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1.The chemical formula for magnesium oxide is ______.
2.What is the term for a baby horse?
A. Foal
B. Calf
C. Kid
D. LambA
3.I like to __________ (动词) my __________ (玩具名) every day.
4.The __________ is a famous beach destination.
5.The ______ (根系) structure of plants is complex and important.
6.I like to visit the ______.
7.I enjoy ______ (与同事合作) on projects.
8.My uncle is a skilled ____ (potter).
9.How many months have 28 days?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 12
D. 0
10.The _____ (algae) can be found in ponds.
11.The chemical formula for acetic acid is __________.
12.I enjoy ______ (writing) stories.
13.Every star has a life cycle that begins with a _______.
14.I have a ___ (big) imagination.
15.小鸟) flaps its wings excitedly. The ___
16. A chemical equilibrium occurs when the rates of forward and reverse reactions are ______.
17.The chemical symbol for calcium is ______.
18.The chemical formula for ethanol is ______.
19.I can build friendships with my ________ (玩具类型).
20.I like to play ______ (团体游戏) with my classmates during recess.
21.I saved money to buy a new ________ (玩具名称).
22.古代的________ (records) 帮助我们理解人类的发展。
23.What do we call the time when the sun rises?
A. Sunrise
B. Sunset
C. Dusk
D. TwilightA
24.What is the main ingredient in salad?
A. Bread
B. Vegetables
C. Meat
D. CheeseB Vegetables
25.The rainbow is ______ (beautiful) after the rain.
26.What do you call the time when the sun rises?
A. Dawn
B. Dusk
C. Midnight
D. AfternoonA
27.I help my mom with _____ (清洁) the house.
28. A ________ (植物观察日记) captures findings.
29.What do you call a person who speaks two languages?
A. Monolingual
B. Bilingual
C. Trilingual
D. PolyglotB
30.Cows give us _______ (牛奶).
31.An alkali is a type of ______ that dissolves in water.
32.The ____ enjoys basking in the sun on warm days.
33.I like to feed the _______ (我喜欢喂_______).
34.The weather is ___ (warm) today.
35.In chemistry, a symbol represents an _____.
36.We have a ______ (丰富的) series of events planned.
37. A ______ (肉食动物) hunts for its food.
38. A ______ (花坛) adds beauty to a yard.
39.The country with the highest population density is ________ (人口密度最高的国家是________).
40.We have a ______ (快乐的) family tradition for special occasions.
41.Photosynthesis is how plants make their own ________.
42.The _____ (cat/dog) is playful.
43.Which of these is a renewable resource?
A. Coal
B. Oil
C. Solar energy
D. Natural gasC
44.The __________ is a famous volcano located in Italy. (维苏威火山)
45. A frog can change from tadpole to ______ (青蛙).
46.My _____ (二姨) is very caring.
47.The capital of Georgia is ________ (格鲁吉亚的首都是________).
48.What is the name of the famous wall in China?
A. Great Wall
B. Berlin Wall
C. Hadrian's Wall
D. Wall of ChinaA
49.What is the smallest prime number?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3C
50.My grandma loves to tell __________ (有趣的故事).
51.What do bees collect from flowers?
A. Nectar
B. Pollen
C. Water
D. Seeds
52.The _____ (cloud) looks fluffy.
53. A chemical reaction that absorbs heat feels ______.
54.The ________ is a helpful insect.
55. A __________ (酸) tastes sour and can be found in vinegar.
56.We should _____ (share/keep) our toys.
57.The library has _____ (many/few) books.
58.My brother is _______ (八岁) old.
59.What do you eat for dessert?
A. Soup
B. Salad
C. Cake
D. Rice
60.Which month has 28 days?
A. January
B. February
C. March
D. AprilB
61.n Airlift was a response to the Soviet blockade of ________ (西柏林). The Berl
62.I love to ______ (与他人合作) for a common goal.
63. A ______ is an elevated area of land similar to a mountain.
64.I enjoy making ________ (拼贴画) in art class.
65.I have a _______ bicycle.
66.Plants use sunlight to make food through ______.
67.The __________ (历史的解释) can vary among historians.
68.sustainable community) prioritizes environmental well-being. The ____
69.What is the main ingredient in pizza?
A. Bread
B. Rice
C. Pasta
D. ChickenA
70.The frog's skin helps it stay ______ (湿润).
71.What is the smallest unit of life?
A. Organ
B. Tissue
C. Cell
D. SystemC
72.The ______ (种子) of a plant can be found inside the fruit.
73.What do we call a scientist who studies the origins of life?
A. Biochemist
B. Paleontologist
C. Geneticist
D. Earth Scientist
74.I have a _____ (collection) of dolls.
75.What is the capital of Sri Lanka?
A. Colombo
B. Kandy
C. Galle
D. JaffnaA
76.Please turn off the ______. (light)
77.We are going to ___ cookies. (bake)
78.My favorite book is _______ (小妇人).
79.My _____ (表姐) loves to draw pictures of animals. 我表姐喜欢画动物的图画。
80.I feel proud when I finish my ________.
81.What is the color of a typical grape?
A. Red
B. Green
C. Purple
D. All of the above
82. Fire of London occurred in _____. The Grea
83.Every morning, I wake up at _____ (时间) and get ready for school. I usually have _______ (食物) for breakfast. After that, I take my _______ (交通工具) to school.
84.The solid formed from a chemical reaction is called a ______.
85. A ________ (植物观察志愿者) contributes to knowledge.
86.The capital of Greece is ________ (雅典).
87.The __________ (历史事件) can teach us valuable lessons.
88.We can _______ a garden together.
89.What do we call the person who leads a country?
A. President
B. Prime Minister
C. Monarch
D. All of the above
90.What is the name of our planet?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Venus
D. Jupiter
91.The llama can carry heavy ______ (负担).
92.What do we call the process of growing plants?
A. Cultivation
B. Harvesting
C. Planting
D. PruningA
93.I enjoy listening to ________ music.
94.What do you call the part of a book that tells you what the book is about?
A. Cover
B. Title
C. Introduction
D. ForewordB
95.The _____ (snail) moves slowly.
96. A _______ can measure the amount of energy consumed by a device.
97.We play hide and ______ (找) in the garden.
98.re of plants can also enhance your connection to ______. (照顾植物可以增强你与自然的联系。
) Taking p
99.What is the name of the famous American actress known for her role in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
A. Marilyn Monroe
B. Audrey Hepburn
C. Grace Kelly
D. Elizabeth TaylorB
100.Energy changes can happen in many _______.。