




Cue Card
Describe a book you would like to recommend to others
You should say:
what's the name of the book
what type of book it is
what content it has
and explain the reason why you would like to recommend to others












2019年雅思口语话题范文part3:最近读的书导读:本文2019年雅思口语话题范文part3:最近读的书,来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考.最近读的书Inyourcountry,whowouldaskthechildrentoread,schoolsor parents?Well,I’dsaybothactually.Itisrequiredthatstudentsshouldread particularbooksatschool,andtheteacherwillcheckifthereadingis ually,wewillhaveseminarsatschoolto discusswhatwehavereadduringthesummerandwinterholiday.Andourpare nts orIshouldsaymostparentsarewillingtoencouragetheirchildrentoreadas manybooksaspossible.BecauseChinesepeopleattachgreatimportanceto readingbooks.Afterall,homeisamassiveinfluence.Supportiveand understandingparentsarekeytodevelopingtheirchild’sreading,youknow.DoyoupreferpaperbooksorE-books?Well,Ithinkthisdependsuponacoupleofthings,andIwouldgowith paperbooks.Physicalbooksexclusively.Ilovethelookandfeel,thesmellof crisppages,goodprintandfontinaphysicalbook,whetheritisavery expensivesignedhardcover,paperbackormass-marketpaperback.Ilovehol dingitwhilstreading.Theoverallexperienceisnecessary.Theyaremoreaccessible.ThisiswhatIfeelpersonal.Moreaccessibleintermsofthefirst reading.Theyhavefelteasytotheeyeovertheyearsandbetterconnections weremadewhenIreadthemfirst.Touchingthepagesandholdingthebookma kesreadingagoodexperience.And....,IlovesomeClassicswhereinthebooksare speciallyleather-spiralbound;staysimmaculatefordecades.Whatkindofbooksdochildrenread?Well......IthinkchildrenreadPictureStorybooks.Textandillustrations tellthestoryinpicturestorybooks.Thistypeofbookisespecially appropriateforyoungchildrenbecausethecolorfulandclearillustrationsand artworksupportasimplestoryline.Theillustrationsoftenprovideadditional informationnotcoveredinthetext.Rhymingstoriesandbookswithrepeated patternedsoundsareparticularlyinterestingtochildren.Picturestorybooks remainchildren'sfavoritebookslongaftertheirpreschoolyears.Andwhatelse…..Yeah,Ithinkchildrenlike participationbookscozyoungchildrendelightinbeingabletorepeatthebook'ssuggestions,suchas clappingtheirhands,touchingtheirtoes,orcoveringtheireyes.Lift-the-flap booksalsopromoteinteraction.Youknow,childrenenjoypeekingunderthefl aptofindtheanswerormakeanewdiscovery.Doyouthinkparentsshouldcontinuereading?Yeahdefinitely.AndIdothinkthatparentsshouldreadwiththeir children.It'sarealshamethatparentsdon'trealizethatjust10minutesof readingwiththeirchildreneachday.Ihavereadareportsomewheresayingthat Readingtogethersixdaysaweekmeansanextrahourofsupportforachild.It'sdefinitelycheaperthananhourwithatutoranditcouldmakeamuch biggerdifference.Parentsarereallyimportantreadingrolemodelsandresear chshowsthatchildren'sattitudestowardsreadingimprovethemoretheyseethei rparentsread.Doyouthinkprintedbookswillcontinuetoexist?No,Ithinkpaperbookswillcontinuetobeprinted,alongsideother technologies.Yeah,it’struethatelectronicbookshaveanynumberof advantages—theytakeuplessroom,it’slighterandeasiertocarryonedevice thanadozenphysicalbooks,theycanbeeasilyupdated.Buttheyaren’tgood foreverything.Ithinkmostpeoplehavehadtheexperienceofpickingupaboo kandsaying,“Now,letmethink,theparagraphIwastalkingaboutwasabout halfwaythrough,ontheleft-handside,nearthebottomofthepage”andquicklyfindthepassageinquestion.Butwhatevertheansweris,Ithinkthatdifferent typesoftextwillmigratetodifferentdeliverysystems.So,whileelectronicdevicesmightbebetterfordisposablereading,itdoesn’tlenditselfaswell tokeepreadingorstudy.。




话题卡如下:Describe a library that you knowYou should say: where it is; when you went there; what books and facilities this library has; and explain what you like or dislike about this library.看到这个答题卡我们就自然而然的想到相应的答题思路,然后要确定即将要说的素材,甚至可以精确到要表达的词汇。


话题卡如下:Describe a song that you remember from your childhood.You should say: when and where you learned it; how you learned this song;what the song is about; and explain how you felt when you used to sing this song.要描述好这个话题卡,考生需要注意以下几个点:1. 歌曲的名字不需要太过执着。

2. 歌曲的内容可以是任何关于题材的,冒险、风景、游戏、家庭。


3. 要给考官重点描述一下这首歌当时或现在给你带来什么感觉。


3. 雅思口语part2常见题目之健康话题而在9-10月的考试中依然多次出现,可见在今后的几个月中也会继续出现在雅思口语考试中。


话题卡如下:Describe a health problem that you know.You should say: what this problem is;what causes of the problem; how it affects people's health;and explain how to solve this health problem.和考官描述一个健康问题,并不需要说什么心脑血管疾病、小儿麻痹、糖尿病之类的深奥问题。

雅思part1 Sample answers for Books -- Part I

雅思part1 Sample answers for Books -- Part I

1.How often do you read books?Well, I have to confess that I was not used to reading books, because I thought they were time-consuming, and watching a movie of the book would be a much more fantastic way to know about the book. However, as I grew up, I found that the book has something that the movie fails to express, so I really love reading books now. Usually, if I’m not busy with my work, I would read a book every week.2.Who is your favourite writer?As any kids out there, I do love J.K. Rowling, one of the greatest writers in the world.I love her books because they totally blew me off. Fascinated by the magical world, I have always dreamt of becoming a wizard, and reading Harry Potter really helped me make my dreams come true. That’s why I admire J.K. Rowling.3.When do you usually like to read?I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I do read a wide range of books. Among many kinds, my favorite kind is fictions, because only in those stories can the unreal things come true, which is probably every one’s dream. The world that never exists always seems to be appealing to me!4.Do you read more for pleasure or to get information?Some people may read for the information it contains, but I read books for pleasure. Sometimes, we are just working ourselves into exhaustion, and it is absolutely necessary for us to take a break and enjoy things we like. For me, books are always my best friends.5.Do you often buy books as gifts for family or friends?Of course I do. I usually give things I enjoy as gifts for my friends, and books are definitely one of my favorites. Every time I go to the bookstore, I would spend a lot of time picking up the right book for my friends, because I really want this to be meaningful, so that my friends will be happy, which will surely make me happy.6.Would you like to write a book one day?Wow, this is really a good question. To tell the truth, I really want to become a writer some day, or at least write a book. However, I’m not someone who can really sit down for months and do nothing else. That doesn’t mean that I don’t like writing stuff. Usually, I would just write some lyrics, and also, compose some songs.。












Asiswellknown,booksteachustolearnlife,truth,scienceandmanyotherusefulthings.Theyincr easeourknowledge,broadenourmindsandstrengthenourcharacter.Inotherwords,theyareou rgoodteachersandwisefriends.Thisisthereasonwhyourparentsalwaysencourageustoreadm orebooks.如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。




Readingisagoodthing,butwemustpaygreatattentiontothechoiceofbooks.Itistruethatwecand erivebenefitsfromgoodbooks.However,badbookswilldousmoreharmthangood.读书是一好事,但我们必须多加注意书的选择。

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a book you want to write 一本想写的书.doc

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a book you want to write 一本想写的书.doc

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a book you want to write 描述一本想写的书思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案这道题难度系数中上,主要困扰大家的是都有什么书可以写呢?如果从来没有想过要写书,或者从来对读书不感兴趣的童鞋会觉得比较有难度。

那么,常见书的种类,小编在此稍微做个介绍,比如,novel(小说), picture book (画册), cookbook (烹饪书籍), textbook (教科书)等等都可以说。



题目Describe a book you want to writeYou should say:When you had this ideaWhat kind of book you want to writeWhat the book is aboutIs it difficult or easyAnd explain why you want to write this kind of book参考答案下面给小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案:。

A book I want to write is an autobiography, which can reflect my trajectory and meaning of life.我想要写的一本书是一本自传,它能折射我一生的轨迹和意义。

It was after I finished a course about (auto)biography last semester that I had this idea of writing. Initially, I thought this course would bore me to death, because to my view at that time, nobody except for the well-known could write a good (auto)biography. But, my understanding was totally wrong after I took this amazing course. Our professor showed us her piece of work to demonstrate how he could write a biography by, for example, playing the “straw person ” in his magic land of Oz,a story full of adventures. Her story told us that everyone was unique and special in his or her life story.这个创作想法是我在上学期上完一门人物传记课程后才有的。








例如:Talk about a book you read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to support your answer.谈感受例如:故事很有趣。

The story in the book was so interesting and appealing that once I began to read it, I couldn’t stop.The book was so fun to read that I couldn’t help laughing every time I read it. It brought me a lot of happiness.再或者:故事很有意义。

The story in the book was not only exciting but also inspiring. It taught me so much about the world we were living and showed me different ways people thought.The story was meaningful and inspiring. It taught me to keep going and never give up, which is the most important lesson in life.谈功能例如:书本对我的学业有帮助。



【Part2话题】雅思口语8分素材:一本有用的书Part2话题Describe a book you read that you find usefulYou should say:What it isWhen and where did you read itHow you got to know itAnd explain why it is useful to you话题分析这是一个物品类话题的新题。



题目分解:第一问“What it is”,是一本什么书?书的种类其实有很多,文学类如自传,小说,哲学书,供人欣赏且能带来灵感的书,如摄影或绘画作品集;还有教授技能的书,如琴谱,字帖,课本,单词书,手册,指南,教授素描技巧或手工技巧的书。


例如你想说旅游手册,你就需要描述一下这本旅游手册都讲了哪些方面的内容,是饮食,出行,住宿还是景点等;第二问“When and where did you read it”,你读这本书的时间和地点。


时间可以是假期,周末等,地点方面书店、学校、自己家里、朋友家都是很好的选择,此问主要是为第三问进行铺垫;第三问“How you got to know it”,你怎么知道的这本书的?这就需要大家详细介绍一下你和这本书相遇的契机的过程,前一问交代了知道这本书的时间和地点,这一问则需要对具体过程进行展开。

首先需要交代知道这本书的时间,比如说是朋友送的我这本书,或是是偶然间逛书店发现了这本书,这是学校的必读书目等等;而后则可以对于具体过程进行丰富和补充,比如朋友是把这本书作为生日礼物送给我的,因为这本书曾经帮ta度过了很艰难的一段时光,朋友希望这本书也同样能带给我相同的精神力量等;第四问“explain why it is useful to you”,解释一下为什么这本书对你来说很有用。



2020年雅思口语范文素材:喜欢的一本书Describe a kind of book you like. You should say:What kind of books you like most.What they are about.Why you like them most.What effects books brought on you?Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.1. a) Because I like reading widely, it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of book. I am sure you can appreciate my dilemma.b) Anyway, I have always enjoyed reading autobiographies.2. a) An autobiography is a book, which a person has written about his or her life.b) For example, famous people write about their experiences throughout life.There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about autobiographies. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.3. a) Firstly, I have been able to learn valuable lessons from the lives of others.b) For example, the determination shown by people like Newton and Nobel has inspired me to persist with my studies.4. a) Autobiographies can be very interesting and revealing.b) In the case of politicians, for example, we often find that they explain the reasons for actions that they took while in office.5. So it is clear that I will keep or reading autobiographies in future.。

口语头脑风暴:读书 reading books

口语头脑风暴:读书 reading books

读书 reading books | 雅思口语头脑风暴系列之前五月花留学跟大家分享过雅思口语头脑风暴系列之音乐|打扮|极限运动|证书|电视节目|购物超前消费|游戏|机器人这8个话题的延伸,今天五月花带大家一起探讨关于书 reading books 话题,也是2017年5月至8月雅思口语必考的题(重读的书)。

你是书虫吗?在这个电子产品横行的时代,你还能静心捧着书阅读吗?“书”这个话题一直存在于雅思口语考试清单中,常年都在考察,要求同学们能用英语谈论自己喜欢的书,学会讲故事,谈论书的发展与变迁,以及书给人类带来的影响和好处,还要能对比实体书与电子书,有的表达比较难,今天就来和五月花留学一起学习吧~考试必备表达:小说:novel/fiction;∙科幻小说:science fiction∙侦探小说:detective story;∙悬疑小说:suspense story;∙恐怖小说:horror books传记:biography科学杂志:science magazine漫画:comics书是世界的缩影Book is miniature of the world.For children, book opens a window for children to keep pace with this world. Not only can they acquire more knowledge, but also can influence their personality positively. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped(更有能力/准备的) you are to tackle(解决)any challenge you’ll ever face. Children will become confident and knowledgeable through reading.对孩子而言,书为孩子了解世界打开了一扇窗。

books雅思part 3话题卡

books雅思part 3话题卡

books雅思part 3话题卡1. Books and Reading。

- What types of books are popular in your country? Why?- Do you prefer reading ebooks or traditional books? Why?- How has technology changed reading habits?- How important is reading for young children's development?- How can reading help people develop their creativity and imagination?2. The Importance of Literature。

- What is the role of literature in society?- How can literature help people see the world from different perspectives?- Why do you think some people do not enjoy reading literature?- How can literature help people better understand themselves and others?- What are the benefits of studying literature in school?3. Digital Media and Books。

- Do you think digital media is replacing books? Why or why not?- How has the rise of social media affected reading habits?- How are publishers adapting to the shift towards digital media?- Do you think digital media is having a positive or negative impact on literacy rates?- How do you think books will change in the future with the rise of digital media?4. The Evolution of Books。



雅思口语话题爱看的书Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood.You should say:who wrote this bookwhat it is abouthen you read itand explain why you liked it.I wasnt much of a bookworm but I did occasionally read novels from time to time during my childhood. In fact, Id like to talk about a book I read when I was 9 years old, written by Li Hong. Its English name translates as Hero.I would have been in primary school at the time, I guess around grade 4, but I cant remember exactly off the top of my head. Bear in mind that in those days I would rather go outside and play with my friends than read a book, but I remember this book in particular taking up a large portion of my time.The book is actually the first in a series of 6 books that are set in a fantasy world of old magic, monsters and knights in shining armour. It is set on an epic scale across a vast,vibrant and immensely detailed world with each chapter dedicated to just one characters viewpoint. Its perfect for a young boy with a vivid imagination, looking for a bit of adventure.In this way I think the book really stands out from the others I have read. The plot lines twist and turn with many surprises and cliff-hangers so I found it almost impossible to put down. The speed the story develops makes the book a real page-turner and even though it is nearly 1000 pages long I got through it in under a fortnight.4雅思口语手作礼物话题Describe something you made that you gave to other people You should say:What it wasWhat it was likeWho you gave it toAnd how you felt about it雅思口语part2范文I made a simple kite for my son during the last NationalDay. Since Id never made a kite before, Id thought it would be a tough task. But it turned out that making a kite was actually just a piece of cake.在最后的国庆节,我为我的儿子做了一个简单的风筝。



雅思口语Part2话题范例:Book雅思口语Part2话题范例:BookQuestionDescribe a kind of book you enjoy reading.Sample answerThe history books that express the past world in front of us are kinds of books I really like. I have not read a great number of history books but I enjoyed all of the History books that I have read so far.The history books are fact based books that describes the events, history and significant characters from the past of human timeline. This can be simply a book that depicts the earlier civilization of the world, can give details of the life a legendary characters like Alexander or can simply explains the reasons for a great catastrophic event like war in the past. Those events and characters come from our past history and are of great importance. Somewhere I heard that to build a good future, someone needs to learn the past. I totally agree with this statement as we have plenty of opportunity to learn from the past history of the world, our civilizations and ancestors.The History books that I read had helped me understanding a distant past and people of that time. History books always plat an important role to educate the people about the past and I greatly enjoyed reading about our history, how world was in the past, how different events of history had shaped the world and its geographical and political conditions. A simple event in the past had a great influence in the future and those history books are the evident of the past world that we have never seen.I like those kinds of books mostly because of theenthrallment I feel while learning about the history. I purely enjoy learning about our world and significant events of the world. Those books are great source of knowledge as well.Similar Cue Card T opicsYour ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:Describe a book you enjoyed reading.Describe your favourite book.Describe a book or movie set on future.Describe a fmaous book in your country.Describe a book you would like to read in the future.。




雅思⼝语范⽂:你喜欢的⼀本书Describe a kind of book you like. You should say:What kind of books you like most.What they are about.Why you like them most.What effects books brought on you?Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.1.a) Because I like reading widely, it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of book. I am sure you can appreciate my dilemma.b) Anyway, I have always enjoyed reading autobiographies.2.a) An autobiography is a book, which a person has written about his or her life.b) For example, famous people write about their experiences throughout life.There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about autobiographies. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.3.a) Firstly, I have been able to learn valuable lessons from the lives of others.b) For example, the determination shown by people like Newton and Nobel has inspired me to persist with my studies.4.a) Autobiographies can be very interesting and revealing.b) In the case of politicians, for example, we often find that they explain the reasons for actions that they took while in office.5. So it is clear that I will keep or reading autobiographies in future.雅思⼝语描述⼀本你喜欢的书Describe an exciting book you have read.参考⽂本The Moon and Sixpence was just that kind of a book for me. I first read the book when I was studying in London, the hometown of the author. The book is just mind blowing. The book tells the story about an uncompromising and self-destructive man who forsakes wealth and comfort to pursue the life of a painter.Every page of the book is so gripping and intriguing that once a person starts reading the book it is impossible to leave it and do something else. It is such a page-turner. It teaches a really good lesson on how focused he was on the moon rather than sixpence. Another good lesson it teaches is that no matter where you are or at what age, you can ace it if you believe in yourself.话题关键词1. mind-blowing adj. 让⼈印象极深的事物2. gripping adj. 令⼈全神贯注的,扣⼈⼼弦的3. grip v. 紧握4. intriguing adj. 极具吸引⼈的5. page-turner n. 引⼈⼊胜的书雅思⼝语描述⼀本喜欢读的书Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood.You should say:who wrote this bookwhat it is abouthen you read itand explain why you liked it.范⽂:I wasn't much of a bookworm but I did occasionally read novels from time to time during my childhood. In fact, I'd like to talk about a book I read when I was 9 years old, written by Li Hong. Its English name translates as 'Hero'.I would have been in primary school at the time, I guess around grade 4, but I can't remember exactly off the top of my head. Bear in mind that in those days I would rather go outside and play with my friends than read a book, but I remember this book in particular taking up a large portion of my time.The book is actually the first in a series of 6 books that are set in a fantasy world of old magic, monsters and knights in shining armour. It is set on an epic scale across a vast, vibrant and immensely detailed world with each chapter dedicated to just one character's viewpoint. It's perfect for a young boy with a vivid imagination, looking for a bit of adventure.In this way I think the book really stands out from the others I have read. The plot lines twist and turn with many surprises and cliff-hangers so I found it almost impossible to put down. The speed the story develops makes the book a real page-turner and even though it is nearly 1000 pages long I got through it in under a fortnight.雅思⼝语描述⼀本振奋⼈⼼的书Describe an exciting book you have read这道题的关键词是exciting, 它在⽜津词典中的解释是causing great excitement or interest 因此童鞋们不要搞错了,很多⼈会以为单单是令⼈很兴奋的书。



参考答案1: Whenever I get time, I try to read books and the ranges vary from profession related books, technical, religious, fiction, classic and contemporary books. The book I would like to describe is a novel called ‘Kane and Abel’ and is written by the famous British writer Jeffrey Archer. Sometimes I read book reviews on internet and after reading 2/3 books by Jeffrey archer, I tried to get the list of all books by Jeffrey Archer. I found that most of the Jeffrey Archer fans have recommended the book‘Kane & Abel’. Some people even commented that this is the best book ever written by the same author. I made my mind at this very moment to read this book. After one month or so, I bought the book from a book store and started reading it. The book was first published in 1979 in the United Kingdom and in USA in 1980. The book was the international success and reached No. 1 position on the New York Times best-selling book list. The story-line started with the birth of two infants named Kane and Abel in the year 1906. One of them was born to a life of prosperity and eases in USA in a rich family while the other one to a world of hardship and struggle. On different sides of the Globes, they grew up: one shaped by a luxurious upbringing, fine schooling and history he read, the other one who lost his mother at the time of his birth and did not know who his father was, well tempered by war, slavery and history he was part of. The story telling of Jeffrey Archer is magical and enchanting. Most of his story simply mesmerizes the readers and for Kane and Abel the attraction worked even more. Every page I turned tempted me to read further. Not for a single moment I could have stop thinking about the events and characters of the books and that had a major influence on me. The characters have their own charismatic powers and followed their own paths. One is gold, meritorious while the other one is steel and have forfeited the Dead himself. On their journey in life, they confront each other and became the ultimate adversary of each other. In their relentless battle, both men knew that there could be only one victor- and one vanquished. Across three generations and around a rapidly changing world, their war rages unchecked, for the love of a dream, the loss of an empire, and the lure of a fortune. Kane became the owner of the largest bank in USA while Abel came to USA as a penniless emigrant after the World War I. With intelligence Kane started flourishing the banking business, while Abel made his fortune at last in Hotel business. The first time they confronted each other as a bank owner and a debtor. Though Kane wanted to help Abel regain his business by financing further, but could not do so because of the bank’s board members’decision. After that Abel considered Kane as his greatest enemy and sought to destroy Kane. As time passed both had to fight their own fates but the vendetta remained on their hearts. When both men finally grew older, their son and daughter fell in love and got married. They never agreed on the marriage because of their personal hatred of each other. Abel succeeded to buy the bank stocks of Kane’s Bank to hold the power to veto Kane. At the end of the story both confronted each other for the second and last time. After that Kane died and after his death, Abel learned that it was Kane who backed him financially to start his hotel business. The story was told like a magician and is a powerful portrait of a world and two men that a reader would never forget. 参考答案2: The book that tremendously influenced me in my college level is titled "Pather Panchali" by Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay. This book was published in 1929 and later a movie was made with the same title by Satyajit Ray. The book is a tragedy and family drama which is considered to be one of the finest literary works in Bengali literature. This book deals with the life, happiness, sadness and inner-picture of Roy family in a rural area. Later they moved to a different place in search of a better life but they had to face great deal of anguish and loss during their travel to a new transition. The book describes the rural life, the people of this rural place, their sufferings, their joys, the beautiful country-side, green fields, paddy-fields, flowers and many more things that become alive in the story. The story line, the mastery of story-telling ability, the scenic beauty of rural area, the tragic death of a touchy character all were so profoundly expressed that I was deeply touched. Moreover this book was written by one of the superior writer who has a talent to describe the rural beauty in a style that no other writer can do. The book reminded me rural are I had once been. It was like travelling to the past in a time machine. Bibhutibhushan is a gifted writer and probably the best of his type. He had an ability to depict the rural life and scenic beauty profoundly and perfectly. The characters of his books come from ordinary places and lead ordinary lives, but the impression they create in readers' mind is extraordinary. Tips for answering this cue card sample: This cue card asks you to talk about a book you have read. You should pick a book that you know well. Let's say you have read a book which was very interesting but you have forgotten the name of the author or the publisher, you can't tell the story in an organised fashion, then you should not talk about that one. Rather pick a book which is interesting, you have read and you know the writer and story of the book. If you are not sure of such a book, think about one, google for the details of the book and remember the following information about the book: 1. Writer. 2. Publisher. 3. Publishing year. 4. Some other book names by the same author. 5. Story of the book. 6. Why the book was critically acclaimed. 7. Some characters of the book. For the part why this book has a great influenced on you mention some of the following points: 1. The book was written by a writer who has a great way of telling a story. 2. The story is a page turner and you had hard time keeping it away. 3. You have learned an important lesson from this book. 4. The characters of this book gave you great impression. 5. Some of the trivia and facts about the book. etc. If you prepare for this cue card, you should also be able to answer the following cue card topics: 1. Describe a book you have recently read. 2. Describe your favourite book. 3. Describe a book you read and remember. 4. Talk about a book you enjoyed reading. 5. Describe a book you would recommend your friends to read. 6. Talk about a book your one of your friends recommended you. 7. Describe a worth reading book. Since the cue card topic is asking to describe a book that has a major influence on you, not necessarily you have to talk about a story book. You can pick any academic book, religious book or specific subject or technology related books as well. For instance if you pick the major book of your religion, you can say how it has changed your view of life and world. How it had helped you learning morality and humanity and religious lessons that you follow in your life. There are so many things we learn from our religion and you can talk about these. If you pick an academic book, let’s say JAVA programming language book, Introduction to business or Accounting you can tell how this book has changed your view on this specific subject and created a solid base on the subject and influenced you to later study on that subject further.。

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