer is for a major part responsible for the performance of the speaker. On today’s market suitable audio transformers for electrostatic panels are not available.The high-voltage unit.A high voltage unit powers each electrostatic element. This unit delivers the polarization voltage to the membrane. The power consumption of the electrostatic loudspeakers is very low. Also here Final Sound developed it’s own patented technology.The frame.The electrostatic elements are fixed in a rigid framework. The newest generation Final speakers have a beautiful framework made of extruded alloy tubes. The satin finished framework gives the speaker a unique cool look. Final sound also can deliver any RAL color as an option. On the other hand the extrusion profiles enable large volume production. A unique feature of the HT systems is that the electrostatic panels can be delivered in a wall-mounted version and a floor standing version.Its unique technology of electrostatic speakers allows a superb sound quality combined with an excellent price /performance ratio. Its extreme flat design allows not only floor standing but also wall mounting. Its patent protected and patent pending electrostatic technology allows a far better price performance than competing systemsWhy does an electrostatic loudspeaker (ESL) sound louder?When characterizing the sensitivity of loudspeakers in general it is common practice to express this magnitude in dB/1 meter/1 watt or 2,83 volts. This works fine as a measure for dynamic speakers as these are point sources, but asks for some more detailed explanation for line sources. Final Sound electrostatic loudspeakers are line sources and also dipoles.Both aspects will be treated here.A conventional cone-type loudspeaker is a point source, moreover it usually only radiates in the forward direction. A Final electrostatic panel is a line source and it radiates as much at the front as at the rear.The Inverter Principle for Electrostatic LoudspeakersWhen a long line source is measured at 1-meter distance, the microphone usually receives its sound from a limited part of the total sounding surface. Therefore the figures obtained by such a measurement do not rightly reflect the listener’s impression of the sound level.Acoustical theory shows that the sound level of a point source diminishes –naturally- with 6 dB per doubling of the measuring distance, while long line sources like Final electrostats show a decrease of 3dB per doubling of the distance. When seated at a distance of typically 4 meters in a room, the sound intensity out of a point source is 12 dB lower than at the usual but not very practical measuring distance of 1 meter.From a line source like a large electrostatic loudspeaker, when auditioned at 4 meters, the loss is not 12dB but 6 dB only.An example may clarify this phenomenon:A good cones loudspeaker, behaving as a point source has a “sensitivity of 86dB/watt/1 meter”. At the usual 4-meter distant listening position, the sound level has dropped to 86-12 = 74 dB. A big ESL, when auditioned at the same distance will produce a sound level of 86-6=80dB. A 6 dB difference.The second property of ESL’s is its dipole character. A conventional speaker only radiates to the front, as the back is usually closed by the box.An ESL radiates its sound energy both to the front as to the rear and this rear sound energy will be reflectedto the walls and added to the waves coming from the front. This will contribute to the overall sound level impression of the listener. Were these two waves in phase, it would lead to an increase of 6dB. But generally this is not the case of course. An estimation of a 3dB difference is realistic.Let us sit down again at our listening position at 4 meters of our 86dB/1meter/1watt loudspeaker and add the two phenomena as described above together.The point source will yield (see above) a sound level of 86-12=74 dB at 4 meters distance.This is an important 9 dB of difference at the listening position. Smaller ESL’s are not an ideal line source, but still are dipoles with their 3 dB advantage. A smaller ESL/86dB in this context, will yield a sound level at 4 meters of some 86-9+3 dB = 80dB, still 6dB ahead of a point source with the same measured 86db/1 meter/ 1 watt/2,83 volts.When Final specifies 86dB/1 meter/1 watt, it is measured with the standardized method. For large ESL’s one has to add 9db to that figure: it effectively becomes 95 dB equivalent as compared to a point source: a normal cone loudspeaker. For small ESL’s one has to add 6dB to that figure: this effectively becomes 92dB equivalent in order to get the right impression of the capabilities of ESL’s versus cone loudspeakers.The last pitfall in interpreting the measurement results of ESL’s, has –again- to do with its long, mostly vertical- dimensions.The Inverter Principle for Electrostatic LoudspeakersWhen assessing the frequency characteristic at the usual distance of 1 meter, there maybe considerable differences in distances between the microphone and the different parts of the ESL: from the middle the distance, of course, is 1 meter. But from the extremities of a 56 cm high ESL the distance is, Root ( 100^2+26^2) = 103,9 cm. This is a half wavelength at approx. 4000 Hz. At this frequency the waves from the extremes of the ESL will more or less cancel out the waves emanating from the centre. The curve will lead an uninformed experimenter to believe that the frequency characteristic falls with 3 dB per octave beyond this first cancellation frequency! Measuring however at 4-meter distance, this first canceling-frequency will be at 16000 Hz. A 120 cm long ESL like the FINAL model 400 will experience its “first cancellation frequency” at around 3600 Hz. For a listener in a room with some reverberation –not being a “dead” room- this phenomenon is quite unimportant, as all waves coming back to him from all walls and the floor and ceiling will smooth out the undulations experienced in the measuring set-up in a non-reverberating room with software canceling all reflections.When judging the measurements of an ESL in a non-reverberating set-up, one can, for a quick assessment of the qualities of an ESL, accept the following rules: measuring the behavior at low frequencies can be done at the usual 1 meter distance, high frequencies can best be measured at a distance of 4 meter or more.Electrostatic versus dynamic loudspeakerComparisons between electrostatic (ESL) and dynamic (Cones) loudspeakers and descriptions of the operation of ESL’s have been made in all shapes and forms, enough to fill a small library. So this introduction is limited to a short enumeration of the most salient differences between the two systems, hoping this subject is well known to readers.Electromagnetic or dynamic loudspeakers have cones driven by some form of a coil moving in a magnetic field –flat or circular. These cones are usually excited at the center for bass and middle tone speakers or at the perimeter in the case of tweeters and are hoped to move exactly in accordance with the electrical current through the coil. In practice however, cones move more or less like shaking a rug, than like an ideal stiff surface. See the diagram below just to excite your imagination. One may hope the mean value of the movement over the total surface is neat enough to give an acceptable and musical representation of our beloved sound material.•The Inverter Principle for Electrostatic LoudspeakersESL diaphragms have considerably less weight than cones: the diaphragm of an 90i weighs less than 1 gram. As much as 100 liter of air weighing 1 kg per m3. In an ESL such a diaphragm is 12 micron thick and it weighs as little as a layer of air of 12 mm thick: 6 mm on both sides. In an ESL the diaphragm is driven simultaneously and homogeneously over the entire surface. Dampened as it is by its surrounding air this thin and ultra light foil does not get the tiniest chance to invent movements of its own.Cones have the advantage of a long stroke, so the surface of an ESL diaphragm should be many times larger than that of a cone to move the same number of air molecules. But be aware: the ESL moves air at both sides as explained above. Low frequency output from ESL’s is admittedly nice and clean, but usually no too strong, unless the ESL’s surface is huge and at the same token it gets quite expensive.Final’s finest model 1.4, now baptized 1400i, has a surface per loudspeaker of 0,54 square meters. If this were a round cone it’s radiating diameter should be 95cm or 37 inch! Our smallest model (model 90) today has one tenth of the surface of the 1000 and that is 0,07 square meter. Its equivalent diameter should be 12 inch, still the measurement of a very respectable cone-speaker.Dynamic loudspeakers are usually housed in not dumb-and-dead boxes, which –these boxes too, alas- have their own contribution to the sound of music. ESL’s have no such boxes, at the expense of the performance in the bass frequencies.Dynamic loudspeakers require the frequency spectrum to be divided into two, three or more sub-bands. This brings about the use of LC-filters with their own influence on the sound.ESL’s, due to their large radiating surface, tend to exhibit bundling of the higher end of the audio spectrum, reducing the dimensions of the so-called sweet spot. FINAL has found out how to fight this phenomenon.Most ESL’s on the market require high end amplifiers because of their weird impedance over frequency: values can be found as low as 1 ohm at 20kHz. And very capacitive too as this 1 ohm is the equivalent of 8 microfarad. This in itself is a strange phenomenon because theoretically the sensitivity of an ESL increases with frequency and one would, based on electrical energy in versus audio energy out, expect some sort of inverse behavior.Full range electrostatic loudspeakers usually have a limited sensitivity. 86 dB is commonly found whereas dynamic loudspeakers exhibit sensitivity more like 86 to 92 dB without recurring the use of exponential horns and other additional means (measured at 2,83 volt in and at a distance of 1 meter). This has been discussed thoroughly above. The sound is louder than you would conclude from the specs.••••••••The Inverter Principle for Electrostatic LoudspeakersFull range electrostatic loudspeakers usually have a limited sensitivity. 86 dB is commonly found whereas dynamic loudspeakers exhibit sensitivity more like 86 to 92 dB without recurring the use of exponential horns and other additional means (measured at 2,83 volt in and at a distance of 1 meter). This has been discussed thoroughly above. The sound is louder than you would conclude from the specs.The industry in the past decennia has predominantly made large and expensive Electrostatic Loudspeakers in rather small quantities mainly for the high-end market, and not yet addressed the middle segment. Part of this is due to a vicious circle whereas small quantities do not lead to a quick decrease of the cost of manufacturing, nor a quick run down the learning curve. Dynamic loudspeakers on the contrary, are made in huge quantities and varieties worldwide and so are cheaply available.The application of the high voltages necessary in an ESL presents a challenge as to the safety as laid down for instance in ETL and UL-requirements related to human safety and fire hazard. Finals Inverter solution has solved this.ESL’s are sensitive to dust, smoke and moisture: these particles tend to shorten their lifetime. However Final has developed a new type of diaphragm with a protective coating to enable a long lifetime. Nevertheless, it’s recommended to clean the panels ate least once a quarter, using a vacuum cleaner.ESL’s are line sources and so behave in a completely different manner as point sources in the build-up of the acoustic field. •••••。
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