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外来词汇: lychee荔枝 (中文) bamboo竹子 ketchup番茄酱 (马来语) curry咖喱 (泰米尔语 Tamil) yoghourt酸奶 horde游牧部落(土耳其) bazaar巴扎集市 turban缠头巾 (波斯语) coffee咖啡magazine杂志 alcohol酒精 (阿拉伯语) balcony阳台 fresco壁画villa别墅 cupola圆顶屋 portico柱廊 piazza广场 miniature微缩模型 design设计 opera歌剧 violin小提琴 solo独奏 sonata奏鸣曲 soprano女高音 trill颤音 cameo戏剧小品 carnival嘉年华 (意大利语) 那时欧洲学者都会拉丁语,所以虽然方言不同,但是能够用拉丁语交流思想。


InkhornControversy 墨水壶字眼大争论伊丽莎白一世懂六国语言,还会写诗、翻译拉丁语和法语的文章。

Philip Sidney西德尼,诗人,31岁死于战场。

the globe 环球剧院。

莎翁名句: 《as you like it皆大欢喜》 (世界是个舞台,人们都是里边的演员,在乱哄哄、乱糟糟里,你方唱罢我登场。

) All the world’s a stage, 全世界是个舞台, And all men and women merely players; 男男女女只是演员而已; They have their exits and their entrances, 他们都有其退场和登场;(乱哄哄你方唱罢我登场) And one man in his time plays many parts, 人生在世扮演着多种角色, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, 他的表演有七个时期。

起初是婴儿,Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms. 在妈妈怀里又哭又吐; Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel,
然后是哭哭啼啼的学童,背了书包, And shining morning face, creeping like snail 朝阳般的脸膛,一步一挪慢如蜗牛,Unwillingly to school. And then, the lover; 勉勉强强去上学。

然后是恋人; Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad 唉声叹气如同炉灶冒烟,编了一曲悲歌Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier; 形容情人的娥眉。

Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, 奇怪的誓言不绝于口,胡须如同豹子的触须, Jealous in honour, sudden, and quickin quarrel, 珍惜荣誉,动辄争吵, Seeking the bubble reputation追求虚名Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice, 那怕对着炮口。

然后,做了法官; In fair round belly, with good capon lined, 大腹便便填满了阉鸡, With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, 目光严厉,胡须修剪齐整, Full of wise saws and modern instances; 满嘴智慧的格言和陈腐的俗套;And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts他就是如此扮演自己的角色。

第六个时期Into the lean and slipper’ d pantaloon!变成穿拖鞋的又弱又傻的老头! With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side; 鼻上托眼镜,腰边挂钱包; His
youthful hose well saved, a worldtoo wide年轻时保存好的长袜,套在干瘪小腿上, For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, 宽大又晃荡;男子汉的大嗓门 Turning again toward childish treble, pipes 又变成尖声的童音, And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, 声调如风笛和口哨。

最后一场, That ends this strange eventful history, 结束了这出奇怪多事的史
剧, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, 是二度童年,遗忘得一片茫然; Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sane everything. 没有牙齿,没有视力,没有口味,没有一切。

To be or not to be,that is the question. Shall I compare you to a summer's day? If music be the food of love, play on. Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. 朋友们,罗马人民们,同胞们,请侧耳听我讲。

Do you hear a mouse? 你听见老鼠声了吗? The quality of mercy is not strained. 慈悲并非发自勉强。

Bubble, toil and trouble. 辛苦烦忧令人恼。

Romeo, Romeo! wherefore
art thou Romeo? 罗密欧,罗密欧!为什么你要是罗密欧? Is this a dagger I see before me? 摆在我面前的是一柄匕首吗? obscene 猥亵的 accomodation 容纳 barefaced 无耻的 misanthrope 厌世者leapfrog 跳蛙 lackluster 呆滞的 advertising 广告
assassination 行刺 courtship 求婚 dexterously 敏捷的indistinguishable 难以区分的 premeditated 预谋的 reliance 可靠 to thine own self be true 做真实的自己 What the Dickens! 要命鬼! as good luck would have it 总算我命里有救 beggars all description 难以名状 salad days 年少轻狂 in my mind's eye 我心所想 caviare to the general 曲高和寡 be cruel to be kind 暴戾只为恩慈 to the manner born 天生如此 hoist with his own petard 害人反害己 hold the mirror up to nature 观照大千
brevity is the soul of wit. 言辞贵于精简。

play fast and
loose 翻来覆去,卖弄机巧 make a virtue of necessity 将势所必须当做慈悯 vanish into thin air 消失地无影无踪 emulate 效法demonstrate 演示 dislocate 移位 initiate 创始 meditate 冥想allurement 诱惑 eventful 多事的 horrid 可怕的 modest 节制的vast 广阔的 hugger-mugger 秘密的 baby-eyes 婴儿般的眼睛
faire-play 公平之争 breake-vow 背弃前盟 pell-mell 乱七八糟smooth-fac'd 惺惺作态 widow-comfort 寡母之儿 canker-sorrow 哀彻心腑 bare-pickt 啖尽皮肉的 basilico-like 牛皮哄哄的 halfe-blowne 含羞半开的 ill-tuned 言出不逊的 knave(k不发音) 无赖,恶棍。
