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Fu Lei has translated almost all the important works of important French writers Voltaire, Balzac and Roman Rowland. There are John Christopher, Biographies of Beethoven, Tolstoy, Michelangelo, Cloud and Charlotte, Balzac's masterpieces Old Man, Eugenie Grandet, Aunt Bailey, Uncle Bons, Colonel Sharpe, and Disillusionment. Thailand's "honest man" and "naive Han"; the 30 of "the man" and "Gao Long Ba" by Merrill. 傅雷几乎译遍法国重要作家伏尔泰、巴尔扎克、罗曼· 罗兰的 重要作品。有《约翰· 克利斯朵夫》、传记《贝多芬传》、 《托尔斯泰传》、《米开朗琪罗传》、《服尔德传》、《夏洛 外传》;巴尔扎克名著《高老头》、《欧也妮· 葛朗台》、 《贝姨》、《邦斯舅舅》、《夏倍上校》、《幻灭》;伏尔泰 的《老实人》、《天真汉》;梅里美的《嘉尔曼》、《高龙巴》 等共30余部作品。
Fu Lei is a master of both art and art. He shows his unique artistic appreciation in painting, music and literature. Fu Lei is magnanimous and resolute in nature. In the Cultural Revolution, he and his wife Zhu Meifu both committed suicide with injustice, thus realizing the unity of character and personality. 傅雷多艺兼通,在绘画、音乐、文学等方 面,均显示出独特的高超的艺术鉴赏力。 傅雷为人坦荡,禀性刚毅。“文革”中不 堪受辱,与夫人朱梅馥双双含冤自尽,实 现了文格与人格的统一。
Fu Lei (1908-1966), a great master of translation. He has translated a great deal in his life, featuring vividness, fluency in writing, richness in diction and variation in color. 傅雷(1908-1966),一代翻译巨匠。一 生译著宏富,译文以传神为特色,更兼行 文流畅,用字丰富,工于色彩变化。
Fu Lei's introduction
In the early days of her father's death, she developed strict, conscientious and meticulous character under the strict discipline of widowed mother. Studying in France in his early years and studying art theory, he was able to observe the works of world-class artists, greatly improving his artistic accomplishment. 幼年丧父,在寡母严教下,养成严谨、认真、 一丝不苟的性格。早年留学法国,学习艺术理论, 得以观摩世界级艺术大师的作品,大大地提高了 他的home, he taught at Shanghai art school. Because he did not want to be vulgar, he closed the door to translate books. He earned his salary by "contribution fee". It shows the center of his career. The translation of hundreds of thousands of words, as a highly respected model in Chinese translation circles, forms the "Fu Lei style Chinese language". 回国后,曾任教于上海美专。因不愿流俗而闭门译书,以“稿费” 谋生计,未取国家一分俸禄。足见其一生事业重心之所在。数百万 言的译作为中国译界备受推崇的范文,形成“傅雷体华文语言”。