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WinCC 與HMI 人機介面
1. 在Plant View 視窗下,點選欲新增人機介面之區域, 按滑鼠右鍵-Insert New Object -Picture ,新增一圖片
2. 輸入圖片名稱
1. Click right key of mouse
2. Select Insert New Object
3. Select Picture
Key in the name of picture
3.在Component view視窗下,點選ES-WinCC Application-OS
在OS上按滑鼠右鍵-Open Object
2.Click right key of
1.Select Open
3.Click right key of mouse
1.Select Properties
2.Select Computer
5.輸入該部電腦的實際Computer Name,按OK返回
1.Key in the Computer Name
same as your computer
2.Click OK
6.滑鼠左鍵雙擊OS Project Editor
Double click left key of mouse
7.進入OS Project Editor畫面後,選取上方Layout標籤,並選取螢幕解析度與數量
1. Select Layout
2. Select screen resolution
3. Select monitor configuration
Click OK 9.返回Component視窗,點選ES-WinCC Application-OS
10.按Next進行下一步1. Select ES
2. Click right key of
3. Select Compile
Click Next
1. Select Station
2. Click Next
1. Click Connection
2. Click Next
13.進入Select Network Connection畫面後,點選S7 connection,按OK確定後跳出,
1.Select S7 Connection (when adopt OS+CP1613)
2. Click OK
14.D ata:勾選Tags and messages與Picture Tree
Scope:點選Entire OS,並勾選With memory reset
Minimum acquisition cycle of the archive tags:依需求設定,預設為1秒設定完成後按Next (第二次OS Compil e不必勾選Picture Tree)
1. Select Tags and messages
2. Select Picture Tree
3. Select Entire OS
4. Select With memory reset
5. Select 1 second
6. Click Next
Click Compile
16.C ompile執行中
完成OS Compile後,PCS7會自動將程式中的OP_D、OP_A、DIG_MON、MEAS_MON等Block以內建物件自動轉換至人機介面
This is a OP_D block
2.在該Block上按滑鼠右鍵-Object Properties
1. Click right key of mouse
2. Select Object Properties
3.進入後可見Create block icon有打勾,但底下欄位空白,表示其採用內建Faceplate
Here is empty
So use default faceplate
Click OK
4.程式編輯完成後,執行OS Compile
5.OS Compile完成後打開該程式人機介面圖檔
Double click the picture
Default OP_D faceplate
7.如須依使用者須求更改內建Faceplate,則先開啟WinCC Application
1. Click right key of mouse
2. Select Open
8.點選左方視窗內的Graphics Designer,再雙擊右方視窗內的@@PCS7Typicals.PDL
2. Select @@PCS7Typicals.PDL
1. Select Graphics
Click right key of mouse
and select Duplicate
11.在物件上按滑鼠右鍵-Properties Rename to OP_D/2
2.Click right
key of mouse
1.Select Properties 1
2.點選左方視窗內的Customized object
再將右方視窗內的Object Name更改為@OP_D/2
13. 點選左方視窗內的General ,滑鼠左鍵雙擊右方視窗內的type 將Output Value 修改為@OP_D/2,按OK 確定修改
1. Select Customized object
2. Rename to @OP_D/2
1. Select General
2. Key in @OP_D/2
3. Click OK
14.點選Object Palette視窗內的Static Text,在主畫面上建立一靜態按鈕方塊
15.在新增之按鈕方塊上按右鍵-Duplicate 1. Select Static text
2. Create new Static text
Click right key of mouse
and select Duplicate 16.在新增之按鈕方塊上按右鍵-Properties
Click right key of mouse
and select Properties
2. Change the colors of font
and Background
1. Select Colors
19.修改完成如圖所示1. Select Font
2. Change the Font Size and Alignment
21.輸入按鈕名稱,按Save 1. Select red button
2. Select File
3. Select Export
1. Key in the name
2. Click Save
Repeat step 19 and step 20 to add black button 23.在OP_D/2物件上按滑鼠右鍵-Customized object-Edit
1. Click right key of mouse
2. Select Customized object
3. Click Edit 2
4.在原始靜態按鈕上按滑鼠右鍵-Configuration Dialog
25.刪除原始靜態畫面1. Click right key of mouse
2. Click Configuration Dialog
1. Delete original Static Text
26.選取Selection of Picture視窗內剛才所新增的按鈕reset_on與reset_off
Select new add static text
and mouse move here
Click OK
Adjust the size of static text
28.選取整個RESET按鈕,按滑鼠右鍵-Customized object-Finish editing
29.點選File-Save As 1. Select and click right key of mouse
2. Select Customized object
3. Select Finish editing
1. Select File
2. Select Save As
1. Key in the file name @PCS7Typicals
2. Click Save
31.返回程式編輯區,在預定做RESET功能的OP_D上按滑鼠右鍵-Object Properties
1. Click right key of mouse
2. Select Object Properties
32.在Create block icon的欄位上輸入2 (因該物件為@OP_D/2),按OK
1. Key in the block icon 2
2. Click OK
33.將修改過的程式進行Compile,選擇Changes only即可,按OK
34.執行OS Compile
1. Compile the program
2. Select Changes only
3. Click OK
3. Execute OS Compile 35.O S Compile結束後開起圖片
Open the picture
36.O P_D物件已更換為自行建立之REST按鈕
The faceplate changed。