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●v. 使成一行,使对齐
●v. 第三人称单数:aligns
o同义词:adjust, arrange, line up, order, position
o反义词:disarrange, disorder, disorganize, scatter, separate o例句:
●The engineer aligned the wheels of the car to ensure a
smooth ride. 工程师调整了汽车的车轮以确保行驶平稳。
●The teacher asked the students to align their desks in a
straight row for the exam. 老师要求学生们将课桌排成一排以便考试。
●The architect aligned the columns perfectly to support the
structure. 建筑师完美地对齐了柱子以支撑结构。
●The graphic designer aligned the text to the center of the
page for better aesthetics. 平面设计师将文本对齐到页面中心以获得更好的美感。
●The soldiers aligned themselves in formation before the
parade began. 士兵们在游行开始前排列成队形。
●The technician aligned the satellite dish to receive the best
signal. 技术员调整了卫星天线以接收最佳信号。
●The photographer aligned the camera with the horizon to
capture the sunset. 摄影师将相机与地平线对齐以拍摄日落。
●The workers aligned the bricks carefully to build a straight
wall. 工人们小心地对齐砖块以建造一堵直墙。
●The coach aligned the players according to their positions on
the field. 教练根据球员在场上的位置排列他们。
●The seamstress aligned the fabric pieces before sewing them
together. 裁缝在缝合布料之前对齐了布料片。
●The project manager aligned the team's goals with the
company's objectives. 项目经理将团队的目标与公司的目标对齐。
●The scientist aligned the laser beam with the target for the
experiment. 科学家将激光束与实验目标对齐。
●The artist aligned the frames on the wall to create a
harmonious display. 艺术家将墙上的画框对齐以创造和谐的展示。
●The mechanic aligned the engine parts to ensure proper
functioning. 机械师对齐了发动机部件以确保正常运作。
●The surveyor aligned the measuring tools to get accurate
readings. 测量员对齐了测量工具以获得准确读数。
●The decorator aligned the furniture to maximize space in the
room. 装饰师排列家具以最大化房间空间。
●The conductor aligned the orchestra members for the
performance. 指挥将乐团成员排列好以便演出。
●The editor aligned the columns in the newspaper for a neat
layout. 编辑将报纸的栏目对齐以获得整洁的版面。
●The pilot aligned the aircraft with the runway for a safe
landing. 飞行员将飞机与跑道对齐以确保安全着陆。
●The gardener aligned the rows of plants for easy maintenance.
●align with:
o The company's policies align with the industry's standards. 公司的政策与行业标准一致。
o The new regulations align with the government's environmental goals. 新法规与政府的环境目标一致。
o The curriculum aligns with the educational requirements of the state. 课程与州的教育要求一致。
o The marketing strategy aligns with the brand's image and values.
o The employee's personal goals align with the company's mission.
●align oneself with:
o She decided to align herself with the environmental movement.
o The politician aligned himself with the reformist party. 政治家与改革党保持一致。
o The organization aligned itself with international human rights groups. 该组织与国际人权组织保持一致。
o He aligned himself with the majority opinion in the committee.
o The company aligned itself with global sustainability initiatives.
●align against:
o The two companies aligned against their common competitor. 两家公司联合起来对抗共同的竞争对手。
o The community aligned against the proposed construction project. 社区联合起来反对拟建的建设项目。
o Several countries aligned against the new trade policies. 几个国家联合起来反对新的贸易政策。
o The activists aligned against the government's decision. 活动家们联合起来反对政府的决定。
o The team aligned against the opposing side's tactics. 团队联合起来对抗对方的战术。
●align to:
o The software needs to be aligned to the latest version. 软件需要与最新版本对齐。
o The training program is aligned to the company's objectives. 培训计划与公司的目标一致。
o The product design is aligned to customer feedback. 产品设计与客户反馈一致。
o The curriculum is aligned to national standards. 课程与国家标准一致。
o The marketing campaign is aligned to the target audience's preferences. 营销活动与目标受众的偏好一致。
●align vs. assign:
o Align the text to the left margin for a uniform appearance. 将文本对齐到左边距以获得统一的外观。
o Assign each student a project topic for the semester. 为每个学生分配一个学期的项目主题。
o The technician aligned the satellite dish for better reception. 技术员调整了卫星天线以获得更好的接收效果。
o The manager assigned tasks to the team members based on their skills. 经理根据团队成员的技能分配任务。
o Align the images in the document for a professional look. 将文档中的图像对齐以获得专业外观。
o Assign a unique ID to each user for identification purposes. 为每个用户分配一个唯一的ID以便识别。