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1.what’s your body information input and output channel?
Answer: visual视觉的, auditory听觉的, haptic触觉的,
/doc/118905079.html,rmation how to store in your memory?
Answer:sensory, short-term, long-term
3.what are males and females color bind?(p6)
Answer; 8% males and 1% females colour blind
4.what dose reading involves?
Answer: saccades and fixation
5.how negative contract improves reading?
Answer: Negative contrast负反差improves reading from computer screen
6.what functions outer ear, middle ear has?
Answer: outer ear –protects inner and amplifies sound
middle ear –transmits sound waves as
vibrations to inner ear
7.what frequencies humans can hear?
Answer:20Hz to 15kHz
8.what touch provides can do?
Answer: Provides important feedback about environment
9.where receptors receive stimulus?
Answer:Stimulus received via receptors感觉器官in the skin: 10.s ome areas more sensitive than others eg?
11.w hich three types of memory function?
Answer:Sensory memories
Short-term memory or working memory
Long-term memory
12.d ecay information row to lost?
Answer: information is lost gradually but very slowly
13.w hat is recognition?
Answer: information gives knowledge that it has been seen before
less complex than recall - information is cue线索
14.w hat is abductive reasoning?(33)
answer: reasoning from event to cause
15.w hat is problem solving?(p34)
Answer:Process of finding solution to unfamiliar task using knowledge
16.w hat is slip?(p37)
Answer: right intention, but failed to do it right
17.w hat is mistakes?(p38)
Answer: wrong intention
18.w hat negative affect can do?(p39)
Answer: Negative affect can make it harder to do even easy tasks 19.w hat positive affect can do?(p39)
Answer: positive affect can make it easier to do difficult tasks 20.w hat is implications for interface design?(p40)
Answer: relaxed users will be more forgiving of shortcomings in design
stress will increase the difficulty of problem solving
aesthetically有审美能力地pleasing and rewarding interfaces will increase positive affect
21.w hat will aesthetically pleasing and rewarding interface
Answer:aesthetically有审美能力地pleasing and rewarding interfaces will increase positive affect
22.w hat advantages dvorak have? Why can not be popular?(p13) Answer:common letters under dominant fingers biased towards right hand
common combinations of letters alternate between hands 10-15% improvement in speed and reduction in fatigue
But - large social base of QWERTY typists produce market
pressures not to change
23.w hat is speech recognition problem?(p18)
answer:Problems with
a)external noise interfering
b)imprecision of pronunciation
c)large vocabularies
d)different speakers
25.why mouse use so popular?(p21)
e)very common
f)easy to use
24.h ow does mouse work?(p27~p23)
answer: Two methods for detecting motion
–Ball on underside of mouse turns as mouse is moved
–Rotates orthogonal potentiometers
–Can be used on almost any flat surface
–light emitting diode on underside of mouse
–may use special grid-like pad or just on desk
–less susceptible to dust and dirt
–detects fluctuating alterations in reflected light intensity to calculate relative motion in (x, z) plane
25.w hat is touchpad?
Answer: small touch sensitive tablets
26.w hat is trackball?(p27)
a)ball is rotated inside static housing
like an upsdie down mouse!
27.w hat is cursor keys layout on your computer?(p32)
answer: Four keys (up, down, left, right) on keyboard.
28.w here LCD used for? Giving some example?(p42)
answer; also used in dedicted displays:digital watches, mobile phones, HiFi controls
29.g iving some large display technology example?(44)
answer: plasma ,video walls , projected(放映),back-projected(幕后放映)
30.w hat is kind of display the location matters?
displays in ‘public’ places
large or small
very public or for small group
display only
for information relevant to location
or interactive
use stylus, touch sensitive screem
in all cases … the location matters
meaning of information or interaction is related to the
31.g iving some example on positioning in 3D space?(48) answer:
cockpit and virtual controls
the 3D mouse
data glove
data glove
whole body tracking
32.w hat is VR motion sickness?(p52)
answer: 1.time delay
2.depth perception
3.conflicting cues
33.w hat is dedicated displays?(p55)
answer: 1.analogue repeserentations(相似的表达法)
2.digital displays
3.head-up display
34.g iving some sounds example ?where they are used for?(p56)
and whirrs(呼呼声)
/doc/118905079.html,er for error indication
35.w hat made the images?(p62)
answer: dots
36.h ow many types of dot-base printers?(p63)
1.dot-matrix printers
2.ink-jet and bubble-jet printers
/doc/118905079.html,ser printers
37.g ive an example for thermal printers?(p64)
fax machines
38.i n text ,where are lowercase and upper case used for?(p67)
answer: lowercase
easy to read shape of words
better for individual letters and non-words
39.s erif fonts and sans serif fonts used for?(p67)
answer: serif fonts help you ayes on long line printed text ,but
sans serif often better on screen
40.w hat means WYSIWYCT?(P69)
answer: what are you see is what you get
41.w hat is scanners function?
Answer: take paper convert it into a bitmap
42.w hat is moore’s law ?(p86)
answer:computers get faster and faster!
1965 …
a)Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, noticed a pattern
b)processor speed doubles every 18 months
c)PC … 1987: 1.5 Mhz, 2002: 1.5 GHz
43.w hat is interaction?(p11)
answer: communication between computer and user
44.w hat is virtual memory?(p79)
answer: store some programs temporarily on disk
45.w hat is ergonomics?(p11)
Study of the physical characteristics of interaction
Also known as human factors – but this can also be used to mean much of HCI!
46.w hat does ergonomics good at?
Answer: Ergonomics good at defining standards and
for constraining the way we design certain aspects of systems
47.w hat is common interaction styles?
Answer: command line interface
natural language
question/answer and query dialogue
form-fills and spreadsheets
point and click
three–dimensional interfaces
48.w hat is menus?
Answer: Set of options displayed on the screen
49.w hat is the most common spread sheets today?
Answer: first spreadsheet VISICALC, followed by Lotus 1-2-3 MS Excel most common today
50.w hat is the WIMP interface?
Answer: window,icon,meus,pointers
51.w hat is icon?
Answer: small picture or image
represents some object in the interface
52.w hat is drop-down mean?
Answer; drop-down menu - mouse click reveals menu
53.w hat is menus design issues?\
which kind to use
what to include in menus at all
words to use (action or description)
how to group items
choice of keyboard accelerators。