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1. 听力题:
The _______ of a toy car can be increased by changing its weight.
2. 听力题:
A __________ is a tool used to measure volume.
3. 选择题:
What is the largest organ in the human body?
a. Heart
b. Skin
c. Liver
d. Brain
4. 选择题:
Which fruit is red and often associated with teachers?
A. Banana
B. Orange
C. Apple
D. Grape
5. 选择题:
What is the capital of Sri Lanka?
A. Colombo
B. Kandy
C. Galle
D. Jaffna
答案: A
6. 选择题:
What is the term for an animal that feeds mainly on insects?
A. Carnivore
B. Herbivore
C. Insectivore
D. Omnivore
答案: C
7. 听力题:
My grandma tells me a _____ (story/game) every night.
8. 填空题:
The _______ (The Civil Rights Movement) fought for racial equality in the US.
9. 填空题:
The rabbit loves to dig in the ______ (土).
10. 听力题:
The main product of glycolysis is ______.
11. 听力题:
A ____ is a tiny animal that collects acorns.
12. 听力题:
A galaxy can contain billions of ______.
13. 填空题:
Lizards can change ______ (颜色) to blend in.
14. 填空题:
The flamingo stands on one _______ (脚).
15. 填空题:
During the holidays, I visit my ______ (祖父母) in the countryside. They have a big ______ (花园) where I can play.
16. 听力题:
The ______ helps us learn about environmental conservation.
17. 填空题:
I saw a ________ dancing in the sunlight.
18. 选择题:
What is the capital of Kenya?
A. Nairobi
B. Mombasa
D. Nakuru
19. 听力题:
A solution that is neither acidic nor basic has a pH of ______.
20. 填空题:
The ancient Romans used ________ for building roads.
21. 填空题:
A _______ (小大雁) migrates south for the winter.
22. 填空题:
I have a toy _______ that glows in the dark and lights up my room.
23. 听力题:
A __________ is a measurement of the angle of a slope.
24. 选择题:
What is the opposite of slow?
A. Fast
B. Quick
C. Swift
D. All of the above
25. 选择题:
What do we call the act of taking something from one place to another?
A. Transporting
B. Moving
C. Transferring
D. Conveying
26. 填空题:
The _______ (猫) chases after the laser dot.
27. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的前景) shapes our path forward.
28. 填空题:
The journalist, ______ (记者), writes interesting stories.
29. 选择题:
What do we call the lines of latitude and longitude?
A. Grid
C. Map
D. Chart
答案: A
30. 听力题:
A _______ is a chemical reaction where energy is absorbed.
31. 填空题:
I enjoy visiting the ________ (艺术中心) for inspiration.
32. 填空题:
I enjoy __________ with my friends. (玩耍)
33. 听力题:
The __________ of an object remains constant regardless of its location.
34. 听力题:
I want to ________ a new bike.
35. 填空题:
I enjoy _______ (参与)学校活动。

36. 选择题:
What do you call a person who studies plants?
A. Botanist
B. Zoologist
C. Chemist
D. Geologist
37. 听力题:
They are playing ___ (football/basketball) in the park.
38. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的反响) echoes through time.
39. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的价值传递) shapes future outlooks.
40. 听力题:
Chemical reactions can occur in ________ environments.
41. 听力题:
The chocolate is very ___ (sweet/bitter).
42. 填空题:
My toy ____ can transform into different shapes. (玩具名称)
43. 听力题:
A molecule made up of two or more different atoms is called a ______.
44. 听力题:
The _____ (书柜) is filled with books.
45. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous ancient Egyptian queen?
A. Cleopatra
B. Nefertiti
C. Hatshepsut
D. Tutankhamun
46. 听力题:
The chemical symbol for mercury is _______.
47. 填空题:
The discovery of ________ has enhanced our understanding of genetics.
48. 填空题:
The ancient Romans celebrated a festival called ________.
49. 选择题:
What color are bananas?
A. Green
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. Blue
50. 听力题:
The fastest land animal is the ______.
51. 填空题:
I have a collection of ________ (漫画书) that I read during my free time. They are so ________ (有趣).
52. 选择题:
What do we call the process of learning how to swim?
A. Diving
B. Floating
C. Swimming lessons
D. Water sports
53. 选择题:
What do you call a young female wolf?
A. Pup
B. Wolfette
C. Cub
D. Kit
答案: A
54. 听力题:
The chemical symbol for sodium is ______.
55. 听力题:
The chemical reaction that occurs during cooking is an example of a _______ change.
56. 选择题:
What do you call the person who teaches you at school?
A. Doctor
B. Teacher
C. Engineer
D. Chef
答案: B
57. 听力题:
I have a ___ (story/book) to read.
58. 填空题:
The fish is swimming _______ (在水里).
59. 听力题:
The _____ (bamboo) is tall.
60. 填空题:
A ______ (海豚) is very playful and friendly.
61. 听力题:
I can ________ my friends.
62. 选择题:
What is the capital of the USA?
A. New York
B. Washington D.
C. Los Angeles
D. Chicago
63. 填空题:
The ______ (松鼠) collects acorns in the fall.
64. 听力题:
I see a _____ (cat/dog) in the garden.
65. 填空题:
I think it’s fun to go on ________ (远足) with friends.
66. 填空题:
The _______ (小海豹) basks on the rocks by the sea.
67. 填空题:
My favorite animal is a ______ (狗) because they are loyal friends.
68. 听力题:
The _______ of an atom is determined by the number of protons.
69. 听力题:
The dog is _____ by the tree. (sitting)
70. 填空题:
My favorite type of ________ (食物) is Chinese.
71. 填空题:
Understanding a plant's ______ helps in its proper care. (了解植物的需求有助于正确照顾它。

72. 填空题:
My cousin is very __________ (适应性强).
73. 听力题:
My friend is very ________.
74. 填空题:
We had a picnic with my _____ (家人).
75. 选择题:
What do you call the first meal of the day?
a. Lunch
b. Dinner
c. Breakfast
d. Snack
76. 填空题:
The ______ is very colorful.
77. 选择题:
What do we call a large area of ice?
A. Glacier
B. Iceberg
C. Ice Cap
D. Ice Sheet
答案: A
78. 填空题:
I love to play ______ (棋) with my grandfather. He always teaches me new ______ (策略).
79. 听力题:
The clock ticks _____ (slowly/quickly).
80. 填空题:
The ______ (触感) of leaves can vary widely.
81. 填空题:
I love the __________ (颜色) of my __________ (玩具名).
82. 听力题:
I want to ________ (perform) on stage.
83. 填空题:
I love to sing ______ songs with my friends.
84. 选择题:
How do you say "goodbye" in Japanese?
A. Sayonara
B. Konnichiwa
C. Arigato
D. Adiós
85. 填空题:
古代的________ (civilizations) 通过艺术和建筑传递文化。

86. 填空题:
A sunny afternoon is perfect for ______ (晒太阳).
The rabbit is _____ the carrot. (eating)
88. 填空题:
I find it ________ (挑战) to solve puzzles.
89. 选择题:
What is 15 divided by 5?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
答案: B
90. 听力题:
I have a ___ (plan) for the weekend.
91. 填空题:
I want to _______ (了解) more about space.
92. 听力题:
The _____ (cabbage) is fresh.
93. 听力题:
I have a pet ___ . (dog)

95. 填空题:
The rabbit can be a good _______ (宠物).
96. 填空题:
I like to ride my ______ in the park.
97. 听力题:
A meteor is a small piece of rock that burns up in the ______.
98. 听力题:
The book is on the _____ (table).
99. 填空题:
The first modern Olympics were held in ________ (1896).
100. 听力题:
I see a _____ (作家) at the event.。
