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pvclust 2.2-0 的用户指南:多尺度beta引导重采样的层次聚类分析说明书

pvclust 2.2-0 的用户指南:多尺度beta引导重采样的层次聚类分析说明书

Package‘pvclust’October14,2022Version2.2-0Date2019-11-19Title Hierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale BootstrapResamplingAuthor Ryota Suzuki<*******************>,Yoshikazu Terada<*****************>,Hidetoshi Shimodaira<***************>Maintainer Ryota Suzuki<*******************>Depends R(>=2.10.0)Suggests MASS,parallelDescription An implementation of multiscale bootstrap resampling forassessing the uncertainty in hierarchical cluster analysis.It provides SI(selective inference)p-value,AU(approximately unbiased)p-value and BP(bootstrap probability)value for each cluster in a dendrogram.License GPL(>=2)URL noRepository CRANDate/Publication2019-11-1912:10:02UTCR topics documented:lung (2)msfit (3)msplot (5)plot.pvclust (5)print.pvclust (7)pvclust (8)pvpick (11)seplot (13)Index1412lung lung DNA Microarray Data of Lung TumorsDescriptionDNA Microarray data of73lung tissues including67lung tumors.There are916observations of genes for each lung tissue.Usagedata(lung)Formatdata frame of size916×73.DetailsThis dataset has been modified from original data.Each one observation of duplicate genes has been removed.See source section in this help for original data source.Source/lung_cancer/adeno/ReferencesGarber, al.(2001)"Diversity of gene expression in adenocarcinoma of the lung",Proceed-ings of the National Academy of Sciences,98,13784-13789.Examples##Reading the datadata(lung)##Multiscale Bootstrap Resamplinglung.pv<-pvclust(lung,nboot=100)##CAUTION:nboot=100may be too small for actual use.##We suggest nboot=1000or larger.##plot/print functions will be useful for diagnostics.##Plot the resultplot(lung.pv,cex=0.8,cex.pv=0.7)ask.bak<-par()$askpar(ask=TRUE)pvrect(lung.pv,alpha=0.9)msplot(lung.pv,edges=c(51,62,68,71))par(ask=ask.bak)##Print a cluster with high p-valuelung.pp<-pvpick(lung.pv,alpha=0.9)lung.pp$clusters[[2]]##Print its edge numberlung.pp$edges[2]##We recommend parallel computing for large dataset as this one##Not run:library(snow)cl<-makeCluster(10,type="MPI")lung.pv<-parPvclust(cl,lung,nboot=1000)##End(Not run)msfit Curve Fitting for Multiscale Bootstrap ResamplingDescriptionmsfit performs curvefitting for multiscale bootstrap resampling.It generates an object of class msfit.Several generic methods are available.Usagemsfit(bp,r,nboot)##S3method for class msfitplot(x,curve=TRUE,main=NULL,sub=NULL,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,...)##S3method for class msfitlines(x,col=2,lty=1,...)##S3method for class msfitsummary(object,digits=3,...)Argumentsbp numeric vector of bootstrap probability values.r numeric vector of relative sample size of bootstrap samples defined as r=n /n for original sample size n and bootstrap sample size n .nboot numeric value(vector)of the number of bootstrap replications.x object of class msfit.curve logical.If TRUE,thefitted curve is drawn.main,sub,xlab,ylab,col,ltygeneric graphic parameters.object object of class msfit.digits integer indicating the precision to be used in rounding....other parameters to be used in the functions.Detailsfunction msfit performs the curvefitting for multiscale bootstrap resampling.In package pvclust this function is only called from the function pvclust(or parPvclust),and may never be called from users.However one can access a list of msfit objects by x$msfit,where x is an object of class pvclust.Valuemsfit returns an object of class msfit.It contains the following objects:p numeric vector of is AU(Approximately Unbiased)p-value com-puted by multiscale bootstrap resampling,which is more accurate than BP value(explained below)as unbiased p-value.bp is BP(Bootstrap Probability)value,which is simple but tends to be unbiased when the absolute value of c(a valuein coef vector,explained below)is numeric vector of estimated standard errors of p-values.coef numeric vector related to geometric aspects of hypotheses.v is signed distance and c is curvature of the boundary.df numeric value of the degree of freedom in curvefitting.rss residual sum of squares.pchi p-value of chi-square test based on asymptotic theory.Author(s)Ryota Suzuki<*******************>ReferencesShimodaira,H.(2004)"Approximately unbiased tests of regions using multistep-multiscale boot-strap resampling",Annals of Statistics,32,2616-2641.Shimodaira,H.(2002)"An approximately unbiased test of phylogenetic tree selection",Systematic Biology,51,492-508.msplot5 msplot Drawing the Results of Curve Fitting for Pvclust ObjectDescriptiondraws the results of curvefitting for pvclust object.Usagemsplot(x,edges=NULL,...)Argumentsx object of class pvclust.edges numeric vector of edge numbers to be plotted....other parameters to be used in the function.Author(s)Ryota Suzuki<*******************>See Alsoplot.msfitplot.pvclust Draws Dendrogram with P-values for Pvclust ObjectDescriptionplot dendrogram for a pvclust object and add p-values for clusters.Usage##S3method for class pvclustplot(x,print.pv=TRUE,print.num=TRUE,float=0.01,col.pv=c(si=4,au=2,bp=3,edge=8),cex.pv=0.8,font.pv=NULL,col=NULL,cex=NULL,font=NULL,lty=NULL,lwd=NULL,main=NULL,sub=NULL,xlab=NULL,...)##S3method for class pvclusttext(x,col=c(au=2,bp=3,edge=8),print.num=TRUE,float=0.01,cex=NULL,font=NULL,...)6plot.pvclustArgumentsx object of class pvclust,which is generated by function pvclust.See pvclust for details.print.pv logicalflag to specify whether print p-values around the edges(clusters),or character vector of length0to3which specifies the names of p-values to print(c("si","au","bp")for example).print.num logicalflag to specify whether print edge numbers below clusters.float numeric value to adjust the height of p-values from edges.col.pv named numeric vector to specify the colors for p-values and edge numbers.For back compatibility it can also be unnamed numeric vector of length3,whichcorresponds to the color of AU,BP values and edge numbers.cex.pv numeric value which specifies the size of characters for p-values and edge num-bers.See cex argument for par.font.pv numeric value which specifies the font of characters for p-values and edge num-bers.See font argument for par.col,cex,font in text function,they correspond to col.pv,cex.pv and font.pv in plot func-tion,respectively.In plot function they are used as generic graphic parameters.lty,lwd,main,sub,xlab,...generic graphic parameters.See par for details.DetailsThis function plots a dendrogram with p-values for given object of class pvclust.SI p-value (printed in blue color in default)is the approximately unbiased p-value for selective inference,and AU p-value(printed in red color in default)is also the approximately unbiased p-value but for non-selective inference.They ared calculated by multiscale bootstrap resampling.BP value(printed in green color in default)is"bootstrap probability"value,which is less accurate than AU value as p-value.One can consider that clusters(edges)with high SI or AU values(e.g.95%)are strongly supported by data.SI value is newly introduced in Terada and Shimodaira(2017)for selective inference,which is more appropriate for testing clusters identified by looking at the tree.AU value has been used since Shimodaira(2002),which is not designed for selective inference.AU is valid when you know the clusters before looking at the data.See also documatation(Multiscale Bootstrap using Scaleboot Package,verison0.4-0or higher)in scaleboot package.Author(s)Ryota Suzuki<*******************>ReferencesTerada,Y.and Shimodaira,H.(2007)"Selective inference for the problem of regions via multiscale bootstrap",arXiv:1711.00949.Shimodaira,H.(2004)"Approximately unbiased tests of regions using multistep-multiscale boot-strap resampling",Annals of Statistics,32,2616-2641.Shimodaira,H.(2002)"An approximately unbiased test of phylogenetic tree selection",Systematic Biology,51,492-508.print.pvclust7See Alsotext.pvclustprint.pvclust Print Function for Pvclust ObjectDescriptionprint clustering method and distance measure used in hierarchical clustering,p-values and related statistics for a pvclust object.Usage##S3method for class pvclustprint(x,which=NULL,digits=3,...)Argumentsx object of class pvclust.which numeric vector which specifies the numbers of edges(clusters)of which the values are printed.If NULL is given,it prints the values of all edges.The defaultis NULL.digits integer indicating the precision to be used in rounding....other parameters used in the function.Valuethis function prints p-values and some related AU(Approximately Unbiased)p-value,which is more accurate than BP value as unbiased p-value.It is computed by multiscale bootstrap resampling.bp BP(Bootstrap Probability)value,which is a simple statistic computed by boot-strap resampling.This value tends to be biased as p-value when the absolutevalue of c(explained below)is,se.bp estimated standard errors for au and bp,respectively.v,c values related to geometric aspects of hypotheses.v is signed distance and c is curvature of the boundary.pchi p-values of chi-square test based on asymptotic theory.Author(s)Ryota Suzuki<*******************>pvclust Calculating P-values for Hierchical ClusteringDescriptioncalculates p-values for hierarchical clustering via multiscale bootstrap resampling.Hierarchical clustering is done for given data and p-values are computed for each of the clusters.Usagepvclust(data,method.hclust="average",method.dist="correlation",use.cor="plete.obs",nboot=1000,parallel=FALSE,r=seq(.5,1.4,by=.1),store=FALSE,weight=FALSE,iseed=NULL,quiet=FALSE)parPvclust(cl=NULL,data,method.hclust="average",method.dist="correlation",use.cor="plete.obs",nboot=1000,r=seq(.5,1.4,by=.1),store=FALSE,weight=FALSE,init.rand=NULL,iseed=NULL,quiet=FALSE)Argumentsdata numeric data matrix or data frame.method.hclust the agglomerative method used in hierarchical clustering.This should be(an ab-breviation of)one of"average","ward.D","ward.D2","single","complete","mcquitty","median"or"centroid".The default is"average".See methodargument in hclust.method.dist the distance measure to be used.This should be a character string,or a function which returns a dist object.A character string should be(an abbreviation of)one of"correlation","uncentered","abscor"or those which are allowedfor method argument in dist function.The default is"correlation".Seedetails section in this help and method argument in dist.use.cor character string which specifies the method for computing correlation with data including missing values.This should be(an abbreviation of)one of"all.obs","complete.obs"or"plete.obs".See the use argument in corfunction.nboot the number of bootstrap replications.The default is1000.parallel switch for parallel computation.If FALSE the computation is done in non-parallel mode.If TRUE or a positive integer is supplied,parallel computationis done with automatically generated PSOCK e TRUE for default clus-ter size(parallel::detectCores()-1),or specify the size by an integer.Ifa cluster object is supplied the cluster is used for parallel computation.Notethat NULL is currently not allowed for using the default cluster.r numeric vector which specifies the relative sample sizes of bootstrap replica-tions.For original sample size n and bootstrap sample size n ,this is defined asr=n / locical.If store=TRUE,all bootstrap replications are stored in the output object.The default is a cluster object created by package parallel or snow.If NULL,use the regis-tered default cluster.weight logical.If weight=TRUE,resampling is made by weight vector instead of index eful for large r value(r>10).Currently,available only for distance"correlation"and"abscor".init.rand logical.If init.rand=TRUE,random number generators are e iseed argument to achieve reproducible results.This argument is duplicatedand will be unavailable in the future.iseed An integer.If non-NULL value is supplied random number generators are initial-ized.It is passed to set.seed or clusterSetRNGStream.quiet logical.If TRUE it does not report the progress.DetailsFunction pvclust conducts multiscale bootstrap resampling to calculate p-values for each cluster in the result of hierarchical clustering.parPvclust is the parallel version of this procedure which depends on package parallel for parallel computation.For data expressed as(n×p)matrix or data frame,we assume that the data is n observations of p objects,which are to be clustered.The i’th row vector corresponds to the i’th observation of these objects and the j’th column vector corresponds to a sample of j’th object with size n.There are several methods to measure the dissimilarities between objects.For data matrix X= {x ij},"correlation"method takes1−ni=1(x ij−¯x j)(x ik−¯x k)ni=1(x ij−¯x j)2ni=1(x ik−¯x k)2for dissimilarity between j’th and k’th object,where¯x j=1n ni=1x ij and¯x k=1nni=1x ik."uncentered"takes uncentered sample correlation1−ni=1x ij x ikni=1x2ijni=1x2ikand"abscor"takes the absolute value of sample correlation1−ni=1(x ij−¯x j)(x ik−¯x k)ni=1(x ij−¯x j)2ni=1(x ik−¯x k)2.Valuehclust hierarchical clustering for original data generated by function hclust.See hclust for details.edges data frame object which contains p-values and supporting informations such as standard errors.count data frame object which contains primitive information about the result of mul-tiscale bootstrap resampling.msfit list whose elements are results of curvefitting for multiscale bootstrap resam-pling,of class msfit.See msfit for details.nboot numeric vector of number of bootstrap replications.r numeric vector of the relative sample size for bootstrap list contains bootstrap replications if store=TRUE was given for function pvclust or parPvclust.version package_version of pvclust used to generate this object.Author(s)Ryota Suzuki<*******************>ReferencesSuzuki,R.and Shimodaira,H.(2006)"Pvclust:an R package for assessing the uncertainty in hierarchical clustering",Bioinformatics,22(12):1540-1542.Shimodaira,H.(2004)"Approximately unbiased tests of regions using multistep-multiscale boot-strap resampling",Annals of Statistics,32,2616-2641.Shimodaira,H.(2002)"An approximately unbiased test of phylogenetic tree selection",Systematic Biology,51,492-508.Suzuki,R.and Shimodaira,H.(2004)"An application of multiscale bootstrap resampling to hierar-chical clustering of microarray data:How accurate are these clusters?",The Fifteenth International Conference on Genome Informatics2004,P034. Alsolines.pvclust,print.pvclust,msfit,plot.pvclust,text.pvclust,pvrect and pvpick. Examples###example using Boston data in package MASSdata(Boston,package="MASS")##multiscale bootstrap resampling(non-parallel)boston.pv<-pvclust(Boston,nboot=100,parallel=FALSE)##CAUTION:nboot=100may be too small for actual use.##We suggest nboot=1000or larger.##plot/print functions will be useful for diagnostics.##plot dendrogram with p-valuesplot(boston.pv)ask.bak<-par()$askpar(ask=TRUE)##highlight clusters with high au p-valuespvrect(boston.pv)##print the result of multiscale bootstrap resamplingprint(boston.pv,digits=3)##plot diagnostic for curve fittingmsplot(boston.pv,edges=c(2,4,6,7))par(ask=ask.bak)##print clusters with high p-valuesboston.pp<-pvpick(boston.pv)boston.pp###Using a custom distance measure##Define a distance function which returns an object of class"dist".##The function must have only one argument"x"(data matrix or data.frame).cosine<-function(x){x<-as.matrix(x)y<-t(x)%*%xres<-1-y/(sqrt(diag(y))%*%t(sqrt(diag(y))))res<-as.dist(res)attr(res,"method")<-"cosine"return(res)}result<-pvclust(Boston,method.dist=cosine,nboot=100)plot(result)##Not run:###parallel computationresult.par<-pvclust(Boston,nboot=1000,parallel=TRUE)plot(result.par)##End(Not run)pvpick Find Clusters with High/Low P-valuesDescriptionfind clusters with relatively high/low p-values.pvrect and lines(S3method for class pvclust) highlight such clusters in existing plot,and pvpick returns a list of such clusters.Usagepvpick(x,alpha=0.95,pv="au",type="geq",max.only=TRUE)pvrect(x,alpha=0.95,pv="au",type="geq",max.only=TRUE,border=NULL,...) ##S3method for class pvclustlines(x,alpha=0.95,pv="au",type="geq",col=2,lwd=2,...)Argumentsx object of class pvclust.alpha threshold value for p-values.pv character string which specifies the p-value to be used.It should be one of"si", "au"and"bp",corresponding to SI,AU p-value and BP value,respectively.Seeplot.pvclust for details.type one of"geq","leq","gt"or"lt".If"geq"is specified,clusters with p-value greater than or equals the threshold given by"alpha"are returned or displayed.Likewise"leq"stands for lower than or equals,"gt"for greater than and"lt"for lower than the threshold value.The default is"geq".max.only logical.If some of clusters with high/low p-values have inclusion relation,only the largest cluster is returned(or displayed)when max.only=TRUE.border numeric value which specifies the color of borders of rectangles.col numeric value which specifies the color of lines.lwd numeric value which specifies the width of lines....other graphic parameters to be used.Valuepvpick returns a list which contains the following values.clusters a list of character string vectors.Each vector corresponds to the names of objects in each cluster.edges numeric vector of edge numbers.The i’th element(number)corresponds to the i’th name vector in clusters.Author(s)Ryota Suzuki<*******************>seplot13 seplot Diagnostic Plot for Standard Error of p-valueDescriptiondraws diagnostic plot for standard error of p-value for pvclust object.Usageseplot(object,type=c("au","si","bp"),identify=FALSE,main=NULL,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,...)Argumentsobject object of class pvclust.type the type of p-value to be plotted,one of"si","au"or"bp".identify logical.If TRUE,edge numbers can be identified interactively.See identify for basic usage.main,xlab,ylabgeneric graphic parameters.See par for details....other graphical parameters to be passed to generic plot or identify function. Author(s)Ryota Suzuki<*******************>Index∗aplotpvpick,11∗clusterpvclust,8∗datasetslung,2∗hplotmsplot,5plot.pvclust,5seplot,13∗htestmsfit,3∗printprint.pvclust,7 cor,8dist,8hclust,8,9identify,13lines.msfit(msfit),3 lines.pvclust,10 lines.pvclust(pvpick),11 lung,2msfit,3,10msplot,5package_version,10 par,6,13parPvclust(pvclust),8 plot.msfit,5plot.msfit(msfit),3 plot.pvclust,5,10 print.pvclust,7,10 pvclust,6,8pvpick,10,11pvrect,10pvrect(pvpick),11seplot,13summary.msfit(msfit),3text.pvclust,7,10text.pvclust(plot.pvclust),5 14。



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专利名称:LOGICAL DEVICE发明人:HASHIGUCHI KOUJI,TAKAO MITSU 申请号:JP7222280申请日:19800530公开号:JPS56168267A公开日:19811224专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To control the data transmission bus between the register and memory cell around a memory circuit by way of a multiplexer existing between said register and said memory form the outside so as to fix said bus during testing. CONSTITUTION:A transmission bus is fixed by inputting a signal from a terminal 10 and controlling a multiplexer 6. Next, write data and address data are inputted from a scan in terminal 8, and the write data are set in an input register 2 and the address data in an address register 4. The contents of the register 2 are written into a memory cell 3 by applying a write enable signal. Next, shift clock phi is applied, and the output from the cell 3 is set in an output register 5. The data of the register 5 are fetched from a scan out terminal 9 by applying shift clocks phiA, phiB, and the output value thereof is investigated, whereby the testing of the memory circuit is carried out.申请人:FUJITSU LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:SATURATED TYPE LOGICAL CIRCUIT 发明人:KIYOZUKA NOBORU,MORI SUSUMU 申请号:JP20285181申请日:19811216公开号:JPS58104532A公开日:19830622专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To attain high-speed operation of a saturated type logical circuit, by improving an active pull-down circuit. CONSTITUTION:A saturated logical circuit is formed with a PNP input transistor (TR)Q1 connected to a power supply via an emitter resistorR1, a level shift TRQ2, a phase split stage TRQ3, and a common emitter output TRQ4. The emitter of TRQ7 the base of which is connected to the collector of the level shift TRQ2 via a resistor R3, is grounded, the collector is connected to the base of the output TRQ4 via a resistor R8, and the anode and cathode of a diode D2 are connected between the base of the TRQ7 and the collector of the PNP input TRQ1, and the collector of the PNP input TRQ1 is grounded via a resistor R4. The collector potential of the level shift TRQ2 is detected, allowing to interrupt/ conduct the TRQ7 in conducting/interrupting the output TRQ4.申请人:NIPPON DENKI KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Logical simulation device

Logical simulation device

专利名称:Logical simulation device发明人:HASHIMOTO KUNIHARU,橋本 訓治申请号:JP特願平4-165664申请日:19920624公开号:JP第2845032号B2公开日:19990113专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To simulate speedily a logic circuit of a large scale where the gate and function levels are mixed together. CONSTITUTION:A data memory 26 is provided to store a node function together with a connection memory 25 which stores the connection information, an input memory 23 which stores the input value, an output memory 24 which stores the output value, an event memory 22 which stores the node whose input is changed, an index memory 21 which stores the address of the memory 23, a retrieving part 11 which retrieves the memory 21, an updating part 12 which updates those memories, an input synthesizing part 13 which synthesizes the node inputs, an arithmetic part 14, an event generating part 15 which detects the output change, and an event synthesizing part 16 which transfers the output to a connected destination. In such a constitution, the pipeline processing is carried out. Furthermore, an input control part 2 is added to issue the commands to each part together with an execution control part 3, an output control part 4, an input interface part 1 which performs the input/output events to the outside, and an output interface part 5.申请人:NIPPON DENKI KK,日本電気株式会社地址:東京都港区芝五丁目7番1号国籍:JP代理人:京本 直樹 (外2名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:LOGICAL OPERATION DEVICE 发明人:TANIGUCHI HARUMASA申请号:JP1039180申请日:19800131公开号:JPS56108145A公开日:19810827专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To obtain a highly reliable logical operation device, by forming the output of a logical operation circuit all with redundancy. CONSTITUTION:The logical operation circuit ALU gives a logical operation to the first operands A and B to obtain the result C at the output. Through the logical operation, the highest-rank output carry signals Cout and C'out are obtained from the circuit ALU and the parity prediction circuit 2 respectively. These signals are then compared with each other through the exclusive OR gate E1. If a noncoincidence is detected, the parity bit CPa produced by the circuit 2 is inverted by the exclusive OR gate E2 to be delivered in the form of the parity bit cp of the result C. As a result, no error occurs to the bit cp in case an error is detected in the result C. Thus the error of the signal Cout can be detected by the parity check circuit pc. Accordingly, the logical operation device 1a is formed all with the redundancy.申请人:FUJITSU LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:LOGICAL SIMULATION DEVICE 发明人:KANAZAWA YASUYUKI申请号:JP11302787申请日:19870508公开号:JPS63278150A公开日:19881115专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To attain a parallel processing or a pipeline processing and to execute a high speed logic circuit simulation by executing a synchronous type and an asynchronous type scheduling by first and second evaluation event take-out parts. CONSTITUTION:The first evaluation event take-out part 150 decides the event fed to an event evaluation part 170 according to the synchronous type scheduling and the second evaluation event take-out part 160 decides the event according to the asynchronous type scheduling. The take-out part 150 always refers to the event in an event storing part 140 and feeds the event having an event time coinciding with a current time Tc to the evaluation part 170 as one which can be evaluated. The take-out part 160 refers to the event in the storing part 140. The event minimum in the event time in respective elements or the event in which any input signal state does not apparently change signal state of the output terminal of the element is decided to be one which can be evaluated. The event is taken out from the storing part 140 and fed to the evaluation part 170.申请人:MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC IND CO LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:LOGICAL PRODUCT CIRCUIT 发明人:SUZUKI HIDEO申请号:JP8762481申请日:19810608公开号:JPS57202133A公开日:19821210专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To widen a permissible range of an input signal current, by the parallel connection of a plurality of Josephson elements having a input signal lines insulated with the Josephson junctions by using base electrodes and counter electrodes in common. CONSTITUTION:The 1st and 2nd Josephson elements 1 and 2 are constituted with common base and opposing electrodes 3 and 4 forming Josephson junctions, and input signal lines 11 and 12 are formed in correspondence to the Josephson elements 1 and 2. Each IB/2 of current flows to both the Josephson elements by giving a bias current IB, and when a signal is given to both the input signal lines 11 and 12, both the Josephson elements are in a voltage-applied state and a voltage is generated between the electrodes 3 and 4. If an input is given to either one of them, the other element is a zero voltage state and the element with the input is also reset.申请人:FUJITSU KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:LOGICAL SIMULATION DEVICE 发明人:NAKADA TOSHIYUKI申请号:JP9335091申请日:19910329公开号:JPH04303263A公开日:19921027专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To execute the processing without disturbing the pipeline of data by using plural evaluating devices and assigning an idle evaluating device to a certain node even at the time of input of the next node and an input signal value from an event processing device on the way of evaluation of this certain node. CONSTITUTION:This system consists of the event processing device, an evaluating device 3, and a fan out device, and the evaluating device 3 consists of plural evaluators 5. In this evaluating device 3, an input queue 11 reports the existence of input to an input control circuit 9 through an input existence signal 12 when the node classification and the input signal value of the node are inputted from the event processing device through an event bus 6. The input control circuit 9 checks the state of each evaluator 5 through an evaluator state signal 13; and when detecting the evaluator which does not perform evaluation at present, the circuit 9 outputs an evaluation report command 15 to this evaluator. Thus, the evaluating device is prevented from hindering in processing, and the mixture operation is realized.申请人:NEC CORP更多信息请下载全文后查看。


专利名称:LOGICAL CONTROL UNIT 发明人:SAKAKIBARA SHINJI 申请号:JP12025386 申请日:19860527 公开号:JPS62278601A 公开日:19871203
摘要:PURPOSE:To s the malfunction of a control led system by giving the value of the logical operation result to the control led system when the coincidence is obtain between logical operation results of two series and then giving the immediately preceding result value to the controlled system with no replacement no said coincidence is obtained. CONSTITUTION:If the coincidence of logical values is obtained between two fanout signals d1 and d2, the command signal (c) has the same value as those of signals d1 and d2 regardless of its hitherto value. On the other hard, the signal (c) holds its previous value as it is with out being up dated if said coincidence is not obtained. The logical operation circuits 21 and 22 have the same input signals and the same logical operation functions and therefore the coincidence should be usually secured between the values of both signals d1 and d2. Then it can decided that the circuit 21 or 22 is defective if no coincidence is obtained between both signals d1 and d2. Even in such a case, it can be avoided that a controlled system is driven mistakenly with the command signal that may possibly be wrong thanks to the logical processing function of a signal selection circuit 3.



专利名称:LOGICAL DEVICE发明人:SHIBANO HIDEO,FUNATSU SHIGEHIRO 申请号:JP15153379申请日:19791122公开号:JPS5674668A公开日:19810620专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To test the titled device easily by maintaining a state of the asynchronous sequential circuit having no scanning state, in the course of scanning operation. CONSTITUTION:The scanning lock is made to proceed in order by providing a scanning mode signal from the scanning control terminal 1 and scanning in a data from the scanning-in terminal 2. The scanning-in data is shifted in order by the next FF's 9-16. On the other hand, the output values of the FF's 8, 9 and 10 are held in the course of scanning-in, by operation of the control gates 20-22, and the output value of the merging circuit 17 becomes a through state. As a result, the contents of the inside of the asynchronous sequential circuit 18 are able to keep the state before scanning-in, in spite of the scanning operation. In case of scanning-out, too, the processing is performed in the same way, and the inside of the asynchronous sequential circuit 18 is able to keep the state before scanning-out, by operation of the control gates 20-22.申请人:NIPPON ELECTRIC CO更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:LOGICAL GATE 发明人:HASEGAWA SHUJI 申请号:JP1762189申请日:19890130公开号:JPH02200008A公开日:19900808专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To easily manufacture a logical gate and to simplify its structure by utilizing Aharanov-Bohm effect, outputting a specific arithmetic result for an input signal. CONSTITUTION:By utilizing the Aharanov-Bohm effect, when an electronic wave is divided into two, propagated, and joined again while coherence is maintained, by a magnetic flux quantity penetrating a space surrounded by the tracks of the two electronic waves, the phase difference of the two electronic waves is changed. By penetrating the magnetic flux, which is prepared by a current flowing a signal input line by the effect to a part surrounded by the two electronic branch tracks of a signal output line 12k the intensity of the electronic wave flowing out of the signal output line by interference, namely, a current value can be changed. Thus '0' or '1' of a logical value is distinguished as the current value. For example, when a state in which a current I0 flows is made to correspond to the logical value '1', and the state in which the current does not flow is made to correspond to the logical value '0', a negative logical gate is obtained.申请人:HITACHI LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:LOGICAL DRAWING INPUT SYSTEM 发明人:OKA SHINJI申请号:JP32723289申请日:19891219公开号:JPH03189769A公开日:19910819专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To simply designate the position of a connection object terminal by a cursor by opening a window in an area of a prescribed size on a screen, in the case a position indicated by the cursor exists in the vicinity of an element, and enlarging and displaying the screen contents of a small area containing the indicated position on the window. CONSTITUTION:When a cursor 45 is operated to move and allowed to approach the vicinity of a connection object terminal in order to connect terminal of elements 41, 42 by a user, a window (close-up window) 46 is opened in an area of a prescribed size on a screen, and the screen contents (center part of the cursor) of a small area containing an indicated position by the cursor area enlarged and displayed automatically on the window 46. In such a way, the user can designate extremely simply and surely the position of the connection object terminal by the cursor.申请人:TOSHIBA CORP更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM OF LOGICAL UNIT 发明人:KATOU MOTOYUKI,SORACHI YASUTOU 申请号:JP1330283申请日:19830128公开号:JPS59139459A公开日:19840810专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To simplify a diagnostic procedure and shorten the time required for diagnosis by writing diagnostic data in shift buses as they are. CONSTITUTION:When diagnosis is performed, stored data are read out from an external memory 13 and these data are written in shift buses 30 and 40 as they are. Then, a clock is set forward, the contents of the shift bus 30 are read out, and the values of memory elements 33 and 35 are verified. In diagnosis of a diagnosed device 20, writing twice in each of shift buses 30 and 40 is enough by setting of diagnostic data for combination of diagnosed circuits 24, 26 and 28 and combination of diagnosed circuits 25 and 27. In reading of the contents of shift buses, it is enough to read out the result of diagnosis of combination of diagnosed circuits 24, 26 and 28 and combination of diagnosed circuits 25 and 27 twice for the shift bus 30, and read out the result of diagnosis of combination of diagnosed circuits 24, 26 and 28 once for the shift bus 40.申请人:NIPPON DENKI KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:LOGICAL GATE INVERTER AND NOR GATE 发明人:JIYON EDOWAADO SHITSUCHI申请号:JP3852990申请日:19900221公开号:JPH02246619A公开日:19901002专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE: To provide a noise margin equivalent to that of a logic gate with a level shift buffer stage at a low power consumption by providing a logic gate using an enhancement mode switching FET. CONSTITUTION: The inverter 10 is provided with an enhancement mode switching FET 20 that has a gate 22 connecting to an input terminal 12, a source 24 connecting to a 2nd voltage application terminal 18 and a drain 26 connecting to an output terminal 14 and with a depression mode load FET 30 that has a gate 34 and a source 36 connecting to a drain of the enhancement mode switching FET 20. When a voltage lower than a threshold voltage of the enhancement mode switching FET 20 is applied to the input terminal 12 of the inverter 10, the load FET 30 pulls up a voltage at the output terminal 14 to a 'logic high' level. The 'logic high' level has a small noise margin.申请人:NORTHERN TELECOM LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。

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