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Central Nervous System (CNS)
Brain + Spinal Cord Detect changes, stimuli, inside & outside the body through electric signals, nerve impulses • Controlling • Regulating • Communicating system
Electricity Polarity, Ions
• Inside the nerve ++-------------++ • Outside the nerve --+++++++-• Action potential (spike) - inside suddenly becomes more positive than outside - 0,5 to 130 meters per second
Photochemical Vision Process
• Photoreceptors à bipolar cells à ganglion
(cones & rods)
à optic nerve (outside of eye) à optic chiasma à left/right brain à Subcortical (what/where) à Visual cortex: Brodmann Areas 17,18,19, etc.
A Typical Neuron
Near but not full contact between one nerve’s axon and another e of Firing
• Number of nerve impulses transmitted by an axon per second • Variation of max 100 impulses/sec
Human Information Processing = Cognition
• Excitation - decrease of potential difference • Inhibition - increase of potential difference
What is Perception?
The Human Eye
Inferential Vision Process
Retina à Ganglionà Cortex infers 2D 2,5 D 3D
Feature Maps
Visual Agnosia
Can’t recognize nor copy
Motor: Action, Response
• Effectors - muscles and glands - cause an effect in response to directions from brain (motor function) • Brain responds to muscles by causing them to contract or to glands - to produce secretions
The Limbic System
CNS Functions
• Sensory - to brain • Integrative - from brain • Motor - effect of connection
Sensory Input - Bottom Up
Monitor and communicate info from • Outside: light, temperature, sound etc. • Inside: pressure, moist, carbon dioxide concentration, etc.
Which theory explains this recognition?
Early and Late Processing?
Recognition-by-component theory of Biederman’87; Geons, subobject categories
Speech Recognition
Two Nervous Systems
• Central Nervous System (CNS) • Peripheral - connects CNS to body parts
– Somatic - skin and muscles – Autonomic - visceral organs: heart, stomach, intestine
Diencephalon - Relay station for sensory impulses (not smell)
Integration of Sensory Input Top Down
sensory input I to the brain I create sensation, produce thoughts, add to memory I decision making
Late Phase Visual Perception Pattern Recognition
Template-Matching Model Comparison of image on retina image in brain Feature Analysis
• Simple features combine in patterns • Recognition of features • Predicts confusion i.e. of G and C • Stabilized images disappear feature by feature - pathway fatigue
Word superiority effect - vision WORD - WORK Restoration effect - audio Explanation: Perception is unconscious and inferential, no choosing Feature redundancy
Can’t recognize complex objects Prosopagnosia Can’t recognize faces
Models of Pattern Recognition
• Template matching models • Feature analysis • Context and pattern recognition General knowledge directs perception and interpretation
The Brain
Integrated? Are all parts and functions of brain interconnected and interdependent? or Modular? Are parts and functions of brain independent and not fully connected?
• Released by axon’s terminals/buttons • Act on membrane of receptor dendrite to change its electric polarity (+ or -) • 10 milliseconds
Photochemical process Light Eye ------------> Neural Energy Photosynthesis Light Carbon dioxide+water --------> Oxygen+Sugar
Photoreceptor Cells
• Cones - color, high resolution and focus • Rods - less resolution, black/white, night vision
Neurons = Nerve Cells Conductors of Impulses
Morphology Dendrites Cell body, nucleus Axon covered with myelin sheath, axon buttons Functional types and morphology
Processes: • • • • Reception Interpretation Recognize Distinguish
Sensors: • • • • • + • Auditory Vision Tactile (touch) Taste Smell Internal
How Do We Segment and Put Together Objects into Scenes?
Gestalt principles: • • • • Proximity Similarity Good Continuation Closure and good form
(Wertheimer 1912)
No discrete units because speech termination at end of word is illusory Features in voicing (vibrating) • Production • Labial / Alveolar
Context and Sensory Input
• Early
Receive information Photochemical process
• Late
Recognize patterns
Perceptual Parallelism
• Perceptual stage • Sensory sources
Early Visual Information Processing
Cognitive Psychology Neuron, Perception & Attention
Bilyana Martinovski DSV – F4 Stockholm University
Literature for Today’s Lecture
John Anderson “Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications” 2010 Chapter 1 Cognitive Science: Neuron structure Chapter 2 Perception Chapter 3 Attention
When have I heard a train pass?
Perception as Information Processing and Perceptual Experience
Early and Late Processing
Information Processing vs. Perceptual Experience
Afferent (sensory) fibers - peripheral sense receptors to CNS, long dendrites Efferent (motor) fibers - CNS to effector organs: muscles, glands, long axons Interneurons fibers (association) - link, both types of fibers Neuroglia - nourish, protect neurons; mitosis = replacement of nerves, tissue growth