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“”--Paul Ekmantelling lies 作者: Paul Ekman副标题: 如何识破政界、军界、商界及婚姻中的骗局美国FOX电视台的新剧《别对我说谎Lie to me 第一季》前阵在中国颇受欢迎,该剧教会了观众辨别是否说谎的小窍门,令许多人乐此不疲地成为了“行为学专家”。

该剧的一大卖点就是其灵感来源于行为学专家Paul Ekman博士的真实研究以及畅销书《Telling Lies》说谎,同时剧组还邀请Paul Ekman博士担任顾问。

Paul Ekman博士是研究情感与面部表情关系的先驱,他被认为是20世纪最卓越的100名心理学家之一,他还专门开了一个专栏“The Truth About Lie to Me谎言的真相”,里面谈的是关于运用在这部电视剧中的理论。


全球首席识谎专家:Paul Ekman保罗·艾克曼Paul Ekman保罗·艾克曼1934,著名心理学家、全球首席识谎专家,专精于非语言沟通,主要研究脸部表情辨识、情绪与人际欺骗。

1991 年获美国心理学会颁发的杰出科学贡献奖。

通过40年的研究,Paul Ekman发现某些基本情绪(快乐、悲伤、愤怒、厌恶、惊讶和恐惧)的表达在人类文化中都很雷同,因此他提出不同文化的面部表情都有一定的共通性。

Paul Ekman和研究伙伴





在Paul Ekman 和Wallace V. Friesen构思和创造了Facial Action Coding System以来,技术已经发生了很多改变。






这就要考虑到FACS 在练习,应用和报告上的局限性。

后续的出版包含了Paul Ekman 和Wallace V. Friesen的实验,和一些附件。

Paul Ekman说:我们用声带交谈,但我们是用面部表情、声调乃至整个身体去表示和传递感情的。



Paul Ekman博士的Facial Action Coding System FACS 面部行为编码系统从现在开始,抓谎什么是“微表情” “” 为什么有时仅仅只需一瞥,我们就能断定自己是不是喜欢某个人呢?通常人们把这归因于下意识、直觉或是“本能感觉”,但是研究人员发现:眼睛收到的信息更加丰富-------微表情。

抱歉!!先插一段视频,一部和微表情有关的美剧Lie to me,2009年3月10加人的脸部可以传输信息,它是媒介,是信息传输器。









但皱眉是后天习得的行为么?学者Paul Ekman也在思考同样的问题。

















Ekman把其归结为一个体系,称之为“面部行为代码系统”Facial Action Coding System FACS “测量表情”可不容易。


测量方法是使用“动作单元Action UnitsAU”,每一个AU对应一个特定的动作,比如皱眉是AU 4,扬眉是AU 1。




笑的强度定义为AU 12可分为6种,依据是嘴角翘起的角度。

同理可以衡量眼睛的收缩AU 6。



”” 对于整个人类来说,很多表情及其表现的情绪都是很常见的,因此大脑能够搜寻并理解这些面部信息。






“微表情”最短可持续1/25秒数据来源: Ekman。


在实验里,只有10的人察觉到”微表情”数据来源: Zetter。








因为危险的情境会引发负面的感受,察觉到别人的恐惧也会使自己同样害怕来源: Tremmel。









What are microexpressions by Tom Scheve After taking just one look at someone why do we sometimes immediately know we dont like him or her We usually chalk this up to instinct intuition or a gut feeling but researchers have found that theres something more going on that just barely meets the eye --microexpressions. The human face is a medium or a sign vehicle that sends us a message. When we read a face theres quite a lot of data to sift through. One part of the medium is its basic structure and muscletone. Is it long and angular or round and chubby Often well see a strangers face and flip through a mental Rolodex of sorts matching the shape of the new face with ones we already know. We also perceive changes that have taken place such as scarring weathering of the skin or wrinkles. Taking into account artificial adornments such as eyeglasses makeup tattoos or piercings we make personal judgments based on what the person has added by choice. Providing more immediate information are the changes in a persons face such as smiles frowns or scowls. These changes provide us with the most obvious information about someones mood or immediate intentions. Expressions represent the persons intended message the one he or she is trying to convey. A person trying to gain your trust will smile. Someone trying to scare you will scowl. When we communicate we try to collect as much verbal and nonverbal information as possible. We also try to control the outgoing expressive information we display to others in order to: ?? Maximize our understanding of the people we interact with ?? Gain perspective on the situation ?? Protect ourselves against harm deception embarrassment or loss of social standing ?? Guide assure or manipulate the perceptions of another Lets learn more about the science of expressions -- and which seven expressions all humans share. Facial Expressions: The Seven Faces of Adam and Eve You know that when you speak to your parent or child a frown indicates sadness or dissatisfaction. But is it because a frown is a learned behavior One researcher Paul Ekman wondered this same thing. He decided to travel the world to study people from different cultures to determine if our expressions are learned behaviors. After studying people from foreign cities faraway lands and isolated jungles Ekman learned that all humans share at least seven primary facial expressions with identical meanings: Jetta Productions/Iconica/Getty Images Just look at that angry forehead. ?? Happiness. The expression for happiness involves raising the lip corners raising and wrinkling cheeks and
narrowing eyelids producing crows feet wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. ?? Sadness. This expression features narrowed eyes eyebrowsbrought together a down-turned mouth and a pulling up or bunching of the chin. ?? Fear. In fear the mouth and eyes are open eyebrows are raised and nostrils are sometimes flared. ?? Anger. Anger involves lowered eyebrows a wrinkled forehead tensed eyelids and tensed lips. ?? Disgust. A look of disgust includes nose scrunching raising of the upper lip downcast eyebrows and narrowed eyes. ?? Surprise. Surprise appears with a dropped jaw relaxed lips and mouth widened eyes and slightly raised eyelids and eyebrows. ?? Contempt. Contempt is no table for its raising of one side of the mouth into a sneer or smirk. Ekman went even further and with fellow researcher W.V. Friesen mapped out through observation and biofeedback which facial muscles were responsible for which expressions. He codified them into a system called the Facial Action Coding System FACS. DEA PICTURE LIBRARY/Getty Images The anatomy of a face Measuring expressions isnt so easy. For one thing the FACS doesnt identify the emotion only the muscles involved in making an expression. The measurements used are Action Units AUs with each Action Unit representing a specific motion for instance bunching the eyebrows together is AU 4 raising the eyebrows is AU 1. The measurements dont include sneer or half-smirk because using such descriptive terms might influence the interpretation of a specific expression. Its also noted whether the expression is voluntary or involuntary spontaneous or intentional. The intensity of an expression is also important. Smile strength identified as AU 12 can be classified one of six different ways depending on the degree the corners of the mouth are turned up. Eye constriction AU 6 is likewise measured. Measuring duration takes into account the time it takes your mouth to reach the apex of its smile how long the apex is held and the time it takes to return to a nonsmiling state. Are other expressions simultaneously occurring Are they connected or separate from the smile Is the smile symmetrical If not what are the measurements for each side of the face And to think of all those bumper stickers demanding that you Smile without once taking into consideration how complicated an order that is to fulfill. Next well learn about the frowns between the smiles: microexpressions. Reading Microexpressions: Why You Dont Like Certain Smiles Since many facial expressions and the emotions they represent are common to the entire human species our brains are wired to search for and interpret these facial cues. Likewise when we feel something on an emotional level our faces have a peculiar habit of exhibiting an expression that matches the way we feel sometimes without our knowledge or without the desire to put our emotions on display across our faces. This pesky trait can be quite revealing even though an unintended expression may last only a fraction of a second. These superfast expressions that suddenly appear in the middle of another -- sometimes opposite -- expression are microexpressions. Sean Locke/Photodisc/Getty Images Think of microexpressions as this mans face. The expressions on the paper plates are what he chooses to show to you but you might see microexpressions of his true feelings underneath. While we provide others with visual information about the way we feel through our expressions other information leaks out of our faces between or during these intentional expressions. Microexpressions can be as brief as about 1/25 of a second source: Ekman. They occur so fast that theyre often not perceived by the conscious mind of either the expresser or the person observing the expression. As few as 10 percent of people are even aware of seeing microexpressions when tested source: Zetter. Microexpressions can be much more accurate signs of a
persons true feelings and intentions than the expression he or she is consciously producing. The smiling salesman may flash a millisecond-long sneer of contempt or the fierce-looking man approaching you in the parking lot may have a sudden look of fear wash across his face. Even when were consciously unaware of detecting a microexpression it still influences our brain activity and alters our perception of the expressions we do consciously see on anothers face. So if you see a happy expression plain as day on someones face and there were no microexpressions preceding it youll identify it as happy. But if the happy expression is preceded by a sneering microexpression that you arent even conscious of detecting youll be more likely to describe that same happy face as cunning or untrustworthy. This may go a long way in explaining that uneasy feeling that leads you to walk away from someone thinking I dont know what it is but theres just something about that person … This subconscious processing can slip into overdrive. Studies have shown people with social anxietieshave more brain activity than normal when they subconsciously detect a fear microexpression. Since threatening situations produce negative feelings for them detecting signs of fear in other other people creates the same anxious response source: Tremmel. Making matters more complicated the expressions for fear and surprise are very similar and often confused by observers. Ekman shares his knowledge with law enforcement and intelligence agencies to help them better detect suspicious behaviors or deceptions such as a millisecond-long look of fear expressed by someone approaching an airport security check. Ekman believes the ability to detect and interpret microexpressions can be improved by studying changes in human faces using photographs or video. Spotting terrorists in line at the airport is just one extreme use of the ability to detect microexpressions. It can also benefit us in normal situations. When we misperceive microexpressions we can make false assumptions about the people with whom we communicate. This creates distance in our relationships instead of increased awareness. By tuning into microexpressions we can improve our chances of seeing a big sign from a very fast sign vehicle.。
