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New Experiencing English Book4 Unit1

从加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的“零浪费”运动场到纽约州瓦瑟学院2007级学生献给学校的价值10 000美元的太阳能电池板,你可以看到环保运动已经蔓延到了全国。






”Environmentalism is taking serious root on campuses. You can see it across the nation, from the zero-waste stadium at the University of California, Davis, to a $10,000 gift of solar panels to Vassar from the class of 2007. Students have gotten into the spirit, waging competitions to boost recycling and slash energy use in dorms. There are courses and entire majors built around environmental issues. There are even a few scholarships. The newfound attention makes sense. Higher education is well positioned to shape not only eco-aware citizens, but green engineers, architects and policymakers. Cornell president David Skorton puts it best: “Sustainability is no longer an elective.”【2】想要探寻环保运动已经广泛开展的证据,只需关注全国各大学都热衷参与的“回收狂”(RecycleMania)竞赛便能找到答案。








For evidence of how the movement has spread, consider the nationwide RecycleMania competition among colleges. The 2008 champion wasn’t a powerhouse university li ke Harvard or Stanford with an established reputation for environmentalism. It was tiny Kalamazoo College in Michigan. During the 10-week contest, K’zoo students recycled 59 percent of their trash. (Harvard and Stanford totaled 27 percent and 30 percent, respectively.) Members of the recycling club launched a “dorm storm,” ambushing students in their rooms and preaching the virtues of waste reduction. They collected recyclables from public bins around campus — even carting styrofoam and old computers to companies that could reprocess them. They cut discarded books from bindings so the paper could be recycled. Even old chairs, mugs, speaker systems — and a piano — found new life at the campus exchange, a room full of secondhand stuff that’s free.



它占地3 400平方英尺(315.9平方米),在将来也许会成为环保主义者的梦想住宅。





Green buildings are also cropping up on campuses, from Duke with its green-roofed “Smart Home” (a dorm that also functions as a laboratory for green living) to the new University of California, Merced, where all the buildings meet the exacting standards of the U.S. Green Building Council. One of the most unusual projects is at Furman University in Greenville, S.C. In June 2008, the college opened a solar-powered showcase home called Cliffs
Cottage in conjunction with Southern Living magazine. At 3,400 square feet, it could be an environmentalist’s trophy home. It features geothermal heating, organic gardens, bamboo flooring (since bamboo is quick-growing) and ENERGY STAR appliances. The house generates 6 to 10 times more energy than it uses, thanks to solar panels outside and energy-sparing technologies within. For a year, Cliffs Cottage will be open to the public. After that, it will become Furman’s Center for Sustain ability, with classes on green living.






For those seeking more-rigorous ways to study the environment, there’s no lack of options. Colorado State University offers more than 100 courses in fields from engineering to atmospheric science. “Students can work with professors who are engaged in the latest ideas on reducing climate change and producing new energy sources,” says CSU president Larry Edward Penley. Several years ago, engineering students came up with a way to retrofit two-stroke engines on snowmobiles, making for cleaner, more efficient machines. A company called Envirofit International is now marketing the technology in Asia to help cut pollution from auto rickshaws. Students will also be able to help with multiple research projects at the huge new wind farm CSU is building.





福尔曼大学还每年提供高达7 500美元的奖学金给那些热衷于环保工作的学生。

It’s not just the sciences that offer opportunities for study. Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, has more than 70 classes in departments like policy studies and history. “Humans have transformed the environment, and the environment has affected human events,” says enviro nmental historian Jeremy Vetter. He points to the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, when severe dust storms devastated so much farmland that the government stepped in to help save topsoil. Furman has even added a core-curriculum requirement for environmental studies, with classes like The Sustainable Corporation and Environmental Writing. And the college offers scholarships of up to $7,500 a year to environmentally active students.

对于迪金森学院08届毕业生玛吉·斯通卡什来说,那意味着她将花6个月的时间参与管理学校15英亩(60 702.8平方米)的有机农田。





Ultimately, the goal for many students will be to translate their experiences into internships and jobs. For Maggie Stonecash, a 2008 Dickinson graduate, that means spending six months helping to manage the college’s 15-acre organic farm. She and her fellow interns take field trips to places like the Rodale Institute, which is a leader in sustainable farming, and to nearby farms that raise grass-fed beef or use “no till” practices to spare the topsoil. They live on the farm for “full immersion” (and they live in yurts — large, round Mongolian-style tents, which are solarpowered and off the grid). “I feel passionate about organic farming as a way to help bring back a sustainable lifestyle,” Stonecash says.
New Experiencing English Book4 Unit3

In matters of national security, environmental sustainability, and economic development, what we do as a nation and in our everyday lives is inextricably intertwined with what governments, businesses, and individuals do beyond our borders.


This new reality helps us more clearly define the role that education must play in preparing all students for success in an interconnected world and creating the citizens, workers and leaders our nation needs in the 21st century. It's an urgent call for schools to produce students that actually know something about the world — its cultures, languages and how its economic, environmental and social systems work.


A process of careful articulation and vetting yielded the definition of global competence here proposed: Global competence is the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance. It articulates the knowledge and skills students need in the 21st century.




Investigate the World. Global competence starts by being aware, curious, and interested in learning about the world and how it works. Globally competent students ask and explore critical quest ions and “researchable” problems —problems for which there may not be one right answer, but can be systematically engaged intellectually and emotionally. Their questions are globally significant, questions that address important phenomena and events that are relevant world wide — in their own community and in communities across the globe.


Globally competent students can articulate the significance of their questions and know how to respond to these questions by identifying, collecting, and analyzing credible information from a variety of local, national and international sources, including those in multiple languages. They can connect the local to the global, for example, by explaining how a local issue like their school recycling program exemplifies a global process far beyond their backyards.





Recognize Perspectives. Globally competent students recognize that they have a particular perspective and that others may or may not share it. They are able to articulate and explain the perspectives of other people, groups, or schools of thought and identify influences on these perspectives, including how differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources can affect people’s views. Their understanding of others’ perspectives is deeply informed by historical knowledge about other cultures as well as contemporary events. They can compare and contrast their e rspective with others, and integrate their own and others’ viewpoints to construct a new one, when needed.




Communicate Ideas. Globally competent students understand that audiences differ on the basis of culture, geography, faith, ideology, wealth, and other factors and that they may perceive different meanings from the same information. They can effectively communicate, verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences. Because it is increasingly the world’s common language for commerce and communication, globally competent students in the US and elsewhere are proficient in English as well as in at least one other world language.


Communicating ideas occurs in a variety of culturally diverse settings, and especially within collaborative teams. Globally competent students are able to situate themselves in a variety of cultural contexts, organize and participate in diverse groups, and work effectively toward a common goal.



Globally competent students are also media and artistically savvy; they know how to choose and effectively use appropriate technology and media to communicate with diverse audiences, including through respectful online social networking. In short, they are technology and media literate within a global communications environment.






Take Action. What skills and knowledge will it take to go from learning about the world to making a difference in the world? It takes seeing oneself as capable of making a difference. Globally competent students see themselves as players, not bystanders. They’re keenly able to recognize opportunities from targeted human rights advocacy to creating the next out-of-the-box, must-have business product we didn’t know we needed. Alone or with others, ethically and creatively, globally competent students can envision and weigh options for action based on evidence and insight; they can assess their potential impact, taking into account varied perspectives and potential consequences for others; and they show courage to act and reflect on their actions.





Apply Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Expertise. Is global competence all skills and no knowledge? Hardly. As true now as at any other time, learning content matters. Global competence requires that the capacities described above be both applied within academic disciplines and contextualized within each discipline’s methods of inquiry and production of knowledge. Globally competent students learn to think like historians and scientists and artists by using the tools and methods of inquiry of the disciplines.



Global competence also requires the ability to understand prevailing world conditions, issues, and trends through an interdisciplinary lens as well, in order to understand the interconnectedness of the issue and its broad themes as well as subtle nuances. A competitive advantage will go to those students who k now what’s going on in the world, can comprehend the interconnectedness of environmental, financial, social, and other systems, and understand how the relative balance of power between societies and cultures has significant short and long-term consequences. Educating students for global competence requires substantive, developmentally appropriate engagement over time with the world’s complexities.


Global competence is a crucial shift in our understanding of the purpose of education in a changing world. Students everywhere deserve the opportunity to succeed in the global economy and contribute as global citizens. We must fashion a more creative and visionary educational response to the interconnected world of the 21st century, starting now.
New Experiencing English Book4 Unit5

Smokers who fail to kick the habit are not only hurting their bodies but may also be missing a chance to make new friends or, in some cases, keep old ones, according to new research.
【2】《新英格兰医学杂志》上发表了一篇研究报告,一项针对超过12 000名烟民(包括他们的朋友,家人和同事)历时30年的研究分析表明,尝试戒烟会成为周围人群,如一帮叽叽喳喳的大学生或小公司的同事们的谈资,从而增加戒烟者的人际吸引力。

Researchers report in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) that an analysis of more than 12,000 smokers (and their friends, families and colleagues) over a 30-year period shows that attempting to quit smoking can serve as a people magnet by becoming a phenomenon among social groups, like a gaggle of college students or co-workers at a small firm.



According to the study, quitting often involves networks of people who spread the word (and behavior) to other
cliques with whom they interact. "In a deep way, there's an association between you quitting and the quitting of people that are two to three degrees away from you," says study co-author Nicholas Christakis, a professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School. "People you don't know personally, their actions ripple through the network and affect you."


Christakis says the effect triggers "quitting cascades" analogous to lights going out down the line on a power grid until ultimately it goes dark. The parts of the grid that are not affected by the loss of power, as in an actual blackout, are usually those on the fringes of the web—in a quitting cascade, it is those who continue to smoke.


Richard Suzman, director of the division of behavioral and social research at the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda, Md., said the study sheds light on ways to help smokers and other addicts break their habits. "If decisions to quit cascade through social networks," he said in a statement, "then this stud y has provided public health campaigns a powerful new methodology with which to influence behaviors."
【6】克里斯塔科斯与他的同事詹姆斯·福勒——加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的政治学副教授,采用Framingham 心脏研究受试者的数据,整合了一个包含12 067人的人际网络,其中的每一个人都能通过亲友、工作或社会关系与其他几个人建立起联系。


Christakis and colleague James Fowler, an associate professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego, used data from subjects of the Framingham Heart Study, putting together a network consisting of
12,067 people, with each person being connected to several others through familial, work or social relationships.
In the detailed heart study, participants' current health—including smoking status—and social connections were updated every four years, making the data set ideal for the analysis on smoking behavior.


Those with connections to a lot of other people in the study would find themselves at the center of large social clusters. Christakis notes that at the beginning of the study, smokers and nonsmokers were just as likely to be one of these central figures, but as smoking became less and less popular, smokers moved to the periphery of these webs, whereas people who had stopped smoking (or had never started) had more connections.


Fowler notes that when looking at the data, he was shocked by how clearly the pattern of smokers moving to the outside of social circles appeared. "It's not just that the [smokers are] less popular," Christakis adds, "it's that their friends are less popular, too."




Researchers found that, unsurprisingly, spouses have the most influence on another person's smoking behavior. If a partner kicked the habit, there was a 67 percent chance their significant other would, as well. Friends were roughly
half as influential; and if a person's sibling quit, they were only 25 percent likely to be inspired to drop the habit 【10】研究人员发现,那些至少接受过一点高等教育的人更能帮助同伴戒烟,也更易受别人影响而摒弃陋习。

The scientists found that people with at least some college education were found to be more helpful partners in the quitting process as well as more easily influenced by others to toss their smokes. Christakis points out that past studies showed that people in higher socioeconomic classes were the first to embrace social trends—one of those, ironically, being smoking in the early 20th century


One of the goals of an education, says co-author Fowler, is to make people more receptive to social norms. "Education helps people to come together and coordinate on a particular project," he says. "Here the project is health behaviors—specifically smoking."



In an editorial accompanying the study in the (NEJM), Steven Schroeder, a professor of health and health care at the University of California, San Francisco, warned about the marginalization of stalwart puffers. "A risk of the marginalization of smoking is that it further isolates the group of people with the highest rates of smoking—persons with mental illness, problems with substance abuse or both," he wrote. "These people are already stigmatized by their underlying psychiatric condition. Adding the further burden of the stigma associated with smoking makes it even harder for them to achieve the wellness that they and their families seek."
Unit 5
section A 选择独处




Here we are,all by ourselves,all 22 million of us by recent count,alone in our rooms,some of us liking it that way and some of us not.Some of us divorced,some widowed,some never yet committed.





Loneliness may be a sort of national disease here,and it's more embarrassing for us to admit than any other sin.On the other hand,to be alone on purpose,having rejected company rather than been cast out by it,is one characteristic of an American hero.The solitary hunter or explorer needs no one as they venture out among the deer and wolves to tame the great wild areas.Thoreau,alone in his cabin on the pond,his back deliberately turned to the town.Now that's character of you.


Inspiration in solitude is a mayjor commodity for poets and philosophers.They're all for it.They all speak。
