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What is probably the man?

A doctor。


A teacher。

C. A waiter.
2. What does the man think of Peter?

He is clever. B. He is brave. C. He is proud。

3. At what time will the film begin?


B. 7:15. C。


4. What color does the man suggest?


B. Red。


5. Where are the speakers going for dinner?
A. To a hotel dining room。

B. To a French restaurant.
C. To an Italian restaurant.



How old is the house?

30 years old. B. More than 30 years。

C. Less than 30 years.
7. Why does the woman want to sell her house?

She is short of money。

B. She is tired of living here。


She wants to live in the country。

8. Who will decide whether to buy the house or not?
A. The man。

B. The woman.
C. The man's wife。



What is the probable relationship between the speakers?


Husband and wife.
C. Salesperson and customer.

How will the woman come back?

By train。


By air。


By ship.

Where will the woman be staying?

In a hotel near Hyde Park.

In a hotel in the suburb of London。

C. In a hotel with an indoor swimming pool。



When does the speaker have breakfast at the summer camp?
A. At about 5:30 am.
B. At about 6:00 am。

C. At about 6:30 am。

13. Who is in charge of the camp?



Jeff. C。

14. What does the speaker do in the morning?


B. Shoot. C。

Hike. 15。

What happened when they were preparing dinner yesterday?
A. Someone told ghost stories.

They sang songs around the camp fire.
C. The speaker dropped the hot dogs in the fire。

Western civilization has been deeply influenced by Greek Culture. Many words from Greek mythology (神话)contributed to English vocabulary today。

Greek mythology tells of the myths of ancient Greece, concerning its gods,heroes and the nature of the world。

It attempts to explain the origin of the world and the adventures and lives of the gods,heroes and natural creatures。

The following words exactly come from Greek mythology。

Echo was a fairy (仙女)。

She got the punishment of saying nothing but repeat others, last sentence said to her because she kept talking and talking before. Echo fell in love with Narcissus,but she was refused. Narcissus told Echo never to fall in love with him. Depressed and heartbroken by the hopeless love,Echo died,leaving “I fall in love with you” echoing in the cave. Nemesis,the god of revenge,determined to punish Narcissus for his coldness by making Narcissus love his own reflection in water. Finding it impossible to get together with his image,Narcissus died with sadness and transformed into a daffodil (水仙花) by the riverside。

Daphne,one daughter of a river—god,was shot by Cupid’s lead arrow。

Cupid,the god of love,shot a golden arrow at Apollo, the god of the sun,which made Apollo fall in love with Daphne. Crazily chased by Apollo, Daphne had no way to escape。

However,Daphne was too
shy to accept Apollo, so she begged to have her transformed into a laurel (月桂树)。

In English,Daphne refers to laurel。

There also exists an idiom “as shy as Daphne”。

Atlas was one of the Greek gods. Because he offended (冒犯) Zeus, the ruler of Gods and men,Atlas was ordered to carry the sky cm his shoulder. A Belgium geographer used Atlas to name his collection of maps with the pictures of Atlas who was carrying the Earth in it。

Later, people refer to Atlas as the collection of maps。

16. Which of the following is NOT the theme of Greek mythology?

The origin of the world.

The nature of the world.

People’s lives of ancient Greece.
D. The adventures and lives of the gods and heroes.
17. Why was Echo punished?

Because she offended Zeus。

B. Because she talked too much.

Because she fell in love with Narcissus.

Because she was too shy to accept Apollo。


is referred to as the collection of maps。

A. Daphne
B. Echo C。

Narcissus D。

A classic joke goes like this: A nurse rushes into an exam room and says,“Doctor, doctor, there is an invisible man in the waiting r oom。

” The doctor says, “Tell him I can’t see him." Pretty simple, right?
Here is how I tell it: “A nurse—her name is Joyce—feels a presence in the waiting room. She looks around but sees nothing。

She jumps up from her desk,carefully replaces her chair,and runs down the hallway to the doctor's office。

She knocks on the door。

No response. He’s not there. Where can he be?She continues down the hall, admiring a picture of an 18th-century Mississippi boat along the way.” By the time,my audience has left,but I go on。

“She bursts into the exam room and says,‘Doctor, doctor!' The doctor,I should mention。

You get the idea. I can’t leave a simple joke alone.
I'm not the only joke-challenged member of the family。

My sister’s worse than I am。

Her problem: She can’t remember them. “‘A nurse rushes into an exam room and says。


’ Uh,let me start all over again。

‘A nurse rushes into a waiting。

.' No, it’s not the waiting room。

She just came from the waiting room。

Let me start all over again。

‘A doctor rushes into。

.' No, wait…”
My uncle’s different. “Okay,this is a good one。

Ready? No, really,ready? Okay, ‘A nurse。


’ Got it?A nurse?Okay,ready? ‘A nurse rushes into an exam room and says:Doctor, there's an invisible man in the waiting room。

’ Now, this is where it gets funny。

Ready?’No one is ever ready, so they leave before he gets to the funny part。

No one in my family has ever finished this joke。

Next time you see my family and someone is telling a joke, do yourself
a favour:Make yourself invisible.
19. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. How to tell a classic joke.
B. The author has a happy family。

C. Telling a classic joke is not easy.
D. The author’s family are not good at telling a joke.
20. When the author tells a joke,he tends to 。

A. add too many extra details
B. forget it
C. act like the host of a show program
D. leave it alone
21. The last sentence implies that when the author’s family tell
a joke。

A. you should stop them
B. you can’t see anything C。

you will become invisible D。

you would not like to listen
Bullying among school children is nothing new. Yet for young people today,there is a relatively new form of bullying which can occur even when the bullies are nowhere near their victims.
Cyber—bullying (网络欺凌)is one of the bad sides of new technology and involves using devices like mobile phones and computers。

Cyber-bullies can strike at any time,no matter where they or their victims

So it is possible to cyber-bully someone within the safety of their own home. 22 percent of young people in the UK claim to have suffered from cyber-bullying.
Not only are cyber-bullies harder to avoid, they are also harder to catch. It is all so easy to send an anonymous threat by text on a pay—as—you—go phone with an unknown number。

It takes no time at all to set up a false Facebook,Twitter, blog or social network account and to post an insulting (侮辱的)message。

And, if you know how to hide your IP address,you can upload an insulting video to a website like YouTube and you r victim wouldn’t know who to blame。

One of the most upsetting things about cyber-bullying is that it can involve more people than traditional forms of bullying。

A bully can insult you or tell lies about you and share that information with the entire school at the touch of a button—and for some teenagers that is all too hard to bear. The UK charity Beatbullying suggests that up to 44%of suicides (自杀) among ten-to-fourteen-year—old,for example,may be bullying—related。

The good news is that the world is starting to get wise to cyber-bullying。

Schools and websites like http://www。

children—int. org offer lots of advice and victim support and social network sites now advise users to think carefully about their privacy settings so that personal information is only shared with friends. Many also provide a red button to click to report disturbing activities。

22. Which of the following is true about cyber—bullying?
A. Cyber-bullying involves fewer people。

B. Cyber-bullies are hard to avoid and catch。

C. Cyber-bullies can't strike when one is safe at home.

Cyber—bullying causes 44% of the children to commit suicide。


What does the underlined word “anonymous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

Hard to understand。

B. Frightening.
C. Having no known name. D。

24. Schools and websites have helped except for 。

A. offering advice and victim support
B. providing a button used to ask for help

reminding users of their safe privacy settings
D. advising users to share personal information with friends

What’s the best title of the passage?

Bullying goes Hi-tech B。

Disadvantages of new technology

Forms of bullying D. Cyber-bullying causes children’s suicides
Do you dream of the day you can drive a car?In the United States,
teenagers can get their driver’s license when they are only 16 years old,but it feels like forever until that day comes. Trust me,because I've been there.
26 But in my opinion,it's worth it because it means having a lot more freedom. I’m from the rural (乡下的) state of Iowa that doesn’t have much public transportation, and everything there is really spread out. So until I turned 16, my parents had to drive me pretty much everywhere.
27 First,in Iowa, everyone can get their learner’s permit at the age of 14,which means you can only drive if your parent is sitting in the seat next to you.
28 In the state of Iowa, if you live more than a mile (1.6 km) away from school you can get a school permit. You can only drive to school and back home。

Luckily, I lived just over a mile away from school, so I was able to drive my mom’s car to school。

Finally,after taking (and passing)a three-month-long driver’s education course and the final test, I was able to get my driver's license。

30 It did in fact make life quite a bit easier。


I could almost taste the freedom already.

Still, on the day of my driver’s test,I was nervous。

C. Getting a driver’s license takes a lot of time and energy。


The next step was getting my school permit at the age of 15。

E. There were several steps before I got that special plastic card.
F. To many people,getting a driver’s license involves a lot of luck.
G. But if you were caught going outside that route (路线)you would get in big trouble.
Much meaning can be conveyed with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.
Do you have such kind of 31 ?In a bus you may look at a stranger,but not too long。

And if he 32 that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.
The 33 is the case in daily life。

If you are looked at for longer than 34 , you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is 35 wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel 36 that others stare at you that way. Eyes do speak,right?
Looking too long at someone may seem to be 37 and aggressive。

But things are 38 when it comes to staring at the opposite sex。

If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and 39 to turn away his gaze (凝视),his intentions are obvious,that is, he 40 to attract her attention,to make her understand that he is 41 her.
However,the normal eye contact for two people in conversation is that the speaker will only 42 at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the 43 does pay attention to what the former
is speaking and that he is 44 .
If a speaker looks at you 45 when speaking,as if he tries to control you, you will feel uneasy。

A poor liar (说谎者)usually 46 himself by looking too long at the victim, 47 he believes the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. Quite the contrary。

In fact,continuous eye contact often happens between lovers only, who will 48 looking at each other softly for a long time, to show 49 that words cannot express.
Obviously, eye contact could be done according to the 50 between two people and the specific situation.


impression B。

accident C. idea
D. experience


realizes B. explains C. ignores D. likes

A. difficult B. same C. opposite D。

34. A. necessary B。

avoidable C。

unusual D. possible
35. A。

nothing B. everything C. anything

36. A。

happy B。

sad C。


37. A. typical B. rude C。

acceptable D. polite

A. terrible B。

different C。

D. similar

A. demands B。

stops C. decides D. refuses
40. A. requires B。

begs C。

hopes D. continues

A. admiring B。

disturbing C。

helping D。


A. shout B. glare C。

smile D. look
43. A。

adult B. listener C. stranger D。


A. attentive B。

active C。

respected D. powerful


aimlessly B。

curiously C。

continuously D。

46. A。

attracts B。

exposes C。


47. A。

so B。

although C. since D。


A. remember B. imagine C. avoid D.
49. A. mercy B。

sorrow C. trust


A. relationship B. touch C。

care D. distance


The Double Seventh Festival
It was said that the Emperor of Heaven had seven daughters。

And the 51 (young) one,Weaving Maid, or Zhi Nüin Chinese,52 (fall)in love with a young man on the earth named Niu Lang。

Zhi N ügot married 53 him secretly and had two children.
They lived happily together for several years 54 everything became known to the Empress of Heaven(王母娘娘)。

She was very angry with 55 Weaving Maid had done: marrying a human without her 56 (permit). So, she came down to the earth and took Zhi Nüback to heaven。

Niu Lang and his wife were separated by a broad river in the sky, the Milk Way. They were only allowed 57 (see)each other once a year on the 7th day of the 7th Lunar month (阴历月份)。

You won’t see many magpie birds on this day。

58 (move) by
the couple’s true love, these birds gather on this evening to form 59 bridge for them to meet upon。

The Double Seventh Festival, 60 is similar to Valentine's Day in the West,has long been celebrated in China in honor of the love story of Niu Lang and his Weaving Maid。






Nowadays,with a development of society and technology,there are more ways of entertainment, and people spend less and less time read. However, as far as I’m concerned,reading is less important than we think.
First, by reading different kinds of books,we can have different experiences which will enrich our life great. Second,when we concentrate on books we are interested,we will forget the troubles that we meet in
the real world. Besides,we can get mental encouragement from reading as well as。

There are many books about great men who always try their best to achieve their aims even if we face many difficulties. That they have done encourages us to insist on things we are doing.
Just as the saying goes, “Good books are our best friend who never betray us.” Let’s do some reading from now on if you had not begun。





3.参考词汇:共享单车bicycle sharing 道路拥堵road congestion
1—5 ABCAB 6-10 BCCAA 11—15 ACBAC 16—20 CBDDA
21—25 DBCDA 26—30 CEDGA 31—35 DABAC 36—40 CBBDC 41—45 ADBAC 46—50 BCDDA
51. youngest 52。

fell 53. to 54. until/before 55。

56. permission 57。

to see 58。

Moved 59。

a 60。

Nowadays,with a development of society and technology,there are more ways of
entertainment,and people spend less and less time read。

However, as far as I'm
reading concerned,reading is less important than we think,
First, by reading different kinds of books,we can have different experiences which
will enrich our life great。

Second, when we concentrate on books we are interested ∧,
we will forget the troubles that we meet in the real world。

Besides,we can get mental
encouragement from reading as well as。

There are many books about
great men who
always try their best to achieve their aims even if we face many difficulties. That they
have done encourages us to insist on things we are doing。

Just as the saying goes,“Good books are our best friend who never betray us。

Let’s do some reading from now on if you had not begun。

With the development of technology, bicycle sharing is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation in many cities。

There are quite a few advantages of it. Firstly,bicycle sharing makes it convenient for people to move around。

You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling with a very low charge。

Secondly, it relieves the traffic pressure caused by cars and buses, reducing road congestion. Meanwhile,as a green way of transport, it does good to the environment。

What’s more,riding a bike is a good way of taking exercise, which is helpful for people to keep fit.
W:Must you leave so soon?
M: I’m sorry, Betty. But I must go back to the hospital. There are some sick children waiting for me。

(Text 2)
W: Peter was given a medal for helping to save a girl from a big fire.
M:I heard about that。

He certainly showed a lot of courage。

(Text 3)
M:Hurry up,Jenny. It’s already seven. We’ll be la te for the film. W:Don't worry,dear. We still have twenty minutes. And it takes us only fifteen minutes to get there. We’ll be there just in time.
(Text 4)
M: So which dress are you going to wear to the party tonight?
W: What do you think?Red or blue?

I really like the yellow one。

And it will look good with your skin。

(Text 5)
W:Shall we have dinner in the hotel dinning room?
M:But the food here isn't very good. How about the Italian restaurant at the corner?
W: I went there last night only to find it's not open。

So I tried the French food next door。

It was very good。

M:Then that’s where we are going.
M:Good afternoon. I believe this house is for sale。

W: That’s right.
M:May I have a look at it,please?
W:I’ve been living h ere before my son was born,and now he's 30. M: Oh,that’s quite a long time. Then why do you want to sell it?
W: I've just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country. It’s quiet and the air is fresh there.
M:How much do you want for it?
M:That's a lot of money。

Can you bring it down?
W: Pm sorry but I think it,s worth the price。

M:Well,I like the house but I can’t decide yet. It’s up to my wife。

W:Women always have the last word.
(Text 7)
M:We’ve decided we'd like to send you to London on a business trip this weekend。

Don’t you think that it would be a good thing for you to get out of the office for a couple of days?
M:Everything will be paid for and I’ll send my assistant with you to take care of everything for you。

All you have to do is get on the train tonight at 7:00 pm。

W: The Train? Will I be flying back then?
M: Oh,no。

We’ve bought your return ticket for you。

W:OK. Where will I be staying?
M:We've booked you a room in the same hotel as your meetings。

The hotel has an outdoor swimming pool and it’s not far from Hyde Park. It is the heart of London.
W:That’s very sensible.
(Text 8)
Dear mum and dad,
This is my fifth day at the summer camp. I guess I should tell you about what I do every day.
First,everyone has to get up at 5:30 am。

They have this old cock named Harry who loves to wake us up. Next,we have to make our beds and tidy up the cabin before our camp leader, Jeff, comes to inspect the place. Then we have breakfast around 6:30. After that, we have some free time,so I have been going down to the stream to fish for a couple of hours。

Well,in the afternoon, there are different activities we can choose from like shooting arrows,horseback riding,and hiking。

In the evening,everyone is assigned a different job to get dinner ready。

Yesterday, I was in charge of cooking the hot dogs, but I accidentally dropped them in the fire,so we had to settle for beans instead。

At night,we sit around a campfire in front of the cabin, singing songs
and telling ghost stories。

That's usually fun.
Well, today is another day and tomorrow I will go home. I’ve learned that camping is just not for me。

