《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有16.5万个订户,超过《N ature》杂志三倍。
每年《Scien ce》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。
除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《S cience》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:•将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;•帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;•用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
一《Science》1 内容简介《Science》是由著名科学家托马斯·爱迪生创办于1880年,是由美国科学促进会支持的综合性科技周刊,在国际科技界享用很高的声誉,对推动科技进步发挥着重点作用。
研究文章(Research Articles)――发表反映某一领域的重大突破的文章。
技术评论(Technical Comments)――讨论《科学》周刊过去6个月内发表的论,并给予原文章作者答复评论的机会。
《科学》指南(Science's Compass)――提供由科学家或其他专家撰写的对当前科学问题的评论。
包括:来信(Letters),政策论坛(Policy Forum),科学与社会短文(Essays on Science and Society),书评及其它(Books et al.),研究评述(Perspectives),综述(Review),技术总揽Tech.Views。
《Science》CALIS订购起始于1995年10月,JSTOR西文过刊全文库为1880-1996年,Academic Search Elite(EBSCO学术期刊大全)为1997年至今。
2 操作2.1 浏览检索2.1.1期刊浏览检索点击”Brower”期刊按照卷列在页面上,点击有用的卷号,其中的各期列在页面上,再点击期号,列出所包含的文章的题录格式,有三种排列方法,点击“Table of Contents”即按照目录表排列,点击“Author Index”按著者排列,点击“Subject Index”按照主题排列。
1.引言:介绍投稿Science 杂志的公式及其重要性
2.投稿Science 的公式:详细解释投稿Science 的公式
3.公式的应用:展示投稿Science 的公式在实际中的应用
4.结论:总结投稿Science 的公式的重要性和应用
在科学研究中,投稿Science 杂志的公式是非常重要的。
Science 杂志是全球最具影响力的科学期刊之一,它对学术研究的要求非常高。
因此,投稿Science 的公式必须准确、清晰、简洁,并且能够有效地表达研究的主要观点。
投稿Science 的公式通常包括以下几个部分:
在结论部分,我们需要总结投稿Science 的公式的重要性和应用。
《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有16.5万个订户,超过《N ature》杂志三倍。
每年《Scien ce》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。
除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《S cience》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:∙将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;∙帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;∙用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
science 怎样发表
《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有1 6.5万个订户,超过《Nature》杂志三倍。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有16.5万个订户,超过《N ature》杂志三倍。
每年《Scien ce》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。
除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《S cience》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:∙将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;∙帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;∙用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
Science is a weekly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant original scientific research, plus reviews and analyses of current research and science policy. We welcome submissions from all fields of science and from any source.Science's Mission:Science seeks to publish those papers that are most influential in their fields or across fields and that will significantly advance scientific understanding. Selected papers should present novel and broadly important data, syntheses, or concepts. They should merit the recognition by the scientific community and general public provided by publication in Science, beyond that provided by specialty journals.We welcome submissions from all fields of science and from any source. We are committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers. Science is published weekly; selected papers are published online ahead of print.Manuscript typesOriginal researchCommentaryPublication and Science ExpressManuscript selectionSubmission requirements and conditions of acceptanceAuthorshipFunding and conflict of interestPrior publicationPrior press coverageRelated papersSecurity concernsUnpublished data and personal communicationsData and materials availabilityHuman research studiesAnimal careLicenseAccess policiesEmbargo policyContact informationPeer-Reviewed Manuscripts Presenting Original ResearchResearch Articles (up to ~4500 words, including references, notes and captions,or ~5 printed pages) are expected to present a major advance. Research Articlesinclude an abstract, an introduction, up to six figures or tables, sections with briefsubheadings, and about 40 references. Materials and Methods should usually beincluded in supplementary materials, which should also include informationneeded to support the paper's conclusions.Reports (up to ~2500 words including references, notes and captions or ~3printed pages) present important new research results of broad significance.Reports should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph, up to fourfigures or tables, and about 30 references. Materials and Methods shouldusually be included in supplementary materials, which should also includeinformation needed to support the paper's conclusions.Brevia are brief contributions (600 to 800 words including references, notesand captions) accompanied by one illustration or table that must be containedon one printed page. Authors should also submit an abstract of 100 words orless that will appear online only. Materials and methods should be included insupplementary materials (up to 500 words and one figure/table).Reviews (up to 3500 words including references, notes and captions)describe new developments of interdisciplinary significance and highlightfuture directions. They include an abstract, an introduction that outlines themain theme, brief subheadings, and an outline of important unresolvedquestions. A maximum of 40 references is suggested. Most Reviews aresolicited by the editors, but unsolicited submissions may also be considered.Commentary Science's Commentary section present analysis by scientists and other experts on issues of interest to Science readers. With the exception of Letters and Comments, most items in these sections are commissioned by the editors, but unsolicited contributions are welcome.Perspectives (up to 1000 words plus 1 figure) highlight recent exciting research,but do not primarily discuss the author's own work. They may provide context forthe findings within a field or explain potential interdisciplinary significance.Perspectives commenting on papers in Science should add a dimension to theresearch and not merely be a summary of the experiments done in the paper.Although many of the Perspectives that comment on research published inScience are solicited, we welcome inquiries regarding new advances and freshinsights. As these are meant to express a personal viewpoint, with rareexceptions, Perspectives should have no more than two authorsBooks et al. (up to 1000 words) presents reviews of current books, multimedia,exhibitions, and films of interest to Science readers.Policy Forum (1000 to 2000 words plus 1-2 figures) presents issues relatedto the intersections between science and society that have policy implications.Education Forum (approximately 2000 words) presents essays on scienceeducation and its practice from pre-college to graduate work. They are notmeant to be research reports of an individual program. (Research results related to education should be submitted to the Reports section.)Letters (up to 300 words) discuss material published in Science in the last 3 months or issues of general interest. Letters should be submitted online (). Letters are subject to editing for clarity and space. Letters rejected for print publication may be posted as online comments.Comments. Brief online comments can be submitted on papers or news stories published in Science immediately after print publication.Comments are submitted from the full-text view on Science Online and will be evaluated promptly and if accepted, posted with the article.Authors are identified and must agree to our terms and conditions/termsTechnical Comments (up to 1000 words, 2 figures or tables, and 15 references), are published in full on Science Online and discussresearch papers published in Science within the previous 3 months.Authors should submit a brief abstract (60 words or less) toaccompany their comment that will be included in the Letters section of the print edition. Technical Comments should not normally containSupplementary Materials. Contents of Technical Comments postedelsewhere, in print or online, including on preprint servers, willgenerally not be considered.Technical Comments will be considered if they address the coreconclusions and/or core methodology of the Science paper. They may repeat the experiments and observations of the paper but they should not otherwise contain new data or other previously unpublished work.They should not be based on new findings/concepts that would nothave been accessible to the authors when the paper was written.Pertinent comments and observations on non-central aspects of apaper should instead be posted in online comments associated witheach paper.Authors of Technical Comments should contact the authors of thepaper before submitting their Technical Comment to Science, andsubmit to Science the evidence of any correspondence between them.Technical Comments may be peer-reviewed at the Editors' discretion.We hope to post these online along with a formal reply from theauthors of the original paperBACK TO TOPMost papers are published in print and online 4 to 8 weeks after acceptance. In addition, Science selects several papers for earlier online publication in Science Express, using the accepted version of the paper with minimal copyediting. The official publication date of these papers is the date that they are posted online. Papers published online ahead of print are available free to AAAS members, through institutional site license subscriptions to Science Express, or on a pay per view basis for non-members. Requests for accelerated online publication should be explained to the editors in the cover letter.BACK TO TOPScience is committed to prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers. Manuscripts and Letters to the Editor for Science should be submitted online at . Our submission and review process is fully electronic. We do not accept submissions by e-mail or postal mail. Please follow the formatting instructions and uploading directions found on this site.Authors are notified of decisions by e-mail only. Repeated submissions of the same manuscript will not be acknowledged. Membership in AAAS is not a factor in selection of manuscripts for publication. Science treats all submitted manuscripts as confidential documents. Science also instructs and expects our Board of Reviewing Editors and reviewers to treat manuscripts as confidential material. Our peer review process is also confidential and identities of reviewers are not released. (Letters and Technical Comments are sent to the authors of papers on which they comment for response or rebuttal, but otherwise are treated in the same way as other contributions with respect to confidentiality.)Papers are assigned to a staff editor who has knowledge of the field discussed in the manuscript. Most submitted papers are rated for suitability by members of Science's Board of Reviewing Editors. The editors at Science consider this advice in selecting papers for in-depth review. Authors of papers that are not selected are notified promptly, within about 2 weeks.Research papers that are selected for in-depth review are evaluated by at least two outside referees. Reviewers are contacted before being sent a paper and asked to return comments within 1 to 2 weeks for most papers. We are able to expedite the review process significantly for papers that require rapid assessment. Selected papers are edited to improve accuracy and clarity and for length. Papers cannot be resubmitted over a disagreement on novelty, interest or relative merit. If a paper was rejected on the basis of serious reviewer error, resubmission may be considered.Science also publishes two other journals: Science Signaling and Science Translational Medicine. Papers submitted to Science but not accepted for publication may, in some cases, be eligible for publication in one of these two journals. Two scenarios are most common: In certain cases, reviewers are satisfied that a paper's conclusions are adequately supported by the data presented, but the general interest of the findings is not sufficient to justify publication in Science. In such a case, the authors will be offered the opportunity for publication in Science Signaling or Science Translational Medicine, with further review required when reviewers have asked for additional experiments during revision. Conversely, some papers provide provocative new concepts, but arenot thought to be sufficiently persuasive to be appropriate for a general-interest journal like Science. In this case again, reviewers and editors may find an appropriately worded version of the paper to be acceptable for publication in Science Signaling or Science Translational Medicine, without further in depth review. Authors will be notified in their rejection letter from Science if their paper can be considered at Science Signaling or Science Translational Medicine.BACK TO TOPAuthorship All authors must agree to be so listed and must have seen and approved the manuscript, its content, and its submission to Science. Science will send an email to all authors to confirm receipt of each paper. Submission of a paper that has not been approved by all authors may result in immediate rejection without appeal. Any changes in authorship must be approved in writing by all the original authors. All authors of accepted manuscripts are required to affirm and explain their contribution to the manuscript, agree to the conditions of publication including the availability of data and materials, and declare any conflicts of interest. The senior author from each group is required to have examined the raw data their group has produced. Specific information will be sent to most authors at the time of manuscript revision.Funding and conflict of interest Authors must agree to disclose all affiliations, funding sources, and financial or management relationships that could be perceived as potential sources of bias, as defined by Science's conflict of interest policy.Prior publication Science will not consider any paper or component of a paper that has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Distribution on the Internet may be considered prior publication and may compromise the originality of the paper as a submission to Science. Please contact the editors with questions regarding allowable postings.Prior press coverage Reports of the main findings of a paper in the mass media may compromise the novelty of the work and thus its appropriateness for Science. Authors are free to present their work at scientific meetings but should not overtly seek media attention or give copies of the figures or data from their manuscript to any reporter, unless the reporter agrees to abide by Science's press embargo. If a reporter attends an author's session at a meeting and writes a story based only on the presentation, such coverage will not affect Science's consideration of the author's paper.Related papers Copies of papers submitted to other journals by any of the authors that relate to the paper submitted to Science must be included with the submission and, if submitted later, with any revised manuscript. Failure to disclose related papers may lead to immediate rejection at any time.Security concerns Authors and reviewers are expected to notify editors if a manuscript could be considered to report dual use research of concern (DURC). Papers identified as possible DURC will be brought to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief for further evaluation. If necessary, outside reviewers with expertise in the area will be consulted.Unpublished data and personal communications Citations to unpublished data and personal communications cannot be used to support claims in a published paper. Papers will be held for publication until all "in press" citations are published.Data and materials availability All data necessary to understand, assess, and extend the conclusions of the manuscript must be available to any reader of Science. All computer codes involved in the creation or analysis of data must also be available to any reader of Science. After publication, all reasonable requests for data and materials must be fulfilled. Any restrictions on the availability of data, codes, or materials, including fees and original data obtained from other sources (Materials Transfer Agreements), must be disclosed to the editors upon submission. If there are any MTAs pertaining to data or materials produced in this research, or that you have agreed to in conducting the research that restrict you from providing data or materials, please describe these and send the editor of your manuscript a copy of these specific MTAs. Fossils or other rare specimens must be deposited in a public museum or repository and available for research.Science supports the efforts of databases that aggregate published data for the use of the scientific community. Therefore, appropriate data sets (including microarray data, protein or DNA sequences, atomic coordinates or electron microscopy maps for macromolecular structures, and climate data) must be deposited in an approved database, and an accession number or a specific access address must be included in the published paper. We encourage compliance with MIBBI guidelines (Minimum Information for Biological and Biomedical Investigations).Details include but are not limited to:Molecular structure data. Atomic coordinates and structure factor files from x-raystructural studies or an ensemble of atomic coordinates from NMR structuralstudies must be deposited and released at the time of publication.Three-dimensional maps derived by electron microscopy and coordinate dataderived from these maps must also be deposited. Approved databases are theWorldwide Protein Data Bank [through the Research Collaboratory for StructuralBioinformatics, Macromolecular Structure Database (MSD EMBL-EBI), or ProteinData Bank Japan], BioMag Res Bank, and Electron Microscopy Data Bank(MSD-EBI), and for synthetic molecules, the Cambridge Crystallographic DataCentre.DNA and protein sequences. Approved databases are GenBank or othermembers of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration(EMBL or DDBJ) and SWISS-PROT.Microarray data. Data should be presented in MIAME-compliant standardformat. Approved databases are Gene Expression Omnibus andArrayExpress.Climate data. Data should be archived in the NOAA climate repository orother public databases.Large data sets with no appropriate approved repository must be housed as supplementary materials at Science, or only when this is not possible, on an archived institutional Web site,provided a copy of the data is held in escrow at Science to ensure availability to readers. For answers to questions regarding allowable supplementary materials, please see our guidelines; further questions can be directed to Stewart Wills, Editorial Director, Web& New Media.For further information about accessibility of data and materials, see the following:Cech, T. R. (2003), Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials:Responsibilities of Authorship in the Life Sciences.American Psychological Association, Responsible Conduct of Research: DataSharing and Data Archiving.National Science Foundation Policy on Data Sharing [PDF].Committee on Ensuring the Utility and Integrity of Research Data in a DigitalAge and Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy,Ensuringthe Utility and Integrity of Research Data in a Digital Age (National AcademyPress, Washington, DC, 2009).Human research studies Informed consent must be obtained for studies on humans after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained. All research on humans must have IRB approval.Animal care Experimental animals must be handled in accordance with the authors' institutional guidelines.License Authors retain copyright but agree to grant to Science an exclusive license to publish the paper in print and online. Any author whose university or institution has policies or other restrictions limiting their ability to assign exclusive publication rights (e.g., Harvard, MIT, Open University) must apply for a waiver or other exclusion from that policy or those restrictions.Access policies After publication, authors may post the accepted version of the paper on the author's personal Web site. Science also provides an electronic reprint service in which one referrer link can be posted on a personal or institutional Web page, through which users can freely access the published paper on Science's Web site. For research papers created under grants for which the authors are required by their funding agencies to make their research results publicly available, Science allows posting of the accepted version of the paper to the funding body's archive or designated repository (such as PubMed Central) six months after publication, provided that a link to the final version published in Science is included. (Details on this can be found in the license agreement for authors.) Original research papers are freely accessible with registration on Science's Web site 12 months after publication.Embargo policy The paper will remain a privileged document and will not be released to the press or the public before publication. Questions should be referred to the AAAS Office of Public Programs (202-326-6440).BACK TO TOPScience has its main offices in Washington, DC, and Cambridge, UK:Washington DC, USA, office:Phone 202-326-6550Fax 202-289-7562Europe office, Cambridge, UK:Phone + 44 (0) 1223 326500Fax + 44 (0) 1223 326501E-Mail:science_editors@ (general editorial queries)science_letters@ (queries about letters to the editor)science_bookrevs@ (general book review queries)Membership inquiries should be directed to AAAS at 202-326-6417 or membership@. Contact information for individual editors can be found on the Meet the Editors page.。
Science 投稿指南
《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有16.5万个订户,超过《N ature》杂志三倍。
每年《Scien ce》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。
除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《S cience》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:•将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;•帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;•用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有16.5万个订户,超过《N ature》杂志三倍。
每年《Scien ce》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。
除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《S cience》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:∙将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;∙帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;∙用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
此外,大约有3万人订阅了Science Online(Science自1995年开始上网)。
在Science 上发表的稿件在准确性和重要性方面有严格的要求。
Science的内容1)Science 报道科学新闻。
science杂志的投稿指南英文回答:Submission Guidelines for Science Journal.When submitting an article to Science Journal, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a successful submission. This includes using both English and Chinese languages in the response, separating them clearly without mixing them together. Additionally, it is important to avoid revealing the prompt and to use a substantial number of words, not less than 1500. Let's dive into the details without hesitation.To begin with, it is crucial to follow a specific structure and organization in your article. Each paragraph should have a unique opening that does not repeat or resemble any previous content. This will help maintain a smooth flow and avoid redundancy. Furthermore, it is advised to refrain from using transitional phrases orconnective words such as "firstly," "secondly," "lastly," "in conclusion," "of course," "however," "in summary," "in other words," "meanwhile," "to summarize," "for example," and "certainly." Instead, focus on presenting your ideas naturally and coherently.In terms of paragraph length, it is essential to maintain a proportional distribution. Avoid having multiple paragraphs with similar word counts or a perfectly symmetrical structure. Instead, aim for a proportionate distribution such as 1:2:3:1:2:3:1:2:3. This will create a more engaging and dynamic reading experience for the audience.Another important aspect to consider is the use of the first-person perspective. By using "I" or "we," you can establish a more personal and relatable tone in your article. Additionally, incorporating idioms and colloquial expressions can add a touch of informality and make the article more humanized. For instance, instead of saying "The research findings were surprising," you could say "I was taken aback by the unexpected results."Now, let's move on to the Chinese response.中文回答:《Science杂志》投稿指南。
▪ Astronomy ▪ Atmospheric Science ▪ Chemistry ▪ Computers, Mathematics ▪ Engineering ▪ Geochemistry, Geophysics ▪ Materials Science ▪ Oceanography ▪ Paleontology ▪ Physics, Applied ▪ Physics ▪ Planetary Science
❖Science Express
▪ 预先出版《科学》周刊中具有重要价值的研究论文, 每周精选3-4篇
❖ ScienceNow
• 每个工作日,《科学》 周刊的新闻组都会为网 上用户提供几篇3、4段 长的、有关科研成果或 科学政策的最新消息。
❖ 另外也会提供每周出版的Science Magazine中 新闻栏目的文章。这些消息短小精炼,使读者以 些许的时间就能及时了解世界各地各科研领域的 最新进展。
All the answer must be Yes!
Science 发表的文章
具有广泛 影响力
❖ 协和的武永吉作为合作作者之一曾在2004年12 月3日出版的Science上发表了一篇探讨暴露在 低剂量苯环境下工人血中毒问题的文章:
Hematotoxicity in Workers Exposed to Low Levels of Benzene
选择一本合 适的期刊
按要求准备 稿件
进入同行评议过程的稿件将被送交两名或几名外部审稿人(outsidereview ers)。
《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有16.5万个订户,超过《N ature》杂志三倍。
每年《Scien ce》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。
除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《S cience》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:∙将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;∙帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;∙用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
《Science》杂志投稿要求和说明详解《Science》杂志投稿要求和说明详解谈到全球顶级杂志,不能不提CNS,即Cell, Nature, Science。
下面,全面介绍有关这两本杂志的情况,也与大家分享相关情况:Science 创刊与于1880年,由是美国科学促进会(AAAS)出版,为周刊。
该杂志于1880年由爱迪生投资1万美元创办,于1894年成为美国最大的科学团体“美国科学促进会”——American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)的官方刊物。
▪ 预先出版《科学》周刊中具有重要价值的研究论文, 每周精选3-4篇
❖ eNow
• 每个工作日,《科学》 周刊的新闻组都会为网 上用户提供几篇3、4段 长的、有关科研成果或 科学政策的最新消息。
❖ 另外也会提供每周出版的Science Magazine中 新闻栏目的文章。这些消息短小精炼,使读者以 些许的时间就能及时了解世界各地各科研领域的 最新进展。
❖ Science Online创建于1995年,始终引领着科 学刊物在线出版的潮流
❖ Science
▪ 每周五和印刷本的《科学》周刊同时出版 ▪ 现刊部分收录了1997年至今的所有内容
❖Science Classic
▪ Science过刊库,收录创刊至1996年的所有内容
▪ 物理学/1 ▪ 分子生物学和遗传学/1 ▪ 生物学和生物化学/1 ▪ 空间科学/1 ▪ 免疫学/1 ▪ 植物学和动物学/1
微生物学、药理学和毒物学、神经科学和行为科学、化 学、临床医学排名第2
2005 年几种期刊的影响因子
期刊 ❖ Science ❖ Nature ❖ PNAS
▪ 它在作为一个网络资源的同时也是一个能够帮助细胞 信号领域的专家和研究者查找、组织和利用细胞调节 过程相关信息的管理工具
❖ 细胞间信号转导的通路图
❖Science Translational Medicine
Coming in Sep. 2009
▪ 目标:通过推动基础研究、转化研究和临床研究人员 的合作,实现医学上科研向临床应用的转化,以促进 人类健康
《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有16.5万个订户,超过《N ature》杂志三倍。
每年《Scien ce》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。
除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《S cience》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:•将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;•帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;•用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
进入同行评议过程的稿件将被送交两名或几名外部审稿人(outsidereview ers)。
投稿science的公式(最新版)目录1.引言:介绍投稿 Science 杂志的重要性和挑战2.投稿 Science 的步骤和要求3.投稿 Science 的注意事项4.投稿 Science 的建议和策略5.结论:总结投稿 Science 的经验和启示正文作为科学研究领域的顶级期刊,Science 杂志一直以来都是科学家们向往发表研究成果的平台。
对于广大科研工作者而言,能够成功投稿Science 意味着研究成果得到了国际科学界的认可,同时也是对个人学术生涯的极大提升。
然而,投稿 Science 并非易事,需要经过严谨的步骤和注意诸多细节。
本文将为您提供投稿 Science 的公式,帮助您提高投稿成功率。
首先,了解投稿 Science 的步骤和要求是必不可少的。
一般来说,投稿 Science 需要遵循以下步骤:1.选择适当的期刊:Science 杂志包括多个子刊,涵盖了不同领域的研究。
在投稿信中,您需要简要介绍您的研究背景、目的、方法、结果和结论,并说明为何您的研究适合发表在 Science 杂志上。
3.准备论文:根据 Science 杂志的要求,您需要撰写一篇结构清晰、论述严谨的论文。
4.提交论文:在 Science 杂志的官方网站上,您需要按照要求提交论文和相关材料,如作者简介、基金信息等。
在投稿过程中,还有一些注意事项需要您留意:1.确保研究质量:Science 杂志对研究质量要求极高,您的研究成果需要具有创新性、重要性和可重复性。
2.遵循期刊格式:Science 杂志对论文格式有严格的要求,您需要按照要求修改论文,以确保论文符合期刊的标准。
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