心理学学术论文写作规范——APA 6th简介
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State why the problem deserves new research. Describe relevant scholarship
Discuss the relevant literature, do not include an exhaustive historical review. Avoid nonessential details. Emphasize pertinent findings, relevant methodological issues, and major conclusion. Demonstrate the logical continuity between previous and present work; Develop the problem with enough breath and clarity, Do not write a statement intelligible only to the specialist.
长长的名词会造成读者的理解困难丆 可以改成misdiagnosis of thought disorder in early childhood
变换句子长度有利于读者保持兴趣。避免一个 长句构成独立一段。 Based on the fact that——because At the present time——now For the purpose of——for/to There were several students who completed——several students completed
Writing from an outline; main ideas, subordinate ideas;avoid tangential excursion Putting aside the first draft, then rereading it later; Reading aloud. Asking a colleague to review
Open the discussion section with a clear statement of the support or nonsupport for your original hypothesis. Similarities and differences between your results and the work of others should clarify and confirm your conclusion. Do not simply reformulate and repeat points already made; each new statement should contribute to your position and to the reader's understanding of the problem. conclusion部分可以repeat之前的结果和观点 Acknowledge limitation, address alternative explanation of results. Discuss the generalizability, or external validity, of the findings.
APA 6th
有了Endnote,为什么要了解APA 6th?
Endnote解决不了所有问题 基本科学素养的表现
APA 6th
写作风格 语法与词汇使用 结构 正文格式
APA 6th 不仅仅规定了文献引用格式丆写作 风格、语法、和结构方面同样非常重要。格 式错误可能会导致文章被退回丆但是写作风格、 语法词汇结构不恰当则更加不可能被接收
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Gangnam Style
APsyA style
心理学学术论文写作规范 ——APA 6th简介
中国科学院心理研究所 图书馆 卫垌圻
APA 6th
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition) 1929年从7页的薄册子发展成为近300页的 APA manual 6th. 几乎成为社会科学的通用格式。 APA 5th:59.8/APA5,阅览室 APA 6th:59.8/PM,书库
结构——Methods, Results
Information that used to be routinely presented in tables (e.g. analysis of variance [ANOVA] tables) is now routinely presented in text. Tables can be understood in isolation. 制作表格时要做到读者只看你的表格 也能理解其大意 Table supplements, rather than duplicates, the text. Discuss only the table’s highlights. Do not write “the table above” (or below) or “the table on page 32”. 5.01-5.19是表格的格式说明 写文章再查阅apa 6th的详细说明即可 5.20-5.30是图的格式说明
has been已经表明过去了
写论文的时候丆最好先列一个大纲。大纲要详细一些丆例如 每一段要写什么都提前想好。这样的好处是使自己不跑题丆 行文有逻辑丟另外也能帮自己克服拖延哦~
Approaches to achieving professional and effective communication
Quite a large part, very few. 不同人有不同的理解。
直白:用词简单,少用修辞手法 语气:采用职业的非攻击性的语气 Fong and Nisbett did not consider ... Fong and Nisbett completely overlooked... 带有攻击性丆不够专业乯
They were ———— both alike A total of 68 participants ——————— Four —————— different groups saw In ———— close proximity Summarize ————— briefly The reason is because —————————— Has been ———————— previously found
例1的三个句子想表达的是丆我们基于某假设提出模型……第三个句子中 base的主语是we•C但是基于假设的是model而不是we•C因此第三句语法 不够准确乮英语的逻辑跟我们实在不一样……乯 例2的句子想表达的是数据给出的答案只是部分丆不是全部丆因此only只能 放在answer之前
time links (then, next, after, while, since) cause—effect links (therefore, consequently, as a result) addition links (in addition, moreover, furthermore, similarly) contrast links (but, conversely, nevertheless, however, although)
简明陈述主要议题——变量(variables) 与关系(relationship) 涉及方法和结果的词汇不要出现在标题中, 比如 中文文献的标题里不要出现“一项……的研究”
A Study of or An Experimental Investigation of.
A FMRI study of 可以 不要超过12个词,首页上部居中。
State hypotheses and their correspondence to research design.
Describe how your hypothesis were derived from theory or are logically connected to previous data and argumentation. 多个假设,要表述出那个更重要
出声朗读自己的文章 注意时态是否一致:过去时用于Result,现在 时用于讨论结果 不要用名词串
commonly used investigative expanded issue control question technique early childhood thought disorder misdiagnosis
略举两个例子 举例1 On the basis of this assumption, we developed a model… Based on this assumption, the model… Based on this assumption, we developed a model… וj 举例2 These data provide only a partial answer. These data only provide a partial answer. וj
结构——Methods, Results
找一篇同类文章照着写自己的。 Assume that your reader has a professional knowledge of statistical methods; Do not give a reference or formula for statistics in common use. Effective presentation 呈现不超过3个数据:句子表述 呈现4-20个数据:表格表述 呈现超过20个数据:图更为有效 When using a statistical term in the narrative, use the term, not the symbol. Use “The means were”, not “The Ms were”.
描述和解释要详明,通过描述可以重复你的研究 词汇选用避免混淆;
Articles by psychologists such as Skinner and Watson… Like Watson, Skinner believe… Articles by psychologists, like Skinner and Watson… 据老师说like太随意了
摘要不是引言,摘要自成一体 准确而简明,信息量的最大化
开宗名义 不要重复标题内容 只包含4-5个重要概念、结果与含义
不要含有文中没有的新信息 非评价性:如实描绘而非评价 独占一页
文献回顾部分不要简单地罗列别人的研究成果丆要有自己的想法丆之间要有逻辑不要因为读得很辛苦丆或 者为了使参考的文献很多丆甚至是凑字数丆就把看过的文献都列出来丆 只要举出很相关的文献中你需要的部分丆无关细节不要引用丆例如你只需要引用其他研究的结论就不要介绍 其研究方法。