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【摘要】研究图像融合精度问题,由于光学传感器的光谱分辨率不同,在图像融合中易丢失信息,影响图像质量.传统的图像融合算法计算量大、实时性差的缺点,同时没有细致考虑低频分量融合规则以及高频分量邻域特征对融合的影响,因而得到的融合效果不理想.为了解决上述问题,提出了一种改进的提升小波变换图像融合新算法,算法引进了图像对称概念策略,仿真结果表明,改进的图像融合算法计算量明显减少,实时性也明显提高,与传统的标准小波变换图像融合算法以及拉普拉斯金字塔融合算法相比,较有效地提高了图像融合的精确度.%Research image fusion precision problem. Due to the optical sensor spectral resolutions differ, image fusion is easy to lose information and affects image quality. Traditional image fusion algorithm is poor in real time, and does not carefully consider low - frequency component fusion rule and the high frequency component of neighborhood characteristics on the fusion effect, so the fusion effect is not ideal. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposed an improved lifting wavelet transform image fusion algorithm. The algorithm introduced image symmetry concept strategy, and the simulation results show that the improved image fusion algorithm can significantly reduce the volume and improve real time significantly. Compared with the traditional standard wavelet transform image fusion algorithms and
Laplasse Pyramid fusion algorithm, the proposed algorithm effectively improves the accuracy of image fusion.
1.基于提升小波变换的多传感器图像融合算法研究 [J], 张彬;郑永果;李道全;东野长磊
2.基于区域分割与提升小波变换的图像融合算法 [J], 高颖;王阿敏;支朋飞;葛飞
3.基于提升小波变换的医学图像融合算法 [J], 穆莹;王学军
4.基于提升小波变换的图像融合算法研究 [J], 范璐璐;安成斌
5.基于提升小波变换和PCNN的医学图像融合算法 [J], 徐卫良;戴文战;李俊峰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
