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特别是儒教统治中国2 000多年,根深蒂固。













































































①陈立旭都市文化与都市精神.东南大学出版社.2002 第142页
③杨永生.建筑百家言,中国建筑工业出版社,1998. 第62页

Building aculture rootedin the naturalenvironment ofHabit at
Different geographicalTheycertainly have different nat uralenvironment: topography, sunshinepoint ofview,sun and tides,currents and winds,temperature, pressure, food,land, water, vegetation and so on. As an intermediary between manand natureofthe construction, the externalshould be conduciv eto theformation of district externalenvironment shouldbe conducive to the protection of the domesticindoor environment Habitat. These buildings, like plants,the roots, making aday, or geographicalareas of the naturalenvironment suitable for the requirements ofintegration withnature.
In Southeast Asia andSouth Asia, in China's Hainan Islandand Taiwan Island,Coconut Grove dense, hot weather, people w ith palmleaves,palm-leafbuilt to adapt to thetropical rainforestof thatched rooms, small, ventilation,cool, lightweight, simple , built a tropical rain forest building.
In Central Asia, West Asia, inChina's western alpine region,peoplewithstones, the mountain has beenbuilt on the powerful stone building, takeshelter from thewind,blocking snow, heat,warm, buildingconstruction hasbecome plateaus. Such as China,Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan andother ethnicminorities inC hina's western mountainsandon thepotential to buildawidevarietyof mountain building.
Loess Plateau inChina,the Gobi Mobei, low rainfall,dryclimate,peopleusethehillsideslopes builttunneling room, built with distinct characteristics ofimmature soil construc tion.Gansu Dunhuang Art Exhibition Hall of thebuilding buried inthe hillside, the semi-open entrance connected hillsideretainingwall, construction features of immature soilisvery obvio us.
In the easternpartof theUnited States, in Australia,in Chin a'ssouth,rainfall,mild climate, people use wood, brick andmountains onthe potential, in linewith local condi tions, build a shade shelter fromthe rain,ventilation, stylingand uniquearchitectural humid areas.
Thesearchitectural forms,of various styles,suitable for different regions of the natural environment,with the landscape, vegetation, terrain together, forming anaturalenv ironment is rooted inavariety of architectural culture.Buildingbothrooted in thenatural environment, but alsosubjec tto the natural environment, this isthe architects mustfoll ow a basic principle.
The social space-timecaused byenvironmentaldifferenc es in the diversification of architectural culture
Differentregions, different countries, different nationshavedifferent social and historical patterns.European countries,the Americas,Asia and Africaandother developing co untries, landof differentreligious beliefs, economic developmentof the different regions have differentcultural practices. Habitatindifferent parts ofthe social differences in timeand spaceenvironment, resulting in thearchitectural culture and the diversity oftime and space, resulting in a ncient or modern Chinesearchitectural culture, theRussian architectural culture, architectural culture in SoutheastAsia, Europe and the United States Architectural Culture,the African ArchitecturalCultureand soon. Ancient Greekarchitecture inEurope, North Africa,the ancient Egyptianarchitecture,the South AsianAssociation for the ancientIndian archite cture, ancientChinese architectureis the world'sarc hitectural andcultural history ofethnic origins.Catholic, Jesus taught,Hinduism,Islam, Buddhism,such as the formation and development ofreligion, a profoundimpact onthe religious beliefs of countries and regions,but also a profoundimpact on those areasof construction,forming arich and colorful cultureof religious architecture.
China several thousand years long history,has followedso fa
r,bothancientand extensive, sinceancienttimes byConfucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zen, such as the impact of ethical thinking. Especially Confucianism ruled Chinafor 2000years,deep-roo ted. To thiscultureof Confucianism,Taoism, Buddhisman dZen eclecticvariety of ideas,togetherbrilliant, independ ent nations of the world.
ArchitecturalCulture under certainconditions, canbe transformed.Geographical, ethnicandcultural constructionunder certain conditions, can be transformed into internationalarchitectural culture, and international architecturalculturecan also be absorbed,the integration of the region andthe national characterof the new architectural culture.In today's world, building a culture of developmentand progress, boththe transformation ofthe former tothe latter, which also includestheabsorption andintegration of theformer.Thetwo alsoboth opposing reunification, complement each other,affect each other and common development, only the protectionand development of a variety of architectural culture ofall ethnic gr oups, thepromotion of world architecturalculture of pluralism, and ultimately tocreate a "different and" the human society .
Chinese ancient architecturehasabrilliant achievemen t, in thepalace,gardens,construction ofspaceprocessin g, architectural art and material structure of harmony and unity,etc.,have excellent creativity and contributionto the formation ofthe regression of other buildings in the Westofspecialcharacter,in the humanconstruction played a nimportantrolein the history. Today,the natureof architectural culturemore and more attracted attention. From the GreatHall ofthe Peoplein Beijing afterthe founding of theend of thetwentieth century buildings,hotels,and other Xiangshan inherited the traditional Chinese architectural art ofthe essence,but also a combinationofmodern Western art of architecturenewconcepts, new technologies, tobecome both fresh ethniccharacteristics,strongcharacteristicsofthe times and theconstruction of cultural monument.China's urban construction regardless oftheancient and contemporary, are in aparticular space in cultural phenomenon,its richness and complexity of all the researchers can not beavoided.
Since modern times, Chinese culture beganthe difficult process of change. Fromatraditional society to a modern social changes,butalso dependson cultural change.Ifit is said t hat traditional Chinese culture inhistory and evolution of thetrack is more clear,then, thechanges in moderntimes seemve rycomplicated. China's vastterritory, different parts of the larg
er cultural and economic differences.
Inmoderntimes,Chinaand the westerncity undoubtedly follow a differentpath of development, not only to formtheirown political, economic andculturalsystems, but also formed theirown style of urban planning and architecturalstyle.In modern times,with the intrusion of Westernpowers, as well a simportedculture, including architecturalcultureof the Westernurbanculture, including the startof theChinese have an enormous impact. Because of this, includingthe ChinaArchitecturalCulture urban culture, but also the beginningof the transition from traditionalism tomodernizationprofoundtransformation.
Today, in China's architectural theory and creative activity, p eople fond of traditionand modernity,inheritanceand innovation,China andthe West, suchas a class ofarchitectural culture and the phenomenonof comparisonand controversy,it is necessary.But the debate ofthese issuesshouldbe made clear itspurpose,that is, it should promotea culture of development and construction, andpromote its progres s, andnot just besatisfied withthebasis ofthese culturalphenomena to make objectiveand accuratedescription. Such as: During the discussion of traditional and modern, inheritance and innovation of the issue, manypeoplekeen onfrom the style, form or technology to argue their superiority, the wild, butitis not with thepeoplefrom theirsurviva landlivelihood of the fundamental link goto explore theirmeaning. During thediscussion of Chinese andWesternarchitectural culture, people in the spaceofChineseand Western concepts, beha vior and attitudetoward lifeandso a detailedcomparison, based on the discovery and summeduptheChinese ar chitectural concepts with Westernersdifferencesandtheir respective characteristics,and then in creation and insufficient emphasison theory and embodythe characteristics of this,of course, is good.On theother hand,peopleare less humanexistencefrom the perspective ofthe state oftraditionaland modern,inheritance and innovation,Chine se and Westernarchitecture tomake furthervalue judgments. Thus, the"tradition"of "modern" "inheritance""innovation" "China" "Western"andso the purpose of turning themselvesinto. Building a culture of comparisonand debateshould t hereforenotachieve thepurpose ofarchitecturalculture can notlead to realprogress.
Along time, research in the field ofarchitectural history,thereis a "Western Centeron"The viewthat the West
is a historical traditionof urban construction,the EastBuilding of non-historicaltraditions.In"comparative Architectural History" on the issue there is a"construction of the tr ee,"withillustrations,the center of thetree trunkis marke dwith Greece,Rome,LoMan-style, top of thesix main branches are someEuropean and Americancountries Gothicarchitecture,Renaissance architecture and modern construct ion. ButEgypt,India,Mexico, Chinaand so before thefollowingnumber of delicate young branches, the United Stateson the centerof the tree trunk on top, great image toexpressthe author's construction of"Western-centered" thinking. There is no denying that theWestern Urban Architecture inthe past few centuriesis indeed developing rapidly, both in conten tandform,or in technology and theory,aesthetics are takin gshape on the forefront intheworld.However,"Western Center on the" point of viewis nodoubtthereis a problemwith thedevelopment of world architectural history,not justthe West,and no hall,which has become more andmore consen sus building and culturalhistorians.①Western post-modernist theoristsArchitectural CultureFrampton that:traditionalarchitecture,especially folkarchitecture is the formation of specific locations in the building system with afunction andstructure is reasonable. Especiallyin dealingwith a number of specificfactors,suchas ventilation,lighting, insulation,etc. withexcellent characteristics.Therefore,we can not simply deny according to thelocation,physical g eographyof the specific cultural environment andhuman devel opment of the local style.
Traditional Chinese architectural cultureresearch, is to open up a theoreticallevel,the health of Chinesearchitectural develop ment. BuildingCulturalStudies isnot confined to explain avariety of architectural culture phenomenon,it isto bu ilding a cultureof value-oriented development.Therefore, the architectural cultureshould be critical andpractice. Toprovidevalue-oriented,wemust make a valueassessment, i tis necessary to establish one setof values.Humanbeingsare different from their own cultural backgrounds, different building events are alsoa certain degree of architectural culture shadow. Butculture is also a double-edged sword. On the onehand,are the essence of anyculture coexist with thedross, even ifit isthe essence,butalsooften cannot be separated from the specificconditionsoftimeand space; On theother hand, both the traditionalculture may be aheavy
cross, stiflethe creative potential of modern people canalsobe b ecomeatreasurehouse of wisdom andenrich ourimagination,expand our scaleof thinking.
Realityand future requirements ofthecomplexity of life,farfrom beingmechanically copy a certain kind of trad itional methods,approaches, they can be met, we must absorb,d raw upontheir strengths needed to pick up my.Inaddition,the creationof the characteristics is still aserioustop ic,require a combinationof specificlocations,conditions, onthe design requirementsforspecific analysis.Creativ emethods,theuse of"abstract inheritance,moved likeawonderful"principle, may find a newway. Wu Liangyong,a so-called "abstractinheritance"means fromthe construction of traditional Chinesetraditional architectural design principles andthebasic theory of theessence of part of the development,appliedtothereality created in the past. And t he traditional imageofthe mostdistinctivepart of extracted through abstract and concentrate toimprove as a motif,be innovativeand creative design inorder to inspire the currentFormalcreation.At the same time,shouldtouchthe pulse ofChina's traditional culture,diggingout of the traditional architectural artconnotation of timeand space, firstof all,attention shouldbe paid totheart of architectureand the restoration ofcultural values and spiritual function,not onlythe architectural andartistic works as industrialproductsand daily necessities, more efforts should not only its immediatephysical function. Thiskind ofinheritance,isnot a form ofplagiarismor the oldparts of thepermutation and combination, both creativeprinciple ofthesuccession and development,and the imageof the drawing andcreativity. So that the design of both the spiritlikenessseek, norexclusive tosomeextent, thedetailsofthe shapeofa key isbased on the location, condition needs. And "want to move too wonderful," "move to" istotheir own imaginationint othe image of the object to,"Miaowas" refers to grasp the trueexpressionof the target. ②
Extensive and profound traditional Chineseculture,architecture is thesame culture. Weshouldnot only from theperspectiveoftheform, andfromculturetounderstandthe depth of thetraditional, such as: the first level,thetraditional beauty of classical architectureinthe roof,brackets,shapes portico features, poetry, calligraphyand technology combined withthe fitting-out forms,as wellas all kinds of doors andwindows Prism Grid, decorative patterns; second
level,the courtyard-style layoutof the spacerhythm,naturaland architecturalenvironment of complementarydesign, poetic, full of the humanistic spiritof gardening art, shape, number of p aintings,azimuththeappearance of a symboland metap horpractices;thethird level,"harmony betweenmanand nature"of the natureand focus onenvironmentaleffects of "feng shui" ofthought,yin-yangconfrontation, interaction,and thecorrespondingphilosophical thinkingandthe "body, mind, andgas" competent a concept of health, andso on. Ofthemcontains awealth of content,deep philosophy and wisdom. ③whichstates that the value oftraditional to mo dern needs in our newbuildingworksto discover, to perception.
Therefore,weshould try tofindtraditional,modernvalues,and carryforward inpreserving the essence of theirtr aditionalat thesame time,get ridofits backward, nots uited to modern developmentofthings,toseek traditional architectural culture and themodern developmentoftheco mbination ofpoints, reflectthetraditional architecture and cultural respectHeaven and Earth,Humanistic,say the pro-andthinking ofmaterialist dialectics.Carry forward the traditionof architectural culture are also availablefrom traditional architecture designprinciples, spatialcomposition, composition methods, ideas have inspired the expression,etc., have to inheritand use the developmentof innovation, continuous exploration of thinking oftraditional architecture andmodern architecturethinking, traditional technologies with modern technology,traditionaland modern aestheticofacombina tion of aestheticconsciousness, the outstanding traditional architectural cultureinto modern architecture culture.
Chinese andforeign construction and culturaldevelopment and blend
Architectural Culture in the global "big culture" systems,all na tionalities,all geographicalconstruction symbioticculture in this form the world's architectural culture Symphony.Social process of globalization has brought to the culturalcollision with the rendezvous, conflict andblend.
Forthousandsofyears, the Chineseculture to external sources of long. Buddhist culture have originated in India, Zhang Qianas envoyto the WesternRegionsofthe WesternHan Dynasty,Tang Dynasty Master XuanZangwent to Indiato learnfrom their experience Chuan-by, the impact of China's 2,000 years of Buddhism. However, thecontents ofBuddhism, Buddha,like Maung, the shapeswith the Chinese Buddhisttemplein
cultures,the formation anddevelopment ofa unique Chines eBuddhist architectural culture.
As early asthe 20th century, 20years,China'smodern architects returned from studyingabroad, mostofwhom are scholarsin the United States, theyarebuilding at thetim eofWestern academic and culturalconcepts and China Architectural Culture nationalistic concept ofthedouble impact,emphasizingcultural exchange between Chinesean dWesternarchitecturefocusedon the architecturalstyleforthe first time a creative wayto design a number of products, creating a cultural exchange between Chinese andforeign constructionof a new era. For example, the first batch of U.S.architect Mr. Lv Yanzhi Canton20's design Zhongshan Memo rial Hall, Dr.Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing and so on,in the Chines econstruction industry has played a reallyground-breakingeffect in stimulating the Chineseand foreign architectural cultureofthe integration process.
The early foundingof New China,theChinese government,mechanisms copied the Soviet model,the Chineseall over the building ofa group of Russian cultural identity buildingconstruction, the formationand development of China's 50's "socialism"of architecturalculture.Sincereformand openingup, China's open-door once again, theintroduction ofWestern economic management model to imitate, "European style", RTHK construction,post-modernism almost swept the country,theformation and development of China's 80's "reformand opening-up" constructionculture. It goes withoutsaying thatall countries inthe world of architectural culture at that time aresubject tolocal political systems, economicconditions, technical levelof restraint,in conflict with each other,mutual exchanges,mutual influence, mutual integration. However,wh at kind of fusion and exchange with vitality, stand the test oftime and space?Only thosewho learned theessence ofeastern and western cultures, integration-oriented areas of nationalc ulture and nationalcharacter of theconstruction only has great vitality.
Cultural exchange between old and modern architectural explorationand the pursuit of Ancient and modern cultures,the past servethe present, what? Need to analyze the "ancient" an d"today"in the constructionof content changes that have taken place. These qualitativechange is the social system, productiontechnology, living habits, work, cultural values,building materialsin theconstructionsector caused bythe inevitable result. As Mr.WuYurongin the evaluat
ion ofthe FrenchengineerGustave.Eiffel designed the EiffelTowernoted:"Peopleare trying toadaptto ever yhumanlife anart formthenewdirectionof development andto makeall thehuman activities andthe rapidly changing era of emotion caused by the new suit."
To explore ancient and modern blend of traditional architectu re and modern architecture combiningproblem.China'straditional architectural culturehasmany features, suchas the over alllayout ofbuildings,inline with local conditions, andbe full of change;architecturalstyle,rich and colorful; spaceseparated,flexibleand diverse;interior decoration,p ay attentionto the connotation;color to use,colorful;garden green, it isimplicitly lively, changeable,uniqueinth eworld.In the creation ofmodernarchitecture, the contemporaryarchitectsshouldlearnfromancient architecture and cultural wealthof nutrition, according tothe modernization of awide rangeof requirements,fromthe analysisof thevarious contradictionsin the explorationand pursuit of people's livesto adapt to the new direction ofdevelopmentand people's construction activities and the rapidcausedby the changing times adapt to newemotions.
Since the foundingof New China,focusing on the successionofChinese tradition, carry forward the, creative architectural artofthe problems the United States experienced anumber o fexplorationand discussion. Experiencedtheliberation o ftheearly to imitate the "bigroof" retro nostalgiaperiod; experienced a criticalretro, and copythe Soviet"model" dogmatism stage;experienced the CulturalRevolution,servi lity toforeigners critical philosophy,the implementation of"d ry-base hit,"the poor during the transition;experienced early ad vocateof reform and opening upthe West, thepopular"Hong Kongstyle"period. After exploringthe difficulties a ndsetbacks, China beganto follow the traditional architect,to adapt to function, theuse ofhigh-tech, to explore ancient and moderncultures,therealization ofthe modernizationofarchitectural creation of thecorrect way.
In thispaper,talkingabout building aculture of environment and blend onlypreliminarystudy, many deeptheoretical iss ues need furtherstudy.Our generation of architects should be fi rmly establishedthe "scientific concept of architectural culture" to the Chinese cultureas themainbody, to acceleratetheconstruction ofcultureandenvironment, and th enation, andsociety,andthe blending process with the times.。
