正浮选工艺流程适合于分选硅质磷矿,采用Na2SiO3 等抑制硅酸盐矿物而用阴离子捕收剂正浮磷酸盐矿物的正浮选工艺,分选效果较好,如宁夏贺兰山
用Na2CO3、Na2SiO3 等抑制硅、钙矿物,阴离子捕收剂正浮选磷灰石的直接浮选工艺,对含P2O58.0%的原矿,经此工艺可以获得磷精矿P2O5 品位大于35%,磷回收率83%的良好指标,如湖北大悟县黄麦岭选矿厂。
正一反浮选工艺流程适合分选沉积钙质磷矿,加Na2CO3、Na2SiO3 等抑制
或H3PO4 将pH 值调至5.5~6.0 以抑制磷酸盐,阴离子捕收剂反浮选碳酸盐矿物,这样可使磷精矿P2O5 含量提高到35.17%,MgO 降至0.78%、R2O31.97 %、磷回收率91.98%的良好选矿指标,如贵州瓮福磷矿,工艺流程见图2。
图2 沉积钙质磷矿正一反浮选工艺流程
双反浮选工艺流程适合磷矿石中最难选的胶磷矿,该工艺先用H2SO4 或
H3PO4 抑制磷矿物,阴离子捕收剂反浮选白云石等碳酸盐矿物,然后矿浆经脱泥后再用阳离子捕收剂反浮选硅酸盐矿物,工艺流程见图3。
设 计来 筛选 和优 化影 响浮选 过程 的操作 条 件 。
1 试 验 物 料 和 方 法
1 1 磷 酸 盐 样 品 .
在 波长为 5 0n 以清水作 为参 比物 测量 悬 浮液 的 5 m,
浊 度 , . 1读 数 相 当 1。个 细 胞 / 。 在 1 0 0 00 O mL 5 0
关 键 词 白云石
C D 细菌 C
微生物 生物选
概 述
目前 , 酸 盐工 业 面 临 的主 要 问题 是 矿 石 中含 磷
( . 5 . 4 ~0 2 +0 0 4mm) 为 浮选 给 矿 。该 中间 组 分 作 ( . 5 . 4 mm) P O ~0 2 +0 0 4 中 2 5含量 较 低 ( 7 0 ) 2. 7 , Mg O含 量较 高 ( . ) ~2 5 。
设计 法 ( C 对 过程 进 行优 化 。实 验 设 计 结 果 表 明 , 用 细 菌 可 以从 磷 酸 盐 矿 石 中 选 择 性 的 分 离 出 碳 酸 盐 。在 p 为 C D) 使 H 5 5 微 生 物浓 度 为 1 ., O・1 个 细 胞 / 捕 收 剂 的 用 量 为 2k / 时 , 到 的 精 矿 Mg 和 P O5含 量分 别 为 0 7 0 L, g t 得 O 2 . %和 3 , 1 P0 2 5回收 率 为 9 。 3
1 2 化 学 试 剂 .
有碳 酸盐 杂质 。 目前 推荐用 不 同的流 程从 沉积 型磷
酸盐 矿石 中分离 碳质 脉石 。然 而 , 仅有 一个 方法 ( 重
使 用纯 度 为 9 的油 酸钠 作 为 捕 收剂 。分 析 9
纯级 的 Na OH 和 H S 作 为 p 调 整 剂 。所 有 的 O H 试 剂 并没 有经 过进 一步 提纯 。
刘鸿儒等合成了N -烷基氨基乙酸系列(R-X)、N-烷基氨基丁酸系列(4R-X)、N-烷基氨基己酸系列(6RX),如表所示。
氨基磺酸型两性表面活性剂主要分为:烷基氨基磺酸和烷基氨基二磺酸,主要以烷基胺和卤代烷基磺酸盐或 磺酸内酯为原料进行合成。汤芝平等开发了一种新合成方法:以烷基胺、甲醛和无机磺化剂(NaHSO3或 Na2SO3) 为原料合成氨基磺酸型两性表面活性剂。
针对目前齐大山矿山铁矿石和脉石平均粒径越来越小,特别是赤铁矿的平均粒径越来越小,共生矿明显增多 的特点,梅建庭等研发了 KS -Ⅱ、KS -Ⅲ多功能捕收剂。实践表明它们可以大幅度提高精矿回收率降低尾矿品 位。
KS -Ⅱ合成首先以氨基酸和醇胺化合物为主要原料合成高效助剂,再将其与植物油脂产品反应生成KS -Ⅱ; KS -Ⅲ合成首先以植物脂肪酸为主要原料,经过磺化、卤化、氨化和水解等反应,合成一种含有氨基、羧基和磺 酸基于同一分子的捕收剂,再将其与植物脂肪酸在复合催化剂的催化下部分生成缩合产物 。
两性捕收剂,分子中同时带有阴离子和阳离子的异极性有机化合物,常见的阴离子基团主要是—COOH基SO3H基和—OCSSH基;阳离子基团主要是—NH2。含有阴、阳离子基团的捕收剂,已经研究的有各种胺基酸、胺基 磺酸以及用于浮选镍矿和次生铀矿的胺醇类黄药、二乙胺乙黄药等。二乙胺乙黄药的结构式如下:
凡能选择性地作用于矿物表面,使矿物表面疏水的有机物质,称为捕收剂。国内对捕收剂命名结尾常带“药” 字(黄药、黑药等)。可以作为捕收剂的有机化合物很多,实践中常用的如黄油酸,煤油等。作为工业上适用的 优良捕收剂应满足如下要求:
(1)原料来源广,易于制取; (2)价格低,便于使用,即易溶于水,无臭,无毒,成分稳定、不易变质等; (3)捕收作用强,具有足够的活性; (4)有较高的选择性,最好只对某一种矿物具有捕收能力。 按照捕收剂的分子结构,可将捕收剂分为异极性捕收剂、非极性油类捕收剂和两性捕收剂等三类 。
mi n 。 所用 XP S 测试仪 矿主要用于制取磷酸。目前, 浮选是 去除磷矿石中碳酸 盐、 剂与捕收剂后的调浆 时间分别为 3 硅酸 盐杂质 的主要工艺 [ 】 ] 。白云石是磷矿石中主要 的脉石 矿物之一, 其浮选行为直接影 响磷矿石浮选 除杂 过程 中的 作业效率 以及产品质量 ] 。 有文献 报道 , 碳酸 盐一 磷灰石浮选体系中, 由于矿
剂对矿物的捕收能力逐渐增加, 导致以肉豆蔻酸作捕收剂时, 调整剂对白云石浮选没有明显影响, 而当月桂酸和
癸酸作捕剂时, 在相同 条件下调整剂则可以完全抑制单矿物浮选。 当 调整剂用量大于特定值时, 与捕收剂相比,
调整剂与 c a 和 Mg 2 + 的结合能力较强, 导致在此条件下矿物被抑制。 关键词:白云石; 单矿物浮选; 热力学分析; 饱和脂肪酸
度 的对 数 值。如 图3 所 示,在一 定 p H条件 下,当 肉豆 蔻
基金项 目: “ 十一五”国家科技 支撑计划项 目 ( 2 0 0 7 B A B 0 8 B 0 2 ) 收 稿 日期 :2 0 1 2 — 0 8 - 0 6 作 者简介 :祁 宗( 1 9 8 1 一 ) ,男,银 川市人 ,主要从事矿物加工 工程等方面 的研 究。
有色金属工程 2 0 1 3 年第 1 期 3 3
捕 收剂 用量/ ( 1 O 。 4 mo l L )
l o g C f ( C f = [ N a 3 P O 4 ] )
图 1捕收剂用量对 白云石浮选 回收率的影响 酸 作 捕 收 剂时, 调 整剂 用量 由 5 . 2 6 × 1 0 mo l / L增 加至
致矿物浮选规 律发生变化 。 通过 浮选试验 、 x射线光 电子
8 6・
有 色ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 属 ( 选矿 部 分)
2 0 1 7年第 1 期
d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 6 7 1 - 9 4 9 2 . 2 0 1 6 . 0 6 . 0 2 0
梁 欢 , 虞 肖呖 , 杨 成 , 沈博 玮 , 潘 志权
( N a t i o n a l E n g i n e e r i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y R e s e a r c h C e n t e r f o r D e v e l o p m e n t a n d U t i l i z a t i o n o f P h o s p h o r u s R e s o u r c e s ,W u h a n I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y ,Wu h a n 4 3 0 0 7 3 ,C h i n a )
关键词 : 钙镁离 子; 胶磷矿 ; 白云石 ; 浮选 ; 界面反应 中 图分 类 号 : T D 9 2 3 . 1 ; T D 9 7 文 献 标 志码 : A 文章编号 : 1 6 7 1 - 9 4 9 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 0 1 - 0 0 8 6 - 0 5
Di s c u s s i o n o n Me c h a n i s m o f Ca l c i um a nd Ma g ne s i u m i o n s o n Ph o s p ha t e
Fl O t a t i o n o f I n t e r f a c e Re a c t i o n
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 1082−1089Selective flotation of smithsonite from dolomite byusing novel mixed collector systemLi WANG1,2, Guang-yan HU1,2, Wei SUN1,2, Sultan Ahmed KHOSO1,2, Run-qing LIU1,2, Xiang-feng ZHANG1,21. School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;2. Key Laboratory of Hunan Province for Clean and Efficient Utilization of Strategic Calcium-containingMineral Resources, Central South University, Changsha 410083, ChinaReceived 2 June 2018; accepted 14 January 2019Abstract: A novel mixed collector (BHOA) was prepared by mixing benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) and sodium oleate (NaOL) and applied to the flotation separation of smithsonite from dolomite. Flotation results showed that NaOL alone had good collecting performance on smithsonite and common gangue mineral dolomite but had poor selectivity. By using a BHA/NaOL mixed system with a molar ratio of 2:1, the recoveries of smithsonite and dolomite reached approximately 90% and 5%, respectively. Surface tension analysis showed that the surface activity of BHOA was a little higher than that of a single NaOL because of synergistic effects. Zeta potential and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements indicated that surfactants BHA and NaOL co-absorbed on the smithsonite surface and only NaOL was present on the dolomite surface in the presence of BHOA.Key words: flotation; smithsonite; dolomite; sodium oleate; benzohydroxamic acid; sulfuration1 IntroductionFlotation is the most effective pretreatment technique for zinc oxide ores, and the flotation of zinc oxide ores has been extensively researched. The sulfide–xanthate method is one of the main flotation methods for zinc oxide recovery. However, the recovery efficiency is not high because of the short carbon chains and weak collection performance of xanthate [1], and the sulfide–xanthate method has several notable drawbacks: (1) it is sensitive to slime, thus necessitating removal of slime beforehand and resulting in a low total recovery of zinc; (2) it is unsuitable for zinc oxide ores with high iron contents; (3) zinc oxide minerals are difficult to recover from the silicate phase; (4) the control of sodium sulfide dosage as a sulfide agent is difficult; and (5) sulfuration consumes a considerable amount of energy during heating and thus increases costs. Therefore, the sulfide–xanthate method is only suitable for the treatment of smithsonite with low iron oxide and slime contents [2−4].The feasibility of fatty acids as collectors for zinc oxides has been extensively investigated because of their low costs [5]. Fatty acid collectors can be used in the reverse flotation process owing to their good flotation performance for quartz or clay gangue minerals in zinc oxide ores [6]. Fatty acids exhibit excellent flotation performance but have relatively poor selectivity for smithsonite [7−9]. The strong collection of fatty acids on iron oxide ores prevents the separation of zinc oxide from iron oxide gangues. Benzohydroxamic acid is commonly used as an anionic chelating collector and widely used in the flotation of oxidized ores, such as scheelite and cassiterite [10]. However, the use of a single anion collector often results in poor selectivity, although selective separation can be enhanced by using activators and depressants [11].The synergy between individual components considerably enhances the performance of resulting recovery system when the surfactants are mixed at certain proportions [12−15]. Mixed surfactant systems often show synergistic behaviors that decrease critical micelle concentration, improve the efficiency of wetting, decrease surface tension of water, and promote solubilization and foaming [16]. The combination ofFoundation item: Project (51704329) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project (2018YFC1901901) supported by the National Key Scientific Research Project of ChinaCorresponding author: Xiang-feng ZHANG; Tel: +86-731-88830482; Fax: +86-731-88660477; E-mail: 095611077@DOI:10.1016/S1003-6326(19)65016-8Li WANG, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 1082−1089 1083 different flotation reagents can enhance the treatmenteffect and flotation index and reduce the total dosage of treatment, thereby improving the economic benefit of production [17]. The mixed anionic and cationic (catanionic system) collectors for smithsonite were firstly investigated in solutions containing DDA/KAX collectors [18,19]. Although anionic collectors are generally used in mineral flotation industries, their adsorption and flotation mechanisms remain unknown.The purpose of this study is to prepare a novel mixed collector system by mixing benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) and sodium oleate (NaOL) for the selective flotation separation of smithsonite from dolomite. The difference between the flotation effects of NaOL and BHA on smithsonite and dolomite was evaluated before and after sulfuration. The surface activity and adsorption mechanism of a mixed collector on the surface of smithsonite and dolomite were investigated.2 Experimental2.1 Materials and reagentsSmithsonite and dolomite samples were purchased from Yunnan Province and Hunan Province, China, respectively. After the impurities were discarded, the samples were ground with a ceramic ball mill. Single mineral flotation experiments were performed on 0.074−0.037 mm size fract ion. The fraction with size less than 0.037 mm was used for further analysis of surface activity and adsorption mechanisms. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra of pure smithsonite and dolomite minerals are shown in Fig. 1. The purities of smithsonite and dolomite were 98.78% and 98.93%, respectively, which satisfied the purity requirement of the mineral tests. Benzohydroxamic acid, sodium oleate, and sodium sulphide were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. All the reagents had an analytical purity of 99.9%. The pH value of the solution was adjusted with reagent-grade hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, and deionized water was used in all the processes.2.2 Flotation testsSingle-mineral flotation tests were conducted by using a 40 mL XFG flotation machine operated at a fixed rotational speed of 1800 r/min. Pulp was prepared by mixing 2 g of mineral in 40 mL of water and agitated for 1 min. Pulp pH was controlled by the addition of an acid or alkali stack solutions. The collector was then added to the pulp and conditioned for 3 min. Then, pine oil (120 g/t) was added. The conditioning time was 2 min. Finally, froth collection was performed for 3 min. The concentrates and tailings received were filtered, dried, weighed, and sent for further analysis, and the yield rateFig. 1 XRD spectra of smithsonite (a) and dolomite (b)and recovery were calculated. Flotation results were represented by the average value of three different measurements.2.3 Surface tension measurementsSurface tension values of NaOL, BHA, and BHOA solutions were determined through the Wihlmy–Cooper gold plate hanging piece method. An ILMS surface tester (GBX Company, France) was used. Firstly, 15 mL of the sample solution was placed in a glass dish, which was in turn placed onto the sample stage of the surface tension instrument. The surface tension value of the solution was obtained. Then, anhydrous ethanol and ultra-pure water were used to clean the glass dish and the hanging piece, and an alcohol lamp was used to dry the hanging piece. All tests were conducted through the same procedure. Each test was repeated three times for each sample, and the average was taken as the measured value.2.4 Zeta potential measurementsZeta potentials of minerals before and after the treatment with reagents were measured by a JS94H microelectrophoresis instrument (Shanghai ZhongchenLi WANG, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 1082−1089 1084Digital Technic Apparatus Co., China) [20]. Exactly0.2 g of the sample and 20 mL of ultra-pure water were mixed to a 50 mL beaker. The pH of the slurry was adjusted with hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide. A fixed concentration of the collector was added to the slurry, and the mixture was placed on a magnetic stirrer, which was set to a fixed speed for 5 min. Finally, the zeta potential of the slurry was measured. The results presented are the average of three independent measurements with a typical variation of ±2 mV.2.5 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurementsX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was performed on an ESCALAB 250Xi model spectro- meter (ThermoFisher-VG Scientific, Massachusetts, USA). In accordance with the single-mineral flotation test, 2.0 g of the mineral sample and 40 mL of water were added to a 40 mL flotation cell. The mixture was stirred for 1 min, and the collector solution was added to the sample. The sample was thoroughly stirred, then filtered, and finally rinsed with ultra-pure water. The sample was repeatedly rinsed five times and then filtered and dried in a vacuum chamber at 25 °C prior to further testing.3 Results and discussion3.1 Flotation performance of single mineralThe flotation efficiency of smithsonite with different proportions of BHA and NaOL was studied extensively. The total concentration of the collector was set to be 6×10−4 mol/L. Smithsonite flotation recovery at pH 9.0 is shown in Fig. 2(a). Smithsonite was not recovered by flotation when only BHA was used. By contrast, the flotation recovery for smithsonite was as high as 94% when only NaOL was used. The mixed collector system (BHA/NaOL) exhibited a good smithsonite recovery (>80%). When the molar ratio of the BHA/NaOL system was set to be 1:2, the flotation recovery of smithsonite reached approximately 92%, which is nearly equal to that obtained when only NaOL was used. Therefore, a mixed collector system with BHA/NaOL molar ratio of 1:2 was proposed and designated as BHOA. Figures 2(b) and (c) show the effects of pH and Na2S dosage on the flotation recovery of smithsonite, respectively. The optimum flotation pH was 9.0, and the optimum Na2S dosage was 2500 g/t.Figure 3 shows the effect of collector concentration on the flotation recoveries of smithsonite and dolomite. As shown in Figs. 3(a) and (b), the flotation recovery of smithsonite was considerably high in the presence of sodium sulfide, and sodium sulfide slightly influenced the recovery of dolomite.Fig. 2 Effects of BHA/NaOL molar ratio (a), pH (b) and Na2S dosage (c) on smithsonite flotation recoveryFurthermore, the recovery of smithsonite increased rapidly with increasing the collector concentration in the presence of BHOA and then reached a maximum recovery of 95% when the collector concentration was 6×10−4mol/L. The recovery of smithsonite decreased slightly, and the recovery of dolomite remained below 10% when the collector concentration was less 6×10−4 mol/L. When only NaOL was used, the flotation recovery of smithsonite showed a quit equivalent trend with BHOA, and the amount of recovered dolomite was slightly higher than that in the case of BHOA. Thus, the selective separation of these two minerals is difficult when NaOL is used alone. Therefore, smithsonite can be selectively separated from dolomite by using BHOA and controlling BHOA concentration.Li WANG, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 1082−1089 1085Fig. 3Recoveries of smithsonite and dolomite at different collector concentrations without (a) and with (b) sulfuration at pH 9.03.2 Surface properties of BHOA, NaOL and BHAThe equilibrium surface tension values of NaOL, BHA, and BHOA as function of their concentrations in ultrapure water at pH 9 are presented in Fig. 4.Fig. 4 Equilibrium surface tension values of NaOL, BHA, and BHOA as function of their concentrations in ultrapure water at pH 9.0The critical micelle concentration (CMC) values for surfactant mixtures were determined from Fig. 4 by separately fitting straight lines to rapidly decreasing, stable, and increasing portions of the curves and then calculating the surfactant concentrations where the lines intersected [21]. As shown in Fig. 4, BHA showed a relative low surface activity because of its high surface tension. The surface tension of the NaOL solution decreased rapidly when its concentration changed from 1×10−5to 1×10−4 mol/L. Moreover, the surface tension remained unchanged when the concentration of the NaOL solution exceeded 1×10−4mol/L. The surface tension of the BHOA solution rapidly decreased at concentrations ranging from 1×10−5 to 1×10−4 mol/L (see Fig. 4).By comparing the surface tension curves of BHOA, NaOL, and BHA solutions, BHOA surfactants were found to be more efficient than single collector in decreasing air−water interfacial tension, particularly in low surfactant concentration conditions. This finding indicated that the mixture of NaOL and BHA has a synergistic effect on surface tension.3.3 Zeta potential measurementsThe adsorption mechanisms of the collectors on smithsonite and dolomite surfaces were investigated. Zeta potential measurements were carried out before and after the addition of collectors. As shown in Fig. 5(a), the isoelectric point of smithsonite was pH 8.2, which was similar to that reported in Ref. [22]. Figure 5(b) shows the surface potential of smithsonite as a function of concentration of collectors. After the addition of sodium sulfide, the zeta potential of smithsonite remained unchanged. This response indicated that BHA was not adsorbed on the smithsonite surface. Before the addition of sodium sulfide, NaOL or BHOA caused the increase in the negative surface zeta potential of smithsonite. The higher the concentration of NaOL or BHOA solution is, the greater the negative value of the surface zeta potential of smithsonite is. This relationship indicates the adsorption of large amount of these collectors onto the smithsonite surface. Furthermore, under the same concentration, BHOA caused a higher increase in the negative surface zeta potential of smithsonite than NaOL in the presence or absence of sodium sulfide. This result indicated that BHA also played an important role in the adsorption behavior of mixed collectors on smithsonite surface.Figure 6(a) shows that the surface zeta potential of dolomite varies with changes in pH. The isoelectric point of dolomite was at pH 6.5. As shown in Fig. 6(b), the zeta potential of dolomite remained unchanged after the addition of sodium sulfide and BHA, and thus no adsorption or limited adsorption occurred on the surface of dolomite. After sulfuration, the negative zeta potential of dolomite was high in the NaOL or BHOA system.Li WANG , et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 1082−10891086Fig. 5 Surface potentials of smithsonite at different pH values (a) and collector concentrations at pH 9.0 (b)Fig. 6 Surface potentials of dolomite at different pH values (a) and collector concentrations at pH 9.0 (b)These results may be attributed to the negative effect of sodium sulfide and to the increased adsorption of the reagent. The effect of a fixed concentration of BHOA on the surface zeta potential of dolomite was equivalent to the effect of NaOL. Therefore, in the presence of mixed collectors, BHA had no effect on the surface and surface zeta potential of dolomite.3.4 XPS analysisXPS uses X-ray photons to excite the inner electrons of atoms on the material surface. An energy spectrum is obtained by analyzing the excitation of inner electrons. Therefore, XPS can be used for the qualitative, quantitative, or semi-quantitative analysis of the composition and chemical state of the surface of a solid sample [23]. In this work, we conducted XPS analysis to characterize the differences between treated and untreated smithsonite and dolomite samples with different collectors, and the results are presented in Figs. 7−9.Figure 7 shows XPS spectra of smithsonite, Zn 2p, S 2p, and C 1s of smithsonite before and after treatmentwith different collectors. Figure 7(a) shows the full spectra of the smithsonite surface before and after treatment in the binding energy range of 1020−1060 eV . Figure 7(b) shows that new absorption peaks at 1020.25 eV were observed after the treatment with sodium sulfide, indicating that a new Zn-containing compound was produced on the smithsonite surface. Figure 7(c) shows that the S 2p peak in the spectra of smithsonite and sodium sulfide appeared at 161.9 eV. The spectra of Zn 2p and S 2p before and after the action of smithsonite and sodium sulfide indicated that S 2− and Zn 2+ reacted together to produce ZnS after smithsonite and sodium sulfide treatment.In Fig. 7(d), the C 1s absorption peaks at 285 eV corresponded to the organic carbon in alkyl, whereasthose at 290 eV corresponded to 23CO. In the presence of Na 2S and NaOL, the intensities of the absorption peaks at 285 eV significantly increased. The increase indicated that NaOL was adsorbed on the smithsonite surface. The XPS spectra of smithsonite after Na 2S and BHOA treatment showed that the intensity of C 1s absorption peak at 285 eV was significantly enhancedLi WANG , et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 1082−1089 1087Fig. 7 XPS spectra of smithsonite (a), Zn 2p (b), S 2p (c), and C 1s (d) of pure smithsonite before and after treatment with different collectorsrelative to that in the XPS spectra of pure smithsonite. Thus, NaOL or BHA was adsorbed on the smithsonite surface after vulcanization. In N 1s spectra, the absorption peaks at 405 eV corresponded to N atoms in BHA (see Fig. 8), indicating that low amounts of BHA were weakly adsorbed on smithsonite.Figure 8 shows that the XPS spectra of dolomite remained unchanged after Na 2S treatment, and Na 2S and dolomite did not react to form sulfides. Figure 9 showsFig. 8 XPS spectra for N atoms of BHOA after reaction with sodium sulfideFig. 9 XPS spectra of dolomite before and after treatment with different collectorsthe XPS spectra of the dolomite surface before and after treatment with different collectors. The increased intensity of the C 2p absorption peak at 285 eV after Na 2S and NaOL treatment indicated that NaOL was adsorbed on the dolomite surface. As shown in Figs. 8 and 9, no significant absorption peaks were observed in the N 1s spectra in the presence of Na 2S and BHOA. The absence of these peaks indicated that only NaOL was adsorbed onto the dolomite surfaces in the mixed collectors.Li WANG, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 29(2019) 1082−1089 1088In the XPS results, the reaction of sodium sulfide with smithsonite produced ZnS on the surface of smithsonite. In the presence of Na2S and BHOA, NaOL was adsorbed on the surfaces of smithsonite and dolomite. Meanwhile, BHOA only affected smithsonite, thus increasing the selectivity of the mixed collector system.4 Conclusions(1) A novel mixed collector (BHOA) was prepared by mixing BHA and NaOL and used for the selective flotation separation of smithsonite from dolomite. The separation mechanism of BHOA was evaluated by flotation tests, surface tension analysis, zeta potential, and XPS.(2) BHOA has a better collecting efficiency for smithsonite than NaOL. The flotation recovery of smithsonite reached 92% when the NaOL/BHA molar ratio was set to be 2:1. Meanwhile, a poor dolomite recovery of less than 20% was obtained.(3) The BHOA shows better surface activity than pure collectors because of synergistic effects and thus it is much more suitable for the flotation separation of smithsonite.(4) Negative surface potentials of smithsonite and dolomite increased considerably when NaOL or BHOA was used alone. However, the BHOA system only increased the negative surface potential of smithsonite. Meanwhile, NaOL affected the negative surface potential of dolomite, and the effect was independent of BHA.(5) NaOL chemically reacted with smithsonite and dolomite and the BHA in BHOA collector only reacted with smithsonite, thus increasing the selectivity of the collector for smithsonite.References[1]ESPIRITU E R L, SILV A G R D, AZIZI D, LARACHI F, WATERSK E. 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Applied Surface Science, 2000, 157: 101−111.复配捕收剂从白云石中选择性浮选菱锌矿王丽1,2,胡广艳1,2,孙伟1,2,Sultan Ahmed KHOSO1,2,刘润清1,2,张祥锋1,21. 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院,长沙410083;2. 中南大学战略含钙矿产资源清洁高效利用湖南省重点实验室,长沙410083摘要:将苯甲羟肟酸(BHA)与油酸钠(NaOL)混合,制备一种新的复配捕收剂(BHOA),并将其应用于从白云石中浮选分离菱锌矿。
【摘要】分别以水玻璃或六偏磷酸钠为抑制剂,采用自行研制的阳离子捕收剂Wely对辽宁海城地区的菱镁矿进行反浮选脱硅试验,并与常规菱镁矿反浮选捕收剂十二胺进行对比.结果显示:两种捕收剂适宜的矿浆pH均为5左右;在合适的用量下,两种捕收剂与水玻璃或六偏磷酸钠配合均可获得MgO品位>47%、SiO2含量<0.2%的菱镁矿精矿,但Wely所获MgO回收率比十二胺高2.15 ~4.06个百分点,可达77.15%~83.64%,证明Wely对硅酸盐矿物有更好的选择性捕收性能;水玻璃作抑制剂时所需用量达六偏磷酸钠的10倍,且精矿回收率较低,因此六偏磷酸钠更适合作为菱镁矿反浮选的抑制剂.
1.新型铁矿石反浮选捕收剂MG-2捕收性能研究 [J], 葛英勇;张敏;余俊;余永富
2.疏水强化浮选:双亲矿基捕收剂与常规捕收剂的对比 [J], 刘胜;刘广义;黄耀国;钟宏
3.疏水强化浮选:双亲矿基捕收剂与常规捕收剂的对比 [J], 刘胜;刘广义;黄耀国;钟宏
4.硫化矿电化学调控浮选及无捕收剂浮选的理论与应用(Ⅲ)无捕收剂浮选的发展与硫化矿可浮性的新分类 [J], 王淀佐;孙水裕;李柏淡
5.阳离子捕收剂反浮选酒钢弱磁精矿对比分析 [J], 朱霞丽;李京伦
Gemini型捕收剂对石英和磁铁矿的浮选性能邹文博;夏柳荫;钟宏【摘要】Through the flotation tests of single mineral, the flotation performance of quartz and magnetite were investigated with Gemini collector Gemini -31503 and the lauryl amine as collector respectively.The results showed that Gemini collector 31503 had better collecting ability to quartz in a wide pH range and good selectivity in quartz, and its performance was much superior to the lauryl amine.With the Gemini -31503 used as collector, the reverse flotation tests on the artificial mixed ores of quartz and magnetite were made, obtaining good separation index without any other reagents added.The Zeta potential measurements and infrared spectroscopy results showed that Gemini -31503 adsorption on the two minerals surface is mainly electrostatic adsorption.Under the same conditions, Gemini -31503 adsorption on quartz surfaces is higher than that on the magnetite.%通过单矿物浮选试验,考察了Gemini型捕收剂Gemini-31503和十二胺对石英和磁铁矿的浮选特性,结果表明,Gemini-31503在较宽的pH范围里对石英具有很强的捕收能力,并且对石英具有良好的选择性,其性能明显优于十二胺.用Gemini-31503对石英和磁铁矿的人工混合矿进行反浮选,在不需再添加其他任何药剂的情况下取得了良好的分选指标.动电位测定和红外光谱分析结果显示,Gemini-31503在两种矿物表面的吸附主要为静电吸附,且在相同条件下,Gemini-31503在石英表面的吸附量比在磁铁矿表面的吸附量大.【期刊名称】《金属矿山》【年(卷),期】2011(000)006【总页数】4页(P78-80,92)【关键词】Gemini型捕收剂;十二胺;石英;磁铁矿;捕收能力;选择性【作者】邹文博;夏柳荫;钟宏【作者单位】中南大学化学化工学院;中南大学化学化工学院;中南大学化学化工学院【正文语种】中文我国贫铁矿石中的脉石主要是石英。
关键词:螯合捕收剂捕收机理药剂种类工业1螯合剂的简介1.1 应用方向在浮选药剂发展过程中,第一代混合捕收油早已过时,第二代离子型水溶性捕收力强的浮选药剂(如黄药、黑药等)已经历了70余年,越来越无法满足目前世界范围内日渐贫、细、杂矿石的浮选分离要求。
1.2 螯合剂和螯合作用螯合型药剂至少必须有两个原子同时由金属配位。
结果表明,PHA具有优异的选择捕收性能,在pH为8,PHA用量为15 mg/L,甲基异丁基甲醇(MIBC)用量为20 mg/L的条件下,萤石、白云石和方解石的回收率分别为91%、24.2%和41%。
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是用 于生 产磷 酸 等化 学 制 品 的原 料 。 1 9 9 8年世 界
磷酸 盐矿石 的产 量 约 为 1 4 7 t . 6 亿 。每年 应 用 浮 选 法处 理大量 的含 硅 的磷 酸盐 矿石 。在磷 酸盐 矿石 选 矿 中所用 的浮选 工艺种 类决 定于 矿石 中伴生 的杂 质
矿物 的种类 。大 多数磷 酸盐 矿石 都含有 硅酸 盐脉 石
物 和 碳 酸 盐 矿 物 的润 湿 性 。第 二 是 研 制 能 选 择 性 浮
选磷 酸盐 矿物 的捕 收剂 。 有几 个研究 者对 抑制 磷酸盐 矿物 而反 浮选碳 酸 盐矿 物工 艺进 行 了试 验 。他们 的试 验 结 果 表 明 , 在 弱酸 性介 质 中可 从 磷 酸 盐 矿 物 中优 先 浮选 出 白云 石 。但是 , 在应 用这 些浮选 方法 时 , 们 的研究 目的 他 是 寻找磷 酸盐 矿物 的最好 抑制 剂 。最 近对 从磷 酸盐
矿 石 中浮 选 脱 除 白 云 石 做 了 很 大 的努 力 。
用 筛 孔为 0 0 4mm 筛 子筛 分 。 一0 4 .4 . 4mm 粒级 分
离 出 作 为 含 磷 酸 盐 的 黏 土 矿 泥 。 一 02 + 00 4 .5 . 4 mm 粒级 Mg O含 量较 高 , 干燥 后作 为 浮选 给矿 。样 品用 缩分 机分 成 2 0g一袋 以备浮选 试 验之 用 。 5
第 二个 目的 是 确 定 该 法 能 够 生 产 Mg 含 量 低 于 O
1 的磷酸盐 精矿 的可 行性 。
பைடு நூலகம்
碳酸 盐矿 物的 物理化 学性 质类似 , 以 , 所 从磷 酸盐 矿 石 中分离碳 酸盐 矿物 相 当困难 。不仅磷 酸盐 矿物 本
身 的溶液化 学性 质 , 而且从 其它 盐类矿 物 ( 方解 石 如 和 白云石 ) 解 下来 的组 分 也会 影 响 磷 酸盐 矿 物 的 溶
1 2 试 验 方 法 .
1 2 1 样 品 特性研 究 ..
每 一 批 样 品 ( g 在 震 筛 机 上 用 德 国 套 筛 湿 式 3k )
中国连云 港设计 研究 院提 出 了最 令人鼓 舞 的浮
筛 分 1 n 5mi。各 个 粒级 在 1 5 0 ℃下 干燥 后 称重 。然
量 的试 验方 法 , 确定 主要 参 数 的显 著 性 。之所 以选
择 统计 设计 方法 是 因为 , 法 比较简单 , 该 只需要 进行
几 个很 少 的试验 , 方 法考 虑 了变量 之 间的交互 性 。 该
数情 况下 , 合应 用正 浮选 法和 反浮选法 。但 是 , 联 最
近碳 酸盐矿 物 与含硅 杂质矿 物 同时存在 于磷 酸盐 矿 石 中向选矿 工作 者提 出 了挑 战 。 由于磷 酸盐 矿物 和
杂 质矿 物与 磷 酸盐 矿 物 的 分离 。该 法包 括 , 石 先 矿 磨 至矿 物单 体 解 离 , 后 不 脱 泥 直 接 浮选 白云 石 。 然
接 着 寻找能 够有效 从磷 酸盐 矿石 中浮 选分 离 白云石 的表 面活性 剂 。作 者应 用 两 性 捕 收 剂 作 为 C DR L I 法 中的捕收 剂 的替 代 物 。探 索 性试 验结 果 表 明 , 在 广 泛 的 p 范 围 内, 种 捕 收剂 可 以从 磷 酸 盐 矿 石 H 这 中浮选 分离 白云 石 。 一
3 8
国 外 金
属 矿 选 矿
2 0. 088
用两 性 捕 收剂 从 磷 酸 盐 矿 石 中浮 选 白云 石 时 某 些操 作 参 数 的 统 计 方 面 的显 著 性
A ・ ・ 尔马 赫 帝 M 埃 等
摘 要 在从磷 酸盐矿石中脱除白云石 的浮选 中对丽性捕收剂进行 了试验。应用统计设计 试验考查 了一 些操作 参数及其对 白
表 面性质 。
1 试 验
1 1 试 验 物 料 .
所 用试 验样 品采 集 自埃及 。先 用 颚式 破 碎 机 , 再 用对 辊破 碎 机将 样 品破 碎 至 一2mm。为 了 制 备
研究 者主要 关注 提高碳 酸盐 矿物 与磷 酸盐矿 物
分离 的选 择性 , 们 的研 究 主 要集 中两 个 方 面 。第 他
浮选 给矿 , 矿 样 在 固体 浓 度 为 5 下 磨 剥 擦 洗 在 5 1 mi , 5 n 然后 用 0 2 . 5mm 筛 孔 筛子 筛 分 。筛 上 产 品
( 2 0 . 5rm) 出 作 为 粗 粒 精 矿 , 下 产 品 再 一 . +0 2 a 分 筛
是 应用 不 同的抑制 剂 和 p 调整剂控 制 磷 酸盐 矿 H
云石 浮 选影 响 的显 著 性 。所 研 究 的操 作 参 数 有 叶 轮 转 速 、 收 剂 用 量 和 p 值 。试 验 结 果 分 析 表 明 , H 是 影 响 白 云 石 捕 H p
浮选 最 显 著 的 参 数 。 在 p 2 捕 收剂 用 量 为 2 5k / 和 叶 轮 转 速 为 10 / i , H 1, . g t 0 0rr n时 获得 的精 矿 Mg 含 量 为 0 5 , a O .3
矿物 。处理 的方 法有正 浮选 法和 反浮选 法 。一般 在 正浮选 中用脂 肪 酸 捕 收剂 浮 选 磷酸 盐 矿 物 , 在 反 而 浮选 中用胺类 捕 收剂 浮选硅 酸盐 脉石矿 物 。在大 多
本 文有 两个 目的。第一 个 目的是 用统 计设计 方
法( 因素设计 法 ) 而 不 是 用 常规 的一 个 变 量一 个 变 ,
P05含 量 为 3 % , 2 2 1 P 05回 收率 为 9 %。 0
关 键 词 反浮选
脱除 白云石 两性捕收剂 统计优化
概 述
磷酸 盐矿 石 不 仅是 肥 料 工业 的主要 原 料 , 且 而
选 方法 ( L RI ) C D 法 。这 个 方 法 可 以解 决 含 碳 酸 盐