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1. Purple Heart
- 中文翻译:紫心勋章
- 英语解释:It is a military decoration in the United States, awarded to those who have been wounded or killed in combat.
- 运用情况:When talking about military honors and the sacrifices of soldiers in the United States.
- 例子:My grandfather received a Purple Heart for his bravery in World War II.
2. Purple prose
- 中文翻译:华丽而晦涩的文章(常含贬义)
- 英语解释:Writing that is overly elaborate, flowery, and often difficult to understand, full of excessive ornamentation.
- 运用情况:When criticizing someone's writing for being too showy and not straightforward.
- 例子:That author's work is just purple prose. It's so hard to figure out what he really wants to say.
3. Purple patch
- 中文翻译:(尤指在一段时间内的)好运,顺境
- 英语解释:A period of time when someone is very successful or lucky.
- 运用情况:When describing a person's successful streak in sports, business or other areas.
- 例子:The athlete is in a purple patch this season. He has won every match so far.
4. Purple haze
- 中文翻译:紫色烟雾(可指一种迷幻的、朦胧的状态或现象)
- 英语解释:It can refer to a smoky or hazy purple - colored appearance, often associated with a dreamy or drug - influenced state in a metaphorical sense.
- 运用情况:In descriptions of surreal or psychedelic scenes, or when talking about a state of confusion or altered perception.
- 例子:The party was filled with purple haze from all the special effects.
5. Purple rain
- 中文翻译:紫雨
- 英语解释:Literally, rain that appears purple, but it can also be a title or a concept representing something unique and a bit mysterious.
- 运用情况:When referring to a specific artistic work like Prince's song "Purple Rain", or when creating a mood of mystery in a story.
- 例子:The concert was amazing when they played "Purple Rain".
6. Purple flower
- 中文翻译:紫色的花
- 英语解释:A flower that has a purple color. It can be any type of flower as long as it is purple.
- 运用情况:When talking about gardening, nature, or simply describing the appearance of a flower.
- 例子:I saw a beautiful purple flower in the garden today.
7. Purple ribbon
- 中文翻译:紫丝带
- 英语解释:A ribbon of purple color which can be used as a symbol for various causes, such as awareness of certain diseases or for showing support.
- 运用情况:When promoting awareness campaigns for particular issues or showing support to a group.
- 例子:People are wearing purple ribbons to support cancer patients.
8. Purple sky
- 中文翻译:紫色的天空
- 英语解释:The sky that has a purple hue, often seen during sunrise or sunset or in certain atmospheric conditions.
- 运用情况:When describing the beauty of the sky at a particular time of day or in a special place.
- 例子:The purple sky over the mountains was a sight to behold.
9. Purple dress
- 中文翻译:紫色的连衣裙
- 英语解释:A dress that is colored purple.
- 运用情况:When talking about fashion, clothing, or someone's appearance.
- 例子:She looked stunning in her purple dress at the party.
10. Purple ink
- 中文翻译:紫色墨水
- 英语解释:Ink that has a purple color, which can be used for writing or drawing.
- 运用情况:When discussing stationery, art supplies, or the color of something written or drawn.
- 例子:He wrote the letter with purple ink.
My Personal View
I think these purple - related phrases are really interesting. They show how one color can be associated with so many different concepts. It's like purple is a key that unlocks different doors in our language and culture. Some of these phrases, like "Purple Heart", are so full of historical and emotional significance. Others, like "purple prose", are a bit more critical but still add flavor to our language. It's amazing how language can be so creative with just one simple color!。
