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柳梦梅杜丽娘二人合卺成婚,相携远走。 Getting Married Liu Mengmei and Du Liniang are united and they get married.
For happiness to be complete in the Chinese tradition, it is not enough that the lovers are united, they have to gain acceptance by their respective families, and by society at large. The appearance of the fairies signifies that the cosmic elements are now in harmony.
the “ young version” of The Peony Pavilion, adapted by Pai Hsien-Yung
Follow me to the magic of a love story
Du’Mansion Nai’an city, Jiangxi Province
杜丽娘思念成疾日渐消瘦,自作画像一帧, 并告春香梦中与持柳枝的书生相会之事。 Portraying Herself Du Liniang falls ill because she misses her Prince Charming so much. She draws a portrait of herself and imparts to Chunxiang the contents of her rendezvous in the dream with the scholar holding willow
杜丽娘偕丫鬟春香入后花园游赏,春光满眼,心驰神逸。 Walking Around in the Garden to Have Some Fun Du Liniang appreciates the spring scenery in the garden accompanied by her maid Chunxiang, becoming intoxicated by its beauty.
杜丽娘向柳梦梅坦陈实情,柳梦梅立誓救她还生。 Making a Promise Du Liniang reveals the fact that she is dead and Mengmei promises to revive her.
石道姑助柳梦梅挖坟开棺,杜丽娘在花神保护下回生还魂,姿容冶丽。 Revived Liu Mengmei is aided to unearth her corpse and Du Liniang comes back to life under the protection of the Flower God,and her beautiful appearance and bearing have not changed a bit at all.
壹:昆曲 青春版《牡丹亭》
the “ young version” of The Peony Pavilion
贰:昆曲 游园惊梦 梅兰芳
The Peony Pavilion acted by Mei Lanfang was filmed in 1960
壬 辰 冬 临 安
牡 丹 亭 上 三 生 路
Liu’Mansion Guangdong Province
柳梦梅自述家门,言自己亦曾梦见个美人,不忍忘怀。 Imparting His Inner Feelings Liu Mengmei introduces him self and says that he has met a beauty in his dream and he cannot get her off his mind.
柳梦梅拾得丽娘画像,一见倾心,日夜把玩流连, 情切之处声声唤取画中人儿。 Speaking to the Picture Liu Mengmei finds the portrait of Du Liniang and he falls in love with her, even though what he is looking at is just her picture. He looks at the portrait day after day and he even cannot even keep himself from speaking to it.
杜丽娘于园中小寐,梦见俊朗书生柳梦梅, 情投意合,两相温存,醒来怅然若失。 Having a Lovely Dream Du Liniang falls asleep in the garden and in her dream she meets a handsome scholar named Liu Mengmei. They fall in love at first sight and being together with him and enjoying their mutual affection, she gets lost and finds no way to be herself again when she wakes up.
An Extraordinary Chinese Love Story
by xiangweibo (lynnTang Xianzu and Abstract of His New Abridged Version of The Peony Pavilion
但 是 相 思 莫 相 负
The End Thank you for viewing !
中秋之夜,杜丽娘伤情而亡,弥留时嘱春香将其 葬于后花园梅树下,画像埋于太湖石下。 Going to Paradise In the mid-autumn moonlight, Du Liniang instructs Chunxiang to bury her beside the plum tree in the garden and bury her portrait under the Taihu Lake stone, and then she returns to dust.
“Kun opera originated near Suzhou more than five hundred years ago. Known as the ’Mother of Chinese Opera',it is one of our oldest and most celebrated dramatic forms.”- Kenneth Pai <Pai Hsien-yung>
the first batch “Human Beings’ Verbal and Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Work” selected by UNESCO
Professor Emeritus of Chinese Literature at University California,Santa Barbara.
杜丽娘魂魄闻声,夤夜来探梦梅,两相情悦,丽娘自荐枕席遂成欢好。 Rendezvous with Her Spirit After hearing his words, Du Liniang’s spirit visits Mengmei and they give their hearts to each other. With Du Liniang’s approval, Mengmei sleeps with her spirit and becomes her one and only lover.