Evidence for a Turnover in the IMF of Low Mass Stars and Sub-stellar Objects Analysis from

中考英语书面表达议论文论证过程单选题40题1. In a debate, when you start your speech, the first thing you should do is to _____.A. state your opinion clearlyB. give examplesC. quote others' wordsD. ask questions答案:A。
A 选项“state your opinion clearly”清晰地陈述你的观点,这是在辩论中开始发言时首先应该做的。
B 选项“give examples”举例,通常在后续论证中使用。
C 选项“quote others' words”引用他人的话,不是首先要做的。
D 选项“ask questions”提问,一般不是论点提出的首要动作。
2. When writing an argumentative essay, which of the following is the best way to present your main point at the beginning?A. Telling a story.B. Describing a scene.C. Making a bold statement.D. Listing some data.答案:C。
在写议论文时,C 选项“Making a bold statement”做出大胆的陈述,能直接有效地在开头提出主要观点。
A 选项“Telling a story”讲故事,更多用于引出话题或增加趣味性。
B 选项“Describing a scene”描述场景,并非直接提出论点的好方式。
D 选项“Listing somedata”列举一些数据,常用于论证过程而非开头提出论点。
3. To introduce your argument in an essay, which of the following sentences is the most appropriate?A. Have you ever thought about this problem?B. In my opinion, this is a serious issue.C. Let me tell you a joke first.D. Many people have different ideas.答案:B。

Presenting a speech(做演讲)Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. [Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events].在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately.好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。

International Finance 国际金融Notes to the ans wers:1、All the terms can be found in the text.2、The discussions can be attained by reading the original text.Chapter 1Answers:II. T T F F F T TIII. 1. reserve currency 2. appreciate 3. was pegged to 4. deficit 5. fixed exchange rates 6. floating exchange rates 7. depreciate 8. market forcesIV. 1. Confidence in the ability of the U.S. to redeem dollars for gold began to fall as potential claims against the dollar increased and U.S. gold reserves fell.2.Under the fixed exchange rate system, the value of the dollar was tied to gold through itsconvertibility in to gold at the U.S. Treasury, and other nations’ currencies were tied to the dollar by the maintenance of a fixed rate of exchange.3.IMF has adjusted its role in the exchange rate system in view of the development of thesituation.4.After the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, the task of ―rigorous monitoring‖theexchange rate policy of member countries fell on the shoulder of IMF.5.Under normal conditions the stabilizing operations were sufficient to contain short-runfluctuations in a currency’s price within the required bounds of 1% of par value and thereby maintain a system of fixed exchange rates.Chapter 2Answers:I. liquid, turnover, due to, hedge, cross trading, electronic broking, outright forwards,Over-the-counter, futures and options, derivatives, remainder.II.. 1. The fundamental changes occurred in post-war world economy. The international flow of commodities, capital and labor is intensifying, thus leading to integration of international markets.1.Often referred to as ―financial institutions with a soul‖, credit unions are member-ownedcooperatives that offer checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, and consumer loans.2.If you think the price of gold will rise, you can buy a most simple kind of financial derivativewhich is called ―futures‖. If by that time the price really goes up, then you make a gain. But if you make a wrong guess and the price declines, then you suffer a loss.3.Financial derivatives are financial commodities deriving from such spot market products asinterest rate or bond, foreign exchange or foreign exchange rate and sto ck or stock indexes.There are mainly three types of derivatives: futures, options and swaps, each of which involves a mix of financial contracts.panies and investment funds are using basic currency futures and currency options, onesthat are regarded as traditional hedging products for investors who want to protect their international assets from sharp gains and declines in currency prices.Chapter 3Answers:II. 1. deposit accounts 2. securitization 3. Deregulation 4. consolidation 5. portfolio 6. thrift institutions 7. listing 8. liquidity 9. banking supervision 10. Credit riskIII. 1. Depository institutions 2. commercial banks 3. credit analysis 4. working capital 5. consolidation 6. financing 7. moral hazard 8. Bank supervision and regulation 9. Credit risk 10. Liquidity riskIV. 1. If a bank’s base rate was below money market rates, a customer could borrow from a bank and lend these funds to the money market, thus making a profit on the deal.2.Financing of international trade is one of the basic functions of a commercial bank. Not onlydoes it father deposits (demand, time and savings accounts), but it also grants loans.3.If you have a credit card, you buy a car, eat a dinner, take a trip,a nd even get a haircut bycharging the cost to your account.4.As the central bank and under the leadership of the State Council, the People’s Bank ofChina will formulate and implement monetary policies, execute supervision and control power over the banking industry.5.One of major function of the central bank is the supervision of the clearing mechanis m. Areliable clearing mechanis m which can settle inter-bank transaction with high efficiency is crucial to a well-operated financial system.Chapter 4 Ans wers:II. 1.integrity 2. pretext 3. released 4. produce 5. facilities 6. obliged 7. alleging 8. Claims 9. cleared 10. deliveryIII. 1. in favor of 2. consignment 3. undertaking, terms and conditions 4. cleared 5. regardless of 6. obliged to 7. undervalue arrangement 8. on the pretext of 9. refrain from 10. hinges onIV. 1. The objective of documentary credits is to facilitate international payment by making use of the financial expertise and credit worthiness of one or more banks.2.In compliance with your request, we have effected insurance on your behalf and debited youraccount with the premium in the amount of $1000.3.When an exporter is trading regularly with an importer, he will offer open account terms.4.Exporters usually insist on payment by cash in advance when they are trading with oldcustomers.5.Cash in advance means that the exporter is paid either when the importer places his order orwhen the goods are ready for shipment.Chapter 5.II.1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. cIII. 1. guaranteed 2. without recourse 3. defaults 4. on the buyer’s account 5. is equivalent to 6. in question 7. devaluation 8. validity 9. discrepancy 10. inconsistent withChapter 6Answers:II. 1. open account, creditworthiness 2. demand 3. draw on, creditor 4. protest 5. schedule, discrepancies 6. acceptance 7. drawee 8. guranteedIII. 1. collecting bank 2. tenor 3. the proceeds 4. protest 5. deferred payment 6. presentation 7. the maturity date 8. a document of title 9. the shipping documents 10. transshipmentIV. 1. Documentary collection is a method by which the exporter authorizes the bank to collect money from the importer.2.When a draft is duly presented for acceptance or payment but the acceptance or paymentis refused, the draft is said to be dishonored.3.In the international money market, draft is a circulative and transferable instrument.Endorsement serves to transfer the title of a draft to the transferee.4.A clean bill of lading is favored by the buyer and the banks for financial settlementpurposes.5.Parcel post receipt is issued by the post office for goods sent by parcel post. It is both areceipt and evidence of dispatch and also the basis for claim and adjustment if there is any damage to or loss of parcels.Chapter 7II. financing, discounting, factoring, forfaiting, without recourse, accounts receivable, factor, trade obligations, promissory notes, trade receivables, specialized.III. 1. a cash flow disadvantage 2. without recourse 3. negotiable instruments 4. promissory notes 5. profit margin 6. at a discount, maturity, credit risk 7. A bill of exchange, A promissory noteIV. 1. When a bill is dishonored by non-acceptance or by non-payment, the holder then has an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and the endorsers.2.If a bill of lading is made out to bearer, it can be legally transferred without endorsement.3.The presenting bank should endeavor to ascertain the reasons non-payment ornon-acceptance and advise accordingly to the collecting bank.4.Any charges and expenses incurred by banks in connection with any action for protection o fthe goods will be for the account of the principal.5.Anyone who has a current account at a bank can use a cheque.Chapter EightStructure of the Foreign Exchange Market外汇市场的构成1. Key Terms1)foreign exchange:―Foreign exchange‖ refers t o money denominated in the currency of another nation or group of nations.2)payment“payment”is the transmission of an instruction to transfer value that results from a transaction in the economy.3)settlement―settlement‖ is the final and uncondit ional transfer of the value specified in a payment instruction.2. True or False1) true 2) true 3) true 4) true1)Tell the reasons why the dollar is the market's most widely tradedcurrency?key points: U.S.A economic background; the leadership of USD in the world economy ; the role it plays in investment , trade, etc.2)What kind of market is the foreign exchange market?Make reference to the following parts:(8.7 The Market Is Made Up of An International Network of Dealers)Chapter 9Instruments交易工具1. Key Terms1) spot transactionA spot transaction is a straightforward (or ―outright‖) exchange of one currency for another. The spot rate is the current market price, the benchmark price.Spot transactions do not require immediate settlement, or payment ―on the spot.‖ By convention, the settlement date, or ―value date,‖is the second business day after the ―deal date‖ (or ―trade date‖) on which the transaction is agreed to by the two traders. The two-day period provides ample time for the two parties to confirm the agreement and arrange the clearing and necessary debiting and crediting of bank accounts in various international locations.2) American termsThe phrase ―American terms‖means a direct quote from the point of view of someone located in the United States. For the dollar, that means that the rate is quoted in variable amounts of U.S. dollars and cents per one unit of foreign currency (e.g., $1.2270 per Euro).3) outright forward transactionAn outright forward transaction, like a spot transaction, is a straightforward single purchase/ sale of one currency for another. The only difference is that spot is settled, or delivered, on a value date no later than two business days after the deal date, while outright forward is settled on any pre-agreed date three or more business days after the deal date. Dealers use the term ―outright forward‖ to make clear that it is a single purchase or sale on a future date, and not part of an ―FX swap‖.4) FX swapAn FX swap has two separate legs settling on two different value dates, even though it is arranged as a single transaction and is recorded in the turnover statistics as a single transaction. The two counterparties agree to exchange two currencies at a particular rate on one date (the ―near date‖) and to reverse payments, almost always at a different rate, on a specified sub sequent date (the ―far date‖). Effectively, it is a spot transaction and an outright forward transaction going in opposite directions, or else two outright forwards with different settlement dates, and going in opposite directions. If both dates are less than one month from the deal date, it is a ―short-dated swap‖; if one or both dates are one month or more from the deal date, it is a ―forward swap.‖5) put-call parity―Put-call parity‖says that the price of a European put (or call) option can be deduced from the price of a European call (or put) option on the same currency, with the same strike price and expiration. When the strike price is the same as the forward rate (an ―at-the-money‖forward), the put and the call will be equal in value. When the strike price is not the same as the forward price, the difference between the value of the put and the value of the call will equal the difference in the present values of the two currencies.2. True or False1) true 2) true 3) true3. Cloze1) Traders in the market thus know that for any currency pair, if the basecurrency earns a higher interest rate than the terms currency, the currency will trade at a forward discount, or below the spot rate; and if the base currency earns a lower interest rate than the terms currency, the base currency will trade at a forward premium, or above the spot rate. Whichever side of the transaction the trader is on, the trader won't gain (or lose) from both the interest rate differential and the forward premium/discount. A trader who loses on the interest rate will earn the forward premium, and vice versa.2) A call option is the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlyingcurrency, and a put option is the right, but not the obligation, to sellthe underlying currency. All currency option trades involve two sides—the purchase of one currency and the sale of another—so that a put to sell pounds sterling for dollars at a certain price is also a call to buy dollars for pounds sterling at that price. The purchased currency is the call side of the trade, and the sold currency is the put side of the trade. The party who purchases the option is the holder or buyer, and the party who creates the option is the seller or writer. The price at which the underlying currency may be bought or sold is the exercise , or strike, price. The option premium is the price of the option that the buyer pays to the writer. In exchange for paying the option premium up front, the buyer gains insurance against adverse movements in the underlying spot exchange rate while retaining the opportunity to benefit from favorable movements. The option writer, on the other hand, is exposed to unbounded risk—although the writer can (and typically does) seek to protect himself through hedging or offsetting transactions.4. Discussions1)What is a derivate financial instrument? Why is traded?2)Discuss the differences between forward and futures markets in foreigncurrency.3)What advantages do foreign currency futures have over foreigncurrency options?4)What is meant if an option is ―in the money‖, ―out of the money‖,or ―atthe money‖?5)What major international contracts are traded on the ChicagoMercantile Exchange ? Philadelphia Stock Exchange?Chapter 10Managing Risk in Foreign Exchange Trading外汇市场交易的风险管理1. Key Terms1) Market riskMarket risk, in simplest terms, is price risk, or ―exposure to (adverse)price change.‖ For a dealer in foreign exchange, two major elements of market risk are exchange rate risk and interest rate risk—that is, risks of adverse change in a currency rate or in an interest rate.2) VARVAR estimates the potential loss from market risk across an entire portfolio, using probability concepts. It seeks to identify the fundamental risks that the portfolio contains, so that the portfolio can be decomposed into underlying risk factors that can be quantified and managed. Employing standard statistical techniques widely used in other fields, and based in part on past experience, VAR can be used to estimate the daily statistical variance, or standard deviation, or volatility, of the entire portfolio. On the basis of that estimate of variance, it is possible to estimate the expected loss from adverse price movements with a specified probability over a particular period of time (usually a day).3) credit riskCredit risk, inherent in all banking activities, arises from the possibility that the counterparty to a contract cannot or will not make the agreed payment at maturity. When an institution provides credit, whatever the form, it expects to be repaid. When a bank or other dealing institution enters a foreign exchange contract, it faces a risk that the counterparty will not perform according to the provisions of the contract. Between the time of the deal and the time of thesettlement, be it a matter of hours, days, or months, there is an extension of credit by both parties and an acceptance of credit risk by the banks or other financial institutions involved. As in the case of market risk, credit risk is one of the fundamental risks to be monitored and controlled in foreign exchange trading.4) legal risksThere are legal risks, or the risk of loss that a contract cannot be enforced, which may occur, for example, because the counterparty is not legally capable of making the binding agreement, or because of insufficient documentation or a contract in conflict with statutes or regulatory policy.2. True or False1)True 2) true3. Translation1) Broadly speaking, the risks in trading foreign exchange are the same asthose in marketing other financial products. These risks can be categorized and subdivided in any number of ways, depending on the particular focus desired and the degree of detail sought. Here, the focus is on two of the basic categories of risk—market risk and credit risk (including settlement risk and sovereign risk)—as they apply to foreign exchange trading. Note is also taken of some other important risks in foreign exchange trading—liquidity risk, legal risk, and operational risk2) It was noted that foreign exchange trading is subject to a particular form ofcredit risk known as settlement risk or Herstatt risk, which stems in part from the fact that the two legs of a foreign exchange transaction are often settled in two different time zones, with different business hours. Also noted was the fact that market participants and central banks have undertaken considerable initiatives in recent years to reduce Herstatt risk.4. Discussions2)Discuss the way how V AR works in measuring and managing marketrisk?3)Why are banks so interested in political or country risk?4)Discuss other forms of risks which you know in foreign exchange. Chapter 11The Determination of Exchange Rates汇率的决定1. Key Terms1) PPPPurchasing Power Parity (PPP) theory holds that in the long run, exchange rates will adjust to equalize the relative purchasing power of currencies. This concept follows from the law of one price, which holds that in competitive markets, identical goods will sell for identical prices when valued in the same currency.2) the law of one priceThe law of one price relates to an individual product. A generalization of that law is the absolute version of PPP, the proposition that exchange rates will equate nations' overall price levels.3) FEER―fundamental equilibrium exchange rate,‖ or FEER,envisaged as the equilibrium exchange rate that would reconcile a nation's internal and external balance. In that system, each country would commit itself to a macroeconomicstrategy designed to lead, in the medium term, to ―internal balance‖—defined as unemployment at the natural rate and minimal inflation—and to ―external balance‖—defined as achieving the targeted current account balance. Each country would be committed to holding its exchange rate within a band or target zone around the FEER, or the level needed to reconcile internal and external balance during the intervening adjustment period.4) monetary approachThe monetary approach to exchange rate determination is based on the proposition that exchange rates are established through the process of balancing the total supply of, and the total demand for, the national money in each nation. The premise is that the supply of money can be controlled by the nation's monetary authorities, and that the demand for money has a stable and predictable linkage to a few key variables, including an inverse relationship to the interest rate—that is, the higher the interest rate, the smaller the demand for money.5) portfolio balance approachThe portfolio balance approach takes a shorter-term view of exchange rates and broadens the focus from the demand and supply conditions for money to take account of the demand and supply conditions for other financial assets as well. Unlike the monetary approach, the portfolio balance approach assumes that domestic and foreign bonds are not perfect substitutes. According to the portfolio balance theory in its simplest form, firms and individuals balance their portfolios among domestic money, domestic bonds, and foreign currency bonds, and they modify their portfolios as conditions change. It is the process of equilibrating the total demand for, and supply of, financial assets in each country that determines the exchange rate.2. True or False1) true 2) true3. Cloze1)PPP is based in part on some unrealistic assumptions: that goods are identical; that all goods are tradable; that there are no transportationcosts, information gaps, taxes, tariffs, or restrictions of trade; and—implicitly and importantly—that exchange rates are influenced only byrelative inflation rates. But contrary to the implicit PPP assumption,exchange rates also can change for reasons other than differences ininflation rates. Real exchange rates can and do change significantly overtime, because of such things as major shifts in productivitygrowth, advances in technology, shifts in factor supplies, changes inmarket structure, commodity shocks, shortage, and booms.2)Each individual and firm chooses a portfolio to suit its needs, based on a variety of considerations—the holder's wealth and tastes, the level ofdomestic and foreign interest rates, expectations of future inflation,interest rates, and so on. Any significant change in the underlying factorswill cause the holder to adjust his portfolio and seek a new equilibrium.These actions to balance portfolios will influence exchange rates.4. Discussions1)How does the purchasing power parity work?2)Describe and discuss one model for forecasting foreign exchange rates.3)Make commends on how good are the various approaches mentioned in the chapter.4)Central banks occasionally intervene in foreign exchange markets. Discuss the purpose of such intervention. How effective is intervention?Chapter 12The Financial Markets金融市场1. Key Terms1)money marketThe money market is really a market for short-term credit, or the option to use someone else's money for a period of time in return for the payment of interest. The money market helps the participants in the economic process cope with routine financial uncertainties. It assists in bridging the differences in the timing of payments and receipts that arise in a market economy.2)capital marketMarkets dealing in instruments with maturities that exceed one year are often referred to as capital markets.3)primary marketThe term ―primary market‖ applies to the original issuance of a credit market instrument. There are a variety of techniques for such sales, including auctions, posting of rates, direct placement, and active customer contacts by a salesperson specializing in the instrument4) secondary marketOnce a debt instrument has been issued, the purchaser may be able to resell it before maturity in a ―secondary market.‖ Again, a number of techniques are available for bringing together potential buyers and sellers of existing debt instruments. They include various types of formal exchanges, informal telephone dealer markets, and electronic trading through bids and offers on computer screens. Often, the same firms that provide primary marketing services help to create or ―make‖ secondary markets.5)RPsIn addition to making outright purchases and sales in the secondary market, entities with money to invest for a brief period can acquire a security temporarily, and holders of debt instruments can borrow short term by selling securities temporarily. These two types of transactions are repurchase agree-ments (RPs) and reverse RPs,respectively. In the wholesale market, banks and government securities dealers offer RPs at competitive rates of return by selling securities under contracts providing for their repurchase from one day to several months later6)BAs 7)CDs (reference to 13.1)8) EurodollarEurodollars are U.S. dollar deposits at banking offices in a country other than the United States.9) EurobankEurobanks—banks dealing in Eurodollar or some other nonlocal currency deposits, including foreign branches of U.S. banks— originally held deposits almost exclusively in Europe, primarily London. While most such deposits are still held in Europe, they are also held in such places as the Bahamas, Bahrain, Canada, the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Tokyo, as well as other parts of the world.10)LIBOR (reference to 13.2.2 Certificates of Deposit)London inter-bank offer rate11)mortgage-backed securities12)Eurobond market (details make reference to13.3.3 )The Eurobond market, centered in London, is an offshore market in intermediate- and long-term debt issues. It serves as a source of capital for multinational corporations and for foreign governments. It developed after the United States instituted the interest equalization tax in 1963 to stem capital outflows inspired by relatively low U.S. interest rates.2. True or False1) true 2) true 3) true3. Discussions1) Describe the characteristics of Interest Rate Swap and the role of it in thebank-related financial market.2) What risks are encountered in the swaps markets?3) Discuss one or two specific examples of derivative products and their use.4. Translations1) Markets dealing in instruments with maturities that exceed one year are often referred to as capital markets, since credit to finance investments in new capital would generally be needed for more than one year. The time division is arbitrary. A long-term project can be started with short-term credit, with additional instruments may need to be renewed before a project is completed. Debt instruments that differ in maturity share other characteristics. Hence, the term ―capital market‖ could be –and occasionally is applied to some shorter maturity transactions.2) The secondary market for Treasure securities consists of a network of dealers, brokers, and investors who effect transactions either by telephone or electronically. Telephone trades are generally between dealers and their customers. Electronics trading is arranged through screen-based systems provided by some of the dealers to their customers. It allows selected trades to take place without a conversation. When dealers trade with each other, they generally use brokers. Brokers provide information on screen, but the final trades are made bytelephone.Chapter 13Concepts of Financial Assets Value金融资产价值的概念1. Key Terms1) absolute measure of valueAn absolute measure of value is used when one must compare it to a nominal amount: purchase price, amount to invest, target sum of money to raise2) relative measure of valueA relative measure of rate of return is more convenient to use when one wishes to compare one financial asset to a set of numerous alternative assets. A rate of return is the most commonly used relative measure of value.3) discountingFuture benefits must be discounted (or converted) to their present (or today's) value, before they are summed. Discounting is part of the study of time value of money, or actuarial mathematics, and a complete treatment of it can be found in specialized textbook.4) time value of moneyTime value of money studies how amounts of money are made equivalent over time. Converting amounts today into their future equivalent consists in adding interest to principal, i.e. compounding. Converting amounts in the future into today's equivalent consists of charging an interest, i.e. discounting. Thus, discounting is the exact inverse of compounding.5) FV 6) PV 7) annuity8) short term securitiesShort term securities (i.e. securities with maturity less than one year) are sold at a discount (i.e. nominal value less the interest to be earned over the remaining number of days to maturity). There is no coupon, and no additional benefits such as conversion right, but there may be a penalty for early redemption in the case of some bank certificates of deposit.9) P/E ratio (make reference to 15.5.3 --Earnings Multiple or P/E Ratio)Another approach which is used as a short-cut by a large number of investors, is the earnings multiple. It is sometimes referred to as earningsmultiplier, and it is most commonly known as price-to-earnings or P/E ratio. In many instances, the approach, rather than being an oversimplification, can be an improvement over the previous format. In its most common presentation, the idea is that the price P of a share should be a multiple m of its earnings per share E. The multiple m is an industry average because it is assumed that all companies in an industry face similar marketing, technological and resource challenges, and thus, should have similar organizational and production patterns.10) intrinsic valueintrinsic value, or difference between market price of the underlying stock and strike price (which is also known as exercise price because it is the price at which an option holder can buy from or sell to the option writer the underlying stock through the options exchange)。

金融英语术语Organized at 3pm on January 25, 2023Only by working hard can we be betterinflation通货膨胀deflation通货紧缩tighter credit紧缩信贷monetary policy货币政策foreign exchange外汇spot transaction即期交易forward transaction远期交易option forward transaction择期交易swap transaction调期交易quote报价settlment and delivery交割Treasury bond财政部公债current-account经常项目pickup in rice物价上涨Federal Reserve美联储buying rate买入价selling rate卖出价spread差幅contract合同at par平价premium升水discount贴水direct quoation method直接报价法indirect quoation method间接报价法dividend股息domestic currency本币floating rate浮动利率parent company母公司credit swap互惠贷款venture capital风险资本book value帐面价值physical capital实际资本IPOinitial public offering新股首发;首次公开发行job machine就业市场welfare capitalism福利资本主义collective market cap市场资本总值glolbal corporation跨国公司transnational status跨国优势transfer price转让价格consolidation兼并leverage杠杆financial turmoil/meltdown金融危机file for bankruptcy申请破产bailout救助take over收购buy out购买某人的产权或全部货物go under破产take a nosedive股市大跌tumble下跌falter摇摇欲坠on the hook被套住shore up confidence提振市场信心stave off挡开,避开,liquidate assets资产清算at fire sale prices超低价sell-off证券的跌价reserve储备note票据discount贴现circulate流通central bank中央银行the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统credit union信用合作社paper currency纸币credit creation信用创造branch banking银行分行制unit banking单一银行制out of circulation退出流通capital stock股本at par以票面价值计electronic banking电子银行banking holding company公司银行the gold standard金本位the Federal Reserve Board联邦储备委员会the stock market crash股市风暴reserve ratio准备金比率division of labor劳动分工commodity money商品货币legal tender法定货币fiat money法定通货a medium of exchange交换媒介legal sanction法律制裁face value面值liquid assets流动资产illiquidl assets非流动资产the liquidity scale流动性指标real estate不动产checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit活期存款time deposit定期存款negotiable order of withdrawal accounts大额可转让提款单money market mutual funds货币市场互助基金repurchase agreements回购协议certificate of deposits存单bond债券stock股票travelers'checks旅行支票small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款large-denomination time deposits大额定期存款bank overnight repurchase agreements银行隔夜回购协议bank long-term repurchase agreements银行长期回购协议thrift institutions存款机构financial institution金融机构commercial banks商业银行a means of payment支付手段a store of value储藏手段a standard of value价值标准deficit亏损roll展期wholesale批发default不履约auction拍卖collateralize担保markup价格的涨幅dealer交易员broker经纪人pension funds养老基金face amount面值commerical paper商业票据banker's acceptance银行承兑汇票Fed fund联邦基金eurodollar欧洲美元treasury bills国库券floating-rate浮动比率fixed-rate固定比率default risk拖欠风险credit rating信誉级别tax collection税收money market货币市场capital market资本市场original maturity原始到期期限surplus funds过剩基金syndication辛迪加underwrite包销,认购hedge对冲买卖、套期保值innovation到期交易spread利差principal本金swap掉期交易eurobond market 欧洲债券市场euronote欧洲票据Federal Reserve Bank FRB联邦储备银行unsecured credit无担保贷款fixed term time deposit定期支付存款lead bank牵头银行neogotiable time deposit议付定期存款inter-bank money market银行同业货币市场medium term loan 中期贷款syndicated credit银团贷款merchant bank商业银行portfolio management 有价债券管理lease financing租赁融资note issurance facility票据发行安排bearer note不记名票价underwriting facility包销安排floating-rate note 浮动利率票据bond holder债券持持有者London Interbank Offered RateLIBOR伦敦同业优惠利率back-up credit line备用信贷额promissory note..p/n本票revolving cerdit 循环信用证,即revolving letter of credit non interest-bearing reserves无息储备金interest rate controls 利率管制interest rate ceiling 利率上限interest rate floor 利率下限破产 insolvency有偿还债务能力的 solvent合同 contract汇率 exchange rate私营部门 private sector财政管理机构 fiscal authorities宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy税法 tax bill财政 public finance财政部 the Ministry of Finance平衡预算 balanced budget继承税 inheritance tax货币主义者 monetariest增值税 VAT value added tax收入 revenue总需求 aggregate demand货币化 monetization赤字 deficit经济不景气 recessiona period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment经济好转 turnabout复苏 recovery成本推进型 cost push货币供应 money supply生产率 productivity劳动力 labor force实际工资 real wages成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation最终目标 ultimate goal坏的影响 adverse effect担保 ensure贴现 discount萧条的 sluggish认购 subscribe to支票帐户 checking account货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control 借据 IOUsI owe you本票 promissory notes货币总监 controller of the currency拖收系统 collection system支票清算或结算 check clearing资金划拨 transfer of funds可以相信的证明 credentials改革 fashion被缠住 entangled货币联盟 Monetary Union再购协议 repo精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading欧元 euro公共债务 membership criteria汇率机制 REM储备货币 reserve currency劳动密集型 labor-intensive股票交易所 bourse竞争领先 frontrun牛市 bull market非凡的牛市 a raging bull规模经济 scale economcies买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads 期货股票 futures经济商行 brokerage firm回报率 rate of return股票 equities违约 default现金外流 cash drains经济人佣金 brokerage fee存款单 CDcertificate of deposit营业额 turnover资本市场 capital market布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System经常帐户 current account套利者 arbitrager远期汇率 forward exchange rate即期汇率 spot rate实际利率 real interest rates货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy银行倒闭 bank failures跨国公司 MNC Multi-National Corporation商业银行 commercial bank商业票据 comercial paper利润 profit本票,期票 promissory notes监督 to monitor佣金经济人 commission brokers套期保值 hedge有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance theory 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves固定汇率 fixed exchange rate浮动汇率 floating/flexible exchange rate 货币选择权期货 currency option套利 arbitrage合约价 exercise price远期升水 forward premium多头买升 buying long空头卖跌 selling short按市价订购股票 market order股票经纪人 stockbroker国际货币基金 the IMF七国集团 the G-7监督 surveillance同业拆借市场 interbank market可兑换性 convertibility软通货 soft currency限制 restriction交易 transaction充分需求 adequate demand短期外债 short term external debt汇率机制 exchange rate regime直接标价 direct quotes资本流动性 mobility of capital赤字 deficit本国货币 domestic currency外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market国际储备 international reserve利率 interest rate资产 assets国际收支 balance of payments贸易差额 balance of trade繁荣 boom债券 bond资本 captial资本支出 captial expenditures商品 commodities商品交易所 commodity exchange期货合同 commodity futures contract普通股票 common stock联合大企业 conglomerate货币贬值 currency devaluation通货紧缩 deflation折旧 depreciation贴现率 discount rate归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income 从业人员 employed person汇率 exchange rate财政年度fiscal year自由企业 free enterprise国民生产总值 gross antional product库存 inventory劳动力人数 labor force债务 liabilities市场经济 market economy合并 merger货币收入 money income跨国公司 Multinational Corproation个人收入 personal income优先股票 preferred stock价格收益比率 price-earning ratio优惠贷款利率 prime rate利润 profit回报 return on investment使货币升值 revaluation薪水 salary季节性调整 seasonal adjustment关税 tariff失业人员 unemployed person效用 utility价值 value工资 wages工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral收益 yield补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal 储蓄银行 saving banks欧洲联盟 the European Union单一的实体 a single entity抵押贷款 mortgage lending业主产权 owner's equity普通股 common stock无形资产 intangible assets收益表 income statement营业开支 operating expenses行政开支 administrative expenses现金收支一览表 statement of cash flow贸易中的存货 inventory收益 proceeds投资银行 investment bank机构投资者 institutional investor垄断兼并委员会 MMC招标发行 issue by tender定向发行 introduction代销 offer for sale直销 placing公开发行 public issue信贷额度 credit line国际债券 international bonds欧洲货币Eurocurrency利差 interest margin以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan权利股发行 rights issues净收入比例结合 net income gearing证券行业词汇share, equity, stock 股票、股权;bond, debenture, debts 债券;negotiable share 可流通股份;convertible bond 可转换债券;treasury/government bond 国库券/政府债券;corporate bond 企业债券;closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金; open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金;fund manager 基金经理/管理公司;fund custodian bank 基金托管银行;market capitalization 市值;p/e ratio 市盈率;price/earningmark-to-market 逐日盯市;payment versus delivery 银券交付;clearing and settlement 清算/结算;commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品;put / call option 看跌/看涨期权;margins, collateral 保证金;rights issue/offering 配股;bonus share 红股;dividend 红利/股息;ADR 美国存托凭证/存股证;American Depository Receipt GDR 全球存托凭证/存股证;Global Depository Receipt retail/private investor 个人投资者/散户;institutional investor 机构投资者;broker/dealer 券商;proprietary trading 自营;insider trading/dealing 内幕交易;market manipulation 市场操纵;prospectus 招股说明书;IPO 新股/初始公开发行;Initial Public Offering merger and acquisition 收购兼并;会计与银行业务用语汇总汇款用语汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money寄票供取款||支票支付 to send a cheque for payment寄款人 a remitter收款人 a remittee汇票汇单用语国外汇票 foreign Bill国内汇票 inland Bill跟单汇票 documentary bill空头汇票 accommodation bill原始汇票 original bill改写||换新票据 renewed bill即期汇票 sight bill||bill on demand... days after date||... days' after date ... 日后付款... months after date||... months' after date ... 月后付款见票后... 日付款... days' after sight||... days' sight见票后... 月付款... months' after sight||... months' sight同组票据 set of bills单张汇票 sola of exchange||sole of exchange远期汇票 usance bill||bill at usance长期汇票 long bill短期汇票 short bill逾期汇票 overdue bill宽限日期 days of grace电汇 telegraphic transfer邮汇 postal order||postal note Am.||post office order||money order 本票 promissory note P/N押汇负责书||押汇保证书 letter of hypothecation副保||抵押品||付属担保物 collateral security担保书 trust receipt||letter of indemnity承兑||认付 acceptance单张承兑 general acceptance有条件承兑 qualified acceptance附条件认付 conditional acceptance部分认付 partial acceptance拒付||退票 dishonour拒绝承兑而退票 dishonour by non-acceptance由于存款不足而退票 dihonour by non-payment提交 presentation背书 endorsement||indorsement无记名背书 general endorsement||blank endorsement记名式背书 special endorsement||full endorsement附条件背书 conditional endorsement限制性背书 restrictive endorsement无追索权背书 endorsement without recourse期满||到期 maturity托收 collection新汇票||再兑换汇票 re-exchange||re-draft外汇交易 exchange dealing||exchange deals汇兑合约 exchange contract汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract外汇行情 exchange quotation交易行情表 course of exchange||exchange table汇价||兑换率 exchange rate||rate of exchange官方汇率 official rate挂牌汇率||名义汇率 nominal rate现汇汇率 spot rate电汇汇率||电汇率|| . rate||telegraphic transfer rate 兑现率||兑现汇率 demand rate长期汇率 long rate私人汇票折扣率 rate on a private bill远期汇票兑换率 forward rate套价||套汇汇率||裁定外汇行情 cross rate付款汇率 pence rate当日汇率||成交价 currency rate套汇||套价||公断交易率 arbitrage汇票交割||汇票议付 negotiation of draft交易人||议付人 negotiator票据交割||让与支票票据议付 to negotiatie a bill折扣交割||票据折扣 to discount a bill票据背书 to endorse a bill应付我差额51,000美元 a balance due to us of $51,000||a balance in our favour of $ 51,000收到汇款 to receive remittance填写收据 to make out a receipt付款用语付款方法 mode of payment现金付款 payment by cash||cash payment||payment by ready cash以支票支付 payment by cheque以汇票支付 payment by bill以物品支付 payment in kind付清||支付全部货款 payment in full||full payment支付部分货款||分批付款 payment in part||part payment||partial payment记帐付款||会计帐目内付款 payment on account定期付款 payment on term年分期付款 annual payment月分期付款 monthly payment||monthly instalment延滞付款 payment in arrear预付货||先付 payment in advance||prepayment延付货款 deferred payment立即付款 prompt payment||immediate payment暂付款 suspense payment延期付款 delay in payment||extension of payment支付票据 payment bill名誉支付||干与付款 payment for honour||payment by intervention结帐||清算||支付 settlement分期付款 instalment滞付||拖欠||尾数款未付 arrears特许拖延付款日 days of grace保证付款 del credere付款 to pay||to make payment||to make effect payment结帐 to settle||to make settlement||to make effect settlement||to square||to balance支出||付款 to defray||to disburse结清 to clear off||to pya off请求付款 to ask for payment||to request payment恳求付帐 to solicit payment拖延付款 to defer payment||to delay payment付款被拖延 to be in arrears with payment还债 to discharge迅速付款 to pay promptly付款相当迅速 to pay moderately well||to pay fairly well||to keep the engagements regularly付款相当慢 to pay slowly||to take extended credit付款不好 to pay badly||to be generally in arrear with payments付款颇为恶劣 to pay very badly||to never pay unless forced拒绝付款 to refuse payment||to refuse to pay||to dishonour a bill相信能收到款项 We shall look to you for the payment||We shall depend upon you for thepayment ||We expect payment from you惠请付款 kindly pay the amount||please forward payment||please forward a cheque.我将不得不采取必要步骤运用法律手段收回该项货款 I shall be obliged to take thenecessary steps to legally recover the amount. ||I shall be compelled to take steps to enforcepayment.惠请宽限 let the matter stand over till then.||allow me a short extension of time. ||Kindlypostpone the time for payment a little longer.索取利息 to charge interest附上利息 to draw interest||to bear interest||to allow interest生息 to yield interest生息3% to yield 3%存款 to deposit in a bank||to put in a bank||to place on deposit||to make deposit在银行存款 to have money in a bank||to have a bank account||to have money on deposit向银行提款 to withdraw one's deposit from a bank换取现金 to convert into money||to turn into cash||to realize折扣用语从价格打10%的折扣 to make a discount of 10% off the price||to make 10%discount off the price打折扣购买 to buy at a discount打折扣出售 to sell at a discount打折扣-让价 to reduce||to make a reduction减价 to deduct||to make a deduction回扣 to rebate现金折扣 cash discount货到付现款 cash on arrival即时付款 prompt cash净价||最低价格付现 net cash现金付款 ready cash即期付款 spot cash||cash down||cash on the nail凭单据付现款 cash against documents凭提单付现款 cash against bills of lading承兑交单 documents against acceptance D/A付款交单 documents against payment D/P折扣例文除非另有说明, 30日后全额付现, 如有错误, 请立即通知;Net cash 30 days unless specified otherwise. Advise promptly if incorrect.付款条件: 30日后全额付现, 10日后付现打2%折扣, 过期后付款时, 加上利率为6%的利息;Terms, net cash 30 days, or, less 2% 10 days. Interest charged at the rate of 6% after maturity.付款条件: 月底后10日后付现2%折扣, 现在付现3%折扣, 否则, 全额付现;财会名词1会计与会计理论会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements财务分析 Financial Analysis会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption持续经营假设 ContinuityGoing-concern Assumption会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损 Loss历史成本原则 Cost Principle收入实现原则 Revenue Principle配比原则 Matching Principle全面披露原则 Full-disclosure Reporting principle客观性原则 Objective Principle 一致性原则 Consistent Principle 可比性原则Comparability Principle重大性原则 Materiality Principle稳健性原则 Conservatism Principle权责发生制 Accrual Basis 现金收付制 Cash Basis财务报告 Financial Report 流动资产 Current assets流动负债 Current Liabilities 长期负债 Long-term Liabilities投入资本 Contributed Capital留存收益 Retained Earning2会计循环会计循环 Accounting Procedure/Cycle会计信息系统 Accounting information System帐户 Ledger 会计科目 Account 会计分录 Journal entry原始凭证 Source Document 日记帐 Journal总分类帐 General Ledger 明细分类帐 Subsidiary Ledger试算平衡 Trial Balance 现金收款日记帐 Cash receipt journal现金付款日记帐 Cash disbursements journal销售日记帐 Sales Journal 购货日记帐 Purchase Journal 普通日记帐 General Journal 工作底稿 Worksheet调整分录 Adjusting entries 结帐 Closing entries3现金与应收帐款现金 Cash 银行存款 Cash in bank 库存现金 Cash in hand流动资产 Current assets 偿债基金 Sinking fund定额备用金 Imprest petty cash 支票 Checkcheque银行对帐单 Bank statement银行存款调节表 Bank reconciliation statement在途存款 Outstanding deposit 在途支票 Outstanding check应付凭单 Vouchers payable 应收帐款 Account receivable应收票据 Note receivable 起运点交货价 shipping point目的地交货价 destination point 商业折扣 Trade discount现金折扣 Cash discount 销售退回及折让 Sales return and allowance 坏帐费用Bad debt expense 备抵法 Allowance method 备抵坏帐 Bad debt allowance损益表法 Income statement approach 资产负债表法 Balance sheet approach帐龄分析法 Aging analysis method 直接冲销法 Direct write-off method带息票据 Interest bearing note 不带息票据 Non-interest bearing note出票人 Maker 受款人 Payee 本金 Principal 利息率 Interest rate到期日 Maturity date 本票 Promissory note 贴现 Discount背书 Endorse 拒付费 Protest fee4存货存货 Inventory 商品存货 Merchandise inventory 产成品存货 Finished goods inventory在产品存货 Work in process inventory原材料存货 Raw materials inventory起运地离岸价格 shipping point目的地抵岸价格 destination寄销 Consignment 寄销人 Consignor 承销人 Consignee定期盘存 Periodic inventory 永续盘存 Perpetual inventory购货 Purchase 购货折让和折扣 Purchase allowance and discounts存货盈余或短缺 Inventory overages and shortages分批认定法 Specific identification 加权平均法 Weighted average先进先出法 First-in, first-out or FIFO后进先出法 Lost-in, first-out or LIFO 移动平均法 Moving average成本或市价孰低法 Lower of cost or market or LCM市价 Market value 重置成本 Replacement cost可变现净值 Net realizable value上限 Upper limit 下限 Lower limit 毛利法 Gross margin method零售价格法 Retail method 成本率 Cost ratio5长期投资长期投资 Long-term investment 长期股票投资 Investment on stocks长期债券投资 Investment on bonds 成本法 Cost method权益法 Equity method合并法 Consolidation method 股利宣布日 Declaration date股权登记日 Date of record 除息日 Ex-dividend date 付息日 Payment date 债券面值 Face value, Par value债券折价 Discount on bonds 债券溢价 Premium on bonds票面利率 Contract interest rate, stated rate市场利率 Market interest ratio, Effective rate普通股 Common Stock 优先股 Preferred Stock现金股利 Cash dividends股票股利 Stock dividends 清算股利 Liquidating dividends到期日 Maturity date到期值 Maturity value直线摊销法 Straight-Line method of amortization实际利息摊销法 Effective-interest method of amortization6固定资产固定资产 Plant assets or Fixed assets 原值 Original value预计使用年限 Expected useful life预计残值 Estimated residual value 折旧费用 Depreciation expense累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation 帐面价值 Carrying value应提折旧成本 Depreciation cost 净值 Net value在建工程 Construction-in-process 磨损 Wear and tear 过时 Obsolescence 直线法Straight-line method SL工作量法 Units-of-production method UOP加速折旧法 Accelerated depreciation method双倍余额递减法 Double-declining balance method DDB年数总和法 Sum-of-the-years-digits method SYD以旧换新 Trade in 经营租赁 Operating lease 融资租赁 Capital lease 廉价购买权Bargain purchase option BPO 资产负债表外筹资 Off-balance-sheet financing最低租赁付款额 Minimum lease payments7无形资产无形资产 Intangible assets 专利权 Patents 商标权 Trademarks, Trade names 着作权 Copyrights 特许权或专营权 Franchises 商誉 Goodwill 开办费 Organization cost租赁权 Leasehold 摊销 Amortization8流动负债负债 Liability 流动负债 Current liability 应付帐款 Account payable应付票据 Notes payable 贴现票据 Discount notes长期负债一年内到期部分 Current maturities of long-term liabilities应付股利 Dividends payable 预收收益 Prepayments by customers存入保证金 Refundable deposits 应付费用 Accrual expense增值税 Value added tax 营业税 Business tax应付所得税 Income tax payable 应付奖金 Bonuses payable产品质量担保负债 Estimated liabilities under product warranties赠品和兑换券 Premiums, coupons and trading stamps或有事项 Contingency 或有负债 Contingent 或有损失 Loss contingencies或有利得 Gain contingencies 永久性差异 Permanent difference时间性差异 Timing difference 应付税款法 Taxes payable method纳税影响会计法 Tax effect accounting method递延所得税负债法 Deferred income tax liability method9长期负债长期负债 Long-term Liabilities 应付公司债券 Bonds payable有担保品的公司债券 Secured Bonds抵押公司债券 Mortgage Bonds 保证公司债券 Guaranteed Bonds信用公司债券 Debenture Bonds 一次还本公司债券 Term Bonds分期还本公司债券 Serial Bonds 可转换公司债券 Convertible Bonds可赎回公司债券 Callable Bonds 可要求公司债券 Redeemable Bonds记名公司债券 Registered Bonds 无记名公司债券 Coupon Bonds普通公司债券 Ordinary Bonds 收益公司债券 Income Bonds名义利率,票面利率 Nominal rate 实际利率 Actual rate有效利率 Effective rate 溢价 Premium 折价 Discount面值 Par value 直线法 Straight-line method实际利率法 Effective interest method到期直接偿付 Repayment at maturity 提前偿付 Repayment at advance偿债基金 Sinking fund 长期应付票据 Long-term notes payable抵押借款 Mortgage loan10业主权益权益 Equity 业主权益 Owner's equity股东权益 Stockholder's equity 投入资本 Contributed capital 缴入资本 Paid-in capital 股本 Capital stock资本公积 Capital surplus 留存收益 Retained earnings核定股本 Authorized capital stock 实收资本 Issued capital stock 发行在外股本Outstanding capital stock 库藏股 Treasury stock 普通股 Common stock 优先股Preferred stock累积优先股 Cumulative preferred stock非累积优先股 Noncumulative preferred stock完全参加优先股 Fully participating preferred stock部分参加优先股 Partially participating preferred stock非部分参加优先股 Nonpartially participating preferred stock现金发行 Issuance for cash 非现金发行 Issuance for noncash consideration股票的合并发行 Lump-sum sales of stock 发行成本 Issuance cost成本法 Cost method 面值法 Par value method捐赠资本 Donated capital 盈余分配 Distribution of earnings 股利 Dividend 股利政策 Dividend policy宣布日 Date of declaration 股权登记日 Date of record除息日 Ex-dividend date股利支付日 Date of payment 现金股利 Cash dividend股票股利 Stock dividend 拨款 appropriation11财务报表财务报表 Financial Statement 资产负债表 Balance Sheet收益表 Income Statement 帐户式 Account Form报告式 Report Form 编制报表 Prepare工作底稿 Worksheet 多步式 Multi-step 单步式 Single-step12财务状况变动表财务状况变动表中的现金基础 Basis现金流量表财务状况变动表中的营运资金基础 Capital Basis资金来源与运用表营运资金 Working Capital 全部资源概念 All-resources concept直接交换业务 Direct exchanges 正常营业活动 Normal operating activities财务活动 Financing activities 投资活动 Investing activities13财务报表分析财务报表分析 Analysis of financial statements比较财务报表 Comparative financial statements趋势百分比 Trend percentage 比率 Ratios普通股每股收益 Earnings per share of common stock股利收益率 Dividend yield ratio 价益比 Price-earnings ratio普通股每股帐面价值 Book value per share of common stock资本报酬率 Return on investment 总资产报酬率 Return on total asset债券收益率 Yield rate on bonds已获利息倍数 Number of times interest earned债券比率 Debt ratio 优先股收益率 Yield rate on preferred stock营运资本 Working Capital 周转 Turnover 存货周转率 Inventory turnover应收帐款周转率 Accounts receivable turnover流动比率 Current ratio 速动比率 Quick ratio 酸性试验比率 Acid test ratio14合并财务报表合并财务报表 Consolidated financial statements 吸收合并 Merger 创立合并Consolidation 控股公司 Parent company 附属公司 Subsidiary company 少数股权Minority interest权益联营合并 Pooling of interest 购买合并 Combination by purchase权益法 Equity method 成本法 Cost method15物价变动中的会计计量物价变动之会计 Price-level changes accounting一般物价水平会计 General price-level accounting货币购买力会计 Purchasing-power accounting统一币值会计 Constant dollar accounting历史成本 Historical cost 现行价值会计 Current value accounting现行成本 Current cost 重置成本 Replacement cost物价指数 Price-level index国民生产总值物价指数 Gross national product implicit price deflatoror GNP deflator消费物价指数 Consumer price index or CPI批发物价指数 Wholesale price index货币性资产 Monetary assets货币性负债 Monetary liabilities货币购买力损益 Purchasing-power gains or losses资产持有损益 Holding gains or losses未实现的资产持有损益 Unrealized holding gains or losses现行价值与统一币值会计 Constant dollar and current cost accounting。

ui2013年考研英语(一)真题.................................................................................................. 5Section I Use of English5 Section II Reading Comprehension. (7)Part A (7)Part B (16)Part C (19)Section III Writing (20)Part A (21)Part B (21)2013考研英语(一)答案 (22)Section I Use of English (22)Section II Reading Comprehension (25)Section III Writing (33)2012年考研英语(一)试题 (35)Section I Use of English (35)Section II Reading Comprehension (36)Part A (36)Part B (45)Part C (47)Section III Writing (48)Part A (48)Part B (48)2012考研英语(一)答案 (50)Section I (50)Section II Reading Comprehension (54)作文 (67)2011考研英语(一)试题 (71)Section I Use of English (71)Section II Reading Comprehension (72)Part A (72)Part B (81)Part C (83)Section ⅢWriting (84)Part A (84)Part B (84)2011考研英语(一)答案 (86)Section I Use of English (86)Section II Reading Comprehension (88)Section III Writing (95)2010年考研英语(一)试题 (97)Section I Use of English (97)Section II Reading Comprehension (98)Part A (98)Part B (105)Part C (106)Section ⅢWriting (107)Part A (107)Part B (107)2009年考研英语(一)试题 (109)Section I Use of English (109)Section I I Reading comprehension (110)Part A (110)Part B (117)Part C (118)Section ⅢWriting (119)Part A (119)Part B (119)2009年考研英语(一)答案 (121)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (121)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (121)Section III: Writing (30 points) (121)2008年考研英语(一)试题 (123)Section I Use of English (123)Section II Reading Comprehension (124)Part A (124)Part B (131)Part C (132)Section III Writing (133)Part A (133)Part B (133)2008年考研英语(一)答案 (135)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (135)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (135)Section III: Writing (30 points) (135)2007年考研英语(一)试题 (137)Section I Use of English (137)Section II Reading Comprehension (141)Part A (141)Part B (148)Part C (150)Section III Writing (151)Part A (151)Part B (151)2007年考研英语(一)答案 (153)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (153)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (153)Section III: Writing (30 points) (153)2006年考研英语(一)试题 (155)Section I Use of English (155)Section II Reading Comprehension (159)Part A (159)Part B (166)Section III Writing (169)Part A (169)Part B (169)2006年考研英语(一)答案 (171)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (171)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (171)Section III: Writing (30 points) (171)2005年考研英语(一)试题 (173)Section I Use of English (173)Section II Reading Comprehension (177)Part A (177)Part B (184)Part C (186)Section III Writing (187)Part A (187)Part B (187)2005年考研英语真题答案 (189)Section I: Use of English (10 points) (189)Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points) (189)Section III: Writing (30 points) (189)2004年考研英语(一)试题 (191)Section II Use of English (191)Section III Reading Comprehension (195)Part A (195)Part B (202)Section IV Writing (203)2004年考研英语(一)答案 (205)Section I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) (205)Section II: Use of English (10 points) (205)Section III: Reading Comprehension (50 points) (205)Section IV: Writing (20 points) (206)2003年考研英语(一)试题 (207)Section II Use of English (207)Section III Reading Comprehension (211)Part A (211)Part B (218)Section IV Writing (219)2003年考研英语(一)答案 (221)Section I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) (221)Section II: Use of English (10 points) (221)Section III: Reading Comprehension (50 points) (221)Section IV: Writing (20 points) (222)2002年考研英语(一)试题 (223)Section I Listening Comprehension (223)Part B (224)Part C (224)Section II Use of English (227)Section III Reading Comprehension (231)Part A (231)Part B (239)Section IV Writing (240)2002年考研英语(一)答案 (242)Section I: Listening Comprehension (20 points) (242)Section II: Use of English (10 points) (242)Section III: Reading Comprehension (50 points) (242)Section IV: Writing (20 points) (243)2001年考研英语(一)试题 (244)Section I Structure and Vocabulary (244)Part A (244)Part B (247)Section II Cloze Test (252)Section III Reading Comprehension (256)Section IV English-Chinese Translation (264)Section V Writing (265)2001年考研英语(一)答案 (267)Section I: Structure and Vocabulary (15 points) (267)Section II: Cloze Text (10 points) (267)Section III: Reading Comprehension (40 points) (267)Section IV: English-Chinese Translation (15 points) (267)Section V: Writing (20 points) (268)2000年考研英语(一)试题 (269)Section I Structure and Vocabulary (269)Part A (269)Part B (271)Part C (273)Section II Cloze Test (278)Section III Reading Comprehension (280)Section IV English-Chinese Translation (288)Section V Writing (289)2000年考研英语(一)答案 (291)Section I: Structure and Vocabulary (20 points) (291)Section III: Reading Comprehension (40 points) (291)Section IV: English-Chinese Translation (15 points) (291)Section V: Writing (15 points) (292)2013年考研英语(一)真题Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that ___1___ the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by ___2___ factors. But Dr Simonton speculated that an inability to consider the big ___3___ was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. ___4___, he theorized that a judge ___5___ of appearing too soft ___6___crime might be more likely to send someone to prison ___7___he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day.To ___8___this idea, they turned their attention to the university-admissions process. In theory, the ___9___ of an applicant should not depend on the few others___10___ randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonton suspected the truth was___11___.He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews ___12___ by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers had ___13___ applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale ___14___ numerous factors into consideration. The scores were ___15___ used in conjunction w ith an applicant’s score on the GMAT, a standardized exam which is ___16___out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her.Dr Simonton found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one ___17___ that, then the score for the next applicantwould___18___ by an average of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to___19___the effects of such a decrease a candidate would need 30 more GMAT points than would otherwise have been ___20___.1. A grants B submits C transmits D delivers2. A minor B external C crucial D objective3. A issue B vision C picture D moment4. A Above all B On average C In principle D For example5. A fond B fearful C capable D thoughtless6. A in B for C to D on7. A if B until C though D unless8. A. test B. emphasize C. share D. promote9. A. decision B. quality C. status D. success10. A. found B. studied C. chosen D. identified11. A. otherwise B. defensible C. replaceable D. exceptional12. A. inspired B. expressed C. conducted D. secured13. A. assigned B. rated C. matched D. arranged14. A. put B. got C. took D. gave15. A. instead B. then C. ever D. rather16. A. selected B. passed C. marked D. introduced17. A below B after C above D before18. A jump B float C fluctuate D drop19. A achieve B undo C maintain D disregard20. A necessary B possible C promising D helpfulSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada ,Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn’t affect her, Priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistant’s sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to departments stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment.This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn`t be more out of date or at odds with the feverish would described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline`s three-year indictment of “fast fashion”. In the last decade or so, advances in technology have allowed mass-market labels such as Zara, H&M, and Uniqlo to react to trends more quickly and anticipate demand more precisely. Quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent release, and more profit. These labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable-meant to last only a wash or two, although they don’t advertise that –and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks. By offering on-trend items at dirt-cheap prices, Cline argues, these brands have hijacked fashion cycles, shaking an industry long accustomed to a seasonal pace.The victims of this revolution, of course, are not limited to designers. For H&M to offer a $5.95 knit miniskirt in all its 2,300-pius stores around the world, it must rely on low-wage overseas labor, order in volumes that strain natural resources, and use massive amounts of harmful chemicals.Overdressed is the fashion world`s answer to consumer-activist bestsellers like Michael Pollan`s. The Omnivore`s Dilemma. “Mass-produced clothing ,like fast food, fills a hunger and need, yet is non-durable and wasteful,”Cline argues. Americans, she finds, buy roughly 20 billion garments a year – about 64 items per person – and no matter how much they give away, this excess leads to waste.Towards the end of Overdressed, Cline introduced her ideal, a Brooklyn woman named Sarah Kate Beaumont, who since 2008 has made all of her own clothes –and beautifully. But as Cline is the first to note, it took Beaumont decades to perfect her craft; he r example can’t be knocked off.Though several fast-fashion companies have made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the environment –including H&M, with its green Conscious Collection line –Cline believes lasting change can only be effected by the customer. She exhibits the idealism common to many advocates of sustainability, be it in food or in energy. Vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainably when they can’t afford not to.21. Priestly criticizes her assistant for her[A] poor bargaining skill.[B] insensitivity to fashion.[C] obsession with high fashion.[D] lack of imagination.22. According to Cline, mass-market labels urge consumers to[A] combat unnecessary waste.[B] shut out the feverish fashion world.[C] resist the influence of advertisements.[D] shop for their garments more frequently.23. The word “indictment”(Line 3, Para.2) is closest in meaning to[A] accusation.[B] enthusiasm.[C] indifference.[D] tolerance.24. Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?[A] Vanity has more often been found in idealists.[B] The fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability.[C] People are more interested in unaffordable garments.[D] Pricing is vital to environment-friendly purchasing.25. What is the subject of the text?[A] Satire on an extravagant lifestyle.[B] Challenge to a high-fashion myth.[C] Criticism of the fast-fashion industry.[D] Exposure of a mass-market secret.Text 2An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is, no one knows which half. In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reduced. By watching what people search for, click on and say online, compani es can aim “behavioral” ads at those most likely to buy.In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioral ads? Or should they have explicit permission?In December 2010 America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed adding a "do not track "(DNT) option to internet browsers ,so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed .Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT ;Google's Chrome is due to do so this year. In February the FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would get cracking on responding to DNT requests.On May 31st Microsoft Set off the row: It said that Internet Explorer 10, the version due to appear windows 8, would have DNT as a default.It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond. Getting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so. Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking w ith Microsoft’s default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone. After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how. If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on default will become the norm. DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8-though the firm has compared some of its other products favorably with Google's on that count before. Brendon Lynch, MMicrosoft's chief privacy officer, blogged: "we believe consumers should have more control." Could it really be that simple?26. It is suggested in paragraph 1 that “behavioral”ads help advertisers to:[A] ease competition among themselves[B] lower their operational costs[C] avoid complaints from consumers[D] provide better online services27. “The industry”(Line 6,Para.3) refers to:[A] online advertisers[B] e-commerce conductors[C] digital information analysis[D] internet browser developers28. Bob Liodice holds that setting DNT as a default[A] many cut the number of junk ads[B] fails to affect the ad industry[C] will not benefit consumers[D] goes against human nature29. which of the following is true according to Paragraph.6?[A] DNT may not serve its intended purpose[B] Advertisers are willing to implement DNT[C] DNT is losing its popularity among consumers[D] Advertisers are obliged to offer behavioral ads30. The author's attitude towards what Brendon Lynch said in his blog is one of:[A] indulgence[B] understanding[C] appreciation[D] skepticismText 3Up until a few decades ago, our visions of the future were largely - though by no means uniformly - glowingly positive. Science and technology would cure all the ills of humanity, leading tolives of fulfillment and opportunity for all.Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu and to climate change. You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future to look forward to.But such gloominess is misplaced. The fossil record shows that many species have endured for millions of years - so why shouldn't we? Take a broader look at our species' place in the universe, and it becomes clear that we have an excellent chance of surviving for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of years . Look up Homo sapiens in the "Red List" of threatened species of the International Union for the Conversation of Nature (IUCN) ,and you will read: "Listed as Least Concern as the species is very widely distributed, adaptable, currently increasing, and there are no major threats resulting in an overall population decline."So what does our deep future hold? A growing number of researchers and organizations are now thinking seriously about that question. For example, the Long Now Foundation has its flagship project a medical clock that is designed to still be marking time thousands of years hence.Perhaps willfully, it may be easier to think about such lengthy timescales than about the more immediate future. The potential evolution of today's technology, and its social consequences, is dazzlingly complicated, and it's perhaps best left to science fiction writers and futurologists to explore the many possibilities we can envisage. That's one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future.But take a longer view and there is a surprising amount that we can say with considerable assurance. As so often, the past holds the key to the future: we have now identified enough of the long-term patterns shaping the history of the planet, and our species, to make evidence-based forecasts about the situations in which our descendants will find themselves.This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad. To be sure, the future is not all rosy. But we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that threatened the existence of earlier humans, and to improve the lot of those to come.31. Our vision of the future used to be inspired by[A] our desire for lives of fulfillment[B] our faith in science and technology[C] our awareness of potential risks[D] our belief in equal opportunity32. The IUCN`s “Red List”suggest that human being are[A] a sustained species[B] a threaten to the environment[C] the world`s dominant power[D] a misplaced race33. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 5?[A] Arc helps limit the scope of futurological studies.[B] Technology offers solutions to social problem.[C] The interest in science fiction is on the rise.[D] Our Immediate future is hard to conceive.34. To ensure the future of mankind, it is crucial to[A] explore our planet`s abundant resources[B] adopt an optimistic view of the world[C] draw on our experience from the past[D] curb our ambition to reshape history35. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?[A] Uncertainty about Our Future[B] Evolution of the Human Species[C] The Ever-bright Prospects of Mankind[D] Science, Technology and HumanityText 4On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona's immigration law Monday-a modest policy victory for the Obama Administration. But on the more important matter of the Constitution, the decision was an 8-0 defeat for the federal government and the states.In Arizona, United States, the majority overturned three of the four contested provisions of Arizona's controversial plan to have state and local police enforce federal immigrations law. The Constitutional principles that Washington alone has the power to "establish a uniform Rule of naturalization" and that federal laws precede state laws are noncontroversial. Arizona had attempted to fashion state police that ran to the existing federal ones.Justice Anthony Kennedy, joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Court's liberals, ruled that the state flew too close to the federal sun. On the overturned provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately "occupied the field" and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal's privileged powersHowever, the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who come in contact with law enforcement. That`s because Congress has always envisioned joint federal-state immigration enforcement and explicitly encourages state officers to share information and cooperate with federal colleagues.Two of the three objecting Justice-Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas-agreed with this Constitutional logic but disagreed about which Arizona rules conflicted with the federal statute. The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the alien and Sedition Acts.The 8-0 objection to President Obama turns on what Justice Samuel Alito describes in his objection as “a shocking assertion of federal executive power”. The White House argued the Arizona`s laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter. In effect, the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with.Some powers do belong exclusively to the federal government, and control of citizenship and the borders is among them. But if Congress wanted to prevent states from using their own resources to check immigration status. It never did so. The administration was in essence asserting that because it didn't want to carry out Congress's immigration wishes, no state should be allowed to do so either. Every Justice rightly rejected this remarkable claim.36. Three provisions of Arizona`s plan were overturned because they[A] deprived the federal police of Constitutional powers.[B] disturbed the power balance between different states.[C] overstepped the authority of federal immigration law.[D] contradicted both the federal and state policies.37. On which of the following did the Justices agree, according to Paragraph4?[A] Federal officers` duty to withhold immigrants` information.[B] States` independence from federal immigration law.[C] States` legitimate role in immigration enforcement.[D] Congress`s intervention in immigration enforcement.38. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that the Alien and Sedition Acts[A] violated the Constitution.[B] undermined the states` interests.[C] supported the federal statute.[D] stood in favor of the states.39. The White House claims that its power of enforcement[A] Outweighs that held by the states.[B] is dependent on the states` support.[C] is established by federal statutes.[D] rarely goes against state laws.40. What can be learned from the last paragraph?[A] Immigration issues are usually decided by Congress.[B] Justices intended to check the power of the Administration.[C] Justices wanted to strengthen its coordination with Congress.[D] The Administration is dominant over immigration issues.Part BDirections:In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(10 points)The social sciences are flourishing. As of 2005, there were almost half a million professional socialscientists from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia. According to the World Social Science Report 2010, the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 2000.Yet this enormous resource in not contributing enough to today`s global challenges including climate change, security, sustainable development and health.(41)______Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger , from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers . Here, too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.(42)____This is a shame—the community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real world. To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter: there is no radical innovation without creative destruction.Today, the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates, rather than on topics with external impact.Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords “environmental changed”or “climate change”have increased rapidly since 2004,(43)____When social scientists do tackle practical issues, their scope is often local: Belgium is interested mainly in the effects of poverty on Belgium for example .And whether the community’s work contributes much to an overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful.The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding (44)____this is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction. Social scientists who complain about a lack of funding should not expect more in today`s economic climate.The trick is to direct these funds better. The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targeted at social scientists. This year, it was proposed that system bechanged: Horizon 2020, a new program to be enacted in 2014, would not have such a category. This has resulted in protests from social scientists. But the intention is not to neglect social science; rather, the complete opposite. (45)____That should create more collaborative endeavors and help to develop projects aimed directly at solving global problems.[A] It could be that we are evolving two communities of social scientists: one that is discipline-oriented and publishing in highly specialized journals, and one that is problem-oriented and publishing elsewhere, such as policy briefs.[B] However, the numbers are still small: in 2010, about 1,600 of the100,000 social-sciences papers published globally included one of these keywords.[C] The idea is to force social to integrate their work with other categories, including health and demographic change food security, marine research and the bio-economy, clear, efficient energy; and inclusive, innovative and secure societies.[D] The solution is to change the mindset of the academic community, and what it considers to be its main goal. Global challenges and social innovation ought to receive much more attention from scientists, especially the young ones.[E] These issues all have root causes in human behavior. All require behavioral change and social innovations, as well as technological development. Stemming climate change, for example, is as much about changing consumption patterns and promoting tax acceptance as it is about developing clean energy.[F] Despite these factors, many social scientists seem reluctant to tackle such problems. And in Europe, some are up in arms over a proposal to drop a specific funding category for social-science research and to integrate it within cross-cutting topics of sustainable development.[G] During the late 1990s , national spending on social sciences and the humanities as apercentage of all research and development funds-including government, higher education, non-profit and corporate -varied from around 4% to 25%; in most European nations , it is about 15%. Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) It is speculated that gardens arise from a basic need in the individuals who made them: the need for creative expression. There is no doubt that gardens evidence an impossible urge to create, express, fashion, and beautify and that self-expression is a basic human urge; (46) Yet when one looks at the photographs of the garden created by the homeless, it strikes one that, for all their diversity of styles, these gardens speak of various other fundamental urges, beyond that of decoration and creative expression.One of these urges had to do with creating a state of peace in the midst of turbulence, a “still point of the turning world,”to borrow a phrase from T. S. Eliot. (47)A sacred place of peace, however crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter, which is a distinctly animal need. This distinction is so much so that where the latter is lacking, as it is for these unlikely gardens, the former becomes all the more urgent. Composure is a state of mind made possible by the structuring of one’s relation to one’s environment. (48) The gardens of the homeless which are in effect homeless gardens introduce from into an urban environment where it either didn’t exist or was not discernible as such. In so doing they give composure to a segment of the inarticulate environment in which they take their stand.Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or to arise from is so intrinsic that we are barely ever conscious of its abiding claims on us. When we are deprived of green, of plants, of trees, (49) most of us give into a demoralization of spirit which we usually blame on some。

Unit 16Take a preliminary vote 事前投票A first-degree murderServe a jail term 服刑Conduct a cross-examination 来回地审问Alleged eyewitness to 目击证人Admit (to) doingGet a proposition to make to sb 提出建议A state of panicTake his chance with sb 与某人碰碰运气Toss and turn 辗转反侧On a charge of sthBe entitled to one’s opinion有权提出意见Lunge at sb 冲向某人Nine to three in favor of guiltyProvoke sb into doing sth 激怒Speak from experienceSpill out 倾出Talk it outAn incredible coincidenceA sweeping remark 过于笼统的说法Biting satire辛辣的讽刺Finishing touches 最后的润色Breeding ground 滋生地Unshakable testimony 无法推翻的证词Criminal court刑事法庭Final verdict 最后的判决Defense counselor 辩护律师Break the tie打破僵局Hang the jury 使陪审团无法一致Obscure the truth模糊真相Offer the alibi不在场证明Recreate the scene 重现场景Capture the tiger抓住老虎Cover one’s blunder 掩盖失误Present the evidence摆出证据Twist the factStamp your foot跺脚Sensitive/sensible: sensitive 敏感的,易生气的be sensitive to ; sensible 明智的,耐用的,理智的Education in the country has reach a point where the survival of institutions of higher learning depend much on overseas students.Unit 12Dead black eyesRest withVenture to do, dare to doHis hogshead of a chest酒桶一般的胸膛Acknowledge one’s defeat承认失败Leave a poor trail 留下很浅的足迹Fight his way through the bushKeep one’s nerve保持镇静The gate snaps shut behind him 砰地一声关上Put distance betweenPlunge along独自狂奔Get a grip on oneself 控制情绪Take stock of the situation审度情况A series of intricate loops复杂的圈After a fashion凑合着Drop to his knees跪倒在地Hurl oneself down扑下来A small automatic pistol 自动手枪A shudder of cold冷得打个颤The agility of an ape猿猴的敏捷But for, withoutHave my wound dressedA lightning-charred tree被闪电烧焦的树The padding sound of feet脚步声Unusual swiftness敏捷Live a year in a minute度分如年Give way 坍塌Cower back向后退An electric torch手电筒The baying of a pack of houndsA wild chance风险大的机会Strain one’s eyes极目远眺Make out辨别看清Rude paths新开辟的小路The lore of the fox hunt捕狐的学问The dodges of the fox狐狸的闪躲A thickly wooded ridge 山脊A zealous hunter狂热的猎人The pent-up air 被憋住的一口气Uncanny power可怕的力量Through his whole being穿过他的全身Protruding boughs伸出的树枝A placid pastime平静的消遣The pointed stakes 尖桩a green expanse of water绿色的水域A beast at bay走投无路的野兽Sip one’s wineBlunder into the swamp误入沼泽Varnish the sky染遍天空Sink into the ooze陷入淤泥Tighten one’s belt勒紧裤腰带Hum a tune哼小曲Shrug one’s shoulders耸肩Strike off from the main road离开大道Postpone the visit延期访问Take the strategic position占据战略点Hold the enemy back阻止前进Narrowly dodge the police, dress the wound after a fashion, turn a deaf ear, commit a crime punishable by death Democratic centralism民主集中制,the imitation diamond ring仿制钻戒Unit 11Immerse in 浸入A vast sea of namesCommonsense reactionState of affairsContending historians 争先恐后的历史学家More or less agree on 大致同意A Cut-and dried matter of 既定事实A matter of personal preferenceLack the abilityIn its broadest senseThe remains of the pastAt best 最多Conclude the quest 结束探索Theory of human motivations and behaviorAmerica’s entry into World War IThe high sea by 公海Under studyA propaganda machine宣传工具Make large loans to 向提供贷款German foreign secretary/minister外交部部长An alliance between联盟To one’s advantageWhat... make of...如何看待使用Make assumptionsIn that 因为Stem from 起因于The key toDifferent levels of cause and effect因果相连的不同环节Be faulted on the grounds that 被质疑Reach the point whereGo beyond the proximate cause近因Let the facts speak for themselvesBe destined toSubmarine warfare 潜艇战A crude theory不成熟的理论Belligerent acts 好战的行为The shore batteries 海岸炮兵The ultimate concern终极关怀A foolproof explanation 万无一失的解释Begin from the premise从前提出发The balance of powerContemplate war 考虑战争Intercept a secret massage 截获机密Of all the factors; a concern over sth; concern oneself with the problem; lend excitement to; in the event of; be kept in the dark 被蒙在鼓里;be irrelevant to ; under study待考究;historical/historicHistorical 历史学的,历史相关的:historical context历史关联historical facts;Historic 历史性的,有历史意义的,古老的: a historic meeting of, historic citiesEconomic/economicalEconomic 经济的:different economic view, economic interest, economic affairsEconomical 节约的:an economical carRestrict/limitRestrict 对自由行动的限制restricted freedom, restricted movementLimit 数量上能力的限制his english is limited, speed limit, limited timeSuppose that (imf) presumed dead (flm)MID-TERMState of affairs 局势To my likingLand us in troubleHigh staff turnover高的人员流动率Feminist writerGet through work=complete; get over with sth terribleGain widely critical acclaim广泛被舆论界称赞unit 9In some respectsRetard one’s growth 阻碍增长Combat communism 打击共产主义Reduce...to...fromAn antidote to 解药Technology complemented politics. 科技与政策一直是好朋友Depart from 背离Sth were nearly 10 times higher than they had been earlier Disregard national borders 忽略国家边界Go on a binge大肆地..Match the amountThe reason lie behind sthMarket intelligence 市场情报Stay abreast of =keep close track ofEconomic instability经济不稳定Be prone to sth有...倾向发生Raise question on both counts 在两方面都发生问题Snowball intoBe projected to/forecast/predictRestore some balance to the world economy恢复世界经济的平衡Relieve fears of a global recession经济萧条Abrupt surges of global capital国际资本激增Genetically modified food GMFShield againstHave more gain than to losea plausible presumption合理的预测-----------------------------------------------------------------A powerful vehicle 有力的工具A trendy word时髦的字眼Capital flow 资本流Bond financing 债券融资Equity investment 产权投资Cross-border mergers and acquisitions跨国兼并与收购Current-account deficit 往来账目赤字Favorable/unfavorable balance of payment收支盈余/赤字Crony capitalism 裙带资本主义Economies of scales 规模经济Component manufacturing零部件生产A scary prospect吓人的前景A powerful backlash强有力的反对Genetically modified crops 转基因作物Lack a common agenda各自关心的问题不同Erode the local culture腐蚀当地文化Seek membership 申请加入Maximize one's presence 极力扩大某人的势力Spread technology 推广技术A double-edged sword双刃剑National sovereignty国家主权A daunting question棘手的问题Trade negotiation贸易协商Economic unification/integration经济一体化Ever-declining costs一直下降的成本Consumer confidenceEconomic forecast经济预测Distinct economic entities独立的经济实体Multilateral institution 多边机构Ensuing financial crisis随之而来的金融危机After adjusting for inflation扣除通胀因素A full-scale economic downturn全面经济下滑Lopsided trade flows 不平衡的贸易流通Boom-bust cycle繁荣衰退的周期Unpredictable consequenceHigh-cost industriesThe OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作与发展组织A succession of crisis一系列的危机;average per capita income人均收入;fare better有更好的发展;permanent residence-permit system户口filial piety孝道Alien/foreign 奇怪的language只能用foreign、Jealousy is alien to me.Exceed/surpass 超过具体数字用exceed、surpass 宾语常是人A beauty that surpasses description.Consist in(lie in)/consist ofThreat/menace 说出来的是threat The thinning of the ozone layer constitutes a serious threat/menace to human life. 臭氧层稀薄对人类生命活动构成威胁Dead/deadly deadly用于疾病药物等dead有extreme、abrupt之意Unit 8Be gray with ageAn conceivable future 一个可能的未来A view of hazy blue Virginia mountains behind the apple orchardLight-bonded, delicately structuredA fierceness in herIssue an opinionBe fond of boastingIt’s good policy to doA formidable womanBe determined to have her wayHurl herself at life(throw herself at life)The drugstore cowboy无所事事的男孩Look for the silver lining(seek hope)Count her blessing(be grateful)A good pep talkRecharge a flagging spiritForget the fatigue and lonelinessRecapture happinessThe orbits of her mindForever out of touch with herStir her curiosityLift the curtainLecture them on the harshness of lifeGaze at me with an expression of unutterable resignationBe angry with her for sthAncient boresHighly selective memoriesBreak\kick the habitA braided cord of humanity stretching up from time long ago 全人类拧成的一股绳A single journey from diaper to shroud 从生到老的单一旅程-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mend one’s waysConfiscate one’s property没收财产Draw ridicule 招来嘲笑Commit treason 犯叛国罪Dismiss the idea 打消念头Announce\declare bankruptDefy the authority挑战权威Bend the rules 篡改规定Plot murderDiagnose liver cancerComplicate the matter使事情复杂化Recapture one’s childhood 重温童年Interrogate the suspectDisconnect the power切断电源Under tremendous pressure巨大的压力clear the way for a peaceful settlementSth is utterly shocking;resign oneself to the fact that 承认事实clear up this point澄清观点Speak one’s mind 说出心声be accused of evading taxes 逃税utter nonsense 无稽之谈it's customary to do; be likely to do; be on the increase\rise; look upon the brand as a status symbol.The future is to the young; be unanimous in its opinion达成一致argue him back to reality----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.it is an utter waste of money and precious land resources. They must be out of their minds to turn such fertile farmland into golf courts for a few rich people.2.It’s utterly impossible to have complete safety with nuclear waste. Sooner or later some problem will occur. So unless we are ready to accept the inevitable, we must not rush to a decision.3.She was under severe attack throughout the meeting, but she didn’t utter a word. She had decided to hand in her resignatio n right away.4.Many people are lured to go after fancy titles out of vanity, and i am also guilty of this.5.As we were warned in advance, the inflation rate in the first quarter of this year was still on the rise. This amount to a drop in people’ income. But every cloud has a silver lining. Consumption was also on the rise.6.Keep it in mind that we may be able to prevent young people form speaking their mind, but we can’t succeed in making them stop thinking.7.Anybody in his right mind knows that we need both freedom and discipline. We either have both or neither. Therefore students cannot have their way unconditionally.8.She warned those countries in advance way back in the 1990s that if they did not get rid of their economic bubbles, their economies would face a hard landing(面临硬着陆).9.What we have in mind is to buy a house in the suburbs as i loathe the heavy pollution as well as the hustle and bustle of the big city. If because of this i cannot go shopping in Wangfujing every Sunday, that’s just too bad.10.Many people there seem to be indifferent to the coming election. Right now they just hope the dark clouds of war will clear away so that they can live in peace.1.she walked right past me, nose in the air.2.With the wind howling, the rain beating against the windows, i didn’t have a wink of sleep last night.3.The sentry)哨兵)kept watch on the bridge, gun in hand.4.The soldiers left, the house and courtyard cleaned up, the water jars full.5.The new republic ultimately triumphed(胜利), with the rebellion put down(叛乱平定), major enemies wiped out, and peace and order established in the country.6.A storm brewing(酝酿), the construction workers decided to call it a day.7.Their three-month training completed, the dogs embarked on the mission of guiding, protecting, and aiding blind people.8.The fire caused heavy casualties(意外事故,伤亡), twenty-four people killed and several injured.9.Night having fallen and the Trojans asleep, the Greek soldiers crept out of (悄悄地爬出来)the wooden horse.10.Autumn is beautiful, the corn ripe, apples hanging from the trees, and everything red or yellow, or brown.Unit 6Sell sth at cost 以成本价For the record 郑重声明The Forbidden fruit attraction 禁果效应A divine missionStamp outResolve a problemToo good to be trueCriminal underworld黑社会Lift the prohibition on drugsMake matters worseDeclare a war on drugsIn certain segments of our societyDrug boot campsA social sanction社会认同Project an image塑造形象Lead to a dramatic decline in tobacco usageCrack down hard on usersThe bureau of narcotics 麻药管理局Stiff sanction强硬制裁Vested interest既得利益---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drug abuse滥用毒品Drug traffic 毒品交易Drug pusher毒品贩子Drug-related crimes and deathsRemove the criminal stigmaLaw enforcement 执法Repeal a lawLaunch a relentless anti-smoking campaign发动一场毫不手软的禁烟运动Kick drug addiction戒除毒瘾Disprove the theoryLaunch a crime wave发起犯罪浪潮Get hooked on alcoholsPump funds into educationBail out the ocean with a teaspoon力不从心Miss the boat没有抓住问题的要害Underestimate the seriousness of the consequence低估后果Confiscate property没收财产Dwarf the previous achievements使已有的财产相形见绌Undercut the price压价出售Deglamorize cigarettesTake more repressive measures采取更加压制的措施Go aroundThrow in 10 million投入Residential registration system户口登记Draw strong resentment fromPull oneself together使振作起来Talk lightheartedlyRegain confidence in oneself-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.we all know that cocaine is addictive. So is heroin. But actually power and money are addictive too. Those who get addicted to them are really very sick people.2.Scientists have been advocating returning reclaimed land to rivers, lakes, marshes and meadows.3.According to many economists, it’s not always a good idea for the government to bail out financially insolvent companies. Sometimes, a company on the verge of bankruptcy is better allowed to go bankrupt.4.He has been caught red-headed. There is indisputable evidence that a whole chapter of his book was bodily lifted from a book written by another professor.5.Their government long since passed a law to ban the import and export of rare species of bird and animals. But the law is not easy to enforce.6.It’s hard to make young people believe nowadays that there was a time when Chinese women were banned from wearing skirts. Jeans, foreign movies and Western music were all forbidden.7.In the darkness our ship hit a hidden rock, which left a gaping hole in the bottom. We all tried desperately to bail out the water, but the boat was sinking fast. Luckily a fishing boat was nearby and saved us from drowning.8.The demonstrators(示威者) demanded that economic sanctions be lifted immediately because they usually only hurt ordinary, innocent people.9.At the meeting, both the advocates and opponents gave strong arguments, but most participants favored having future reforms placed on the agenda immediately.Unit 5White clouds of bloom drifted above the green fieldsSet up a blaze of colorThe flood of migrantsFlocks of chickensChorus of scores of bird voicesSilence the rebirth of new lifeUnderground streamsIn a chain of poisoning and deathThe impetuous pace of man\the deliberate pace of natureTampering with natureWar against natureA flare back 卷土重来Poisonous and biologically potent chemicalsWithout one’s consent and knowledgeThe integrity of the natural world---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mold their think patterns塑造思维模式Restrain one’s impulse克制冲动Spread butter 涂上黄油Set the stage搭好舞台Contaminate the environment污染环境Undergo great sufferingSpray paint喷油漆Still the noiseModify the tone缓和语气Work unknown harm造成未曾见过的伤害Sink a well挖一口井Acquire power获得权力Desert one’s friendsSettle the dispute解决争端Delight one’s eye赏心悦目Invade the countryEvil spell邪恶的咒语Browned and withered vegetation枯黄的草木Harsh reality严峻的现实Air contamination空气污染Lethal weapons致命武器Synthetic materials人工合成的材料An inventive mind有创造力的头脑Brand namesAdvanced investigation事先调查A life-and-death struggle生死斗争Introduced species外来物种Nature reserves 自然保护区intensification of agriculture农业集约化Be faced with a great dilemma; Low-income families; cancel the performance; an unusual long hot spell 一段时间in ten-dollar bills 纸币settle scores with someone 解决宿怨scores of movies 许多be directed at 针对food additives 食品添加剂demonstrate considerable self-control; out-of-way places 偏远地区a six-fold increase 六倍的增长come to terms with the environment 与自然和解take refuge in ignorance-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.building a house is no joking matter. You have to check carefully at every step.2.His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy whose original intention was to make a surprise attack.3.I really wanted to refute his argument, but i checked myself because i thought it was not the right occasion.4.Rachel Carson is famous for devoting all her life to the cause of environmental protection.5.In some ways we are still ignorant of the potential harm of these dams and reservoirs(水库). they might cause irrevocable changes in the environment.6.There must be a set of checks and balances so that no important policy concerning national interests can be made by one person without the consent and knowledge of the people.7.To compete successfully we have to adjust to new conditions. These colorful garments, for example, are specially designed. They are intended for the youth market.8.We teachers could not be excused for our lack of concern for students’ health.9.He said that he would rather die than be confined to bed all his life and isolated from the outside world.10.A mass protest swept the country and he was caught in a crossfire from both the right and the left.Unit 4Filled up withStroll through 漫步Throw sharp questions at himA few handfuls of water scooped from the springA rough wooden cupProvide for his familyHis hollowed handsScant thanks敷衍的感谢A mischievous pebbleA shower of stones and abuseLive without conventionsEscape complexities and extravagancesMake sb sick with anxietyIn order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goodsA war scare 对战争的恐慌A crowd of tottering drunksNobly restrained and chivalrous 骑士风度A military automaton 机器An Air of destiny决定未来的气势Guffaw and nudge one otherScratch each other’s backs----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Publish or perishMake rmb convertible使人民币可兑换Seek the truth寻找真理Discard conventions抛弃习俗Satirize people’s vanity and extravagance讽刺虚荣与奢侈Ruin one’s reputation毁掉名声Neglected fortifications年久失修的防御工事A squatter’s hut临时占用的小棚A storage jar储物缸A hermit’s cave隐士住的山洞A fiery glance咄咄逼人的眼光Seek employment with him找他提供工作Call upon him to hand over his powerIn proportion to按...的比例Restrict himself to three cigarettesEmpty promiseThe bark of the tree 树皮drill a deep hole钻孔nuclear waste disposal 核废料处理sharp wits敏锐的智慧an elaborate banquet 精心准备的宴会----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior.2.She claims to possess a magic power--the power to cure disease simply by the touch of her hand.3.He appointed five people to handle the case. They formed a strong team. Within days they found in his possession rolls of euros, US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which the suspect couldn’t account for.4.In the story, this evil spirit often appears in the form of a pretty young lady.5.He rolled up the painting and said that he wouldn’t part with it for less than a million dollars.6.Of all the qualified judges, i don’t know why she was appointed to the Supreme Court.7.I don’t know enough to form an elaborate theory, but i’m sure that poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate.8.A big stone suddenly rolled down the hill, so big that it smashed a the truck to pieces.9.I said that we must roll up our sleeves and start working, but he just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled.10.In the ancient time, our philosophers believed that a good king should be to the people as a good father is to hischildren. He must never treat them cruelly on any account.Unit 3A Japanese vase of paper daffodilsFeel the shock ofStrike a matchRaise her veil and unbuttoned her high fur collarEcho her wordsDraw a long, soft breathAn absurd sceneLinger over the last wordDreamy vagueness and indecision 梦游似的迷糊和优柔寡断The air of a manSlumber within her bosomRipple against the banks in silentMournful loversA hint of mockerySnap the cigarette case toDraw down her veilScrape his chair on the floorBe wrapped up in oneself-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1, decorate a room 9, ripple in the breeze2, be my haunting memory 10, hover over the trees3, take a deep breath 11, a bond between brothers4, give a hint 12, a carpet for you to walk on5, stretch one’s neck 13, snap the door to6, drift on the river 14, be serious out of proportion to the occasion7, let it go at that 不再深究15, go for a picnic8, prick up its ears 16,put one’s arms round herSet out 出发pay lip service to the idea 开空口支票back out 退出be borne out(bear out) 被证实---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1, They all stretched their necks to see what was happening, as if pulled by an invisible string.2, We got out of the car to stretch a little. In front of us was a beautiful stretch of open land.3, They talked for hours at a stretch , but they still failed to settle their differences.4, For all the warm weather, fresh air and delicious food, her health still did not recover.5, One glance at the car, he knew that it was beyond repair, he liked ahead and found the desert. He knew he was stuck in a terrible fix.6, Wu song swung his stick at the tiger with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In hi s panic, he had hit the tree nearby.7, I am terribly fond of the pictures you snapped in Russia, especially the one showing Russian coachman sitting by the Black Sea with his supper in a cloth on his knees.8----“you cannot just let it go at that.” I tried to plead with him. ----“it is none of your business.” He snapped. 9, He snapped his briefcase to, stood up and said, “Then, it is all settled.”10He was standing in front of his house on a hill, only about a hundred meters away from the wharf when the tsuna mi(海啸) came.1, The hungry boy wolfed down the leftover corn bread as though it was his favourite king prawns.2,What remains in his mind of his high school days is nothing but endless rounds of tests and exams.3, he doesn’t think the resolution is in a accord with the purpose of the organization. That is why I voted as I did. 4, He doesn’t understand what it is that makes his grandson so crazy about microblogging.5, I still remember the details about the incident as though it was yesterday.6, What remained of her home after the tornado was the land the house was built on.7, That’s why he behaved as he did when he witnessed the car crash this morning.8, They are trying to figure out what it was that turned one of the twin brothers into a criminal, the other an excellen t policeman.9, When he found a particularly strong rice plant he was happy as though he had discovered a gold mine.10,Now that he’s quite well-off, he has decided to get in touch with what remains of his family.。

外刊英国卫报改编完形填空1Reading ComprehensionDirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A.B C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Stephen Hawking remembered by Bernard Carr8January 1942-14 March 2018 The physicist 's former research student recalls their close relationship at Cambridge,the sheer might of his intellect, and how he once bored the great man to sleepStephen was not so famous when I began my PhD at Cambridge in 1972,but his brilliance was already clear to his peers and I found it rather daunting when,on becoming his research student,I was informed by one of my tutors that he was the brightest person in the department.(1) ,it soon became(2) that my relationship with him would not be the usual type of supervisor-student relationship.In those days,before he had his entourage of nurses and assistants,students would necessarily have to help him in various ways (3) his disability.This was not an arduous task,but it did mean that my relationship with him became quite (4) . Indeed,I shared an office with him, lived with his family for a while and (5) him as he travelled around the world,giving talks and collecting medals.I soon discovered some of Stephen's singular (6) .The first,of course,was that he was very smart.Students are probably always in awe of their (7) and with Stephen the awe was even greater.Indeed,on matters of physics,I always regarded him as an oracle,just a few words from him yielding(产生)insights that would have taken weeks to (8) on my own.However,Stephen was only human and not all encounters led to illumination.Once I asked a question about something that was (9) me.He thought about it silently for several minutes and I was quite (10) with myself for asking something that Stephen couldn't answer immediately.His eyes then closed and I was even more impressed with myself because he wasclearly having to think about it very deeply.Only after some time did it become clear that he had fallen asleep.Nowadays,I also sometimes fall asleep while talking to students,so I recall this incident with amusement.The other human side of Stephen is that he didn't suffer fools gladly and sometimes got annoyed.One of the stories put around is that he would vent his frustration by running over students 'toes.I'm not sure about that-he once ran over the toes of the Prince of Wales,and I'm sure that was just an accident.On the other hand,I well recall one occasion when I made a remark in the departmental common room at tea time that showed I had misunderstood what he'd been saying.Stephen screamed “No!"so loudly that his wheelchair shot back halfway across the room under the recoil.I was most impressed that a single word from him could have such (11) consequences.I also learned about Stephen's stubbornness and determination to continue doing things for himself as long as possible,despite the relentless progress of his illness.For example,because he had an office in both the department of applied mathematics and theoretical physics and the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge,I also had offices in both places.I recall that he sometimes gave me a lift(probably illegally!)between the two places in his three-wheeled invalid car.I found this rather (12) because I thought he drove faster than was ter,he had to discontinue the use of the car but he never lost his drive and the desire to travel as far and wide as possible.One regret is he didn't live long enough to achieve his dream of going into space.I'm often asked where Stephen stands in the pantheon(名流群)of great physicists.There are many ways of being a great physicist and they cannot be (13) like runners in an Olympic race.Stephen himself never (14) to have the status of Newton or Einstein, but I strongly disagree with people who suggest that his scientific contributions have been (15) because of his iconic status.His disability was clearly a factor in his becoming so famous,but I doubt any other (16) physicist will achieve the accolade of being interred next to Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey.Stephen died on Einstein's birthday and was born on the date of Galileo's death,so it's (17) that he should be connected to his two greatest heroes in this way.I doubt Stephen would haveattributed much significance to this,but he would certainly (18) that we don't understand the mystery of time.In any case,the synchronicity is fitting because his first major discovery was that spacetime trajectories can have singular endpoints where strange things may happen.Stephen was the most (19) person I have ever known and I feel truly (20) that he was my friend.1.A.Otherwise B.Nevertheless C.Moreover D.Therefore2.A.worldwide B.popular C.evident D.neutral3.A.in process of B.on account of C.in possession of D.accounting for4.A.familiar B.acquainted C.intimate D.related5.A.accompanied B.served C.treated D.entertained6.A.habits B.habitats C.tempers D.characteristics7.A.supervisors B.inspectors C.tutors D.conductors8.A.work out B.pick out C.put out y out9.A.bothering B.puzzling C.disordering D.suffering10 A.satisfied B.delighted C.impressed D.amused11 A.distant B.dramatic C.remote D.distinct12 A.fairy B.chilly C.scary D.nasty13 A.leveled B.classified C.ranked D.awarded14 A.claimed B.appealed C.fastened D.applied15 A.outnumbered B.emphasized C.outlined D.exaggerated16 A.optimistically B.potentially C.positively D.contemporary17 A.magic B.odd C.mysterious D.procedure18 A.overtake B.promote C.confess D.acknowledge19 A.singular B.strange C.single D.simple20 A.enjoyable B.grateful C.privileged D.rewarding【答案】BCBCA DAABC BCCAD DBDAC【解析】1,根据前面一句中,我的其他导师告诉我Stephen是整个部门里最耀眼的人,后面说很快我和Stephen的关系不是一般的导师和学生之间的关系可知,作者虽然认为Stephen聪明耀眼,但是与自己关系密切,所以用让步比较合适,答案选B.2,由本段后文中可推出,我和Stephen关系密切是很明显的。

stumble踌躇、蹒跚、困惑、犯错、绊倒implicit 含蓄的、暗示的abreast并肩的、并列的criteria 标准、条件eliminate 排除、消除trace 追踪、探查drawback 缺点、不利条件、退税stumble aross 偶然发现promising 有希望的、有前途的opening 开始、机会、职位空缺insidious 阴险的、隐伏的,暗中为害的alphabetism 按字母表顺序的thumb 翻阅、以拇指拨弄halve 二分之一、二等分、把···减半strike 打击、罢工insensitive 感觉迟钝的imfant 婴儿、幼儿、未成年人get stuck 受骗、被卡在···、被堵dream up 设计、创造recipient容器、接受者conference 会议、协商、讨论、联盟plough 犁、耕、开路humiliated 羞辱、耻辱、使···丢脸unintentional 非故意的、无意识的bias 偏见、偏爱conspicuous 显著地、显而易见的plough through费劲的越多越、吃力的钻研、乘风破浪、费力的通过overlook忽视、眺望overbid报慌价、过高出价dealership经销权、代理权、代理商lag 落后、延迟gold rush 淘金热bubble 泡沫temper 缓和、性情、倾向indicator 指示器broker 经纪人、掮客nail 指甲、钉子、固定、揭露polish 磨光、擦亮manicurist 指甲修饰师engage吸引、占用、从事、答应、保证estate 房地产frenzied疯狂的、狂轮的silver 银linings衬里、内里、套筒carefree 不负责的、无忧无虑的vulnerable易受攻击的、易受伤害的、有弱点的resent 怨恨、愤恨、厌恶populist 平民主义、民粹主义sake 目的、利益、理由counterbalance 对抗、平衡力、抵消distaste 厌恶、讨厌pervasive 普遍的、到处渗透的elitism 精英主义eager 热切渴望egality 均等、平等mistrust 不信任in the grip of 受···控制military 好战的、好斗的noble 高尚、高贵quality 质量rigorous 严格的、严厉的recitation 背诵、朗诵bellyful 满肚子exemplify 例证、示例innate先天的、固有的、与生俱来的contemplative 沉思的、冥想的slack 松弛,疏忽outrage 愤怒,凌辱,强奸grievance不满、不平;委屈,冤情resent 怨恨,愤恨,厌恶jealous 妒忌,猜疑rockrighteous正义的,正直的,公正的resentmentindignation 愤怒,愤慨,义愤toss 投,掷presence 存在,出席post a contrast 对比make a comparison 做比较serve as 担任···,充当···,起···作用definitely 清楚的,当然,明确的,肯定的be out for/to 努力想,力图得到grave重大的,严肃的,暗淡的;墓穴,坟墓;雕刻,铭记parallel 类似的,相同的;对比;平行线panel 仪表盘,全体陪审员,座谈小组fume 冒烟,发怒prudent 谨慎的,精确的,节约的fashioning精加工,加工构造bought 相信take out 取出,去掉,出发,抵充hinder 成为阻碍,打扰,后面的negligence 忽略,忽视applicable 可适用的,可应用的,合适的aggravate 加重;使恶化,激怒outcome 结果,结局,成果component 成分,组件,构成byproduct 副产品suspended 悬浮的,暂停的,缓刑的harness 治理,驾驭thermostat 恒温器regulate 调节,规定,控制,校准,有系统的管理limbic 边的,边缘的relatively 相对的,相当的,比较的prefrontal 前额的;前额骨的cortex 皮质;皮层;(尤指)大脑皮层controversialist 争论者permissive 许可的,自由的speciality 专业,专长,特性sought-seekelevated 提升,举起spontaneity 自发性,自然发生的capture 俘获,夺得,战利品controversy 争论,论战,辩论subtitle 副标题,字幕dialect 方言,土话performative 表述行为,述行成分elaborate 精心制作,详细描述grieve 使悲伤,使苦恼,悲痛,哀悼modestly 谨慎的、适当的craft 精心构思homogenize 使均匀,使同化democratize 使民主化,使大众化precedent 先例,先前的,在前的Hispanic 西班牙的Turbulent 骚乱,混乱,狂暴,吵闹Seething 火热fruitless 不成功的,徒劳的,不结果实的vast 广阔的,巨大的intimate 暗示,通知,宣布;亲密的,私人的;精通poisonous 有毒的,恶毒的indice 指数,标记本deteriorate 恶化,变坏monopolize 垄断,独占,拥有专卖权exert 运用,发挥,施以影响discourse 论述,谈话,演讲deference 顺从elite 精英,精华,中坚分子elevate 提升,举起emergence 出现,浮现,发生,露头deliciously 美味的,芳香的subsidy 补贴,津贴,补助金ironic 讽刺的,反语的cocktail 鸡尾酒,开胃食品superb 极好的,华丽,雄伟townsfolk 市民,镇民lounge 休息室,虚度光阴sandal 凉鞋frankly 真诚的,坦白的rocket 飞驰,迅速增长lean 斜,贫乏,瘦pointed 突出的,直率的be on good terms 和···形成良好的关系imitate 模仿,效仿clientele 诉讼委托人,客户dedicate 致力于,献身,题现prehistoric史前的;有文字记载以前的;远古的Predator掠夺者;捕食性动物;实行弱肉强食的;剥削者vessel 器皿;轮船;脉管;大船satellite 卫星;人造卫星;卫星城;marine 海的;海产的;海生的;海船的be cropped fromphony 假的,欺骗的perpetual 永久的,不断的,无期限的worshipper 崇拜者,礼拜者,爱慕者depict 描述,描画worm 蠕虫damn 谴责,罚···下地狱,讨厌bummer 懒汉,游手好闲的人beam 照射,堆满笑容arthritis 关节炎in the wake of 作为···的结果illusion 幻觉distasteful 令人不快的,表示厌恶的quirk 怪癖,急转,借口tournament 锦标赛,联赛,比赛astrological 占星术的stamina 毅力,精力,活力,持久力annual 年度的,每年的springtime 春季,初期mania 狂热,狂躁recall 召回,回想起,记起intuitive 直觉的,凭直觉获得的swamp 沼泽,湿地,陷入困境startle 使吓一跳,使惊奇confer 授权,给予,协商hysteria 歇斯底里,不正常的proverb 谚语,格言,众所周的事overrate 过高估计,对···估价overlook 忽视,忽略fields 字段,使上场chronological按年代顺序排列,依时间先后顺序排列elude 逃避,躲避variation 变化,边个,变种populate 居住于,构成人口,移民于,殖民于encompass 包含,包围,环绕,完成nature 自然,性质,本性,种类component 成分,组件impartial 公平的,公正的,不偏不倚的biased 偏颇的computation 估计,计算diagnosis 诊断strip 剥夺,剥去stripe 条纹,斑纹,种类implication 含义,暗示,牵连,卷入parachute 降落伞,跳伞pink slip 解雇通知书disruption 毁坏odds 机率,胜算,不平等,差别wholescale 大量的,成批的wholesale 批发的,零售的,大规模的outweigh 比···重、有价值、重要cliff 悬崖,绝壁laid off 下岗,解雇demographics 人口统计学deductible 可扣除的,可减免的bear-borne 忍受,负荷overburden 使···负担过重sort out 挑选出来feeble 微弱的,无力的,虚弱的,薄弱的compliance 顺从,服从,承诺redundancy 冗余,裁员,人浮于事dimmed 无效的,灰暗的executive 行政的,经营的,执行的contractor 承包人,立契约者asset 资产,优点,有用的东西,有利条件guard 守卫,警戒,护卫队disclose 公开,揭露perceive 感觉,理解,认知,察觉restoration 恢复,复位,归正diffuse 弥漫,扩散,传播sphere 范围,球体,包围,放入球内hormone 激素,荷尔蒙trigger 扳机,触发器devastate 毁灭,毁坏interpersonal 人与人之间的,人际的add···to 在···之上增加necessarily 必要的,必定的,必然的be exposed to 曝光,暴露durable 耐用的,持久的trivial 不重要的,琐碎的,琐细的expense 损失,代价,消费,开支,像···收费straightforward 简单的,坦率的,直截了当的affiliation 从属关系decline 下降,谢绝rested 精力充沛的,静止的endeavor 努力,尽力facilitate 促进,帮助,使容易archive 档案,把···存档bybrid 杂种,混血儿open-accessframe 框架,结构,使···合适,设计,改造secular 世俗的,长期的,现世的,不朽的tissue 纸巾,薄纱,一套conditioned 受···制约的,有条件的,习惯于···的garment 衣服,服装,外表,外观constraint 约束,局促canal 运河,管道anthropologist 人类学家,人类学者alter 改变,变更,修改spurred 装有马刺的,鞭策,教唆fragile 易碎的,脆弱的infancy 初期,婴儿,幼年hamper 妨碍,束缚distaste 厌恶,讨厌,不喜欢bedrock 垄岩,根底,基本原理grant 同意,拨款,授予物bottom up 彻底,颠倒位置,干杯prestige 威望,声望,声誉peculiar 特殊的,独特的,奇怪的,罕见的;特权,特有财产delicate 微妙的,易碎的,纤弱的regulate 调节,控制,规定,校准formation 形成,构造,编队herd 兽群,放牧人,成群parallel 平行线,对比dismiss解散,解雇,开除,让···离开paradoxical 矛盾论的,悖论的,似非而是的inherently 内在的,固有的,天性的rut 发情期,惯例,性冲动fascination 魅力,魔力,入迷decider 决定者,裁决者,决胜者perpetuate 使不朽,保持,长存的foster 培养,养育boost 提供,增加,支援,偷窃,推动,帮助paternal 父亲的,得自父亲的prescription 药方,指示,惯例,凭处方购买的paternity 父权,父系,父亲后裔kinship 亲属关系,家属关系passionate 热情的,热烈的overlap 重叠lineage 血统,家系precision 精密的,精确的hawk 兜售的,沿街叫卖,捕捉evaluation 评价,评估chromosome 染色体lump 很多,成块的,笨人radically 根本地;彻底地let alone 任随;更不用说;不理;莫说…(连)ironically讽刺地;出乎意料的是;意想不到的是derided 嘲笑illiterate 文盲;无知识的人formal 正规的;庄重的;正式的groundless 无理由的;无根据的trap 圈套;牢笼;嘴;捕捉器preoccupation全神贯注;盘算;思虑;长久思考的事情virtuosity 精湛演技distinctive 独特的;特别的;有特色的earnestness 一本正经的文风;真挚tailor 专门制作;订做,裁缝mock 嘲笑;(模仿)嘲弄;不尊重;蔑视虚假的;不诚实的;模仿的;模拟的revival 复兴,复活,苏醒inexorable 无情的,不屈不挠的,不可阻挡的ornament 装饰,修饰contempt 轻视、蔑视,耻辱solely 单独的,唯一的cricket 板球,蟋蟀knight 骑士,武士,爵士vast 广阔的,巨大的,大量的,巨额的specialist 专家、专业的upholster 装饰的,用···布置,为···装上垫子stylish 时髦的,现代风格的,潇洒的marvel 奇迹,对···感到惊讶coverage 覆盖范围consisted 由···组成consistent 始终如一的,一致的,坚持的retreat 撤退,休息寓所headlong 轻率的,头向前的,猛然用力的prose 散文,单调,平凡的,乏味的postmodern 后现代的far-reaching 深远的,广泛的,伸到远处mournful 悲哀的,令人惋惜的dispute 辩论,怀疑,阻止,抗拒controversial 有正争议的allocation 分配,配置,安排authorization 授权,认可,批准,委任scale back 相应缩减,按比例缩减eliminate 消除,排除dismiss 解散,解雇,开除,让···离开hedge 避免做正面回复,障碍curb 抑制,控制,勒马绳take position 抢占位置,采取某种姿态so called 所谓的pool 联营,共同经营,共同资金stake out 监视,标识punch 用拳猛击immune 免疫的,免除的incident 发生率,影响esteem 尊敬,以为,考虑,估价prevailing 流行的,占优势的,goodwill 商誉,友好,好意hostility 敌意,战争行动dignity 尊严,高贵about face 彻底改变;向后转minority 少数派,少数民族influential 有影响力的,有势力的embrace 拥抱,信奉,皈依,包含cursory 粗略的,草率的,匆忙的anecdotal 轶事的exception 例外,异议propagate 传播,传送,繁殖,宣传simulation 仿真,模拟,假装cascade 层叠,小瀑布exemplify 例证,示例intuitively 直观的,直觉的compelling 引人注目的,强制的,强迫,以强力获得prevalent 流行的,普遍的,广传的unfavorable 不宜的,令人不愉快的,不顺利的toxic 有毒的,中毒的encounter 遭遇,邂逅,偶然遇见pension 退休金、抚恤金bruising 殊死的,十分激烈的,挫伤,擦伤illiquid 非现金的,无流动资金的cry out 大声呼喊,大声抱怨likewise 同样的,也commissioner 理事,委员,行政长官,总裁vacuum 真空空间,吸尘器overstate 夸张,夸大的叙述combative 好战的,好事的concession 让步,特许权,承认,退让diminish 使减少,使变小misinterpreted 误解,曲解exaggerate 使扩大,使增大,夸张,夸大neglect 疏忽,忽视,忽略objectiveness 客观comparatively 比较的,相当的formidable 强大的,可怕的,艰难的,令人敬畏的unpretentious谦逊的,含蓄的,不铺张的orchestra 管弦乐队hitherto 迄今,至今concertgoer 长去听音乐会者substitute 代替者,代用品revitalize 使···复活、复兴、恢复生气vibrant 震动的,充满生气的,响亮的,战栗的repertoire 全部节目,计算机指令系统sober冷静的,清醒的,未醉的,使严肃hooray 呼万岁sided 有···边的,有···面的faint 模糊的,头晕的,虚弱的boot up 启动scrutinize 细阅,仔细检查turbulent 骚乱,混乱,狂暴,吵闹guard against 防止,提防disgrace 耻辱,丢脸的人或事,使···失宠cling to 坚持,依靠,依附,紧握不放loyalty 忠诚,衷心all the way 一路上,自始至终cloaking 隐身,障眼法,外套料deputy 代理人,代表,副的,代理的turnover 翻覆,营业额,流通量commodity 商品,货物,日用品poach 水煮,偷猎,窃取,剽窃,侵犯come right 直接,没问题,平安无事impulsive 冲动的line up 整队,排列起lined up 整顿,对准get the nodpassionate 热情的,热烈的,激昂的,易怒的leverage 手段,影响力,杠杆作用obsessed 着迷的,无法摆脱的exploit 开发,开拓,剥削alternative 供选择的,二中选一的initiator 发起人,创始人infancy 初期,婴儿期,幼年hostage 人质,抵押品allegation 主张,断言,辩解stakeholder 利益相关者,赌金保管者curve 曲线,弯曲alleviate 减轻,缓和property 性质,性能,财产,所有权stand-alone 独立的,单机的retrospect 回顾,追溯soothing 抚慰的,使人宽心的compensotory 补偿的,赔偿的insightful 有深刻见解的,富有洞察力的provocation 刺激的,挑拨的,气人的,兴奋剂rear 培养,树立,栽种dampen 抑制,使···沮丧,使···潮湿gratification 满意,喜悦,使人满意之事hewsstand 报摊,杂志摊persistent 固执的,坚持的,持久稳固的procreation 生殖,生产provoke 驱使,激怒,煽动,惹起gape 裂开,张开,打哈欠dump 倾倒,倾卸,倒垃圾lean on 靠在;倚赖;据险(固守) subconscious 潜意识的,下意识的dumb 哑的,无话可说的flaws 缺陷,裂缝,有裂纹probe 探针,调查,探测profound 深厚的,意义深远的,渊博的cure 治病,痊愈recipient 容器,接受者,容纳者initiative 主动权,首创精神,自发perceptive 感知的,知觉的,有知觉力的critique 批评,评论文章lameness 跛,残废mobilize 动员,调动,组织plead 借口,为···辩护,托称,恳求billboard 广告牌,布告板exert 运用,发挥,施以影响via 取道,经由,通过subtle 微妙的,精细的,敏感的,狡猾的,稀薄的virtuous 善良的,有道德的,贞洁的,正直的pairing 配对,撮合tactic 策略,战略,按顺序排列的,依次排列的steer 控制,引导,驾驶supplemrnt 补充,补足,附录stimulus 刺激,激励dynamics 动态的,动力的,有活力的set out 出发,开始,陈述bureaucrat 陈列官僚,官僚主义者partial 偏爱的,不公平的,局部的beside the point 无关紧要,离题,不中肯regulatory 管理的,控制的,调整的outrage 侮辱,愤怒,暴行,强奸renege on 食言,违例出牌,否认constitutionality 符合宪法的,立宪的stunning 极好的,使人晕倒的,震耳欲聋的plant 工厂,车间,植物reactor 反应器,反应堆pipe 用管道输送,烟斗go along 赞同,支持,前进,进行extension延长,延期,扩大precedent 先例,前例,在前的,在先的valid 有效地,有根据的,正当的pledge 保证,誓言,抵押enrage 激怒,使愤怒、暴怒commitment 承诺,保证,委托,承担义务patchwork 拼缝物,混杂物dishonoring 不名誉,丢脸,玷污,使蒙羞,拒斥,不守信用carry out 执行实施,贯彻,实现,完成idealized 理想化的subsequent 后来的,随后的misinterpretation 误解,误释consequently 因此,结果,所以protoscienceself-deception 自欺欺人的stake 打赌,资助claim 提出要求,声称scruting 详细审查,监视,检查gate-keeper 看门人paradoxes 悖论refutation 反驳,驳斥,辩驳collective 集体的,共同的,集体主义mining 矿业,采矿业confrontation 对抗,面对,对质inspection 视察,检查quote 报价,引述,引用,举证prudent 谨慎的,精确地,节约的pension养老金,退休金secured 有担保的,保卫clamp down 取缔,施加压力,强行压制rally 团结,重整,恢复,集会hardline 强硬的,不妥协的achiever 获得成功的人indifference 冷漠的,漠不关心vigorously 精神旺盛的,活泼的egregiously 惊人的,异乎寻常的,过分的,卓越的merit 优点,价值,功绩fearsome 可怕的,害怕的,极大地patrol 巡逻,监督drawn out 抽出,拉长scold责骂,叱责obsession 痴迷,困扰shout out 排除,遮住,关在外面insensitivity不敏感的,迟钝的,昏迷garment 衣服at odds 争执feverish 发热的,极度兴奋的inventory 存货,详细目录,财产清册knit 编制,结合,皱眉durable 耐用的,持久的knock off 击倒,停工,罢工,中断vanity 虚荣心,空虚,浮华anticipate 语气,期望,先占,抢先,提前使用disposable 可任意处理的,可自由使用的wardrobe 衣柜,行头,全部戏装satire 讽刺,讽刺文学descend 下降,下去,屈尊extravagant 奢侈的,浪费的,过度的,放纵的myth 神话,虚构的人exposure 暴露,曝光explicit 明确的,清楚地,直率的fraction 分数,部分,小部分,稍微horrified 惊骇的,带有恐怖感的oblige 迫使,强制,帮忙,施恩惠object to 对···反对wholly 完全的,统统get cracking 开始工作,开始移动indulgence 满足,纵容,沉迷,放任fine-grained 细粒的,有细密纹理的press on 强加于,向前推进glowing 灼热的,发光的,容光焕发的comply with 遵守,照做utopia 乌托邦,理想国asteroid 星状的,行星misplace 放错地方,错误的地方,忘记把···放在···by no means 决不fossil 化石,僵化的事物mechanical 机械的,力学的,呆板的,无意识的timescales 时标,时间量程fiction 小说,谎言,虚构的flagship 旗舰,一流,佼佼者Homosapiens 智人envisage 正视,面对,想象dedicated 专用于,专注于,献身pessimistic 悲观的,厌世的rosy 美好的,乐观的,涨红脸overstep 逾越,超出contradict 反驳,否定,与···矛盾knock out 敲空,击倒,打破fashion 使用,改变,做成···形状intrude 把···强加,把···硬挤,闯入,侵入,侵扰priviledge 特权,优待,基本权利precede 领先,优于,在···之前withhold 保留,不给,隐瞒,抑制envision 想象,预想in contact with 接触,与···有联系explicity 明确的,明白的robust 强健的,粗野的invalidate 使无效,使无价值essence 本质,实质undermine 破坏,暗中迫害outweigh 比···重,比···有价值eligible 合格的,符合条件的,有资格的citizenship 国籍,公民权stay off 远离chancellor 总理,大臣,大法官indulgent 放纵的,宽容的,任性的zeal 热情,热心,热忱skip downexclude 排除,排斥,逐出instinct 本能,直觉,天性,充满着permanent 永久的,永恒的,不变的indulge 满足,纵容,使高兴,使沉迷于falsehood 说谎,假话,不真实welfare 福利,幸福,福利往事upfront 预付的,在前面的subside 平息,减弱,沉淀,坐下subsidy 补贴,津贴hindrance 障碍,妨碍,妨害fortnightly 两星期ownership 所有权,物主身份insult 辱骂,侮辱,损害filer 文档编档员keep from 隐瞒,阻止,抑制hostility 敌意,战争行动inflation 通货膨胀pile into 挤入,进入fearsomely 可怕的,极大地conservative 保守派,守旧者restrictive 限制性的,约束性的guid-likeisolate 孤立的,隔离的ethically 伦理的,道德的originate 引起,发源,创作legitimacy 合法,合理,正统intention 意图,目的,意向,愈合outgrown 过大的cast doubt on 引起对···的怀疑subject to 使服从,使遭受,受管制lucrative 有利可图的,赚钱的,合算的prestige 威望,声望,声誉upstart 暴发户,自命不凡的人distort 歪曲,使失真,曲解cemrnt 巩固,加强quo 说quot 开价,报价,引用语,行市perpetuate 使不朽,保持,长存的scattered 分散的,散乱的collaborative 合作的,协作的a handful of 一把,少量的,小部分contemptuous 轻蔑的,侮辱的benefactor 恩人,捐助者,施主regrettable 令人遗憾的,可惜的,可悲的commission 委员会,佣金identify 确定,识别,使参与,认同,把···看做一样coherent 连贯的,一致的,明了的curricula 课程interpretation 解释,翻译,演出propaganda 宣传,传道总会portray 描绘,扮演obscure 模糊的,晦涩的,昏暗的prosperity 繁荣,成功presuppose 假定,倾斜,以···为先决条件。

金融英语术语inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩tighter credit 紧缩信贷monetary policy 货币政策foreign exchange 外汇spot transaction 即期交易forward transaction 远期交易option forward transaction 择期交易swap transaction 调期交易quote 报价settlment and delivery 交割Treasury bond 财政部公债current-account 经常项目pickup in rice 物价上涨Federal Reserve 美联储buying rate 买入价selling rate 卖出价spread 差幅contract 合同at par 平价premium 升水discount 贴水direct quoation method 直接报价法indirect quoation method 间接报价法dividend 股息domestic currency 本币floating rate 浮动利率parent company 母公司credit swap 互惠贷款venture capital 风险资本book value 帐面价值physical capital 实际资本IPOinitial public offering 新股首发;首次公开发行job machine 就业市场welfare capitalism 福利资本主义collective market cap 市场资本总值glolbal corporation 跨国公司transnational status 跨国优势transfer price 转让价格consolidation 兼并leverage 杠杆financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机file for bankruptcy 申请破产bailout 救助take over 收购buy out 购买某人的产权或全部货物go under 破产take a nosedive 股市大跌tumble 下跌falter 摇摇欲坠on the hook 被套住shore up confidence 提振市场信心stave off 挡开, 避开,liquidate assets 资产清算at fire sale prices 超低价sell-off 证券的跌价reserve 储备note 票据discount贴现circulate流通central bank 中央银行the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统credit union 信用合作社paper currency 纸币credit creation 信用创造branch banking 银行分行制unit banking 单一银行制out of circulation 退出流通capital stock股本at par以票面价值计electronic banking电子银行banking holding company 公司银行the gold standard金本位the Federal Reserve Board 联邦储备委员会the stock market crash 股市风暴reserve ratio 准备金比率division of labor 劳动分工commodity money 商品货币legal tender 法定货币fiat money 法定通货a medium of exchange交换媒介legal sanction法律制裁face value面值liquid assets流动资产illiquidl assets非流动资产the liquidity scale 流动性指标real estate 不动产checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit 活期存款time deposit 定期存款negotiable order of withdrawal accounts 大额可转让提款单money market mutual funds 货币市场互助基金repurchase agreements 回购协议certificate of deposits存单bond 债券stock股票travelers'checks 旅行支票small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款large-denomination time deposits大额定期存款bank overnight repurchase agreements 银行隔夜回购协议bank long-term repurchase agreements 银行长期回购协议thrift institutions 存款机构financial institution 金融机构commercial banks商业银行a means of payment 支付手段a store of value储藏手段a standard of value价值标准deficit 亏损roll展期wholesale批发default不履约auction拍卖collateralize担保markup价格的涨幅dealer交易员broker经纪人pension funds 养老基金face amount面值commerical paper商业票据banker's acceptance银行承兑汇票Fed fund 联邦基金eurodollar欧洲美元treasury bills 国库券floating-rate 浮动比率fixed-rate 固定比率default risk 拖欠风险credit rating信誉级别tax collection税收money market货币市场capital market资本市场original maturity 原始到期期限surplus funds过剩基金syndication辛迪加underwrite包销,认购hedge对冲买卖、套期保值innovation到期交易spread利差principal本金swap掉期交易eurobond market 欧洲债券市场euronote欧洲票据Federal Reserve Bank FRB联邦储备银行unsecured credit无担保贷款fixed term time deposit定期支付存款lead bank牵头银行neogotiable time deposit议付定期存款inter-bank money market银行同业货币市场medium term loan 中期贷款syndicated credit银团贷款merchant bank商业银行portfolio management 有价债券管理lease financing租赁融资note issurance facility票据发行安排bearer note不记名票价underwriting facility包销安排floating-rate note 浮动利率票据bond holder债券持持有者London Interbank Offered RateLIBOR伦敦同业优惠利率back-up credit line备用信贷额promissory note..p/n本票revolving cerdit 循环信用证,即revolving letter of creditnon interest-bearing reserves无息储备金interest rate controls 利率管制interest rate ceiling 利率上限interest rate floor 利率下限破产 insolvency有偿还债务能力的 solvent合同 contract汇率 exchange rate私营部门 private sector财政管理机构 fiscal authorities宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy税法 tax bill财政 public finance财政部 the Ministry of Finance平衡预算 balanced budget继承税 inheritance tax货币主义者 monetariest增值税 VAT value added tax收入 revenue总需求aggregate demand货币化 monetization赤字 deficit经济不景气 recessiona period when the economy of a country is notsuccessful, business conditions are bad, industrialproduction and trade are at a low level and thereis a lot of unemployment经济好转 turnabout复苏 recovery成本推进型 cost push货币供应 money supply生产率 productivity劳动力 labor force实际工资 real wages成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation需求拉动式通货膨胀demand-pull inflation双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation最终目标 ultimate goal坏的影响 adverse effect担保 ensure贴现 discount萧条的 sluggish认购 subscribe to支票帐户 checking account 货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control借据 IOUsI owe you本票promissory notes货币总监 controller of the currency拖收系统 collection system支票清算或结算 check clearing资金划拨 transfer of funds可以相信的证明 credentials改革 fashion被缠住 entangled货币联盟 Monetary Union再购协议 repo精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading欧元 euro公共债务membership criteria汇率机制 REM储备货币 reserve currency劳动密集型labor-intensive股票交易所 bourse竞争领先 frontrun牛市 bull market非凡的牛市 a raging bull规模经济 scale economcies买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads期货股票 futures经济商行 brokerage firm回报率rate of return股票 equities违约 default现金外流 cash drains经济人佣金 brokerage fee存款单 CDcertificate of deposit营业额 turnover资本市场 capital market布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System经常帐户current account套利者 arbitrager远期汇率 forward exchange rate即期汇率 spot rate实际利率 real interest rates货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy银行倒闭 bank failures跨国公司 MNC Multi-National Corporation 商业银行 commercial bank商业票据 comercial paper利润 profit本票,期票promissory notes监督 to monitor佣金经济人 commission brokers套期保值hedge有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance theory外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves固定汇率 fixed exchange rate浮动汇率floating/flexible exchange rate货币选择权期货 currency option套利arbitrage合约价 exercise price远期升水 forward premium多头买升 buying long空头卖跌 selling short按市价订购股票 market order股票经纪人stockbroker国际货币基金 the IMF七国集团 the G-7监督 surveillance同业拆借市场 interbank market可兑换性 convertibility软通货 soft currency 限制 restriction交易 transaction充分需求 adequate demand短期外债short term external debt汇率机制 exchange rate regime直接标价 direct quotes资本流动性 mobility of capital赤字 deficit本国货币 domestic currency外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market国际储备 international reserve利率 interest rate资产 assets国际收支 balance of payments贸易差额 balance of trade繁荣 boom债券 bond资本 captial资本支出 captial expenditures商品 commodities商品交易所 commodity exchange期货合同commodity futures contract普通股票 common stock联合大企业 conglomerate 货币贬值 currency devaluation通货紧缩 deflation折旧 depreciation贴现率 discount rate归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income从业人员employed person汇率 exchange rate财政年度fiscal year自由企业 free enterprise国民生产总值 gross antional product库存 inventory劳动力人数 labor force债务 liabilities市场经济 market economy合并 merger货币收入 money income跨国公司 Multinational Corproation个人收入 personal income优先股票 preferred stock价格收益比率 price-earning ratio优惠贷款利率 prime rate利润 profit回报 return on investment使货币升值revaluation薪水 salary季节性调整 seasonal adjustment关税 tariff失业人员 unemployed person效用 utility价值 value工资 wages工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral收益 yield补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal储蓄银行 saving banks欧洲联盟 the European Union单一的实体 a single entity抵押贷款 mortgage lending业主产权 owner's equity普通股common stock无形资产 intangible assets收益表 income statement营业开支 operating expenses行政开支 administrative expenses现金收支一览表statement of cash flow贸易中的存货 inventory收益 proceeds投资银行investment bank机构投资者 institutional investor垄断兼并委员会 MMC招标发行 issue by tender定向发行 introduction代销 offer for sale直销placing公开发行 public issue信贷额度 credit line国际债券international bonds欧洲货币Eurocurrency利差 interest margin以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan权利股发行 rights issues净收入比例结合 net income gearing证券行业词汇share, equity, stock 股票、股权;bond, debenture, debts 债券;negotiable share 可流通股份;convertible bond 可转换债券;treasury/government bond 国库券/政府债券;corporate bond 企业债券;closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金;open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金;fund manager 基金经理/管理公司;fund custodian bank 基金托管银行;market capitalization 市值;p/e ratio 市盈率;price/earningmark-to-market 逐日盯市;payment versus delivery 银券交付;clearing and settlement 清算/结算;commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品;put / call option 看跌/看涨期权;margins, collateral 保证金;rights issue/offering 配股;bonus share 红股;dividend 红利/股息;ADR 美国存托凭证/存股证;American Depository ReceiptGDR 全球存托凭证/存股证;Global Depository Receiptretail/private investor 个人投资者/散户;institutional investor 机构投资者;broker/dealer 券商;proprietary trading 自营;insider trading/dealing 内幕交易;market manipulation 市场操纵;prospectus 招股说明书;IPO 新股/初始公开发行;Initial Public Offeringmerger and acquisition 收购兼并;会计与银行业务用语汇总汇款用语汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money寄票供取款||支票支付 to send a cheque for payment寄款人 a remitter收款人 a remittee汇票汇单用语国外汇票 foreign Bill国内汇票 inland Bill跟单汇票 documentary bill空头汇票 accommodation bill原始汇票 original bill改写||换新票据 renewed bill即期汇票 sight bill||bill on demand... days after date||... days' after date ... 日后付款... months after date||... months' after date ... 月后付款见票后... 日付款... days' after sight||... days' sight见票后... 月付款... months' after sight||... months' sight 同组票据 set of bills单张汇票 sola of exchange||sole of exchange远期汇票 usance bill||bill at usance长期汇票 long bill短期汇票 short bill逾期汇票 overdue bill宽限日期 days of grace电汇 telegraphic transfer邮汇 postal order||postal note Am.||post office order||money order 本票 promissory note P/N押汇负责书||押汇保证书 letter of hypothecation副保||抵押品||付属担保物 collateral security担保书 trust receipt||letter of indemnity承兑||认付 acceptance单张承兑 general acceptance有条件承兑 qualified acceptance附条件认付 conditional acceptance部分认付 partial acceptance拒付||退票 dishonour拒绝承兑而退票 dishonour by non-acceptance由于存款不足而退票 dihonour by non-payment提交 presentation背书 endorsement||indorsement无记名背书 general endorsement||blank endorsement记名式背书 special endorsement||full endorsement附条件背书 conditional endorsement限制性背书 restrictive endorsement无追索权背书 endorsement without recourse期满||到期 maturity托收 collection新汇票||再兑换汇票 re-exchange||re-draft外汇交易 exchange dealing||exchange deals汇兑合约 exchange contract汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract外汇行情 exchange quotation交易行情表 course of exchange||exchange table汇价||兑换率 exchange rate||rate of exchange官方汇率 official rate挂牌汇率||名义汇率 nominal rate现汇汇率 spot rate电汇汇率||电汇率|| . rate||telegraphic transfer rate兑现率||兑现汇率demand rate长期汇率 long rate私人汇票折扣率 rate on a private bill远期汇票兑换率 forward rate套价||套汇汇率||裁定外汇行情 cross rate付款汇率 pence rate当日汇率||成交价 currency rate套汇||套价||公断交易率arbitrage汇票交割||汇票议付 negotiation of draft交易人||议付人negotiator票据交割||让与支票票据议付 to negotiatie a bill折扣交割||票据折扣 to discount a bill票据背书 to endorse a bill应付我差额51,000美元 a balance due to us of $51,000||a balance in our favour of $ 51,000收到汇款 to receive remittance填写收据 to make out a receipt付款用语付款方法 mode of payment现金付款 payment by cash||cash payment||payment by ready cash以支票支付 payment by cheque以汇票支付 payment by bill 以物品支付 payment in kind付清||支付全部货款 payment in full||full payment支付部分货款||分批付款 payment in part||part payment||partial payment记帐付款||会计帐目内付款 payment on account定期付款 payment on term年分期付款 annual payment月分期付款 monthly payment||monthly instalment延滞付款 payment in arrear预付货||先付 payment inadvance||prepayment延付货款 deferred payment立即付款 promptpayment||immediate payment暂付款 suspense payment延期付款 delay in payment||extension of payment支付票据 payment bill名誉支付||干与付款payment for honour||payment by intervention结帐||清算||支付 settlement 分期付款 instalment滞付||拖欠||尾数款未付 arrears特许拖延付款日 days of grace保证付款 del credere付款 to pay||to make payment||to make effect payment结帐 to settle||to make settlement||to make effectsettlement||to square||to balance支出||付款 to defray||to disburse结清 to clear off||to pya off请求付款 to ask for payment||to request payment恳求付帐 to solicit payment拖延付款 to defer payment||to delay payment付款被拖延 to be in arrears with payment还债 to discharge迅速付款 to pay promptly付款相当迅速 to pay moderately well||to pay fairly well||to keep the engagements regularly付款相当慢 to pay slowly||to take extended credit付款不好 to pay badly||to be generally in arrear with payments付款颇为恶劣 to pay very badly||to never pay unless forced拒绝付款 to refuse payment||to refuse to pay||to dishonour a bill相信能收到款项 We shall look to you for the payment||We shall depend upon you for thepayment ||We expect payment from you惠请付款 kindly pay the amount||please forward payment||please forward a cheque.我将不得不采取必要步骤运用法律手段收回该项货款 I shall be obliged to take thenecessary steps to legally recover the amount. ||I shall be compelled to take steps to enforcepayment.惠请宽限 let the matter stand over till then.||allow me a short extension of time. ||Kindlypostpone the time for payment a little longer.索取利息 to charge interest附上利息 to draw interest||to bear interest||to allow interest生息 to yield interest生息3% to yield 3%存款 to deposit in a bank||to put in a bank||to place on deposit||to make deposit在银行存款 to have money in a bank||to have a bank account||to have money on deposit向银行提款 to withdraw one's deposit from a bank换取现金 to convert into money||to turn into cash||to realize 折扣用语从价格打10%的折扣 to make a discount of 10% off the price||to make 10%discount off the price打折扣购买 to buy at a discount打折扣出售 to sell at a discount打折扣-让价 to reduce||to make a reduction减价 to deduct||to make a deduction回扣 to rebate现金折扣 cash discount 货到付现款 cash on arrival即时付款 prompt cash净价||最低价格付现 net cash现金付款 ready cash即期付款 spot cash||cash down||cash on the nail 凭单据付现款 cash against documents凭提单付现款 cash against bills of lading承兑交单 documents against acceptance D/A付款交单 documents against payment D/P折扣例文除非另有说明, 30日后全额付现, 如有错误, 请立即通知;Net cash 30 days unless specified otherwise. Advise promptly if incorrect.付款条件: 30日后全额付现, 10日后付现打2%折扣, 过期后付款时, 加上利率为6%的利息;Terms, net cash 30 days, or, less 2% 10 days. Interest charged at the rate of 6% after maturity.付款条件: 月底后10日后付现2%折扣, 现在付现3%折扣, 否则, 全额付现;财会名词1会计与会计理论会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会FASB 管理会计协会 IMA美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements财务分析 Financial Analysis会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption持续经营假设 ContinuityGoing-concern Assumption会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损Loss历史成本原则 Cost Principle收入实现原则 Revenue Principle配比原则 Matching Principle全面披露原则 Full-disclosure Reporting principle客观性原则 Objective Principle 一致性原则 Consistent Principle 可比性原则 Comparability Principle重大性原则 Materiality Principle稳健性原则 Conservatism Principle权责发生制 Accrual Basis 现金收付制 Cash Basis财务报告 Financial Report 流动资产 Current assets流动负债 Current Liabilities 长期负债 Long-term Liabilities投入资本 Contributed Capital留存收益 Retained Earning2会计循环会计循环 Accounting Procedure/Cycle会计信息系统 Accounting information System帐户 Ledger 会计科目 Account 会计分录 Journal entry原始凭证 Source Document 日记帐 Journal总分类帐 General Ledger 明细分类帐 Subsidiary Ledger试算平衡 Trial Balance 现金收款日记帐 Cash receipt journal现金付款日记帐 Cash disbursements journal销售日记帐 Sales Journal 购货日记帐 Purchase Journal 普通日记帐General Journal 工作底稿 Worksheet调整分录 Adjusting entries 结帐 Closing entries3现金与应收帐款现金 Cash 银行存款 Cash in bank 库存现金 Cash in hand流动资产 Current assets 偿债基金 Sinking fund定额备用金 Imprest petty cash 支票 Checkcheque银行对帐单 Bank statement银行存款调节表 Bank reconciliation statement在途存款 Outstanding deposit 在途支票 Outstanding check应付凭单 Vouchers payable 应收帐款 Account receivable应收票据 Note receivable 起运点交货价 shipping point目的地交货价 destination point 商业折扣 Trade discount现金折扣 Cash discount 销售退回及折让 Sales return and allowance 坏帐费用 Bad debt expense 备抵法 Allowance method 备抵坏帐 Bad debt allowance损益表法 Income statement approach 资产负债表法 Balance sheet approach帐龄分析法 Aging analysis method 直接冲销法 Direct write-off method带息票据 Interest bearing note 不带息票据 Non-interest bearing note出票人 Maker 受款人 Payee 本金 Principal 利息率 Interest rate到期日 Maturity date 本票 Promissory note 贴现 Discount背书 Endorse 拒付费 Protest fee4存货存货 Inventory 商品存货 Merchandise inventory 产成品存货 Finished goods inventory在产品存货 Work in process inventory原材料存货 Raw materials inventory起运地离岸价格 shipping point目的地抵岸价格 destination寄销 Consignment 寄销人 Consignor 承销人 Consignee定期盘存 Periodic inventory 永续盘存 Perpetual inventory购货 Purchase 购货折让和折扣 Purchase allowance and discounts存货盈余或短缺 Inventory overages and shortages分批认定法 Specific identification 加权平均法 Weighted average先进先出法 First-in, first-out or FIFO后进先出法 Lost-in, first-out or LIFO 移动平均法 Moving average成本或市价孰低法 Lower of cost or market or LCM市价 Market value 重置成本 Replacement cost可变现净值 Net realizable value上限 Upper limit 下限 Lower limit 毛利法 Gross margin method零售价格法 Retail method 成本率 Cost ratio5长期投资长期投资 Long-term investment 长期股票投资 Investment on stocks长期债券投资 Investment on bonds 成本法 Cost method权益法 Equity method合并法 Consolidation method 股利宣布日 Declaration date股权登记日 Date of record 除息日 Ex-dividend date 付息日 Payment date 债券面值 Face value, Par value债券折价 Discount on bonds 债券溢价 Premium on bonds票面利率 Contract interest rate, stated rate市场利率 Market interest ratio, Effective rate普通股 Common Stock 优先股 Preferred Stock现金股利 Cash dividends股票股利 Stock dividends 清算股利 Liquidating dividends到期日 Maturity date到期值 Maturity value直线摊销法 Straight-Line method of amortization实际利息摊销法 Effective-interest method of amortization6固定资产固定资产 Plant assets or Fixed assets 原值 Original value预计使用年限 Expected useful life预计残值 Estimated residual value 折旧费用 Depreciation expense累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation 帐面价值 Carrying value应提折旧成本 Depreciation cost 净值 Net value在建工程 Construction-in-process 磨损 Wear and tear 过时 Obsolescence 直线法 Straight-line method SL工作量法 Units-of-production method UOP加速折旧法 Accelerated depreciation method双倍余额递减法 Double-declining balance method DDB年数总和法 Sum-of-the-years-digits method SYD以旧换新 Trade in 经营租赁 Operating lease 融资租赁 Capital lease 廉价购买权 Bargain purchase option BPO 资产负债表外筹资 Off-balance-sheet financing最低租赁付款额 Minimum lease payments7无形资产无形资产 Intangible assets 专利权 Patents 商标权 Trademarks, Trade names 着作权 Copyrights 特许权或专营权 Franchises 商誉 Goodwill 开办费 Organization cost租赁权 Leasehold 摊销 Amortization8流动负债负债 Liability 流动负债 Current liability 应付帐款 Account payable应付票据 Notes payable 贴现票据 Discount notes长期负债一年内到期部分 Current maturities of long-term liabilities 应付股利 Dividends payable 预收收益 Prepayments by customers存入保证金 Refundable deposits 应付费用 Accrual expense增值税 Value added tax 营业税 Business tax应付所得税 Income tax payable 应付奖金 Bonuses payable产品质量担保负债 Estimated liabilities under product warranties赠品和兑换券 Premiums, coupons and trading stamps或有事项 Contingency 或有负债 Contingent 或有损失 Loss contingencies 或有利得 Gain contingencies 永久性差异 Permanent difference时间性差异 Timing difference 应付税款法 Taxes payable method纳税影响会计法 Tax effect accounting method递延所得税负债法 Deferred income tax liability method9长期负债长期负债 Long-term Liabilities 应付公司债券 Bonds payable有担保品的公司债券 Secured Bonds抵押公司债券 Mortgage Bonds 保证公司债券 Guaranteed Bonds信用公司债券 Debenture Bonds 一次还本公司债券 Term Bonds分期还本公司债券 Serial Bonds 可转换公司债券 Convertible Bonds可赎回公司债券 Callable Bonds 可要求公司债券 Redeemable Bonds记名公司债券 Registered Bonds 无记名公司债券 Coupon Bonds普通公司债券 Ordinary Bonds 收益公司债券 Income Bonds名义利率,票面利率 Nominal rate 实际利率 Actual rate有效利率 Effective rate 溢价 Premium 折价 Discount面值 Par value 直线法 Straight-line method实际利率法 Effective interest method到期直接偿付 Repayment at maturity 提前偿付 Repayment at advance偿债基金 Sinking fund 长期应付票据 Long-term notes payable抵押借款 Mortgage loan10业主权益权益 Equity 业主权益 Owner's equity股东权益 Stockholder's equity 投入资本 Contributed capital 缴入资本Paid-in capital 股本 Capital stock资本公积 Capital surplus 留存收益 Retained earnings核定股本 Authorized capital stock 实收资本 Issued capital stock 发行在外股本 Outstanding capital stock 库藏股 Treasury stock 普通股 Common stock 优先股 Preferred stock累积优先股 Cumulative preferred stock非累积优先股 Noncumulative preferred stock完全参加优先股 Fully participating preferred stock部分参加优先股 Partially participating preferred stock非部分参加优先股 Nonpartially participating preferred stock现金发行 Issuance for cash 非现金发行 Issuance for noncash consideration股票的合并发行 Lump-sum sales of stock 发行成本 Issuance cost成本法 Cost method 面值法 Par value method捐赠资本 Donated capital 盈余分配 Distribution of earnings 股利Dividend 股利政策 Dividend policy宣布日 Date of declaration 股权登记日 Date of record除息日 Ex-dividend date股利支付日 Date of payment 现金股利 Cash dividend股票股利 Stock dividend 拨款 appropriation11财务报表财务报表 Financial Statement 资产负债表 Balance Sheet收益表 Income Statement 帐户式 Account Form报告式 Report Form 编制报表 Prepare工作底稿 Worksheet 多步式 Multi-step 单步式 Single-step12财务状况变动表财务状况变动表中的现金基础 Basis现金流量表财务状况变动表中的营运资金基础 Capital Basis资金来源与运用表营运资金Working Capital 全部资源概念 All-resources concept直接交换业务 Direct exchanges 正常营业活动 Normal operating activities财务活动 Financing activities 投资活动 Investing activities13财务报表分析财务报表分析Analysis of financial statements比较财务报表 Comparative financial statements趋势百分比 Trend percentage 比率 Ratios普通股每股收益Earnings per share of common stock股利收益率 Dividend yield ratio 价益比 Price-earnings ratio普通股每股帐面价值 Book value per share of common stock资本报酬率 Return on investment 总资产报酬率 Return on total asset债券收益率 Yield rate on bonds已获利息倍数 Number of times interest earned债券比率 Debt ratio 优先股收益率 Yield rate on preferred stock营运资本 Working Capital 周转 Turnover 存货周转率 Inventory turnover应收帐款周转率 Accounts receivable turnover流动比率 Current ratio 速动比率 Quick ratio 酸性试验比率 Acid test ratio14合并财务报表合并财务报表 Consolidated financial statements 吸收合并 Merger 创立合并 Consolidation 控股公司 Parent company 附属公司 Subsidiary company少数股权 Minority interest权益联营合并 Pooling of interest 购买合并Combination by purchase权益法 Equity method 成本法 Cost method15物价变动中的会计计量物价变动之会计 Price-level changes accounting一般物价水平会计 General price-level accounting货币购买力会计Purchasing-power accounting统一币值会计 Constant dollar accounting历史成本 Historical cost 现行价值会计 Current value accounting现行成本Current cost 重置成本 Replacement cost物价指数 Price-level index国民生产总值物价指数 Gross national product implicit price deflatoror GNP deflator消费物价指数 Consumer price index or CPI批发物价指数 Wholesale price index货币性资产 Monetary assets货币性负债 Monetary liabilities 货币购买力损益 Purchasing-power gains or losses资产持有损益 Holding gains or losses未实现的资产持有损益 Unrealized holding gains or losses 现行价值与统一币值会计 Constant dollar and current cost accounting。

inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩tighter credit 紧缩信贷monetary policy 货币政策foreign exchange 外汇spot transaction 即期交易forward transaction 远期交易option forward transaction 择期交易swap transaction 调期交易quote 报价settlment and delivery 交割Treasury bond 财政部公债current-account 经常项目pickup in rice 物价上涨Federal Reserve 美联储buying rate 买入价selling rate 卖出价spread 差幅contract 合同at par 平价premium 升水discount 贴水direct quoation method 直接报价法indirect quoation method 间接报价法dividend 股息domestic currency 本币floating rate 浮动利率parent company 母公司credit swap 互惠贷款venture capital 风险资本book value 帐面价值physical capital 实际资本IPO(initial public offering) 新股首发;首次公开发行job machine 就业市场welfare capitalism 福利资本主义collective market cap 市场资本总值glolbal corporation 跨国公司transnational status 跨国优势transfer price 转让价格consolidation 兼并leverage 杠杆financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机file for bankruptcy 申请破产bailout 救助take over 收购buy out 购买(某人的)产权或全部货物go under 破产take a nosedive (股市)大跌tumble 下跌falter 摇摇欲坠on the hook 被套住shore up confidence 提振市场信心stave off 挡开, 避开,liquidate assets 资产清算at fire sale prices 超低价sell-off 证券的跌价reserve 储备note 票据discount贴现circulate流通central bank 中央银行the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统credit union 信用合作社paper currency 纸币credit creation 信用创造branch banking 银行分行制unit banking 单一银行制out of circulation 退出流通capital stock股本at par以票面价值计electronic banking电子银行banking holding company 公司银行the gold standard金本位the Federal Reserve Board 联邦储备委员会the stock market crash 股市风暴reserve ratio 准备金比率division of labor 劳动分工commodity money 商品货币legal tender 法定货币fiat money 法定通货a medium of exchange交换媒介legal sanction法律制裁face value面值liquid assets流动资产illiquidl assets非流动资产the liquidity scale 流动性指标real estate 不动产checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit 活期存款time deposit 定期存款negotiable order of withdrawal accounts 大额可转让提款单money market mutual funds 货币市场互助基金repurchase agreements 回购协议certificate of deposits存单bond 债券stock股票travelers'checks 旅行支票small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款large-denomination time deposits大额定期存款bank overnight repurchase agreements 银行隔夜回购协议bank long-term repurchase agreements 银行长期回购协议thrift institutions 存款机构financial institution 金融机构commercial banks商业银行a means of payment 支付手段a store of value储藏手段a standard of value价值标准deficit 亏损roll展期wholesale批发default不履约auction拍卖collateralize担保markup价格的涨幅dealer交易员broker经纪人pension funds 养老基金face amount面值commerical paper商业票据banker's acceptance银行承兑汇票Fed fund 联邦基金eurodollar欧洲美元treasury bills 国库券floating-rate 浮动比率fixed-rate 固定比率default risk 拖欠风险credit rating信誉级别tax collection税收money market货币市场capital market资本市场original maturity 原始到期期限surplus funds过剩基金syndication辛迪加underwrite包销,认购hedge对冲买卖、套期保值innovation到期交易spread利差principal本金swap掉期交易eurobond market 欧洲债券市场euronote欧洲票据Federal Reserve Bank (FRB)联邦储备银行unsecured credit无担保贷款fixed term time deposit定期支付存款lead bank牵头银行neogotiable time deposit议付定期存款inter-bank money market银行同业货币市场medium term loan 中期贷款syndicated credit银团贷款merchant bank商业银行portfolio management 有价债券管理lease financing租赁融资note issurance facility票据发行安排bearer note不记名票价underwriting facility包销安排floating-rate note 浮动利率票据bond holder债券持持有者London Interbank Offered Rate(LIBOR)伦敦同业优惠利率back-up credit line备用信贷额promissory note(P.N..p/n)本票revolving cerdit 循环信用证,即revolving letter of credit non interest-bearing reserves无息储备金interest rate controls 利率管制interest rate ceiling 利率上限interest rate floor 利率下限破产insolvency有偿还债务能力的solvent合同contract汇率exchange rate私营部门private sector财政管理机构fiscal authorities宽松的财政政策slack fiscal policy税法tax bill财政public finance财政部the Ministry of Finance平衡预算balanced budget继承税inheritance tax货币主义者monetariest增值税VAT (value added tax)收入revenue总需求aggregate demand货币化monetization赤字deficit经济不景气recessiona period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment经济好转turnabout复苏recovery成本推进型cost push货币供应money supply生产率productivity劳动力labor force实际工资real wages成本推进式通货膨胀cost-push inflation需求拉动式通货膨胀demand-pull inflation双位数通货膨胀double- digit inflation极度通货膨胀hyperinflation长期通货膨胀chronic inflation治理通货膨胀to fight inflation最终目标ultimate goal坏的影响adverse effect担保ensure贴现discount萧条的sluggish认购subscribe to支票帐户checking account货币控制工具instruments of monetry control 借据IOUs(I owe you)本票promissory notes货币总监controller of the currency拖收系统collection system支票清算或结算check clearing资金划拨transfer of funds可以相信的证明credentials改革fashion被缠住entangled货币联盟Monetary Union再购协议repo精明的讨价还价交易horse-trading欧元euro公共债务membership criteria汇率机制REM储备货币reserve currency劳动密集型labor-intensive股票交易所bourse竞争领先frontrun牛市bull market非凡的牛市a raging bull规模经济scale economcies买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价bid-ask spreads 期货(股票)futures经济商行brokerage firm回报率rate of return股票equities违约default现金外流cash drains经济人佣金brokerage fee存款单CD(certificate of deposit)营业额turnover资本市场capital market布雷顿森林体系The Bretton Woods System经常帐户current account套利者arbitrager远期汇率forward exchange rate即期汇率spot rate实际利率real interest rates货币政策工具tools of monetary policy银行倒闭bank failures跨国公司MNC ( Multi-National Corporation)商业银行commercial bank商业票据comercial paper利润profit本票,期票promissory notes监督to monitor佣金(经济人)commission brokers套期保值hedge有价证券平衡理论portfolio balance theory外汇储备foreign exchange reserves固定汇率fixed exchange rate浮动汇率floating/flexible exchange rate 货币选择权(期货)currency option 套利arbitrage合约价exercise price远期升水forward premium多头买升buying long空头卖跌selling short按市价订购股票market order股票经纪人stockbroker国际货币基金the IMF七国集团the G-7监督surveillance同业拆借市场interbank market可兑换性convertibility软通货soft currency限制restriction交易transaction充分需求adequate demand短期外债short term external debt汇率机制exchange rate regime直接标价direct quotes资本流动性mobility of capital赤字deficit本国货币domestic currency外汇交易市场foreign exchange market 国际储备international reserve利率interest rate资产assets国际收支balance of payments贸易差额balance of trade繁荣boom债券bond资本captial资本支出captial expenditures商品commodities商品交易所commodity exchange期货合同commodity futures contract普通股票common stock联合大企业conglomerate货币贬值currency devaluation通货紧缩deflation折旧depreciation贴现率discount rate归个人支配的收入disposable personal income 从业人员employed person汇率exchange rate财政年度fiscal year自由企业free enterprise国民生产总值gross antional product库存inventory劳动力人数labor force债务liabilities市场经济market economy合并merger货币收入money income跨国公司Multinational Corproation个人收入personal income优先股票preferred stock价格收益比率price-earning ratio优惠贷款利率prime rate利润profit回报return on investment使货币升值revaluation薪水salary季节性调整seasonal adjustment关税tariff失业人员unemployed person效用utility价值value工资wages工资价格螺旋上升wage-price spiral收益yield补偿贸易compensatory trade, compensated deal 储蓄银行saving banks欧洲联盟the European Union单一的实体a single entity抵押贷款mortgage lending业主产权owner's equity普通股common stock无形资产intangible assets收益表income statement营业开支operating expenses行政开支administrative expenses现金收支一览表statement of cash flow贸易中的存货inventory收益proceeds投资银行investment bank机构投资者institutional investor垄断兼并委员会MMC招标发行issue by tender定向发行introduction代销offer for sale直销placing公开发行public issue信贷额度credit line国际债券international bonds欧洲货币Eurocurrency利差interest margin以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款leveraged loan权利股发行rights issues净收入比例结合net income gearing证券行业词汇share, equity, stock股票、股权;bond, debenture, debts债券;negotiable share可流通股份;convertible bond可转换债券;treasury/government bond国库券/政府债券;corporate bond企业债券;closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金; open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金; fund manager基金经理/管理公司;fund custodian bank基金托管银行;market capitalization市值;p/e ratio市盈率;(price/earning)mark-to-market逐日盯市;payment versus delivery银券交付;clearing and settlement清算/结算;commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品;put / call option看跌/看涨期权;margins, collateral保证金;rights issue/offering配股;bonus share红股;dividend红利/股息;ADR美国存托凭证/存股证;(American Depository Receipt) GDR全球存托凭证/存股证;(Global Depository Receipt) retail/private investor个人投资者/散户;institutional investor机构投资者;broker/dealer券商;proprietary trading自营;insider trading/dealing内幕交易;market manipulation市场操纵;prospectus招股说明书;IPO新股/初始公开发行;(Initial Public Offering) merger and acquisition收购兼并。

Finance(国际金融)关键术语名词解释Chapter 1《American EconomicReview》《美国经济评论》《Journal of Finance》《金融学报》《The Wealth of Nations》《国富论》acquisition 收购adjust risk 调整风险aggressive target 激进(性)的目标asset 资产asset allocation 资产配置bidder 出价者,竞标者Black-Scholes optionspricing formulaB-S期权定价公式business finance 企业财务(金融)capital budgeting 资本预算capital expenditure 资本支出capital structure 资本结构cash flow 现金流chief executive officer(CEO)首席执行官chief financial officer(CFO)首席财务官(财务总监)claims 权益(证)、索取权利classical economics 古典经济学common stock 普通股competitive stock market 竞争性的股票市场conflict of interest 利益冲突consumption and savingdecisions消费和储蓄决策consumption preference 消费偏好controller 审计员convertible securities 可转换证券corporation (有限责任)公司corporation finance 公司财务(金融)debt outstanding 未清偿贷款(债务)derivative securities 衍生证券diversify risk 分散风险dividend and financialpolicies红利(股利)和财务政策economic value 经济价值entertainment industry 娱乐行业(产业)entity 实体equity权益(与Liability(负债对应)evaluation of cost 成本估算(评价)exclusive goal 唯一目标executive compensationprogram管理者补偿(薪酬)计划extended family 大家庭finance 金融, 财政, 金融学finance system 金融系统financial advisory firm 金融咨询公司financial capital 金融资本financial contracting 订立金融合约(合同)Financial Executive Institute 财务执行官组织financing 筹措资金(融资)financing decision 融资决策general partner 一般合伙人going concern 关注效应infrastructure 基础设施、架构initial outlay 初始投入integrated financial program 完整的财务计划investment decision 投资决策ITT corporation 国际电报电话公司learning curve 学习曲线liability 负债、债务、责任limited liability 有限责任limited partner 有限责任合伙人long-lived asset 长期资产long-range incentivesystem长期激励系统market discipline 市场规则market interest rate 市场利率market risk premium 市场风险价格market value of shares 股票市场价值(简称市值)marketing 营销maximize the wealth (使)财富最大化merger 兼并,合并mortgage loan 抵押贷款multinational conglomerate 跨国企业集团mutual fund 共同基金net worth 净资产operating margin 营业利润option 期权original core business 原始的核心业务partnership 合伙企业pension liabilities 养老金负债personal investing 个人投资physical capital 实物资本pool联营;集中使用的(资金,物)portfolio 投资组合portfolio of asset 资产组合preferred stock 优先股president 总裁primary commitment 首要(基本)任务private corporation 私人(非公众)公司professional managers 职业经理人profit 利润profit-maximizationcriterion利润最大化标准proposition 命题public corporation 公众公司quantitative model 定量模型regulatory body 监管机构resource allocationdecision资源配置决策retail outlet 零售摊点return 回报,收益risk-averse 风险厌恶(规避)security price 证券价格share price appreciation 股价上涨(增值)shareholder-wealth-maximization股东财富最大化sole proprietorship 个体(业主制)企业spin-off 配股spread out over time 跨时间分布stake 资助,资金stock option 股票期权strategic planning 战略规划supplier 供货商takeover 接管the exchange of assetsand risks资产和风险的交换the set of markets andother institutions市场及其它机构的集合trade off 权衡uncertain benefit 不确定性收益unlimited (limited)liability无(有)限责任vice-president forfinancial财务副总裁voting right (股东)投票权welfare 福利well-functioning capitalmarket高效的资本市场working capitalmanagement营运资本管理Chapter 2accounting procedure 会计程序adverse selection 逆向选择American Express 美国运通信用卡arithmetic mean 算术平均数asymmetry 不对称average risk premium 平均风险升水(溢价)Bank for InternationalSettlement(BIS)国际清算银行banking panic 银行危机bartern. 易货贸易;v. 讨价还价board of directors 董事会by-product 副产品call option 买入期权(看涨期权)capital gain(loss)资本收益(损失)Capital market资本市场(即长期资金市场)cash dividend 现金股利(红利)central bank 中央银行charge price 要价clearing and settlingpayment清算和结算支付closed-end 封闭式的collateral 担保品collateralization 以…担保commercial loan 商业贷款commercial loan rate 商业贷款利率credit card 信用卡default 违约、托债、弃权default risk 违约风险deficit unit 赤字部门defined-benefit pensionplan规定收益型养恤金制defined-contributionpension plan规定缴费型养恤金制depository savingsinstitution存款储蓄机构(系统)derivative 衍生(证券)Deutsche Bank 德意志银行dissemination 推广、传播dividend reinvestment 红利(股利)再投资dollar-denominated asset 以美元计价的资产double-entry-bookkeeping 复式记账法equity 权益equity-kickers 权益条件expected rates of return 期望(预期)收益率Federal Reserve System 联邦储备系统Finance AccountingStandardsBoard财务会计标准委员会financial instrument 金融工具financial intermediary 金融中介financial market parameters 金融市场参数financial variable 金融(财务)变量fixed-income-instruments 固定收益证券flow of fund 资金流flow of fund 资金流foreign exchange 外汇formation extraction 信息提取forward contract 远期合约functional perspective (从)功能(的角度或观点)future 期货German marks 德国马克go public 上市incentive problem 激励问题index fund 指数(化)基金index-linked bonds(与物价)指数联系的债券information service 信息咨讯(服务)insurance company 保险公司interest rate 利息率(简称利率)interest rate arbitrage 利率套利interest rate equalization 利率平价intermediary 中介International BankforReconstruction andDevelopment国际复兴开发银行International Monetary Fund(IMF)国际货币基金组织International Swap DealersAssociation国际掉期交易商协会intertemporal 跨期的(多阶段的)IOUI owe you的简称,喻指“借条”issuing stock 发行股票Japanese yen 日元life annuity 人寿年金limited liability 有限责任liquidity 流动性maturity (票据)到期日;期限money market货币市场(即短期资金市场)moral-hazard 道德风险mortgage 抵押mortgage rate 抵押利率mutual fund 共同基金New York Stock Exchange 纽约股票交易所nominal interest rate 名义利率offset 弥补、抵消open-end 开放式的option 期权Osaka Options and FuturesExchange大阪期货期权交易所over-the-counter-market(OTC)场外(交易)市场parties to contract 合约的参与者pool or aggregate 联营;集中使用的(资金或物品);premium 升水、溢价price appreciation 增值principal-agent problem 委托-代理问题pro rata 按比例的put option 卖出期权(看跌期权)qusai- 准、半rate of exchange 汇率rates of return 收益(回报)率rating agency 评级机构real interest rate 实际利率real rate of return 实际收益率redeem 赎回、偿还residual claim 剩余索取(求偿)权risk aversion 风险厌恶(规避)risk premium 风险升水(溢价)security dealer 证券交易商shed specific risk 规避(分散)特定(或私有)风险standard deviation 标准差standardized option contract (经)标准化的期权合约surplus unit 盈余部门trade-off 权衡trust company 信托公司U.S Treasury Bills 美国国库券underwrite 认购、包销unit of account 计值单位universal bank全能银行(指兼做中央银行和商业银行业务的银行)volatility 波动性well-information 信息充分的yen rate of return(以)日元(记值)的收益率yield curve 收益(率)曲线yield spread 收益价差Chapter 3accounting earnings 会计收入accounting rule 会计规则accrual 应计的accrual accounting 应计制(权责发生制)accumulated depreciation 累计折旧amortize 摊销、分期偿还apocryphal 伪经的、假冒的asset turnover(ATO)资产周转率(销售收入/总资产)audit 查账、审计balance sheet 资产负债表benchmark (比较)基准bond-rating 债券评级book value 账面价值capital structure 资本结构capital-incentive utility 资本密集型的公用事业(公司)cash and equivalents 现金及其等价物cash budget 现金预算cash cycle time 现金循环周期cash inflow 现金流入cash outflow 现金流出common stock outstanding 流通在外的普通股contingent liability 或有负债(如:可能发生的诉讼赔偿等)current asset 流动资产current liability 流动负债current ratio 流动比率depreciation 折旧、贬值disclose 披露dividend payout rate 股利支付率earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)息税前利润(=毛利- GS&A)earnings per share 每股盈余(收益)earnings retention rate (收益)留存比率expiration date 到期日external financing 外部融资(比如,发行股票和债券)financial distress 财务危机(困境)financial leverage 财务杠杆(率)financial ratio 财务比率financial statement 财务报表general, selling, andadministrative expenses(GS&A)管理及销售费用goodwill 商誉gross margin 毛利(润)(=销售收入-产品销售成本)income statement 损益表income tax 所得税intangible asset 无形资产inventory 库存、存货inventory turnover 存货周转率liquidity 流动性long-term debt 长期负债market to book 市值价值/账面价值marking to market 盯住市场net income(or net profit)净利润(即税后利润=EBIT-利息-所得税)net working capital 净营运资本(=流动资产-流动负债)net worth 净资产(即权益,=资产-负债)off-balance-sheet 表外项目operation income 营运收益(营业利润)opportunity cost 机会成本owner’s equity所有者权益paid-in capital 实收资本payable 应付账款percent-of-sales method 销售(收入)百分比法planning horizon 计划(时间)跨度price to earnings 市盈率(价格/盈余)profitability 盈利能力、盈利性property 土地、地产、所有权quick ratio 速动比率receivable 应收账款receivables turnover 应收账款周转率retained earnings 留存收益ROA(return on asset)资产收益率(EBIT/资产)ROE(return on equity)净资产收益率(即权益报酬率,=税后利润/净资产)ROS(return on sales)销售利润率(EBIT/销售收入)short-term debt 短期负债specify performance target 设定业绩目标statements of cash flow 现金流量表sustainable growth rate 持续增长率taxable income 应税收益(即税前利润=EBIT-利息)times interest earned 利息保障倍数Tobin’s Q托宾Q值(=资产市值/重置成本)total shareholder returns 总的股东收益(率)Chapter 4after-tax interest rate 税后利率amortization 分期偿还、摊销annual percentage rate(APR)年度百分比(利率)annuity 年金before-tax interest rate 税前利率compound interest 复利compounding 复和(与discounting 相反的概念)discount rate 折现率、贴现率discounted cash flow(DCF)折现现金流discounting 折现、折扣effective annual rate(EFF)有效年利率exchange rate 汇率future value 终值future value factor 终值系数(即由现值计算终值的换算因子)growth annuity 增长年金immediate annuity 即付年金implied interest rate 隐含利率installment 分期付款internal rate of return(IRR)内部报酬率market capitalizationrate市场资本化利率(简称市场利率)net present value净现值opportunity cost ofcapital资本的机会成本ordinary annuity 普通年金(即后付年金)original principal (初始)本金outstanding balance 未平头寸payback period 回收期perpetual annuity(orperpetuity)永续年金present value 现值present value factor (终值)现值系数(终值系数的倒数)reinvest 再投资simple interest 单利tax-exempt 免税的time value of money (TVM)货币(或资金)的时间价值yield to maturity 到期收益率Chapter 5bequest 遗赠、遗赠物break-even 得失相当的,盈亏平衡的deductible 可扣除(或抵扣)的explicit cost 显性成本feasible plan 可行(的)计划human capital 人力资本implicit cost 隐性成本incremental 增量的、增值的intertemporal budget跨期预算约束optimization model 优化模型permanent income 永久性收入provision 条文、条款tax deferred 税收(可)延缓的tax exempt 免税的trial-and-error 试错Chapter 6after-tax cash flow 税后现金流all-equity-financed firm 全权益融资公司annualized capital cost 年金化资本成本appropriation 拨款、占用break-even point 盈亏平衡点capital budgeting 资本预算cost of capital 资本成本coupon bond 息票债券cumulative present value 累计现值full-fledged 完备的、正式的horizontal axis 横轴(或横坐标)labor-intensive 劳动密集型的liquidate 清算、清偿market-related risk 市场相关(或者承认予以补偿)的风险,即系统风险(systematic risk)prototype 模型、原型residual value 残值risk premium 风险溢价risk-adjusted discountrate(经)风险调整的折现率sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析vertical axis 纵轴(或纵坐标)zero-inflation 零通涨(率)Chapter 7Arbitrage 套利arbitrageurs 套利(交易)者beverage 饮料bona fide 真正的bond 债券default risk 违约风险default-free 无违约(风险)的earnings per share 每股盈余efficient marketshypothesis(EMH)有效市场假说fetch 售得…fixed-income securities 固定收益证券foreign exchangemarket外汇市场fundamental value 基础价值information set 信息集interest-rate arbitrage 利率套利intrinsic value 内在价值laundry 洗衣店Law of One Price 一价定律price/earnings multiple 市盈率(倍数)real estate 房地产、不动产sibling 兄弟、同胞、氏族成员tautologically 同意反复地transaction costs 交易成本triangular arbitrage 三角套利vending 售货well-informed 信息充分的Chapter 8abscissa 横坐标ask price 卖价、要价(报价)bid price 买价、出价(询价)callable bond 可赎回债券convertible bond 可转换债券coupon bond 带息债券、息票债券current yield 即期收益(率)discount bond 折价债券face value/ par value 面值maturity 到期日ordinate 纵坐标par bond 平价债券premium bond 溢价债券pure discount bond 纯折现债券quote 牌价redeem 赎回、偿还risk-free interest rate 无风险利率yield curve 收益(率)曲线yield to maturity 到期收益(率)zero-coupon bond 零息(票)债券Chapter 9New York StockExchange纽约股票交易所cash dividend 现金股利(或红利、分红)closing price 收盘价Constant-Growth-RateDDM不变增长率股利折现模型current/existingstockholders现有股东、老股东discounted-dividendmodel(DDM)股利折现模型dividend policy 股利政策dividend yield 分利收益率ex-dividend price 除息(即股息)价格expected rate of return 期望收益率(或报酬率)infinite 无穷(或无限)的internal equity financing 内部权益融资Investment opportunity 投资机会market capitalization rate 市场资本化利率odd lots 零星(交易量)per se 亲自、亲身perpetual 永久的price/earnings ratio 市盈率Reinvested earnings 再投资收益required rate of return 必要报酬率(或收益率)risk-adjusted discountrate(经)风险调整折现率round lots 整批(交易量)share repurchase 股票回购skeptical 怀疑的stock dividend 股票股利stock splits 股票分割Chapter 10actuary 精算师caterer 酒席承办人colossal 巨大的、异常的confidence intervals 置信区间consortium 社团、合伙continuous probability distribution 连续概率分布diversification 分散化(投资)diversifying 分散化、多样化dunce 笨蛋、书呆子ex ante 事先的ex post 事后的expected rate of return 期望收益率(报酬率)flexibility 灵活性、柔性forward contract 远期合约hedger (套期)保值者、对冲者hedging 保值、对冲、对两方下注以防止(赌博、冒险等)的损失insuring 投保、给…保险jurisdiction 司法、权力、权限layoff 解雇、失业materialize 实现mean 均值normal distribution 正态分布overview 概述perverse 故意作对的、任性的portfolio 投资组合precautionary saving 预防性储蓄probability distribution 概率分布quadruple adj. 四倍的;v. 使…(增加)四倍recrimination 反责refund 退还risk assessment 风险评估risk aversion 风险规避risk avoidance 风险避免risk exposure 风险暴露risk identification 风险识别risk management 风险管理risk retention 风险保留risk transfer 风险转移sinful 有罪的、过错的、不道德的speculator 投机者square root 平方根stakeholder 利益相关者standard deviation 标准差swap 互换volatility 波动率Chapter 11American-type option 美式期权call option 买入期权(简称“买权”)cap (利率)上限condominium 公寓私有的共有方式co-payment 共同支付counterparty 交易对手credit guarantee 信用担保credit risk 信用风险deductible/deduction 免赔额delivery 交割delivery date 交割日derivative 衍生工具diversifiable risk 可分散的风险diversification principle 分散化(或多元化)原则European-type option 欧式期权exclusion 除外责任expiration date 到期日expire 到期face value 面值fictitious 虚构的firm-specific risk (公司)私有(或特有)风险forward contract 远期合约forward price 远期价格future contract 期货合约guarantee 保证、保证人、担保、担保品loan guarantee 债务保单long position 多头market risk 市场风险non-diversifiable risk 不可分散的风险premium 保险费、附加费、溢价proceed n. 盈利put option 卖出期权(简称“卖权”)rolling over 滚动(式)的short position 空头shortfall 不足之数、赤字spot price 即期价格standardized (经)标准化的strike price/ exerciseprice执行价格、行权价swap contract 互换合约、调期合约Chapter 12decision horizon 决策(修正)期限efficient portfolio 有效组合efficient portfolio frontier 有效组合前沿expected return 期望收益率mean-variance model 均值-方差模型minimum-varianceportfolio最小方差组合mutual fund 共同基金optimal combination ofrisky assets风险资产最优组合planning horizon 计划期、规划期point of tangency 切点portfolio selection (投资)组合选择risk premium 风险溢价risk tolerance 风险容忍(度)riskless asset 无风险资产risky-asset portfolio 风险资产组合set of……的集合tangency portfolio 切线组合target expected return 目标期望收益率trade-off 权衡、平衡trading horizon 交易(间隔)期限Chapter 13active investmentstrategies积极投资策略active portfolio selectionstrategy积极的组合选择策略Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)套利(定价)理论beat the market 打败市场benchmark 基准benchmark portfolio 基准组合Capital Asset PricingModel(CAPM)资本资产定价模型capital market line(CML)资本市场线consensus 一致、一致同意cost of capital 资本成本covariance 协方差equilibrium asset price 均衡(的)资产价格equilibrium expectedreturn均衡(的)期望收益率equilibrium price 均衡价格equilibrium risk premium 均衡风险溢价indexing 指数化irreducible 不能减少的、难复位的marginal contribution 边际贡献market portfolio 市场组合market-related risk 市场相关的(或承认的)风险multifactor IntertemporalCapital Asset PricingModel(ICAPM)多因子、跨期资本资产定价模型mutual fund 共同基金non-market risk 非市场风险passive investing 消极投资passive portfolio selectionstrategy消极的组合选择策略pension fund 养老基金regression coefficient 回归系数reward-to-risk ratio 风险补偿比率security market line(SML)证券市场线short-sale 卖空systematic risk 系统风险unsystematic risk 非系统风险Chapter 14arbitrageur 套利者bountiful 慷慨的、充足的casino 卡西诺赌场、小别墅closing out(one’s/a)position平仓continuouscompounding连续复利cost of carry 持有成本daily marking to market 逐日盯市(即每日无负债清算制度)delivery 交割delivery date 交割日delivery price 交割价格expectationshypothesis期望假说financial future 金融期货(即标的物为金融产品的期货合约)foreign-exchangeparity relation汇率平价关系forward contract 远期合约forward price 远期价格forward-spotprice-parity relation 远期-即期价格间的平价关系future contract 期货合约future price 期货价格future spot price 将来的现货价格hedger 套期保值者intrinsic value 内在价值margin 保证金open interest 未平仓合约数、头寸开放权益数position 头寸posting of margin (对)保证金(进行)过帐quasi-arbitrage 准套利(机会)replicate 复制speculator 投机者spoilage 损坏spot price 即期价格、现货价格spread 价差、差额the wall street journal 《华尔街日报》Chapter 15American-typeoption美式期权arrear 应付欠款、储备物at the money option 两平期权Black-Scholes model 布莱克-斯科尔斯期权定价模型boom 繁荣的bullish 乐观的call (option)买入期权(简称买权)、看涨期权capital-gain 资本(性)收益cash settlement 现金结算Chicago BoardOptions Exchange(CBOE)芝加哥期权交易所commission 佣金Contingent Claims 或有权益(简称或有权、或然权)credit guarantee 信用保证(或承诺)de facto 实际的、实际上decision tree 决策树delinquency 失职、违法行为dividend yield 股利收益率dividend-adjusted option formula 股利调整期权(定价)公式embedded option 嵌入式期权European put option 欧式卖权European-type欧式期权evasion 逃避、躲避Exchange-traded option 场内(即在交易所交易的)期权exercise price/strikeprice执行价格/敲定价格expirationdate/maturity date到期日explicit 外生的flexibility 灵活性、柔性FutureOptions/Option onFutures期货期权growth option 增长期权guarantor 保证人hedge ratio 对冲比率、套期比率implicit 内生的implied volatility 隐含波动率in the money option 虚值期权incremental 增量的、增加的index option 指数期权intrinsicvalue/tangible value内在价值、执行价值junk bond 垃圾债券litigation 诉讼、争论mainline 主流的、传统的natural logarithm 自然对数normal distribution 正态分布Option 期权out of the moneyoptionOver-the-counteroption场外(交易的)期权payoff diagrams 支付图plaintiff 起诉人provision 条文、条款put (option)卖出期权(简称卖权)、看跌期权put-call parityrelation买(权)与卖(权)间的平价关系real option 实物期权recession 衰退self-financinginvestment strategy自融资投资策略sequel 续篇、后果shortfall 不足之数、赤字stochastic 随机的 swap 互换 time value 时间价值 truncate截断two-state (binomial )option pricing model 两状态(二项式)期权定价模型 underlying asset 标的资产、基础资产Chapter 16account payable 应付账款accrued wage应计工资adjusted present value (APV )(经)调整的现值 after-tax incremental cash flow 税后增量现金流agency cost 代理成本allegiance 忠诚、忠贞all-equtiy financing 全权益融资 bankruptcy cost破产成本bankruptcy proceeding 破产程序、破产诉讼 Capital Structure 资本结构capital structure irrelevance proposition 资本结构无关性定理circumvent 绕过、智胜collateral 担保品common stock 普通股corporate income tax公司所得税cost of financial distress 财务危机(危难)成本 debt financing 债务融资 entity实体、本质、存在equity financing 权益融资external financing外部融资(筹资) fiduciary受信托的 financial distress财务危机(危难) financing instrument 金融工具 franchise 特许权 free cash flow自由现金流 frictionless 无摩擦的gourmet供美食家的享用的、美食家imminent 临近的、迫在眉睫的 interest tax shield (债务)利息税盾 internal financing 内部融资(筹资) issuing new stock 发行新股leveraged investment 杠杆投资(即投资额中有部分债务融资)long-term lease 长期租赁M & M proposition MM 定理market debt-to-equity ratio(用)市场(价值表示的)债务-权益比率market-value/economic balance sheet (用)市场价值(表示的)资产负债表 Modigliani & Miller (M 莫迪里阿尼和米勒& M )optimal capital structure 最优资本结构 pension liability 养老金(形式的)债务 perk额外补贴 personal income tax 个人所得税 preferred stock优先股学习必备欢迎下载prestige 威信、声望pro rata 按比例的realized capital gains 已实现资本收益redeploy 重新部署(布置、调派)repurchase stock 回购股票residual claim 剩余索取权(求偿权)retained earning 留存收益scrutiny 细致检查secured debt 安全债务stock option 股票期权subsidy 津贴、财政援助、特别津贴voting right 投票权warrant 认股权证、认股权weighted average costof capital(WACC)加权资本成本Chapter 17acquisition 收购bargain v. 讲价、讨价还价;n. 便宜货、交易、协定breakup 分散、中止、崩溃consolidation 合并、联合、巩固consummate 完成、使…完美contest 竞争、争夺corroborate 加强证实、巩固、支持discretion 决定权、谨慎、判断力divest 使…脱去information set 信息集loss carry-forward 亏损递延malevolence 恶意、坏影响merger 兼并opaqueness 不透明real option 实物期权spin-off 派生出、让产易股、抽资脱离synergy 协同增效takeover 接管。

7th Secretary-General of the United Nations (January 1997 -- December 2006)
Quotation 2
"Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital -- the world's best talents and greatest ideas." -- Jack Welch
Four Basic Aspects of Globalization (by IMF) trade and transactions capital and investment movements migration and movement of people dissemination of knowledge environmental challenges climate change cross-boundary water and air pollution over-fishing of the ocean
Warm-up Questions Quiz Quotation Mini Case
Warm-up Questions Quiz Quotat"It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity." -- Kofi Anna

Glare at 怒目而视Stare at 呆呆盯着看Peer at 偷窥Age peers 同辈人Glance at 扫一眼Labor to 努力去Stick to 坚持=insist onAs well as =andMail carrier = deliver 投递员Assumption 假设来自动词assume猜测Presupposes 提前假设Abundant adj充足的Abound 充满不及物动词Presented 呈现现象Manifestation n显示表现示威运动旅客名单=obvious 显示明显的Statistic n ic结尾做名词统计数值Statistical adj 统计学的Statistical population distribution 统计学人口分布Stationary adj 固定的静止的Statement n陈述意见的表达Understatement n保守陈述不充分陈述Overstate v夸张描述Statesman 政治家Estate 房地产行业,身份,财产Workstation n工作台Broker 经济人Entertainment 娱乐圈Passenger乘客Messenger 信使Marketplace n市场Marked adj 显著的Remark v评论Remarkable adj 显著的非凡的Landmark n地表转折点=turning point里程碑=milestone Sights 景点Touchstone 试金石Verify 核查Inspect 审查Affirm v断定Assert v坚称断言=certainty n必然性Overvalued assets 高估资产Accounts 账户Informed citizenry 知识分子Former 前者Latter 后者Later 后面的State 州,国v陈述说明Status n地位情形状态Statute n法令犯规Institute n研究机构Positive 积极的Negative 消极的Discourse 演讲,发布内容公告Devastate v毁灭毁坏Devastating adj 毁灭性的Entities =body 实体Issue 争论,发行一部电影一本书Blot n污点Spot n斑点Hotspot 热点Hot-pot火锅Stain n污渍Stainless 不绣的~blade 刀Symbol n好的象征Symptom n 噩兆Booklet 小册子Triplets 三胞胎Deal with=cope with 处理处置应对Fever 发烧With 与某人一致Civil law 民法Legislation n 法律法规Lawful adj 合法的Lawsuit n诉讼Lawyer n 律师Attorney n检察官Public =mass 大众Mass media =mass networks 大众媒体Publication n出版发行=issue n文章v发表Publicity n 公众信息曝光度ity 抽象名词后缀Publicize v公开In public 当众Republican adj 共和党Organization n 组织机构Structure n结构Regime n 政体政权Democracy n民主党国家Federation n联邦制国家FBI 联邦调查局Federal Bureau of Investigation(调查)Bureaucracy 官僚主义Invest v投资CIA 中央情报局Central Intelligence agency Apparently 明显的Augment=enlarge v扩大扩充At large 一般地普遍地四处闲逛的Bulky adj 庞大的Except=not 否定Sensing 意识到Warriors 勇士Wanted 通缉犯Mean n平均值=on 啊average adj 吝啬By on means 绝不Be based on 依据By means of =rely on=depend on 依靠Live off 依赖。

Module 3 The Violence of Nature[主题词块背诵]1.rescue team 营救组2.hurricane n.飓风3.sandstorm n.沙尘暴4.typhoon n.台风5.volcano n.火山6.snowstorm n.暴风雪7.pull through 熬过8.earthquake victims 地震灾民9.landslide n.山体滑坡10.drought n.旱灾;干旱11.natural disasters 自然灾害12.the sufferings of the people in the disasterstricken area 灾区人民所受的苦难13.practice survival skills 练习求生技能14.escape from danger 逃离危险15.build a shelter 建造避难所16.wipe out the whole village 把整座村庄夷为平地17.in urgent need of 迫切需要18.return to normal 恢复正常19.find shelter from 避开……20.the extreme lack of water,food and electricity 极度缺水、食物和电[主题佳句背诵]1.So far,the earthquake has killed about 100 people and has left about 30 injured. 到目前为止,地震已造成大约100人遇难, 30人受伤。
2.Last week severe haze occurred in my hometown,making it too dark to see anything. 上周我的家乡出现严重雾霾,使得天暗得看不见任何东西。
3.The snowstorm destroyed power facilities and some houses,cutting off power supplies in many areas and making many people homeless.暴风雪破坏了电力设施和一些房屋,许多地方的电力供应被中断,许多人无家可归。

高三英语科学前沿动态单选题50题(答案解析)1.Scientists have made a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence. The new technology is called deep learning. What is deep learning?A.A kind of softwareB.A branch of mathematicsC.A method of machine learningD.A type of computer hardware答案:C。
deep learning 是深度学习,是一种机器学习的方法。
2.The latest scientific discovery is a new element. What is an element?A.A compoundB.A mixtureC.A substance made up of only one kind of atomD.A solution答案:C。
element 是元素,是由一种原子组成的物质。
选项A,compound 是化合物;选项B,mixture 是混合物;选项D,solution 是溶液。
3.In the field of space exploration, a satellite is launched. What is a satellite?A.A spaceshipB.A planetC.An object that orbits a planet or other celestial bodyD.A star答案:C。
satellite 是卫星,是围绕行星或其他天体运行的物体。
选项A,spaceship 是宇宙飞船;选项B,planet 是行星;选项D,star 是恒星。

高三英语科学前沿动态引人关注解读单选题30题1. The discovery of a new planet in our galaxy has raised many questions about the possibility of ______ life forms.A. alienB. strangeC. unknownD. mysterious答案:A。
“alien”有“外星的”之意,与“life forms”搭配,表示外星生命形式,符合语境。
2. The recent research in quantum physics has brought to light ______ phenomena that challenge our understanding.A. numerousB. severalC. muchD. many答案:D。
3. The study of black holes has revealed ______ secrets of the universe.A. profoundB. deepC. hiddenD. mysterious答案:A。
4. A breakthrough in artificial intelligence has led to the development of ______ applications.A. variousB. diverseC. differentD. all答案:B。

一起来学习吧! 金融英语词汇汇总:宏观经济的 macroeconomic通货膨胀 inflation破产 insolvency有偿还债务能力的 solvent合同 contract汇率 exchange rate紧缩信贷 tighten credit creation私营部门 private sector财政管理机构 fiscal authorities宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy税法 tax bill财政 public finance财政部 the Ministry of Finance平衡预算 balanced budget继承税 inheritance tax货币主义者 monetariest增值税 VAT (value added tax)收入 revenue总需求 aggregate demand货币化 monetization赤字 deficit经济不景气 recessiona period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment经济好转 turnabout复苏 recovery成本推进型 cost push货币供应 money supply生产率 productivity劳动力 labor force实际工资 real wages成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation最终目标 ultimate goal坏的影响 adverse effect担保 ensure贴现 discount萧条的 sluggish认购 subscribe to支票帐户 checking account货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control 借据 IOUs(I owe you)本票 promissory notes货币总监 controller of the currency拖收系统 collection system支票清算或结算 check clearing资金划拨 transfer of funds可以相信的证明 credentials改革 fashion被缠住 entangled货币联盟 Monetary Union再购协议 repo精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading欧元 euro公共债务 membership criteria汇率机制 REM储备货币 reserve currency劳动密集型 labor-intensive股票交易所 bourse竞争领先 frontrun牛市 bull market非凡的牛市 a raging bull规模经济 scale economcies买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads 期货(股票) futures经济商行 brokerage firm回报率 rate of return股票 equities违约 default现金外流 cash drains经济人佣金 brokerage fee存款单 CD(certificate of deposit)营业额 turnover资本市场 capital market布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System经常帐户 current account套利者 arbitrager远期汇率 forward exchange rate即期汇率 spot rate实际利率 real interest rates货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy银行倒闭 bank failures跨国公司 MNC ( Multi-National Corporation) 商业银行 commercial bank商业票据 comercial paper利润 profit本票,期票 promissory notes监督 to monitor佣金(经济人) commission brokers套期保值 hedge有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance theory 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves固定汇率 fixed exchange rate浮动汇率 floating/flexible exchange rate货币选择权(期货) currency option套利 arbitrage合约价 exercise price远期升水 forward premium多头买升 buying long空头卖跌 selling short按市价订购股票 market order股票经纪人 stockbroker国际货币基金 the IMF七国集团 the G-7监督 surveillance同业拆借市场 interbank market可兑换性 convertibility软通货 soft currency限制 restriction交易 transaction充分需求 adequate demand短期外债 short term external debt汇率机制 exchange rate regime直接标价 direct quotes资本流动性 mobility of capital赤字 deficit本国货币 domestic currency外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market国际储备 international reserve利率 interest rate资产 assets国际收支 balance of payments贸易差额 balance of trade繁荣 boom债券 bond资本 captial资本支出 captial expenditures商品 commodities商品交易所 commodity exchange期货合同 commodity futures contract普通股票 common stock联合大企业 conglomerate货币贬值 currency devaluation通货紧缩 deflation折旧 depreciation贴现率 discount rate归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income 从业人员 employed person汇率 exchange rate财政年度fiscal year自由企业 free enterprise国民生产总值 gross antional product库存 inventory劳动力人数 labor force债务 liabilities市场经济 market economy合并 merger货币收入 money income跨国公司 Multinational Corproation个人收入 personal income优先股票 preferred stock价格收益比率 price-earning ratio优惠贷款利率 prime rate利润 profit回报 return on investment使货币升值 revaluation薪水 salary季节性调整 seasonal adjustment关税 tariff失业人员 unemployed person效用 utility价值 value工资 wages工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral收益 yield补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal 储蓄银行 saving banks欧洲联盟 the European Union单一的实体 a single entity抵押贷款 mortgage lending业主产权 owner's equity普通股 common stock无形资产 intangible assets收益表 income statement营业开支 operating expenses行政开支 administrative expenses现金收支一览表 statement of cash flow贸易中的存货 inventory收益 proceeds投资银行 investment bank机构投资者 institutional investor垄断兼并委员会 MMC招标发行 issue by tender定向发行 introduction代销 offer for sale直销 placing公开发行 public issue信贷额度 credit line国际债券 international bonds欧洲货币Eurocurrency利差 interest margin以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan 权利股发行 rights issues净收入比例结合 net income gearing。

《口译教程》重点英汉互译中国常驻联合国代表 Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations紧要关头 pivotal moment业务伙伴 business associate世界水平 world-class status顶尖的,世界一流的 state-of-the-art企业公民 corporate citizen实时信息传递(网上聊天)狂潮 the instant messaging craze好友名单 buddy list风行 pick up手机短信 cellphone text messaging资产负债表 balance sheet主导产品 leading product帝国大厦 the Empire State Building产值 output value年均增长率 average annual growth rate财富500强排名 Fortune 500 list分公司 subsidiaries垫底,排名最后 bottom end全球500强 Global 500上司公司 publicly held companies(英国大学)校长 Vice Chancellor理工学院 polytechnic主要专业 core discipline团圆饭 reunion dinner增强凝聚力 strengthen the sense of togetherness高级餐馆 smart/posh restaurant短信拜年 send new year greetings via text message秘书长 Secretary-General常务副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General全体大会 the General Assembly Session充满时代生计 full of modern vitality名族风情 folk customs交相辉映 add radiance and charm to each other起到重要推动作用 give a major push to经营部门 operational sector受…委托进行 be vested by联系成员 associate member附属成员 affiliate member演播室 studio小巷 alleyway小街 back-streets营养学家 dietitian低热量节食 on a low-calorie diet国际烟草控制公约 international treaty on tobacco control 烟草控制框架公约 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 控制…的蔓延 curb the rapid spread of基层 grass roots蹦极 bungee-jump希腊共和国 the Hellenic Republic致以三重敬意 pay a triple homage顶点 culmination兴奋剂 doping大街小巷 wide streets and narrow lanes古朴与现代 primitive simplicity and latest modernity厚重与活力 dignity and vigour千帆共舞 countless sails ploughing through the blue sea万鼓齐鸣 numerous drums sounding loudly绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运 Green, Hi-tech and People’s Olympics 依法治国 run the country according to the law依法行政 administrate according to the law懈怠 slack off / relent人亡政息 failure of government推进政治体制改革 press ahead with political reform村民自治 self-administration in villages共产主义专制国家 communist dictatorship中右派政党 centre-right political party中共中央党校 the Central School of the Chinese Communist Party政治派别 political persuasion具有中国血统 claim Chinese ancestry选区 electorate计划生育政策 family planning policy男女性别失衡 unbalanced sex ratio / gender imbalance多元化政策 multivariate policy总生育率 total fertility rate出生性别比 sex ratio at birth / birth ratio / newborn ratio(人口素质)逆淘汰 reverse selection of population quality老年扶养比 elderly dependency ratio劳动适龄人口 working-age population做好准备做 be poised to人口替代率 replacement rate加上,外加 coupled with预期寿命 life expectancy年龄中位数 median age人口转型 demographic transition负面影响 adverse effects贫困 impoverishment使…脱贫lift…out of poverty千年发展目标 Millennium Development Goals艰苦的环境 degrading environment国家人口与计划生育委员会 National Population and Family Planning Commission职能部门 functionaries人口动态学 population dynamics人口惯性 population momentum人口金字塔 population pyramid人口普查 census人口统计学 demography控制人口增长 curb population growth卢森堡 Luxembourg塞浦路斯 Cyprus爱沙尼亚 Estonia马耳他 Malta斯洛伐克 Slovakia经济总量 total volume of the economy文莱 Brunei缅甸 Myanmar / Burma对话伙伴 dialogue partners运转情况良好 on a sound track自由贸易区 Free Trade Bloc和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence互相尊重主权和领土完整 mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression互不干涉内政 non-interference in each other’s internal affairs平等互利 equality and mutual benefit和平共处 peaceful coexistence外交为民 do the diplomatic work for the people办实事 do practical things全国人大委员长 Chairman of the NPC政协主席 Chairman of the CPPCC国家元首 head of state政府首脑 head of government议会外交 inter-parliamentary diplomatic activities军队外交 military-to-military diplomatic activities全国妇联All China Women’s Federation全国总工会 All China Federation of Trade Unions友好城市关系 twin-city relations驻外外交机构 diplomatic missions abroad“感动中国十大人物” the top 10 most inspirational figures for China “中国威胁论” China threat theory国防开支 national defense expenditure联合国安理会 the UN Security Council常任理事国 permanent member of the Security Council维护和平的坚定力量 a staunch force for peace倾销 dumping反倾销协议 Anti-Dumping Agreement对…加收进口关税 charge extra import duty on消除对…的损害remove the injury to…外向型经济 export-oriented economy贸易争端/摩擦 trade dispute / friction劳动密集型产业 labour-intensive industry夕阳产业 sunset industry国际货币组织 IMF (International Monetary Fund)关税总协定 GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)依据规则、成员驱动的组织 rules-based member-driven organization 多边贸易机制 multi-lateral trading system集团 bloc专家组 panel of experts上诉报告 appeal report反补贴措施 countervailing measures消除贸易壁垒 eliminate trade barriers小康社会 a moderately prosperous society使生活更加殷实 upgrade the texture of life合作共赢 cooperation with win-win results知识产权保护 protection of intellectual property rights高端产品 top of the range完全地、彻底地 from the ground up3频手机 tri-gain phone兼容 compatible高增益天线 high-gain aerial盲点 blind spot最佳音质 optimum sound quality无线耳机 wireless headset数据处理能力 data capability使同步,连接 synchronize便携式电子设备 PDA (Portable Digital Assistant)可换外套 interchangeable casings可自编曲的多音色铃声 composable, multi-timbral ringtones 纳米技术 nano technology显示屏 display域名 domain name经销商 retailer增值服务 value-added service斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka突发灾难 unexpected disaster援助 disaster relief aid痛定思痛 reflect upon the disaster罪魁祸首 primary cause珊瑚礁 coral reef红树林 mangrove养虾 farm prawns预警机制 preventive and warning mechanisms班门弄斧,多此一举 bring coals to Newcastle海底拖网捕捞 bottom trawling机动化 motorization试探极限 test (the limits) to breaking point个人和政府的共同努力 take both personal and political will (美、加、澳、新)植树节 Arbor Day世界气象日 World Meteorological Day国际生物多样性日 International Biological Diversity Day三农问题 the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers两难境地 a Catch-22 situation振兴东北老工业基地 revitalization of the old industrial bases in northeast China商务部 Ministry of Commerce国有企业改组改造 reform and restructuring of state-owned enterprises卖点 selling-point优势互补 complementary advantages国有(经济)成分 public sector私有(经济)成分 private sector发生率 incidence普遍存在的不平等问题 prevailing inequalities起作用的,有帮助的 instrumental人力资源开发 HRD差距 disparity亚洲开发银行 ADB (Asian Development Bank)吸收能力 absorptive capacity海关总署 General Administration of Customs加工贸易 processing trade增长势头 growth momentum场地使用权 the right to use the site资产评估公司 assets evaluation company董事会 Board of Directors传播,扩散 proliferation病原体 pathogens强制性的 mandatory产品召回 product recall合同外资 contractual foreign investment研发中心 research and development centre (R & D centre)配套产业 supporting industries廉洁、勤政、务实、高效的政府 a clean, industrious, pragmatic and efficient government乱收费、乱检查、乱摊派、乱罚款 arbitrarily imposed fees, inspections, contributions and fines侵权盗版 infringement on intellectual property rights and copyright piracy白鹭 egret中国最温馨城市 the most congenial city in China支柱产业 pillar industry / fundamental sector建筑密度 construction density官僚作风 officialdom走后门、幕后操作 pull strings专有技术 know-how电解液 electrolyte钢筋混凝土 steel reinforcement in concrete阳极 anode阴极 cathode最佳成本效益 cost-effectiveness杠杆作用 leverage对抗性地 defiantly嘻哈乐 hip-hop霹雳舞 break-dance边缘化 marginalization使突然上升,弹弓 catapult贫困 destitution停电 power outage抢劫 loot类似物 analogue合并,趋同 convergence快速存储芯片 fast memory chips摄像机 camcorder图像传输 video-messaging高清电视high-definition television (HDTV)键盘界面 keypad interface高端产品 premium products翻盖式 clamshell全球移动通讯系统 GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) 专属软件 proprietary software补偿贸易 compensation trade羊绒制品 cashmere products滚动式发展 snowballing development配额 trade quota资本运作 capital operation碳酸钙 calcium carbonate珊瑚虫 coral polyps光电技术 photo-electricity technology再生能源 renewable energy实体法 substantial law程序法 procedural law行政法 administrative law判例 precedent英美法系,普通法系 common law system大陆法系 continental law system法律条文 statute(汽车)右前部 off-side front挡泥板 wing报废(的车) write-off裁定 decree手段,工具 instrumentality神谕,预言 oracle法学,法理学 jurisprudence细想,详述 dwell upon本末倒置 get the cart before the horse法典 corpus诺贝尔经济学奖获得者 Nobel economics laureate 货币机制 currency regime不良贷款,坏账 bad loans人民币自由兑换 RMB convertibility对冲基金 hedge fund营业额,成交额 turnover外汇交易 forex=foreign exchange技术性壁垒 technical barriers跨国经营和国际化生产 transnational business operation and internationalized production能力建设 capacity build-up质量监督检验检疫 quality supervision, inspection, and quarantine洗钱 money laundering证券经营机构 securities institutions融资 raise funds贸易赤字 trade deficit(绝对)数字上 numerically(电脑)操作系统 operating system反病毒软件 anti-virus software避难处 safe haven漏洞 vulnerability安全意识高的用户 security-savvy users补丁 patch缺陷 glitch深空探测 deep-space exploration氦 helium核聚变燃料 nuclear fusion fuel航天技术 aerospace technology占有一席之地 have a niche / to become a player胚胎干细胞embryonic stem-cell巨大的 hefty许多 a raft of使卵受精 fertilize eggs法律强质执行的准则 legally enforceable guidelines陷入争议 be mired in controversy工作表现评估表 performance evaluation sheet疏忽,粗心 remiss开辟新天地的,创业的ground-breaking超流体 superfluid偶像人物 an iconic figure新手 fledgling有眼力的 visionary对外经贸大学 the University of International Business and Economics 独联体 the Commonwealth of Independent nations呈现出良好发展势头 take on a good momentum of development长期的 prolonged单调 monotony试用的 probationary紫荆花 bauhinia校友 alumni与…接轨 integrate into开诚布公 candid about应对挑战 address the challenge婆罗门教 Brahmanism兼收并蓄 mutual accommodation多边合作机制 multilateral cooperation network垄断 monopolize拆分 breakup许可条款 licensing provision诉讼 litigation推广,传播 dissemination共享资源 pooling of resources贺辞 a congratulatory letter受…委托 be entrusted by取长补短 draw upon each other’s strengths市场容量 market capacity技术含量高 high technical content止跌回稳 end downward trend and become stabilized成长性好 good potential for growth畅所欲言 free to air opinions求同存异 seeking common ground while shelving differences 针灸 acupuncture铸铁 iron casting迟到的感谢 a belated thank-you锯末 sawdust折叠床 folding cot利用 harness二十四节气立春 the Beginning of Spring 雨水 Rain Water惊蛰 the Waking of Insects 春分 the Spring Equinox清明 Pure Brightness谷雨 Grain Rain立夏 Beginning of Summer小满 Grain Full芒种 Grain in Ear夏至 the Summer Solstice小暑 Slight Heat大暑 Great Heat立秋 the Beginning of Autumn 处暑 the Limit of Heat白露 White Dew秋分 the Autumn Equinox寒露 Cold dew霜降Frost’s Descent立冬 the Beginning of Winter小雪 Slight Snow大雪 Great Snow冬至 the Winter Solstice小寒 Slight Cold大寒 Great Cold中国各类学历英译《中华人民共和国学位条例》Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the PRC结业证书 Certification of Completion毕业证书 Certification of Graduation师范学校 normal school upper secondary level师范专科学校 normal specialized postsecondary college师范大学 normal / teachers’ university公证书 Notarial Certificate / Certificate of Notary Public专科学院 postsecondary specialized college广播电视大学 radio and television university中等专科学校 secondary specialized school自学考试 self-study examination技工学校 training college业余大学 spare-time university职工大学 staff and workers university职业大学 vocational university包含“China”, “Chinese”易望文生义的词组:Chinese aster 翠菊China clay 瓷土,高岭土China grass 苎麻China rose 月季Chinese cabbage 大白菜Chinese copy 与原物一模一样的复制品Chinese unicorn 麒麟Chinese ink 墨Chinese lantern 灯笼Chinese puzzle 复杂难懂之事物Chinese wall 难以逾越的屏障,严重障碍Chinese red 大红色Chinese white 锌白Chinese wood oil 桐油体育报道形容用语傲视全联盟 top the entire league出类拔萃,鼎中龙虎 the cream of the crop / the best of the bunch 独领风骚top in one’s field飞毛腿 a track star奉为圭臬 looked up to as a standard冠绝群雄 top of the heap行情暴涨 now a hot commodity / now much more in demand豪杰 those endowed with extraordinary talent后生 up-and-coming / up-comer领头羊 take the lead榜首 the top spot名列前茅 in the top percentile难缠人物 a force to be reckoned with首发阵容 first team一鸣惊人catapult … into fame overnight / an overnight success歇后语翻译八仙过海----各显神通 (Like) the Eight Immortals crossing the sea ——each showing his or her special prowess.黄鼠狼给鸡拜年----不怀好意 A weasel wishing Happy New Year to the chicken —— harbouring no good intention.兔子尾巴----长不了 The tail of a rabbit ——can not be long / won’t last long.瞎子点灯----白费蜡 It is as useless as a blind man lightening a candle.芝麻开花----节节高 Sesames stalk putting forth flowers notch by botch, higher and higher —— rising / blooming steadily.“审判”英译审判由人民法院负责The people’s court is responsible for adjudication.审判对象 object of adjudication国家审判机关 state adjudication organ审判权 judicial power审判人员 judicial personnel审判委员会 judicial committee审判程序 court proceedings / trial procedure审判监督程序 procedure for trial supervision审判独立 independence of trial and decision缺席审判 judgment / trial by default审判案件 try a case / trial of cases开庭审判 open the court session for trial公开审判 open trial / be heard in public与刑事案件一并审判 be heard together with the criminal case旁听审讯 be present at the hearing审判不公 failure of justice审判所在国 state of forum审判费用 juridical expenses诉讼费用 litigation costs中国特色形象描述词半拉子工程 uncompleted project“豆腐渣”工程 jerry-built project放心肉 quality-assured meat胡子工程 long-drawn-out construction project (a project which takes so long that young workers grow beard by the time it is finished)紧箍咒 restraining measures开小灶 give special favour老油条 wily old bird龙头 flagship (enterprise)扣帽子 put a label on领头羊 bellwether磨洋工 dawdle / amble along拳头产品 knock-out product / blockbuster踢皮球/打太极 pass the buck筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment宰人 rip someone off政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 government sets the stage, department direct the show and business puts on the performance抓大放小 focus on restructuring major enterprises while leaving minor ones to take care of themselves / while giving a free hand to small ones抓两头,带中间 sustain the advanced and help the backward so as to encourage the vast majority in the middle to progress / grasp the two ends and bring along the middle。

Banking Industry1 The Banking industry in China1 Words and expressionsBanking 银行业银行业务 China banking historyJoint –equity commercial banks 股份制商业银行Business domains 业务领域商业领域Subordinate establishments 下级机构从属机构(immediate 直接的)All-in-one monopolistic bangking system 一体化的垄断银行系统Macroeconomic management 宏观经济管理State Council 国务院Financial sector 金融产业经溶界财政部门Formulate monetary policy 制定货币政策Currency 通货货币Exercise supervision over the financial institutions对金融机构进行监管Financial system 金融系统Issue renminbi and regulate its circulation发行人民币并控制人民币流通The state foreign exchange reserve国家外汇储备Fiscal agent 财务代理Credit information 征信信息Compile Statistics and statements 编制数据和报表Payment and settlement 支付与清算Monetary base =monetary supplyAggregate credit 信贷总量Benchmark interest rate 基准利率Fiscal deficit 财政赤字State treasury 国库Currency distribution 现金调拨Break even 不赚不赔收支相抵Lending facility 信贷机构Interest subsidy 贴息Fixed-asset 固定资产Policy-related credit 政策性贷款Policy-based projects 政策工程Line of business 业务范围Indicator 指标Complete plant 成套设备Financial supervisory regime 金融监管体制Trust 信托Business scope 营业范围On-site off-site 现场非现场的Deposit taking institution 吸收存款的机构Functional department职能部门Interest rate exchange rate 利率汇率Real estate 不动产License their establishment许可特许给发许可证Security and insurance 证券和保险International capital flowReal-time 实时的Plenary session 全会A provision of this agreement 条款Subsidiary 子公司Surveillance 监管监督Optimize 使最优化Amount to 总计达到Money laundering 洗钱Macro-adjustment 宏观调控Credit insurance 信用保险2 AbbreviationsPBC People’s Bank of ChinaADBC Agricultural Development Bank of China NPC National People’s CongressCBRC the China Banking Regulatory Commission2 The World Bank1 Words and expressionsCreditworthy 有信誉的Low-interest interest-free低息免息无息Grant、拨款、补助金津贴Bilateral 双方的双边的Arbitration 公断仲裁Expropriation 征收没收Currency inconvertibility 货币不可兑换Signatory 签署国签约人 be signatory to an agreement Hard loan 硬贷款条件苛刻的贷款Proceeds 收益收入Default 拖欠Liquidity 流动资本In default 违约Tender 投标 bid 投标出价Furnish 提供供应装备per capita income 人均收入Exclusively 专门的专有的Joint venture 合资企业合营企业Security underwriting activity 证券承销业务Stock exchange 证券交易所Emerging market 新兴市场Write off investments 核销处理(勾销、报废)Turnover 营业额交易额/人员更替数、人员更换率Privatization 私有化Public sector 公共部门公共成分Soft loan 软贷款低息贷款Maturity 到期 they have 40 maturities。
新视野大学英语A2(第三版)Words in used答案+翻译

Unit 21 In our class, most discussions and activities take placein assigned small groups. These groups provide a supportive and safe environment that promotes(促进) learning.在我们班,大多数的讨论和活动都在指定的小组中进行。
2 It is the development strategy of the company to accelerateits overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market.为了在世界市场上分一杯羹,加快海外扩张是公司的发展战略。
3 Nearly six million people go to see the Mona Lisa everyyear, attacted by the mystery(神秘)of her smile.When you’re not looking at her,she seems to be smiling; when you look at her, she stops.每年有近六百万的人去看《蒙娜丽莎》,这是她微笑的神秘之处。
4 To live with a family whose native language is English isthe ideal way to further improve one's English and to gain insight(了解)intoits culture.与母语是英语的一个家庭一起生活是最理想的方式进一步提高自己的英语和了解一起文化。
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a rXiv:087.1354v1[astro-ph]9J ul28Evidence for a Turnover in the IMF of Low Mass Stars and Sub–stellar Objects:Analysis from an Ensemble of Young Clusters M.Andersen Spitzer Science Center,California Institute of Technology,Pasadena,CA 91125contact:mortena@ M.R.Meyer,J.Greissl &A.Aversa Steward Observatory,The University of Arizona,Tucson,AZ 85721ABSTRACT We present a combined analysis of the low–mass Initial Mass Function (IMF)for seven star forming regions.We first demonstrate that the ratios of stars to brown dwarfs are consistent with a single underlying IMF.Assuming the un-derlying IMF is the same for all seven clusters and by combining the ratio of stars to brown dwarfs from each cluster we constrain the shape of the brown dwarf IMF and find it to be consistent with a log–normal IMF (Chabrier 2005).This provides the strongest constraint yet that the sub–stellar IMF turns over (dNa Bayesian approach to constrain the power–law slope below0.08M⊙to be in the range −0.6<α<0.6with a confidence level of60%,where a Salpeter slope isα=2.35.These results indicate that while brown dwarfs do not contribute significantly to the mass of typical stellar populations,they might still be as abundant as stars(Chabrier2002).The classical approach to derive the mass function for stars and sub–stellar objects is to take an observed luminosity function and apply a mass–luminosity relationship in order to derive the present–day mass function.Then corrections,based on the theory of stellar evolution,permit one to estimate an initial mass function from the present day mass function(see e.g.Scalo(1986);Kroupa(2001);Chabrier(2003)for complete descriptions of this process).The confounding variable in these analyses is the star formation history of the Galactic disk,which is vital for sub–stellar objects whose mass–luminosity relationship evolves with time.A different approach is to use star clusters of known age as laboratories to measure the IMF.Open clusters are in principle good candidates due to their richness.Yet they suffer from the effects of dynamical evolution,mass segregation,and evaporation(da&Lada 2003).Young(<10Myr)embedded clusters are attractive alternatives as they are compact and rich(100s–1000s of stars within0.3–1pc),yet to emerge as unbound OB/T associa-tions,and the low mass objects are10–1000more luminous than their older open cluster counterparts(0.1–16Gyr)since they shrink and cool as they age.Indeed,embedded clusters have been the targets of aggressive photometric and spec-troscopic surveys in an attempt to search for variations in the IMF as a function of initial conditions.Meyer et al.(2000)found that the ratio of high–(1–10M⊙)to low–(0.1–1M⊙) mass stars for an ensemble of young clusters within1kpc were consistent with:1)each other;and2)having been drawn from thefield star IMF.More recent studies have pushed well into the sub–stellar mass regime(see Luhman et al.(2007)for a recent review).There have been some claims for variations in the brown dwarf IMF between nearby star–forming regions.Brice˜n o et al.(2002)argued that the low density Taurus dark cloud had a dearth of brown dwarfs compared to the rich Orion Nebula Cluster(ONC).However,this preliminary result has been updated as additional data have become available and the statistics improved for both clusters(Guieu et al.2006;Slesnick et al.2004).Here,we use observations for seven nearby star clusters to constrain the combined brown dwarf IMF.In section2,we describe the data,illustrate there is no strong evidence for variation in the sub–stellar IMF between the star–forming regions,and outline our approach to constrain the low–mass IMF.We present our results in section3,and in section4we discuss our results in the context of previous work as well as theories of star(and sub–stellar object)formation.2.The ApproachWe have compiled the ratio of stars to brown dwarfs in nearby,well studied young embedded clusters and the Pleiades.The regions included in this study are described briefly below,where the ratio of stars(0.08–1.0M⊙)to brown dwarfs(0.03–0.08M⊙)is calculated. For all the regions we consider the system IMF,uncorrected for multiplicity within200AU. The sample is focused on embedded clusters where spectroscopy has been used to determine the age of the cluster,wherefield star contamination has been taken into account,and an extinction limited sample has been defined.Furthermore,we have included the Pleiades since it is one of the best studied open clusters and the sub–stellar IMF has been estimated. The break point at0.08M⊙has been adopted in accordance with the break point for the Kroupa(2001)IMF,similar to the characteristic mass in the Chabrier(2003)single object IMF.Only a few of the clusters adopted here have the IMF derived in an extinction limited reaching0.02M⊙and we have opted for0.03M⊙as a lower mass limit to obtain a larger sample of clusters.Taurus:Luhman(2004)imaged a4square degree region of Taurus focused on the denserfilaments to identify cluster candidates.Candidates were confirmed as cluster mem-bers based on their effective temperature,luminosity and spectral features through follow–up intermediate resolution optical spectroscopy.In total,112objects are confirmed members with derived masses between0.03M⊙and1.0M⊙and extinctions A V≤4mag.Some96 objects are stars and16are brown dwarfs.Thus,the ratio of stars to brown dwarfs in Tauruswhere the errors are estimated using the method of Gehrels(1986). is R=96/16=6.0+2.6−2.0IC348:Luhman et al.(2003)imaged a42′×28′region of the IC348cluster to identify cluster candidates.Through intermediate resolution spectroscopy most of the candidates were confirmed as cluster members based on their effective temperature,luminosity and spectral features indicating the objects are young.In total,Luhman et al.(2003)finds168 cluster members with masses between0.03M⊙and1.0M⊙and extinctions A V≤4mag. The ratio of stars to brown dwarfs is found to be R=8.3+3.3.−2.6Mon R2:Andersen et al.(2006)imaged the central1′×1′of the embedded cluster associated with Mon R2utilizing the NICMOS instrument on board HST.An extinction limited sample A V≤10mag was defined and a total of19objects were detected with masses. between0.03–1M⊙.The ratio of stars to brown dwarfs was found to be R=8.5+13.6−5.8 Chameleon1:Luhman(2007)obtained an extinction limited sample in Chameleon1 complete down to0.01M⊙for A V≤5mag through HST/ACS observations of a0.22◦×0.28◦region and subsequent spectroscopic follow–up of cluster member candidates.The sub–. sample from0.03M⊙–1M⊙includes24objects and the ratio R is found to be R=4.0+3.7−2.1Pleiades:The Pleiades is one of the best studied open clusters and numerous deriva-tions of the IMF have been published.Here we focus on the survey by Moraux et al.(2003) who covered a6.4square degree region of the Pleiades.The survey had a saturation limit of0.48M⊙.For higher masses,the survey was combined with a mass function built from Prosser&Stauffer(1998).The Pleiades suffer relatively low(A V<1mag),mostly uniform, extinction with negligible impact on the completeness of this sample so we did not apply a. reddening criterion.The ratio of stars to brown dwarfs was found to be R=4.9+1.5−1.2 The Orion Nebular Cluster:The ONC has been the subject of extensive studies (Hillenbrand1997;Hillenbrand&Carpenter2000;Luhman et al.2000;Muench et al.2002). We take the adopted ratio of stars to sub–stellar objects from the study of Slesnick et al. (2004).The total sample,covering the central5.′1×5.′1,contains approximately200objects with masses between0.02–0.6M⊙and A V≤ing their Figure14,and extrapo-lating the slope from0.08-0.6M⊙to1.0M⊙(one additional bin in their plot),we arrive at a ratio of stars to sub–stellar objects of R=3.3+0.8.−0.7NGC2024:The ratio of stars to brown dwarfs in NGC2024is found from the photo-metric and spectroscopic study of Levine et al.(2006),covering the central10′×10′.They assign masses to the photometric objects based on the mass distribution in each magnitude bin determined from the spectroscopic sample as in Slesnick et al.(2004).The result is a total of148objects in their survey area with masses between0.02–1M⊙and with an ex-tinction A V≤15mag.Based on their Figure9,wefind that there are27objects between.0.03–0.08M⊙for a ratio of stars to sub–stellar objects of R=3.8+2.1−1.5Table1shows the ratio of stars to brown dwarfs for nearby embedded clusters and the Pleiades as described above and the distribution of ratios is shown in Fig,1.The weighted mean of the ratios is found to be4.3and the standard deviation of the weighted mean is1.6. All of the measurements presented are consistent with the weighted mean within2σ.There is thus little evidence for variation in the low–mass IMF between the different regions and we have in the following adopted the hypothesis the IMF is universal.Under this assumption, the complete set of IMF determinations can be combined to place constraint that are stronger than for each of the individual measurements.3.The ResultsFor each cluster,we have calculated the probability of obtaining the observed ratio of stars to brown dwarfs for a given IMF or greater.The ratio of stars to brown dwarfs drawn from a given sample size with an assumed IMF is determined by the binomial theorem.The predicted distribution of ratios from both segmented power–laws and a Chabrier(2005,dN2σ2,m0=0.25,σ=0.55)log–normal(system IMF)function for acluster of100objects with unresolved binaries is shown in the lower panel in Fig.1.The peak mass in the log–normal is slightly higher and the width slightly more narrow than presented in Chabrier(2003).The change in the best–fit parameters in Chabrier(2005)is due to an updated mass–luminosity relation(Reid et al.2002).A similar increase in the peak mass have later been suggested by Covey et al.(submitted).The slope of the segmented power–law between0.08M⊙and1.0M⊙was chosen to be α=1.3and the slope has been varied below0.08M⊙between−0.6<α<0.6which is the60%confidence interval presented by Allen et al.(2005).It is clear the rising andflat IMFs(α=0.6,0.0)are difficult to reconcile with the observed distribution of ratios.We have quantitatively assessed the likelihood of obtaining the observed ratios from an assumed IMF as follows.For each of the seven measurements,the probability of obtaining that ratio or higher assuming an underlying IMF is calculated adopting the binomial theorem.The product of the seven probabilities is then calculated.Wefind these values,which we refer to as the binomial tail product,or BTP,to be0.0012,2.2·10−8,1.8·10−14,and1.0·10−24, for a Chabrier,falling,flat,and rising IMF,respectively.If each cluster sample was drawn from the assumed underlying IMF and each cluster had an infinite number of objects,we would expect the combined product of this statistic for a sample of seven clusters to be 0.57=7.8·10−3.The log–normal IMF appears to reproduce the observed ratios best, followed by the falling power–law IMF.How consistent are the measured ratios with a Chabrier IMF and with what confidence can other IMFs be ruled out?We have investigated that question by performing Monte Carlo simulations.We created an artificial set of seven clusters each containing100objects, the median number of objects in our sample.The100objects are then assigned masses according to the assumed underlying IMF and the ratio of stars to brown dwarfs for each cluster is determined.For each of the ratios,the probability of observing that value or higher is calculated and the seven probabilities are multiplied as was done for the observed set of clusters.The BTP for the observed clusters is then compared with the distribution of BTPs just derived.Because each factor in the BTP is drawn from a binomial distribution(of varying shapes),each IMF gives the same expected distribution of BTPs.Figure2shows the cumulative distribution of BTPs for a set of10000simulations.Overplotted are the probabilities obtained above for the observed set of clusters as-suming the four different underlying IMFs.Wefind that37%of the simulations have a probability equal to or lower than what was found assuming a Chabrier IMF and in only ∼0.05–0.1%of the simulations is the probability equal to or lower than found assuming afalling power–law IMF.In none of the simulations did the low probabilities for theflat or rising power–law IMFs occur(P<0.01%).The results indicate that the IMF is falling in the brown dwarf regime and that the Chabrier IMF is consistent with the observations.4.DiscussionThe results on the IMF presented here are based on the system IMF including binaries unresolved within200AU.As such,they may be difficult to compare directly with the locally derived(within20pc)field IMF discussed in Allen et al.(2005)which suffers from a much smaller fraction of unresolved binaries.Yet the overall binary frequency for ultra–cool dwarfs(M6and later)appears to be low(∼20%,Burgasser et al.2007),and furthermore the relative number of companions with separations>15AU and mass ratios q>0.4may be extremely low around very cool stars,∼1%(Allen2007).Indeed if the companion mass ratio distribution follows the Chabrier IMF at wide separations,one could expect fewer very low mass companions as one surveys progres-sively lower mass primaries(e.g.Siegler et al.2005),consistent with the observations by McCarthy&Zuckerman(2004).If the IMF follows a Chabrier IMF in the brown dwarf regime below0.03M⊙(say down to the opacity limit for fragmentation∼0.001–0.004M⊙(Whitworth&Stamatellos2006),the number of stars below1M⊙will outnumber brown dwarfs4.7to1.The sense of our results,that the mass function is falling in the BD regime,is consistent with various ideas put forward to explain the shape of the IMF(Bonnell et al.(2007)and references therein).Building on the ideas of Larson(2005),Bonnell et al.(2006)produce an IMF that is only weakly dependent on the Jeans mass through dynamical interactions in the cluster.However,Allen(2007)show that the turbulent fragmentation models by Bate&Bonnell(2005)predict too few low-mass binary systems.Goodwin et al.(2004),on the other hand,suggest that the IMF should peak at higher masses in regions with low turbulence,e.g.Taurus,which would result in a higher ratio of stars to brown dwarfs.The lack of a strong variations in the ratio of stars to brown dwarfs is a problem for the turbulence models in general:for example,magnetic turbulence models predict strong variations in the low–mass IMF as a function of Mach number and density(Padoan&Nordlund2002).If the preliminary results indicated here are born out through further observations,models that depend only weakly on initial conditions would be required(e.g.Adams&Fatuzzo(1996); Hennebelle&Chabrier(2008)).Possible IMF variations at least within1kpc are smaller than can be detected bycomparing the currently observed clusters.Thus there are two challenges in detecting IMF variations:1)One needs clusters with a well sampled population to minimize the inherently stochastic nature of populating an IMF and2)a larger set of clusters is needed to detect even small IMF variations with initial conditions.Although it appears the variations in the IMF down to30M jup are modest,we still expect that variations will be seen at the lowest masses where the opacity limit for fragmentation can be reached(Low&Lynden-Bell1976) and the metallicity of the star forming region could be imprinted in the lower mass limit.We thank Joanna Levine,Kevin Luhman,and Cathy Slesnick for helpful discussions,as well as Neill Reid,Charles Lada,and Pavel Kroupa for comments on a draft of this paper. The referee is acknowledged for a very fast response and for suggestions that improved the manuscript.Finally,we thank the organizers of the Cool Stars14Splinter Session entitled The Formation of Low-Mass Protostars and Proto-Brown Dwarfs for the opportunity to present a preliminary version of this work.MRM gratefully acknowledge the support of a Cottrell Scholar award from the Research Corporation,NASA grant GO–9846from the Space Telescope Science Institute,and the Arizona Space Grant Consortium.REFERENCESAdams,F.C.,&Fatuzzo,M.1996,ApJ,464,256Allen,P.R.,Koerner,D.W.,Reid,I.N.,&Trilling,D.E.2005,ApJ,625,385Allen,P.R.2007,ApJ,668,492Andersen,M.,Meyer,M.R.,Oppenheimer,B.,Dougados,C.,&Carpenter,J.2006,AJ, 132,2296Bate,M.R.,&Bonnell,I.A.2005,MNRAS,356,1201Bonnell,I.A.,Clarke,C.J.,&Bate,M.R.2006,MNRAS,368,1296Bonnell,I.A.,Larson,R.B.,&Zinnecker,H.2007,Protostars and Planets V,149Brice˜n o,C.,Luhman,K.L.,Hartmann,L.,Stauffer,J.R.,&Kirkpatrick,J.D.2002,ApJ, 580,317Burgasser,A.J.,Reid,I.N.,Siegler,N.,Close,L.,Allen,P.,Lowrance,P.,&Gizis,J.2007, Protostars and Planets V,427Chabrier,G.2002,ApJ,567,304Chabrier,G.2003,PASP,115,763Chabrier,G.2005,The Initial Mass Function50Years Later,327,41Gehrels,N.1986,ApJ,303,336Goodwin,S.P.,Whitworth,A.P.,&Ward-Thompson,D.2004,A&A,419,543Guieu,S.,Dougados,C.,Monin,J.-L.,Magnier,E.,&Mart´ın,E.L.2006,A&A,446,485 Hayashi,C.,&Nakano,T.1963,Progress of Theoretical Physics,30,460Hennebelle,P.,&Chabrier,G.2008,ArXiv e-prints,805,arXiv:0805.0691 Hillenbrand,L.A.1997,AJ,113,1733Hillenbrand,L.A.,&Carpenter,J.M.2000,ApJ,540,236Kirkpatrick,J.D.2005,ARA&A,43,195Kroupa,P.2001,MNRAS,322,231Kumar,S.S.1963,ApJ,137,1121Lada,C.J.,&Lada,E.A.2003,ARA&A,41,57Larson,R.B.2005,MNRAS,359,211Levine,J.L.,Steinhauer,A.,Elston,R.J.,&Lada,E.A.2006,ApJ,646,1215Low,C.,&Lynden-Bell,D.1976,MNRAS,176,367Luhman,K.L.,Rieke,G.H.,Young,E.T.,Cotera,A.S.,Chen,H.,Rieke,M.J.,Schneider,G.,&Thompson,R.I.2000,ApJ,540,1016Luhman,K.L.,Stauffer,J.R.,Muench,A.A.,Rieke,G.H.,Lada,E.A.,Bouvier,J.,& Lada,C.J.2003,ApJ,593,1093Luhman,K.L.2004,ApJ,617,1216Luhman,K.L.,Joergens,V.,Lada,C.,Muzerolle,J.,Pascucci,I.,&White,R.2007, Protostars and Planets V,443Luhman,K.L.2007,ApJS,173,104McCarthy,C.,&Zuckerman,B.2004,AJ,127,2871Meyer,M.R.,Adams,F.C.,Hillenbrand,L.A.,Carpenter,J.M.,&Larson,R.B.2000, Protostars and Planets IV,121Moraux,E.,Bouvier,J.,Stauffer,J.R.,&Cuillandre,J.-C.2003,A&A,400,891 Muench,A.A.,Lada,E.A.,Lada,C.J.,&Alves,J.2002,ApJ,573,366Padoan,P.,&Nordlund,˚A.2002,ApJ,576,870Prosser,C.F.,&Stauffer,J.R.1998,ftp:///pub/staufferReid,I.N.,et al.1999,ApJ,521,613Reid,I.N.,Gizis,J.E.,&Hawley,S.L.2002,AJ,124,2721Salpeter,E.E.1955,ApJ,121,161Scalo,J.M.1986,Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics,11,1Siegler,N.,Close,L.M.,Cruz,K.L.,Mart´ın,E.L.,&Reid,I.N.2005,ApJ,621,1023 Skrutskie,M.F.,et al.2006,AJ,131,1163Slesnick,C.L.,Hillenbrand,L.A.,&Carpenter,J.M.2004,ApJ,610,1045 Whitworth,A.P.,&Stamatellos,D.2006,A&A,458,817Fig.1.—Top panel:Histogram of the observed ratios of stars to brown dwarfs described in the text and summarized in Table1.Bottom panel:The binomial distribution for a cluster with100objects drawn from either the Chabrier(solid line),the falling(α=−0.6,dotted),flat(α=0,long–dashed),or rising(α=0.6,long–dash–dotted)IMFs.Distributions that continue to rise in linear mass units below the hydrogen burning limit are least consistent with the observations.Fig.2.—Test of the distribution of probabilities if seven clusters are randomly drawn from a Chabrier IMF.For each the probability of obtaining the observed ratio of stars to brown dwarfs is calculated and the product of the seven probabilities is determined for each of the 10000simulations.The vertical lines indicate the combined probability of obtaining the observed ratios of stars to brown dwarfs for the Chabrier IMF(right line)and the power–law IMF that is falling in linear units in the brown dwarf regime(α=0.6,left line).The probabilities for theflat and rising IMF are both outside the plotted range and did nothappen in any of the Monte Carlo simulations.。