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一. 完成2000-2001年基金申请



三. 引进年轻的跨世纪学术带头人
为了建立一支稳定流动的高水平的青年人才队伍, 开放室在人才引进工作上一直采取专家推荐与实验室主动联系的方式积极引进人才。


我室今年在有机所领导的支持下, 知识创新工程的各项工作进展良好。








10月18日, 侯雪龙副主任又到北京参加中科院召开的“重点实验室试点工作
总结交流会”, 并代表金属开放室在会上作了实验室工作汇报。

知识创新工程的实验室进行了充分交流, 讨论如何做好下一步的知识创新工作。

五. 973项目的启动
经过努力, 由我室麻生明研究员作为首席科学家之一的973项目“创造新物质的分子工程学研究”于今年正式启动, 11月4-5日在上海有机所召开了项目的启动
会议, 年底由我们开放室成员参与的两个子课题的经费已经到位。


去年8月份, 由于我们99年全国实验室评估中被评为优秀实验室, 中科院批
文中国科学院将投资400万元建设金属有机化学国家重点实验室, 今年经费已到位。

按照我们在1999年11月份召开的升为国家重点实验室的升级论证会上的计划, 我们将利用这笔经费购置300兆核磁共振仪(DPX300)一台, Weissenberg面探仪一台, 手套箱两套。

目前经过紧张的商谈招标, 就这些仪器与供应商的订购签订了合同, 将于今年年底明年年初到货安装调试。


在院和所的大力支持下,开放室今年对3号楼4楼实验室进行了全面装修, 将4楼的剩余未装修的15间实验室进行了装修。

这样3号楼3楼4楼已全部装修完毕, 成为金属有机化学实验室的一块实验基地,为实验室的升级验收做好了硬件准备。




首先由有机所郑崇直所长讲话,他代表所领导欢迎各位委员的到来,并感谢全体委员对开放室工作的一贯支持、配合和指导,感谢国家基金委对我们基础学科的大力支持, 他认为开放室现在的成绩是所内外各界人士共同努力的结果,希望今后继续得到各位的指导和支持。

然后钱长涛研究员介绍了本次学委会换届的原因和整个换届过程, 感谢退下来的三位老委员多年来对实验室工作的支持和帮助, 希望本次换届后新老委员继续支持实验室的发展。

这次会议的议程是1) 室主任汇报实验室一年来的工作情况,2) 专家学术报告和交流,3) 部分课题组工作进展汇报,4) 国际学术会议介绍,5)今后工作讨论。





三. 课题组工作进展汇报和讨论



1. 上海有机所的唐勇、张兆国研究员介绍了2000年7月在上海召开的第6届华人有机会议的情况, 此会由有机所主办,世界各地的华人均可参加,会上还颁发了“华人青年有机化学奖”。


2. 上海有机所的麻生明研究员介绍了今年5月在美国Boston召开的Inductrical Synthesis of Optically Active Compounds和Chiral USA 2000的会议,前一个会议主要讨论了手性的起源、合成方法学,主要是工业上的一些手性合成问题;后一个会议是学术交流性质的。

麻生明还介绍了今年7月在波兰华沙召开的13th International Conference on Organic Synthesis,会上有多位著名有机化学科学家做了精彩的大会报告。

3. 上海有机所的钱长涛研究员介绍了今年7月在上海召开的第19届IUPAC国际金属有机化学会议的情况。










2000-01 陆熙炎上海有机所二价钯的不对称催化反应
2000-02 钱长涛上海有机所单原子桥联芴基环戊二烯基稀土配合物的
2000-03 麻生明上海有机所金属参与的碳-碳键形成反应研究
2000-04 侯雪龙上海有机所氮杂环丙烷化合物的去对称化反应及在有
2000-05 沈延昌上海有机所金属有机参与的高选择性合成方法学研究2000-06 陈家碧上海有机所(杂)烯炔配位的金属卡宾和卡拜络合物及其
2000-07 邓敏智上海有机所手性环丙基硼化物的新反应及其在天然产
2000-08 姜标上海有机所手性配体的制备及其在不对称反应中的应用2000-09 施敏上海有机所膦酰胺类手性配体的设计合成及其在不对称
2000-10 丁奎岭上海有机所基于NOB衍生物为配体的金属络合物催化的
2000-11 唐勇上海有机所可溶性高聚物负载叶立德的合成及其在有机
2000-12 廖世键大化所 1、通过金属有机中间体合成纳米尺寸的稀土
2000-13 宋礼成南开大学两类单蝶状铁硫络盐的新反应及其在合成多蝶
2000-14 黄宪浙江大学β-杂原子或金属取代的α、β-不饱和砜及膦酸
脂的合成及其在立体选择合成反应中的应用2000-15 沈琪苏州大学稀土和后过渡金属化合物的合成及催化聚合活
2000-16 康北笙中山大学含咪唑基三角架型氮杂化合物的亲金属性研究2000-17 沈之荃浙江大学钐化合物催化极性单体聚合研究
2000-18 张永敏浙江大学稀土金属和过渡金属试剂在有机合成中的应用2000-19 张良辅成都有机所多相不对称催化反应的研究
2000-20 刘汉范北化所纳米金属簇催化酮酸酯及二酮的不对称氢化
2000-21 王积涛南开大学金属有机试剂在α-氨基酸手性合成中的的应用2000-22 徐善生南开大学单桥及双桥连二环戊二烯基双核过渡金属
2000-23 周其林南开大学螺旋型手性催化剂的设计合成及其应用
2000-24 曹卫国上海大学胂叶立德在高选择性合成中的应用――立体
选择性合成γ-丁内酯及γ-丁内酰胺类化合物2000-25 周锡庚复旦大学炔丙基稀土金属有机物的合成、结构及其反应2000-26 席振峰北京大学过渡金属促进的利用二氧化碳作为碳源的新型
2000-27 江焕峰广化所过渡金属化合物在超临界二氧化碳介质中的
2000-28 庞震复旦大学含半活性配位基团的金属有机配合物的合成及
2000-29 张兆国上海有机所亚胺及烯胺的氢甲酰化反应
1. An Efficient Preparation of α-Alkylidene-β-formylmethyl-γ-lactams via Pd(II)-
Catalyzed Intramolecular Alkyne-α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Coupling
Xie, X.; Lu, X.*
Synlett2000, 707-709. 32
2. Role of Halide Ions in Palladium(II) Catalyzed Nucleophile Alkyne-a,b-Unsaturated
Carbonyl Coupling Reactions
Lu, X.; Wang, Z.
Polyhderon 2000, 19, 577-579. 35
3. Effect of Halide Ligands on the reactivity of Carbon-Palladium Bonds: Implications
for Designing Catalytic Reactions
Wang, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Lu, X.*
Organometallics2000, 19, 775-780. 38
4. A Facile Highly Regio- and Stereo-selective Preparation of N-Tosyl Allylic Amines
from Allylic Alcohols and Tosyl Isocyanate via Palladium(II)-Catalyzed
Aminopalladation-β-Heteroatom Elimination
Lei, A.; Lu, X.*
Org. Lett. 2000, 2, 2357-2360. 44
5. Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Tandem Intramolecular Aminopalladation of Alkynes and
Conjugate Addition. Synthesis of Oxazolidinones, Imidazolidinones and Lactams Lei, A.; Lu, X.*
Org. Lett. 2000, 2, 2699-2702. 48
6. Highly Enantioselective Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Cyclization of (Z)-4'-Acetoxy-2'-
butenyl 2-Alkynoates. An Efficient Synthesis of Optically Active -Butyrolactones
Zhang, Q.; Lu, X.*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 7604-7605. 52
1. Coordinatively Unsaturated Neodymium Hydrides,Stability in Solution
Visseaux Marc, Baudry Denise, Dormond Alain, Qian Changtao
J. Organomet. Chem., 1999,574(2), 213-218 54
2. [2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions of Imines with Alkynyl Selenides Catalyzed by
Scandium Triflate
Yun Ma and Changtao Qian
Tetrahedron Letters, 2000, 41, 945-947 60
3.Asymmetric Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction of Glyoxylate Esters and Danishefsky's
Diene Catalyzed by Chiral Bis(oxazoline)-Lanthanide Complexes
Changtao Qian and Longcheng Wang
Tetrahedron Letters, 2000, 41, 2203-2206 63
4. First Application of Amino-TADDOL Derivatives in Enantioselective Addition of
Diethylzinc to Aryl Aldehydes: Effect of Substituents on the Nitrogen Atom
Changtao Qian, Fei-Feng Gao and Sun Jie
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,2000, 11, 1733-1740 67
5. Asymmetric Glyoxylate-Ene Reaction Catalyzed by C2-symmetric Chiral
Bis(Oxazoline)- Lanthanide Complexes.
Changtao Qian and Longcheng Wang
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2000, 11, 2347-2357 75
6. Addition of Silyl Ketene Acetals to Nitrones Catalyzed by Lanthanide Triflates
Changtao Qian and Longcheng Wang
Tetrahedron, 2000, 56, 7193-7197 86
7. Lanthanide Triflate Catalyzed Biginelli Reaction. One-Pot Synthesis of
Dihydropyrimidinones under Solvent-Free Conditions.
Yun Ma, Changtao Qian, Limin Wang and Min Yang
J. Org. Chem., 2000, 65, 3864-3868 91
8. C s-Symmetric ansa-Lanthanocenes Designed for Stereospecific Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate, Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Silylene-Bridged Fluorenyl Cyclopentadienyl Lanthanide Halides, Amides and Hydrocarbyls.
Changtao Qian, Wanli Nie and Jie Sun
Organometallic, 2000, 19, 4134-4140 96
9.Stereoselective Synthesis and Structural Characterization of rac-Planar Chiral Bis(2- methoxyethylindenyl)lanthanum and Yttrium Tetrahydroborates.
Chang-Tao Qian, Gang Zou, Wan-Li Nie, Jie Sun, Dmitri A. Lemenovskii and Maxim V. Borzov
Polyhedron, 2000, 19, 1955-1959 103
10.Synthesis and Strcture of Barium Complex Containing 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-3,5-
heptanedionate and 1,10-Phenanthroline Ligands
Xie Mei-Hua,Qian Chang-Tao,Gao Li-Jun,Sun Jie
Chinese J.Struct.Chem.,2000, 19, 419-422 108
11. Synthesis of Furo[3,2-c]and Pyrano[3,2-c] Quinolines by Lanthanide Triflate
Catalyzed Imino-Diels-Alder Reaction
Yun Ma, Changtao Qian, Mei-Hua Xie and Sun Jie
Chin. J. Chem., 2000, 18, 377-383 112
12. 后过渡金属催化剂催化乙烯聚合
合成树脂及塑料,2000,17(1), 60 119
1. Stepwise -Bromination of 1,1-Dihaloalkenes
Shengming Ma*, Bin Xu, and Shimin Zhao
Synthesis2000, 139-143. 121
2. Pd(0)-catalyzed Cyclization Reaction of Aryl or 1-Alkenyl Halides with 1,2-Dienyl Ketones. A General and Efficient Synthesis of Polysubstituted Furans
Shengming Ma* and Junliang Zhang
Chem. Commun.2000, 117-118. 126
3.Unusual Regioselectivity of Pd(0)-Catalyzed Coupling Reaction of Electron-deficient Alkenyl Halides with Allenic/Propargylic Zinc Reagents. Highly Selective Synthesis of 6-Phenylhex-5-yn-2(or 3)-enoates/enitriles and 4-Phenyl-6-substitutedhexa-2,4,5- trienoates
Shengming Ma*, Aibin Zhang, Yihua Yu, and Wei Xia
J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 2287-2291. 128
4. AlX3-H2O-promoted Hydrohalogenation Reaction of 1,2-Allenic Sulfoxides
Shengming Ma* and Qi Wei
Eur. J. Org. Chem.2000, 1939-1943. 133
5. Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Cyclization Reaction of Allylic Bromides with 1,2-Dienyl
Ketones. An Efficient Synthesis of 3-Allylic Polysubstituted Furans
Shengming Ma* and Lintao Li
Organic Letters2000, 2, 941-944. 138
6. Palladium(0)-catalyzed Cyclization Reaction of Polymer-Supported Aryl Iodides with 1,2-Allenyl Carboxylic Acids. A Facile Solid Phase Synthesis of Butenolides
Shengming Ma,*Dehui Duan, and Zhangjie Shi
Organic Letters2000, 2, 1419-1422. 142
7.Reverse of Regioselectivity in Intramolecular Nucleophilic Substitution of π–Allyl Palladium Species. Highly Selective Formation of Vinylic Cyclopropanes via the
Pd(0)–Catalyzed Coupling-Cyclization Reaction of Organic Iodides with 2-(2’,3’- Dienyl)malonates
Shengming Ma* and Shimin Zhao
Organic Letters2000, 2, 2495-2497. 146
8. Efficient Synthesis of 4-(2'-Alkenyl)-2,5-dihydrofurans via PdCl2-catalyzed
Coupling-Cyclization Reaction of 2,3-Allenols with Allylic Halides
Shengming Ma* and Wenzhong Gao
Tetrahedron Lett. 2000, 41, 8933-8936. 149
9. Studies on the Oxidative Addition Reaction of 1,1-Dibromo-1-alkenes, α-
Dehalopalladation, and the Intramolecular Bis(carbopalladation) Reaction of Alkenes. An Efficient Entry to Fused Bicycles
Shengming Ma*, Bin Xu, and Bukuo Ni
J. Org. Chem.2000, 65, 8532-8543. 153
10. Unique Selectivity of Iodohydroxylation Reaction of Allenyl Phenyl Sulfoxides in
Aqueous MeCN. A Stereodefined Synthesis of (E)-2-Iodo-3-hydroxy-1-alkenyl
Shengming Ma*, Qi Wei, and Haiming Wang
Organic Letters2000, 2, 3893-3895. 165
11. Unexpected Facile Sequential Halolactamization-Hydroxylation of 2,3-Allenamides with CuX2 for the Efficient Synthesis of 4-Halo-5-hydroxypyrrol-2(5H)-ones
Shengming Ma* and Hexin Xie
Organic Letters2000, 2, 3801-3803. 168
12. Review: Recent Progress in Carbolithiation Reaction
Bin Xu and Shengming Ma*
Chin. J. Org. Chem. (有机化学)2000, 20, 54-63. 171
13. Synthesis and Structure of the First Propeller-shaped Helical Coordination Polymer of Ag+ with Bis(oxazoline) Ligands
Shengming Ma* and Shulin Wu
Chin. J. Chem.2000, 18, 444-446. 181
14. Review: Recent Advances in Meta-mediated Synthesis of Substituted Furans
Lintao Li and Shengming Ma*
Chin. J. Org. Chem.(有机化学)2000, 20, 701-711. 184
15. Synthesis and Reaction of 1,2-Allenyl Ketones
Lintao Li and Shengming Ma*
Chin. J. Org. Chem.(有机化学)2000, 20, 850-860. 195
1. Ring-opening of N-Tosylaziridines with TMSN3 and TMSCN Triggered by TBAF:
An Efficient and Convenient Route to Vicinal Diamines and -Aminoacid
Jie Wu, Xue-Long Hou and Li-Xin Dai
J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 1344-1348. 206
2.On the Role of Planar Chirality: a Tunable Enantioselectivity in Palladium-Catalyzed
Allylic Alkylation with Planar C hiral 1,1’-P,N-ferrocene Ligands
Wei-Ping Deng, Xue-Long Hou, Li-Xin Dai, Yi-Hua Yu and Wei Xia
Chem. Commun. 2000, 285-286. 211
3.Synthesis of 2-( -Substituted N-Tosylaminomethyl)-2,5-Dihydrofurans by Reaction
of N-Sulfonylimines with Arsonium or Sulfonium 4-Hydroxyl-cis-2-butenylides Wei-Ping Deng, An-Hu Li, Li-Xin Dai , and Xue-Long Hou
Tetrahedron2000, 56, 2967-2974. 213
4.Synthesis of Planar Chiral Selenide Derivatives of Ferrocenyl-oxazoline and Their
Application in Enantioselective Palladium Catalyzed Allylic Substitution Reaction Shu-Li You, Xue-Long Hou and Li-Xin Dai
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2000, 11, 1495-1500. 221
5. A Stereoselective Michael-imino Aldol Tandem Reaction Triggered by Thiolate
Xiao-Fang Yang, Xue-Long Hou and Li-Xin Dai
Tetrahedron Lett.2000, 41, 4431-4434. 227
6.Novel N,S- and N,Se-Planar Chiral [2,2]Paracyclophane Ligands: Synthesis and
Application in Pd-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation
Xue Long Hou, Xun Wei Wu and Li Xin Dai
Chem. Commun.2000, 1195-1196. 231
7.Efficient Planar Chiral 1,1’-P,N-2-Substituted Ferrocene Ligands for Asymmetric
Heck Reaction: Control of Enantioselectivity and Configuration by Planar Chiral Substituent
Wei Ping Deng, Xue Long Hou and Li Xin Dai
Chem. Commun.2000, 1483-1484. 233
8. Novel Bis-N-[2-(diphenylphosphino)ferrocenylcarbonyl]-diaminocyclohexane
Ligands: Application in Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation of Imino Ester with Simple Allyl Carbonate
Shu-Li You, Xue-Long Hou, Li-Xin Dai, Bo-Xun Cao and Jie Sun
Chem. Commun.2000, 1933-1934. 235
9. 硫叶立德途径立体控制合成乙烯基型环氧化合物
化学学报2000, 58, 473-480. 237
10.Fructose Derived Pyridyl Alcohol Ligands: Synthesis and Application in the
Asymmetric Diethylzinc Addition to Aldehydes
Yong-Gui Zhou, Li-Xin Dai and Xue Long Hou
Chinese J. Chem. 2000, 18, 121-123. 245
1. Novel Base-catalyzed Olefination Methodology. Stereoselective Synthesis of
(E)- -benzenesulfinyl Vinylphosphonates
Yanchang Shen, Guo-Fang Jiang
Synthesis, 2000, 99-102. 248
2. Sequential Transformations of Phosphonates. "One-pot Synthesis of Ethoxycarbonyl Allyl Substituted Oxime Ethers
Yanchang Shen, Guo-Fang Jiang
Synthesis, 2000, 502-504. 252
3. Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Fluorinated E- or Z- Allylic Phosphonates
Yanchang Shen, Yuming Zhang, Zenghong Zhang
Synthesis, 2000, 1535-1538. 255
4. Stereoselective Synthesis (E)-4-Cyano-γ,δ-Unsaturated Nitriles
Yanchang Shen, Zenghong Zhang
Synth. Commun. 2000, 30, 445-453. 259
5. A Convenient Synthesis of (E)-α-Cyano and (E)-α-ethoxycarbonyl
Yanchang Shen, Guo-Fang Jiang
J. Chem. Res. (s)2000, 140-141. 268
6. New Synthetic Methodologies for Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bond Formation
Shen Yan-chang
Acta Chimica Sinica, 2000, 58, 253-261. 270
1.Reactions of Cationic Carbyne Complexes of Manganese and Rhenium with Carbonylmetal Anions Containing Cyclopentadienyl, PPh3, and NO Ligands. A Route to Dimetal Bridging Carbene and Carbyne Complexes
Yongjun Tang, Jie Su, Jiabi Chen*
Organometallics, 2000, 19, 72-80. 279
2.Reactions of Cationic Bridging Carbyne Complexes of Bis(η-cyclopenta-
dienyl)diiron Tricarbonyl with Nucleophiles. A Route to Diiron Bridging
Carbene Complexes
Yajun Liu, Ruito Wang,, Jie Su, Jiabi Chen*
Organometallics,2000, 19, 3498-3506. 288
3. Unusual Reactions of Cationic Bridging Carbyne Complexes of Bis(η5- cyclopentadienyl)diiron Tricarbonyl with Carbonylmetal Anions. A Route to
Diiron Bridging Carbyne Complexes
Yajun Liu, Ruitao Wang, Jie Sun, and Jiabi Chen*
Organometallics, 2000, 19, 3784-3791. 297
4.Remarkable Transformtion of Thiophene Ligands in Their Pentamethyl-
cyclopentadienyl Iridium (Cp*Ir) Coplexes
Jiabi Chen,* Robert J. Angelici
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2000, 206, 63-99. 304
5.Reactions of Di-μ-carbonyl-cis-μ-(1-5-η:1'-5'-η-dicyclopentadienyl-
dimethylsilane)bis(carbonyliron) with Aryllithium Reagents. Crystal
Structures of [Fe2(μ-CO){μ-C(OC2H5)C6H5}(CO)2{(η5-C5H4)2Si(CH3)2}]
and [Fe2(μ-CO){μC(OC2H5)C6H4OCH3-p}(CO)2{(η5-C5H4)2Si(CH3)2}]
Ruitao Wang, Jie Sun, Jiabi Chen*
J. Organomet. Chem., 2000,617, 1-9. 341
1. Silver Oxide Mediated Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling Reaction of
Cyclopropylboronic Acids with Allylic Bromides
Han Chen and Min-zhi Deng
J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 4444 ~ 4446. 350
2. Facile Approach to 4-substituted 2(5)H-furanones
Min-Liang Yao and Min-zhi Deng
J. Org. Chem.2000, 5034 ~ 5036. 353
3. A Novel Stereocontrolled Synthesis of 1,2-trans Cyclopropyl Ketones via Suzuki-type Coupling of Acids Chlorides with Cyclopylboronic Acids
Han Chen and Min-zhi Deng
Organic Letters2000, 2 (12), 1649 ~ 1651. 356
4. A Practical Approach to Stereodefined Cyclopropyl-substituted Heteroarenes using
Suzuki-type Reaction
Min-Liang Yao and Min-zhi Deng
New. J. Chem.2000, 24, 425 ~428. 359
5.Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling Reaction of Cyclopropylboronic Acids with Aryl Triflates
Min-Liang Yao and Min-zhi Deng.
Synthesis 2000, 8, 1095 ~ 1100. 363
6. A Novel Route to Stereodefined Cyclopropyl-substituted Alkenes
Shao-Man Zhou and Min-zhi Deng
Tetrahedron Letters2000, 41, 3951 ~ 3954. 369
7. Palladium-catalyzed Cross-coupling of Cyclopropylboronic Acids with Alkenyl Triflates Min-Liang Yao and Min-zhi Deng
Tetrahedron Letters2000, 41, 9083 ~ 9087. 373
8. A Novel and Convenient Method to 4-Substituted Coumarins
Min-Liang Yao and Min-zhi Deng
Heteroatom Chemistry2000, 11 (6), 380 ~ 382. 378
9. A Novel Suzuki-type Cross-coupling Reaction of Cyclopropylboronic Esters with Benzyl bromides
Han Chen and Min-zhi Deng
J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans I 2000, 1609 ~ 1613. 381
10. Nickle-catalyzed Allylation of Lithium 1-Alkynyl(trialkoxy)borates with 1,3-
Substituted Allyl Carbonates
Han Chen and Min-zhi Deng
J. Organomet. Chem.2000,603, 189 ~ 193. 386
1.Stereocontrolled Synthesis 22E, 24(S)-Trifluoromethyl Sidechain of Steroid and Its
Application in Synthessis of Fluorinated Analugues Natural Occuring Sterols
B. Jiang, Y. Liu, Zhou Weishang,
J. Org. Chem, 2000, 65, 6231-6236. 391
2.1,3-Dipolar Cyloaddtion of Chially Modified Vinylboronic Ester with Ntrile Oxides
Biao Jiang, Ao Zhang, Ying Kan, Gui-ling Zhao and Biao Jiang
Tetrahedron, 2000, 56, 965-970. 397
3.C2-Symmetric Bisphoshoine and a Bisaminophosphine as New Chiral Ligands for
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4.Solid Phase Asymmtric Synthesis of 2-Isoxazoline
Ning Zhou, Biao Jiang,
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5.Syntheses and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Bis(indolyl)thiazole,
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6.Syntheses of Indoylpyrimidine via Cross Coupling of Indolylboronic Acid with
Chloropyrimidines: Facile Synthesis of Merdianin D
Biao Jiang, Caiguang Yang
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7.Syntheses of Bis(3-indolyl)pyrazinone
Biao Jiang, Xiao-Hui Gu
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8.Highly Enatiooselective Reduction of Achral with NaBH4/Me3SiCl Catalyyzed by
Biao Jiang, Yan Feng, Jian Zheng
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9.Synthesis of Novel Compatibilizers and Their Application in PP/nylon-66 Blends.I.
Synthesis and Characterization
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10.In situ NMR Study of Asymmetric Borane Reduction Reaction-an Abnormal Factor
in the Temperature Effect on the Bis-oxazaborolidine Catalust and the Relationship between the Catalyst Structure and Selectivity
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11.Asymmetric 1,3-dipolar Cyloaddtion of Nitrile Oxides to Acryloyl Esters Dearing
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14.The Mechanism of Asymmetric Reduction of by Catalytyzed by A C2-Symmetric is
Amino Alcohol Catalyst
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1. An Unexpected Carbon Dioxide Insertion in the Reaction of Trans-2,4-Disubstituted Azetidine, Trans-2,5-Disubstituted Pyrrolidine, or Trans-2,6-Disubstituted Piperidine with Diphenylthiophosphinic Chloride and Diphenylselenophosphinic Chloride.
Min Shi,* Jian-Kang Jiang, Yu-Mei Shen, Yan-Shu Feng, and Gui-Xin Lei
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2. The Crystallographic Structure of a Novel Camphanic Amide.
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3. Chiral Diphenylthiophosphoramides: A New Class of Chiral Ligands for the Silver (I)- Promoted Enantioselective Allylation of Aldehydes.
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4. Chiral Diphenylselenophosphoramides: a New Class of Chiral Ligands for the
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5. A Facile Route to Bulladecin Type Acetogenins. Total Synthesis of Asimilobin and
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6. Amendment in Titanium(IV) Chloride and Chalcogenide-Promoted Baylis-Hillman
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7. Synthesis of a Novel Chiral Ruthenium Complex and Its Crystal Structure.
Min Shi,* Kazuya Kobiro, Tomomi Fujita
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8. Titanium(IV) Chloride and Amine-promoted Baylis-Hillman Reaction.
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9. A Simple Synthetic Method for Chiral 1,2-Epoxides and the Total Synthesis of a
Chiral Pheromone Epoxide.
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10. Total Synthesis of Gigantetrocin A.
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11. Trifluoromethanesulfonamide, Diphenylphosphoramide and Diphenyl-thiophosphor- amide of (R)-(+)-1,1'-Binaphthyl-2,2'-diamine as Chiral Catalyst Ligands for the
Titanium(IV) Alkoxide-Promoted Addition of Diethylzinc to Aldehydes.
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12. The Crystallographic Structure of 4-hydroxy-3-methylene-4-(p-nitrophenyl)butan-2- one.
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13. A New Class of Chiral Pyrrolidine Ligands for Homogeneous Catalytic
Enantioselective Cyclopropanation of Styrene
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1. Reduction of 1,1’-Binaphthyls to Octahydro-1,1’-binaphthyl Derivatives with
Raney Ni-Al alloy in Aqueous Solution
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2.Practical Method and Novel Mechanism for Optical Resolution of BINOL by
Molecular Complexation with N-benzylcinchonium Chloride
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3.Synthesis of Novel N, P Chiral Ligands for Palladium-catalyzed Asymmetric
Allylation: The Effect of Binaphthyl Backbone on the Enantioselectivity
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4.The Synthesis of Novel Non-C2 Symmetric H4-BINOL Ligand and Its Application to
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1.Switching of Stereoselectivity: Dramatic Effects of HMPA on the Stereoselectiviy of
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1. Synthesis of Double and Quadruple Butterfly Fe/SCluster Complexes via a Novel
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1. Hydrozirconation of Alkynyl Sulfoxides: the Reactions of Zirconated Vinyl Sulfoxide
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1. Synthesis of Indenyllanthanide Amides: the Effective Initiators for Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate.
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1. Chemistry of Aroylhydrazones II. Enol-form Coordination of 4,5-Diazafluorene-9-one salicyloylhydrazone (H2L) to Transition Metals and Crystal Structures of H2L,
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2. 4,5-Diazafluorene-9-one Acylhydrazones and their Lead Complexes and the Crystal
Structure of Hydrated 4,5-Diazafluorene-9-one 3-methoxybenzoylhydrazone Supported by Extensive Hydrogen Bonds and Aromatic Ring Stacking Interactions
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3. Bivalent Transition Metal Complexes of 4,5-Diazofluorenone Benzoylhydrazone (HL) and the Characterization of Weak Interactions in CoL2 . 2H2O
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1.Samarium Diiodide Induced Reductive Cyclization of Nitro Compounds with
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2. A New Route to 2,3-Dihydro-1,5-Benzothiazepines from Niteodisulfides and α,β-
Unsaturated Ketones by SmI2.
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3. Samarium Diiodide Mediated Simultaneous reduction of Nitro Group and the Azide。
