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1. 下列词语中,字形、字音都正确的是:
A. 沉鱼落雁恣意妄为
B. 气吞山河妙手偶得
C. 妄自菲薄赏心悦目
D. 纸醉金迷谈笑风生
2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:
A. 他的成绩之所以能取得如此优异,是因为他勤奋好学,肯下功夫。

B. 我们在这次比赛中,不仅取得了胜利,还增进了友谊。

C. 由于天气原因,导致我们的旅行计划被迫推迟。

D. 他的演讲赢得了大家的阵阵掌声,也让我们深受启发。

3. 下列各句中,加点词解释错误的一项是:
A. 沧海一粟(比喻非常渺小)
B. 满城风雨(比喻消息传播迅速,到处议论纷纷)
C. 青出于蓝(比喻学生超过老师或后人胜过前人)
D. 破釜沉舟(比喻决心不顾一切地干到底)
4. 下列各句中,修辞手法使用错误的一项是:
A. 星星像无数的小眼睛,一眨一眨地望着我们。

B. 那座山,像一位慈祥的老人,静静地俯视着这片土地。

C. 春风拂面,像母亲的手抚摸着我们的脸颊。

D. 那片湖水,像一面明镜,倒映着天空的碧蓝。

5. 下列各句中,标点符号使用错误的一项是:
A. 他看着远方,脸上露出了微笑——那是他内心的喜悦。

B. 我问:“你今天过得怎么样?”他说:“挺好的。

C. 她说:“你知道吗?那个科学家最近获得了诺贝尔奖。

D. “你是谁?”我大声问,“为什么要跟踪我?”












1. 解释下列句子中加点词的意思:
① 赵武灵王喜欢狩猎,曾带着一批人马在山林中追逐野兽。

② 经过一天的探险,他们终于找到了洞中的宝物——一枚金光闪闪的玉佩。

2. 翻译下列句子:
① 赵武灵王把玉佩带回了国,众人纷纷前来祝贺。

② 我之所以得到这枚玉佩,全靠您的庇佑。

3. 从文中找出赵武灵王喜欢狩猎的原因,并用自己的话概括。

4. 结合全文,谈谈你对赵武灵王这一人物形象的认识。


1. He was so tired that he couldn't even _______.
A. walk
B. to walk
C. walked
D. walking
2. The teacher said that the homework _______ before the class next week.
A. will be finished
B. will finish
C. finishes
D. finished
3. I _______ to go to the party with them, but I _______ to stay at home and study.
A. would like, would like
B. would like, would rather
C. would rather, would like
D. would rather, would rather
4. _______ you have finished your homework, you can go out and play.
A. If
B. Whether
C. Because
D. Since
5. She _______ her mother's cooking very much.
A. likes
B. liking
C. to like
D. liked
In the small town of Greenfield, there was a young girl named Emily. Emily was a very kind and caring girl. She always helped her neighbors and friends whenever they needed her.
One day, Emily heard that an old man named Mr. Thompson had fallen and hurt his leg. He couldn't walk and needed help. Emily immediately went to Mr. Thompson's house and helped him to his bed. She then made a special diet for him and visited him every day to make sure he was okay.
As days passed, Emily and Mr. Thompson became close friends. They spent a lot of time talking and laughing together. Emily even taught Mr. Thompson how to play chess, which he loved.
One day, Mr. Thompson asked Emily, "Why do you always help me, Emily? You don't have to."
Emily smiled and said, "I just love to help people. It makes me feel good inside."
Mr. Thompson was touched by Emily's kindness. He realized that true happiness comes from helping others.
1. A. Because
2. B. When
3. C. To
4. D. Until
5. A. Where
6. B. That
7. C. How
8. D. What
9. A. So
10. B. But
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
The Internet has changed our lives in many ways. It has made communication easier, provided us with a wealth of information, and allowed us to shop and do business online. However, the Internet also has its downsides.
One of the biggest problems with the Internet is the amount of time people spend online. Many people become addicted to social media, online games, and other forms of entertainment. This can lead to problems with their health, relationships, and work.
Another problem is the amount of misinformation that is spread online. Fake news and false information can be difficult to distinguish from the truth, and this can lead to confusion and panic.
Despite these problems, the Internet is still a valuable tool. It can help us connect with people from all over the world, learn new things, and even earn a living. It is important for us to use the Internet responsibly and to be aware of its potential dangers.
1. What is one of the biggest problems with the Internet?
2. What can be difficult to distinguish from the truth?
3. What is one way the Internet can be a valuable tool?
4. What is important for us to do when using the Internet?
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
题目:The Internet and Its Impact on Our Lives
要求:Write an essay of about 200 words on the topic. You should use your own ideas and experiences and support your argument with examples.。
