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【摘要】Existing depth recovery algorithms for single defocused image may be complex and not effective at edge locations, textured areas and the regions with soft shadows. This paper proposes a depth estimation from single defo-cused image based on superpixel segmentation. At first, original image is segmented to some superpixel modules, and then the blur of these modules can be computed based on the blur of pixels at edge locations. In so doing, sparse depth maps at superpixel level will be obtained and optimized. At last, truthful and accurate depth maps may be gen-erated. The proposed method can decrease the error to the minimum and simplify the extension process of blurs from edges to all image pixels. The experimental results on real data demonstrate that the proposed method is not only faster, but can improve depth maps effectively, especially for edge locations, textured regions and soft shadows as well.%现有的单幅散焦图像深度恢复算法大多存在算法复杂,对图像边缘、复杂纹理及阴影区域恢复效果差等问题.提出一种基于超像素分割的单幅散焦图像的深度恢复方法.首先将原始图像分割成若干超像素模块,然后根据图像中边缘处像素的散焦模糊量求得各超像素模块的散焦模糊量,以获得超像素级别的稀疏深度图,再对所求出的稀疏深度图进行优化处理,最后恢复出真实准确的全景深度图.该算法不仅可以将误
【作者单位】山西大学计算机与信息技术学院,太原 030006;山西大学计算智能与中文信息处理教育部重点实验室,太原 030006
1.对象引导的单幅散焦图像深度提取方法 [J], 袁红星;吴少群;安鹏;郑悠;徐力
2.单幅散焦图像深度计算方法 [J], 苏庆华;赵剡;杨奎;张少辰
3.散焦图像的深度恢复方法综述 [J], 吴秋峰;王宽全
4.基于高斯-柯西混合模型的单幅散焦图像深度恢复方法 [J], 薛松;王文剑
5.基于散焦图像的物体深度信息恢复方法 [J], 杨锟诚;赵曦;赵群飞;卢芳芳