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摘 要:对3种不同发酵时间的诺丽酵素体外抗氧化能力、氨基酸的含量以及蛋白质营养评价进行研究,结果表明:随着发酵时间的
2018 年 第 37 卷 第 9 期
总第 319 期
陈小伟1,程勇杰1,薛淑龙1,方 晟2,张 婷1,崔艳丽3,毛建卫1,沙如意1*
(1.浙江科技学院 生物与化学工程学院 浙江省农产品化学与生物加工技术重点实验室 浙江省农业生物资源生化制造协同 创新中心,浙江 杭州 310023;2.绍兴文理学院 元培学院,浙江 绍兴 312000;3.浙江大学 化学系,浙江 杭州 310027)
noni; Jiaosu; antioxidant; amino acid; nutritional value evaluation
诺丽(noni)又名海巴戟、诺尼,属茜草科(Rubiaceae), 主要分布于南太平洋诸多岛屿和菲律宾等,在我国海南省、 台湾省和西沙群岛地区也有分布[1]。 诺丽果中含有丰富的 蒽醌类、黄酮类、萜类、苯丙素类、糖苷类等生物活性物 质[2-3],具有抗氧化[4]、保护心肌细胞[5-6]、抗菌、抗病毒、抗肿 瘤、镇痛、降压和抗炎等多种功效。 诺丽汁对肝脏损伤具有 一定的保护作用[7]。
100%,比值系数分(SRC)均>55,单从蛋白质营养价值来说,从高到低依次为:发酵360 d诺丽酵素>发酵540 d诺丽酵素>发酵720 d
Zhejiang University of Science & Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China; 2.Yuanpei College of Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China; 3.Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
(1.Zhejiang Provincial Collaborative Innovation Biochemical Manufacturing, Center of Agricultural Biological Resources, Zhejiang Provincial key lab for Chem & Bio Processing Technology of Farm Product, School of Biological and Chemical Engineering,
The in vitro antioxidant activity, evaluation of amino acids content and protein nutrition of noni Jiaosu in three kinds of fermentation time were discussed in this paper. The results showed that with the prolongation of fermentation time, the content of total phenols in noni Jiaosu increased slightly, and the three kinds of Jiaosu had antioxidant activity, with certain concentration dependence (P<0.05), and the fermentation time had no obvious effect on the antioxidant activity (P>0.05). The protein content decreased slightly with the prolongation of fermentation. Except for Cys, 16 common protein amino acids and non-protein amino acids GABA were all detected in three kinds of Jiaosu, and the GABA content increased to some extent along with the fermentation time. The essential amino acids were rich in three noni Jiaosu, and the amino acid score (AAS) of nine essential amino acids were greater than 100%, meanwhile the score of ratio coefficient of amino acid/essential were greater than 55. The nutritional value of protein from high to low were as follows: noni Jiaosu fermented for 360 d>540 d>720 d.
CHEN Xiaowei1, CHENG Yongjie1, XUE Shulong1, FANG Sheng2, ZHANG Ting1, CUI Yanli3, MAO Jianwei1, SHA Ruyi1*