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• The custom officer took up his suitcase, which was opened immediately in his presence.
• 海关官员拿起他的手提箱,并立即当着他的面打开。
• Trams, which disappeared from Britain many years, are still used in several European cities.
• A true friend is, as it were, a polished mirror which reflects our features, good and bad, as they are.
• 一个真正的朋友,就好象一面磨光的镜子,它把我们的 面貌,不论好的,坏的, 都如实地反映出来。
3)Translating Attributives with Adverbial Functions
• Rendered into a clause of cause • The strike would prevent the docking of
ocean steamships which require assistance of tugboats. • 罢工会使远洋轮船不能靠岸,因为它们需要拖国家不讨饭就活不下去。”
• There was that in Rawdon’s face which cuased Becky to fling herself before him.
• 罗登脸上的表情使得贝姬扑到他身前。
• They are aware that they are participating in a movement which is shaking the world and which brings together in its ranks, in its forward march, all peoples aspiring to freedom and justice.
• 第一次世界大战只是帝国主义列强之间争夺试场、 资源、领土的冲突;而第二次世界大战比较复杂。
• We decided to stop for the night at the first hotel, which had a private bathroom.
• 第一家旅馆有独用的卫生间,我们决定在那家旅 馆过夜。
• You may have read stories in which the hero gets into his spaceship and “blasts off” into the outer reaches of space without a worry about fuel.
• 你大概读过这样的一些故事吧,它们描写一个英雄坐上飞 船,“风驰电挚”,直冲九霄之外,毋须为燃料担心发愁。
• Many of our Welsh people are going to settle in North Carolina where land is cheap.
• 我们威尔士人有很多要去北卡罗利纳定居,因为 那里土地价格便宜。
• 苏三在大学学习时,她喜欢热情愉快的麦科尔, 不喜欢冷漠高傲的海尼曼。
Rendered into an Independent Sentence
• One was Newman himself, who laughed as he recounted how he had hidden in that basement for several days.
• 就在这段期间,他开始了一项研究,通过 这项研究创立了著名的相对论学说。
Rendered into Chinese Predicate (融合法)
• “We are a nation that must beg to stay alive.” said a foreign economist.
• 现代人为室内工作所羁绊,终年幽禁在四 壁之内,深知这是在缩短自己的寿命。
• Mr. John, for whom I was working was very generous about overtime payment.
• 我为琼斯先生工作,他对加班加点的报酬 很慷慨。
• Rendered into Chinese Pre-attributive(前置法)
• That is a place which people have seen but few can describe. • 那是一个很多人都看见过但几乎没有人能够描写出来的地方。
• All who know me, consider me an eminently safe man. • 知道我的人无不认为我是个杰出的稳健派。
Rendered into a Clause together with the Antecedent
• Modern man, who was enclosed by four walls and chained to an indoor job, realizes that he is shortening his days.
• 在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦,沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望到达 • 光辉的顶点。
• Language is a tool by means of which people communicate ideas with each other.
• 语言是人们交流思想的工具。
• 他们知道,他们所参加的运动正在震撼世界,并把渴望自由和正义的 一切民族团结到自己的行列中来,团结到自己的进军中来。
• Dawn breaking over the islands very beautiful in a soft light with many clouds. There is a transparency about the light love which cannot be described or painted.
• A very agreeable situation located within two small hills in the midst of which flowed a great river.
• 位置十分合适;它位于两座大山之中,一 条大河从中间流过。
• This was the period when he began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity.
• It (World War II) was, however, more complex than the preceding world war, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, resources and territories.
• 他脸上的神色就象是自知得了恶疾而又无药可治 了。
2) Translating English Non-
restrictive Clauses
• Rendered into Chinese Complex Clauses(译为汉语联合复句的 分句)
• She knew that Amelia would tell her mother, who could probably tell Joseph.
• 有轨电车,多年前在英国销声匿迹了,但在欧洲大陆上有 好几个城市却还在使用。
• He had emotion, fire, longings, that were concealed behind a wall of reserve.
• 他胸中有着激情,烈火和渴望,即隐藏在一堵沉默寡言的 墙后面。
• 他想改善他周围的环境,娶了一个唱歌剧的法国 年轻女人做老婆。
• When she studied at the college, Susan liked McColl, who was warm and pleasant, but did not like Hyneman, who was aloof and arrogant.
Lecture Eleven
•Comparison of English and Chinese Attributives, and Translation of English Attributive Clauses
•英汉定语的比较与英语定语 从句的汉译
Translating English Restrictive Attributive Clauses
Rendered into Chinese Compound Sentences(并列法)
• We live in a world where relations between states are relations of forces.
• 在我们所处的世界上,国家之间的关系是力量对比的关系。
• 她知道爱米丽亚准会去告诉妈妈,做妈妈的多半又会说给叫乔瑟夫听。 • Nations such as Greece and Norway have large maritime fleets,
which provide the transportation service. • 像希腊和挪威这些国家具有庞大的远洋船队,这些船队能提供海上运
Rendered into Pre-attribute
• He thought to better his circumstance by marrying a young woman of the French nation, who was by profession an opera girl.
• The heart that loves is always young. • 爱心永远是年轻的。
• There is not loyal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.
• 曙色中的海岛美丽极了,晨光微熹,彩云片片。 澄澈的光彩是无法描写,无法勾画出来的。
• He wore the look of one who knows he is the victim of a terrible disease and understands his helplessness.
• 纽曼本人就是其中的一个。他讲述他一连几天躲 在在地下室的那种情景时,不禁哈哈大笑。
• These books, which you can get at any bookstore, will give you all the information you need.
• 这几本书将向你提供你所需的一切资料。你可以 在任何书店买到这些书。
输业务。 • In the fields of the boxing championship he knocked out his
opponent, who was carried out of the ring. • 在拳击锦标赛的决赛中,他把对方击昏在地,对手被抬出拳击场。