专升本BOOK4 翻译

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Lesson 1
1.People are prone to be late for work when they have overworked the night before.
2.Mary found it difficult to orientate herself in a strange place.
3.The engineer gave a demonstration of how to use the computer.
4.Many universities provide an orientation course for freshmen at the first day of school.
5.The salesman tried every possible means to promote the sale of his company’s products.
6.Prof. Leach demonstrated his knowledge of the subject by his excellent lecture.
7.Children are more prone to colds in the broken weather during the spring.
8.If excellent work results in frequent pay increases or promotions, the workers will have
greater incentive.
Lesson 2
1.He has a great deal of correspondence to deal with every afternoon.
2.I am ashamed of myself for being eliminated in the first round.
3.He has never liked coffee, and has always had a preference for a cup of tea.
4.The teacher asked the pupil to eliminate all the four-letter words from his composition.
5.Self-image has am important effect on a person’s accomplishments.
6.Although he corresponded with many of the world’s very important people, his stationery and
envelopes were all bought at a very low price.
7.Were it left for me to decide whether to learn English of Japanese, I should not hesitate a
moment to prefer the latter.
8.Chi Chester had done what he wanted to accomplish---to sail round the world single-handed.
Lesson 3
1.The test book is supplemented by an adequate glossary.
2.The Sunday passed in alternation between watching TV and playing cards.
3.The situation is developing in a direction favorable to us.
4.It is necessary to find alternative sources of fuel when coal is not available.
5.The magazine has a Christmas supplement of some complete stories.
6.Hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside of one’s regular work.
7.All the thirteen colonies were in favor of the repeal of the Stamp Act.
8.My father was engaged in scientific pursuits all his life.
Lesson 4
1.Please don’t digress from the main subject, there is hardly any time left.
2.I must ask your kind indulgence for any inaccuracies and omissions that may possibly occur
in my letter.
3.Many companies were invited to participate in the international exposition.
4.Let me cut short this digression, and make a further analysis of this sentence.
5.It was only on an occasion like this that he indulged himself with drinks.
6.Mary is indulging in her favorite hobby---collecting pencil sharpeners.
7.To avoid the repetition of nouns we often have pronouns as their substitutes.
8.Many of them soon became successful merchants and active participants in community
Lesson 5
1.R.L.Stevenson entitled his book “Treasure Island”.
2.Although the detective did not say so exactly, he implied that the murderer was form London.
3.The teacher smiled, with the implication that she did not believe the boy’s story.
4.People whose dreams are interrupted lose the benefits of rest, and therefore tend to become
5.After years of negotiation, the strained relations between the
7.The priest discovered that the old lady was entitled to a small disability pension.
8.Jim was an excellent athlete, but he never strained when he did not feel it necessary.
Lesson 6
1.Scientists have learned that earthquakes will influence the weather.
2.The flowers on the desk are a manifestation of the students’ love for their teacher.
3.The author portrays the hero in the book to the life.
4.The English word without can be used to indicate a condition or supposition.
5.Applying for this job is much more complicated than is commonly supposed.
6.The children manifested their Christmas joy by way of caroling.
7.Nowadays nobody can deny the power of TV. It has an enormous influence on our lives.
8.Ingrid Bergman’s stunning portrayal won her a 1982 Emmy.
Lesson 7
1.Professor Wu dedicated all his life to the cause of education.
2.A monument was built in dedication to the memory of revolutionary martyrs.
3.He was sentenced to six month s’ imprisonment for his abusive treatment of his own father.
4.After repeated but fruitless demands for payment, he brought a suit against the debtor.
5.The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.
6.A committee was set up to investigate the abuses of the positions in the government.
8.At the time I was nineteen, and regarded myself as part of the sixties’ youth counterculture.
Lesson 8
1.This contrivance is used to record the temperature of the machine.
2.The company was somehow able to sustain the severe fuel shortage.
3.The townspeople voted unanimously for the abolition of its poll tax.
4.The demolition of the old castle took them a lot of time and energy.
5.The old house was demolished and a new dormitory building took its place.
Lesson 9
1.By the time I arrived home, the guests had already settled their accounts.
2.Choose the definitions from Column B that best match italicized words in Column A.
3.I intervened between the two parties and tried to settle the dispute in a friendly way.
4.Being short of money, he vigorously opposed the plan for a trip to Qingdao.
5.Understanding is a two way operation; learning does not consist simply in knowing a lot of
6.Boys and girls are always on opposing sides of some arguments.
7.Migrants are commonly defined in some countries as persons who change their residence for a
year or more.
8.In Scotland, the jury consists of fifteen people, not twelve as in England.
Lesson 10
1.The bank needed some assurance that the loan would be paid.
2.He concealed his setback form his mother.
3.The Watergate revelations caused Nixon to resign from the presidency.
4.It is often difficult for one to reveal his rue feelings to others in public.
5.I can assure you that given the post, I’ll do my best to your satisfaction.
6.Being healthy and vigorous, young people could hardly imagine the afflictions of old age.
7.Fearing that her former husband might recognize her, Susan left the airport in concealment.
8.Had paralysis of the imagination afflicted all men of science, there would have been no
Copernicus, Galileo, Newton or Darwin.
Lesson 11
1.His father does not allow him to associate with those gamblers.
2.In combination with reality daydreaming will help you to achieve what you want.
3.The case was dismissed, because there was not sufficient testimony.
4.The on-lookers testified that the thief had blue eyes and brown hair.
5.It is known to all of us that oxygen is a gas that can combine with many substances.
6.People who have read a lot about foreign countries are usually more adaptable to and tolerant
of foreign customs.
7.Some people don’t take the sub-way, for they have so many evil associations with the word
8.Some people can adapt themselves easily to a new place, while others think it terrible to be in
a strange place.
Lesson 12
1.At the sight of the comedian on the platform, my child could n’t refrain from laughing.
2.Martha felt resentment when someone criticized her for her bad performance in the play.
3.The woman was overwhelmed with the news of her son’s death in battle.
4.The only reason I can give myself for tolerating this situation for so long is that I’m rather
well paid.
5.I can’t remember the whole song, but its refrain is still vivid in my memory.
6.Many teachers think that cheating is less tolerable than truancy.
Lesson 13
1.She finds much relish in reading.
2.Their company obtained a big profit by careful investment.
3.He spent the whole afternoon sorting out an accumulation of old papers.
4.We won’t trust him anymore, for he failed to reconcile his statements with his conduct.
5.They have failed to invest in job creation, for which they have got much criticism.
6.Indeed, like many Swedes, this film-star positively relished housework.
7.All attempts were tried to bring about a reconciliation between the angry father and his proud
Lesson 14
1.How long has this machine been functional?
2.Man has already started on a great exploration of V enus.
3.Being teachers, we should fulfill our functions as educators.
4.That shop sells sophisticated cameras, which resemble matchboxes in shape.
5.Those rocks have been given names of different animals which they bear resemblance to.
6.I turned round to find a tall man with penetrating eyes standing in front of me.
7.A laser beam can be used to penetrate even the hardest rock.
8.Francis Drake, a navigator and explorer, was the first Englishman to sail round the world.
Lesson 15
1.Experiments have proved that this fertilizer can accelerate the growth of apple trees.
2.The electricity was cut off, so we had to resort to candles to light the room.
3.The fall in the birth rate in our country will favour the acceleration of economic growth.
