

英美文学导论-Chapter 3 Henry Fielding

英美文学导论-Chapter 3 Henry Fielding

Realistic novelists tell the reader about the ordinary people, about their thoughts; feelings and struggles. Instead of the life of kings and feudal lords, the whole life in its ordinary aspects of the middle class became a major source of interest in English literature in 18th century.
The History of Tom Jones, Foundling 《汤姆·琼斯》,1749. 汤姆·琼斯》 1749.
This novel is Fielding's masterpiece, which gives us a vivid and truthful panoramic picture of the 18th century England. It has touched upon all kinds of people and social problems, and shows the author's great sympathy for the poor and the oppressed, and his dislike for the wicked and deceitful persons and their bad and terrible actions.
Novels :
The novel is the book length story in prose about either imaginary or historical character. Generally speaking, novels describe characters and incidents as they actually are in real life. A large number of modern novels describe social and economic conditions in detail and show how these conditions determine the fate of the characters. Novelists of this kind, who reflect life as it is, belong to the school of realism.



American Romanticism
Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War.
1).Walter Scott: Waverly novels, The Lady of the Lake 2).Byron: Oriental romances 3).Gothic tradition, the cult of solitude and of gloom

Backgrounds of American Romanticism
influences influences
National Influences

A. In politics: democracy and political equality lay the foundation of Romanticism; B. In economics: the spread of industrialism; the sudden influx of immigration and the pioneers pushing the frontier further west; C. In culture: the publication of Webster’s Dictionary marked the beginning of the American English; the appearance of many magazines and newspapers.



Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴1. 1.Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。

2. 2.the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。

3. 3.Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see thathuman beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。

4. 4.Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the Englishhumanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。

5. 5.Wyatt introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.怀亚特将彼特拉克的十四行诗引进英国。




John Galsworthy (1867-1933)一。

一般识记His life:John Galsworthy was born into an upper-middle class family. He was educated first at Harrow and then at Oxford. After practising the law for a short time,he turned to literature.二。

识记His major works:He published his first book,From the Four Winds (a volume of short stories),in 1897 under the pseudonym of John Sinjohn. The experiences of his wife’s unhappy life of the first marriage were reflected in The Man of Property (1906),which,together with his first p1ay,The Silver Box (1906),established him as a prominent novelist and playwright in the public mind. After the First Wor1d War he completed The Forsyte Saga,his first trilogy:The Man of Property,In Chancery (1920) and To Let (1921)。

His second Forsyte trilogy,A Modern Comedy,appeared in 1929,and the third,End of the Chapter,posthumous1y in 1934.三。

英美文学选读第三章笔记Romantic period

英美文学选读第三章笔记Romantic period

第三章I.Multiple choice1.In the history of literature, Romanticism is generally regarded as the thoughtthat designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to seethe individual as the very center of all life and all experience在文學歷史上,浪漫主義認為個人應是生命及實踐的中心。

我們還可以說浪漫主義是將人們的注意力從外部世界---社會文明移到內部世界---人類自已的精神文明的實質2.The Romantic Period is an age of poetry. Blake ,wordsworth,coleridge,Byron, Shelley and Keats are the marjor poets. Theystarted a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regardas the peotic revolution浪漫主義是詩歌的時代,代表詩人有布萊克,華茲華斯,科勒律治,拜倫,雪萊及濟慈. 他們發起了對新古典主義的反判,這便是後世所稱“詩人革命”3.In the romantic period, Poetry is the most prosperous 繁榮literary form浪漫主義時代也是詩歌的時代4.in the following writings by William Blake, which marks his entry intomaturity?Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂與地獄的結合一詩標志著威廉布萊克創作上的成熟, 該詩創作於法國大革命高潮期間,並擔負諷喻與革命預言的兩重角色,在這首詩中,布萊克探索了對立事物之間的關系,吸引與排拆,理智與精力,愛與恨等對立事物都對人類生存有著舉足輕重的作用,布萊克認為生活就是不斷的對立沖突,如給與和索取,善與惡,天真純樸與經驗世故,肉體與精神等,他認為沒有對立的矛盾,就不會有社會與個人的進步,婚姻對布萊克意味著矛盾的調和,並非一方從屬另一方5.The declaration that “ I know that This World is a World ofImagination&Vision” and that “ the Nature of my work is visionary orimaginative” belong to which of the following writingWilliam Blake生活在革命啟示光輝中的布萊克熱切的宣布:“我認為人世凡塵是一個充滿想象與幻想的世界,我的作品也如人世凡塵一樣充滿想象與幻象6.In William Blake’s peotry, the father (and any other in whose he saw theimage of the father such as God&his Priest, &King) was usually a figure oftyranny 專治7.the Lone of literature in “Songs of Experience” by William Blake is doleful經驗之歌描寫了一個充滿苦難,貧窮,疾病與戰爭的世界而天真之歌描寫了一個愉快而純潔的世界,盡管著這世界偶有苦難與罪惡8.William Wordsworth is reagrades as a “worshipper of nature”華爾華茲從少年時代,他就對大自然充滿愛戀, 被稱為“大自然的膜拜者”,我如行雲獨自遊“一詩是英國詩中的奇葩,把我們帶入華茲華斯詩歌宗旨的核心9.Which of the following writings is not created by William Wordsworth?A.I wandered lonely as a cloud 我如行雲獨自遊posed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3,1802 威斯敏斯特橋上有感C.The Solitary Reaper 孤獨的收割者D.The Chimney Sweeper 掃煙窗的孩子william black10.Wordsworth’s short poems can be classified into two groups: poems aboutnature and poems about human life按照主題,華的短詩可以分為兩大類,關於自然的關於人類生活的11.Which of the following poems is a landmark in English Poetry?Iyrical Ballads(抒情歌謠集) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and WilliamWordsworth科勒律治合作的抒情歌謠集, 革命與獨立則成為抒情歌謠集中成功的結論,這在英國詩歌歷史上也是第一次12.Coleridge’s peoms”the rime of the ancient mariner, christabel and kublakhan are known as Demonic group包括他的三部代表作古航海家之歌,克麗斯特貝爾以及忽必烈汗這些詩歌的顯著特點,便是神秘與想象,詩歌的背景都設在詩人的記憶與夢幻之中,故事的發生,發展與絲毫不受理性的羈絆,這類詩歌的他作目的是將詩人自覺的意識與神的寬恕相調和13.Place me on Sumium’s marbled steep 讓我登上蘇尼姆大理石般的懸崖Where nothingSave the waves and I 那裡隻有海浪與我May hear our mutual murmurs sweep 能聽彼此的喃喃低語掠過There,swan like, let me sing and die 在那裡,象天鵝一樣,讓我歌唱後死亡A land of slaves shall ne’er be mine 一個奴棣的國家永遠不是我的國家Dash down you cup of Samian wine 把那杯薩莫斯的酒摔下These lines are taken fromThe Isles of Greece Byron拜爾的西臘島, 節選自唐璜14.“Don Juan” is Byron’s masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19thcentury唐璜是19世紀初斯的著名諷刺史詩15.In his lyrics 抒情詩such as “Ode 頌to Liberty”” Ode to Naples”, PercyBysshe Shelley expressed his love for freedom and his hatred towardtyranny 專治,暴政雪萊對自由的渴望及對暴政的憎惡都體現在詩作中,如自由頌,那不勒斯頌16.Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere 狂野的精靈,你吹遍四方Destroyer and preserver 毀滅者和保存者,Hear, O hear! 聽啊聽Two lines are found inOde to the west wind by shelley 西風頌,雪萊17.In Shelley’s “ To a Skylark”致雲雀the bird , suspended between realityand poetic image, pours forth an exultant song which suggests to the Poet Both celestial rapture and human limitation18.Shelley’s greatest achievement is his four-act poetic dramaPrometheus Unbound雪萊最有造詣的作品是他的四幕詩劇—解放了的普羅米修斯, 詩劇源於希臘神話及古希臘悲劇家埃斯庫羅斯的劇作“被縛的普羅米修斯”,普羅米修斯為人類的生存盜取天火,被刀神之王宙斯拴縛在高加索山上,飽受折磨,雪萊在序言中指出,他雖然沿用埃斯庫羅斯的情節,卻改變了普羅米修斯與宙斯和解的結局,而是將暴君趕下寶座,換來新生的宇宙天地,詩中普羅修斯與天帝的鬥爭表現了法國大革命失敗後,英國與歐洲資產階級革命家對封建反動勢力的不滿與反抗情緒。



自考英语:英美文学选读要点总结精心整理下载版[3] 英国】Chapter3 The Romantic Period (1798-1832)浪漫主义1.This urgency was provoked by two important revolutions: the French Revolution of 1789-1794 and the English Industrial Revolution which happened more slowly, but with Astonishing consequences.英国面临着新的发展动力:是1789-1794年的法国资产阶级大革命,是同时期英国内部的工业革命.2.In 1832, the Reform Bill was enacted, which brought the Industrial capitalists into power.1832年“改革法案”在议会通过并实施。

3.The Romantic Movement, whether in England, Germany or France, expressed a more or less negative forward the existing social.浪漫主义运动,无论是在英国,德国还是法国,都表现相互对工业革命时期现存的社会经济制度及城市资产阶级的上升的否定态度。

4. The Romantics demonstrated a strong reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18th-century writers and philosophers. Where their predecessors saw man as a social animal, the Romantics saw him essentially as an individual in the solitary state.文学家摒弃了18 世纪盛行的文学及哲学基调---理性,古典主义文学家认为人是社会性的动物,浪漫主义文学家认为人应该是独立自由的个体.5. Thus, we can say that Romanticism actually constitutes a changeof direction from attention to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit.因此,们还可以说浪漫主义其实是将人们的注意力从外部世界—社会文明转移到内部世界---人类自己的精神实质。





















英美文学Chapter 3

英美文学Chapter 3

6. Main representatives:
• ①Main representatives—poets: • Pre-Romanticism: (Blake and Burns) • The first generation: (Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey) • The younger generation: (Byron, Shelley and Keats)
3. The definition, duration and characteristics of the Romanticism:
• ①The definition: • The Romantic Movement, which associated with vitality, powerful emotion and dreamlike ideas, is simply the expression of life as seen by the imagination rather than by prosaic common sense. • The contrast between Romanticism and Neoclassicism: • Romanticism: associated with vitality, powerful emotion and dreamlike ideas • Neoclassicism: associated with order, common sense and controlled reason
Chapter 3: The Romantic Period
• Internationally, • ①The French Revolutions: --the great event, arouse great sympathy and enthusiasm in the English liberals and Conservatives, they all declared Liberty, Equality and Fraternity • ②Rousseau--the great French Philosopher. Influence by Rousseau, the writers began to explore the new ideas about Nature, Society and Education • These paved the way for the development of Romanticism in the literature internationally

环球时代 英美文学讲义 第三章

环球时代 英美文学讲义 第三章

Chapter Three The Age of EnlightenmentI. An Outline of the literature of this period Literary TermsBrief description The Enlightenment Movement (启蒙运动) Neoclassicism (新古典主义) The Graveyard School (墓地派诗歌) The Heroic Couplet (英雄对偶句) Elegy (挽歌) Satire (讽刺) Sentimentalism (感伤主义文学) Didactic (说教的) Farce (闹剧/滑稽剧) Aside (旁白) Denouement (戏剧)结局 (1) Enlightenment Movement was a progressiveintellectual movement that flourished in France and sweptthrough Western Europe in the 18th century. (2) Themovement was a furtherance of the Renaissance from 14thcentury to the mid-17th century. (3) Its purpose was toenlighten the whole world with the light of modernphilosophical and artistic ideas. (4) It celebrated reason orrationality, equality and science. It advocated universaleducation. Literature at the time became a very popularmeans of public education. (5) Famous among the greatenlighteners in England were those great writers like JohnDryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison and Sir RichardSteele, the two pioneers of familiar essays, JonathanSwift , Richard Bringsley Sheridan, Daniel Defoe, HenryFielding and Samuel Johnson.(1) In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movementbrought about a revival of interest in the old classicalworks. (2) This tendency is known as Neoclassicism . Theneoclassicists held that forms of literature were to bemodeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek andRoman writers such as Homer and Virgil and those of thecontemporary French ones. (3) They believed that theartistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotionand accuracy, and that literature should be judged in termsof its service to humanity.(1) The Graveyard School refers to a school of poets ofthe 18th century whose poems are mostly devoted to asentimental lamentation or meditation on life, past andpresent, with death and graveyard as themes. (2) ThomasGray is considered to be the leading figure of this schooland his “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is itsmost representative work.The Heroic Couplet means a pair of lines of a type oncecommon in English poetry, in other words, it meansiambic pentameter rhymed in two lines.(1) Elegy has typically been used to refer to reflectivepoems that lament the loss of something or someone. (2)In Memoriam by Alfred Tennyson is a famous elegy.(1) Satire means a kind of writing that holds up to ridiculeor contempt the weakness and wrongdoings of individuals,groups, institutions, or humanity in general. (2) The aim ofsatirists is to set a moral standard for society, and theyattempt to persuade the reader to see their point of viewthrough the force of laughter. (3) Swift’s “Gulliver’sTravels” is a great satire of the then English society fromdifferent aspects.(1) Sentimentalism is a pejorative term to describe falseor superficial emotion, assumed feeling, self-regardingpostures of grief and pain. (2) In literature it denotesovermuch use of pathetic effects and attempts to arousefeeling by “pathetic” indulgence. (3) The Vicar ofWakefield by Oliver Goldsmith is a case in point.(1) Didactic literature is said to be didactic if itdeliberately teachessome moral lesson. The use of literature for such teachingis one of its traditional justifications. (2) Most modernliterary works during the Enlightenment period tended tobe didactic.Farce refers to a play full of ridiculous happenings, absurdactions, and unreal situations, meant to be very funny.(1) Aside refers to words spoken by an actor which theother actors are supposed not to hear. (2) An actor’s asidesare usually spoken to the audience. (3) Hamlet’s very firstline is an aside.Denouement, pronounced Dee-noo-ma, is that part of adrama which follows the climax and leads to theresolution.Name of the Writer Works Brief descriptionAlexander Pope (1688-1744)(亚历山大·蒲柏) (1) He is a representative of the Enlightenment and the greatest poet of theNeoclassical period.(2) He is the first tointroduce rationalismto England. Hestrongly advocatedeoclassicism,emphasizing thatliterary works shouldbe judged by classicalrules of order, reason,logic, restrainedemotion, good tasteand decorum. An Essay on Criticism《论批评》The Rape of the Lock《夺发记》The Dunciad《群愚史诗》(1) An Essay on Criticism is his masterpiece. It is a didactic poem written in heroic couplets. (2) It consists of 744 lines and is divided into three parts. (3) It sums up the art of poetry as upheld and practiced by the ancients like Aristotle, and the 18th-century European classicists. (4) Pope first laments the dearth of true taste in poetic criticism of his day and calls on people to turn to the old Greek and Roman writers for guidance. (5) It helped spread the neoclassicist tradition in England. In The Dunciad Pope writes a scathing exposé of the bad writers and pseudo-intellectualsof his day.John Dryden (1631-1700)(约翰·德莱顿) He is called “the father of English Criticism”. (2) An Essay of Dramatic Poesy is his masterpiece.An Essay of Dramatic Poesy 《论戏剧诗歌》 All for Love 《一切为了爱》 Alexander’s Feast 《亚历山大的宴会》 (1) An Essay of Dramatic Poesyis John Dryden’s best work. (2)In it he discusses the works ofthe great playwrights of Greeceand Rome, the EnglishRenaissance, and contemporary France. (3) Hewas called “the father of EnglishCriticism”.Thomas Gray Thomas Gray (1716-1771)(托马斯·格雷) He was the leading figure of the Graveyard School. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 《写在乡村教堂墓地的挽歌》 (1) Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is the most representative work. of the Graveyard School. (2) In this poem, Gray reflects on death, the sorrows of life, and themysteries of human life with atouch of his personalmelancholy. (3) The poetcompares the common folk withthe great ones, wondering whatthe commons could haveachieved if they had had thechance. Here he reveals hissympathy for the poor and theunknown, but mocks the greatones who despise the poor andbring havoc on them.Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)(丹尼尔·笛福) Robinson Crusoe 《鲁滨逊漂流记》 Moll Flanders 《摩尔·弗兰德斯》 A Journal of the Plague Year 《大疫年的回忆》 (1) Robinson Crusoe is Defoe’s masterpiece. (2) In the novel, Defoe traces the growth of Robinson from a naïve andartless youth into a shrewd andhardened man, tempered bynumerous trials in his eventfullife. (3) He is portrayed as thevery prototype of the empirebuilder and the pioneer colonist.(4) The novel eulogizes the heroof the hard-working class, andshows his sympathy for the poorand the unfortunate in hissociety.(1) Moll Flanders is consideredone of the great English novels.The book follows Moll Flandersas she struggles to avoid thedeadly poverty of 17th-centuryEngland. From a prison-birth tofinal prosperity, Moll reckonslove, theft and prostitution interms of profit and loss andemerges as an extraordinarycharacter. (3) This vivid saga ofan irresistible and notorious heroine --- her high misdemeanors and delinquencies, her varied careersas a prostitute, a charming andfaithful wife, a thief, and aconvict --- endures today as oneof the liveliest, most candidrecords of a woman's progressthrough the hypercriticallabyrinth of society everrecorded.Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) (乔纳森·斯威夫特) (1) He is a master satirist. (2) He is almost unsurpassed in the writing of simple, direct, precise prose. He defined a good style as “proper words in proper places.” Gulliver's Travels 《格列佛游记》 A Modest Proposal 《一个温和的建议》 A Tale of a Tub 《一个桶子的故事》 The Battle of the Books 《书籍的战斗》 The Drapier’s Letters 《德莱皮尔的信》 (1) Gulliver’s Travels is Swift’s masterpiece. (2) It contains four parts, each about one particularvoyage during which Gulliver has extraordinary adventures on some remote island after he has met with shipwreck or piracy or some other misfortune. The four places Gulliver visits are: Lilliput, Brobdingnag, the Flying Land and the Houyhnhnm land,where he meets the Yahoos,hairy, wild, low and despicablebrutes, who resemble humanbeings not only in appearancebut also in almost every otherway. (3) As a whole, the novelis a bitter satire and harshcriticism of all aspects in thethen English and European lifephilosophically, socially,politically, scientifically,religiously, and morally.Henry Fielding (1707-1754)(亨利·菲尔丁) (1) Of all the 18th-century novelists he was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write a “comic epic in prose”. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 《汤姆·琼斯》 Joseph Andrews 《约瑟夫·安德鲁斯》The History of Jonathan Wild the Great 《伟大的乔纳森·王(1) Tom Jones is Henry Fielding’s masterpiece. It brings him the name of the “ProseHomer.” (2) The novel presents apanoramic view of the 18th-century English country and city life. (3) In the novel Tom Jones stands for a drifting Everyman who is expelled from(2) He was the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. He, therefore, has been regarded as “Father of the English Novel”. 尔德》 the paradise and has to undergo hard experiences to gain some knowledge of himself to approach perfection.Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) (塞缪尔·约翰逊) He was the last great neoclassicist enlightener in the late eighteenth century. He was England 's greatest literary figures: a poet, essayist, biographer, and often considered the finest critic of English literature. He was also a great wit and prose stylist whose bon mots are still frequently quoted in print today. "To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield" 《致切斯菲尔德伯爵的一封信》 A Dictionary of the English Language 《英语大辞典》 (1) To the Right Honorable The Earl of Chesterfield is Samuel Johnson’s famous letter to the fame-fishing Chesterfield who offered Johnson nothing while he compiled A Dictionary of the English Language. (2) The letter is written in a refined and very polite language, with a bitter undertone of defiance and anger. (3) The letter reveals Johnson’s indignation at the lord’s fame-fishing and his firm resolution not to be reconciled to the hypocritical lord. (4) It expresses explicitly the author’s assertion of his independence, signifying the opening of a newera in the development ofliterature.He compiled the first Englishdictionary by an Englishman ---A Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage.Richard Bringsley Sheridan (1751-1816) (理查德·比·谢立丹) (1) He is the only important English dramatist of the eighteenth century. (2) His plays, especially The Rivals and The School for Scandal, are generally considered asimportant linksThe School for Scandal 《造谣学校》 The Rivals 《情敌》 (1) The School for Scandal is Sheridan’s masterpiece. It mainly tells about two brothers, the hypocritical Joseph Surfaceand the good-natured, imprudent, spendthrift Charles Surface. (2) It bitterly satires the moral degeneracy, vanity, greed and hypocrisy of the upper-class society in the eighteenth-century England.between themasterpieces of Shakespeare and thoseof Bernard Shaw.Samuel Richardson (1689-1761)(塞谬尔·理查森) He is often regarded as the founder of theEnglish domesticnovel.Pamela《帕米拉》Clarissa《克拉丽莎》(1) Pamela or Virtue Rewarded is Richardson’s masterpiece. (2) It is a series of letters written by a beautiful young damsel Pamela to her parents. (3) Pamela suffers with dignity, but is rewarded at last. Oliver Goldsmith (1730-1774)(奥利弗·格尔斯密) He is the outstanding representative of theEnglish sentimentalistschool.The Vicar of Wakefield《威克菲尔德牧师》She Stoops to Conquer《屈身求爱》(1) The Vicar of Wakefield is Goldsmith’s masterpiece. (2) It is about the ups and downs of Dr. Primerose, the vicar, and his family. (3) It is a typical novel of sentimentalist school.。

英美文学Chapter 3

英美文学Chapter 3

8)Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
Works: The Advancement of Learning (1605) 《广学论》/《学 问的进步》
The New Atlantis 《新大西岛》
Life and Significance First Essayist; Materialist philosopher and experimental scientist
9)Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)
Tamburlaine, the Great (1587) 《帖木耳大帝》 Life and Significance: Justify blank verse in drama
The Tragic History of Dr. Faustus(1588) 《浮士德
English Renaissance
Key Words
1) 2)
Wool Trade Henry Ⅷ
(1509-1547) *
Contents The Enclosure Movement Protestant Reformation Policy of Tolerance Defeat Spanish Armada(1588) Columbus, da Gama
Da Vinci
Multiple Choice
Choose the correct answer. A 1. ____was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature. A. Thomas Wyatt B. William Shakespeare C. Philip Sidney D. Thomas Campion B 2. It was ____who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama. A. Thomas More B. Christopher Marlowe

自考英美文学选读 第三章 浪漫主义时期(英国)(课文翻译)

自考英美文学选读 第三章 浪漫主义时期(英国)(课文翻译)


















英美文学简史 Chapters 3-4

英美文学简史 Chapters 3-4
Introduction The Shepheardes Calendar The Faerie Queen Spenserian Stanza
Philip Sidney English Drama: A Sketchy Ace phases of drama First English comedy and tragedy
English Literature Chapters 3—4
Key Points in Chapter 3
The Elizabethan Age: A Brief Introduction
• • • • • •
Queen Elizabeth I Three sub-periods
Edmund Spenser
English Drama: A Sketchy Account
Five phases of drama
The mysteries The miracles The morality The interlude The true drama
English Drama: A Sketchy Account
Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)
Spenserian Stanza
It is a nine-line stanza of 8 lines in iambic pentameter plus an iambic hexameter. The rhyme scheme is abab bcbc c. Spenserian stanza ha continued to be a popular stanzaic form for dreamy and meditative works.
Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)

英美文学选读 3:Romeo and Juliet Paraphrase

英美文学选读 3:Romeo and Juliet Paraphrase
O that she knew she were!
She speaks, yet she says nothing.What of that?
Her eyediscourses. I will answer it.
I am too bold. ’Tis not to me she speaks.
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Take all myself.
I take thee at thy word.
Call me but love, and I’ll be newbaptized.
HenceforthI never will be Romeo.
What man art thou that, thusbescreen’d in night,
Look how she leans her hand on her cheek.
Oh, I wish I was the glove on that hand so that I could touch that cheek.
JULIET:ay me! (唉)
(to himself) She speaks. Oh, speak again, bright angel. You are as glorious as an angel tonight. You shine above me,
Sostumbleston mycounsel?
By a name
I know not how to tell thee who I am.
My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself



自考《英美文学选读》(英)维多利亚时期(3)-1III. Alfred Tennyson1.一般识记His Life & Literary CareerAlfred Tennyson (1809-1892) is certainly the most representative Victorian poet. His poetry voices the doubt & the faith,the grief & the joy of the English people in an age of fast social changes.He was born at Somersby,Linconshire,the fourth son of a rather learned clergyman. In 1827,he & his elder brother published Poems by Two Brothers. In this juvenile work the influence of Byron & an attraction to oriental themes were shown. He was educated at the Trinity College,Cambridge & published his first signed work Poems,Chiefly Lyrical (1830) there. In 1832,one year after he left Cambridge,he published Poems,which contained a variety of poems,beautiful in melody & rich in imagery. In 1842,his next issue of Poems came out,collected in the book are the dramatic monologue “Ulysses”,the epic narrative “ Morte d’’Arthur,” the exquisite idylls “Dora” & “ The Gardener’’s Daughter,” etc. In 1847,The Princess was published. Written in blank verse,it deals with the theme of women’’s rights & position. In 1850,Tennyson was appointed the Poet Laureate & he published his greatest work In Memoriam. The rest years of Tennyson’’s life was comfortable & peaceful,but he never stopped writing. In 1855,Tennyson published a monodrama Maud,a collection of short lyrics. Among the other works of his later period,“Rizpah,” “Enoch Arden,” “ Merlin & the Gleam” & “ Crossing the Bar” are worthy of note.2.识记His major poetic works & their theme1) In MemoriamPresumably it is an elegy on the death of Hallam,yet less than half of its l00 pieces are directly connected with him. The poet here does not merely dwell on the personal bereavement. As a poetic diary,the poem is al so an elaborate & powerful expression of the poet’’s philosophical & religious thoughts - his doubts about the meaning of life,the existence of the soul & the afterlife,& his faith in the power of love & the soul’’s instinct & immortality. Such doubts & beliefs were shared by most people in an age when the old Christian belief was challenged by new scientific discoveries,though to most readers today,the real attraction of the poem lies more in its profound feeling & artistic beauty than in the philosophical & religious reflections. The familiar trance-like experience,mellifluous rhythm & pictorial descriptions make it one of the best elegies in English literature.2) Idylls of the Kin g (1842-1885)It is his most ambitious work which took him over 30 years to complete. It is made up of 12 books of narrative poems,based on the Celtic legends of King Arthur & his Knights of the Round Table. But it is not a mere reproduction of the old legend,though. It is a modern interpretation of the classic myth. For one thing,the moral standards & sentiments reflected in the poem belong to the Victorians rather than to the medieval royal people. For another,the story of the rise & fall of King Arthur is,in fact,meant to represent a cyclic history of western civilization,which ,in Tennyson’’s mind ,is going on a spiritual decline & will end in destruction.3.领会Artistic Features of His PoetryTennyson is a real artist. He has the natural power of linking visual pictures with musicalexpressions,& these two with the feelings. He has perfect control of the sound of English,& a sensitive ear,an excellent choice & taste of words. His poetry is rich in poetic images & melodious language,& noted for its lyrical beauty & metrical charm. His works are not only the products of the creative imagination of a poetic genius but also products of a long & rich English heritage. His wonderful works manifest all the qualities of England’’s great poets. The dreamines s of Spenser,the majesty of Milton,the natural simplicity of Wordsworth,the fantasy of Blake & Coleridge,the melody of Keats & Shelley,& the narrative vigor of Scott & Byron,—— all these striking qualities are evident on successive pages of Tennyson’’s poetry.4. 应用Selected Readings(1) BreakThis short lyric is written in memory of Tennyson’’s best friend,Arthur Hallam,whose death has a lifelong influence on the poet. Here,the poet’’s own feelings of sadness are contrasted with the carefree,innocent joys of the children & the unfeeling movement of the ship & the sea waves. The beauty of the lyric is to be found in the musical language & in the association of sound & images with feelings & emotions. The poem contains 4 quatrains,with combined iambic & anapaestic feet. Most lines have three feet & some four. The rhyme scheme isa b c b.(2) Crossing the BarThis poem was written in the later years of Tennyson’’s life. Although not the last poem written by Tennyson in his long creative career,this poem appears,at his request,as the final poem in all collections of his works. The scene is sketched with a few strokes:sunset & the evening star,the twilight and the evening bell,& then the dark. The ship is ready to go out of the harbor. It will cross the bar & reach the vast open sea for the long voyage that it is to make. The allegory of the poem is clear. Tennyson is in the evening of life,& the “clear call” of death will come soon. But when he has crossed the border between life & death to go on that voyage beyond the bound of Time & Place,he hopes then to see his “Pilot,” God,face to face. From the moving imagery & the pleasant sound of the poem,we can feel his fearlessness towards death,his faith in God & an afterlife.。



自考《英美文学选读》(美)浪漫主义时期(3)-1III. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-l864)Imbued with an inquiring imagination,an intense1y meditative mind,and unceasing interest in the “interior of the heart” of man’s being,Nathaniel Hawthorne remains one of the most interesting,yet most ambiva1ent writers in the American literary history.一。

一般识记Hawthorne’s life and writing careerHis life story is tota1ly without the exciting events which characterize the lives of so many American writers. He was born on the Fourth of July,l804 in Salem,Massachusetts,into a prominent Puritan family. His first American ancestor,William Hawthorne,as a magistrate of the Bay Colony,was active in the 1650’s in persecution of the Quakers,while William’s son,John,was a judge at the Salem witchcraft trials. However,the 17th century prominence of his family dec1ined during the century that followed. Nathaniel’s father,a sea captain,died of yellow fever in 1808 leaving at Salem a widow and three children in genteel poverty. With the financial support from his more prosperous maternal relations,Hawthorne passed a serene childhood in spite of his father’s death and spent his adolescence reading some books of those literary master minds,especially Bunyan,Spenser and Shakespeare,which were essential for his formation as a writer. From 1821 to 1825,he attended Bowdoin Co1lege in Maine,where the decision to devote himself to writing was gradually taking shape and finally put into practice during those years when he was living with his mother in Salem. The solitary years proved to be fruitful,for in 1837,he published Twice-Told Tales,a collection of short stories which attracted critical attention.After 1837,a series of salient events of Hawthorne’s life happened that mattered a lot to his literary imagination and creation. He met Sophia Peabody,whom he married later and with whom he had three children:he worked in the United States Custom House in Boston and later in Salem,which definitely provided some authentic materials for his long works; he also stayed for some time at Concord and Lenox,where he met the principal literary figures of the time,Emerson and Thoreau and Melville. He was affected by the former’s transcendentalist theory and struck up a very intimate relationship with the latter,and all the three people had played an indispensable role in Hawthorne’s literary career.二。



英美文学选读中文翻译及重点习题答案英国文学(AMERICAN LITERATURE)第三章浪漫主义时期(The Romantic Period)一、背景知识 (Background knowledge)1、历史背景(Historical background)(1)浪漫主义,作为一种文学思潮来说,乃是一定的历史转折时期——即十八世纪末至十九世纪初——的特征。









2、文化背景(Cultural background)(1)浪漫主义学派的灵感最初是来自两位著名的思想家:法国哲学家简·雅克•卢梭和德国作家约翰·沃尔夫贡·冯•歌德。






英美文学选读美国3.The Modern Period

英美文学选读美国3.The Modern Period

●The Modern Period1. After the First World War, all kinds of literary trends of Modernism including stream of consciousness appeared. What is stream of consciousness?In Joyce's opinion, the artist, who wants to reach the highest stage and to gain the insights necessary for the creation of dramatic art, should rise to the position of a god-like objectivity; he should have the complete conscious control over the creative process and depersonalize his own emotion in the artistic creation. He should appear as an omniscient author and present unspoken materials directly from the psyche of the characters, or make the characters tell their own inner thoughts in monologues. This literary approach to the presentation of psychological aspects of characters is usually termed as "stream of consciousness”.2. How did “The Lost Generation" come into existence in the literary history of the United States? What does the term “The Lost Generation" mean? Who were the leading figures of this literary movement? (Give at least two)When the First World War broke out, many American young men volunteered to take part in "the war to end wars" only to find that modern warfare was not as glorious or heroic as they thought it to be. Disillusioned and disgusted by the frivolous, greedy, and heedless way of life in America, they began to write and they wrote from their own experiences in the war. Among these young writers were the most prominent figures in American literature, especially in modern American literature. They were basically expatriates who left America and formed a community of writers and artists in Paris, involved with other European novelists and poets in their experimentation on new modes of though and expression. These writers were named by an American writer, Gertrude Stein, “The Lost Generation". Among the greatest figures in "The Lost Generation" are Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Robert Frost, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and William Faulkner.◆Robert Lee Frost(The Road Not Taken//Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)1. Frost's poem are mostly concerned with his contemplation on nature and the relationship between nature and man. What is the characteristic of Robert Frost's poetry?By using simple spoken language and conversational rhythms, Frost achieve an effortless grace in his style. He combined traditional verse forms---the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse----with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of New England farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax. In verse form he was assorted; he wrote in both the metrical forms and the free verse, and sometimes he wrote in a form that borrows freely from the merits of both, in a form that might be called semi-free or semi-conventional. 2. Comment briefly on Robert Frost’snature poetry.A. Unlike his contemporaries in the early20th century, Robert Frost did not break upwith the poetic tradition nor made anyexperiment on form. Instead, he learnedfrom the tradition, especially the familiarconventions of nature poetry and ofclassical pastoral poetry, and made thecolloquial New England speech into apoetic expression.B. Many of his poems are fragrant withnatural quality. Images and metaphors inhis poems are drawn from the simplecountry life and the pastoral landscape thatcan be easily understood. But it would be amistake to imagine that Frost is easy tounderstand because it is easy to read.C. Profound ideas are delivered under thedisguise of the plain language and thesimple form, for what Frost did is to takesymbols from the limited human world andthe pastoral landscape to refer to the greatworld beyond the rustic scene.D. These thematic concerns include theterror and tragedy in nature, as well as itsbeauty, and the loneliness and poverty ofthe isolated human being. But first andforemost Frost is concerned with his love oflife and his belief in a serenity that onlycame from working usefully, while hepracticed himself throughout his life.◆F. Scott Fitzgerald(The Great Gatsby)1. The Great Gatsby, a masterpiece inAmerican literature, evokes a hauntingmood of a glamorous, wild time thatseemingly will never come again. Basedon the novel, discuss the characteristicsof Fitzgerald's works.A. Fitzgerald fictional world is the bestembodiment of the spirit of the Jazz Age, inwhich he shows a particular interest in theupper class society, especially the upperclass young people.B. Fitzgerald never spared an intimatetouch in his fiction to deal with thebankruptcy of the American Dream.C. Fitzgerald is a great stylist in Americanliterature. His style, closely related to histhemes, is explicit and chilly. His accuratedialogues, his careful observation ofmannerism, styles, models and attitudesprovide the reader with a vivid sense ofreality.D. He follows the Jamesian tradition inusing the scenic method in his chapters,each one of which consists of one or moredramatic scenes, sometimes withintervening passages of narration, leavingthe tedious process of transition to thereaders' imagination.2. F. Scott Fitzgerald is a great stylist inAmerican literature. What is his art ofnovels?A. His style, closely related to his themes,is explicit and chilly.B. His accurate dialogues, his carefulobservation of mannerism, styles, modelsand attitudes provide the reader with a vividsense of reality.C. He also skillfully employs the device ofhaving events observed by a "centralconsciousness" to his great advantage.D. In his words, there are plenty of accuratedetails, the completely original diction andmetaphors, the bold impressionistic andcolorful quality.3. Briefly discuss The Great Gatsby.The Great Gatsby, a novel written by F.Scott Fitzgerald, is one of the greatestnovels in American literature. It fullyexplores the disillusionment and despair ofthe Lost Generation through the personaltragedy of a young man whose"incorruptible dream" is easily smashedinto pieces by the crude reality. Theprotagonist, Gatsby, is a mythical figurewhose intensity of dream partakes of a stateof mind that embodies American itself. Hisfailure magnifies the end of the Americandream. The style of the story is explicit andchilly. Fitzgerald's accurate dialogues, hiscareful observation of mannerism and thecolorful images provide the reader with avivid and profound scene of the reality.4. The Great Gatsby is an examination ofAmerican myth in the 20th century.Fitzgerald deliberately depicts Gatsby asa mysterious person so as to achieve theeffect that Gatsby is American Everyman.Please make a brief comment on TheGreat Gatsby.The Great Gatsby is a masterpiece inAmerican literature. It evokes a hauntingmood of a glamorous, wild time thatseemingly will never come again. Besides,the loss of an ideal and the disillusionmentthat comes with the failure are exploitedfully in the personal tragedy of a youngman whose "incorruptible dream" is“smashed into pi eces by the relentlessreality". Gatsby is a mythical figure whoseintensity of dream partakes of a state ofmind that embodies America itself; Gatsbyis the last of the romantic hero, whoseenergy and sense of commitment takes himin search of his personal grail; Gatsby’sfailure magnifies to a great extent the endof the American Dream. However, theaffirmation of hope and expectation isself-asserted in Fitzgerald's artisticmanipulation of the central symbol in thenovel, the green light.◆Ernest Hemingway(In Our Time//The Sun Also Rise//AFarewell to Arms//Men Without Woman)1. What is “Hemingway Code Heroes"?Hemingway's world is limited. He dealswith a limited range of characters in quitesimilar circumstances and measures themagainst an unvarying code, known as “graceunder pressure”, which is actually anattitude towards life that Hemingway hadbeen trying to demonstrate is his works.Those who survive in the process ofseeking to master the code with the honesty,the discipline, and the restraint areHemingway Code Heroes2. Ernest Hemingway, a winner of NobelPrize on Literature, is one of the greatestAmerican writers. Discuss Hemingway'sart of fiction: his style, the particulartype of hero in his novels, and his lifeattitudes, etc.A. Typical of the "iceberg" analogy isHemingway's style.B. "Grace under pressure is actually anattitude towards life that Hemingway hadbeen trying to demonstrate in his works. Inhis works, he depicts characters as braveand unyielded heroes.C. Human speech is full of accents andmannerisms and the use of short, simpleand conventional words and sentences hasan effect of clearness, terseness and greatcare.3. How do you understand Hemingway'sIceberg Principle according to hisworks?A. He deals with a limited range ofcharacters in quite similar circumstancesand measures them against an unvaryingcode, known as “grace under pressure .B. The characters he depicted, with thehonesty, the discipline and the restraint,survive in the process of seeking to masterthe code.C. According to Hemingway, good literarywriting should be able to make readers feelthe emotion of the characters directly andthe best way to produce the effect is to setdown exactly every particular kind offeeling without any authorial comments,without conventionally emotion language,and with a bare minimum of adjectives andadverbs.D. Hemingway develops the style ofcolloquialism initiated by Mark Twain.◆William Faulkner(A Rose for Emily//The Sound and theFury//Light in August//Go Down, Moses)1. What does Yoknapatwapha Countrystand for in Faulkner's novels?A. In William Faulkner's writings, the placeYoknapatawpha Country is frequently set asthe background for the stories. This place isactually an imaginary place based onFaulkner's childhood memory about theplace where he grew up, the town ofOxford in his native Lafayette Country inthe American South.B. With his rich imagination, Faulknerturned the land, the people and the historyof the region into a literary creation and amythical kingdom. The YoknapatawphaCountry series have an overall pattern inwhich the fate of a ruined homeland alwaysfocuses on the collision of Faulkner'sintelligent, sensitive, an idealisticprotagonist with the society of the twentiethcentury. Most of the major themes aredirectly related to this confrontation inFaulkner's novels.2. Give a brief analysis of EmilyGrierson, the protagonist of A Rose forEmily by Faulkner.Set in the town of Jefferson inYoknapatawpa, the story focuses on EmilyGrierson, an eccentric spinster who refusesto accept the passage of time, or theinevitable charge and loss that accompaniedit. As a descendent of the Southernaristocracy, Emily is typical of those inFaulkner's. Yoknapatwapha stories who arethe symbols of the Old South but theprisoners of the past.1.For all/that struck the earth,/No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble,/Went surely to the cider-apple heap/As of no worth. /One can see what will trouble/ this sliip of mine,whatever sleep it is./were he not gone, /the woodchuck could say whether it’s like his/Long sleep,as I describe its coming on./or just some human sleep.答:Robert Lee Frost. After Apple Picking.Briefly interpret: This poem is a vivid memory of the poet’s working experience on the farm. The poet feels satisfied and tired as well. In this part the poet hints that he will never forget the scene of harvest even in his human sleep, which indicates death.2.Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,/And sorry I could not travel both.答:Robert Lee Frost. “Diverged”means seperated and went on different directions. Two lines imply one has to make choice especially in the course of one’s life.3.There was music from my neighbor's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft, or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor−boats slit the waters of the Sound, drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam. On week−ends his Rolls−Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. And on Mondays eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with mops and scrubbing−brushes and hammers and garden−shears, repairing the ravages of the night before.答:F.Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby. This passage describes Gatsby’s extravagance. “moths”are used metaphorically to refer to those people who are drawn to the party simply for its glamour,for the wealth of Gatsby.4.He smiled understandingly—much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, which you may come across four or five times in life. It faced—or seemed to face—the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor.答:F.Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby,He is Gatsby, A luxurious party is being held in Gatsby’s house.5.“I glanced back once .A wafer of a moon was shining over Gatsby’s house, making the night fine as before, and surviving the laughter and the sound of his still glowing garden. A sudden emptiness seemed to flow now from the windows and the great doors, endowing with complete isolation the figure of the host, who stood on the porch, his hand up in a formal gesture of farewell.答:F.Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby. The passage describes the end of a big party. The passage hints at the meaninglessness, spiritual emptiness and vanity of such a pleasure-seeking life.There is a tragic sense.6.Is dying hard, Daddy? No, I think it’s pretty easy, Nick. It all depends.答:Ernest Hemingway,Indian Camp. (2)What was Nick preoccupied with when he asked the question? Life and death. (3)why did the father add “it all depends”after he answered his son’s question? When the father says that dying is pretty easy, he might be thinking about the self-murdered husband. But when he reflects on the wife’s miracle survival of the violent pain in the whole process of birth, he adds the final sentence. Dying is both hard and easy, it all depends on individuals.7.When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old man-servant-a combined gardener and cook-had seen in at least ten years.答:A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner.(2) Why is Miss Emily Grierson’s death regarded as a fallen monument?Emily is regarded as the symbol of tradition and the old way of life. Thus her death is like the falling of a monument. Emily is typical of those who are the symbols of the Old South but the prisoners of past, and she is an eccentric spinster who refuses to accept the passage of time, or the inevitable change and loss that accompanies it.8. Only Miss Emily’s house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps-an eyesore among eyesores.答:A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. “an eyesore among eyesores”means the most unpleasant thing to look at. The passage indicate the house is a perfect mirror image of the owner who is stubborn and coquettish and deliberately detaches herself from the communal life in this small town.。

英美文学 选读3

英美文学 选读3
• In this scenario, Gatsby is again an enigma— though he lives in a garishly ostentatious West Egg mansion, East Eggers freely attend his parties. Despite the tensions between the two groups, the blend of East and West Egg creates a distinctly American mood.
Gatsby’s American Dream
• dream of wealth and dream of love • Dream of wealth:. But his mansion and
fabulous entertainment are financed by bootlegging and other criminal activities. • Dream of love: Love is merely a vehicle that can transport him to a magic world of eternal happiness.
What are Gatsby’s Greatness?
• Gatsby is a person with double character (round) • a practioner of American dream (to satisfy his
vanity in material desire, but fail to achieve the essence of American dream) • His firm love for Daisy (to find his love back, to be a scapegoat for Daisy, but repaid little from Daisy) • As readers, we should look at Gatsby objectively (criticized and pitied)
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History and Anthology of American Literature
Class Twenty-two & Twenty-three Jack London Theodore Dreiser Wu Xiang 2012.5.16/7
1. William Sidney Porter, whose pen name was _______, O. Henry was a famous short story writer in the history of American literature.
1. Which statements about O. Henry are right? A. He wrote about the poor people. B. His stories are usually short and humorous. C. The plots of his stories are exceedingly clever and interesting. D. The ends of his stories are always surprising---"O.Henry Twist". E. Many of his stories contain a great deal of slang and colloquial expressions.
2. Many of O. Henry's stories tell about the life of poor people in _________, New York as well as in other places. The Four Million 3.________________, O. Henry's masterpiece, indicates that he considered all the people in New York worth writing about, and not simply the upper "Four Hundred".
Fiction: Sister Carrie (1900) Jannie Gerhardt (1911): a sequel of Sister Carrie "Trilogy of Desire" (Cowperwood trilogy): The Financier (1912); The Titan(1914); The Stoic (1947) The "Genius" (1915) An American Tragedy (1925) Nonfiction: Dreiser Looks at Russia (1928)
Man is, to Theodore Dreiser, only a "mechanism" reacting to "chemic compulsions", and human tragedy comes as a result of the collision between man's biological needs and society's ruthless manipulation.
London was a passionate advocate of unionization, socialism, and the rights of workers and wrote several powerful works dealing with these topics such as his dystopian novel, The Iron Heel (1908) and
2. Choose the famous short stories written by O. Henry. A. "The Gift of the Magi" B."A Municipal Report" C."An Unfinished Story" D."Phoebe" E. "A Lickpenny Lover" F. "The Finished Room" G. "The Cop and The Anthem" H."The Last Leaf"
his non-fiction exposé, The People of the Abyss (1903); The War of the Classes(1905) and Revolution(1910).
பைடு நூலகம்
collection of stories: The Son of the Wolf (1900) The Call of the Wild (1903) The Sea Wolf (1904) White Fang(1906) Martin Eden (1909)
Henry James probed deeply into the individual 1. ____________ psychology fo his characters, writing in a rich and intricate style that supported his intense scruting of complex human experiecne. 2. Henry James' fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with___. B A. Stream of Consciousness B. international theme C. point of view D. American dream 3. Choose the novel which is not written by Henry James. D A. The Ambassodors B. The Golden Bowl C. The Portrait of a Lady D. The Sea Wolf
Jack London(1876-1916)
John Griffith "Jack" London: one of the most articulate and militant spokesman of the working class at the turn of the 20th C; a leading figure of Naturalism.
Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945)
an American novelist and journalist of the naturalist school. His novels often featured main characters who succeeded at their objectives despite a lack of a firm moral code.