NACE6 造船涂装检查




干膜膜厚检验符合两个百分之九十原则: 要求90%以上的测量点测得的膜厚值必须 达到或超过规定膜厚值,余下不到10%的测量 点测得的膜厚值,必须不低于规定膜厚值的 90%。
1、钢材预处理包括哪些内容?如何进行 除锈质量检验?
② 除锈等级。 钢材表面的除锈等级以代表所采用的除锈 方法的字母Sa、St、FI表示; 如果字母后面有阿拉伯数字,则其表示清 除氧化皮、铁锈和油漆涂层等附着物的程度。 Sa ——喷射或抛射除锈; St ——手工和动力工具除锈; FI——火焰除锈。
喷射或抛射除锈前,厚的锈层应铲除。可 见的油脂和污垢也应清除。喷射或抛射除锈 后,钢材表面应清除浮灰和碎屑。
在船体的首部,海水对壳体产生较大的流 体动力作用,特别是对速度比较高的船舶。这 使得涂层的工作条件变得十分苛刻。 船体中部的船舷外壳表面受到比首部小的 流体动力作用,但是这个区域的涂层在船靠码 头时特别容易遭到破坏。 船底部位,由于附着海生物,易产生氧浓 差电池而引起坑蚀。海生物的排泄物助长腐蚀 之外,随其积累还会侵入船体涂膜中,从而将 涂膜破坏,也会造成严重后果。
钢板经预处理流水线除锈后,涂车间底漆 前,将标准零位板(尺寸为:70×300×1) 用胶带粘贴在经过抛丸处理的钢板(材)表 面,干燥后取下,用精密的电磁式测厚仪,测 定试验板上的漆膜厚度。
试验板的贴置点应具有代表性。 测点的选择:原则上平整表面每10m2左右 检测一点,复杂表面每5 m2左右检测一点,对 于狭小舱室,小型液柜等面积较小的区域或部 件,保证每一自由面3个以上的测点,焊缝表 面、距自由边30mm的范围内和检测困难处都 不必进行检测。 船体涂层的干膜厚度用干膜厚度仪直接在 被涂面检测。检测必须在涂层完全硬化后进行。














1 通则主要涉及本指南的编制目的和适用范围。





主要有:GB8264—1987《涂装技术术语》、GB 12466一1990《船舶及海洋工程腐蚀与防护术语》、《涂料工业手册》(化学工业出版社2001年9月第l版)。


2 防腐设计/施工单位及人员要求为保证防腐蚀工程的质量,防腐蚀工程的设计/施工单位以及人员应有一定的资质,这是一般的常识。

其原则为:(1) 设计/施工单位必需每一项目各有二个以上的技术人员和质量检查员;(2) 应有完善的质量体系,以保证有关的要求得到切实执行,其中包括IS09000的质量认证;(3) 单位所具有的设备和器材应满足设计和施工的要求。







考试名称NACE涂装检查员二级课程理论考试考试代码NACE-CIP2-001时间 2.5小时考题数量100格式计算机考试中心(CBT)合格分数线70目标对象二级检查员负责在没有主管的现场设置下(如车间,工厂或电站),或在有三级检验师监管的现场设置下(如生产设施,电站或油田),执行和记录任何底材上的液体涂料和非液体涂料的非破坏性/破坏性检测。


*要求核准考试提纲范围1 – 安全– 2.5%▪复习NACE涂装检验员的一般安全声明▪复习样板SDS▪如何报告安全违规▪复习和深入说明工作具体的安全问题及其相关的专业领域,即水喷射、水清理和非液体涂料系统范围2 – 检查程序– 15%▪复习NACE涂装检验员角色——包括每个级别的制约因素▪复习检验目的——深入说明成本调整▪复习规格书——深入说明检验程序中的角色▪复习产品数据说明书——深入说明检验程序中的角色▪复习标准——深入说明检验程序中的角色▪复习代码——深入说明检验程序中的角色▪复习检查和测试计划——深入说明检验程序中的角色▪复习工前会议——深入说明检验程序中的角色▪复习目测检查——课堂练习测试检查员执行目测检查的能力▪复习验证与控制点检查▪复习非破坏性仪器检查——深入说明检验程序中的角色▪复习破坏性仪器检查——操作使用仪器和检查程序中的角色▪复习文件记录——深入说明检验程序中的角色▪介绍涂装勘验范围3 – 腐蚀– 5%▪复习腐蚀电池与阳极/阴极关系的比较▪复习镀锌防腐▪讨论影响腐蚀速率因素▪讨论腐蚀基本类型——全面腐蚀、局部腐蚀、缝隙腐蚀、流动辅助腐蚀▪讨论腐蚀控制类型▪讨论阴极保护基本原理——系统与阳极剥离测试比较范围4 – 环境控制和检查– 5%▪复习空气、表面温度、露点温度、相对湿度在涂装操作上的影响▪再生干燥剂和冷却减湿的说明——设备类型、好处、中断的后果▪密闭室的说明,包括照明、通风、空气运动(变化)▪介绍先进的环境测试设备和数据记录仪范围5 – 表面处理和检查– 20%▪复习设计和装配缺陷▪复习溶剂/手动/动力工具清洗和钢材表面喷砂清理▪复习和深入说明水喷射清理和离心喷砂清理▪复习和深入说明残留可溶性盐去除和示范其他两种测试方法▪复习全部NACE、SSPC、ASTM和ISO标准相关的溶剂/手动/动力工具清洗、钢材喷砂、水喷砂、水喷射清理钢材和残留可溶性盐测试▪使用在铁、非铁、和水泥底材的表面处理方法的一般说明▪复习复制胶带、数字表面粗糙度仪、ISO 比较仪的使用▪CRI比较仪在混凝土的表面粗糙度相关的ASTM D7682的说明和示范范围6 – 涂料和检查– 20%▪复习涂料基础知识,包括基本成分和防腐形式▪复习和深入说明分类,包括一般类型▪复习和深入说明聚合、固化机理和每个机理的潜在缺陷▪衬里和特殊涂料的说明,包括防污、防火和流动涂料▪厚屏蔽衬里(橡胶和固化薄膜)的说明▪复习涂装规格书▪非液体涂料镀锌、金属喷涂、管道和现场接头涂料、粉末涂料的说明▪复习磁性干膜测厚仪▪复习漏涂点检测仪▪涡电流超声波测厚仪的说明、示范和使用▪破坏性测试和仪器的说明和示范,即硬度测试仪、附着力测试仪和固化测试▪专业测试和测试设备的说明,如阴极剥离测试、实验室分析范围7 – 涂装– 7.5%▪复习刷涂、手套、辊筒、传统有气喷涂、无气喷涂和有气辅助无气涂装方法,包括基本故障排除▪复习预涂▪复习表面处理和混合涂料质量的重要性▪静电喷涂、流涂和浇涂、流化床涂装、离心喷涂、火焰喷涂和旋转衬里涂装方法的基本说明▪衬里和特殊涂料的涂装和检查的基本说明▪多组分喷涂与基本故障排除比较的详细说明▪涂料和混凝土衬里的说明▪维护涂装操作的说明▪橡胶和热塑薄膜衬里的说明▪加强化涂料和衬里的说明▪管道和现场接点涂料的说明范围8 – 文件记录– 10%▪复习文件和报告对检验过程的重要性▪复习涂装规格书、检查报告、产品和材料安全数据说明书▪检查和测试计划以及最终报告的说明、示范、使用和发展范围9 – 标准– 10%▪复习一级参考标准▪复习、理解和使用二级参考的所有相关标准范围10 – 小组合作– 2.5%▪小组合作的深入理解(DISC)范围11 – 道德准则– 2.5%▪NACE认证检验员所需的道德准则的深入理解(见宣誓书内容)问题类型问题描述考试有两种不同的选择题类型。











NACE二级涂装检查员培训教材 第36章-涂装勘验

NACE二级涂装检查员培训教材 第36章-涂装勘验

A = 底材 B = 底漆涂层 C = 中间涂层 D = 面漆 Y = 粘合剂 (胶水) Z = 抵座 (测试用具)
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A = 底材 B = 底漆涂层 C = 中间涂层 D = 面漆 Y = 粘合剂 (胶水) Z = 抵座 (测试用具)
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A = 底材 B = 底漆涂层 C = 中间涂层 D = 面漆 Y = 粘合剂 (胶水) Z = 抵座 (测试用具)
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A = 底材 B = 底漆涂层 C = 中间涂层 D = 面漆 Y = 粘合剂 (胶水) Z = 抵座 (测试用具)
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A = 底材 B = 底漆涂层 C = 中间涂层 D = 面漆 Y = 粘合剂 (胶水) Z = 抵座 (测试用具)
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A = 底材 B = 底漆涂层 C = 中间涂层 D = 面漆 Y = 粘合剂 (胶水) Z = 抵座 (测试用具)
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A = 底材 B = 底漆涂层 C = 中间涂层 D = 面漆 Y = 粘合剂 (胶水) Z = 抵座 (测试用具)
19 of 22
A = 底材 B = 底漆涂层 C = 中间涂层 D = 面漆 Y = 粘合剂 (胶水) Z = 抵座 (测试用具)
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第 36 章
2或工厂设施状况 的信息。
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涂装是一项主要的维修项目,每年要支出 大量的费用。




































车间底漆膜厚检测方法: 车间底漆是用于钢材预处理后的保养涂料,也可作高性能防 锈漆之用。车间底漆对钢材的切割和焊接性能无不良影响, 能与各类防锈漆配套使用。 钢板涂车间底漆前,在其正反面两面贴上光滑的钢质试验 板,让试验板同时被涂上车间底漆; 在每块试验板上,检测不在同一直线上的五个任意点的膜 厚值。对膜厚检测应作记录; 稳定工作状态每周检,否则随时检查。
P3级:用动力钢丝刷、动力砂纸盘或手工工某些人清 除浮锈和其它污物,经清理后,外观应相当于Wp3、 Fp3或Rp3级的照片。
b1级:用喷射磨料方式彻底清除锈和其它污物,仅留 有轻微的痕迹,经清理后,外观应相当于Wb1、Fb1或 Rb1级的照片。
2.准备磨料:保持磨料的干燥性和颗粒大小的均匀性。钢丸 和钢丝头的直径以0.8~1.2mm为宜,并除去磨料表面的垃圾、 油污和水分。
锈蚀和除锈等级的分类: 未涂装过的钢材表面的原始锈蚀程度分为四个锈蚀等级: A级:全面地复盖着氧化皮而几乎没有铁锈的钢材表面; B级:已发生锈蚀,并且部分氧化皮已经剥落的钢材表面;
船体外板 涂装种类 除锈 方式 B T B T B T B T B T B T CB*② b2 P2 b2 P2 b1 P1 b2 P1 b1 P1 b1 GB② Sa2 St2-St3 Sa2 St2-St3 Sa 2.5 St3 Sa2 St3 Sa 2.5 St3 Sa 2.5 室外暴露部位 CB* b2 P2 b2 P2 b1 p1 b2 p1 b1 p1 b1 GB Sa2 St2-St3 Sa2 St2-St3 Sa 2.5 St3 Sa2 St3 Sa 2.5 St3 Sa 2.5 舱室内部 CB* b2 p3 b2 p3 b2 p2 b2 p2 GB Sa2 St2 Sa2 St2 Sa2 St2-St3 Sa2 St2-St3 液舱 CB* b2 p2 GB Sa2 St2-St3 燃油舱 CB* GB




























船体建造及涂装检验项目序号验收项目验收内容验收阶段船检船东备注1 船体钢板及型钢材质报告、外观质量施工前√具有船检证书2 主要铸钢件材质报告、外观质量施工前后√具有船检证书3 船体焊接材料材质报告、外观质量施工前√具有船检证书4分段制作结构完整性及焊缝表面质量结构完整性及焊缝表面质量完工后完工后√√√√4.1 双曾底分段4.2 舷侧分段4.3 上层建筑5船台合拢中心线、标杆龙骨线a、结构完整性及焊缝表面质量b、无损探伤结构完整性及焊缝表面质量完工后完工后√√√√√√√√√5.1 船台划线5.2 分段和拢5.3 上层建筑5.4 主机座、电机座6 载重线及吃水标志a、尺寸检查、b、安装精度检查标志划线后标志划线后√√√√7 船体完工后主尺度测量总长、型宽、型深、船体基线的挠度测量下水前√√8 烟囱标志,船名标志尺寸及安装准确性完工后√9 舷外标志尺寸及安装准确性完工后√10 放泄塞安装准确性及密性完工后√11 船体密性试验根据密性试验大纲试验后√√12 载重量测定与倾斜试验测定船舶重量、重心载重量试验后√√13 二次除锈及油漆 a.除锈、油漆b.最后一层面漆除锈后下水前√舾装检验项目1 舵杆a、材质报告b、加工检查加工前加工后√√√具有CCS证书2 舵销、舵柄及舵承挂舵臂等a、材质报告b、加工检查加工前加工后√√具有CCS证书3 舵叶a、钢板证书b、内部结构完整性c、主要尺寸及外观质量d、密性试验自制4 舵设备安装a、上舵承组装b、舵杆、舵叶、舵销组装c舵轴承安装间隙d、舵叶零位检查e、舵止跳块间隙检查安装后安装时安装后安装后下水前√√√√√√√√√√第3页5 舵机安装准确性完工后工厂检验6 舵系统a、系统完整性b、性能效用实验c、自动应急操舵效用实验完工后系泊及航行试验系泊及航行试验√√√√√√7 锚、锚链及其附件a、锚、锚链、卸扣、转环材质报告b、外观质量c、钢印标志安装前安装前安装前√√√具有CCS证书8 锚机安装准确性安装后√√垫片拂配9 弃链器、挚链器安装准确性安装后√√10 锚系统a、运转试验b、抛起锚试验系泊及航行试验系泊及航行试验√√√√11 系泊设备安装完整性及正确性完工后√12 绞缆机a、安装完整性b、运转试验安装后系泊试验√√13 救生设备a、救生艇、起艇机、艇架、吊艇钢索b、艇架负荷试验c、救生艇收放脱钩试验d、救生艇水上操作e、艇内属具备品检查f、其他救生设备及索具数量存放正确性安装前系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验√√√√√√√√√√√具有CCS证书具有CCS证书14 舷梯及绞车a、负荷试验b、效用实验安装后完工后√√√√具有CCS证书15 引航员梯a、负荷试验b、收放试验安装后完工后√√√√具有CCS证书16 货舱舱口盖a、材质报告b、安装完整性及焊接质量(单块)c、船上安装d、密性试验e、效用实验施工前完工后完整性后完工后完工后√√√√√√√√√具有CCS证书17 舱室设备a、舱室设备完整性及外观质量b、洗衣机及厨房设备运转试验完工后完工后√√第4页18 水密门、舷窗及风雨关闭设备(包括海底阀门)a、安装完整性b、密性试验完工后完工后√√√√具有CCS证书19 消防器材完整性及正确性安装前√√具有CCS证书22 舱室防火材料防火材料及防火结构的完整性完工前后√√具有CCS证书23 杂物吊安装完整性及效用实验完工后√具有CCS证书机装检验项目1 轴系a、轴系找中定位b、轴系镗孔c、尾轴管滑油管安装机密性试验d、尾管前后轴承压配e、测量螺旋桨轴与轴承间隙f、螺旋桨的安装g、轴系校中与中间轴承安装h、轴系连接螺栓材质、铰制螺栓和螺栓孔配合尺寸i、尾轴密封装置的安装及密性试验镗孔前镗孔后安装后压入时安装时完工后完工后安装后√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√同时检查舵轴中心线2 螺旋桨轴a、材质报告(包括热处理及无损探伤)b、机加工后尺寸c、浆与轴匹配检查加工前下机床前组装后√√√√√具有CCS证书3 中间轴a、材质报告(包括热处理及无损探伤)b、机加工后尺寸加工前下机床前√√√具有CCS证书4 尾轴管a、材质报告b、焊接后密性试验加工前焊接后√√√具有CCS证书5 尾轴承(天龙轴承)a、材质报告b、机加工后尺寸加工前加工后√√√具有CCS证书6 主机安装定位a、主机定位b、垫片拂配c、底脚螺栓紧固性d、曲轴臂距差测量定位后加工后安装时动车前√√√√√√√√第5页7 主机运转试验a、主机报警安全装置试验b、检查主机附属泵与管系的情况c、主机操控试验d、主机运转试验e、曲轴臂距差测量f、主机拆检系泊及航行试验系泊及航行试验系泊及航行试验主机试验后主机试验后√√√√√√√√√√8 柴油发电机组a、安装完整性b、曲轴臂距差测量c、运转试验d、并联运转试验完工后动车前、后系泊试验系泊试验√√√√√√√具有CCS证书9 应急发电机组a、安装完整性b、效用实验完工后系泊及航行试验√√√√具有CCS证书10 空气压缩机a、安全阀及安全装置试验b、效用实验(包括充气试验)系泊试验系泊试验√√√√具有CCS证书11 空气瓶a、附件完整机密性试验b、安全阀检验完工后试验时√√√√具有CCS证书12 燃油废气组合锅炉a、系统密性试验b、运行试验c、安全阀的试验(包括储压试验)系泊试验系泊及航行试验√√√√具有CCS证书14 电动机驱动的泵(为主机、辅机/锅炉/轴系服务的泵)效用试验系泊试验√√具有CCS证书15 燃、滑油分油机效用试验系泊试验√√具有CCS证书16 舱底水油水分离器效用试验系泊试验√√具有CCS证书17 污水处理装置效用试验系泊试验√√具有CCS证书18 机舱起吊行车安全装置和起重试验系泊试验√√具有CCS证书19 机修间设备工作试验系泊试验√20 海、淡水压力柜效用试验系泊试验√具有CCS证书21 机舱风机效用试验系泊试验√具有CCS证书22 舱室风机效用试验系泊试验√具有CCS证书23 排舷外阀安装准确些安装后√√具有CCS证书24 燃油管系a、液压试验b、密性试验c、效用试验安装前安装后安装前√√√√√√第6页序号验收项目验收内容验收阶段船检船东备注25 压缩空气、控制空气管系a、液压试验b、密性试验c、安全阀、减压阀试验d、效用试验安装前安装后系泊试验系泊试验√√√√√√√√26 滑油管系a、液压试验b、密性试验c、串油清洗d、效用试验安装前安装后安装后系泊试验√√√√√√√27 海水、淡水冷却管系a、密性试验(冷却器除外)b、效用试验安装后系泊试验√√√28 锅炉给水、蒸汽及凝水管系a、液压试验b、密性试验c、效用试验安装前安装后系泊试验√√√√√29 蒸汽加热管系a、液压试验b、密性试验c、蒸汽通畅性试验安装前安装后系泊试验√√√√√30 全船供水管系(包括机舱供水管系)a、密性试验b、畅通性试验安装后系泊试验√√√31 甲板疏排水管系畅通性试验系泊试验√√32 水消防管系a、液压试验b、密性试验c、效用试验安装前安装后安装后√√√√√√33 水基灭火系统a、液压试验b、密性试验c、效用试验安装前安装后安装后√√√√√√34 CO2灭火系统a、液压试验b、密性试验c、报警功能试验d、效用试验(模拟)安装前安装后系泊试验系泊试验√√√√√√√√35 应急消防系统效用试验系泊试验√√36 压载水管系a、密性试验b、效用试验安装后系泊试验√√√√37 舱底水管系a、密性试验b、效用试验c、应急吸口效用试验安装后系泊试验系泊试验√√√√√√38 液压系统(包括货舱盖、锚机、舵机)a、液压试验b、密性试验c、串油试验d、动力泵站效用试验安装前安装后系泊实验前系泊试验√√√√√√√√第7页序号验收项目验收内容验收阶段船检船东备注39 冷藏管系a、气密试验b、制冷管系真空试验c、制冷及保温试验安装后系泊试验系泊试验√√√40 空调管系效用试验系泊试验√41 汽笛试验效用试验系泊试验√√42 空气、测量、注入管畅通性试验系泊试验√√43 泡沫灭火装置效用试验(模拟)系统试验√√电装检验项目1 电缆敷设各区域电缆敷设完整性安装后√√具有CCS证书2 耐火、水密舱壁及甲板电缆贯穿装置耐火、水密电缆贯穿装置结构检查安装后√√具有CCS证书3 主配电板、应急配电板a、安装准确性b、测量绝缘电阻、c、负荷特性试验d、功能试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验√√√√√√√√4 柴油发电机组a、报警装置电阻b、测量绝缘电阻c、负荷特性试验d、并联运行试验e、自动运行试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验√√√√√√√√√√5 应急发电机组a、报警装置试验b、测量绝缘电阻c、负荷特性试验d、自动运行试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验系泊试验√√√√√√√√6 充放电板、蓄电池效用试验系泊试验√√具有CCS证书7 辅机电动机及其控制设备a、测量绝缘电阻b、效用试验系泊试验系泊试验√√√√大于100KW应具有CCS产品证书8 机舱风、油紧急切断效用试验系泊试验√√9 正常照明效用试验测量绝缘电阻系泊试验系泊试验√√√√10 应急照明效用试验测量绝缘电阻系泊试验系泊试验√√√√11报警系统(包括火警、CO2施放报警、集合警铃、冷库报警效用试验或模拟试验系泊试验√12 厨房电气设备功能试验系泊试验√√第8页序号验收项目验收内容验收阶段船检船东备注13 航行灯、信号灯a、效用试验b、报警试验系泊试验系泊试验√√√√具有CCS证书14 电动主机传令钟效用试验系泊试验√√具有CCS证书15 呼叫系统、声力电话系统、自动电话系统、雾笛等电话系统效用试验系泊试验√√具有CCS证书16 测深仪效用试验系泊及航行试验√√具有CCS证书17 计程仪效用试验系泊及航行试验√√具有CCS证书18 电罗经a、效用试验b、误差校正系泊及航行航行试验√√√√具有CCS证书19 反射磁罗经a、效用试验b、误差校正系泊及航行航行试验√√√√具有CCS证书20 卫星导航效用试验航行试验√√具有CCS证书21 雷达、避碰雷达效用试验系泊及航行试验√√具有CCS证书22 无线电气象传真仪效用试验航行试验√√具有CCS证书23 无线电阻装台与天线系统a、检查天线安装质量及天线绝缘b、效用试验系泊试验航行试验√√√√具有CCS证书第9页。



关于NACE考试1美国的国家腐蚀工程师协会NACE(National Association and Cross ion Engineer )最早是在1943年由研究管道腐蚀的工程师所成立的,几十年来已经逐渐扩展到几乎所有其它工业部门的腐蚀研究领域。


NACE培训主要包括一般的教育课程(General Education Course),阴极保护认证课程(Cathodic Protection Certification Program)以及涂装检验(Coating Inspection)。

涂装检验又包括涂装检查程序(CIP),CIP桥梁1天专业课程、船舶涂料检查(Marine Coating Inspection)防腐蚀涂料和衬里(Protective Coatings and Linings)、离岸工程腐蚀评估培训(Offshore Corrosion Assessment Training)以及涂层与阴极保护(Coatings in conjunction with cathodic protection)。

这其中最主要的课程就是CIP (Coating Inspection Program)涂装检查。

一个完整的涂装检验课程NACE CIP针对不同内容来划分其等级,以前分为三个课程,现在已经合并为两个课程。

其中CIP I第一个课程又可以分为6天的课堂学习课程以及3天的考试课程。


光盘共有5张,包括以下内容:1. 表面处理module one surface preparation2. 涂料施工module two coating application3. 检查module three inspection4. 健康和安全module four health & safety5. 涂料类型module five coatings types其中6天课程包括以下主要内容:涂料介绍Coatings Introductionλ固化机理Curing Mechanismsλλ检查员的角色Role of the Inspector环境检测仪器Environmental Test Instrumentsλ检查程序λInspection Procedures非破坏性检查仪器Nondestructive Test Instrumentsλ涂料规格书Coating Specificationsλ文件Documentationλ表面处理处理和标准Surface Preparation and Standardsλ施工程序Applicationλ Procedures涂层缺陷Coating Failuresλ户外实验室Field Labλ工前会议Pre-job Conferenceλ材料安全数据手册和产品技术手册MSDS and ProductλData Sheet Review日志文件Logbook Documentationλ环境条件测量λ Measurement of Ambient Conditions非破坏性测试和检查Nondestructive Testing andλ Inspection团队训练Team Exercisesλ案例学习Case Studiesλ图 通过CIP I 级培训认证后所发的证书样式样(正反面)CIP II的主要内容包括:除湿λ抛丸喷射清理λ水喷射λ个人特点Personal profile systemλ数学应用λ非破坏性检查仪器λ破坏性检查仪器λλNACE 标准衬里和特殊涂层λ特殊施工设备λ混凝土和检查λ表面处理,涂层和特殊底材的检查λ实践应用λ厚屏蔽衬里介绍λ管道涂层λFBE 管道涂层λ涂层的维修操作λ检查和报告λ涂层类型和检查标准λ阴极保护λ热浸镀锌λ金属热喷涂λ专用涂层和施工λ涂层调查λ专门的测试和测试设备λ图 通过CIP II图 通过CIP I 级培训认证后所发的证书样式样(正面)在成功完成Peer Review后,检查员应能:•有权力、有信誉和有责任进行涂装检查工作•指导“未获证”涂装检查员的工作•使用“NACE持证涂装检查员”的头衔美国防腐工程师协会涂装检查员认证CIP-I课程表面处理初级单元涂料施工的表面处理对于实际使用的每一种涂装工序,例如:磷化处理,镀锌,电镀或涂漆-待涂表面的最初清洁和处理都是工序中的一个步骤,该步骤决定了以后的涂装体系成功与否。





一、涂装前准备1.1 清洁船体表面:在进行涂装作业之前,必须确保船体表面干净无尘,否则会影响涂层的附着力。


1.2 检查船体表面:在清洁船体表面后,应子细检查船体表面是否有腐蚀、凹陷或者其他损坏。


1.3 准备涂装材料:根据船舶涂装作业指导书的要求,准备好所需的涂装材料,包括底漆、面漆、稀释剂等。


二、涂装作业流程2.1 底漆涂装:首先进行底漆涂装,确保底漆均匀涂抹在船体表面上,并且干燥时间符合要求。


2.2 面漆涂装:在底漆干燥后,进行面漆涂装。



2.3 涂装后处理:涂装完成后,需要进行涂层的质量检查和后处理工作。


三、涂装作业安全3.1 个人防护:在进行涂装作业时,必须佩戴适当的个人防护装备,包括防护眼镜、口罩、手套等,确保自身安全。

3.2 通风设备:涂装作业需要在通风良好的环境下进行,确保涂装材料的挥发物能够及时排出,避免对人体造成危害。

3.3 防火措施:涂装作业中要注意防火安全,禁止在易燃物品附近进行涂装作业,保持作业现场整洁,避免火灾事故的发生。

四、涂装质量控制4.1 涂层厚度检测:在涂装作业过程中,需要对涂层的厚度进行检测,确保涂层符合指导书的要求,避免涂层过厚或者过薄。

4.2 涂层附着力测试:涂装完成后,需要对涂层的附着力进行测试,确保涂层能够坚固地附着在船体表面上,不易剥落。

4.3 涂层外观检验:最后对涂层的外观进行检验,确保涂层的颜色、光泽和平整度符合要求,达到美观的效果。









品质保证课二OO六年八月目录涂装部分1. 钢材锈蚀等级和除锈等级1.1 锈蚀等级 (1)1.2 除锈等级 (1)1.3 除锈质量检验 (2)2. 车间底漆膜厚检验 (3)3. 二次除锈3.1 二次除锈质量等级 (5)3.2 二次除锈的质量检验和要求 (6)4. 涂层质量检验4.1 涂层的外观质量要求 (10)4.2 湿膜厚度的控制 (11)4.3 干膜厚度的检测 (12)5 各阶段涂装注意事项 (13)内装部分1. 绝缘敷设检验1.1 热绝缘敷设的检验 (22)1.2 耐火绝缘敷设的检验 (25)2. 甲板敷料敷设检验2.1 基层甲板敷料敷设检验 (27)2.2 聚氯乙烯地砖或地毯的铺设检验………………………………..282.3 壁面瓷砖铺设检验 (29)2.4 地面马赛克、地砖铺设的检验 (30)3 复合岩棉板系统的检验 (31)4 复合岩棉板系统门窗的检验 (33)5 复合岩棉板上设备的安装检验. 346. 家具安装检验6.1 钢质家具安装检验 (35)6.2 木质家具安装检验 (36)7 舱室完整性检验 (37)1、钢材锈蚀等级和除锈等级1.1锈蚀等级钢材表面的锈蚀等级分为A、B、C和D四级表示:A级:全面地覆盖着氧化皮而几乎没有铁锈的钢材表面;B级:已发生锈蚀,并且部分氧化皮已经剥落的钢材表面;C级:氧化皮已因锈蚀而剥落,或者可以刮除,并且有少量点蚀的钢材表面;D级:氧化皮已因锈蚀而全面剥落,并且已普遍发生点蚀的钢材表面。




1.1.2按在船舶上的使用部位和用途,本章将船舶涂料分为船用车间底漆、船体防锈漆、船体防污漆、阳极屏涂料、船用防锈漆、船用水线漆、船壳漆、甲板漆、船用货舱漆、舱室内部用面漆、船用饮水舱漆、船舶压载舱涂料、船用油舱漆、机舱舱底涂料,分类及用途见表1.1.2:1.2认可和检验依据(1)CCS《钢质海船入级规范》、《材料与焊接规范》、《船舶结构防腐检验指南》;(2)IACS PR34(2008.07 Rev.3 Corr.1)《关于在IACS散货船和油船结构共同规范中实施MSC.215(82)决议通过的IMO保护涂层性能标准(PSPC)的IACS程序要求》;(3)IMO《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》及其修正案;(4)IMO《国际控制船舶有害防污底系统公约》简称AFS;(5)IMO MSC.215(82)《所有类型船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所保护涂层性能标准》、MSC.244(83)《散货船和油船空舱处所保护涂层性能标准》;(6)IMO MEPC.102(48)《船舶防污底系统检验和发证指南》、MEPC.104(49)《船舶防污底系统简单取样指南》、MEPC.105(49)《船舶防污底系统检查指南》;(7)ISO/DIS 20340《色漆和清漆-海上和有关结构防护漆系统性能要求》;(8)国家标准及CCS接受的其它标准。









【摘要】@@ 船级社参加船舶涂装检验的必要性rn船舶航行于江河湖海之上,环境对船体结构材料的侵蚀是不可避免的.给船体构件涂上一层防腐涂层,是控制和减少结构材料腐蚀程度的最经济有效的手段之一.涂层能提高船体结构的防腐能力,对保证船体结构的安全有着重要的意义.90年代以来,随着IMO和IACS对此问题的重视,ESP、CAS等一系列规定先后出台,指导验船师和船东对船体的外板、甲板、货舱和压载舱的涂层状况进行检验和评估.各船级社在海洋工程方面都已将对结构涂层的检验要求纳入了船级条件,尽管对船舶涂装检验的要求还未被强制规定为入级条件,但也纷纷组织人力进行研究,DNV船级社还制订、颁布了对新造船涂层配套和涂装施工质量控制的指南.总的发展趋势是船级社将会更加广泛地介入船舶涂装领域.
1.推进检验资源增效共享——河北搭建检验业务枢纽平台的设计框架 [J], 田旭;李欣;尹克强
2.推进检验资源增效共享——河北省质检院探索搭建检验业务枢纽平台纪实 [J], 田旭;李欣;尹克强
3.中小型船舶涂装施工的质量控制与检验 [J], 钟灿;邱云明;张帅
4.质检总局关于批准北京市毛麻丝织品质量监督检验站等机构进出口商品检验鉴定业务许可的公告 [J], 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局;
5.纤维检验市场新亮点——功能性纤维检验 [J], 魏铭;孙滨

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Item No. 21082 Joint Surface Preparation StandardNACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13Surface Preparation of ConcreteThis NACE International (NACE)/SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings standard represents aconsensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document, its scope, and provisions. It is intended to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. Its acceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has adopted the standard or not,from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notaddressed in this standard. Nothing contained in this NACE/SSPC standard is to be construed asgranting any right, by implication or otherwise, to manufacture, sell, or use in connection with anymethod, apparatus, or product covered by Letters Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyoneagainst liability for infringement of Letters Patent. This standard represents current technology andshould in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials.Neither is this standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. Unpredictable circumstances may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances. NACE and SSPCassume no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and accept responsibility for only those official interpretations issued by NACE or SSPC in accordance withtheir governing procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual volunteers.Users of this NACE/SSPC standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health, safety, environmental, and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to thisstandard prior to its use. This NACE/SSPC standard may not necessarily address all potentialhealth and safety problems or environmental hazards associated with the use of materials, equipment, and/or operations detailed or referred to within this standard. Users of thisNACE/SSPC standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health, safety, and environmental protection practices, in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities if necessary, to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to theuse of this standard.CAUTIONARY NOTICE: NACE/SSPC standards are subject to periodic review, and may berevised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice. The user is cautioned to obtain the latestedition. NACE and SSPC require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standardno later than five years from the date of initial publication.Reaffirmed 2003-03-17Approved 1997ISBN 1-57590-045-9©2003, NACE International and SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsNACE International1440 South Creek Drive Houston, TX 77084-4906 (telephone +1 281/228-6200)SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings40 24th Street, Sixth FloorPittsburgh, PA 15222(telephone +1 412/281-2331)Printed by NACE International--`,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"^~:""::$:@@:"#:$@~#~"**^::~^*^~:~^#"~^"@@\\NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13________________________________________________________________________ForewordThis standard covers the preparation of concrete surfaces prior to the application of protectivecoating or lining systems. This standard should be used by specifiers, applicators, inspectors, andothers who are responsible for defining a standard degree of cleanliness, strength, profile, anddryness of prepared concrete surfaces.This standard was originally prepared in 1997 by NACE/SSPC Joint Task Group F on SurfacePreparation of Concrete. It was reaffirmed in 2003 by NACE Specific Technology Group 04 onProtective Coatings and Linings—Surface Preparation and SSPC Group Committee C.2 onSurface Preparation. This standard is issued by NACE International under the auspices of STG 04,and by SSPC Group Committee C.2.________________________________________________________________________ //^:^^#^~^^"^~:""::$:@@:"#:$@~#~"**^::~^*^~:~^#"~^"@@\\NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13________________________________________________________________________Joint Surface Preparation StandardNACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13Surface Preparation of Concrete--`,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Contents1. General (1)2. Definitions (1)3. Inspection Procedures Prior to Surface Preparation (2)4. Surface Preparation (3)5. Inspection and Classification of Prepared Concrete Surfaces (5)6. Acceptance Criteria (6)7. Safety and Environmental Requirements (6)References (6)Appendix A: Comments (8)Table 1: Suggested Acceptance Criteria for Concrete SurfacesAfter Surface Preparation (6)Table A1: Typical Surface Properties of Finished Concrete (9)Table A2: Surface Preparation Methods (14)________________________________________________________________________NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 ________________________________________________________________________Section 1: General1.1 This standard gives requirements for surface prepara-tion of concrete by mechanical, chemical, or thermal meth-ods prior to the application of bonded protective coating or lining systems.1.2 The requirements of this standard are applicable to all types of cementitious surfaces including cast-in-place con-crete floors and walls, precast slabs, masonry walls, and shotcrete surfaces.1.3 An acceptable prepared concrete surface should be free of contaminants, laitance, loosely adhering concrete, and dust, and should provide a sound, uniform substrate suitable for the application of protective coating or lining systems.1.4 When required, a minimum concrete surface strength, maximum surface moisture content, and surface profile range should be specified in the procurement documents (project specifications).1.5 The mandatory requirements of this standard are given in Sections 1 to 7 as follows:Section 1: GeneralSection 2: DefinitionsSection 3: Inspection Procedures Prior to SurfacePreparationSection 4: Surface PreparationSection 5: Inspection and Classification of PreparedConcrete SurfacesSection 6: Acceptance CriteriaSection 7: Safety and Environmental Requirements 1.6 Appendix A does not contain mandatory requirements.________________________________________________________________________Section 2: DefinitionsCoating: See Protective Coating or Lining System.Concrete: A material made from hydraulic cement and inert aggregates, such as sand and gravel, which is mixed with water to a workable consistency and placed by various methods to harden and gain strength.Curing (Concrete): Action taken to maintain moisture and temperature conditions in a freshly placed cementitious mix-ture to allow hydraulic cement hydration so that potential properties of the mixture may develop.Curing Compound (Membrane Curing Compound): A liquid that can be applied as a coating to the surface of newly placed concrete to retard the loss of water.1 Efflorescence: A white crystalline or powdery deposit on the surface of concrete. Efflorescence results from leaching of lime or calcium hydroxide out of a permeable concrete mass over time by water, followed by reaction with carbon dioxide and acidic pollutants.2Fin: A narrow linear projection on a formed concrete sur-face, resulting from mortar flowing into spaces in the form work.1Finish: The texture of a surface after consolidating and fin-ishing operations have been performed.1Finishing: Leveling, smoothing, consolidating, and other-wise treating surfaces of fresh or recently placed concrete or mortar to produce desired appearance and service.1Hardener (Concrete): A chemical (including certain fluoro-silicates or sodium silicate) applied to concrete floors to reduce wear and dusting.1High-Pressure Water Cleaning (HP WC): Water cleaning performed at pressures from 34 to 70 MPa (5,000 to 10,000 psig).3High-Pressure Waterjetting (HP WJ): Waterjetting per-formed at pressures from 70 to 210 MPa (10,000 to 30,000 psig).3Honeycomb: Voids left in concrete due to failure of the mortar to effectively fill the spaces among coarse aggregate particles.1Laitance: A thin, weak, brittle layer of cement and aggre-gate fines on a concrete surface. The amount of laitance is influenced by the type and amount of admixtures, the de-gree of working, and the amount of water in the concrete.2Lining: See Protective Coating or Lining System.Placing: The deposition, distribution, and consolidation of freshly mixed concrete in the place where it is to harden.1Porosity: Small voids that allow fluids to penetrate an otherwise impervious material.Protective Coating or Lining System (Coating): For the purposes of this standard, protective coating or lining sys-tems (also called protective barrier systems) are bonded thermoset, thermoplastic, inorganic, organic/inorganic hy---`,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13brids, or metallic materials applied in one or more layers by various methods such as brush, roller, trowel, spray, and thermal spray. They are used to protect concrete from degradation by chemicals, abrasion, physical damage, and the subsequent loss of structural integrity. Other potential functions include containing chemicals, preventing staining of concrete, and preventing liquids from being contaminated by concrete.Release Agents (Form-Release Agents): Materials usedto prevent bonding of concrete to a surface.1Sealer (Sealing Compound): A liquid that is applied as a coating to a concrete surface to prevent or decrease the penetration of liquid or gaseous media during exposure. Some curing compounds also function as sealers.Soundness: A qualitative measure of the suitability of the concrete to perform as a solid substrate or base for a coat-ing or patching material. Sound concrete substrates usually exhibit strength and cohesiveness without excessive voids or cracks.Spalling (Concrete): The development of spalls which are fragments, usually in the shape of a flake, detached from a larger mass by a blow, by the action of weather, by pres-sure, or by expansion within the larger mass.1Surface Porosity: Porosity or permeability at the concrete surface that may absorb vapors, moisture, chemicals, and coating liquids.Surface Preparation: The method or combination of meth-ods used to clean a concrete surface, remove loose and weak materials and contaminants from the surface, repair the surface, and roughen the surface to promote adhesion of a protective coating or lining system.Surface Profile (Texture): Surface contour as viewed from edge.Surface Air Voids: Cavities visible on the surface of a solid.________________________________________________________________________Section 3: Inspection Procedures Prior to Surface Preparation3.1 Concrete shall be inspected prior to surface prepara-tion to determine the condition of the concrete and to deter-mine the appropriate method or combination of methods to be used for surface preparation to meet the requirements of the coating system to be applied. Inherent variations in sur-face conditions seen in walls and ceilings versus those in floors should be considered when choosing surface prepar-ation methods and techniques. For example, walls and ceil-ings are much more likely than floors to contain surface air voids, fins, form-release agents, and honeycombs.3.2 Visual InspectionAll concrete surfaces to be prepared and coated shall be visually inspected for signs of concrete defects, physical damage, chemical damage, contamination, and excess moisture.3.3 Concrete CureAll concrete should be cured using the procedures de-scribed in ACI (1) 308.4Curing requirements include main-taining sufficient moisture and temperatures for a minimum time period. Surface preparation performed on insufficiently cured or low-strength concrete may create an excessively coarse surface profile or remove an excessive amount of concrete.3.4 Concrete DefectsConcrete defects such as honeycombs and spalling shall be repaired. The procedures described in NACE StandardRP0390,5 ICRI (2) 03730,6 or ACI 3017may be used to en-sure that the concrete surface is sound prior to surface preparation.3.5 Physical Damage3.5.1 Concrete should be tested for soundness by the qualitative methods described in NACE Publication6G1918or Paragraph A1. When qualitative results are indeterminate, or when a quantitative result is specified, concrete shall be tested for surface tensile strength using the meth-ods described in Paragraph A1. Concrete that has been damaged because of physical forces such as impact, abrasion, or corrosion of reinforcement shall be repaired prior to surface prep-aration if the damage would affect coating perform-ance. Repairs should be made in accordance with ACI301,7 NACE Standard RP0390,5or Paragraph A1.4.3.6 Chemical Damage3.6.1 Concrete is attacked by a variety of chemicals,as detailed in ACI 515.1R 9and PCA (3) IS001.10___________________________(1) American Concrete Institute International (ACI), 38800 International Way, Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331. (2)International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), 3166 S. River Road, Suite 132, Des Plaines, IL 60018. (3)Portland Cement Association (PCA), 5420 Old Orchard Rd., Skokie, IL 60077.--`,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"^~:""::$:@@:"#:$@~#~"**^::~^*^~:~^#"~^"@@\\NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 133.6.2 All concrete surfaces that have been exposed tochemicals shall be tested and treated for contamination as described in Paragraph Concrete that has been exposed to chemicalsshall be tested for soundness by the qualitative meth-ods described in NACE Publication 6G1918 or Para-graph A1. Contamination3.7.1 Contamination on concrete surfaces includes allmaterials that may affect the adhesion and perform-ance of the coating to be applied. Examples include, but are not limited to, dirt, oil, grease, chemicals, and existing incompatible coatings.3.7.2 Contamination may be detected by methods de-scribed in NACE Publication 6G1918 and Paragraph A1.5. These methods include, but are not limited to, visual examination, water drop (contact angle) meas-urement, pH testing, petrographic examination, and various instrumental analytical methods. Core samp-ling may be required to determine the depth to which the contaminant has penetrated the concrete.3.7.3 Concrete surfaces that are contaminated or thathave existing coatings shall be tested by the method described in Paragraph A1.6.3 to determine whether the contamination or existing coating affects the ad-hesion and performance of the coating to be applied.Concrete surfaces that have existing coatings shall also be tested by the method described in Paragraph A1.6.3 to determine whether the existing coating is sufficiently bonded to the concrete.3.7.4 In extreme cases of concrete damage or degra-dation, or thorough penetration by contaminants, com-plete removal and replacement of the concrete may be required.3.8 MoistureMoisture levels in the concrete may be determined by the methods described in Paragraph 5.6.________________________________________________________________________Section 4: Surface Preparation4.1 Objectives4.1.1 The objective of surface preparation is to pro-duce a concrete surface that is suitable for application and adhesion of the specified protective coating sys-tem.4.1.2 Protrusions such as from burrs, sharp edges,fins, and concrete spatter shall be removed during sur-face preparation.4.1.3 Voids and other defects that are at or near thesurface shall be exposed during surface preparation.4.1.4 All concrete that is not sound shall be removedso that only sound concrete remains.4.1.5 Concrete damaged by exposure to chemicalsshall be removed so that only sound concrete remains.4.1.6 All contamination, form-release agents, efflor-escence, curing compounds, and existing coatings determined to be incompatible with the coating to be applied shall be removed.4.1.7 The surface preparation method, or combinationof methods, should be chosen based on the condition of the concrete and the requirements of the coating system to be applied.4.1.8 All prepared concrete surfaces shall be repairedto the level required by the coating system in the in-tended service condition.4.2 Surface Cleaning Methods4.2.1 The surface cleaning methods described in Par-agraphs 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 shall not be used as the sole surface preparation method of concrete to be coated as they do not remove laitance or contaminants or alter the surface profile of concrete. These methods shall be used as required, before and/or after the mechan-ical and chemical methods described in Paragraphs 4.3 and Vacuum cleaning, air blast cleaning, and watercleaning as described in ASTM(4) D 425811 may be used to remove dirt, loose material, and/or dust from concrete.4.2.3 Detergent water cleaning and steam cleaning asdescribed in ASTM D 425811 may be used to remove oils and grease from concrete.4.3 Mechanical Surface Preparation Methods4.3.1 Dry abrasive blasting, wet abrasive blasting, vac-uum-assisted abrasive blasting, and centrifugal shot blasting, as described in ASTM D 4259,12 may be used to remove contaminants, laitance, and weak concrete,___________________________(4) ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. --` , , , , , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 134NACE Internationalto expose subsurface voids, and to produce a sound concrete surface with adequate profile and surface porosity.4.3.2 High-pressure water cleaning or waterjettingmethods as described in NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12,2ASTM D 4259,12or “Recommended Practices for the Use of Manually Operated High Pressure Water JettingEquipment,”(5)13may be used to remove contaminants, laitance, and weak concrete, to expose subsurface voids, and to produce a sound concrete surface with adequate profile and surface porosity.4.3.3 Impact-tool methods may be used to remove existing coatings, laitance, and weak concrete. These methods include scarifying, planing, scabbling, and rot-ary peening, as described in ASTM D 4259.12Impact-tool methods may fracture concrete surfaces or cause microcracking and may need to be followed by one of the procedures in Paragraphs 4.3.1 or 4.3.2 to produce a sound concrete surface with adequate profile and surface porosity. The soundness of a concrete surface prepared using an impact method may be verified by one of the surface tensile strength tests described in Paragraph A1. Power-tool methods, including circular grinding, sanding, and wire brushing as described in ASTM D4259,12may be used to remove existing coatings, lait-ance, weak concrete, and protrusions in concrete. These methods may not produce the required surface profile and may require one of the procedures de-scribed in Paragraphs 4.3.1 or 4.3.2 to produce a con-crete surface with adequate profile and surface poro-sity.4.3.5 Surface preparation using the methods de-scribed in Paragraphs 4.3.1 through 4.3.4 shall be per-formed in a manner that provides a uniform, sound sur-face that is suitable for the specified protective coating system.4.4 Chemical Surface PreparationAcid etching, as described in ASTM D 426014and NACEStandard RP0892,15may be used to remove laitance and weak concrete and to provide a surface profile on horizontal concrete surfaces. This method requires complete removal of all reaction products and pH testing to ensure neutrali-zation of the acid. Acid etching is not recommended for ver-tical surfaces and areas where curing compounds or seal-ers have been used. Acid etching shall only be used where procedures for handling, containment, and disposal of the hazardous materials are in place. Acid etching with hydro-chloric acid shall not be used where corrosion of metal in the concrete (rebar or metal fibers) is likely to occur.4.5 Flame (Thermal) Cleaning and Blasting4.5.1 Flame cleaning using a propane torch or other heat source may be used to extract organic contamin-ants from a concrete surface. To remove the extracted contaminants this type of cleaning may need to be fol-lowed by the cleaning methods described in ASTM D4258.114.5.2 Flame cleaning and blasting using oxygen-acet-ylene flame blasting methods and proprietary delivery equipment may be used to remove existing coatings, contaminants, and laitance and/or create a surface pro-file on sound concrete.4.5.3 The extent of removal when employing flame methods is affected by the rate of equipment advance-ment, the flame adjustment, and the distance between the flame and the concrete surface. Surface prepara-tion using flame methods shall be performed in a man-ner that provides a uniform, sound surface that is suit-able for the specified protective coating system.4.5.4 High temperatures reduce the strength of or damage concrete; therefore, surfaces prepared using flame methods shall be tested for soundness and sur-face tensile strength. Concrete surfaces found to be unsound or low in tensile strength shall be repaired or prepared by other mechanical methods described in Paragraph Surface CleanlinessAfter the concrete surface has been prepared to the required soundness and surface profile, surfaces may still need to be cleaned by one of the methods described in Paragraph 4.2 to remove the residue created by the surface preparation method or to remove spent media.4.7 Moisture ContentIf the moisture level in the concrete is higher than the spec-ified limit tolerable by the coating, the concrete shall be dried or allowed to dry to the level specified in the procure-ment documents before inspection and application of the coating (see Paragraph 5.6).4.8 Patching and Repairs4.8.1 Prior to proceeding with patching and repairs, the prepared concrete surface shall be inspected according to Section5. After the patching and repairs of the concrete surface are completed, the repaired areas shall be reinspected according to Section All gouges, surface air voids, and other surface anomalies shall be repaired to a level required by the coating system as specified in the procurement docu-ments.___________________________(5)WaterJet Technology Association, 917 Locust, Suite 1100, St. Louis, MO 63101-1419.--`,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"^~:""::$:@@:"#:$@~#~"**^::~^*^~:~^#"~^"@@\\NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13NACE International54.8.3 All repair materials, both cementitious and poly-meric, should be approved or recommended by the coating manufacturer as being compatible with the coating to be applied. Repair materials not recom-mended or approved by the coating manufacturer shall be tested for compatibility prior to their application.4.8.4 The repair material shall be cured according to the manufacturer’s published instructions.4.8.5 The repaired section may require additional sur-face preparation prior to coating application.________________________________________________________________________Section 5: Inspection and Classification of Prepared Concrete Surfaces5.1 Surface Tensile Strength5.1.1 All prepared concrete surfaces should be tested for surface tensile strength after cleaning and drying but prior to making repairs or applying the coating.5.1.2 Surface tensile strength should be tested using a method agreed upon by all parties. (See Paragraph A1.6 for commentary on these methods.)5.2 Coating Adhesion5.2.1 If specified in the procurement documents and accepted by all parties, a test patch shall be applied to determine the compatibility of and adhesion between the prepared surface and the coating system. (See Paragraph A1.6.3 for commentary on this method.)5.2.2 Coating adhesion should be tested using one of the methods agreed upon by all parties. (See Para-graph A1.6 for commentary on these methods.)5.3 Surface Profile5.3.1 If a specific surface profile is required for the per-formance of the coating system to be applied, the pro-file shall be specified in the procurement documents.5.3.2 The surface profile of prepared concrete sur-faces should be evaluated after cleaning and drying but prior to repairs or application of the coating.5.3.3 The surface profile may be evaluated by com-paring the profile of the prepared concrete surface with the profile of graded abrasive paper, as described inANSI (6) B 74.18,16by comparing the profile with theICRI Guideline No. 0373217(surface profile chips), or by another agreed-upon visual comparison.5.4 Surface Cleanliness5.4.1 All prepared concrete surfaces shall be inspect-ed for surface cleanliness after cleaning and drying but prior to making repairs or applying the coating. If the concrete surfaces are repaired, they shall be reinspect-ed for surface cleanliness prior to applying the coating. 5.4.2 Prepared concrete surfaces may be inspected for surface cleanliness by lightly rubbing the surface with a dark cloth or pressing a translucent adhesive tape on the surface. The test method and acceptable level of residual dust shall be agreed on by all parties.5.4.3 The method used to verify compatibility of the coating to be applied over a contaminated surface or over contaminated surfaces that have been cleaned and prepared should be approved by the coating man-ufacturer and specified in the procurement documents. 5.5 pH5.5.1 If a specific pH range is required for proper per-formance of the coating system to be applied, the pH of the concrete shall be specified in the procurement doc-uments.5.5.2 The pH of concrete surfaces prepared by acid etching should be tested after etching and rinsing but before the prepared surface has dried.5.5.3 ASTM D 426218should be used to determine pH.5.6 Moisture Content5.6.1 If a specific moisture content is required for pro-per performance of the coating system to be applied, the moisture content of the concrete shall be specified in the procurement documents.5.6.2 Prepared concrete surfaces should be tested for residual moisture after cleaning and drying but prior to the application of the coating.5.6.3 ASTM D 4263,19 ASTM F 1869,20or ASTM F217021should be used to determine the residual moist-ure content in concrete.5.6.4 If required or accepted by all parties, any of the methods described in Paragraph A1.8.4 may be used to determine the moisture content of the concrete sur-face.___________________________(6)American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1819 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20036.--`,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"^~:""::$:@@:"#:$@~#~"**^::~^*^~:~^#"~^"@@\\NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 136NACE International________________________________________________________________________Section 6: Acceptance Criteria6.1 The acceptance criteria for prepared concrete surfaces shall be specified in the procurement documents.6.2 The procurement documents may refer to the specifi-cations in Table 1.Table 1:Suggested Acceptance Criteria for Concrete Surfaces After Surface PreparationPropertyTest Method Light Service (A) Severe Service (B)Surface tensile strength See Paragraph A1.6 1.4 MPa (200 psi) min. 2.1 MPa (300 psi) min.Surface profile Visual comparison 16Fine (150) abrasive paper min. Coarse (60) abrasive paper min. Surface cleanliness Visible dust 11No significant dustNo significant dust Residual contaminants Water drop15,220° contact angle0° contact angle pHASTM D 426218(pH of rinse water) -1, +2(C)(pH of rinse water) -1, +2(C)Moisture content (D) ASTM D 426319No visible moistureNo visible moistureMoisture content (D) ASTM F 18692015 g/24 hr/m 2(3 lb/24 hr/1,000 ft 2) max. 15 g/24 hr/m 2(3 lb/24 hr/1,000 ft 2) max. Moisture content (D)ASTM F 21702180% max.80% max.__________________________________________(A) Light service refers to surfaces and coatings that have minimal exposure to traffic, chemicals, and changes in temperature.(B)Severe service refers to surfaces and coatings that have significant exposure to traffic, chemicals, and/or changes in temperature. (C)The acceptance criterion for ASTM D 4262 is as follows: The pH readings following the final rinse shall not be more than 1.0 lower or 2.0 higher than the pH of the rinse water (tested at the beginning and end of the final rinse cycle) unless otherwise specified. (D)Any one of these three moisture content test methods is acceptable.________________________________________________________________________Section 7: Safety and Environmental Requirements7.1 Disposal of contaminants, old coatings, acid from etch-ing, and contaminated water and blasting media shall com-ply with all applicable facility, local, state, and federal regula-tions.7.2 Handling of hazardous materials, machinery opera-tions, worker protection, and control of airborne dust and fumes shall comply with all applicable facility, local, state, and federal health and safety regulations.________________________________________________________________________References1. ACI 116R (latest revision), “Cement and Concrete Terminology” (Farmington Hills, MI: ACI).2. SSPC-Guide 11 (latest revision), “Guide for Coating Concrete” (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC).3. NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12, “Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating” (Houston, TX: NACE, and Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC).4. ACI 308 (latest revision), “Standard Practice for Curing Concrete” (Farmington Hills, MI: ACI).5. NACE Standard RP0390 (latest revision), “Mainten-ance and Rehabilitation Considerations for Corrosion Con-trol of Existing Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures” (Houston, TX: NACE).6. ICRI Guideline No. 03730 (latest revision), “Guide for Surface Preparation for the Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Steel Corrosion” (Des Plaines, IL: ICRI).7. ACI 301 (latest revision), “Specifications for Structural Concrete” (Farmington Hills, MI: ACI).8. NACE Publication 6G191 (withdrawn), “Surface Prep-aration of Contaminated Concrete for Corrosion Control” (Houston, TX: NACE ). (Available from NACE as an historical document only).9. ACI 515.1R (latest revision), “Guide to the Use of Waterproofing, Dampproofing, Protective, and Decorative Barrier Systems for Concrete” (Farmington Hills, MI: ACI).--`,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---//^:^^#^~^^"^~:""::$:@@:"#:$@~#~"**^::~^*^~:~^#"~^"@@\\。
