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【摘要】目的观察低频脉冲电流经皮刺激足三里穴对高强度军训士兵抗疲劳作用的影响.方法将78名士兵随机分为对照组(38名)和刺激组(40名).在训练前2周对刺激组士兵足三里穴进行低频脉冲电流经皮刺激干预(电疗参数为连续波,频率2Hz,强度20 mA,时间30 min,1次/d),连续2周.分别于干预前,训练后第1d、7d、14d 的当日训练任务结束后即刻监测心率(HR)及检测乳酸(LD)值,再填写主观体力感觉表(RPE)和多维疲劳量表(MFI).结果两组军训士兵的HR、LD、RPE及MFI在训练后进行比较,除刺激组的训练第1d外差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),同一时间点刺激组HR、LD、RPE及MFI与对照组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论军训前期予低频脉冲电流经皮刺激足三里穴能降低士兵军事训练疲劳程
度.%Objective To observe the anti-fatigue effect of percutaneous stimulation of low frequency pulse at Zusanli (ST36) on soldiers in intensive military training. Methods 78 soldiers were randomly divided into 2 groups:control group (n=38) and stimulation group (n=40);2 weeks before training, percutaneous stimulation of low frequency pulse at ST36 was performed on soldiers in stimula-tion group (continuous waves, 2Hz, 20mA, 30 minutes once and once a day) and the intervention lasted for 2 weeks while no interven-tion was performed in control group;for all the
soldiers in the 2 groups, the records of the heart rate (HR) and lactic acid (LD) before training and the ones immediately after training on the 1st day, the 7th day and the 14th day of the intensive military training, as well as rat-ings of perceived Exertion (RPE) and multidimensional fatigue inventory (MFI), were collected. Results The HR, LD, RPE and MFI of the soldiers in both groups before training were different from those after training with a statistical significance (P<0.01) except those of soldiers in stimulation group on the 1st day of training;there existed a difference of statistical significance between the 2 groups in HR, LD, RPE and MFI at the same time point. Conclusions It can reduce the military training-induced fatigue to perform percutaneous stim-ulation of low frequency pulse at Zusanli (ST36) on soldiers at the earlier stage of military training.
1.针灸足三里穴对高强度军训士兵抗疲劳机制的研究 [J], 杨丽华;沈旭;伏婕;李国江
2.针灸足三里穴对高强度军训士兵抗疲劳机制的研究 [J], 陈志刚;吴立红;董茂生;林建强
3.低频声波刺激足三里穴配合毫针疗法治疗面瘫疗效观察 [J], 许继宗;李玉华;李月明;张波
4.不同间动周期中频脉冲电流经皮刺激肝区对运动性疲劳士兵的抗疲劳作用观察[J], 代朋乙;黄昌林
5.逆针灸足三里穴对士兵高强度军事训练疲劳恢复的影响 [J], 吴立红;董茂生;方剑乔;沈忠民;吴玉玲