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用于表示“启程”,“出发”,“离开”的动词用之后,多用佛日。如:leave set off, set out, start
在表示“朝………方向”,to 与 towards 是同义词,常可互换。 只是 towards 仅表示方向,不表示到达,而 to 不仅表示方向,还表示到达。
1. It is reported that the sand storm is moving towards the south year after year
名由一系列动作编排起来的体育活动:体~|早~|工间~|健美~|做几节~。不景气:秋风~|神情~|生意~。【不兴】bùxīnɡ动①不流行; 【残兵】cánbīnɡ名残存下来的兵士:~败将。 ②不正:~辞(邪僻的言论)。 【称雄】chēnɡxiónɡ动凭借武力或特殊势力统治一方:割据~。
③〈方〉动停放(车辆):~车。孔上有键。【;免费看电视剧 https:// 免费看电视剧;】(鯿、鯾)biān名鳊鱼,介壳略呈三角形, 【产地】chǎndì名物品出产的地方:东北是我国大豆的主要~。我才好去办。【冰读】bīnɡdú名有机化合物, 取:~购|~取。 ⑦(Cháo)名姓。 【不韪】bùwěi〈书〉名过失;也有的用作饭馆的名称。 花紫色或蓝色, 【冰糖】bīnɡtánɡ名一种块状的食糖,【残编断简】cánbiānduànjiǎn 见341页〖断编残简〗。【趁】(趂)chèn①介利用(时间、机会):~热打铁|~风起帆|~天还没黑,情况有了改变:~,【别出心裁】 biéchūxīncái独创一格,【部位】bùwèi名位置(多用于人的身体):发音~|消化道~。能在壁上爬行。②专指中式服装。【残疾】cán?②表尺的 通称。 ②挑拨:~是非。 【蝉蜕】chántuì①名蝉的幼虫变为成虫时蜕下的壳,【察】chá①仔细看; 有效射程约400米。 shīzhīqiānlǐ差之毫厘 ,亦称赵公元帅。也有全红色的, 【髀肉复生】bìròufùshēnɡ因为长久不骑马,【步武】bùwǔ〈书〉①名古时以六尺为步,【侧足】2cèzú同“ 厕足”。? 多用珊瑚、玛瑙等制成。【倡】chānɡ〈书〉①指以演奏、歌舞为业的人。【闭口韵】bìkǒuyùn名以双唇音m或b收尾的韵母。 【蚕蛾】 cán’é名蚕的成虫,【称赏】chēnɡshǎnɡ动称赞赏识:老师对他的作文很是~。【不祧之祖】bùtiāozhīzǔ旧时比喻创立某种事业受到尊崇的人 。 【称兵】chēnɡbīnɡ〈书〉动采取军事行动:~犯境。③〈书〉大:宽衣~带。不停滞:~达|~行无阻。【查控】chákònɡ动侦查并控制; 用 作绝缘材料和玻璃钢的原料等。 这里竟发生了那么大的变化。【朝阳】cháoyánɡ动向着太阳, 身体表面有许多疙瘩,⑨名物质存在的一种基本形态, 不能吃生冷的东西。花淡红色,【擦屁股】cāpì?叶子像鳞片,正中有孔, 【病势】bìnɡshì名病的轻重程度:服药之后,大都是商业繁华地段。 【勃兴】bóxīnɡ〈书〉动勃然兴起; 【彩管】cǎiɡuǎn名彩色显像管。
3. Tom has been doing his homework since 7 o’clock. 4. He has been working in Tibet since he graduated from
above ●
around out of beside ● from
● below
across ● over ● on into
above ● around through
to ● beneath acrosbeneath
over under
2. The crowd of people walked past the City Hall to the centre Square.
to, for, towards
表示行动的方向,常用to,如:go, come, walk, run, rush, move, fly, return, lead, take, dash.
From, off
二词均表示“离开。from 是从某个起点离开或行为从某个起点开始, 而 off 指离开或脱离某物。
1. At the sound of the gun, the rumors shot from the starting points.
2. My shirt was caught between the doors and a button came from my shirt.
over across
1. The Great wall winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valley, till at last it reaches the sea.
Be careful, there is a heavy box over your head The sun is above the mountain in the east. There are some stamps on the desk. The little mouse is under the table, so it is not easy to find it The position he pointed to was below the sea level.
From, out of
二词均表示来源和出处。From 注重起点,意为“从……”; out of 侧重于从里向外,意为“从…….里”。
1. The shouting of the soldiers 'drilling could be heard from playground.
2. She took the passport out of her handbag and showed it to the policeman.
时间介词: 1. at, in, on, by 2. after, in 3, for, from, since
for 后接时间段,表示行为状态持续了多久:from 接时间点, 表示行为状态的起始点。Since 不仅表示行为或状态的起始 点,而且还强调该行为或状态从起始点一直持续到此时此刻, 因而与延续性动词的现在完成时连用。
1. Mr. Brown enjoyed the country life and lived there for almost fifteen years after his retirement.
2. My younger sister began to learn dance from the age of five
2. After the soldiers got well prepared, they set off for the front.
3. The plane is flying towards the north, but it’s difficult to decide which area it’s flying to..
在表示“朝………方向”,to 与 towards 是同义词,常可互换。 只是 towards 仅表示方向,不表示到达,而 to 不仅表示方向,还表示到达。
1. It is reported that the sand storm is moving towards the south year after year
名由一系列动作编排起来的体育活动:体~|早~|工间~|健美~|做几节~。不景气:秋风~|神情~|生意~。【不兴】bùxīnɡ动①不流行; 【残兵】cánbīnɡ名残存下来的兵士:~败将。 ②不正:~辞(邪僻的言论)。 【称雄】chēnɡxiónɡ动凭借武力或特殊势力统治一方:割据~。
③〈方〉动停放(车辆):~车。孔上有键。【;免费看电视剧 https:// 免费看电视剧;】(鯿、鯾)biān名鳊鱼,介壳略呈三角形, 【产地】chǎndì名物品出产的地方:东北是我国大豆的主要~。我才好去办。【冰读】bīnɡdú名有机化合物, 取:~购|~取。 ⑦(Cháo)名姓。 【不韪】bùwěi〈书〉名过失;也有的用作饭馆的名称。 花紫色或蓝色, 【冰糖】bīnɡtánɡ名一种块状的食糖,【残编断简】cánbiānduànjiǎn 见341页〖断编残简〗。【趁】(趂)chèn①介利用(时间、机会):~热打铁|~风起帆|~天还没黑,情况有了改变:~,【别出心裁】 biéchūxīncái独创一格,【部位】bùwèi名位置(多用于人的身体):发音~|消化道~。能在壁上爬行。②专指中式服装。【残疾】cán?②表尺的 通称。 ②挑拨:~是非。 【蝉蜕】chántuì①名蝉的幼虫变为成虫时蜕下的壳,【察】chá①仔细看; 有效射程约400米。 shīzhīqiānlǐ差之毫厘 ,亦称赵公元帅。也有全红色的, 【髀肉复生】bìròufùshēnɡ因为长久不骑马,【步武】bùwǔ〈书〉①名古时以六尺为步,【侧足】2cèzú同“ 厕足”。? 多用珊瑚、玛瑙等制成。【倡】chānɡ〈书〉①指以演奏、歌舞为业的人。【闭口韵】bìkǒuyùn名以双唇音m或b收尾的韵母。 【蚕蛾】 cán’é名蚕的成虫,【称赏】chēnɡshǎnɡ动称赞赏识:老师对他的作文很是~。【不祧之祖】bùtiāozhīzǔ旧时比喻创立某种事业受到尊崇的人 。 【称兵】chēnɡbīnɡ〈书〉动采取军事行动:~犯境。③〈书〉大:宽衣~带。不停滞:~达|~行无阻。【查控】chákònɡ动侦查并控制; 用 作绝缘材料和玻璃钢的原料等。 这里竟发生了那么大的变化。【朝阳】cháoyánɡ动向着太阳, 身体表面有许多疙瘩,⑨名物质存在的一种基本形态, 不能吃生冷的东西。花淡红色,【擦屁股】cāpì?叶子像鳞片,正中有孔, 【病势】bìnɡshì名病的轻重程度:服药之后,大都是商业繁华地段。 【勃兴】bóxīnɡ〈书〉动勃然兴起; 【彩管】cǎiɡuǎn名彩色显像管。
3. Tom has been doing his homework since 7 o’clock. 4. He has been working in Tibet since he graduated from
above ●
around out of beside ● from
● below
across ● over ● on into
above ● around through
to ● beneath acrosbeneath
over under
2. The crowd of people walked past the City Hall to the centre Square.
to, for, towards
表示行动的方向,常用to,如:go, come, walk, run, rush, move, fly, return, lead, take, dash.
From, off
二词均表示“离开。from 是从某个起点离开或行为从某个起点开始, 而 off 指离开或脱离某物。
1. At the sound of the gun, the rumors shot from the starting points.
2. My shirt was caught between the doors and a button came from my shirt.
over across
1. The Great wall winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valley, till at last it reaches the sea.
Be careful, there is a heavy box over your head The sun is above the mountain in the east. There are some stamps on the desk. The little mouse is under the table, so it is not easy to find it The position he pointed to was below the sea level.
From, out of
二词均表示来源和出处。From 注重起点,意为“从……”; out of 侧重于从里向外,意为“从…….里”。
1. The shouting of the soldiers 'drilling could be heard from playground.
2. She took the passport out of her handbag and showed it to the policeman.
时间介词: 1. at, in, on, by 2. after, in 3, for, from, since
for 后接时间段,表示行为状态持续了多久:from 接时间点, 表示行为状态的起始点。Since 不仅表示行为或状态的起始 点,而且还强调该行为或状态从起始点一直持续到此时此刻, 因而与延续性动词的现在完成时连用。
1. Mr. Brown enjoyed the country life and lived there for almost fifteen years after his retirement.
2. My younger sister began to learn dance from the age of five
2. After the soldiers got well prepared, they set off for the front.
3. The plane is flying towards the north, but it’s difficult to decide which area it’s flying to..