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第2页 共7页
这也是我即将要做的事,在我写完这篇文章完毕一天的工作时。 3. Set a low bar for happiness for the day.
最近,在早上醒来时,我常这样告知自己:为华蜜的一天设定一 个低标准。 As I tell myself this and try to keep it in mind during the day I appreciate things more. The food, my work, the weather, the small events of the day becomes not everyday stuff but something I feel happy to have. The small or what may be something one takes for granted becomes something I now often pause for a moment or two to take in and appreciate.
第6页 共7页
假如你经常说不,那么尝试淡然地说好,对待日常生活有时须要 容忍。 Take 2 minutes or less in one common or negative situation in your life today, pause for a brief reflection and then make a decision that is uncommon for you. 你会发觉混乱处理这个习惯会让你获得许多乐趣:让你的生活在 或大或小的方式中得到改善,为自己增加出人意料的经历,而且 当你有须要的时候,你也能更沉着地走出固有的舒适圈,去接触 群众。〔生活就这样,渐渐地,变得不一样了。〕
第1页 பைடு நூலகம்7页
that you see it when you wake up each morning. Or put the note in your workspace so you see it early in your day. If you like and if possible, expand on the small habit after a week or two and do it for just a few more minutes a day.
花 1 分钟时间搜集你由衷观赏的那个人的一些讯息,当你这样去 做时,你会发觉同对方在某种程度上达成了一种共识。再用另外 1 分钟向他表达你的赞美。 She or he will be happy. Youll feel good about yourself and probably get some positive feelings too from the now happy and complimented person. Its a good and small way to build more positive relationships.
8. 拥抱
第5页 共7页
Its a small thing but physical intimacy can reduce stress and make us feel good. So spend 2 minutes of your day on hugging. Like compliments it can be a simple way to build warmer and more positive relationships with all kinds of people in your life. Just use your common sense before you start hugging.
用 2 分钟,全然放开你全部的感觉神经去感受。有助于你的身心 安静下来。那么,有创意的想法就会很简单蹦出来,踊跃的视角 也会自然产生。 6. When you feel the need to judge someone tap into understanding instead.
第4页 共7页
当你想要去评判一个人,不管你相识与否,这时,你可以空出 2 分钟时间来问自己两个问题:这个人的哪些地方,你也会在自己 身上看到?他/她喜爱我吗? Why do that instead of judging?
9. 要感爱好而不只是好玩 At the start of a conversation or to break the ice spend two minutes on asking one or a couple of questions about someone you are talking to and his or her life.
每天 2 分钟,改变你的生活
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. 千里之行始于足下。老子
The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult. 距离没什么可怕的,但迈开第一步却是困难的。玛丽.狄.代芳 夫人 Making a positive change in your life does not have to be about making a huge leap. But I believe that belief is one of those things that hold people back from improving their life and world.
当压力侵袭你时,当你起先感到焦虑、气愤、胆怯这时,花 2 分 钟时间坐下来,用腹部深呼吸。集中精力深呼吸 2 分钟,有助于 你的身心安静下来。这样你会在平和的心情中,接着起先工作。 5. Open up your senses to what is here now.
醒醒吧,不要再回忆过去的冲突令自己陷入懊丧的漩涡; 醒醒吧,不要去想象着在将来下一次的会议、约定、介绍会中会 发生什么灾难。请将你以及你的境况归位于当下,对,活在当下, 此刻此地。 Do so by sitting down for 2 minutes. See what is right in front of you. Listen to the birds and cars outside. Feel the spring sun shining in through the window onto your clothes and skin. Sense the small draft from one of the windows. Smell the flowers and trees that have started to bloom.
1. 2 分钟之内着手去做最重要的工作 I use this one at least one day every week. On some days I simply dont feel like getting started with work. Id much rather stay lazily on the sofa. So on such days I just start to work for 2 minutes on my most important task. That is the deal.
事情都这样:起先是最难的局部。一旦行动起来,并投入地工作 2 分钟,那么接下来接着工作就显得简单而简洁。 2. Review and appreciate your day at the end of it.
假设你在这天做了件好事,并且完成得很好,这会提高你的自尊。 〔像这样〕假如你深思你做过的事,那么就对了。 So take two minutes of the end of your workday. Appreciate what you did and what you thought.
但是假如我在日常生活中因为这些小事而变得更欢乐,那是不是 意味着我将无心接着工作以挑战更大的目标? Nope.
事实上,这种对待生活的视角,赐予了我更多的能量,鼓舞、以 及欢乐,生活变得更轻松,不管我面对的是大事还是小事,我都 不再焦虑。 4. Breathe when stressed.
第3页 共7页
因为没有谁想被消极地评论,而且这样做了之后也不利于你同其 他人建立良好的人际关系。况且,你评判别人的地方,或许正好 你也存在相像的问题。所以,这样可以协助你以一个更踊跃的看 法去生活:当你想评论一个人时,先暂停一下; 然后再做出更好的判定或选择。 7. Think for a minute and give someone a genuine compliment.
第7页 共7页
一个简洁的方法,是经过很多切实的行动才形成的,在这过程中, 新的习惯也会建立。至少在我看来是这样的,或许只是迈出很小 的一步,但要反复去做。所以,有 10 个方法可以变更你的生活, 每天只须要花也许 2 分钟时间。通过这些小小的步骤,可以协助 你建立习惯,并使它们更坚固。假以时日,你的生活就会发生巨 变,而这个改变,是你此时此刻无法想象的。 To remember to actually do one of the things below each day write down a simple reminder. Put it on your night table so
对谈话对象多一些关注,而不要被动等待别人来找你说话。对他 多一份关注,有付出就会有回报,你不但可以打破为难和对方畅 所欲言,彼此双方还能建立一种互惠的关系,不管这种关系最终 会进展到什么程度。 10. Mix things up.
有时不妨朝相反的方向试试,假如你经常爱吃肉,那就试试蔬菜; 面对冲突,试试绕道走,在它被你弄得更糟糕之前; 对于以往你所坚持的东西,不如坦然面对;