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【摘要】Objective To explore the correlation of the executive function and clinical features in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Method Screened 106 OCD patients into the research group, Wechsler Block Design Subtest (WISC:BD), Trail-Making Test A&B, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), were used to as-sess the executive function of the patients with OCD, Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and Hamil-ton Depression Scale (HAMD) were employed to evaluate the OCD and depressive symptoms, respectively. A clinical and demographic information questionnaire was used to record the patients' clinical datas. Results All indicators of executive function in male and female patients revealed no statistically significant difference. Trail-Making test A (time) in OCD patients have a positive correlation with the score of obsession and compulsion and Y-BOCS, Trail-Making test B (time) of patient with OCD have a positive correlation with the score of Y-BOCS (P<0.05). But negative linear correlations were found between the score of Y-BOCS and the accomplished classifications of WCST (P<0.05). There were positive correlations between the course and WCST total errors (P<0.05). Negative correlations were found between Y-BOCS scores and age of onset and
course and the duration of treatment, but no linearity rela-tionship
(P>0.05). Conclusion There were significantly correlations between damage of executive function in OCD patients and severity of the symptoms, The study showed that gender, onset age,course and severity of disease were no ignificantly relationship with the damage of executive function in OCD, but the longer the course, the more WCST total errors.%目的:探讨强迫症患者的执行功能与部分临床特征的相关性。



结论强迫症的执行功能障碍与其临床症状严重程度明显相关,与患者性别、发病年龄、病程、疾病严重度等关系不大,但病程越长, WCST持续错误数越多。

【作者单位】广州医科大学附属脑科医院门诊部,广东广州 510370;广州医科大
学附属脑科医院门诊部,广东广州 510370;广州医科大学附属脑科医院门诊部,
广东广州 510370
1.强迫症患者临床特征与人格障碍共病状况研究 [J], 郭慧荣;赵宁;王亚丽;李幼辉
2.强迫症患者临床特征与认知功能的相关性分析 [J], 张丽霞;郑军然;杨彦春
3.癫痫复杂部分性发作患者认知功能与磁共振波谱及血清rBDNF、IGF-1水平的相关性分析 [J], 张军武;李培育
4.强迫症患者临床特征及预后转归的影响因素分析 [J], 郭慧荣; 黄百灵; 王亚丽; 张延妍; 马全刚
5.伴囤积症状强迫症患者的临床特征研究 [J], 吕娜;叶惠玲;范青;肖泽萍
