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T he Sp ringFesti val i s the bigg est i n Chi na, t he mo st bu sy an oldtradi tiona l fes tival s.
Co mmonl y kno wn as \"Ne w Yea r's d ay\". Acco rding to C hina's lun ar, i n the firs t mon th is \"ye ars o f yua n, th e yua n, on theyuan\", it is t he be ginni ng of theyear. Thetradi tiona l eve nt is from NewYear's eve cont inued unti l the 15th dayof th e Lan ternFesti val.Every NewYear's eve, eve ry fa milyfamil y gat her t ogeth er, t he lu nar N ew Ye ar'seve,
refer red t o as\"gro up ye ars\". The n goShouS ui, c atchthe n ew wo rds,congr atula tions
to e ncour age e ach o ther. When NewYearcomes, fir ework s wil l fes tival fest ival
atmos phere to a clim ax. Chi na'snorth regi on, a t the same time have thecusto m of
eatin g dum pling s, ta ke \"moreyearold h and\" mean ing.And t he so uth h ave t he ha bit o f eat rice cake s, asymbo l oflifestepby st ep. S houSu i unt il da wn, l ike S pring Fest ivalcoupl et, g ongsand d rums, deco ratio ns, s end t he ol d and welc ome t he ne w act ivity very busy. Inaddit ion,eachother arou nd th e hou se an d New Year, the lion danc e, dr agon
lante rn pl ay, p lay,shopp ing,Shang Dengflowe r mar ket (suchas th e cus toms.
Ne w Yea r's e ve is thelastday o f a y ear,thisday,ordin ary p eople stri ve fo r asfar a s pos sible, the whol e fam ily r eunio n tog ether roun d the fire, dri nk to eatfoodto th e old word s, th e mea ningof th e New Year, and outd oor i s fir ecrac ker s ound. A si ze to gethe r
thr ougha war m yea r las t nig ht
Dec ember 25,is ch risti ans c ommem orate thebirth of J esusday,known as t he
Ch ristm as.
FromDecem ber 24, in next Janu ary 6 forChris tmasfeast. Dur ing t he fe stiva l, co untri es
ch risti ans a re he ld gr and m emori al, C hrist mas w as aChris tianholid ay, b ecaus e
peo ple a ttent ion,it ha s bec ome a univ ersal fest ival, thecount ry'sbigge st fe stiva l ina yea r, an d the NewYear, simi lar t o the Spri ng Fe stiva l inChina.
Wes terne rs wi th re d, gr een a nd wh ite t hreecolor forChris tmascolor s, Ch ristm as
co mes e veryfamil y wit h Chr istma s col ors t o dec orate. Red have Chri stmas flow er an d Chr istma s can dles, gree n isthe C hrist mas t ree.It is themainChris tmasdecor ation s, cu t dow n the tree, a p arker in t he to wer e vergr een t ree d ecora tionand i nto.Hangi ng
ab ove t he co lorfu l lig hts,gifts andpaper flow ers,Chris tmascandl e islit
R ed an d whi te se t eac h oth er of f bec omesan in teres t isSanta Clau s, Ch ristm as
ac tivit ies t he mo st po pular figu re. W ester n chi ldren on C hrist mas E ve be foregoing
to s leep, in f rontof th e fir eplac e orpillo w sid e put a so ck, w aitin g for Sant a Cla us to fall asle ep to putprese nts i n the stoc kings. Inthe w est,playi ng Sa nta C lausis al so acusto m. "Chris tmas" thenameis "C hrist's ma ss" s hrink age w ord.Massis akindof ch urch
servi ce. Ch ristm as is a re ligio us fe stiva l. We rega rd it as t he bi rthda y ofJesus
to c elebr ate,nameand C hrist mas.Thisday,all t he wo rld C hrist ian w ill h old s pecia l
ser vice. Butmanyof th e fes tivit ies o f Chr istma s donot h ave a nythi ng to
do w ith r eligi on. E xchan ginggifts andsendi ng Ch ristm as CA RDS a re th e Chr istma s bea tim e for cele brati on al l ove r the worl d.
Th e bir th of Jesu s isa sto ry, J esusis by theholyspiri t, th e chi ld bo rn of thevirgi n
Mar y. Go d sen t anangel more add"colu mn in a dr eam t o Jos eph,and t old h im no t tobecau se Ma ry un marri ed pr egnan t not her, butwantto ma rry w ith h er, t he ch ild c alled" Jes us ", mean ing t he pe oplerescu ed fr om si n.
Wh en Ma ry wa s fac ing t he pl ate,the R omangover nment orde red t he, a ll th e
peo ple m ust d eclar e toBethl ehemin th e hou sehol d. Wh en Jo sephand M ary h ad to gave the.
They reac hed B ethle hem,it'salrea dy fa int,but t wo pe oplehad f ailed to f ind t he
ho tel a ccomm odati on, o nly a stab le ca n sta y. At this time, Jes us to be b orn!ThenMaryonlyin th e man ger,gavebirth to J esus. Late r gen erati ons t o com memor ate t he bi rth o f
Jes us, a nd co nstan t Dec ember 25 a s the Chri stmas day, from year to y ear t o mas s,
re membe r Jes us wa s bor n.
Ch ristm as is on D ecemb er 25th co mmemo ratethe b irthof Je sus,but t he bi rth o f tru e, no oneknow. The19thcentu ry, t he po pular ity o f Chr istma s, Sa nta C laus, Chri stmas
ther e als o sta rtedto po p up.
圣诞之夜必不可少的节目是Pa rty或聚会。
Chri stmas Eveis th e com mon s ay Ch ristm as Ev e, th at ni ght,the w holefamil y reu nionin th e sit tingroom, arou nd th e tre e sin g Chr istma s son gs, e xchan ge gi fts e ach s hare
the j oys a nd so rrows of l ife,expre ss in ner b lessi ng an d lov e. Th is ni ght w ill s ee agroup of l ovely litt le bo y orgirl, take poet ry pl aying a gu itar, a on e sin gingpoetr y
bri ngs g ood n ews.Whatgoodnewsteamthisfesti val a ctivi tiescomefrom?
The b irthof Je sus t hat n ight, a in thewilde rness to w atchovertheir shee p she pherd,
sud denly hear d a v oicecamefromheave n, to them thegoodnewsfor J esus' birt h.
Ac cordi ng to thebible, Jes us to be t he ki ng of theworld, sothe a ngelwillthrou gh
th ese s hephe rd th e mes sageto mo re pe opleknow.
Later peop le fo llowthe l ead o f ang els,on Ch ristm as Ev e nig ht jo urnal ist e veryw herepreac hingJesus wasbornof ne ws, e ven u nto t his d ay, C hrist mas c arolhas b ecome oneof th e ind ispen sable part of t he pr ogram.
Usua lly g ood n ews t eam i s mad e upof ab out t wenty youn g peo ple,plusa dre ssedup as an a ngelfor t he li ttlegirland a Sant a Cla us co mposi tion. On C hrist mas n ightis
ab out n ine o 'clo ck on afte r sta rting a ato ca rol.Whengoodnewsteamwentto afamil y, th e fir st ca n sin g a f ew fi rst e veryo ne fa milia r Chr istma s son gs, a nd th en, f rom t he li ttlegirlreadout t he wo rds o f the bibl e Gai Hu le t som ebody else know toni ght i s the dayof
Je sus'birth afte r you pray toge therto si ng asong, agai n bythe g enero sityof
Sa nta s end C hrist mas g ift t o the fami ly th e sma ll ha ll th e son, the whol e pro cessof
ca rolin g isfinis hed!
Thegoodtidin gs ac tivit ies a boutlasts till thesecon d day abou t fou r o 'clock in t he
mo rning to f inish.
A lo t ofpeopl e ask theorigi n ofthe C hrist mas E ve. C hrist mas i s ref ers t o the Dece mber25, C hrist mas E ve is refe rs to theDecem ber 24th i s Chr istma s Eve, kno wn as the
Chris tmasEve,alsoknown as t he Ch ristm as Ev e. At theappoi ntedtime, mill ionsof
eu ropea ns an d ame rican s plo y sou nds h ome t ogeth er. O n Chr istma s Eve indi spens ableprogr am is Part y orparti es. M ost o f Eur ope a nd th e Uni ted S tates allthe f amily
memb ers g et in thehome, with thebig d inner, and then sitt ing a round a fi re bu rning,
har ps, w ere s ingin g tofamil y lif e; Or hold a en tirel y new masq uerad e, al l thr ough
the n ightto ce lebra te Ch ristm as Ev e isa hap pines s, pe ace,the p eaceof th e nig ht, t he
re union nigh t. On Chri stmas Eve, thei r par entswillquiet ly to thechild ren r eadyto
pr esent on s tocki ngs.
Ch ristm as Ev e isthe c limax of t he Ch risti an ch urchon Ch ristm as Ev e at
the a ctivi ty. C hrist mas E ve ma ss ge neral ly di vided into twotimes, at9 ~ 10 poi nt to a
he ld pi lgrim s; An other is a t mid night of h igh m ass,thisis th e cli max o f the Chri stmas Eve. Midn ighthighmassin th e mid dle o f the nigh t isover, at t his t ime,justChris tmascomes, oft en wi th th e chu rch b ellsrang, to t he wo rld o f for given ess,wishe s and joy
and h appin ess
“报佳音”的人称为Chr istma s Wai ts,这项活动往往要进行到天亮,人数越来越多,歌声越来越大,大街小巷满城尽是歌声。
经常唱的有《普世欢腾,救主下降》、(J oy to theWorld!)、《听啊,天使唱高声》(H ark!the H erald Ange ls Si ng)、《圣诞钟声》(I He ard t he
Be lls o n Chr istma s Day)、等等其中以《平安夜》(Si lentNight)最为有名。
指西方人过圣诞节时给邮差或佣人的节礼,通常放在一个小盒里,所以英文称为”Ch ristm as Bo x"。
O n Dec ember 25,, thechurc h wil l hol d wor ship. Cath olicand e aster n ort hodox chur ch he ld aChris tmas"retr eat,prote stant ism w as aChris tmasweek. Some chur ch ce lebra tions bega n fro m mid night. Inaddit ion t o wor shipoutsi de, s tillshowChris tmasplay, show thestory of J esus' birt h.
C hrist mas P ARTY:
Chris tmasneces saryprogr ams,havefamil y, Pe ngYou Shi,lover type of s ong s ample PART Y. Akindof fr iends hip,famil y, lo ve th e par ty agoodtime. Wear ing a Chri stmas hat, andsinga Chr istma s son g, sa y you Chri stmas wish.
Ch ristm as di nner:
Chri stmas as a gran d cel ebrat ion h olida y, ca nnotlittl e del iciou s del iciou s foo d.
Ch ristm as Tu rkeyis an exam ple b randentre e, fo rmerpeopl e mig ht do in t he mi crowa ve ov en, a lotof pe opleat th e fea st is outs ide t he re staur ant m eals, trad ers w ill a lso t ake t he op portu nityto ma ke cu stome rs mo ney,of co urse, ther e are many Chri stmas food,
gin ger b read, cand y and so o n the.
Ch ristm as ha t:
It is a redhat,it is said that even ing w ear t he sl eepin g inaddit ion t o sle ep an d a l ittle warm outs ide,the s econd dayyou w ill a lso f ind t hat h at in toomuchbelov ed gi ft. I t rav e nig hts i n the left prot agoni st is, whe theryou w ent t o tha t cor ner c an se e all kind s of
red h ats,somestill shin y hat tip, andsomeglitt ering.
Ch ristm as st ockin g:
The firs t isbefor e the bigone p air o f red sock s, ho w muc h can be,becau se Ch ristm as is used sock s loa ded g ifts, thechild ren's favo ritething s atnight they will link thei r soc ks in thebed a nd wa it fo r the next morn ing g iftsrecei ved.If so meone send Chri stmas cars that howto do? The best lethim w ritea che ck in thestock ing.
Chri stmas CARD S:
Con gratu latio ns on Chri stmas andNew Y ear i s the card, the prin ted a boutthe s toryof Je sus'birth pict ure,and "celeb rateChris tmasand a happ y New Year, wis hes w ords.
Car ol:
Ch ristm as Ev e mea ns De cembe r 24to 25, lat e inthe m ornin g. Th e chu rch o rgani zatio n som e hym ns cl ass (or by beli evers spon taneo uslycompo sitio n) be gs fr om do or to door
in t he do or or wind ow to sing Chri stmas caro ls, c alled "car ol",thatmeans the
reapp earan ce sa me ye ar an gel t o out sideBethl ehemsheph erd r eport Jesu s was born
of t he go od ne ws. "Carol" cal led C hrist mas W aits, theactiv ities arein th e mor ning, a
gr owing numb er of song s ismoreand m ore b ig, t he st reets aresingi ng.
AtChris tmassanghymncalle d "aChris tmascarol". Ch ristm as ca rolsa lot, ope rn
ma ny fa mousmusic iansfrommaste rpiec es. O ftensingthe u niver sal e xult, savi or do wn ", (Joy to t he Wo rld!, "li sten, Ange ls Si ng lo udly" (Har k! Th e Her ald A ngels Sing), th e Chr istma s bel l "(I Hear d the Bell s onChris tmasDay), andso on the" Sile nt
Ni ght "(Sile nt Ni ght)is th e mos t fam ous.It is said that 1818 in A ustri a a n amedaubur n helived in a smal l tow n ofan un known coun try p riest a mo lar.ThisChris tmas, Moor e
fou nd ch urchorgan pipe in m ousechewe d, re pairhavebeentoo l ate.How t o cel ebrat e Chr istma s? Mo ore t o blu e. He sudd enlyremin d ofLukerecor ded i n, Je sus w as bo rn, t he an gelsto ou tside Beth lehem shep herdcarol, sin gingcarol s: "i n the high andglory
to g od, a nd on eart h pea ce to menon wh om hi s fav or re sts." He t hough t qui ckly,
acco rding to t he tw o ver se wr itten a hy mn, n amed"sile nt ni ght". Moor e wri te ly ricsto
th e tow n aft er pr imary scho ol te acher s GeL u "lo ok, a sk hi m tocompo se mu sic.GeLuafrai d aft er re ading thewords very touc hed,spect rum g ood s ong,the s econd dayin
ch urchsingi ng, v ery p opula r. Th en tw o bus iness men p ass b y her e, to lear n the song, the y for thekingof Pr ussia Will iam i v sin ging, Will iam i v aft er li stento ap preci ate,order ed th e "si lentnight" asthe n ation al ch urchwillsingChris tmassongs of.In ad ditio n, th e
con ditio nal c hurch ever y yea r atChris tmaswillalsosingthe G erman famo us mu sicia n Han del "messi ah" (alsoknown as t he "C hrist"), a nd ot her m usicworks, thr oughthese musi c wor shipactiv ities to s treng thenthe f estiv al fe stiva l atm osphe re.
Santa Clau s:
It is s aid t hat h e was Asia mino r per la c ity b ishop, nam ed sa int N ichol as, a fter
the d eathof th e sai nts,as awoman in r ed an d hat s whi te be ard o ld ma n. Ev ery y ear a t Chr istma s hedrivi ng th e dee r inthe s leigh pull ed fr om th e nor th, e nteri ng ho usesthrou gh th e chi mney, theChris tmasgiftintosocks hang ing i n the chil dren's bed or b efore thefire. So,weste rners forChris tmas, theparen ts to thechild's Ch ristm as pr esent into sock s,
Ch ristm as Ev e was hang ing i n the chil dren's bed. The seco nd da y, th e chi ldren wake
up t he fi rst t hingafter thebed l ookin g for Sant a Cla us br ought gift s. To day,Santa Clau s has beco me asymbo l ofgoodfortu ne as onewishe s, Ch ristm as is notonly
the i ndisp ensab le ch aract er, b ut al so ce lebra tingNew Y ear i ndisp ensab le ch aract er. Chris tmastrees:
1.It is said that abou t inthe 16th c entur y, th e fir st Ge rman
the e vergr een p ine t ree b ranch es to thehouse to d ecora tion, late r, th e Ger man m issio naryMarti n Lut her p ut ca ndlein th e woo ds in thefir t ree b ranch es, a nd li ght,to ma ke it look like a gu ide p eople to B ethle hem i n the star s, li ke tw o tho usand year s ago themagiaccor dingto th e sta rs in thesky t o fin d him gene ral.Today, peo ple h ave t o swi tch t o
sma ll bu lbs i nstea d ofcandl es.
2. Itis sa id th at th ere i s a f armer in a ragi ng sn owsto rm Ch ristm as ni ght r eceiv ed ahungr y chi ld, l et hi m toeat a bigmealChris tmasdinne r, th e chi ld go odbye fold a ro ot fi r bra nches andbless ing s tuckin th e gro und,said: "thi s day, yea r aft er ye ar, l eavethisgiftfullbranc h bea utifu l tre e vil lage, repa y you r kin dness." Ch ildre n lef t, th e far mer f oundthe b ranch es ha ve be comea sma ll tr ee, h e jus t und ersta nd on eself therecep tionof th e
ori ginal is a god's mes senge rs. T he st ory b ecame thesourc e ofthe C hrist mas t ree.In th e
wes t, wh ether or n ot aChris tian, Chri stmas is t o pre parea Chr istma s tre e, in orde r toincre ase t he fe stive joyatmos phere. The Chri stmas tree is g enera lly u se th e Chi nese
fir c ypres s and so o n eve rgree n mad e, asymbo l oflifeforev er. T he tr ee de corat ed wi th al l kin ds of lamp s, de corat ed, t oys,stars, han g all kind s ofChris tmasgifts. OnChris tmasEve,peopl e dan ce an d sin g aro und C hrist mas t ree m ake m erry.
Chr istma s box ing:
R efers to t he we stern Chri stmas to t he po stman or s ervan t ofboxin g, us ually in a smal l Box, socalle d "En glish Chri stmas Box".