Do people want to retire

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Primarily, retirement was associated with awareness of a declining state of health, with tiredness and with the strains and pressures of the work situation. 最主要的原因是, 退休使人联想到每况愈 下的健康、疲倦、工作环境中的紧张和压 力。
Satellite-based system can be undermined at three points. The first is on the ground. Receiving stations linked to satellites would be among the first target in any war. This is especially true of stations linked to the US early warning satellites. There are only two of these, at Buckle Colorado and in central Australia. 这种以卫星为基础的系统有三大弱点。 第 一个弱点在地面上。因为接收卫星信号的 地面站是战争中必须首先摧毁的目标之一, 尤其是那些接受先期警报卫星讯号的地面 站。 这种地面站目前在美国只有两个, 一 个在科罗拉多州的巴克莱, 另一个在澳大 利亚的中部地区。
It was thought that withdrawal from employment to complete domesticity did not have the same profound significance, and was a far less threatening experience, for older women than it was for older men. 当时的看法是, 从工作岗位上退下来彻底回归家 庭(彻底沉浸于家庭生活),对上了年纪的男性 和女性而言, 其意义大小是不同的。 对于上了年 纪的妇女来说, 退休并不是那么可怕的事。
Ancient superstitions are at a discount in the new society. 旧迷信在新社会吃不开了。 Take care how you cross these busy streets. 千万不要横穿这些拥挤的马路
His being surprised at the news is more than I can describe.
However, Jacobson’s own inquiry among industrial workers in their 50s showed that the women tended to view retirement less favorably than did the men. 然而,捷克伯逊自己对50岁至59岁年龄段 的产业工人所作的调查表明,女工对退休 的赞同率往往低于男工(女工对退休的态 度往往不如男工积极 )。
Oftentimes, they find themselves reemployed in one way or another in areas where their skills and expertise are still useful and highly valued. 通常他们会以这样那样的方式继续工作, 在他们的技术和专长仍能派上用场也深受 推崇的领域发挥余热。
It is possible to glean from the available research findings a number of clues to explain some of the differences in attitude, though the conclusions are not always consistent. 从现存的研究结果中,可以搜集到许多可 以解释一些不同退休观的线索,不过,这 些研究的结论并不总是一致的。
find oneself
find themselves 发现自己已被重新雇佣 重新找 到工作 I found myself in a dilemma. 我发现自己处于进退两难的境地 I often find myself nagging . 我常不知不觉中唠叨起来 Mary tried several lines of work, but at last found herself as a teacher. 玛丽试过几种工作, 最后发觉自己还是适合做老 师 How do you find yourself to may fail to satisfy, I f one can judge from the results of the municipal elections, things are going ill for the conservative Government. 如果可以从地方选举的结果来判断的话, 保守党政府的前途是很不妙的。 But that I saw it, he would have been drowned. 要不是我看见了,他早就被淹死了。
Positive expectations of retirement seems at best to fulfill a secondary or supportive role. 对退休的向往充其量也只能起到次要或辅 助的作用。
Reluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivations, mainly of money rather than of attachment to work. 男性不愿退休 跟他们认为退休后会失去许 多东西有关(会有许多损失有关),其中 主要是失去赚钱的机会 (主要是金钱方面 的损失), 而不是对工作依依不舍(而不 是对工作的依恋)。
Some people, tired out after all exhausting yet satisfying life revolving around work, are anxious to relax in retirement with all the strains relieved; others resent the prospect of being put on the “ scrapheap”, and seek alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of satisfaction or joy. 有的人一辈子以工作为重(辛苦了大半辈子), 在精疲力尽地结束了(告别了)令人心满意足尔 却疲惫不堪的工作生涯后,巴不得从工作的劳顿 中解脱出来,(巴不得卸去所有的工作负担), 轻轻松松地过退休生活。 另一些人想到自己要成 为“一把没用的老骨头“ 而被抛弃,心中难免不 平, 于是,寻找别的方式发泄能量, 通过别的途 径寻求满足和快乐。
About 63 percent of the total sample would have opted to continue work on a part-time basis had it been feasible in their firms. 在整个调查样本中,有63%的人表示, 要 是能继续留任,他们愿意选择留在公司做 兼职。
Deprivations是抽象名词, 加上复数后, 意义具体化, 表“失去的东西“。 They were distressful memories to her. 这些都是勾起她痛苦回忆的往事
Among women, on the other hand, workbased friendships were the main reasons for not wanting to retire. 女性不想退休的主要原因则是不愿失去在 工作中建立起来的友谊。
Others are luckier----they have prepared themselves for the change in their lives or they may be temperamentally suited to retirement. 另一些人则比较幸运,他们要么是已为人 生的这种转折做好了准备, 要么就是禀性 契合, 适宜过退休生活。
Do people want to retire
Retirement from work is a dream to some, a nightmare to others. 一些人梦想着退休,而另一些人则觉得退 休向噩梦一样可怕。
Many people think that they will enjoy their time in retirement, but when it comes it may fail to satisfy, at least after an initial” honeymoon” period. 许多人都以为退休后可以安享晚年(可以 享受生活/快乐的生活),可真等退了休, 却发现事与愿违(却并未如愿以偿),至 少过了退休初始的一段“蜜月期“后,欢 乐无多。
Jacobson notes that earlier investigators found that female workers tended to have a more favourable attitude towards retirement than male workers. 杰克伯逊指出,早先调查者发现,与男性 工人相比,女工对退休往往更赞同(更有 好感/更持赞同的态度)。
Jacobson remarked that for both sexes, a favorable orientation towards retirement appeared to reflect constraints or resignation rather than choice. 捷克伯逊评论说, 无论是男是女,对退休倾向于 赞同的态度, 似乎并不表明退休是他们的自愿选 择, 而是反映了他们所受到的种种限制或百般无 奈的心态。 Resignation:the acceptance of an unpleasant situation or a fact because you realize that you cannot change it. “ 无奈“
The very next day the Count sent for Antonio to come and live with him. The best artists in the land were employed to teach him the art …. 第二天, 伯爵把安东尼奥找来, 让他住在 自己家里, 伯爵请来了当地最优秀的艺术 家, 为安东尼奥进行艺术上的指 导。。。。。。
Only 41 percent of the women, as against 62 percent of the men, preferred to retire at the pensionable age. 只有41%的女工愿意在可以领取退休金的 年龄退休, 而愿意退休(而这样) 的男工 却达到62% 。