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Ideas, Organizations, and Identity Guidelines — Reconstruction and Community Shaping of the Qiu Clan of the British Penang in the
19th Century SONG Yan-peng (School of History and Culture, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250100, China; China Social Science Press, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100720, China) Key words:Penang; Chinese community; clan organization; Leong San Tong; Hokkien community; blood identity; regional identity Abstract:The paper focuses on the analysis of Qiu clan in the Five Surnames of Penang Island combing the history of the colonization of the Qiu clan in the 19th century, the formation and function of the Qiu clan organization, and analysis the specific boundaries of Qiu clan identity. After the opening in 1786, Penang had a large number of Qiu people from Sandu of the Haicheng county, Fujian province. After the development of the first half of the 19th century, a large-scale ancestor organization, Leong San Tong, which served to worship gods as well as ancestors, was established in the middle of 19th century. Besides, the Qiu clan rebuilt the genealogy. In the 19th century, Qiu’s identity was first of all a kinship identity divided within the clan according to the factionalism. Outside the clan, there were a wide range of groups and regional identities
2018 年 6 月 第2期
华侨华人历史研究 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
June 2018 No.2
(山东大学 历史文化学院,山东 济南 250100; 中国社会科学院 中国社会科学出版社,北京 100720)
[关键词]槟榔屿;华人社群;宗族组织;龙山堂;闽南社群;血缘认同;地域认同 A [摘 要]论文以槟榔屿五大姓中的邱氏作为重点分析对象,梳理了 19 世纪邱氏宗族移殖槟榔屿 的历史脉络、邱氏宗族组织的形成和作用,并对邱氏宗族认同准则的不同边界进行了具体分析。1786 年槟榔屿开埠后,来自福建海澄三都的邱氏人数逐渐增多,经过 19 世纪上半叶的发展,在 19 世纪中 期建立了融神明祭祀与祖先祭祀于一体的大宗祠组织——龙山堂,并重修了族谱。在 19 世纪的槟榔 屿,邱氏的认同首先是宗族内部按照房派来划分的血缘认同;在宗族之外,则有闽南方言、福建公 司、海澄三都、三魁岭等范围大小不同的方言群和地域认同。这是邱氏在海外采取的认同层次,体现 出邱氏多面相的宗族发展策略,也成为邱氏宗族乃至闽南社群形塑的主要途径。邱氏宗族组织的再建 构,代表了英属马来亚地区华人社群形塑过程中血缘认同的一种典型形式。 [中图分类号]D634.333.8 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-5162(2018)02-0071-10
such as the Hokkien dialect, Fujian company, Haicheng Sandu, and Sankuiling. It was the identity level that Qiu clan adopted overseas. Not only did it reflect Qiu’s multi-faceted clan development strategy, but also it became the chief way of forming the Qiu clan and even the Hokkien communities. The reconstruction of the Qiu clan organization represents a typical form of kinship identity in the formation process of the Chinese community in the British Malaya region.
[收稿日期]2018-01-19; [修回日期]2018-04-20 [作者简介]宋燕鹏,男,山东大学历史文化学院博士后、中国社会科学出版社编审,主要研究方向为中国 古代社会史、马来西亚华人史。 * 本文系中国博士后科学基金项目“血缘、地缘与神缘的交织:马来西亚福建人移民史研究”(编号: 2017M622176)之研究成果。
19th Century SONG Yan-peng (School of History and Culture, Shandong University, Ji’nan 250100, China; China Social Science Press, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100720, China) Key words:Penang; Chinese community; clan organization; Leong San Tong; Hokkien community; blood identity; regional identity Abstract:The paper focuses on the analysis of Qiu clan in the Five Surnames of Penang Island combing the history of the colonization of the Qiu clan in the 19th century, the formation and function of the Qiu clan organization, and analysis the specific boundaries of Qiu clan identity. After the opening in 1786, Penang had a large number of Qiu people from Sandu of the Haicheng county, Fujian province. After the development of the first half of the 19th century, a large-scale ancestor organization, Leong San Tong, which served to worship gods as well as ancestors, was established in the middle of 19th century. Besides, the Qiu clan rebuilt the genealogy. In the 19th century, Qiu’s identity was first of all a kinship identity divided within the clan according to the factionalism. Outside the clan, there were a wide range of groups and regional identities
2018 年 6 月 第2期
华侨华人历史研究 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
June 2018 No.2
(山东大学 历史文化学院,山东 济南 250100; 中国社会科学院 中国社会科学出版社,北京 100720)
[关键词]槟榔屿;华人社群;宗族组织;龙山堂;闽南社群;血缘认同;地域认同 A [摘 要]论文以槟榔屿五大姓中的邱氏作为重点分析对象,梳理了 19 世纪邱氏宗族移殖槟榔屿 的历史脉络、邱氏宗族组织的形成和作用,并对邱氏宗族认同准则的不同边界进行了具体分析。1786 年槟榔屿开埠后,来自福建海澄三都的邱氏人数逐渐增多,经过 19 世纪上半叶的发展,在 19 世纪中 期建立了融神明祭祀与祖先祭祀于一体的大宗祠组织——龙山堂,并重修了族谱。在 19 世纪的槟榔 屿,邱氏的认同首先是宗族内部按照房派来划分的血缘认同;在宗族之外,则有闽南方言、福建公 司、海澄三都、三魁岭等范围大小不同的方言群和地域认同。这是邱氏在海外采取的认同层次,体现 出邱氏多面相的宗族发展策略,也成为邱氏宗族乃至闽南社群形塑的主要途径。邱氏宗族组织的再建 构,代表了英属马来亚地区华人社群形塑过程中血缘认同的一种典型形式。 [中图分类号]D634.333.8 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-5162(2018)02-0071-10
such as the Hokkien dialect, Fujian company, Haicheng Sandu, and Sankuiling. It was the identity level that Qiu clan adopted overseas. Not only did it reflect Qiu’s multi-faceted clan development strategy, but also it became the chief way of forming the Qiu clan and even the Hokkien communities. The reconstruction of the Qiu clan organization represents a typical form of kinship identity in the formation process of the Chinese community in the British Malaya region.
[收稿日期]2018-01-19; [修回日期]2018-04-20 [作者简介]宋燕鹏,男,山东大学历史文化学院博士后、中国社会科学出版社编审,主要研究方向为中国 古代社会史、马来西亚华人史。 * 本文系中国博士后科学基金项目“血缘、地缘与神缘的交织:马来西亚福建人移民史研究”(编号: 2017M622176)之研究成果。