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Corresponding author: CAO Xinsheng ( E⁃mail:caoxinsh@ fmmu edu)
【 Abstract】 Objective In order to reduce the impact of prolonged neck recline on the physical and
splenius muscle. The neck musculus splenius fatigue occurs before trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscle. At
the same time,the frequency domain indicators of electromyography signals can be used as a good evaluation
意义( P<0 05) ,相关性 MPF 指标优于 MF。 结论 长时间颈部后仰作业会引发斜方肌、胸锁乳头肌和颈
关键词 航空机务;后仰姿势;颈部;表面肌电;肌肉疲劳
DOI:10 3969 / j.issn. 1002 - 3208 2023 06 005.
splenius muscle were 0 95 and 0 96,respectively,and the fitting degrees were - 0 97 and - 0 98,respectively,
with statistically significant differences ( P<0 05) . The correlations between the time domain characteristics of
indicator for evaluating neck muscle fatigue.
【 Keywords】 aviation maintenance; backward posture; neck;surface electromyography; muscle fatigue
0 引言
表面肌电图( surface electromyography,sEMG) 技术,
有腰椎疾病,22 3% 患有关节炎 [1-2] 。 此外,航空机
劳。 Cheragh 等 [9] 通过 sEMG 评估参与者日常检修和维修时,
间颈部后仰造成的颈部疲劳 [6-7] 。 徐明伟等 [8] 通过
electromyographic characteristics of local muscles related to long⁃term neck tilt back [ J] . Beijing Biomedical
Engineering,2023,42(6) :581 - 588.
Analysis of surface electromyographic characteristics of local
sternocleidomastoid muscle,trapezius muscle,and neck musculus splenius muscle and RPE were not statistically
significant ( P > 0 05 ) , but the correlations between the frequency domain characteristics and RPE were
( MF ) , and mean power frequency ( MPF ) of electromyographic signals, and conducted correlation and
regression analysis in conjunction with subjective fatigue sensation scores. Results The changes of iEMG and
摘 要 目的 为降低长时间颈部后仰对航空机务人员身心健康造成影响,探讨航空机务人员在托
举作业过程中长时间保持颈部后仰姿势对颈部肌肉表面肌电的影响。 方法 择 12 名在校大学生作为研
观疲劳感觉评分( rating of perceived exertion,RPE) ,同时采集斜方肌、胸锁乳头肌和颈部夹肌的表面肌
RMS of the sternocleidomastoid muscle,trapezius muscle and the neck musculus splenius muscle were positively
correlated with the lifting time. The iEMG of the neck musculus splenius muscle and RMS of the
据统计,航空机务人员 27 5%患有颈椎病,24 1%患
The subjects’ rating of perceived exertion ( RPE) was recorded. At the same time,the surface EMG signals of
· 582·
北京生物医学工程 第 42 卷
电信号,分 析 并 计 算 肌 电 信 号 均 方 根 ( root mean square, RMS) 、 积 分 肌 电 ( integral electromyography,
iEMG) 、中值频率( median frequency,MF) 和平均功率频率( mean power frequency,MPF) ,并结合主观疲
college students were selected as the research objects. The subjects stood under the wing of the aircraft and kept
their neck in a backward fixed position to simulate the maintenance personnel to carry out the lifting operation.
肌的 MPF 和 MF 变化与时间呈负相关关系,其中颈部夹肌的 MPF 和 MF 相关程度最高,其相关系数分
别为 0 95 和 0 96,拟合程度分别为 - 0 97 和 - 0 98,差异具有统计学意义( P<0 05) ;胸锁乳突肌、斜方
肌和颈部夹肌的时域特征与 RPE 相关性无统计学意义( P>0 05) ,但频域特征与 RPE 相关性有统计学
中图分类号 R318 04 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1002 - 3208(2023)06 - 0581 - 08
本文著录格式 刘洋,曹新生,文治洪,等. 长时间颈部后仰相关局部肌肉表面肌电特征分析[ J] .北
京生物医学工程,2023,42(6) :581 - 588. LIU Yang,CAO Xinsheng,WEN Zhihong,et al. Analysis of surface
statistically significant ( P<0 05) ,and the correlation MPF index was better than MF. Conclusions Prolonged
neck reclining operation may lead to fatigue of trapezius, sternocleidomastoid muscle and neck musculus
第 42 卷 第 6 期
2023 年 12 月
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
Vol 42 No 6
December 2023
刘洋 曹新生 文治洪 秦义隆 高志君 王春晨 杨琳 王航 代静
the trapezius muscle,the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the neck musculus splenius muscle were collected. We
analyzed and calculated the root mean square ( RMS) ,integral electromyography ( iEMG) ,median frequency
changes of MPF and MF of the sternocleidomastoid muscle,the trapezius muscle and the neck musculus splenius
muscle were negatively correlated with time. The correlation coefficients of MPF and MF of the neck musculus
muscles related to long⁃term neck tilt back
LIU Yang,CAO Xinsheng,WEN Zhihong,QIN Yilong,GAO Zhijun,
WANG Chunchen,YANG Lin,WANG Hang,DAI Jing
Department of Aerospace Medicine,Air Force Medical University,Xi’ an 710032
sternocleidomastoid muscle had the highest correlation,with the correlation coefficients of 0 48 and 0 84,and
the fitting degrees of 0 69 and 0 71,respectively. The difference was statistically significant ( P< 0 05) . The
mental health of aviation maintenance personnel,this study explores the effect of maintaining a prolonged neck
recline position during lifting operations on the surface electromyography of the neck muscles. Methods Twenty
劳感觉评分进行相关性和回归分析。 结果 胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌和颈部夹肌的 iEMG 和 RMS 变化与托举
时间呈正相关关系,其中颈部夹肌的 iEMG 和胸锁乳突肌 RMS 相关程度最高,其相关系数分别为 0 48
和 0 84,拟合程度分别为 0 69 和 0 71,差异具有统计学意义( P<0 05) ;胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌和颈部夹
【 Abstract】 Objective In order to reduce the impact of prolonged neck recline on the physical and
splenius muscle. The neck musculus splenius fatigue occurs before trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscle. At
the same time,the frequency domain indicators of electromyography signals can be used as a good evaluation
意义( P<0 05) ,相关性 MPF 指标优于 MF。 结论 长时间颈部后仰作业会引发斜方肌、胸锁乳头肌和颈
关键词 航空机务;后仰姿势;颈部;表面肌电;肌肉疲劳
DOI:10 3969 / j.issn. 1002 - 3208 2023 06 005.
splenius muscle were 0 95 and 0 96,respectively,and the fitting degrees were - 0 97 and - 0 98,respectively,
with statistically significant differences ( P<0 05) . The correlations between the time domain characteristics of
indicator for evaluating neck muscle fatigue.
【 Keywords】 aviation maintenance; backward posture; neck;surface electromyography; muscle fatigue
0 引言
表面肌电图( surface electromyography,sEMG) 技术,
有腰椎疾病,22 3% 患有关节炎 [1-2] 。 此外,航空机
劳。 Cheragh 等 [9] 通过 sEMG 评估参与者日常检修和维修时,
间颈部后仰造成的颈部疲劳 [6-7] 。 徐明伟等 [8] 通过
electromyographic characteristics of local muscles related to long⁃term neck tilt back [ J] . Beijing Biomedical
Engineering,2023,42(6) :581 - 588.
Analysis of surface electromyographic characteristics of local
sternocleidomastoid muscle,trapezius muscle,and neck musculus splenius muscle and RPE were not statistically
significant ( P > 0 05 ) , but the correlations between the frequency domain characteristics and RPE were
( MF ) , and mean power frequency ( MPF ) of electromyographic signals, and conducted correlation and
regression analysis in conjunction with subjective fatigue sensation scores. Results The changes of iEMG and
摘 要 目的 为降低长时间颈部后仰对航空机务人员身心健康造成影响,探讨航空机务人员在托
举作业过程中长时间保持颈部后仰姿势对颈部肌肉表面肌电的影响。 方法 择 12 名在校大学生作为研
观疲劳感觉评分( rating of perceived exertion,RPE) ,同时采集斜方肌、胸锁乳头肌和颈部夹肌的表面肌
RMS of the sternocleidomastoid muscle,trapezius muscle and the neck musculus splenius muscle were positively
correlated with the lifting time. The iEMG of the neck musculus splenius muscle and RMS of the
据统计,航空机务人员 27 5%患有颈椎病,24 1%患
The subjects’ rating of perceived exertion ( RPE) was recorded. At the same time,the surface EMG signals of
· 582·
北京生物医学工程 第 42 卷
电信号,分 析 并 计 算 肌 电 信 号 均 方 根 ( root mean square, RMS) 、 积 分 肌 电 ( integral electromyography,
iEMG) 、中值频率( median frequency,MF) 和平均功率频率( mean power frequency,MPF) ,并结合主观疲
college students were selected as the research objects. The subjects stood under the wing of the aircraft and kept
their neck in a backward fixed position to simulate the maintenance personnel to carry out the lifting operation.
肌的 MPF 和 MF 变化与时间呈负相关关系,其中颈部夹肌的 MPF 和 MF 相关程度最高,其相关系数分
别为 0 95 和 0 96,拟合程度分别为 - 0 97 和 - 0 98,差异具有统计学意义( P<0 05) ;胸锁乳突肌、斜方
肌和颈部夹肌的时域特征与 RPE 相关性无统计学意义( P>0 05) ,但频域特征与 RPE 相关性有统计学
中图分类号 R318 04 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1002 - 3208(2023)06 - 0581 - 08
本文著录格式 刘洋,曹新生,文治洪,等. 长时间颈部后仰相关局部肌肉表面肌电特征分析[ J] .北
京生物医学工程,2023,42(6) :581 - 588. LIU Yang,CAO Xinsheng,WEN Zhihong,et al. Analysis of surface
statistically significant ( P<0 05) ,and the correlation MPF index was better than MF. Conclusions Prolonged
neck reclining operation may lead to fatigue of trapezius, sternocleidomastoid muscle and neck musculus
第 42 卷 第 6 期
2023 年 12 月
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
Vol 42 No 6
December 2023
刘洋 曹新生 文治洪 秦义隆 高志君 王春晨 杨琳 王航 代静
the trapezius muscle,the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the neck musculus splenius muscle were collected. We
analyzed and calculated the root mean square ( RMS) ,integral electromyography ( iEMG) ,median frequency
changes of MPF and MF of the sternocleidomastoid muscle,the trapezius muscle and the neck musculus splenius
muscle were negatively correlated with time. The correlation coefficients of MPF and MF of the neck musculus
muscles related to long⁃term neck tilt back
LIU Yang,CAO Xinsheng,WEN Zhihong,QIN Yilong,GAO Zhijun,
WANG Chunchen,YANG Lin,WANG Hang,DAI Jing
Department of Aerospace Medicine,Air Force Medical University,Xi’ an 710032
sternocleidomastoid muscle had the highest correlation,with the correlation coefficients of 0 48 and 0 84,and
the fitting degrees of 0 69 and 0 71,respectively. The difference was statistically significant ( P< 0 05) . The
mental health of aviation maintenance personnel,this study explores the effect of maintaining a prolonged neck
recline position during lifting operations on the surface electromyography of the neck muscles. Methods Twenty
劳感觉评分进行相关性和回归分析。 结果 胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌和颈部夹肌的 iEMG 和 RMS 变化与托举
时间呈正相关关系,其中颈部夹肌的 iEMG 和胸锁乳突肌 RMS 相关程度最高,其相关系数分别为 0 48
和 0 84,拟合程度分别为 0 69 和 0 71,差异具有统计学意义( P<0 05) ;胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌和颈部夹