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1. A rabbit can have up to ______ (十二只) babies at once.
2.The ____ is a curious animal that enjoys exploring new places.
3.We need to ___ (clean) our room.
4.My sister is a __________ (设计师).
5.I like to ______ (参与) in discussions.
6.What is the shape of a baseball diamond?
A. Circle
B. Square
C. Triangle
D. RectangleB
7.The _____ (海马) is a unique fish.
8.What is the term for an animal that is active at night?
A. Diurnal
B. Nocturnal
C. Crepuscular
D. MigratoryB
9.Oxygen is essential for _____ combustion.
10.What do we call the art of making maps?
A. Cartography
B. Geography
C. Topography
D. Geology
11.My mom is my __________. (英雄)
12.What do you call a story that is made up?
A. Fiction
B. Non-fiction
C. Biography
D. HistoryA Fiction
13.We have a ________ (goal) to achieve.
14.What is the capital of Australia?
A. Sydney
B. Melbourne
C. Canberra
D. Brisbane
15.The raccoon washes its food in _______ (水).
16.We will have a ________ (旅行) next week.
17.The _____ (大雁) honks as it flies overhead.
18.The Amazon __________ is the longest river in South America.
19.The __________ cycle describes how water moves through the environment.
20.My _____ (外婆) has a beautiful garden.
21.I found a _______ (小虫) crawling on the ground.
22.What do you call the amount of space an object occupies?
A. Volume
B. Area
C. Mass
D. Weight
23.The library is _______ (安静的).
24.Which fruit is yellow?
A. Apple
B. Banana
C. Cherry
D. Grape
25.My favorite vegetable is ________.
26.What is the name of the action taken to protect the environment?
A. Pollution
B. Conservation
C. Waste
D. DisposalB
27.The classroom is _____ (clean/dirty).
28. A _______ (小喜鹊) builds its nest in a tree.
29.Orchids are considered very _____ (美丽) flowers.
30.My mom cooks ______ (美味的) food.
31.The ancient Egyptians used _______ for writing. (象形文字)
32.What is the name of the famous river in India?
A. Ganges
B. Nile
C. Amazon
D. YangtzeA
33. A tiger is a large ______ (捕食者).
34.What is the term for the layer of gases surrounding the Earth?
A. Lithosphere
B. Hydrosphere
C. Atmosphere
D. BiosphereC
35.She counts _____ (to/from) ten every day.
36.Fossils are found in ______ rocks, which form from layers of sediment.
37.My ___ (小仓鼠) loves new toys.
38.My sister likes to _______ (动词) with her friends. 她总是 _______ (形容词).
39.Which animal is known for its ability to change color?
A. Chameleon
B. Lion
C. Elephant
D. Giraffe
40.The process of reducing the concentration of a solution is called ______.
41.What is the name of the protective covering for the feet?
A. Socks
B. Shoes
C. Sandals
D. SlippersB
42.The snake has smooth _______ (蛇的皮肤光滑_______).
43.What do we call the study of animals?
A. Botany
B. Zoology
C. Ecology
D. AnthropologyB
44.We go to school by ___ (bus).
45.What is the opposite of soft?
A. Hard
B. Smooth
C. Gentle
D. Tender
46.What is the basic unit of life?
A. Atom
B. Molecule
C. Cell
D. Organ
47.In a chemical reaction, substances are __________ (反应) to form new ones.
48.Which animal is known for its ability to waddle?
A. Penguin
B. Cat
C. Dog
D. HorseA
49.What is the capital city of Egypt?
A. Cairo
B. Alexandria
C. Luxor
D. Giza
50.Chemical changes can result in the release of ________.
51.Which animal is known for building dams?
A. Beaver
B. Otter
C. Frog
D. DuckA
52.What do we call a young person in school?
A. Student
B. Scholar
C. Learner
D. Pupil
53.Which bird is known for its colorful feathers?
A. Eagle
B. Sparrow
C. Parrot
D. PenguinC
54.The husky is known for its thick _______ (毛发).
55.My ________ (玩具名称) is a fun way to express my thoughts.
56.My uncle drives a ____ (bus) for the city.
57.The snowman is ______ (big) and round.
58.The chemical symbol for germanium is _____.
59.I can ______ (表达) my thoughts in writing.
60.The sun sets in the ______.
61.What do we call a person who studies stars and planets?
A. Biologist
B. Astronomer
C. Geologist
D. PhysicistB
62.My dog follows me everywhere like a ______ (影子).
63.The chemical formula for ytterbium oxide is _____.
64.An electric circuit can be series, parallel, or ______.
65.The _____ (baby) is crying.
66.What is the primary color of a fire truck?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Green
D. YellowB
67.The ancient Greeks are known for their _____ traditions.
68.The country with the highest population density is ________ (人口密度最高的国家是________).
69.What do we call a large, round fruit that is typically orange?
A. Apple
B. Banana
C. Orange
D. Grape
70.My _____ (玩具火车) can go around the track.
71.What do you call a group of lions?
A. Pack
B. Flock
C. Pride
D. HerdC
72.The fish has beautiful _______ (鳞片).
73.What do you call a baby cat?
A. Puppy
B. Kitten
C. Calf
D. FoalB
74.古代的________ (traders) 在丝绸之路上做生意。

75.在历史上,________ (discoveries) 为社会的进步奠定了基础。

76.Which instrument is used to measure the speed of the wind?
A. Anemometer
B. Barometer
C. Thermometer
D. HygrometerA
77.The ____ has a long snout and loves to sniff around.
78.What do we call a large, fluffy animal often kept as a pet?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Rabbit
D. All of the above
79.Some metals, like sodium, are very _______ with water.
80.The chemical formula for -nonanone is ______.
81. A garden can be a source of ______ and inspiration for many people. (花园可以成为许多人快乐和灵感的来源。

82.The ________ (种子分散) helps plants spread.
83.The __________ is crucial for preserving natural habitats.
84.What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?
A. Core
B. Mantle
C. Crust
D. AtmosphereC
85.The sunflowers are tall and _______ (向日葵又高又_______).
86.I enjoy gardening with my ________ (父母). We plant ________ (花) and vegetables.
87. A mixture that appears uniform is called a ______ mixture.
88.I want to _______ a new hobby.
89.How many fingers do we have on one hand?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
90.Which animal is known for its ability to mimic sounds?
A. Parrot
B. Eagle
C. Owl
D. SparrowA
91.The tree has _____ (leaves/branches).
92.I love to _____ (harvest) fresh herbs from my garden.
93.What do you call the person who cooks food?
A. Waiter
B. Chef
C. Baker
D. Farmer
94.________ (肥料) helps plants grow faster.
95.I have _____ (one/two) brother(s).
96. A solution that can conduct electricity is called an ______ solution.
97.The __________ (森林) helps clean the air.
98.Every Sunday, I play board games with my _________ (家人).
99.Which of the following is a mammal?
A. Shark
B. Dolphin
C. Lizard
D. EagleB
100.My birthday is in ______ (十月).。
