CODEX STAN 295R-2009 Regional Standard for Ginseng Products(人参制品区域标准)英文版
[8] 李训贞,梁满中,周广洽,等.水稻开花时的环境条件对花粉活力和结实的影响[J ].作物学报,2002,28(3):417-420.[9] 徐海波,王光明,隗溟,等.高温胁迫下水稻花粉粒性状与结实率的相关性[J ].西南农业大学学报,2001,23(3):205-207.[10] Van Breusegem F ,Dekeyser R ,G arcia A B ,et al.Heat 2induciblerice hsp82and hsp70are not always co 2regulated [J ].Plant M olBiol ,2003,51(3):295-311.[11] Lilley J M ,Ludlow M ,M cC ouch S ,et al.Locating QT L for osm oticadjustment and dehydration tolerance in rice [J ].Journal of Experimental Botany ,1996,47:1427-1436.[12] Fukai S ,C ooper M.Development of drought 2resistant cultivarsusing physio 2m orphological traits in rice [J ].Field Crops Res ,1995,40:67-86.(责任编辑:吴益伟)欧盟和中国果品加工品标准比较研究聂继云1,2,张德权3,哈益明3,徐国锋1,王祯旭1,李 静1,李海飞1,毋永龙1(11中国农业科学院果树研究所,辽宁兴城 125100;21沈阳农业大学,辽宁沈阳 110161;31中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所,北京 100094) 摘 要:介绍欧盟和我国果品加工品标准基本情况,分析了我国果品加工品标准NY ΠT 705-2003无核葡萄干、G B ΠT 13516-1992糖水桃罐头和G B ΠT 13211-1991糖水洋梨罐头存在的差距以及欧盟果品加工品标准对我国果品加工品生产与贸易的影响,提出果品加工标准的制修订应考虑果品加工品目标市场的要求并尽可能多地参考和借鉴欧盟有关条例以及C AC 和UNECE 的有关标准。
国家标准《人造奶油》编制说明2008年10月一、任务来源和起草单位依照国标委打算[2008] 号文,人造奶油国家标准已列入2008年国家标准制定修订打算,项目编号为-T-449 植物油脂人造奶油。
食品安全国家标准 乳粉 编制说明
摘 要:保证农产品、食品质量,生产、加工、流通是必须严格把控的环节。
关键词:巴氏杀菌乳,安全指标,标准比对DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1674-5698.2021.01.002Comparative Analysis of Safety Indexes of Pasteurized Milk inRegulations & Standards at Home and AbroadGAN Ke-qin TIAN Fang WANG Bin ZHANG Ming ZHANG Li-zhen GAO Jun(China National Institute of Standardization )Abstract: To ensure the quality of agricultural products and food, production, processing and circulation are the links that must be strictly controlled. Standard is the most important basis to ensure the reliability of these links. With the continuous development of international trade, various countries and regions have different requirements on the quality and safety indexes of agricultural products and food, and the limits of pollutants such as pesticide residues are also different. Based on the needs of international trade, this paper carries out a comparative analysis of safety indicators in regulations and standards for pasteurized milk home and abroad, and obtains the difference of pasteurized milk between China and CAC, EU, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Russia and other major trade areas or countries. The differences in regulations and standards safety indexes will provide technical support for the future production, processing and circulation and international trade of pasteurized milk.Keywords: pasteurized milk, safety index, standard comparison巴氏杀菌乳国内外法规/标准中安全指标比对分析甘克勤 田 方 汪 滨 张 明 张利真 高 俊(中国标准化研究院)基金项目:本文系标准创新管理专项“中非纺织、建筑等主要贸易领域标准比对分析”(项目编号:252019C-7273)的研究成果。
MP278/Ch人参制品标准CODEX STAN 321-20152015年通过本标准将取代区域标准CODEX STAN 295R-2009。
2.说明2.1 产品定义人参制品具有以下特征:(a)利用新鲜、完好、为商品化目的种植、供食用的亚洲参(Panax ginsengC.A.Meyer)和西洋参(P. quinquefolius L.)根部各部位制成;(b)以能保证产品卫生、营养和质量特性的方式包装;(c)以适当方式加工,按照第2.2节的规定经过干燥、蒸制、切割、磨粉、提取和浓缩等过程。
2.2 人参制品类型本标准涵盖的人参制品可包括以下类型:2.2.1 干制人参干制人参用第2.1(a)节定义的人参根以晒干、热烘或其他公认方法等适当方式干燥后制得。
2.2.2 干制蒸参干制蒸参用第2.1(a)节定义的人参根作为原料,采用蒸制法和第2.2.1节定义的干燥法制得。
2.2.3 人参提取物人参提取物用第2.1(a)节定义的人参根或第2.2.1节中定义的干制人参作为原料,利用水、乙醇或水和乙醇的混合液提取可溶性成分后经过过滤和浓缩制得。
2.2.4 蒸参提取物蒸参提取物用第2.2.2节中定义的干制蒸参作为原料,利用水、乙醇或水和乙醇的混合液提取可溶性成分后经过过滤和浓缩制得。
2.3 形态产品可以各种形态呈现,前提是符合本标准所有相关要求,并在标签上对产品做充分描述,避免给消费者造成混乱或误导。
黑参国内外研究进展陈林;郭建鹏【摘要】In recent years, black ginseng is regarded as the high-end product of ginseng in international market, which hashigh research value. However, domestic and foreign research on black ginseng is less than red ginseng and dry radix ginseng, review the related literatures at home and abroad, summarize the processing technology, chemical composition, pharmacological effects and detection methods of black ginseng, and provide reference for the quality control, rational drug use and further research and development of black ginseng. In the future, we should conduct in-depth research in the standard processing technology, quality control standards, and specific pharmacological active ingredients.%近年来, 在国际市场上黑参被认为是人参中的高端产品, 具有很高的研究利用价值, 与红参与生晒参相比, 国内外对黑参的研究较少.作者通过查阅国内外文献, 对黑参的炮制工艺、活性成分、药理作用及分析方法进行综述, 以期为黑参质量控制、合理用药及进一步研究开发提供参考.【期刊名称】《人参研究》【年(卷),期】2019(031)001【总页数】5页(P42-46)【关键词】人参;炮制;活性成分;药理作用;分析方法【作者】陈林;郭建鹏【作者单位】延边大学药学院,延吉 133002;延边大学药学院,延吉 133002;长白山生物资源与功能分子教育部重点实验室(延边大学),延吉 133002【正文语种】中文黑参为五加科植物人参(Panax ginseng C.A.Mey)经九蒸九曝、反复蒸制烘干炮制得到的一种新型人参炮制品[1~2]。
“ 任 何 非 人 为 加 入 食 品 或 食 用 动 物 饲 料 的 成 分 ,由 于 食 品 或 饲 料 的 生 产 (包括作物种植、动物饲养和兽医用药等行为)、制造、加工、制备、处理、 填装、包装、运输或保存,或因环境污染而进入相关食物或饲料。该词不 涉 及虫体、啮齿类动物体毛及其他异物”。
CODEX STAN 193-源自9953饲料添加剂残留包括动物产品的任何可食用部分中残留的化合物原药 和/或其代谢物,及饲料添加剂相关杂质的残留。 (**) 加工助剂指在原材料、食品或食品成分加工时为满足处理或加工的工艺需求 有 意 使 用 的 物 质 或 材 料 ( 不 包 括 设 备 或 器 具 ), 其 本 身 并 不 作 为 食 品 成 分 摄 入,且其使用可能导致最终产品存在非故意但又无法避免的残留物或衍生物。
中转入可食用的动物组织/产品中的资料; 关于急性和长期毒性的资料及其他相关毒性数据; 关于污染物摄入量接受程度和安全性的综合毒理学专家建议,包括
关于任何人群,尤其是脆弱人群的资料。 分析数据
关于代表性样本的有效定性和定量数据; 适当的采样程序。 摄入量数据 污染物在对膳食有显著影响的食品中的含量; 污染物在广泛食用的食品中的含量; 污染物在饲料和饲料成分中的含量; 一般人群和暴露量最大/高消费人群的食品摄入量数据; 总体膳食研究结果; 从食品消费模型计算出的污染物摄入量数据; 易感人群摄入量数据; 食用动物摄入量数据。 技术考量 关于污染过程、技术可行性、生产和加工规范以及与污染物含量
饲料添加剂(*)残留。 4) 微生物毒素,如肉毒杆菌毒素、葡萄球菌肠毒素 ,以及在食品卫生法 典
1 食品安全监管体制中的不足1.1 基层监管人员不稳定食品监管任务通常由基层人员完成。
1.2 存在微小型企业意识不达标通过监管抽查不难发现,很多微小型企业并不具有应有的食品安全检测认知,抽查过程中会出现质量不达标、材料不符合标准、商品种类不齐全等现象,这主要是因为各企业负责人的理念未能紧跟国家政策,未深入了解国家政策。
1.3 缺乏专业人才对此进行系统管理要想监管工作顺利进行,专业的人才和制定有效管理体制是必不可少的,但在这个行业中专业人才严重缺乏,各个企业争先恐后的争夺人才,监管部门的主要工作就是对食品质量进行检测,想要提升检测效率,确保检测正确性,一方面要使用专业检测技术,另一方面要培养技术过硬的检测人才。
ASTM A 295-09 高碳耐磨轴承钢技术规范
Designation:A295/A295M–09Standard Specification forHigh-Carbon Anti-Friction Bearing Steel1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A295/A295M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This specification covers high-carbon bearing-quality steel to be used in the manufacture of anti-friction bearings.1.2Supplementary requirements of an optional nature are provided and when desired shall be so stated in the order. 1.3The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents;therefore,each system shall be used independently of the other.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2A29/A29M Specification for Steel Bars,Carbon and Alloy, Hot-Wrought,General Requirements forA370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemi-cal Analysis of Steel ProductsA892Guide for Defining and Rating the Microstructure of High Carbon Bearing SteelsE45Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of SteelE112Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size E381Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars,Billets, Blooms,and ForgingsE1019Test Methods for Determination of Carbon,Sulfur, Nitrogen,and Oxygen in Steel,Iron,Nickel,and Cobalt Alloys by Various Combustion and Fusion TechniquesE1077Test Methods for Estimating the Depth of Decarbur-ization of Steel Specimens2.2Other Document:ISO683,Part17Ball and Roller Bearing Steels33.Ordering Information3.1Orders for material under this specification should include the following information:3.1.1Quantity,3.1.2Grade identification,3.1.3Specification designation and year of issue,3.1.4Dimensions,and3.1.5Supplementary requirements,if included.4.Process4.1The steel shall be made by a process that is capable of providing a high quality product meeting the requirements of this specification.5.Chemical Composition and Analysis5.1Typical examples of chemical compositions are shown in Table1.Other compositions may be specified.5.2An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the steel manufacturer in accordance with Test Methods,Practices, and Terminology A751.The chemical composition thus deter-mined shall conform to the requirements specified in Table1 for the ordered grade or to other requirements agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser.5.3Product analysis may be made by the purchaser in accordance with Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A751.Permissible variations in product analysis shall be in accordance with Specification A29/A29M.6.Sizes,Shapes,and Dimensional Tolerances6.1The physical size and shape of the material shall be agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser.6.2Dimensional tolerances for hot-rolled or hot-rolled and annealed bars,in straight lengths or coils,and cold-finished bars0.500in.[12.5mm]and larger in diameter furnished under this specification shall conform to the requirements specified in the latest edition of Specification A29/A29M.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.28on Bearing Steels.Current edition approved Oct.1,2009.Published November2009.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2005as A295/A295M–05. DOI:10.1520/A0295_A0295M-09.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from International Organization for Standardization(ISO),1rue de Varembé,Case postale56,CH-1211,Geneva20,Switzerland.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbour Drive C-700West Conshohocken,Pennsylvania19428-2959,United States6.3Dimensional tolerances for cold-finished coils for ball and roller material shall be as shown in Table2.6.4Coil tolerances also apply to cold-finished straight lengths under0.500in.[12.5mm]in diameter.7.Quality Tests7.1The supplier shall be held responsible for the quality of the material furnished and shall make the necessary tests to ensure this quality.The supplier shall be required to report results of the micro-inclusion rating tests detailed below. Quality tests shown in7.2and7.3are based upon procedures established in Test Methods E45.7.2Sampling—Samples taken in accordance with the fol-lowing paragraphs shall be obtained from4by4in.[100by 100mm]rolled billets or forged sections.Tests may be made on smaller or larger sections by agreement between manufac-turer and purchaser.A minimum3to1reduction of rolled billets or forged sections is required for strand cast products.7.2.1For top poured products,a minimum of six samples representing the top and bottom of thefirst,middle,and last usable ingots shall be examined.7.2.2For bottom poured products,a minimum of six samples shall be examined and they shall represent the top and bottom of three ingots.One ingot shall be taken at random from thefirst usable plate poured,one ingot,at random,from the usable plate poured nearest to the middle of the heat,and one ingot,at random,from the last usable plate poured.When two usable plates constitute a heat,two of the sample ingots shall be selected from the second usable plate poured.Where a single usable plate constitutes a heat,any three random ingots may be selected.Other methods of sampling shall be as agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser.7.2.3For strand cast products,a minimum of six samples representing thefirst,middle,and last portion of the heat cast shall be examined.At least one sample shall be taken from each strand.7.3Inclusion Rating—The specimens shall be3⁄8by3⁄4in. [10by20mm]and shall be taken from an area halfway between the center and outside of the billet.The polished face shall be longitudinal to the direction of rolling.The scale used for rating the specimens shall be the Jernkontoret chart described in Test Methods E45,Plate I-r.Fields with sizes or numbers of all types of inclusions intermediate between configurations shown on the chart shall be classified as the lesser of the rating number.The worstfield of each inclusion type from each specimen shall be recorded as the rating for the specimen.Two thirds of all specimens and at least one from each ingot tested,or from thefirst,middle,and last portion of the strands tested,as well as the average of all specimens,shall not exceed the rating specified in Table3.If specifically ordered and certified to Supplementary Requirement S4,Type A inclusion ratings shall not exceed3.0thin and2.0heavy.See S4.1.8.Grain Size8.1The steels covered by this specification shall have the capability of showing afine fracture grain size(approximately ASTM No.8in accordance with Test Methods E112)when quenched from normal austenitizing temperatures not exceed-ing1550°F[840°C].9.Decarburization and Surface Imperfections9.1Decarburization and surface imperfections shall not exceed the limits specified in Tables4and5.Decarburization shall be measured using the microscopical methods described in Test Methods E1077.10.Microstructure10.1When annealing is specified in the order,the structure shall be rated and reported in accordance with Guide A892as follows:10.1.1Carbide Size(CS)—As the appropriate carbide size is dependent on application,the limits shall be as agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser.10.1.2Carbide Network(CN)—As the network is influ-enced by section size,the limits shall be as agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser.10.1.3Lamellar Content(LC)—52100steels shall have a lamellar content not to exceed mellar content of other compositions shall be as agreed upon between manufacturer and purchaser.TABLE1Composition A,BName C Mn P(max)S(max)Si Cr Ni(max)Mo Cu(max)O(max)C Al(max)D 52100E0.93-1.050.25-0.450.0250.0150.15-0.35 1.35-1.600.250.10(max)0.300.00150.050 51950.90-1.030.75-1.000.0250.0150.15-0.350.70-0.900.250.10(max)0.300.00150.050 5090M0.89-1.010.50-0.800.0250.0150.15-0.350.40-0.600.250.08-0.150.300.00150.050 1070M0.65-0.750.80-1.100.0250.0150.15-0.350.20(max)0.250.10(max)0.300.00150.050 51600.56-0.640.75-1.000.0250.0150.15-0.350.70-0.900.250.10(max)0.300.00150.050A Elements not quoted shall not be intentionally added to the steel without the agreement of the purchaser.B Intentional additions of calcium or calcium alloys for deoxidation or inclusion shape control are not permitted unless specifically approved by the purchaser.C Oxygen content applies to product analysis and shall be determined in accordance with Test Methods E1019.D Total aluminum content.E Specified element ranges meet the requirements of ISO683,Part17,Table3,NO.B1,100CR6.TABLE2Dimensional Tolerances for Cold-Finished Coils Size,in.[mm]Total Tolerance,in.[mm] Through0.096[2.50]0.002[0.05]Over0.096[2.50]to0.270[7.00],incl0.003[0.08]Over0.270[7.00]to0.750[19.0],incl0.004[0.10]TABLE3Inclusion RatingRating UnitsThin Series Heavy Series A—21⁄2A—11⁄2B—2B—1C—1⁄2C—1⁄2D—1D—110.2The material shall be free from excessive carbide segregation.11.Hardness11.1When annealing is specified in the order,the steel shall have a completely spheroidized microstructure and a hardness as specified in Table 6.11.2Small sizes where Rockwell B scale hardness readings are impractical shall have a maximum tensile strength of 110000psi (760MPa).11.3Hardness and tensile tests shall be in accordance with test methods described in Test Methods and Definitions A370.12.Inspection12.1The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser’s inspector all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that the material is being produced and furnished in accordance with this specifil inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer’s operations.All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture,unless otherwise agreed to.13.Certification and Reports13.1Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order,a manufacturer’s certification that the material was manufac-tured and tested in accordance with this specification,together with a report of the test results,shall be furnished at the time of shipment.Special requirements agreed to at the time of purchase shall be noted on the certification.SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSOne or more of the supplementary requirements described below apply when included in the purchaser’s order or contract.When so included,a supplementary requirement shall have the same force as if it were in the body of the specification.Supplementary requirements’details not fully described shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier,but shall not negate any of the requirements in the body of the specification.TABLE 4Decarburization and Surface Imperfections for Coils and Bars for Balls and RollersSize,in.[mm]Decarburization or Surface Imperfections per Side,max,in.[mm]Hot-Rolled or Hot-Rolled AnnealedCold-Finished AnnealedThrough 0.250[6.50]0.005[0.13]0.003[0.08]Over 0.250[6.50]to 0.500[12.5],incl 0.006[0.15]0.004[0.10]Over 0.500[12.5]to 0.750[19.0],incl 0.008[0.20]0.006[0.15]Over 0.750[19.0]to 1.000[25.0],incl0.010[0.25]0.008[0.20]TABLE 5Decarburization and Surface Imperfections for Bars and TubesSize,in.[mm]Decarburization or Surface Imperfections per Side,max,in.[mm]Hot-Rolled BarsHot-Rolled Annealed Cold-Finished Annealed BarsTubes Bars Tubes Through 1.000[25.0]0.012[0.30]0.015[0.38]0.012[0.30]0.012[0.30]0.010[0.25]Over 1.000[25.0]to 2.000[50.0],incl 0.017[0.43]0.022[0.56]0.020[0.51]0.015[0.38]0.014[0.36]Over 2.000[50.0]to 3.000[75.0],incl 0.025[0.64]0.030[0.76]0.030[0.76]0.025[0.64]0.019[0.48]Over 3.000[75.0]to 4.000[100.0],incl 0.035[0.89]0.045[1.14]0.035[0.89]0.024[0.61]Over 4.000[100.0]to 5.000[125.0],incl0.055[1.40]0.065[1.65]0.040[1.02]0.028[0.71]TABLE 6Maximum Hardness for Annealed MaterialProductConditionMaximum Hardness BrinellRockwell BCoilshot-rolled,annealed ...92Bars and tubes hot-rolled annealed207...Coilsannealed,cold-drawn (stress-relieved)...92Coils,bars,and annealed,cold-drawn A 248...tubes Tubesannealed,cold-rocked331...ACold-swaged material is notincluded.S1.Titanium ContentS1.1The purchaser may specify that the analysis of titanium be provided by agreement with the steel manufacturer.S2.“SAM”Inclusion Rating SystemS2.1The purchaser may specify that the“SAM”inclusion rating system described in Method E of Test Methods E45be used in addition to the micro-inclusion rating system described in7.3.S2.2Sampling—See7.2.S2.3Limits—The“SAM”rating for B-type inclusions shall not exceedfifteen.The“SAM”rating for D-type inclusions shall not exceed ten.S3.Magnetic Particle MethodS3.1The purchaser may specify that the magnetic particle method described below be used in addition to the micro-inclusion rating system described in7.3.The magnetic particle method measures bearing steel cleanliness by evaluating the total length of macro-inclusions for a stated area or per unit area.Results are expressed in millimeters per square metre. S3.2Sampling—See7.2.S3.3Test specimens shall be straight cylinder quarter sec-tion samples prepared and examined in accordance with the magnetic particle method of Test Methods E45.S3.4For purposes of calculation,an inclusion length shall be taken as the mean length of the length bracket into which it falls;that is,an inclusion in the1.6to3.2mm bracket shall be taken as being2.4mm in length.The sum of all lengths for each specimen shall be determined and expressed as total length per area inspected.The average total length per area inspected of all six specimens shall not exceed200mm/m2. S4.Sulfur Requirement for MachinabilityS4.1A sulfur content in the range of0.015–0.030%may be specified for improved machinability.S4.2When this supplementary requirement is specified,the sulfide(Type A)ratings of7.3shall be3.0thin and2.0heavy. S4.3The manufacturer’s certification shall state that mate-rial was produced to this supplementary requirement when applicable.S5.Sample Reduction RatioS5.1For the sampling described in7.2,the purchaser may specify that the reduction ratio from as-cast section to test section be provided.S6.Macroetch TestingS6.1Specimens representative of cross sections of billets shall be macroetched and rated in accordance with Method E381in hydrochloric acid and water(1:1)at a temperature of 160to180°F(71to82°C).Such specimens shall not exceed S2,R2,C2of Method E381.SUMMARY OF CHANGESCommittee A01has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (A295/A295M–05)that may impact the use of this standard.(Approved Oct.1,2009.)(1)Macroetch testing was moved from Section7to Supple-mentary Requirements.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the riskof infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website(/COPYRIGHT/).。
药品检验报告中的一些词语的英文翻译检验报告Certificate of analysis化工有限公司chemical CO. , LTD制药(药业)有限公司Pharmaceutical co. ,Ltd.化工厂CHEMICAL PLANT精细化工有限公司FINE CHEMICAL CO., LTD品名PRODUCT //title批号batch NO.生产日期manufacturing date // manu. Date检验日期Analysis date有效期Exp date // expiry date检验标准quality standard //inspecting basis //Specification数量QUANTITY 报告日期report date 包装规格package企业标准Company Standard//enterprise standard检查项目test items//analytical items性状appearance // characteristics//description//Character分子式molecular formula 分子量molecular wt化学式Chemical formula鉴别identification溶液外观appearance of solution澄清度&颜色clarity & color白色或类白色结晶粉末white or almost white crystalline powder味微苦 a little bitter taste无色无味odorless,smelless酸碱度acidity and alkalinity铅盐Plumbum salts 砷盐Arsonium salts有关物质related substances 分为:individual impurity substance NMT….;total impurity substance NMT。
境外销售目的国食品安全法律法规标准清单一、CAC食品法典委员会CAC RCP 1-1969(Rev.3-1997,Amd.1999) 食品卫生实践通则CAC GL 2 1985(Rev.1-1993,Amd.2-2006)食品标签法典准则CAC GL 30 1999 微生物风险评估准则和导则CAC GL 36 1989(2011修订)食品添加剂类名和国际编码系统CAC GL 69 2008 食品安全控制措施确认指南CAC CODEX STAN 192-1995-2015 食品添加剂标准CAC GL21 1997食品微生物标准建立和应用原则CAC GL 44 2003 现代生物技术食品的风险分析原则CAC GL 63-2007国际食品法典微生物风险管理(MRM)行为原则和准则CAC GSFA,Codex Stan 192-1995 食品添加剂通用标准CAC CODEX STAN 239-2003 食品添加剂的通用分析方法CAC 食品中农药残留量2014年7月更新CAC MRL 2 2015食品中兽药残留CAC Codex Stan 193食品中污染物和毒素通用标准CAC/GL 23-1997营养和健康声称使用指南CAC/GL 24-1997 “清真”术语使用通用导则CAC/GL 019-1995 食品安全控制紧急情况时信息交流的法典导则CAC/GL 020-1995 食品进出口检验和出证原则CAC/GL 025-1997 食品进口过程中拒收情况下两国信息交流导则CAC/GL 034-1999 食品进出口检验与出证系统中增进等同互认性导则XOT 02-1987 有关食品添加剂在食品中转移的原则CACMISC 6 -2001食品添加剂参考规格目录二、欧盟1、欧盟水质标准9883EEC2、欧盟853号规章200404293、欧洲议会和理事会(EC)No 852规章200404294、欧盟食品添加剂名单NO1129 201111115、欧盟EC 1441 2007微生物限量中文版200712056、欧盟委员会第EC 2073 2005号条例关于食品的微生物标准7、欧盟委员会183 2005条例关于食品卫生监测的要求制定(内容与EEA相关)8、欧盟委员会第234 2011条例(EU)关于建立食品添加剂、食品酶和食品调味料对共同批准程序的欧洲议会和理事会实施条例9、欧盟委员会第80 1089 EEC号建议关于食品添加剂安全性评价的测试10、欧盟委员会第953 2009 EC号条例关于在食品中添加特定营养用途的物质11、欧洲议会与理事会令2011 91 EU 关于识别食品所属批次的标记或标示12、欧盟委员会条例(EU)为某些食品中二恶英二恶英类多氯联苯的成分的官方控制和制定取样和分析方法以及修订条例(EC)No 1883200613、欧盟委员会第16 -2011号条例(EU)为食品和饲料的快速警报系统制定实施措施14、欧盟委员会第10-2011号条例(EU):关于用于与食品接触用的塑料材料和物品15、欧盟委员会2007/19/EC 关于对于与食品接触的塑料材料和制品的指令16、欧盟委员会2006年12月22日第2023 2006号委员会条例(EC):预定接触食物的材料和物品的食品制造规范(内容与EEA相关)17、欧盟委员会2009/ 32 /EC 关于各成员国在食品和食品原料生产中有关溶剂萃取的法律一致化18、欧盟委员会指令2010 /59 /EU 修改欧洲议会与理事会关于各成员国涉及食品及食品原料萃取溶剂之近似法律的指令2009 /32 /EC(欧洲经济地区相关文本)19、欧盟关于食品污染物最高限量的新法规(EC1881/2006号条例)三、美国美国饮用水水质标准USEPA在2002年1月1日起实施美国食品法典2013美国联邦法规21CFR第113部分美国食品安全现代化法案20110104美国食品化学法典(第8版) Food Chemicals Codex (FCC8)美国食品药品化妆品法20131127美国药品质量与安全法20131127美国法典第15卷商业与贸易第4章中国贸易20141231美国法典第15卷商业与贸易第22章商标20141231美国法典第15卷商业与贸易第47章消费品安全20141231美国法典第15卷商业与贸易第50章消费品质量保证20141231美国21 CFR 117 食品良好生产规范、危害分析和基于风险的预防控制措施美国FDA 21 CFR 第110部分关于食品生产企业现行良好操作规范(GMP)法规美国FDA 21 CFR 第172部分已批准的直接用于人类食品的添加剂种类汇总美国FDA 21 CFR 第173部分可直接加入食品中的辅助性食品添加剂种类汇总美国FDA 21 CFR 第570部分关于食品添加剂的法规§ 570.3 涉及食品添加剂的相关定义(Definitions)§ 570.6 关于食品添加剂状况的FDA鉴定条款(Opinion letters on food additive status)§ 570.13 源自事先批准用于动物饲料和宠物食品包装材料的间接食品添加剂(Indirect food additives resulting from packaging materials prior sanctioned for animal feed and pet food)§ 570.14 源自动物饲料和宠物食品包装材料的间接食品添加剂(Indirect food additives resulting from packaging materials for animal feed and pet food)§ 570.15 基于专员决议的食品添加剂法规颁布(Adoption of regulation on initiative of Commissioner)§ 570.17 实验动物获得市场可食产品的认可程序及其研究使用的豁免(Exemption for investigational use and procedure for obtaining authorization to market edible products from experimental animals)§ 570.18 相关食品添加剂的容许量(Tolerances for related food additives)§ 570.19 再制食品中的化学农药残留(Pesticide chemicals in processed foods)B部分食品添加剂的安全性§ 570.20 食品添加剂安全性评估的总体原则(General principles for evaluating the safety of food additives)§570.30 归类为总体安全(GRAS)食品添加剂的资格条件(Eligibility for classification as generally recognized as safe (GRAS))§570.35 食品添加剂总体安全(GRAS)状态的确定(Affirmation of generally recognized as safe (GRAS)status)§570.38 食品添加剂安全性的确定(Determination of food additive status)美国FDA 21 CFR 第109部分关于人类食品及其包装材料不可避免污染物的法规汇总A部分总则§109.3 人类食品及其包装材料中不可避免污染的法规相关定义与释义(Definitions and interpretations)§109.4 人类食品及其包装材料中不可避免污染物的容许量、法定限量和使用水平的确定(Establishment of tolerances, regulatory limits, and action levels)§109.6 外加毒害物的使用规范(Added poisonous or deleterious substances)§109.7 污染物的不可避免性法规(Unavoidability)§109.15 食品包装材料生产中多氯联苯的使用(Use of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's)in establishments manufacturing food-packaging materials)§109.16 观赏装饰用陶瓷污染物(Ornamental and decorative ceramicware)B部分不可避免毒害物的容许量§109.30 多氯联苯容许量(Tolerances for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's))美国FDA 21 CFR 第104部分关于食品营养素质量准则的法规汇总A部分总则§104.5 食品营养素质量总则(General principles)B部分营养强化政策§104.20 营养强化目的说明(Statement of purpose)C部分特定营养质量准则§104.47 “加热即食”的冷冻方便食品营养素要求(Frozen “heat and serve” dinner)美国FDA 21 CFR 第101部分食品标签法规汇总A分部总则§101.1 包装食品标签的主要显示版面(Principal display panel of package form food)§101.2 包装食品标签的信息版面(Information panel of package form food)§101.3 包装食品特性的标识(Identity labeling of food in packaged form)§101.4 食品配料的标注(Food; designation of ingredients)§101.5 食品制造商、包装商或销售商企业名称及地址(Food; name and place of business of manufacturer, packer, or distributor)§101.9 食品的营养标签(Nutrition labeling of food)§101.12 每餐习惯消费参考量(Reference amounts customarily consumed per eating occasion)§101.13 营养素含量声明:一般原则(Nutrient content claims—general principles)§101.14 健康声明:一般要求(Health claims: general requirements)§101.15 食品:所需说明的显著性(Food; prominence of required statements)§101.17 食品标注中的警告语及注意事项说明(Food labeling warning, notice, and safe handling statements)§101.18 食品的错误标识(Misbranding of food)B分部特殊食品标注要求§101.22 食品香辛料、调味料、着色剂及化学防腐剂的标注(Foods; labeling of spices, flavorings, colorings and chemical preservatives)§101.30 水果汁或蔬菜汁的饮料食品中果蔬汁百分率的标注(Percentage juice declaration for foods purporting to be beverages that contain fruit or vegetable juice)D分部营养素含量声称的特殊要求§101.54 关于“良好来源”、“高”、“较多”及“高价”的营养素含量声明(Nutrient content claims for “good source,” “high,” “more,” and “high potency”)§101.56 关于营养素含量“清淡”的声称(Nutrient content claims for “light” or “lite”)§101.60 关于食品营养素含量中热量的声明(Nutrient content claims for the calorie content of foods)§101.61 关于食品营养素含量中钠含量的声明(Nutrient content claims for the sodium content of foods)§101.62 关于食品营养素含量中脂肪、脂肪酸和胆固醇含量的声明(Nutrient contentclaims for fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol content of foods)§101.65 暗示的营养素含量声明和相关的标签说明(Implied nutrient content claims and related label statements)§101.69 营养素含量的申请(Petitions for nutrient content claims)G分部食品标签要求的豁免§101.100 食品标注要求的豁免(Food; exemptions from labeling)§101.105 豁免情况下内容物净含量的说明(Declaration of net quantity of contents when exempt)§101.108 为进行以授权的食品标签试验而设置的临时豁免权(Temporary exemptions for purposes of conducting authorized food labeling experiments)四、新加坡新加坡食品条例Food Regulations—Part3.5 标签通用要求2013年食品条例(修正案)(Food (amendment) regulations 2013)食品销售(食品工厂)条例(Sale of food (food establishments )regulations) (29th February 2004)新加坡食物销售法(第283章)五、加拿大加拿大农业和农业食品部法1994C38S2加拿大食品与药品条例CRCC870加拿大人食品安全法20121122六、英国英国食品安全法19900629英国食品标准法19991111英国食品法19840626PAS 2202008食品安全生产前提方案七、其它国家日本食品添加剂使用标准(2014年8月8日)日本食品安全基本法Law No. 48澳大利亚食品法案2005年澳大利亚食品标准法2011澳大利亚新西兰食品管理局修正法案1999年冰岛食品法19950628俄罗斯食品质量与安全法20031001法国公共健康法典2015立陶宛食品法20000404马来西亚食品法1983挪威食品法20000623乌克兰食品与食品原料质量与安全法20021024新西兰食品法2002年印度食品安全及标准法2006年。
GB 2760 修订意见(香料部分)
GB 2760修订意见香料部分建议从GB 2760中删除食用香料部分,建立独立的食用香料管理标准,对食用香料进行区分管理;同时,在香料管理标准对将食用香料列表中的注解内容,作为独立章节实施管理。
食品添加剂必须结合其在所使用的食品类别的用量和人群暴露量,逐一评估其安全性,制定Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI),统一编制International Numbering System (INS)代码,规定其在某一特定食品类别上的最大使用量。
基于食品用香料的人群暴露量非常低,其安全评估是结合化学特性,毒理学特性和人群暴露量估算的结构类似的一组化合物的评估,而不需要逐一评估,也不需要制定Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI),也没有International Numbering System (INS)代码。
一般食品添加剂(Food additives)与食品用香料(Flavorings),在使用和安全性方面有很大的不同,所以在法规的规定和管理模式上也应有区别。
故建议我国在法规的规定和管理模式上,把一般的食品添加剂(Food additives)与食品用香料(Flavorings)区别对待,区分管理。
目前我国颁布实施的脱水蔬菜相关产品标准有五个,分别是:a)NY 5184-2002 《无公害食品脱水蔬菜》;b)NY/T 1045-2006 《绿色食品脱水蔬菜》;c)NY/T 1393-2007 《脱水蔬菜茄果类》;d)NY/T 959-2006 《脱水蔬菜根菜类》;e)NY/T 960-2006 《脱水蔬菜叶菜类》;有效的国际标准有国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的3个产品标准,分别是:a)ISO 10621-1997 《脱水鲜胡椒规范》;b)ISO 5559-1995 《脱水洋葱.规范》;c)ISO 5560-1997 《脱水大蒜规范》;国际食品法典委员会(CAC)与其相关的2个标准:a)CAC/RCP 5 《Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Dehydrated Fruits and Vegetables including Edible Fungi》即《脱水水果和蔬菜(包括食用菌类)卫生规范推荐性国际法典》;b)CODEX STAN 193-1995 《Codex General Standard For Contaminants And Toxins In Foods》即《食品中污染物及有毒物质通用标准》。
芝麻酱区域标准1CODEX STAN 259-R - 20071. 范围本标准适用于下文第2章所定义的直接用于食用的芝麻酱。
2. 说明2.1 产品定义芝麻酱是通过磨碎成熟、经过烘焙的带有外皮的芝麻(Sesame indicum L.)种子而获得的一种产品。
3. 基本成分和质量要素3.1 基本原料芝麻种子。
3.2 质量要素-一般性最终产品须满足以下一般性要求:3.2.1 用于加工“芝麻酱”的芝麻种子须符合其标准,并可确保人类食用安全。
3.2.2 本产品须具有独特的自然风味而没有异味。
3.2.3 本产品颜色和质地须均匀一致,没有结块。
3.2.4 本产品须不含异物和杂质。
3.2.5 本产品须没有人工风味、填充剂、染色和漂白剂(即二氧化钛)。
3.3.1 最大含水量为1.5%。
3.3.2 最小蛋白质含量为25%。
3.3.3 最小脂肪含量为45%,仅以芝麻油的形式。
K9702/Ch.3.3.4 最大总灰分含量为3.5%。
3.3.5 最大酸不溶性灰分含量为0.3%(m/m)。
3.3.6 最大的萃取油脂酸度为1.8%,以油酸的形式。
4. 污染物本标准所包括的产品须符合国际食品法典委员会制定的污染物和农药残留最大限量。
5. 卫生5.1建议本标准规定中所包括产品的制备和处理均须符合《国际推荐操作规范-食品卫生总则》(CAC/RCP 1-1969)以及其它有关的食典文件如卫生操作规范和操作规范的相应规定。
5.2这些产品均须符合依照《制定及应用食品微生物标准的原则》(CAC/GL 21-1997)制定的任一微生物标准。
6. 包装和储存6.1本产品须使用可保持其最终产品卫生、营养和感官质量的容器包装。
7. 重量和度量7.1 罐装7.1.1最小罐装量包装容器须充分罐装本产品,本产品所占空间不得少于该容器水容量的90%。
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REGIONAL STANDARD FOR GINSENG PRODUCTS(Asia1)CODEX STAN 295R-20091. SCOPE1.1This standard applies to the ginseng products as defined in Section 2 below and offered for directconsumption, including for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply to the product when indicated as being intended for further processing. This standard applies to ginseng products2used as a food or food ingredient and does not apply to products used for medicinal purposes.1.2 This Standard applies only in those jurisdictions where products defined in2.1 are regulated as foods.2. DESCRIPTION2.1 P RODUCT D EFINITIONThe compulsory ingredient of ginseng product is fresh ginseng roots suitable to eating, derived from Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer and P. quinquefolius L., cultivated for commercial purposes and used for foods. Ginseng products should be packaged in such a manner as to safeguard the hygienic, nutritional, technological and organoleptic quality of the products.2.2 T YPES OF G INSENG P RODUCTS2.2.1 Dried Ginseng2.2.1.1 Dried Raw GinsengDried Raw Ginseng is manufactured when fresh ginseng roots are sun dried or hot air dried or dried using other recognized methods. The product may be classified into one of such product types that have the main root and/or lateral roots or that are powdered or sliced. Dried Steamed GinsengDried Steamed Ginseng is manufactured when fresh ginseng roots are prepared using the steaming method or other recognized methods, and dried. The product may be classified into one of such product types that have the main root and/or lateral roots or that are powdered or sliced.2.2.2 Ginseng Extract2.2.2.1 Raw Ginseng ExtractRaw Ginseng Extract is manufactured when soluble components of fresh ginseng roots or Dried Raw Ginseng are extracted, using water, ethanol or their mixture and then, they are filtered and concentrated. This product has a dark brown colour and a high viscosity when much of the water is removed from it. The product may be also presented as a powdered type through spray- or freeze-drying. Steamed Ginseng ExtractSteamed Ginseng Extract is manufactured when soluble components of Dried Steamed Ginseng are extracted, using water, ethanol or their mixture and then, they are filtered and concentrated. This product has a dark brown colour and a high viscosity when much of the water is removed from it. The product may be also presented as a powdered type through spray- or freeze-drying.3. ESSENTIAL COMPOSITION AND QUALITY FACTORS3.1 I NGREDIENTSFresh ginseng roots as defined in Section 2.1.1Members of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in the Region of Asia are indicated on the Codex website at /web/members_area.jsp?lang=EN.2Any health claims should comply with the Codex Guideleines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims (CAC/GL 23-1997)3.2 Q UALITY F ACTORSGinseng products shall have normal flavour, colour, taste and a ginsenoside pattern3unique to ginseng as well as be free from foreign matters.3.2.1 Dried Ginseng(a)Moisture: no more than 14.0% (Powdered type: no more than 9.0%)(b)Ash: no more than 6.0%(c)Water-saturated 1-butanol extracts: no less than 20 mg/g(d)Ginsenoside Rb1: to be identifiedIn addition, in case of the product manufactured from P. ginseng C.A. Meyer, ginsenoside Rf should be also identified.3.2.2 Ginseng Extracts3.2.2.1 Ginseng Extracts (liquid form)(a)Solids: no less than 60.0%(b)Water-insoluble solids: no more than 3.0%(c)Water-saturated 1-butanol extracts: no less than 70 mg/g(d)Ginsenoside Rb1: to be identifiedIn addition, in case of the product manufactured from P. ginseng C.A. Meyer, ginsenoside Rf should be also identified. Ginseng Extracts (powdered form)(a)Moisture: no more than 8.0%(b)Water-insoluble solids: no more than 3.0%(c)Water-saturated 1-butanol extracts: no less than 70 mg/g(d)Ginsenoside Rb1: to be identifiedIn addition, in case of the product manufactured from P. ginseng C.A. Meyer, ginsenoside Rf should be also identified.3.3 D EFINITION OF D EFECTSThe following defects shall be applied to the dried ginseng.(a)Insect-damaged ginseng: Ginseng that is visibly damaged by insects or contains dead insects(b)Mouldy ginseng: Ginseng that is visibly affected by mould3.4 C LASSIFICATION OF "D EFECTIVES"A container that fails to meet one or more of the applicable quality requirements, set out in Sections 3.2 and3.3, shall be considered a "defective".3.5 L OT A CCEPTANCEA lot can be considered as meeting the applicable quality requirements referred to in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, when the number of "defectives", defined in Section 3.4, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriate sampling plan.3The unique constituents of ginseng are found to be a complex mixture of saponins often referred to as ginsenosides, and more than 30 ginsenosides are known. Ginsenoside Rb1 or ginsenoside Rf is one of the major ginsenosides. Ginsenoside Rb1 is identified in all ginseng species in quantities, while ginsenoside Rf is identified mainly in Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer.4. CONTAMINANTSThe products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels of the Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods (CODEX/STAN 193-1995).The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum residue limits for pesticides established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.5. HYGIENE5.1 It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared andhandled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), and other relevant Codex texts, such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.5.2 The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with thePrinciples for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).6. LABELLINGThe products covered by this Standard shall be labelled in accordance with the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985). In addition, the following specific provisions apply:6.1 N AME OF THE P RODUCTThe name of the products defined in subsections,, and shall be “Dried Raw Ginseng”, “Dried Steamed Ginseng”, “Raw Ginseng Extract”, and “Steamed Ginseng Extract”, respectively. In this case, the products manufactured with P. ginseng C.A. Meyer can be named “White Ginseng”, “Red Ginseng”, “W hite Ginseng Extract”, and “Red Ginseng Extract”.6.2 N AME OF THE G INSENG S PECIESAll ginseng products shall be labelled the scientific or common name of the ginseng that is used as raw material. The common names of the ginseng shall be declared in accordance with the law and custom of the country where the product is consumed, in a manner not to mislead the consumer.6.3 C OUNTRY OF ORIGINThe country of origin of the product and/or raw material shall be declared if its omission is likely to mislead or deceive the consumer.6.4 L ABELLING OF N ON-R ETAIL C ONTAINERSInformation about non-retail containers shall be given on the container or in accompanying documents, except that the name of the product, lot identification and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container. However, lot identification, and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may be replaced by an identification mark, provided that such a mark is clearly shown in the accompanying documents.6.5 O THER L ABELLING R EQUIREMENTSExcept when otherwise specified by national legislation, the products should have a clear marking to indicate that they are not intended for medicinal purposes, including other labelling(s) stipulated by any country where ginseng products are distributed.7. METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND SAMPLING7.1 D ETERMINATION OF M OISTUREAccording to AOAC 925.45.7.2 D ETERMINATION OF S OLIDAccording to AOAC 925.45 and calculated by subtracting the content of water from 100%.7.3 D ETERMINATION OF A SHAccording to AOAC 923.03.7.4 D ETERMINATION OF W ATER-INSOLUBLE S OLIDSAccording to the method described in Annex A.7.5 D ETERMINATION OF W ATER-SATURATED 1-BUTANOL EXTRACTS According to the method described in Annex B.7.6 I DENTIFICATION OF G INSENOSIDES Rb1 AND RfAccording to the method described in Annex C.Determination of Water-insoluble Solid ContentPlace ca 1 g sample in 25 ml centrifugal tube with constant weight. Add 15 ml of distilled water and dissolve the sample. Centrifuge for 15 min at 3000 rpm and discard supernatant. Repeat twice this centrifugation. Dry centrifugal tube and residue to constant weight at 105°C. Report results in percent.water-insoluble solid content (%) = (W1-W0)/ S × 100S: weight of sample (g)W1: weight of centrifugal tube and residue after drying (g)W0: weight of centrifugal tube (g)* The method mentioned in Annex A is stipulated in the Korean Food Standards Law and modifies the “AOAC Official Method 950.66.”Determination of water-saturated 1-butanol extracts1. Preparation of water-saturated 1-butanolMix 1-butanol with water in separatory funnel in the ratio of 70:30 and shake it vigorously. Let stand until the upper and lower phases are separated. Discard lower layer (water layer).2. Analysismethod2.1 Dried ginsengWeigh ca 5 g test portion, ground to pass 80 mesh or finer sieve, into 250 ml erlenmeyer flask and reflux with 50 ml water saturated 1-butanol on a water bath at 80°C for 1 hour. Decant 1-butanol into another 250ml erlenmeyer flask. Repeat twice the above extraction. Combine the solvent and filter into a 250 ml separatory funnel. Add 50 ml of distilled water. Shake and stand until the upper and lower layer are separated completely into two layers. Collect 1-butanol layer (upper layer) in an evaporation flask, vacuum-evaporate to dryness. Add 50 ml of diethyl ether, re-flux it on a water bath approximately at 46°C for 30 minutes, and decant the diethyl ether. Dry flask and contents to constant weight at 105°C. Report increase in weight flask as "1-butanol extracts in ginseng". Express the result as mg per gram on dried ginseng.water-saturated 1-butanol extracts (mg/g) = (A-B) / SS: weight of sample (g)A: weight of flask after concentrating and drying extracts (mg)B: weight of flask (mg)2.2 Ginseng extract (including a powered type)Place 1~2 g sample in 250 ml erlenmeyer flask, dissolve in 60ml water and transfer into separating funnel. Add 60ml of diethyl ether. Shake and stand until the upper and lower layer are separated. Collect lower layer and extract with 60 ml water saturated 1-butanol for three times. Combine the solvent into a 250 ml separatory funnel. Add 50 ml of distilled water. Shake and stand until the upper and lower layers are separated completely into two layers. Collect 1-butanol layer (upper layer) in an evaporation flask with constant weight, vacuum-evaporate to dryness. Dry flask and contents to constant weight at 105°C. Report increase in weight flask as "1-butanol extracts in ginseng extract". Express the result as mg per gram on ginseng extract.References1. Planta Medica, Vol. 25, pp 194-202, 19742. Chem. Pharm Bull., Vol. 14, pp 595-600, 19663. Korean J. Ginseng Sci., Vol. 10(2), pp 193-199, 1986Identification of ginsenosides Rb1 and RfGinsenosides in ginseng products can be identified either by thin layer chromatography (TLC) or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).1. Preparation of sample solutionDilute the dried 1-butanol extract of Annex B with ten-fold volume of methanol, dissolve completely, and filter through 0.45 µm membrane filter.2. Preparation of standard solutionDissolve standard ginsenosides, such as ginsenoside-Rb1 and -Rf, in methanol to make a 1% solution and filter through 0.45 µm membrane filter.3. Identification3.1 Thin layer chromatographySpot 2-5 µl of the standard and sample solutions, as indicated in the above, on TLC plate (silica gel), previously dried at 110°C for 15 minutes in dry oven. Develop with an upper solution of 1-butanol:ethylacetate:water (5:1:4, v/v/v) or a lower solution of chloroform:methanol:water (65:35:10, v/v/v). Spray 10% sulfuric acid or 30% sulfuric acid-ethanol solution over TLC plate and oven dry it at 110°C for 5-10 minutes to reveal its colour. Identify the ginsenosides of Ginseng products by comparing the Rf values and colours with those of standard ginsenosides.3.2 High performance liquid chromatographyPrepare standard and sample solutions, as indicated in the above. Analyze ginsenoside with HPLC depending upon the operating condition. Identify ginsenosides of sample by comparing retention times of peaks with those of the standard.<Operating condition>Column: NH2 column, µ-Bondapak C18 column, carbohydrate analyzing column or equivalent Detector: UV (203 nm) or ELSDEluent:UV: acetonitrile: water (30:70, v/v)ELSD: acetonitrile: water: isopropanol (94.9:5.0:0.1, v/v/v)Flow rate: 1.0 ml/min ~ 2.0 ml/minReferences1. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 921, Issue 2, 2001, pp 335-3392. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 868, Issue 2, 2000, pp 269-2763. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 356, 1986, pp 212-2194. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 499, 1990, pp 453-4625. Planta Medica, Vol. 212, Issue 1, 1981, pp 37-496. J. Pharm. Soc. Korea, 23(3,4), 1979, pp181-186。