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工程名称:单项工程名称全称 如:
SH/T 3503-J120
SH/T 3503-J121
SH/T 3503-J122-1
SH/T 3503-J122-2
SH/T 3503-J123-1



For soldering
Soldering Method Infrared Reflow
Partial Heating
Soldering Conditions
Peak temperature (package surface temperature) Time at peak temperature Time at temperature of 220°C or higher Preheating time at 120 to 180°C Maximum number of reflow processes Maximum chlorine content of rosin flux (% mass)
Part Number NE3503M04 NE3503M04-T2
Quantity 50 pcs (Non reel) 3 kpcs/reel
Marking V75
Supplying Form • 8 mm wide embossed taping • Pin 1 (Source), Pin 2 (Drain) face the perforation side of the tape
Peak temperature (pin temperature) Soldering time (per side of device) Maximum chlorine content of rosin flux (% mass)
: 260°C or below : 10 seconds or less : 60 seconds or less : 120±30 seconds : 3 times : 0.2%(Wt.) or below

皇剑数码科技(上海)有限公司 I3200 1860-A 卷板机操作说明说明书

皇剑数码科技(上海)有限公司 I3200 1860-A 卷板机操作说明说明书

I32001860-A卷板机操作说明一、产品说明 (3)二、安全指南 (4)三、规格说明 (6)四、设备安装 (7)五、软件主窗口介绍 (24)六、上墨及喷嘴安装 (34)七、调试打印 (42)八、常见问题的解决办法 (56)特别提醒1、本说明书包括打印机参数、打印机组装和调试过程。

























5 手动模式................................................. 24
5.1 测量频率的选择................................................................................................................... 24 5.3 手动设置电阻测量............................................................................................................... 24
3 自动模式................................................. 12
3.1 电阻测量 .............................................................................................................................. 12 3.1.1 2 线测量 ......................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.2 测量导线补偿 .................................................................................................................. 12

SMSC USB3503 EVB用户手册说明书

SMSC USB3503 EVB用户手册说明书

USB3503 Evaluation Board ManualCopyright © 2011 SMSC or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.Circuit diagrams and other information relating to SMSC products are included as a means of illustrating typical applications. Consequently, complete information sufficient for construction purposes is not necessarily given. Although the information has been checked and is believed to be accurate, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. SMSC reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Contact your local SMSC sales office to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. The provision of this information does not convey to the purchaser of the described semiconductor devices any licenses under any patent rights or other intellectual property rights of SMSC or others. All sales are expressly conditional on your agreement to the terms and conditions of the most recently dated version of SMSC's standard Terms of Sale Agreement dated before the date of your order (the "Terms of Sale Agreement"). The product may contain design defects or errors known as anomalies which may cause the product's functions to deviate from published specifications. Anomaly sheets are available upon request. SMSC products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use in any life support or other application where product failure could cause or contribute to personal injury or severe property damage. Any and all such uses without prior written approval of an Officer of SMSC and further testing and/or modification will be fully at the risk of the customer. Copies of this document or other SMSC literature, as well as the T erms of Sale Agreement, may be obtained by visiting SMSC’s website at . SMSC is a registered trademark of Standard Microsystems Corporation (“SMSC”). Product names and company names are the trademarks of their respective holders.SMSC DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND THE LIKE, AND ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SMSC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES; OR FOR LOST DATA, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR REVENUES OF ANY KIND; REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT; TORT; NEGLIGENCE OF SMSC OR OTHERS; STRICT LIABILITY; BREACH OF WARRANTY; OR OTHERWISE; WHETHER OR NOT ANY REMEDY OF BUYER IS HELD TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SMSC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.1 IntroductionThis user manual is for the USB3503 Evaluation board. This board can be used to test and evaluatethe functionality of the USB3503 and is ideal for early system integration and software development.The USB3503 EVB provides access to the HSIC upstream and USB downstream ports, as well as theI2C communication pins.SMSC also has evaluation software that can be used with the USB3503 EVB connected to a TotalPhase Aardvark adaptor. This software allows the user to configure the USB3503 in different waysbefore enumeration as well as monitor and manipulate select status registers during enumeration. Thesoftware can be used to prototype microprocessor software, evaluate the different configurations, andtest how the desired configuration fits into the entire system.2 Operation2.1 Contents of the KitThe USB3503 EVB includes the basic equipment necessary to evaluate the USB3503. The itemsincluded in the kit are:B3503 EVB2.5V DC Power Supply3.Documentation and Software CDThe kit does not include any downstream USB devices, I2C master hardware, or other componentsfor board customization.2.2 Initial Bring UpThe USB3503 EVB has a default configuration that allows it to operate as a stand alone hub. To begin,connect the U.FL connectors to the HSIC host. Then, plug the evaluation board into the 5V powersupply. The USB3503 EVB will enumerate as a Generic USB Hub, with the VID and PID equal to thedefault values found in the USB3503 Datasheet.The default configuration of the USB3503 is to enumerate as a Self Powered Hub. This means that,according to the USB 2.0 specification, the downstream ports are only allowed to provide 500mA ofcurrent to the downsteam device.Refer to the next chapters to see the customization options associated with the evaluation kit.3 HardwareThe USB3503 EVB is a board that demonstrates the capabilities of the USB3503. The board consistsof the HSIC upstream and USB downstream ports, a INT_N LED for visual confirmation of theinterrupts configured, a header exposing the I2C pins, and additional circuitry that is used for I2Ccommunication.Figure3.1 Block Diagram of the USB3503 EVB3.1 HSIC and USB PortsThe downstream USB ports are mounted on the edges of the USB3503 EVB. The downstream portsuse the standard USB Type A receptacle. The label for the port is located near the receptacle. TheHSIC upstream port uses U.FL connectors for Data and Strobe.Downstream3Downstream2Downstream1J3: StrobeJ2: DataFigure3.2 Upstream and Downstream Ports3.2 Test Points, Switches and LEDsThere are multiple test points to confirm that the USB3503 EVB is powered properly. TP1 and TP6connect to GND, TP2 connects to the VBAT pin, and TP3 connects to the VDD_CORE_REG pin.The USB3503 EVB also has three switches to manually control the RESET_N and HUB_CONNECT inputs to the part. Figure 3.3 shows the location of the test points (Red) and switches (Yellow).The USB3503 SCL, SDA, RESET_N, HUB_CONNECT and INT_B pins are also exposed on the J1header. These pins are compatible with the Total Phase Aardvark pinout, where pin 1 of the Aardvark connector connects to pin 1 of header J1 (Refer to Figure 4.1 for the proper way to connect the Aardvark). The INT_N pin is also connected to LED1 to indicate that an interrupt has occurred. The LED remains lit until the interrupt is cleared, as described in the USB3503 datasheet.3.3 Configuration ResistorsThere are eight different resistors used to configure the part when the RESET_N pin transitions from Low (0V) to High(>1.25V). These resistors are used for the REF_SEL pins. Because these resistors and pads pull up to the 1.8V regulator, any changes to these resistors will need to be done with the board unpowered. The resistor pads are laid out in a manner that prevents the pull-up resistors from being populated at the same time as the pull-down resistors, as shown in Figure 3.4. The following tables show the proper configuration resistor population requirements for the desired results, the resistor values should match those found in Section 6, "USB3503 EVB Bill of Materials".Note:The Y1 Oscillator will need to be replaced with the proper frequency if the REF_SEL pins arealtered. Refer to Section 6, "USB3503 EVB Bill of Materials" for recommended oscillator specifications.Figure 3.3 Test points, Switches, Header and LEDTable 3.1 REF_SEL OptionsR18R21R27R30REFCLK(MHZ)EMPTY EMPTY INSTALL INSTALL 38.4EMPTY INSTALL INSTALL EMPTY 26.0 (Default)INSTALLEMPTYEMPTYINSTALL19.2TP2TP1J 1Pin1LED1HUB_CONNECTRESETTP3TP6NOT USED3.4 Additional CircuitryThe U1 Regulator provides 3.3V to the VBAT pin, and also supplies power to the 26MHz clock oscillator. If a higher VBAT voltage is desired, remove R1 and supply the power through TP2.The U2 Regulator provides 1.8V to the VDD_CORE_REG pin as well as providing the pull up voltage for the digital control pins. To provide external power to the VDD_CORE_REG pin remove R8 and supply the power through TP3.The USB3503 can function with a single power supply; to do this remove R8 and place a 0Ohm resistor on R9. This connects the VDD_CORE_REG pin to the VDD33_BYP pin allowing the USB3503’s internal 3.3V regulator to supply the VDD_CORE_REG voltage.Below is a summary of the different power options and what resistors need to be populated to support these options:INSTALLINSTALLEMPTYEMPTY12.0Figure 3.4 Configuration ResistorsTable 3.2 VBAT and VDD_CORE_REG source controlR1R8R9VBAT SOURCE VDD_CORE_REGSOURCE INSTALL INSTALL EMPTY Onboard Regulator Onboard Regulator EMPTY INSTALL EMPTY External (TP2)Onboard Regulator EMPTYEMPTYEMPTYExternal (TP2)External (TP3)Table 3.1 REF_SEL OptionsR18R21R27R30REFCLK(MHZ)Below are the locations of the resistors on the back side of the board:INSTALL EMPTY INSTALL Onboard Regulator VDD33_BYP EMPTYEMPTYINSTALLExternal (TP2)VDD33_BYPFigure 3.5 Regulator resistorsTable 3.2 VBAT and VDD_CORE_REG source controlR1R8R9VBAT SOURCE VDD_CORE_REGSOURCE R1R8R5R9R354 SoftwareThe USB3503 EVB comes with a CD that contains evaluation software that can be used with the Total Phase Aardvark USB-I 2C adaptor (not included with the Evaluation Kit). To install the software, run Setup.exe , found on the CD. This will install the USB3503 Evaluation Software, the LabVIEW Run-time engine (to run the executable), and the Total Phase drivers to communicate with the Aardvark.Once the software has been installed, locate and run the USB3503 Evaluation.exe program on the computer. Connect the Aardvark to the USB3503 EVB with the red wire facing the power port, as in Figure 4.1.The software allows the user to control the digital input pins RESET_N and CONNECT. It also can monitor the INT_N pin for interrupts. There is a section to communicate with the I 2C serial port, as well as some quick configuration and customization options.Figure 4.1 Aardvark ConnectionFigure4.2 USB3503 Evaluation Screen4.1 Digital ControlThe RESET_N and HUB_CONNECT pins can be controlled in real time with the Digital Control array.Each button in the array corresponds to the pin with the matching name. When the button is orange,the pin is at logic level High. When the button is black the voltage is a logic level Low. Refer to thegreen box in Figure4.3 for the digital control array location.Set the RESET_N pin low to reset the part and place it into the lowest power state. If the CONNECTpin is low when the RESET pin transitions from low to high, the USB3503 will remain in a state thatallows the serial interface registers to be manipulated. To enumerate the hub, either write 00h toregister E7h, or drive the CONNECT pin high by pressing the CONNECT button in the Digital Control.Once the USB3503 has enumerated, the serial interface registers should not be modified.Notes:To prevent the Aardvark from driving against another voltage, the Aardvark is running in an Open/Drain mode, therefore it is important that all switches on the board pull the pins up tothe Vcc value.Figure4.3 Digital Control (Green) and I2C (Yellow) sections4.2 I2C CommunicationThe application also contains a general I2C register read/write section. The Bit and Descriptiondisplay the serial interface register descriptions found in the USB3503 datasheet. The Register displaycan be used to select the proper serial interface register to manipulate. Click on the Value or Bit boxabove to change the value of the register. Once the desired value and register are selected, press theWrite button to change the value on the part. Click on the Read button and the Value and Bit boxeswill update the current value on the part. Refer to the USB3503 datasheet for a detailed description ofeach register and operation of the device4.3 Quick Configuration and CustomizationThe USB3503 Evaluation program also contains some quick configuration and customization optionsthat automatically update the registers to match the desired configuration. The USB3503 canenumerate as a Self Powered or Bus Powered Hub with 1, 2 or 3 downstream ports. The VID, PID,DID and enumeration strings can also be customized to allow the USB3503 to enumerate withwhatever identification is desired.To change these values; update the configuration section to the desired options, then press theConfigure button. The part will then reset, pull the CONNECT pin low and update the registers asspecified. To go with these options either raise the CONNECT pin, or press the Connect button.Figure4.4 Quick Configuration Options5 USB3503 EVB SchematicFigure5.1 USB3503 EVB SchematicUSB3503 Evaluation Board ManualSMSC USB3503 EVB11Revision 1.0 (08-22-11)USER MANUAL6 USB3503 EVB Bill of MaterialsFigure 6.1 USB3503 EVB Bill of MaterialsP a r t I D Q u a n t i t y P a r t R e f e r e n c e D e s c r i p t i o n D i g i k e y _N u m b e r M a n u f M a n u f _P N R o H S D N P12C 1 C 5C A P A C I T O R C E R A M I C 4.7U F 10V X 5R 0603587-1441-1-N D T A I Y O Y U D E N L M K 107B J 475K A -T Y e s 22C 2 C 7C A P A C I T O R C E R A M I C 18P F 50V 0402 S M D P C C 180C Q C T -N D P A N A S O N I C E C J -0E C 1H 180J Y e s 37C 3 C 6 C 8 C 14 C 17C A P A C I T O R C E R A M I C 0.1U F 10V X 5R 0402P C C 2146C T -N D P A N A S O N I C E C J -0E B 1A 104K Y e s C 1742C 4 C 10C A P A C I T O R C E R A M I C 0.01U F 16V 10% X 7R 060P C C 1750C T -N D P A N A S O N I C E C J -1V B 1C 103K Y e s 52C 11 C 18C A P A C I T O R C E R A M I C 0.1U F 10V X 5R 0201P C C 2424C T -N D P A N A S O N I C E C J -Z E B 1A 104M Y e s 63C 9 C 13 C 15C A P 120U F 6.3V E L E C T P O L Y S M D 565-3188-1-N D U n i t e d C h e m i -C o n A P X E 6R 3A R A 121M E 61G Y e s 71C 12C A P A C I T O R C E R A M I C 4.7U F 6.3V X 5R 0402490-5408-1-N D M U R A T A E R I E G R M 155R 60J 475M E 87D Y e s 81C 16C A P A C I T O R C E R A M I C 4.7U F 6.3V X 5R 20% 0603445-1417-1-N D T D K C 1608X 5R 0J 475M Y e s C 1691C 19C A P A C I T O R C E R A M I C 1.0U F 6.3V 20% X 5R 0402490-1319-1-N D M U R A T A E R I E G R M 155R 60J 105M E 19D Y e s 101J 1H E A D E R , 2 X 5, 0.1 I N C H , V E R T I C A L S A M 1030-05-N D S A M T E C T S W -105-07-L -D Y e s 11J 2 J 3C O N N R E C P T U .F L H 9161C T -N D H I R O S E U .F L -R -S M T (10)Y e s 122J 4 J 5H E A D E R , 1 X 2, 0.1 I N C H , V E R T I C A L W M 6402-N D M O L E X 22-28-4020Y e s J 4 J 5131J 6C O N N E C T O R P O W E R J A C K 2.1X 5.5M M H I G H C U R R C P -002A H -N D C U I S T A C K P J -002A H Y e s 141L 1F E R R I T E B E A D , 120 O H M , 0.5A , 0.1D C R , 0603P 10750C T -N D P A N A S O N I C E X C -3B P 121H Y e s 151L E D 1L E D G R E E N S M T 404-1005-1-N D S T A N L E Y B G 1111C -T R Y e s 161L E D 2L E D G R E E N 2X 1.2M M 568N M G N W T R C L R S M D 754-1131-1-N DK i n g b r i g h t A P T 2012S G C Y e s174M T H 1 M T H 2 M T H 3 M T H 4M O U N T I N G P A D M T G 250C 140D 183P 1 P 2 P 3R E C E P T A C L E , U S B , S T Y L E B , R I G H T A N G L E 609-1045-N D F C I 87520-0010B L F Y e s 191P 4C O N N E C T O R R E C E P T U S B M I N I A B 5P O S R T A N G W M 17122C T -N D M O L E X 56579-0576Y e s P 4200P 5C O N N E C T O R R E C E P T M I C R O U S B T Y P E A B S M T A 97799C T -N D T Y C O E L E C T R O N I C S 1981584-1Y e s P 5212R 1 R 5 R 8 R 35R E S I S T O R Z E R O O H M 1/4W 5% 1206311-0.0E R C T -N D Y A G E O R C 1206J R -070R L Y e s R 35221R 2R E S 51.0K O H M 1/10W 1% 0402 S M D P 51.0K L C T -N D P a n a s o n i c - E C G E R J -2R K F 5102X Y e s 232R 3 R 7R E S 30.1K O H M 1/10W 1% 0402 S M DP 30.1K L C T -N DP a n a s o n i c - E C G E R J -2R K F 3012XY e s2415R 4 R 10 R 11 R 13 R 14 R 15 R 16R 18R 19 R 20 R 21 R 23R 24 R 26 R 27 R 28 R 29R 30R 34R E S I S T O R 10K O H M 1/16W 5% 0402 S M DP 10K J C T -N DP A N A S O N I CE R J -2G E J 103XY e sR 18 R 23 R 28 R 29 R 30251R 6R E S 14.3K O H M 1/10W 1% 0402 S M DP 14.3K L C T -N DP a n a s o n i c - E C GE R J -2R KF 1432XY e s264R 9R 12R 25 R 31 R 32 R 33 R 39 R 40R E S I S T O R Z E R O O H M 1/16W 5% 0402 S M D311-0.0J R C T -N DY A G E OR C 0402J R -070R LY e s R 9 R 25 R 32 R 39 R 40273R 17 R 22 R 38R E S I S T O R 1.0K O H M 1/16W 5% 0402 S M D P 1.0K J C T -N D P A N A S O N I C E R J -2G E J 102XY e s 281R 36R E S I S T O R 12.0K O H M 1/20W 1% 0201 S M D P 12.0K A B C T -N D P A N A S O N I C E R J -1G E F 1202C Y e s 291R 37R E S I S T O R 330 O H M 1/16W 1% 0402 S M D 311-330L R C T -N D Y A G E O R C 0402F R -07330R L Y e s 301S W 1S W I T C H T A C T I L E 6M M E X T E N D A C T 160G F E G 1861-N D E -S W I T C H T L 1105S P F 160Q Y e s 312S W 2 S W 3S W I T C H S L I D E S P D T S M D G U L L 563-1022-1-N D C O P A L E L E C T R O N I C S C J S -1200T BY e s 322T P 1 T P 6T E S T P O I N T L O O P C O M P A C T B L A C K 5006K -N D K E Y S T O N E 5006Y e s 332T P 2 T P 3T E S T P O I N T L O O P C O M P A C T O R A N G E 5008K -N D K E Y S T O N E 5008Y e s 342T P 4 T P 5T E S T P O I N T 5015K C T -N D K E Y S T O N E 5015Y e s 352U 1 U 2I C 200M A L D O L I N E A R R E G S O T 23-6296-15305-1-N DT E X A S I N S T R U M E N T S T P S 79301D B V R Q 1Y e s 361U 3U S B 3503_25W L C S P S M S C U S B 3503Y e s 371U 4P O W E R S W I T C H U S B M I C 2026-1B 576-2137-N D M I C R E L M I C 2026-1Y M Y e s 381U 5I C S C H M I T T -T R G I N V G A T E S O T 23-5296-1092-1-N D T E X A S I N S T R U M E N T S S N 74A H C 1G 14D B V R Y e s 391Y 1O S C I L L A T O R P R O G 3.3V +-50P P M S M D A P 3S 3E C -N DA B R A C O N A P 3S -26.0M H z Y e sUSB3503 Evaluation Board ManualSMSC USB3503 EVB12Revision 1.0 (08-22-11)USER MANUAL7 Revision HistoryTable 7.1 Customer Revision HistoryREVISION LEVEL & DATESECTION/FIGURE/ENTRY CORRECTIONRev 1.0(7-13-11)Initial Release。



3 pin SIP (suffix UA) DescriptionSS3503 Linear Hall-effect sensor is small, versatile linear Hall-effect device that is operated by the magnetic field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. The linear sourcing output voltage is set by the supply voltage and varies in proportion to the strength of the magnetic field. The integrated circuitry features low noise output, which makes it unnecessary to use external filtering. It also includes thin film resistors to provide increased temperature stability and accuracy. The linear Hall sensor has an operating temperature range of -40 °C to 150 °C appropriate for commercial, consumer and industrial environments.Typical ApplicationsMotor controlMagnetic code readingFerrous metal detectorCurrent sensingPosition sensingFunctional Block DiagramPins DefinitionPin DescriptionAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameterSymbolValueUnitsSupply V oltage (operating) V CC 8.0 V Output CurrentI OUT 20 mA Operating Temperature Range T A -40~150 ℃ Storage Temperature RangT S -65~150℃Electrical Characteristics(TA =25℃,VCC =5.0V)TypUnitsMinMaxTestParameter SymbolConditionsV Operating voltage V CC Operating 3.0 6.5mA8.0Supply current I CC Average 4.21.5 mA Output Current I OUT 1.0Response Time T ack 3 uS Quiescent Output V oltage V o B=0G 2.25 2.5 2.75 V2.0mV/G1.8Sensitivity △V out T A=25℃ 1.6Min Output V oltage B=-1500G 0.86 VMax Output V oltage B=1500G 4.21 V Performance Characteristics输出电压与磁场强度曲线静态输出电压与工作电压关系曲线Package InformationPackage UA, 3-Pin SIP:Ordering InformationPart No. Pb-free Temperature Code Package Code PackingSS3503EUA YES -40°C to 85°C TO-92 Bulk, 1000 pieces/bag SS3503KUA YES -40°C to 125°C TO-92 Bulk, 1000 pieces/bag SS3503LUA YES -40°C to 150°C TO-92 Bulk, 1000 pieces/bag。



编号 J201 J202 J203 J204 J205 J206-1 J206-2 J207 J208 J209 J210 J211 J212 J213 J214 J215 J216 J217 J218 J219
编号 J301 J302 J303 J304 J305 J306 J307 J308 J309 J310-1 J310-2 J311
项目经理: 项目总监:
审 核 人: 审 核 人:
审 核 人:
年月日 年月日 年月日
SH3503- J103
序号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
编码 J606 J610 J620 J622 J624 J624
交工技术文件目录 单元名称:
物位仪表调校记录 就地指示仪(直读式压力计、温度计)调校记录
A.5 电气工程
编号 J401 J402 J403 J404 J405 J406 J407 J408 J409 J410 J411
序号 1 2 3


Dwg. A-12,574
The south pole of a magnet is attached to the back of the package if the Hall-effect IC is to sense the presence of ferrous material. The north pole of a magnet is attached to the back surface if the integrated circuit is to sense thቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ absence of ferrous matrial. Calibrated linear Hall devices, which can be used to determine the actual flux density presented to the sensor in a particular application, are available.
0 4.5 5.0 5.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IN VOLTS 6.0
95 4.5 5.0 5.5 SUPPLY VOLTAGE IN VOLTS 6.0
Dwg. A-12,508
115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036 Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000 Copyright © 1985, 1999, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.





S H/T3503-2007《石油化工建设工程项目交工技术文件规定》S H/T3543-2007《石油化工建设工程项目施工过程技术文件规定》宣贯材料X U A N G U A N C A I L I A O中国石化集团第五建设公司二O O八年六月15项石油化工行业标准编号、名称及起始实施日期1、SH/T3503-2007和SH/T3543-2007的关系SH/T3503-2007和SH/T3543-2007同是对石油化工工程施工质量记录形成、收集、整理、存档给予规定的专业性综合标准。






SH/T 3503-2007对设计、采购、施工(总承包)、检测等单位应向建设单位移交的这部分技术文件记录的内容、积累、编汇、组卷和归档做出了统一规定。






2SC3503/KSC3503 — NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor2SC3503/KSC3503 — NPN Epitaxial Silicon TransistorElectrical Characteristics* T a =25°C unless otherwise noted* Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤300µs, Duty Cycle ≤2%Ordering Information* 1. Affix “-S-” means the standard TO126 Package.(see package dimensions). If the affix is ”-STS-” instead of “-S-”, that mean the short-lead TO126 package. 2. Suffix “-TU” means the tube packing, The Suffix “TU” could be replaced to other suffix character as packing method.SymbolParameterTest ConditionMin.Typ.Max.UnitsBV CBO Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage I C = 10µA, I E = 0300V BV CEO Collecto- Emitter Breakdown Voltage I C = 1mA, I B = 0300V BV EBO Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage I E = 10µA, I C = 05VI CBO Collector Cut-off Current V CB = 200V, I E = 00.1µA I EBO Emitter Cut-off Current V EB = 4V, I C = 00.1µAh FE DC Current GainV CE = 10V, I C = 10mA 40320 V CE (sat) Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage I C = 20mA, I B = 2mA 0.6V V BE (sat) Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage I C = 20mA, I B = 2mA 1V f TCurrent Gain Bandwidth Product V CE = 30V, I C = 10mA 150MHz C ob Output CapacitanceV CB = 30V, f = 1MHz 2.6pF C reReverse Transfer CapacitanceV CB = 30V, f = 1MHz1.8pFPart Number*MarkingPackagePacking MethodRemarks2SC3503CSTU 2SC3503C TO-126TUBE hFE1 C grade 2SC3503DSTU 2SC3503D TO-126TUBE hFE1 D grade 2SC3503ESTU 2SC3503E TO-126TUBE hFE1 E grade 2SC3503FSTU 2SC3503F TO-126TUBE hFE1 F grade KSC3503CSTU C3503C TO-126TUBE hFE1 C grade KSC3503DSTU C3503D TO-126TUBE hFE1 D grade KSC3503ESTU C3503E TO-126TUBE hFE1 E grade KSC3503FSTUC3503FTO-126TUBEhFE1 F grade2SC3503/KSC3503 — NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor2SC3503/KSC3503 NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor2SC3503/KSC3503Rev. I31TRADEMARKSThe following are registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use andis not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks.DISCLAIMERFAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION, OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. THESE SPECIFICATIONS DO NOT EXPAND THE TERMS OF FAIRCHILD’S WORLDWIDE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SPECIFICALLY THE WARRANTY THEREIN, WHICH COVERS THESE PRODUCTS.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systemswhich, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms ACEx ®Build it Now™CorePLUS™CROSSVOLT ™CTL™Current Transfer Logic™EcoSPARK ®Fairchild ®Fairchild Semiconductor ®FACT Quiet Series™FACT ®FAST ®FastvCore™FPS™FRFET ®Global Power Resource SMGreen FPS™Green FPS™ e-Series™GTO™i-Lo ™IntelliMAX™ISOPLANAR™MegaBuck™MICROCOUPLER™MicroFET™MicroPak™MillerDrive™Motion-SPM™OPTOLOGIC ®OPTOPLANAR ®®PDP-SPM™Power220®Power247®POWEREDGE ®Power-SPM™PowerTrench ®Programmable Active Droop™QFET ®QS™QT Optoelectronics™Quiet Series™RapidConfigure™SMART START™SPM ®STEALTH™SuperFET™SuperSOT™-3SuperSOT™-6SuperSOT™-8SyncFET™The Power Franchise ®TinyBoost™TinyBuck™TinyLogic ®TINYOPTO™TinyPower™TinyPWM™TinyWire™µSerDes™UHC ®UniFET™VCX™Datasheet Identification Product Status DefinitionAdvance InformationFormative or In DesignThis datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice.Preliminary First ProductionThis datasheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data will be pub-lished at a later date. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice to improve design.No Identification Needed Full ProductionThis datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice to improve design. Obsolete Not In ProductionThis datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontin-ued by Fairchild semiconductor. The datasheet is printed for reference infor-mation only.。

3503-J502 电机调试报验资料

3503-J502 电机调试报验资料






发信人: estzb (波波在线), 信区: OurSoftware标题: 序列号大全发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站(2006年03月08日23:00:32 星期三)OfficeXP简体中文正式零售版FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8Office2000k3kt9-267pt-4thhf-q69r3-frxy6LeapFTPV2.7.5.610汉化版(最终版)Name:crsky Code:214065-658136565CuteFTPXPV5.0.2简体中文版序列号:A6B34224J2J423姓名:Dr_Net MacromediaDreamweaverMX2004V7.01简体中文版WPD700-57103-13394-76683豪杰超级解霸V8(含SP1+SP2)完整版用户名:txjgzzSN:qhmv-us75-5551-357z金山毒霸6最新版(全功能版)序列号106500-010802-439041-996697激活码:igiarpe2序列号106500-010802-366732-206489激活码:h448wacy安全之星XP正式零售版(7.32M)SN:CHR-SSV456-9985303DSK-3金山毒霸6序列号:105500-010144-367631-021858金山毒霸6激活码:8y5k3875金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-379512-206301金山毒霸6激活码:dgykxun8 DreamweaverMX2004中文正式版序列号:WPD700-52206-61494-40475江民KV2004正式版(可在线升级)SN:KT000-10100-MVTMV-D21K4-CPXC5虚拟光驱(VirtualDrive)PersonalV8.0零售多国语言Name:arongS/N:VDP80001503905207322网络电视小精灵2.84注册码:2554eaMcromediaStudioMX2004正式光盘版sn:WPD700-55501-14194-26074SN:FLW600-56432-84540-26201超级兔子魔法设置v5.0注册sn:SOTEREG11797注册码:MSCNC-OUKXI-FGYMK-QEIQI-BXIGG超级兔子魔法设置v5.0注册名:crsky注册码:MSCNC-OUKXI-BGYMK-IQGEI-FQIXG Winzip8.1Beta:Name:SaiyajinSerial:E5DF0BACAutoCAD2002最终正式版Sn:400-12345678CDKey:T4ED6PPhotoshop7.1序列号1045-1423-6436-0168-7941-1739或1045-1189-6296-3291-6041-1048超级兔子魔法设置(MagicSet)4.16简体中文版用户名:Register密码:CXMS-HECGRSTHB JKACDsee5.0SN:581-076-451-038-881-441MacromediaFireWorksMX正式零售版SN:FWW600-04860-63582-21175 MacromediaFlashMX6.0正式零售版SN:FLW600-09531-57240-83750SN:FLW600-58236-6814 0-38826DreamweaverMX6.0正式零售汉化版SN:DWW600-54622-26755-01760木马克星V5.46Build0401用户名:xylxw注册码:1942590203用户名:masld注册码:9854 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W-VJ7RVWH4-4HKH-VBB2-FK7F-C2MM-PQ7JMacromediaFireworksv4.0FWW400-02666-67248-02548MacromediaFlash5.0FLW500-03143-77238-80660安全之星XP正式版SN:CHR-SSV456-9985303DSK-3或者CHR-SSV234-9913220CHR-3美萍反黄专家V2.51序列号:WR-911注册码:43403或者序列号:88888888注册码:35355天网防火墙个人版用户名:copyyour注册码:0549豪杰超级解霸3000最新英雄版注册名:crsky注册码:3319-13ns-173t-x5u1豪杰超级解霸3000英雄版2004.02.24用户名:注册码:95u1-sidh-5d17-r3 xr豪杰超级解霸V8注册码注册名:M59AJ8GQMR注册码:7N1C-5HU5-WPE5-5AQ3反黑客木马专家2003Build1.6注册信箱:leexoyo@注册码40BEA-62051-A2516-9825C-3C2ED木马终结者V2.1姓名:ttian注册码:416709黄金内存ID:6215-360606-10069ID:8843-150613-13458虚拟光驱(VirtualDrive)PersonalV8.0零售版多国语言Name:arongS/N:VDP8000150390520 73221金山毒霸6序列号:105500-010144-367631-021858金山毒霸6激活码:8y5k38752金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-379512-206301金山毒霸6激活码:dgykxun83金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-375132-206329金山毒霸6激活码:8et538dc4金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-373772-206375金山毒霸6激活码:rsr5pff45金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-372102-206300金山毒霸6激活码:rgqbxedx6金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-371772-206365金山毒霸6激活码:8t8z9dub7金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-369462-206357金山毒霸6激活码:bi6zvjyt8金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-368392-206374金山毒霸6激活码:kvjdzerm9金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-366532-206352金山毒霸6激活码:pb58tuvv10金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-365122-206361金山毒霸6激活码:x5zi2t4r11金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-979691-996757金山毒霸6激活码:jxi6c65i12金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-967461-996790金山毒霸6激活码:etrrvp7d13金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-964521-996759金山毒霸6激活码:g8k48h9p14金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-962641-996757金山毒霸6激活码:f3wpvd2415金山毒霸6序列号:106500-010802-961811-996760金山毒霸6激活码:iuenjgey SpyCatcherV3.5注册码注册码:ST93722540天网防火墙试用版V2.73用户名:riyou注册码:bdc2金山词霸2005安装序列号:QRPDJ-7K68C-Y2GWJ-MBMQM-V8TW3安全之星XP正式版SN:CHR-SSV456-9985303DSK-3或者CHR-SSV234-9913220CHR-3 AdobeAfterEffectsV5.0sn:EWE780A7645038-389-588或者SN:EWW471R7080005-040-498AAdobeAfterEffectsV4.1--sn:EWW400R4000123-666-922AdobeAcrobat5.0.1简体中文版--SN:KWC500R6538415-885AdobeAcrobat5.0正式完全版--sn:AEB100R3498245-291或者sn:KWW500R7150122-128 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[EVD]s/n:NVMFTMKNPTUCHJAAceHTMLPro4.30.1--Name:FreeUserCode:Q4****-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6AcdSee3.1build921Retail--sn:243478918944730541ACDseeSR1PowerPackRetail--sn:243478918944730541ACDsee3.1--sn:132728175249781441AceHTMLPro4.22.2--Name:FreeUserCode:Q4****-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6AceHTMLPro4.22.1--Name:FreeUserCode:Q4****-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6 AdvancedGifAnimator2.2中文注册版--注册码:0qT+7ks91OS6TwwuLvuwXOgnH9C1VSEo9HIWngLCMBIuHEWyJzuGuNjjA VvsQIf8lo8MhU4c6QZfVgfvrKE7u6ZOsdsLI8UGMKEK3nDr1c RHcvufQ9LTGS3Bz16BSbF7c7cd7gkAFbooFcHO/P8lPfFRTTAg+2Mnrz28OeYhZSIk= AdvancedPDFPasswordRecovery1.33--注册码:PDFP-99322-EYSVY-886 AdvancedArchivePasswordRecovery1.01--NAME:JuanLozadaSERIAL:ARCHPR-TBHW5SSMYGQS-CUQ9SNYDE59T4KMMAdvancedZIPPasswordRecoveryv3.11--sn:00003112193920061941Nqu5h797f6cAjz4U AltoMP3Maker2.2--Name:FreeUserSN:1LfDE2UKh1F5i9fCAlgolab_photo_vector_v1.01--Name:stcsrCompanv:Email:stcsr@163.n etSerial:ALPVHFCHINCTMGOPQRSAqua3DScreenSaver1.5汉化破解版--name:任意Code:1234-6789-1234-67C2(程序运行时按空格键即可输入注册码)AutoCAD2002最终零售版--Serial:400-12345678CD-KEY:T4ED6P找E8B2FEFFFF85C0744F8D4DF0改为E8B2FEFFFF85C0754F8D4DF0就可以用了AudioConverter3.0(0402)特别版--UseName:chaoruanCompany:chinaLicenses:1Serialkey:08199-04923680536126119550AudioCDMP3Studio2000V2.3--SN:CSN77B-174094802faB冰雨音画(音画时尚)ICEPlayer2.6--注册码:PL68A-yhss-style-98566-558606615-FCJX-LDgs-155868-ice260a北信源杀毒专家VRV2001正式零售版--序列号:FJDLKICPEAEBlindWritev0.99.1.4--sn:GOLXB3GJE4S46LFJBlindReadv3.0.1.4--sn:KSI1G8JT32UXBAFJ卜算子.天问体育彩票摇奖预测器v1.20--姓名:白菜乐园密码:ShuanglongDKSF卜算子.三颂个人人气运势分析预测v1.20--姓名:白菜乐园密码:ShuanglongJWKD卜算子权谋5.8--Name:洋白菜SN:EricFuminFHMIOAC彩票点金术2.0--注册邮箱fpx注册码w>]_>KVk卡丽来相片VCD制作系统心动版--SN:CHAMP-9C05EF50-2000词痴1.5--注册名:注册码:194394184064284305784305284064105105105CyberLinkPowerVCRIIv3.0PRO简体中文正式版--sn:PD7000EPS0000453CDRWIN4.0A--Name:Company:UnlockKey:9130D087-C2FD21AA-6312FA87-FE3636FECheckKey:6F06E679-53CDF12D-A1EFDB2D-9D24CC79或者Name:CoKeBoTtLe99Company/Email:Cokebottle@UnlockCode:60D015F4-600893EB-BEFF5 755-53E4E943CheckCode:3334FCB7-00D8861F-DEF7C4BE-ED1BBE16 CleanDiskSecurity4.9--Code:deepgreenChinaZip(中华压缩)6.02--用户名:注册码:AKEM9752CDOK音乐贝贝--姓名:洋白菜公司:Email:yang119@ sn:CA9C8419或者注册名:copyyour公司:CCG信箱:cncrack@注册码:7E868430Copernic2001Pro5.0完全版--sn:7336-791157997CPUCoolv6.1.1--Code:7398356CPUCoolV6.0.0Beta--sn:4337148超级兔子魔法设置(MagicSet)3.9简体中文版---Name:SunBirdCode:CXM-AYY ABBXDSPG 或者用户名:我爱蔡兔子密码:CX-BBBA WBETUVB超级兔子注册表优化v4.12增强版--Name:OnlyForChineseCode:AFABXBCVWXB或者Name:conanxu[BCG]Code:conanxu[BCG]超级兔子魔法设置v3.88简体中文版完美注册--Name:SunBird[CCG]Sn:CX-AYY ABBPDOLG超级兔子魔法设置v3.88中文版--Name:swnetcn17Code:SPQHQRSWOXW或者Name:OnlyForChineseCode:AFABXBCVWXB或者NameurewomCode:2Y2PMEFG3或者Name:AlGoreCode:1W1IFHIJ8或者Name:BauerLindemannCode:3U5YVLMN6或者Name:蔡旋Code:ABASGBCXMCB 超级兔子魔法设置v3.86中文版--Name:OnlyForChineseCode:AFABXBCVWXB或者NameurewomCode:2Y2PMEFG3或者Name:AlGoreCode:1W1IFHIJ8或者Name:BauerLindemannCode:3U5YVLMN6超级兔子魔法设置V3.85多语言版--注册码:NAME:swnetcn17CODE:SPQHQRSWOXW (适用于简体中文版的超级兔子魔法设置),注册表优化可以用conanxuBCG的注册码:AFABXBCVWXB,注册名任意。

配件说明书 集成气流控制组件 3A0081H ZH

配件说明书 集成气流控制组件 3A0081H ZH

零部件说明书集成气流控制组件3A0081HZH集成气流控制器与 NXT ® 2200、3400 和 6500 型空气马达配套使用。


100 磅/平方英寸 (0.69 兆帕、6.9 巴) 最大调节工作压力NXT011, E 系列带锁定空气调节器和 110 磅/平方英寸 (0.76 兆帕、7.6 巴) 泄压阀NXT021, E 系列带非锁定的空气调节器和 110 磅/平方英寸 (0.76 兆帕、7.6 巴) 泄压阀。

NXT031, E 系列带锁定空气调节器和 85 磅/平方英寸 (0.58 兆帕、5.8 巴) 泄压阀TI8233c所示为安装在 NXT 空气马达上的集成气流控制组件相关手册23A0081H目录相关手册 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2警告 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5故障排除 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7修理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9零部件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13原理图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Graco Standard Warranty . . . . . . . . . .16Graco Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16相关手册这些手册可以从 网站上获得。



日 日期:


工程名称: SH/T 3503-J114
证书编号 合格项目代号 级别 有效期限
姓 名
建 设 / 监 理 单 位 专业工程师:
总 承 包 单 位 专业工程师:
检 测 单 位 专业工程师: 制表人:



工程名称: SH/T 3503-J115A
单元名称: 位 号
名 型
称 号
制 造 商 箱 数
合 同 号 箱 检 验 情 况 号
1.包装 2.规格与装箱单 3.数量与装箱单
□无破损 □相符 □相符
□无可见缺陷 □有 □有
□有可见缺陷 □无 □无
□不相符;5.质量证明文件 □不相符;6.产品技术文件
问 题 及 处 理 意 见 随 机 资 料 名 称 份数 接收单位 接收人
专 用 工 具 建 设 单 位 专业工程师:

监 理 单 位 专业工程师:
总 承 包 单 位 专业工程师:
采 购 单 位 检验人员:

日 日期:

日 日期:

日 日期:

工程名称: SH/T 3503-J116
单元名称: 环境温度 ℃ 环境相对湿度 %



机房空调产品简介珠海铨高机电设备〔Renovoair Zhuhai Ltd〕隶属于美国全星集团〔Allstar Healthcare Corp.〕旗下雷诺威公司〔Renovo Ltd〕。


目前全星集团〔Allstar Healthcare Corp.〕的业务差不多由其美国本土扩展到了亚洲及太平洋地区,经营范畴也由纯粹医疗拓展到了汽车零件、电脑软体设计及洁净周密空调的设计和制造,全球职员已超过的2000名,全球营业额也超过了一亿美元。

2007年针对中国市场的前景及其进展的潜力,集团在中国珠海成立了珠海铨高机电设备〔Renovoair Zhuhai Ltd.〕专业从事医院、通信、铁路、电力基站与机房周密空调的研发、设计、制造及销售。




自公司成立以来,长期为意大利RC公司进口设备提供室外冷凝器;为意大利优力公司〔UNIFLAIR〕ODM分体与一体化基站空调及智能通风设备〔研发与生产〕;同时为英国登高公司〔DENCO〕ODM周密机房空调〔研发与生产〕;为英国艾德派克公司〔EDPAC〕公司ODM 周密机房空调〔研发与生产〕。



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