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⑶ ... plays an important/significant role/part in ... For one thing,...For another,... [即时练习] 谈谈与父母交流思想的重要性。 名师点拨:先用一句话总说重要性,然 后再说具体在哪方面的重要性,最后点题。
(总说) Children’s communicating
Besides,animals like koala and panda are so lovely that many tourists can not help hugging them and photographing with them(第 二条).
指解决某一个问题可能的方法,建议要 切实可行,不能泛泛而谈,还要从多方面入 手,不能只局限于某一方面,涉及面要广, 特别是社会问题,要从政府、家庭、企业、 个人等方面要采取相应的措施,措施要具体。 常用的句型有: ⑴ I suggest some possible solutions to ...For one thing,... For another ... 对…… 我提出以下可能的解决办法。一方面,……; 另一方面……
Never do they make phone calls when driving.Finally,everybody should keep the road signs beside the roads in mind and pedestrians must walk along the pavements. Only by everyone’s effort can the road accidents be reduced.
对于此类要点,先用一两句话把现象 简要说说,再表明你是赞成还是反对, 观点要明确,再简单说明理由。常用 的句型有:
⑶ I firmly support the view that... because ...In addition,...我坚决赞同…… 的看法,因为……,此外……
⑷ The reasons can be listed as follows./The reasons for this are as follows.To begin with,...In addition,... 其理由可列举如下/其理由如下:首 先,……;其次,……
This story teaches us that we should not judge people or things based only on their appearance. There are other characteristics such as kindness,
honesty and devotion as well as willingness to help others that count. Beauty is only a superficial attraction but personality,the inside,is what really matters.
[即时练习] (2009年高考)人们在参观动物园时为什么 喜欢和动物拍照?
名师点拨:先用一句话总说人们喜欢 和动物拍照,然后再列出几个理由。
(明确观点)When visiting wildlife parks,many tourists love to take photos with animals. (总述理由) Reasons for this are varied. (例举理由) Some people want to remember their enjoyable and unforgettable experience with the animals by taking photos with them(第一条).
[即时练习] 说说传统书本与电子书本的异同。 名师点拨:采用分说的方法,先说 similarities,再说differences。
(先说同) There are some similarities between traditional books and e-books.Both of them are good means of people conveying emotions and expressing opinions,from where readers can get information.
⑶ Here are some suggestions on how to deal with ...To begin with...,Moreover..., Finally...下面是对于如何处理……的方法。 第一,……;此外……,最后……
⑷ We should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.Firstly,...Secondly,...Finall y,...我们应当采取一系列有效措施来 处理这种情况。第一第……;二……; 最后……
[即时练习] (2009年广州二模要点1)你从故事中学到什么道 理? 名师点拨:阅读材料中“玫瑰因为自己的美丽 而沾沾自喜,嘲笑长相不佳的仙人掌,而仙人 掌在干旱时节却用自己的汁液帮助那些口渴的 鸟” 我们从中可知“仙人掌虽然长相不佳,但 在关键时刻能牺牲自己帮助别人”,因此得出 “美丽并不是唯一,其他如善良、诚实、乐于 助人等品质比美貌更重要,因此不能以貌取 人”。
(例举另一方面)For another,it can narrow the generation gap and reduce conflicts,which will contribute to building up a nicer relationship between parents and children.
采用分说的方法,先谈谈相同之 处,再谈其不同之处。常用的句型有: ⑴ There are some similarities between ... 在……与……之间,有一些 相同之处。 ⑵ ...while...……而…… ⑶ There are also some evident differences ... 也有一些明显不同的地 方。
先从材料中概括故事的寓意,注意故事 要表达的主旨,不要偏离了中心。常用的句 型有: ⑴ The story teaches us that ... 这个故事教 育我们…… ⑵ From the story,we learn that ...通过这 个故事,我们学到/明白了…… ⑶ After reading the story,we realize that... 读了这个故事后,我们认识到……
先明确表明自己的观点,然后再列出具体 的多个理由,不能一句话轻轻带过。可用 句型有: ⑴ There are reasons why ... First of all,...Then...Finally,...做某事的原因有: 第一,……;其次,……;最后…… ⑵ Reasons for this are varied.Some people think...Others think...其原因是多方面的, 有人认为……另外一些人认为……
先简述事件的经过,不宜长篇大论, 特别是在夹叙夹议的文体中,只须按 记叙文的写作方法,包含“谁干了什 么事?结果如何?”然后再谈谈本人 对此次经历的看法及感受或是从这次 经历中得出了什么经验教训。常用的 句型有:
⑴ I had an unforgettable experience.... From the experience I realize that... 我曾有 一次难忘的经历……从这次经历中,我意 识到…… ⑵ The story reminds me of my experience of ... 这个故事让我想起了我经历过的一件 事…… ⑶ I also had a similar experience,from which I learn that...我也有一次类似的经历, 从中我学到了……
(转折) However,(对比说异) traditional books are heavy to carry but do less harm to eyes while ebooks are more environmentally friendly with more informatadvice may be taken to ...First of all,...In addition,another way contributing to success of solving the problem is ...对……可采取一些切实可行的 措施。首先,……;另外,……;能成功 解决这个问题的方法还有……
说明某一品质或做某事的重要性时,从 多方面来阐述,如社会、生活、工作、学 习等方面来论述,切忌泛泛而谈,同时还 要条理清晰。常用到的句型有: ⑴ ... is of great importance/significance/ value/help.To begin with,it can...Besides, it strengthens the tie between... Finally,it helps to... ⑵ ... has a great impact on … Firstly, ...Secondly,... Thirdly,...
[即时练习] (2008年高考)对中学生活的感受。
名师点拨:简单说说自己的经历,然 后带出感受。
(承上启下,引出经历) Mike’s story reminds me of my own experience of middle school life. At that time,I depended totally on my parents so as to equip myself with abundant knowledge. What I had to do is (to) study hard. As a result,I didn’t know how to cope with the problems in daily life and I had few friends though I got high marks in exams.
[即时练习] (2009惠州三模要点2)人们应该如何避 免交通事故?
名师点拨:写这个要点时,要从汽 车司机、骑自行车的人、行人等方面 来提出具体有效的办法。
Some workable advice may be taken to avoid traffic accidents. First,everyone must obey the traffic rules and goes their own ways.Besides,drivers should keep their emotions under control and never drive after drinking.
with parents plays an important part in
building a harmonious relationship
with each other. (列举一方面) For one
thing,willingness to exchange opinions
means trusting each other,which leads to better understanding of each other.