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1. 系统概述
1 General Description Of The System
汽轮机安全监测仪表系统(Turbine Supervisory Instrument,简称TSI)是一种可靠的连续检测汽轮发电机转子和汽缸的机械工作参数的多路监控系统,可以显示机组状态,为记录仪和计算机系统提供输出信号,并在超出预置的运行极限时发出报警,此外,还能使汽轮机自动停机和提供用于诊断性估算的各种测量数据。
Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation ( Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation , referred to as the TSI ) system is a reliable continuous detection of mechanical operating parameters of the turbine generator rotor and cylinder multi-channel monitoring system that can display unit provides analog output signals for the recorder and computer systems. TSI also output digital signals for alarm and trip when the input signals exceed the limit.
This site use the 3500 series modules form BENTLEY.
The protection system is provided with a redundant power supply module and is powered by double passage power supply. Alarm can be issued when any one power supply is lost to ensure safety and reliability of the system.
Measurement loop of TSI consists of probe, front-mounted amplifier and socket type assembly instruments. Linear calibration is carried out on probe and front-mounted amplifier before leaving the factory and they should be installed in set.
2. 编制目的
2 Preparation of purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to write a specification TSI system commissioning behavior, ensure that the equipment and person safe. Ensure that the system commissioning quality and orderly manner.
3 Necessary Conditions and Preparation before Commissioning
3.1 TSI控制设备安装完毕,电源具备条件,就地与TSI机柜的接线正确,线间绝缘符合要求,抗干扰措施符合要求。
3.1 Installation of TSI control equipments is finished. The power for TSI is OK. Wiring between field and the TSI cabinet is correct, insulation between lines meet requirements, and anti interference measures comply with requirements.
3.2 汽机本体具备试验条件:各轴承盖开启,探头固定支架安装完毕,汽机处于冷态。
3.2 Main body of the turbine possesses test conditions: all bearing covers are opened, installation of fixing supports of probes is finished and turbine is in cold state.
3.3 汽轮机推力盘紧靠工作推力瓦或非工作推力瓦。
3.3 Thrust disc of the turbine is very close to working thrust block or non-working thrust block.
3.4 保护、报警定值齐备。
3.4 Set points of protections and alarms are perfect.
4 Commissioning Items and Procedures
4.1 调试项目
4.1 Commissioning Items
4.1.1 TSI系统安装检查
4.1.1 Check installation of the TSI system
4.1.2 TSI系统送电及恢复
4.1.2 Power initialized and recovery of the TSI system
4.1.3 TSI系统测量装置的试验
4.1.3 Test of measurement devices in the TSI system
4.1.4 报警、跳闸定值校核
4.1.4 Check set points of alarm and trip
4.1.5 TSI系统保护系统试验
4.1.5 Test of protection systems in the TSI system
4.2 调试程序
4.2 Commissioning Procedures
4.2.1 TSI系统送电及程序恢复
4.2.1 Power initialized and program recovery of the TSI system
4.2.2 电源冗余试验
4.2.2 Power supply redundancy test
The system is designed into double passage power redundant power supply. When one power supply is lost, working state of instruments will not be changed and an alarm signal will be sent to corresponding alarm system.
4.2.3 检查测量信号的校验记录
4.2.3 Check calibration records of measurement signals
4.2.4 现场安装和调试
4.2.4 Field installation and commissioning test
1) 轴向位移和胀差传感器的安装整定
1) Installation and commissioning record of rotor position and differential expansion sensor
Installation and commissioning record of differential expansion sensor of HP
Note: Sensor type: 19047
3)Installation and commissioning record of Rotor vibration sensor
4)Installation and commissioning record of Rotor eccentricity sensor
5)Installation and commissioning record of casing expansion sensor
Note: Sensor type: 24765
Note: Sensor type: 24765
6)Installation and commissioning record of shaft vibration sensor:
Shaft vibration sensor type is 9200, it is vertical installed in the bearing of the corresponding bearing cover respectively.
4.2.5 系统静态试验
4.2.5 Static test of the system
5.1 与ETS保护系统、报警系统联锁试验
5.1 Interlock test with the ETS protection system and alarm system
Firstly, confirm that static commissioning test of the I&C system is finished and the
system runs normally. Confirm that static commissioning test of the turbine emergency trip
system is finished and the system runs normally. Confirm that commissioning test of the
DEH system is finished and the turbine can be latched.
Trip conditions are simulated and a trip signal should appear in the turbine emergency
trip system. The ETS system should act, turbine should trip and all valves should be closed.
5.2 与DCS系统接口试验
5.2 Test of interfaces with the DCS system
The test includes analog signals and the digital alarm signals. Ensure that analog
variables entering the DCS system have accurate signals and unified range. Corresponding
modifications should be carried out in DCS when modification or linear modification is
carried out for range of the TSI system. Record alarm is accurate and reliable.
4.2.6 TSI系统动态投入。
4.2.6 Dynamic putting into operation of the TSI system
Before startup of the unit, fully check that indications of all parameters of the TSI system are normal and no over limit alarm condition occurs for each measurement parameters to ensure safe startup of the unit. During startup and trial run of the unit, technical analysis should be carried out on occurring problems and the problems should be treated on time to ensure normal operation of the TSI system. Dynamic test record should be filled.
5 Commissioning Organization And Responsibility Division
5.1 汽机安全监视系统的调试由辽宁东科电力有限公司(调试单位),BV监理公司(监理单位),北京电建公司(施工单位),哈汽自控公司(大机厂家),哈尔滨电气国际工程有限公司(建设单位)相互配合下来完成。
5.1 The commissioning work of turbine safeguard monitor system (TSI) shall be carried out under the organization of the commissioning unit, supervision unit, construction unit, equipment manufacturer and building unit.
5.2 施工单位负责现场的卫生、安全、消防、设备检查等与安装有关的工作,配合调试单位进行设备的检查和操作,并及时组织进行消缺检修工作。
5.2 Construction unit: be responsible for the site safety, fire fighting, and local equipment all-round inspection and so on, cooperate with the commissioning unit to carry out the equipment inspection and operation; organize the defect elimination and repair work in time.
5.3 大机厂家负责指导安装单位进行TSI探头的安装;TSI装置受电和复原调试以及卡件调整和内部参数设定。
5.3 Turbine manufacturer is responsible for providing the installation of sensor; power initialized and program recovery of the TSI system; installation and commissioning of TSI modules.
5.4 调试单位负责编制相关调试方案;负责TSI系统的调试;准备有关测试用仪器、仪表及工具;负责试验数据的记录及整理,最终形成调试报告。
5.4 Commissioning unit: Be responsible for formulating concerned commissioning programs
and the TSI system commissioning; prepare the instruments and tools to be used for test; be responsible for the record and sorting out of test data; formulate commissioning report.
5.5 监理单位负责检查、督促设计、设备、施工及调试的实施,并验收签证。
5.5 Supervision unit: check, supervise and urge the implementation of design, equipment, construction and commissioning, and acceptance certificate.
5.6 建设单位全面协助试运指挥部做好试运中的组织管理,协调各种关系。
5.6 Building unit:In full-scale assist the commissioning headquarter to make the organization and management during commissioning well done and coordinate all relationships.
6 Safety Attentions And Accident Prevention Measures
6.1 非厂家技术服务人员和调试人员严禁对组态进行修改,严格按照热工保护定值设置各参数。
6.1 Non- factory service technicians and commissioning personnel is strictly prohibited to modify the configuration of the parameters, set in strict accordance with the thermal protection setting.
6.2 TSI系统投入运行后,应定期检查系统机柜运行及就地测量元件情况,发现机柜信号及就地滴露等异常现场应及时处理。
6.2 After TSI system is running, check the system cabinet run on a regular basis and in site measuring element signal of the cabinet and other abnormal condition.
6.3 对检修和更换过元件的设备后,应再次进行系统试验,对所有接线应认真检查,必须牢靠,防止保护系统拒动、误动。
6.3 For repair and replacement of equipment components, system should test again, carefully check all the wiring should be securely to prevent protection system refuse to trip, malfunction.
7. 试验项表和试验流程图
Power Redundancy Check List。